Keepers of the Flame

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 25, 2022


Keepers of the Flame Chapter 6

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects his/her personal morals or beliefs when relating to relationships between minors and adults. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Six

I was swabbing the landing when I saw the boat, still far away, but definitely on a beeline for the lighthouse. My heart beat hard in my chest as the first thought I had was that it was Red coming back to cause trouble. I dropped the mop I was holding and sprinted up the ladder and into the bedroom to retrieve my big Bowie knife. Davy asked what was wrong and I told him. He told me to calm down; it was time for Dooley with the supplies. I felt like an ass. Of course, he was right. I walked back outside and peered out over the water and I could now make out from his mannerisms that it was indeed Dooley. I put the knife back on the nightstand and went back down to finish my chore before Dooley arrived.

Davy came down to wait for his arrival with me. I dumped the bucket into the back and hung the mop to dry.

"Mornin' gents!" Dooley yelled as he approached.

"Welcome Dooley!" I yelled back.

He pulled up and we tied him off and began unloading the cargo onto the landing. Davy went up while me and Dooley tied off the first bundle for hoisting. After we'd hoisted up all the supplies, Dooley pulled out his pipe and started lighting it, then tapped his pocket again.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have a letter for you from the Lighthouse Service" he dug into his pocket and pulled out the wrinkled envelope, "I got it about four days ago, but I figured it could wait till the supply run."

"Thanks, Dooley" I said, trying to act as if it were just a regular occurrence so as not to upset Davy. I shoved the letter in my pocket; I'd read it later in case it was bad news. We stood and shot the breeze with Dooley for a while, then he said he better get back and we untied his boat and he set off for the mainland. We climbed up and put away the groceries and supplies as quick as we could. My stomach was growling; I just realized that we hadn't eaten breakfast this morning. Since it was Davy's day to do the cooking so I suggested that he get lunch started for us. I sat outside on the bench and opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Pritchard,

I received your transfer request and am looking into the matter. At this time there are no openings of

which I am aware, however, I've put out inquiries for you through the telegraph. I'm sorry to hear that you've

grown weary of the Middle Bay light. I would like you and your assistant to stagger your time off this month so

that you may train a man in case I do find a suitable transfer. I'll send him with Dooley in a fortnight.

As soon as I hear of any openings, I'll be sure to let you know.

Sincerely yours,

Sec. Nathan Campbellton, USLS

Basically, no news; but at least the search was on. The trade-off would be that Davy and I would be apart for two weeks. I began to think that maybe I should rescind my request. I'd like to stay in the southern climes and with my luck, we'd be transferred to the Stannard Rock Light; I'd heard horror stories about that place. I folded the piece of paper and put it back in my pocket just before Davy popped his head out the door and announced lunch was ready. Dooley had brought us a chicken, so obviously that's what was for lunch, it had to be cooked today or used for bait tomorrow. Davy had made us a quick meal of chicken and dumplings, some fresh green beans included in the shipment and a few biscuits. I pulled us each a glass of beer from the new keg and we made the chicken disappear.

I helped Davy clean up after our meal and we went up and cleaned the Fresnel lens and prepared the wick for night. The days were getting longer this time of year so afterward we had time to relax before time to start the light. We sat on the bench looking out toward the open gulf and, for a while, we watched the sun making its way down toward the horizon. As the bottom of the sun touched the water, I arose and went to set the light. After I was done, I came back and took my seat and we watched lightning far away in the distance. The waxing gibbous moon set a shimmer of silver on the water that always struck me as romantic.

I put my arm around Davy's shoulders and pulled him closer. His head fit perfectly into the curve of my neck. I'd had my share of lust-filled encounters and one-off adventures with other lonely men, but this was different. I couldn't put it into words, but I cared deeply about Davy. It was as if we were connected on a different level. Absentmindedly, I tilted my head and kissed the top of his. He looked up into my eyes and caressed the side of my face. We stayed outside for a little longer until the lighting had moved far enough away we were sure it was going away from us, then he stood and pulled me up and led me inside to the bedroom.

We undressed and got into bed, at first just lying beside each other as we had many nights since our trip to Mobile. I felt myself rising as he ran his fingertips, light as a feather, around the outside of my earlobe. I turned to him and we began to kiss. I made an internal decision, and held his hand still as I whispered to him "show me how it can be nice."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Only for you" I answered.

He kissed me again, then made his way down my body until he was licking and sucking on the tender flesh of my inner thighs. Then he flipped me over and pulled the cheeks of my ass apart and buried his face between my mounds. At first, I'll admit I was shocked, but the passionate ministrations of his tongue and mouth on my hole were like nothing I had ever experienced. I clutched the sheets and couldn't help but make little moaning noises and sucking in my breath. He continued this assault on me for quite a while. When he pulled back to rest, I felt like my hole was gaping open on its own.

"Are you sure you want to go on with it?" he asked quietly.

"I'd do anything for you" I said, although, if the rest felt this good, it would be for both of us and not just for him.

He pulled the tub of lard over and began greasing me up with his fingers until he was able to get the index and middle finger of each hand in the opening to pry it apart gently. I could definitely feel the stretching, but it wasn't really painful. I nodded for him to go on. Adding a little grease to himself, he lined his cock up with my tunnel and started pushing in. At first it just felt like pressure, but then I flexed and the paid hit me like a bolt of lightning. He was about halfway in me, but he stopped dead-still and let me squeeze and relax, squeeze and relax until most of the pain had passed, then he pushed in until I could feel his coarse hairs against my ass. Again, he stopped with his cock fully in my and leaned down to lick and suck on my neck until I could actually feel myself loosening for him. He turned me over without pulling out, and once I was on my back, I put my legs around him and he began to properly make love to me.

He lay on top of me; we were connected from the hips to the chest. As we joined mouths again, he adjusted his angle and his peter slid along a spot inside me that made me bite his lip. He rammed the spot several more times and I could feel tingling from my balls all the way through to the pit of my stomach. He broke loose from my embrace and got up on his knees and began to fuck me more vigorously, trying his best to make contact with the sensitive spot each time he could. I was getting close the edge of that all too familiar cliff and I grabbed my dick and began to beat it as fast as I could. He pulled my hand away from it and pulled up on my buttocks and his battering ram was now hitting the spot relentlessly. I writhed like a dying snake. My eyeballs rolled back in my head and I began to shoot so much semen I thought I was 13 again. In the midst of my orgasm, he shoved himself in as if he was trying to push his whole body inside my ass and he began to unload his seed. After a minute or so, he pulled out and rolled over. We lay in the moonlight from the window trying to catch our breath. We were both exhausted. Davy got up and fetched a towel so we could clean ourselves. His seed began to leak out of me, so I got up and used the chamber pot. We settled in for the night.

"Have I ruined my chances with you?" he asked.

"On the contrary" I whispered to him, "that was amazing. I might even be willing to do it again."

"Any time you want" he said, sleepily. We were quiet for a few minutes. I was sure he was asleep before I very quietly turned my head toward him and said "I love you."

The next morning, I woke up late. Davy was up already and I could smell coffee brewing. I didn't even bother with clothes as I walked into the kitchen. He was just starting to fry up some of the cured bacon from yesterday's shipment. I supposed we were having bacon and eggs for breakfast. I was famished after our night last night; I dug in as Davy was still loading his plate.

"Did you really like that stuff we did last night?" he asked. I nodded in silence, it felt too weird to me to discuss these things in the light of day.

"It just feels strange to be confessing this to another man, but I fear that my feelings for you go beyond friendship" he said haltingly.

"How do you mean?" I asked, knowing full well what he meant.

"I honestly don't know" he said, "all I've ever known is being rutted like a doe in heat, none of those people ever showed any feelings for me outside of lust. It's different with you."

"I would certainly hope so, Davy, but you know as well as I that most folks wouldn't approve of our arrangement. At some point, I expect that you'll find a girl and marry. I have feelings for you too, but in the long run, I only want you to be happy" I said, wishing this uncomfortable conversation would come to a close.

"I'm more than satisfied with the current arrangement for now" Davy replied with a kind of melancholy half smile. He busied himself finishing his breakfast. Nothing more was said as we cleaned the dishes and got our day under way. By the light of day, we both avoided saying the words, but I could tell there was something there. And, I meant what I'd said to him. In time, the longing to have a family might overcome him and I promised myself I wouldn't stand in the way of his future, even if it tore me apart.

As the time for our usual scheduled off time was growing closer, I had to let Davy know of the order that we stagger our days off so I could train the new man. I omitted the part about trying to procure us a transfer to another light.

"I don't know what I'll do with time off. I won't go back to the farm" he said sourly. "Why do they need to train a new keeper anyway?"

"Perhaps to run some new lighthouse they've built..." I said, trailing off as if only vaguely interested. "In any case, it's only temporary."

When Dooley arrived a couple of days later, the man who was to be trained was barely as old as Davy. Dark brown hair, brown eyes and brooding demeaner. Dooley introduced him as Claude Wells, said he'd worked a little bit out at the Sand Island light. Pulling words out of the boy was harder than hoisting an anvil to the upper deck. He was attentive and followed instructions well, but very lacking in the skills of companionship. After supper, he went straight to his quarters so I sat on gallery alone and wondered how Davy was getting along on his forced vacation.

In the city, Davy had checked into the hotel and settled in his first night. The following morning, he formulated a plan, he was going to find out what Karl Mason's story was; why he had savaged his friend in such a way. The man had been trying to give Sam an explanation when Sam pulled the knife on him. He inquired around town and ran into a man who knew Mr. Mason; the man gave him an address and he set off to find it. When he arrived, nobody was home but the nosey neighbor came out on the step.

"Are you looking for Red?" he asked

"Yes, sir I am" Davy replied.

"You're not the type as usually comes looking for him, much too young" he said.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean" Davy said, knowing full well what the man was insinuating.

"At any rate, you'd find Red at the fish market today selling his catch" the nosey man said, "If you'd like to wait for him, I'd enjoy the company of a young man while you wait."

"If I were you, sir, I'd be watching my tongue lest somebody cut it out for you" Davy spat, "I'll be on my way."

"Suit yourself, tramp" the dumpy man said slamming his door.

Davy wandered around asking directions until he found the fish market, then walked around the market until he saw his man. He walked up and made out as if he was looking at the fish on display. Red came over and asked if he was looking for something in particular. Davy said I'd like to talk to you about what happened with Sam. Red snapped his head back and forth to make sure nobody was near enough to overhear.

"You're his boy, aren't you?" he said, "why did he send you here?"

"Sam has no idea I'm here, I just wanted to find out why you did what you did. You seemed to be about to make your excuses when Sam threatened to kill you" Davy whispered to him.

"What business is it of yours?" Red said.

"I'm not sure. All I know is Sam's training a new keeper this week and making comments about how if I should find a suitable woman and want to settle down and have a family, so I intend to find out what the hell is going on" Davy said to the man.

"Look, boy, this is neither the time nor the place for such discussions. However, if you insist, I'll meet you this evening. We can find a bite to eat and a beer somewhere and satisfy your curiosity" Red said.

"Fine. You can call on me at the Battle House, I'll make sure I'm in early this evening" Davy said walking away.

Second thoughts began creeping into his brain. This was a bad man; he'd forced Sam to do things against his will. Maybe he shouldn't have told him where he was staying. Too late now.

As a precaution, Davy stopped on the way back and bought a folding straight razor. If anything went sideways, there would be more red on Mr. Mason than just his hair. The rest of the day he spent walking around town, viewing the sights of the (to him) big city. As the shadows started stretching out, he went back to his room to wait on his caller. A knock on the door came about quarter of 6pm. He stepped into the hallway and went out into the night with Mr. Mason. To be honest, the man seemed to be a complete gentleman, if anything, he seemed disinterested in him in any way other than as a dinner companion.

The two went into a nearby café and ordered dinner. While they were waiting for their meals to arrive Davy locked gazes with the man.

"Now,why did you attack my friend?" he asked.

"It's a long story, but in short, Sam is the spitting image of another man who used to mean a lot to me" he began quietly. "Stanley and I were closer than brothers and shared everything, including each other's bodies" he whispered, looking around the room to make sure he wasn't being overheard. "One day Stanley and I were out in the bay fishing when a sudden storm blew up out of nowhere. We rowed for shore as hard as we could. When the waves overturned the boat, Stanley's leg got caught in the anchor rope and he was dragged to the bottom of the bay. Four days later his body washed up on the beach."

Davy didn't know what to say, he decided to just remain silent and hear the man out.

"For a long time, I gave up fishing and stayed on the shore. After a few months I decided to try again, though it wouldn't be the same without my Stanley. Then came the day I got caught in that storm and begged you folks to take me in; when I saw Sam, I felt like fate had given me Stanley back. So, when Sam came to visit me, I took him to the places Stanley always loved. We had Stanley's favorite meal. Everything seemed so perfect; I felt like he was Stanley reincarnated. We drank a lot that night, I was still groggy when it happened. When I looked at him, part of me knew it was Sam, but the other part of me was convinced it was Stanley. Yes, I heard him saying to stop, but Stanley and I had a routine in which he would always protest a little, but after we got going, he would enjoy it. I reckon I felt Sam would be the same way. I tried to explain it all to him that day at the pier but he started waving that machete at me, so I couldn't."

"So, that's why you haven't made any motions toward me?" Davy said.

"Aye, lad, you're a handsome enough fellow, I suppose, but not what I fancy. You're young enough to be my son" he said. "Sam is my type, the twin to my Stanley, and now no sooner have I found him that I've lost him as well."

"I think Sam felt betrayed. He trusted you. He said he discussed the fact that both of you liked the same thing and it just wouldn't work, and then you proved him right by forcing your hand, so to speak. I'll talk to him for you; see if I can ascertain his plan, but I won't advocate for you and him to have a relationship. Sam is my partner; I don't want to give him up."

"Fair enough. If we could just be friends, at least I'd have something" Red said.

By the time he'd walked back to the hotel, Davy was already having second thoughts. He'd already shown Sam that taking wasn't as bad as Sam thought it was. What if he decided, like Red, that he was too young and that he actually preferred a partner closer to his own age? He slept poorly that night; wrestling with his conscience, trying to figure out what to do. The following morning, with his mind mostly made up, he boarded Dooley's boat and went back to the lighthouse.

Lambodara 4/23/21

Next: Chapter 7

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