Keepers of the Flame

By Lambodara

Published on May 15, 2022


Keepers of the Flame Chapter 9

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects his/her personal morals or beliefs when relating to relationships between minors and adults. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Nine

Davy tossed and turned all night. First, he was forced into a decision that would affect his career, second, he would have to be looking over his shoulder the rest of the week now that his family knew he was in town. The proximity of his family was a very influencing factor, probably even the deciding one. All things considered, taking the keeper position was the obvious decision; it would double his pay and as a benefit it would take him hundreds of miles away from his dangerous father and brothers. The problem lay in the fact that it would mean saying goodbye to Sam. By the wee hours of the morning, he had reconciled himself to the fact that he was going to take the position. The rest of the week he would try to figure out how to tell Sam.

The week was dragging on for me, slow as molasses in winter. Young Claude had no interest in conversing with me and it seemed he was so bored that his masturbation sessions had dropped down to only one or two a day. By the time the end of the week came, I was ecstatic to see the prow of Dooley's boat headed our way. Claude performed his usual morning spring squeaker, and then packed all his meager belongings in preparation to leave; his training complete. I stood topside waiting with a bad feeling in my gut; a sense of dread. I lowered Claude's bag down to him and watched the interaction between him and Davy. Claude was talking a mile a minute; something he never did with me. I daresay he was smitten with my Davy; a theory cemented when I observed Dooley turning to put the bag into the boat and he and Davy kissed. My heart sunk. Davy tied off his bag and I hoisted it up and sat it to the side and went inside to sit down.

Davy climbed the ladder and I heard him taking his time to untie the bag, as if he was avoiding having to see me. He finally came through the door and I could tell by the look on his face that he'd made the decision I'd hoped against.

"I've worried all week about how to tell you Sam, but I can't think of any easy way, so I'll just tell you that I've been offered a keeper's position at the new Rebecca Shoal Light in Florida and well...I've accepted" he said.

"I suspected as much" I said sadly, "when do you start?"

"Monday week. I'll have to leave before then to catch the train down" he said, "I hate to leave you with no help but Mr. Campbellton assures me that he'll have you a helper quick enough."

"Dear God, I hope it's not Claude" I said, mostly to myself.

"You won't have to worry about that" he said, "Claude was being trained as assistant for Rebecca Shoal. We'll be leaving together."

"Well, I told you you'd find somebody your own age and more compatible than me" I said, my voice breaking.

"Its not like that, Sam. You know I love you. While I was in town, I could hardly leave my room. I ran into my brother and he tried to rob me and threatened to rape me as well. Lucky a policeman heard the ruckus and sent his on his way. I can't live with that hanging over my head all the time. Besides, I thought you'd want me to do well and be a keeper in my own right."

"I do" I said, "it's just been so long since I've had anybody and now, you're leaving. And then I saw how Claude acted with you, and yes, I saw the kiss when you thought nobody was looking. It felt like a knife twisting in my back."

"I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said. "Let's make the best of our last four days together, we can do anything you want."

"I'll try, but I have to admit I'm not really in the mood due to your news" I said as I wiped my eyes with my handkerchief.

He nodded and tried to change the subject. "Mr. Campbellton posted an ad in the newspaper Wednesday, so your candidates may begin arriving in the next day or so."

"Coming here?" I was confused.

"Yes, Sam. I told him you'd probably take my news better if he'd allow you to pick my replacement yourself. He agreed" he replied. "The day before I left, he said he'd already received applications from two interested candidates."

We went in and ate a late lunch and despite my melancholy, I couldn't resist when I saw him stand at the rail and haul out his cock to take a piss. I felt my body betraying me despite my foul mood. I went out and stood beside him with my trousers tenting out obscenely. It only took him noticing, and in an instant my trousers were down around my ankles and my turgid cock was halfway down his throat. It really had been a long week and despite the constant fapping taking place around me I had not had any release. That's why it only took a very short time for me to reach my peak and pack his gullet with my fresh squeezed juice. As I came, I watched him fisting his penis full speed and stopped him. He looked a little confused until I turned around, grabbed the rail and bent over. He ran inside and came back out with the tub of lard and packed my hole with it, then as the sun began to go down, he gently started pushing himself into me.

"I thought you didn't like this" he said.

"It's growing on me" I smiled back at him.

He took it glacially slow until I reached back and slapped his ass, giving him the sign to carry on. I don't know how long we were at it but the sun was nearly all the way down when he squeezed my hips extra tight and jammed his cock in as far as it would go; unloading a week's worth of his essence inside me. As soon as he pulled out, I came to my senses and pulled up my pants and ran inside to start the light.

The following morning after breakfast, a strange boat approached us. Two men were aboard, the pilot and another man; I assumed one of my candidates. The fellow was friendly enough, but older than me and still seeking an assistant's position. After talking to him for a while I began to suspect he might be somewhat slow. I was friendly to him and thanked him for coming and watched as he and the hired boat went back toward the shore. A little after lunch a familiar boat arrived. Red stepped out and tied off, then came up the ladder.

"What brings you out here" I asked, "fishing again?"

"Well, actually, I applied for a job and was told the interview would be here" he said.

"What do you know about the workings of a lighthouse?" I asked.

"Well, if you had asked before you would have known I trained as a keeper's assistant when I was a lad in the Carolinas. When my family moved here, I thought I'd have to give up that line of work as the Keeper and assistant were already in place at this light. Quite fortuitously, it seems there has become a rare vacancy" he said.

"I'll give it some thought" I said. Inwardly, I knew I'd already made my decision, "I had a humdinger of an interview earlier today."

"Well, I hope our bad start won't ruin my chances" Red said.

"No, sir, I'll be fair" I replied.

"Mr. Campbellton intimated to me that only one more was interviewing after me" he said, "he should be here in the morning."

"I'll let you know as soon as I've made my decision" I said, trying to maintain an air of professionalism.

He climbed back down and in a few minutes was on the horizon.

"Maybe I'm the one who should feel jealous" Davy said, "I'm quite aware from your stories of the endowment that fellow swings around."

"It's a plus and a minus" I said, "the big ones are fun to play with but sometimes are a pain in the ass."

We laughed a minute, then returned to our afternoon of cleaning and getting everything in order. Later in the night he gave himself to me, and I to him. We slept like the dead.

In the morning the third and final candidate arrived, rowed out by an older man I assumed to be his father. I could tell within minutes that this boy lied to the board, he knew nothing about running a lighthouse or anything it entailed. In addition, he was actually younger than Davy and Claude, there was no way I wanted another Claude on an indefinite basis. I thanked the boy for coming out and as they made their way back to the shore, I sat down and wrote my decision letter out for Mr. Campbellton, giving him my opinion that Mr. Mason was the best of the candidates for the job. I'd send the letter back with Davy when Dooley came to pick him up tomorrow. Damn, it hit me as I sealed the envelope, tonight would be my last night with Davy. The sadness came flooding back. That night we messed around a little but mainly I just wanted to hold him and smell him and taste him. I wanted him etched into my memory.

The morning came all too soon and far before I wanted to, I could see Dooley's boat coming. I held back my tears as I helped Davy pack the last of his belongings. Standing in the bedroom, we shared our last kiss. Then we went out and I lowered his bag down, handed him the letter and he got on the boat and wiped his eyes with his sleeve and waved goodbye. I went back inside and broke down.


Karl "Red" Mason and I turned out to be a great team. He only slipped and called me Stanley once. I quickly set about to make him forget Stanley. We ended up running the light until the Coast Guard automated it. We took our retirement and moved into Red's old place in Mobile where we are today. At our age there's not as much fooling around going on these days, but we still enjoy a good dinner, a sunset, sitting on the pier at the bay, fishing, hugs and kisses and, of course, each other's company. Early on I received a few letters from Davy, but I figured it was best to let him and Claude have their life now that I had my own. In my last reply letter, I told him as much. It's been twenty years since I've heard from him. I wish him the best and hope he's doing well.

Lambodara 5/13/21

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I hate goodbyes, but every hello is the beginning of a goodbye.

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