Kenny and Milton

By D One

Published on Dec 10, 2009



Everyone laughed when Milton grabbed him around the waist and humped his denim covered butt.

Even Kenny laughed along though his brain was reacting to the warmth of Milton's body against his.

The party continued into the night with music getting louder, lights getting darker and the gathered getting drunker or more stoned. Milton and his girlfriend Marty were everywhere.

Kenny watched them and wished he were Marty. He had wished that for months.

Marty and Milt danced. In fact there were so many dancing that the area became one big crowd of boys and girls moving, jumping, gyrating and undulating to the music beat.

Kenny loved the crowded anonymity to his dancing along side Milton and Marty. Nobody cared he didn't have a date. The group just seemed to dance with all the rest there.

Milton smiled at Kenny now and then as they moved, even retreiving disco dance moves bumping hip bones.

Kenny felt like he was dancing with Milton, his hips moving in synch to the boys, his body knowing to move backwards as Miltons moved forward.

He waved his arms, doign a few moves in an attempt to delight Milton, to dance for him and get is reaction.

More then once Milton acknowledged with his own moves, waves, steps and gyrations. And now and then he reached over to touch Kenny patting him on the back and sometimes butt as well.

The music died down and couples started to leave, finally even Milton's date left driven home by friends.

"Shit man the place is a mess" Milton sighed. "I'll deal with it tomorrow".

"Naw" Kenny said "tell you what, I'll stay and help you get it cleaned up and crash here tonightm that way your folks will see it clean up even if they come home early"

"Cool, and I'll have to find a way to reward you" Milton was standing close now. Lifting a can of beer to his lips and then pouring into Kenny's mouth, spilling it all over his shirt.

"Fuck man" Kenny said in mock anger. He peeled the beer soaked shirt off.

"Ok let's get to work" he grabbed bottles and cans to being the clean up.

Milton went into the kitchen and returned with garbage bags. He had become shirtless as well.

Kenny knew his plan would work. He stopped after throwing gathered garbage into one of the bags and peeled his jeans off, leaving him in his boxer shorts. "Too hot" he muttered.

Milton didn't answer but continued to clean up.

Awhile later they stood looking at their efforcts.

"Man I didn't believe it, the place looks perfect" Milton said putting his arm around Kenny's shoulders "we did it".

"Yea we did. And it only took two hours" Kenny said patting the arm that was across his shoulder. "You have enough energy left?"

"For what?" Milton asked.

"For my reward" Kenny said as he walked to the stairs.

"Not sure ... I'm pretty tired" Milton laughed as he turned the lights off and locked the door.

As he walked up the stairs he saw Kenny's discarded boxer shorts at the top.

He stood in the bathroom letting his bladder empty. "You ready for bed?" he called.

"Ready for you" Kenny said from Milton's bedroom. "all lubed up and waiting" he added.

Milton laughed presuming his friend was joking.

But when he walked into the bedroom he saw Kenny, naked and laying face down on the bed with his legs spread apart.

"Man, that's queer stuff" Milton said.

"Not for you, you do straight stuff and I'll do the queer stuff, but don't tell anyone. I owe you" Kenny said "promise"

Milton's mental acuity was blurred by the alcohol, pot, after-party reaction .

"Fuck man who would I tell?"

Kenny moved to his hands and knees wiggling his butt. "Just shut up and do me finally stud" he said

Milton was amazed his cock was hard. He liked Kenny and had eve had private thoughts about him when masturbating. But he believed that was only due to the fact the two talked about sex, had wrestled naked and seen each other's boners in years past and even jacked off in circle jerks.

He had discarded his jeans. "Seriously dude?" he said quietly.

"Yea I want to see what it's like and you're the only one I trust" Kenny said. It was true but it was also true that Kenny had wanted to have sex with Milton for years.

"Ok but I"ll go slow" Milton touched Kenny's bare buttocks as he knelt on the bed.

"Uh no matter what I say, just go for it" Kenny said knowing it would hurt. But had also read that it felt good after awhile.

"Uh here goes" Milton pushed his cock against Kenny's butthole which seemed to open up as he got close.

"Just slide it in .. one push..." Kenny said taking deep breaths.

Milton pushed all the way in and heard his friend yell out.

"Fuck man, you ok?" His pubic hair pressed against Kenny's skin.

"Yea yea, ok just start fucking slow then go faster as you go" Kenny instructed.

"Shut the fuck up, I know how to fuck" Milton had already pulled back and pushed in. The sensations shocking him through the nerves in his cock head signaled his brain what to do next. He began to fuck without thinking.

"God" Kenny said glancing at the image of Milton and him reflected in the mirror on the wall across the room. The sight of Milton naked fucking was exciting - even more exciting then realizing there was a cock inside him and it belonged to his friend.

The thoughts, plans and labeling of what was happening were soon lost to their natural lust and physical needs for sensations given and taken...until Milton jammed harder and harder.

Kenny felt like it all happened in seconds..rather then the half hour it really took. He swore he could feel Milton's cock expanding inside him and spurting out his sperm again and again.

"So what was it like?" Milton asked as he lay next to his naked friend after catching his breath.

"It's difficult to describe, I mean I felt you...oh hell I can show you if you want"

Marty wondered if she should have stayed at the party and helped Milton clean up. But when they were alone lately he was always trying to reel her breasts or ass or even go to third base. Even with his friend Ken there, Milton would do it.

"Besides" she said to Loren on the phone "Ken would probably help him clean up"

"Kenny, I bet he would do more then that" Loren said. "You do know he's gay don't you?"

Marty remembered the sight of Milton pretending to hump Kenny and when the two were dancing next to each other that night. They had been very friendly she knew, but Marty also knew they had been friends since childhood.

"You think Kenny and Milton?" she began.

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