Kevin's Education

By K K

Published on Apr 6, 2013



This story is 100% fiction and has no bases in anything true. All of the charters only live in my head...a scary place full of fictional people. All the Nifty disclaimers and rules apply to this story. You must be 18 or older to read this story

Kevin's Education...a short story

I had some anxiety about this year's vacation, don't get me wrong I love summer and the annual two week family vacation is always awesome. This year was different we were renting a motor home and going camping at Lake Shasta with friends of my parents and their son Kyle. I did not know them very well and only met Kyle once when we ran into them at Kmart. That was three years ago. My parents played cards with them every other week and I just tried to be invisible, something I had become very good at.

I found myself in bad moods for no reason and would cry sometimes over stupid stuff. I was better left to myself. At twelve years, ten months and one week I was a mess. Over the last year I had become a lot less confident. I was in what my parents called an "awkward time" and "knocking at the door of manhood", what the fuck was that? I smelled funny and would get pimples in weird places like the end of my nose just in time for first period. I tried to grow my reddish blond hair out to look cool but it flips up in the strangest places, whatever. I was pale white and only burned in the sun, perfect for camping. It wasn't all bad I did like my bright green eyes and long eye lashes. I had another problem...I would pop boners randomly throughout the day with no control causing me to be in a constant state of embarrassment.

I was constantly playing with my dick whenever I was alone and loved pulling on the soft little hairs that had started to grow around it. I would feel the weight of my ball as they got bigger. Recently clear fluid started coming out and the other day a little white stuff shot out. I was sacred shitless I only knew about the clear stuff. I thought maybe I lost all of my stuff in one shot and it would never happen again. I was relived the next day when the same thing happened. I now do it all the time a couple of times a day and more and more comes out each time, I truly love my dick.

So here I was laying in the backseat of the car listing to crappy music and mindless chatter. Last year I could stretch out but now I have to bend at my knees. I poked at the smog cloud floating in the car that came from my parent's cigarette smoke and made designs in it. Occasionally my dad would flick his ash out the cracked widow and it would invariably reinter and find my face. I watched the fluffy white clouds and blue sky out the window and ignored my mother's suggestion to sit up and look at the scenery; I would need a gas mask. I learned at an early age not to criticize them for just got me in trouble. I liked the rolling motion of the car as we wound our way down the road wishing we would never arrive. This, like almost everything else, caused an unexpected erection because of the motion. I had on baggy shorts and hoped it would go unnoticed. I was enjoying my hard pole even though I had to keep my hands off. My thoughts drifted to the trip. I wondered if Kyle would even like me. All I knew about him was that he was almost sixteen and an only kid like me. I always wished I had an older or younger brother until I saw how it was with my friends who found themselves in that situation. You were either the pounder or the one being pounded.

Eventually we rolled up to the camp registration building and I followed my dad inside my mom instantly was out taking pictures. I shook my head and smiled...her and that camera.

"Welcome Pilgrims to the best time you will find this side of the Pecos" A western dressed man said as he pulled open the door to welcome us.

A guy in his twenties wearing a logoed polo shirt rolled his eyes and shook his head smiling at me, his name tag said Stu.

"Well howdy partner" my dad said as he stuck out his hand and the two old guys shook hands vigorously.

"For fucks sake" I said under my breath smiling at the attendant, we both chuckled

"Hay some of us hang out at the Rec in the evenings, maybe I'll see you there" Stu said and winked at me for some reason

"Sure...whatever" I blew him off

We finished registering and my dad finished playing cowboys with his new buckaroo friend, we headed for the campsite. There were tons of awesome RVs and even more kids. I hoped ours was one of the big black bus types. At lease if Kyle was a dick I could find someone else to hang out with I thought as we passed a cute looking boy about eleven. And there it was, a white SeeAmerica motor home covered with stupid designs and advertising. It screamed of "idiots on board" and stuck out like a sore thumb. I should just kill myself now and get it over with. We pulled up and stopped. I took a deep breath and opened my door expecting the worst.

"Jill!" My mother squealed and ran to her friend and hugged her.

"Mary!" Jill screeched

My dad and Jack, yes Jack and Jill, playfully acted like there were going to fight before shaking hands and slapping each other on the back. At least some people were having fun. I saw some movement in the tent that was as far away from the RV as possible and still be in the same campsite. I shit my pants when Kyle came around the corner. He was beautiful, dark tan set off by white board shorts with blue strips, muscular well defined teen body, his brown with blond streaks hair was almost to his shoulders and covered one eye, in other words he was everything I was not, fuck even his feet were perfect delicately resting in white flip flops to match his shorts. Shit...I figured that I would be finding another dweeb to be friends with and Kyle would find the cool kids. He flipped his hair from his eyes as he got closer reviling bright sparkling brown eyes. He smiled broadly at me showing off his white teeth...was there someone standing behind me or was he locking at me? I did not turn to look.

"Hay man I'm so glad you're here Kev" he fit bumped with me

"Hi" shit my voice cracked

"Let's get your are in the tent with me" he instructed

"Cool, feaking cool" I said excited to be away from my parents and with an older kid

" better mind your language" my mom scolded "or you will have to stay in the RV with us"

"Sorry mom"

"After you get settled in Kev let's go swimming"

We entered the tent and dropped my stuff randomly. There was a big air mattress in the middle of the tent with Kyle's sleeping bag on it. Clean and dirty clothes were mixed in a heap to one side of the tent. Various electronic devices were plugged into an extension cord that was attached to the RV. In just one night Kyle made the tent a mess and it smelled of teenage boy, I loved it.

"Here we can zip the sleeping bags together to make one big one, it will be roomier that way" Kyle said as he started to fix the bags together. dick started to grow while I was watching his mussels flex and move beneath his skin on his back and arms. It was like I was in a trance or something; I just could not stop staring. Kyle turned around and smiled as he looked at my crotch, fuck. I know I blushed to a bright red and I did my best to cover my tenting shorts with my hands.

"No worries Kev, I know how it is and it will get better as you get a little older. I still pop a random one once and a while dude" Kyle said making me feel a little better "Let's get your shirt off" Kyle reached to pull off my shirt

"No...why?" I exclaimed still clamping my hands over my hard on

"It's better to swim without a shirt on dumb ass" Kyle chucked

I relaxed a little relieved that getting caught caused a change in my dick and it was going down. I let Kyle pull my t-shirt off and I sat on the floor to get my shoes. Kyle dug through my cloths tossing them out onto the floor of the tent. I watched Kyle's butt bobbing up and down, legs flexing and his body twisting as he searched for my swim trunks. Fuck I could feel my dick start to grow again.

"Here we go" Kyle said as he tossed a pair of dark green flowered board shots into my face "I'll go get us some towels"

Kyle bounded out of the tent to my relief. I pulled off my shorts and underwear and tugged at my hard dick. Man I wanted to jack off but I better not, not here, not now. I got my board shorts on and straighten my cloths a little as my dick relaxed once again. I found my flip flops. I was wondering why Kyle was taking so long and as soon as it was safe for me to come out I found him. He was sitting with my dad and Jack taking a sip from his dad's beer, shit!

"Are you ready dude, come on" Kyle bounced out of the chair handing the beer back to his dad.

"Come here need to put on some sun screen" my mom of course

"I got it" Kyle took the sun screen from my mom and ran over to me

"Thanks mom" I was sarcastic

"Let's go back in the tent and I'll get your back, you can do me"

I started rubbing the white goo into my skin knowing that I would be fucked without it. Suddenly I felt Kyle start to massage lotion into my shoulders and back. His movements were slow and deliberate. I could feel his breath on my neck. Why was he so close? He squatted down and put the stuff on my legs something I could do myself but was happy he was doing it for me. Of dick is hard...fuck Kyle is going to think I'm a freak. Is he patting my ass?

"Ok my turn" Kyle said as he stood

When I turned around his back was to me, his beautiful tan muscular back. I nervously started to rub in the lotion. His skin was like nothing else I had ever touched. His shoulders were round, warm and soft as I rolled them under my hands. His shoulder blades were defined. I ran my fingers down his spine and then up the middle of his back before returning down his sides. He jerked around and looked at me with one eye covered in hair

"Hay...that tickles" he giggled

As he turned I could see that he was also hard...he was fucking hard! I continued to rub him being careful to avoid his ticklish spots on his sides. I was more at ease with my dick knowing he was in the same state. I guess we both had random boners. Finally we were sitting of the edge of the air mattress exchanging stories about school both of us obviously waiting to go soft. I noticed a wet spot on the front of his shorts and found the same spot on mine. Had we peed a little?

"Ok Kev...I think it is safe for us to go now" He giggled pointing to the small soft lump in his shorts

We got up and put the towels around our waists and headed for the pool. We talked about all kinds of stuff but mostly lied about girls. Shit, I've never even kissed a girl or had a girlfriend. I like boys for some reason and was content to keeping my love life exclusive to pretend girls when sharing stories.

"Hi Kyle" some smiling girl said as we passed

"Hay" Kyle replied but did not stop or look at her

"You going to the Rec later?" she shouted after him

I was not surprised that Kyle did not stop to talk to her with me hanging around. She did not even look at me, not that I minded. I thought it was nice that Kyle did not brush me off to hang out with kids his own age. He was really cool and I liked him a lot all ready

"Thanks for not dumping me Kyle"

"For those cunts...get real dude" Kyle put his arm around my shoulder "I would way more like to hang with you"

Now I was surprised. Only the other outcasts at school would hang with me...never a cool kid like Kyle. For the first time in a long time I felt awesome inside. I put my arm around Kyle's waist as we walked like buddies to the pool. I could feel the hair from under his arm brush against my shoulder and I would get a tingly feeling in my stomach and dick. This was weird and new for me...but I loved it. Suddenly he bolted from me kicking his flip flops and tossing his towel

"CANNON BALLLLLLL!" he cried out and landed in the middle of the pool making a big splash

"No jumping in the pool!" a large woman yelled out after blowing a whistle

I walked up to the side of the pool at the shallow end tossed my towel into a lounger along with my flip flops before I slipped into the water. It was cool and felt good in the hot sun. I swam to meet Kyle in the deep end.

"That was awesome dude...totally awesome" giving Kyle a high five

"They will change guards at 5:00 and I'll do it again" Kyle said smiling

We swam and played the rest of the afternoon in the pool. I loved being around the older teenager and we had a lot more in common than you would think like music and hating PE. Kyle did another cannon ball when the new life guard came on duty but he made us leave. I guess the fat woman tipped off her relief about Kyle. There was a dilapidated miniature golf course that campers could use for free so we played for the next couple of hours. Kyle would hit the ball so hard it would go flying. We would tackle each other and roll around like idiots. I never laughed so hard in my life. Jack found us to let us know to come and eat. Our parents ate in the RV because of the A/C but we preferred to eat outside by ourselves. We mutually enjoyed making obscene gestures with our hot dogs

"'re so big" Kyle joked in a falsetto voice sucking the hotdog

Of course I was rolling in my seat laughing but settled down a little watching the hotdog slid in and out of Kyle's lips. I was looking into his eyes and I felt stirring in my shorts and the funny feeling again in my tummy

"Gotcha!" Kyle laughed biting the hotdog in half

I flinched and pushed him. He fell over backwards landing on the ground cracking up. I jabbed my fingers into his ribs knowing how ticklish he was and he squealed out like a little girl.

"Boys...boys settle down it's getting late" my dad called from the RV

"Let's go to the showers" I suggested since we were covered with chlorine from the pool and dirt from rolling on the ground not to mention all the sweat.

"We're going to the showers dad" Kyle shouted out

I grabbed my boxers and shorts that I had on earlier and Kyle rummaged for some shorts. We grabbed our towels and headed for the shower building.


"What's up bud?"

"Did your parents tell you to be nice to me?" I sad softly

"Sure why else would I spend the day with you" Kyle laughed and pushed me but I wasn't laughing. He got serious "don't be stupid I like you...I like you a lot Kev"

For some unknown reason I walked up to Kyle wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big hug and to my surprise he returned it.

"Now can we go to the showers?" he said softly as we let go and walked

He put his arm back around my shoulders and I put my arm around his waist. We were both damp with sweat and tacky. His pit hairs were wet and a drop of sweat rolled out from under his arm and rolled down my shoulder under my arm and down my side, I hoped for more. He had a strong smell to him and I could not get enough of it in my lungs. My dick was growing but I didn't care.

We walked into the small steam filled building. You could hear kids and men talking and laughing. The smell of locker room and soap permeated the hot wet air.

"Fuck they are all taken" Kyle said as an older man by the sink looked at us disapproving of Kyle's choice of words glancing to the toddler standing next to him

"Sorry" Kyle said genuinely and the man's expression softened

"I think they might be done" I said as a shower was shut off in one of the cubicles "Go ahead Kyle I'll wait"

"They're big inside we can both use it at the same time"

A short time later two boys exited the shower stall snickering with towels wrapped around their waists. It was the blond cutie I had seen earlier and what had to have been his little brother. We smiled at each other and the kid blushed. I wondered what they had been up to.

"Let's go"

We entered the changing area and Kyle locked the door. I became nervous just realizing we would be naked together. I had not been naked with another boy in years except in PE and that didn't count. Kyle turned on the water, hung his fresh shorts, toiletries and towel up pushing his board shorts to the floor. He used his feet to force them of the rest of the way off along with his flip flops. His ass was white and creamy not a hair just like me. He stepped under the spray and let the water flow over his head. For the first time I saw his dick. It was nice, uncut and he had quite a bit of hair on top. He was smooth on his balls and legs. I watched him rub his soapy hands over his body and he lifted his dick and balls gently washing them. He stepped out from under the water and smiled at me.

"Come on in Kev" he said softly nodding his head motioning for me to come in

Like an idiot I was standing there my towel and toiletries in one hand and my clean clothes in the other staring. I stumbled as I hung up my stuff on the hocks. I turned around and lowered by board shorts and carefully stepped out of them. I slowly and nervously turned around. Kyle reached out his hand smiling and I took it as he pulled me into the shower. He moved me under the stream with my back to him. The water felt great and I enjoyed the presence of Kyle behind me. My heart was pounding with anticipation. What would be next?

I sucked air through my teeth as Kyle squirted cold shower gel onto my back "Shit that's cold dude"

Kyle giggled and started working the soap into my skin. His soft dick brushed up against my ass and I gasped, he giggles more. Then he moved in close and I could feel his dick in my crack and his soft damp soapy pubes up against my butt. My dick was swelling fast as he rubbed more soap on my lower back. I felt him getting hard and he moved his dick so it was pointing up, it was hard. His hands slid over my butt and around to my front. He slipped one hand to my tummy and pulled me into him. His other was wrapped around my dick and was sliding in the soap. He was panting in my ear and frantically thrusting his dick in my slippery crack. He was moaning softly but the sound of the shower was drowning him out. I was the only one who could hear him. I was totally lost in the experience and strange sounds that were coming from somewhere deep inside of me. We were both trying to be as quiet as possible. I felt it building and new I was too far gone to go back. This was going to be big...real big.

"Oh...yea" Kyle grunted and I felt him start to cum

I felt hot cum shooting up my crack and being mashed between us. He was frantically jerking my dick my balls drew up tight and I felt my dick swell. I bit the side of my hand to keep from screaming and started my own eruption. I could not believe how much shot out of had to be my biggest one ever. I love the way he is leaning into me both of us panting. He rested his cheek on the back of my head and rubbed his soapy hands up and down on my chest, tummy, dick and thighs. We slowly came down and resumed washing but on our own bodies. Neither of us mentioned what had just happened, it felt kind of weird not to but I kept my mouth shut. We made small talk about hiking and swimming, eating and fishing. Finally we were trying to towel off in the small changing area bumping into each other. I reached for my boxer shorts and he put his hand on my shoulder

"That was awesome are awesome"

I just beamed at him and got dressed. I didn't know if it was just mutual release from two horny teenagers or something more, something different. Maybe that would be it...who knew. I knew I would not start anything. Not that I did not want to, God I wanted too, but what if he didn't want to. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. He brushed his teeth and messed with his hair forever even using a blow dryer. He came behind me and messed with my hair helping me to make it look better. We laughed a lot and made faces into the mirror. We finally started to head back to camp. People were sitting around talking quietly around fires.



"I think this may have been the best day of my life"

" too too"

I felt him move closer so our arms would brush as we walked. This was going to be a totally awesome vacation.

We sat around a small fire with our parents for the next few hours and talked about nothing really. Kyle got some sips of beer and I got dirty looks when I asked for a sip. I was surprisingly having a good time but that probably had more to do with Kyle than the adults. As it got later our parents got stupider with each beer or cocktail. I was tired and ready to sleep

"I'm going to go to bed" I announced standing, stretching and yawning

I said my good nights and headed for the tent, what a day I thought. The further I got from the RV the darker it got. For some reason I got a little scared and was glad when I reached the tent. I fumbled for the battery operated table light and turned it on.

"What the?"

Kyle had turned back the sleeping bag and our pillows were fluffed. He had fixed two empty boxes for night stands and had a can of cold Coke on each one. He was awesome! I stripped to my boxers and climbed into the giant sleeping bag. I was out.

I was at the pool and Kyle was siting talking to some teenage girls. I was trying to get his attention but he was not paying any attention to me. Then I realized that I was naked. I started to sneak back to the campsite dashing from tree to tree, where were my clothes? Jack walked by and waved. Shit I'm hard!

I blinked my eyes open, it was a fucking dream, thank God. As I came into reality in the pitch black tent I realized the Kyle was pressed up behind me and my boxers were down around my ankles, we were spooning. He had his hard dick between my legs right up against my ass and was rubbing back and forth. One of his hands was rubbing up and down my body stroking my dick along the way. I was scared shitless and I tensed up.

He sensed that I was awake and pulled back rolling me onto my back. We bobbed on the mattress as the air shifted beneath us. He continued to rub my tummy and play with my dick. I did not know what to do so I just stayed still saying nothing. We bobbed again and I felt his wet lips encircle my dick. Fuck he was blowing me! I gasped and he giggled with my dick securely in his mouth. I had imaged both getting and giving a blow job but this was the first time I had ever gotten one for real. It was way better than I had ever imagined. He kept sliding my dick in and out of his mouth swirling his tongue around it while playing with my balls. I started to relax into his pleasure and let him have me. I was breathing deeply and took in his teen smell, awesome. I pulled my trembling hand out from beneath him and started lightly rubbing his back, he moaned. He started going faster and I felt my cum start to build. Fuck what if I cum!

He now had his finger and thumb around the base of my dick and was rappedly jerking me while he sucked my dick. I could not stop now...I was going to cum. I'll just warn him before I shoot. Oh shit it felt so good my whole middle started to tingle I felt my balls pull in and my legs jetted out. I pushed his head down on my dick.

"Oh shitttttt!" I cried as quietly as possible

Tears ran down my cheeks and Kyle was forced to swallow and swallow hard. The surprising thing was he seemed to like it and was getting it all. As I started to recover he stayed on my sensitive dick sucking ever so gently and holding his head still. I felt my dick start so soften cradled in his tongue. He finally released me and planted a soft kiss on my tummy before returning to his side of the bed but pressed into my side so our sweaty bodies stuck together. I liked that part but now what do I do, do I suck him? What if he cums in my mouth? I have never tasted cum, what if it is gross? I squeezed a residual drop of cum onto my finger and stuck it in my mouth...yuck. He pulled my hand to his dick and instinct told me to grab it. It was amazing...I loved that it was hot and hard. I was circumcised so I never felt skin slid on a dick, it was amazing. His pubes were brushing up against the bottom of my hand, fucking awesome. I squeezed it. He put his hand over mine and started to jack off. We had a good rhythm going. When he released my hand I got what to do and continued to jerk his dick...I really liked jerking his dick. I imagined how I would jerk my own and picked up the pace. I loved the smell of our sweaty musky bodies mingling together. His dick swelled

"Fucking yesssss" he hissed

I felt his dick throb out cum and it seemed to pump out forever. Eventually he held my hand still and I felt cum running over it as the last of his juice flowed. His body was heaving as he tried to catch his breath. I felt what had to have been his t-shit as he started to wipe up the mess. He pulled my hand free and cleaned it in the shirt before wiping his chest off. I put my hand to my nose and inhaled deeply. The smell was strong...very strong...cum. I thought for a moment and started sucking on my fingers. It tasted like my cum...maybe I could get used to it. I started to bob up and down on the air mattress again as he moved and felt him pull up my boxers. I raised my rump to help. We both drifted back to sleep still pressed into each other.

"Come on boys' time to get up" Jill shook the tent "breakfast in a half hour"

"Ok mom" Kyle said as he stretched out and yawed

I was rubbing my eyes and stretching awake. We had our backs to each other but flopped over onto our backs. I looked over and he was smiling at me, this is weird. I smiled back as he sat up...shit he's naked!

"Sleep alright Kev?"

"Aaaa...sure ...I guess...what about you?"

"Fucking amazing...never slept better" Kyle yawned and stretched his arms in the air giving me a good look at his pit hair

"Fuck dude your dicks hard" I giggled and pointed

"Yea...I gotta piss"

We had cum twice together and this was the first time I got a good look at his dick when it was hard. It was beautiful just like the rest of him. Just the tip of his purple dick head was sticking out of his foreskin. He put on some shorts and secured his dick in the waist band then he put on a long baggy tank top to hide his hard on. I pulled on my shorts and a t-shirt finding my flip flops. We walked to the restroom just chattering about stupid stuff his bare feet kicking up a little dust. Was I dreaming last night? No it was real. I get fuck around but don't talk about it. We stepped up to the urinals to piss.

Now there are unspoken rules about urinal etiquette I took the open urinal at the far right so Kyle was required to use the one on the far left, he didn't. Instead he came and used the on right next to me. I was uncomfortable and my dick became shy...I couldn't piss. I could hear him start to piss and a sigh of relief escaped his lungs. I watched the bright yellow stream flow from his dick, something else you should never do.

"Man that's better" He sighed "What do you want to do today Kev?"

He broke yet another never, I mean never talk at the urinal. I just shrugged my shoulders. He leaned in a little so he could whisper in my ear. This was getting too weird what if someone came in.

"Well I hope we do sexy stuff" he whispered while giggling

I just shrugged my shoulders again as he shook off and went to the sinks. I took a deep breath and my bladder finally released its load. Man did I piss. When I finished I walked over to the sink and washed my hands Kyle was talking to Stu outside who was waiting to close the bathroom for cleaning. We walked back to the camp in silence for most of the way. Then Kyle stopped and grabbed me by the arm

"Kev are you all know...with everything?" Kyle's voice was shaky and I sensed his concern

"I don't know...I guess"

I really wasn't all right and I was not sure about any of this sex stuff. Shit I only started to cum a month ago and now I had jerked a kid off not to mention a blow job. I always wanted to jerk a kid off but never thought it would really happen and of course I thought a lot about blow jobs...shit!

"I just want you to feel nice and have fun but if you don't want to do stuff its ok" Kyle said sweetly

"No I want to...I just...well this is new I never did anything before" I looked into his eyes showing how frightened I was

"No worries...just do what you like and stop me if you don't like what I'm doing...ok?"

"'re not...a" I looked around to make sure no one could hear me

"What is it Kev?" Kyle looked deep into my eyes making me feel safe about asking

"You're not going to fuck me are you?" there I asked him

"No Kev...only if you want to and you are ready" he said chuckling

Kyle was wiping another tear that came out of my eye and was sliding down my cheek. I hated when shit like that happened but I loved his soft touch on my cheek in fact I loved every way that Kyle had touched me...every way. So why was I so scared of this kid?

"Come on let's go get some breakfast" he said as he put his arm around my shoulder

It happened again, I did not know why but each time his pit hair brushed up against me I shuddered a little and my dick would feel funny. I slid my arm around his waist like before and we started to playfully skip back to camp trying to trip each other.

"Well you guys seem to be getting along" My mother said with a big smile on her face

"What with this little squirt?" Kyle said squeezing me in tight and giving me a noogy

I squealed out, pushed him away and took off. He chased me and soon caught me lifting me off the ground in a bear hug. His bare chest pressed into my bare back, the lump in his shorts in between my butt cheeks. I could smell him and felt my dick start to grow...not now damn it. Luckily Kyle released me and we plopped down at the picnic table leaning up against the table top.

My mother attacked me with the sun screen before I could get away to have Kyle put it on me. We had a fun and filling breakfast...I was having a blast. Hanging out with an older boy was so cool and I was allowed to do things with him I would not likely be allowed to with a kid my age. After breakfast we sat around camp for a while before heading to the pool. We took a short cut that turned out to be a long cut through the woods. Once we were out of sight Kyle slipped my hand into his. I never held hands before except with my mother when I was like was nice.

"Shit Kev we may need to go back...we should have been there by now"

"Let's go a little further... exploring is fun"

I pulled away and moved up the trail. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me our sweaty bodies sticking together. He kissed the side of my head and started rubbing his hands on my chest. His hand slid down to my tummy and his fingertips rubbed along the top of my shorts

"Not here Kyle, we'll get caught"

"No we won't, we haven't seen anybody since we started down the trail"

His fingertips were now slightly under my waist band as he rubbed back and forth. Then I felt him brush my dick got hard and I could feel his hard dick pressing into my butt. His fingers wrapped around my dick and he squeezed it before starting to Jack me off. We were rocking back and forth and his dick was rubbing up and down with the motion. Kyle's free hand found the waist band and joined its partner in my pants. He was jerking me while pulling on my balls, this game was a keeper.


Kyle jerked away from me pretending we were playing some kind of game as a guy on a mountain bike went soaring past in a fit of dust. As the dust cleared we coughed and waved our hands trying to find some air to breath. Kyle was about ten feet away holding his one hand on his chest and the other bracing himself at his knee

"Fuck dude!" he panted "That was fucking close my heart is going a mile a minute"

"Fucking a man... fucking a" was all I could say

"Shit let's find the pool" Kyle said in a pant giggling

I took him by the hand and we headed down the trail a little further as we whispered about almost getting caught, a minute or two later my shorts would have been around my ankles. We came around a corner and finally arrived at the pool

"EUREKA!" I shouted thrusting my fist into the air

Seeing my exposed hairless pit was too much for Kyle and of course he started tickling me. I squirmed and squealed and he laughed as he intensified his efforts. We stopped when we got the evil eye from the fat old life guard. I cracked up when Kyle made a V with his fingers and stuck his wiggling tongue through them at her. She just gave us a dirty look and turned the other way. We splashed and played in the pool not breaking any of the rules and joined a game of Marco Polo with some of the littler kids. For some reason I really liked accidentally touching the other boys, girls did nothing for me. So I "accidentally" touched all of the boys a lot and notice Kyle doing the same. I saw my favorite blond cutie get out of the pool and start walking towards the restroom.

"I'll be right back Kyle"

I quickly got out and just about ran to the restroom. Me and Blondie were the only ones in the dim lit men's room. The trough urinal was behind a wall separating the sinks. I stepped around the corner and stepped up to the trough. I glanced over and checked out the boy's dick. It was shriveled probably from the pool and he had a nice yellow stream flowing. I was a little shriveled myself and found it hard to piss. He smiled at me and turned a little so I could see his dick better, I did the same. We both giggled and I finally peed. We shook off and started back to the pool



"So what's your name?"

"My name is Mike but everyone calls me Mikey, what's yours?"

"Kevin, but you can call me Kev"

"Cool" we fist bumped and he went back into the pool. I went to the snack bar to join Kyle

"Maybe I'll see you at the Rec tonight" I shouted to Mikey


Kyle was talking to Stu who was wiping down a dirty table.

"So is this the reason you weren't at the Rec last night?" Stu pushed Kyle's shoulder and winked at me...again

"This is my awesome friend Kevin...Kevin, Stu...Stu, Kevin"

"Yeah we met when we checked's it going Stu?" I nodded at Stu

A girl walked around the counter with two burgers, two Cokes and a large basket of fries.

"Here you go boys...Stu get back to work" The girl said snapping a towel at Stu

"I better go...I hope I see you tonight Kyle, you owe me" And with that Stu was gone

"What does he mean you owe him?" I was getting a little pissed...Stu was creepy

"It's nothing" Kyle looked at the ground

We sat down and ate our lunch without saying much. It felt weird knowing something was bothering Kyle but I was not going to pry. I did feel bad for him because he was a little shaken up for some reason.

"Kev...?" Kyle said softly looking around to make sure no one could hear "He sucked my dick"

"What!" I whispered in a shout sort of way "What do you mean he sucked your dick!"

"He said if I let him suck my dick he would get me some beer" Kyle mumbled "He got me a six pack"

"Did he suck know...did you cum?"

" his mouth but he spit it out onto the bathroom floor making me feel dirty" Kyle could hardly be heard "He said that was for one beer and I had to pay him for the rest by letting him fuck me. I did not know what to do so I just ran back to camp with the beer"

"So let's just give him the beer back"

"I can' dad found it and took it away, he said that he was the only one who could give me beer"

"You should tell someone"


Some people in the order line turned and stared

"Just forget about him we'll just stick together...come on lets finish and go back to camp" I said cheerfully hoping to change the mood.

We took the same way back and horsed around most of the way. I was ridding piggy back on him most of the time. His warm skin felt good and we were both sweaty, I loved it. He released me and I landed on my feet.

"I have to piss" He said

I followed him around behind some bushes. When he stopped I came up next to him, pushed his shorts down and grabbed his dick. He giggled and showed me how to skin his dick head out before he put his hands on his hips. His dick started to grow and I felt the flow of liquid start to come out. I never held someone else's dick when they peed was awesome. It was especially awesome that it was Kyle's dick. I sprayed wildly into the bushes before I shook off Kyle's now hard dick

"I get to do you next time" Kyle giggled securing his dick in his waist band

We got back to camp and our parents were busy doing camping stuff. Kyle and me tried to help but mostly stayed out of the way. I was happy that Kyle seemed to be over the Stu stuff at least for now. Soon it was dark and we were sitting around the camp fire with full stomachs. No one was really talking much Kyle had managed to get quite a few drinks of beer from his dad. Eventually Kyle's dad just handed him his own beer. My mom and dad drank several margaritas and I...well I just got in trouble if I even looked at a drink. It was nice just to be near Kyle even though I did not get a beer. Kyle got quiet and I noticed he had fallen asleep. His mom woke him up and I helped him to the tent before returning to the camp fire. It seemed everyone was drunk or at least tipsy except me. It is so awesome to be just short of thirteen and totally left out...fuck! I decided to listen to music so I put in my ear buds and turned on my music. I kind of dosed off a little

"Kev...Kev need to go to bed" my mom said as she shook me.

I was the only one still up and the camp fire was out. I staggered to my feet and headed for the tent stumbling a little in the darkness. I found the lamp, turned it on and saw Kyle stretched out on the bed...still dressed except his shirt. I watched him sleep for a while and draped a t-shirt over the lamp to make it not as bright. His lips were parted and I could see the white tips of his upper teeth. He was snoring slightly and I put my hand on his warm chest to feel it rise and fall, he did not move. The movement under his eye lids let me know he was dreaming, I wondered if he was dreaming about me. I shook him a little to see if he would wake up but he was out like a light.

"Well you can't sleep with your clothes on" I said to him

I went to the end of the bed and pulled his Convers off. His feet had a strong odor and I sniffed the inside of his shoe, my dick was getting hard and my heart started to race. After I was satisfied that I had sufficient shoe smell I pulled his sweaty socks off and pressed them into my face. I quickly pulled off my cloths and knelt back at his feet. I started to massage his large feet pushing lint from between his toes. I was not sure who I was looking for but I looked around. Satisfied that I was alone I brought his foot to my face and took in the smell. Then I licked from his heal to the tip of his big toe. He moaned a little and smacked his lips. I froze watching the tip of his pink tongue dart around his lips before he sank back. I sucked his toes one at a time and pushed my tongue between them. I had no idea why I was doing this weird foot thing but I did the same to his other foot. My dick was leaking like crazy and my heart was pounding. I pulled the draw string on the board shorts he was wearing and slipped them down and off, then his boxers. I just stared at his dick. It was soft and resting over his ball sack. I bent over and with my nose just a fraction of an inch away from his curly pubes I inhaled, God what a smell, a sex smell. I lifted his dick and looked at the tip but put it back down when I felt it start to grow. I ran my finger down the shaft and it rolled to the left. I did it again and it rolled to the right and swelled slightly. I put my thumb and index finger on either side by his dick head and slid his skin slowly, his dick filled out and I exposed the deep purple head. I let go and it arched up pointing out over his pubes. I moved in and smelled around his balls, his sack just had a few little hairs on it. It was a completely different and wonderful smell. I lifted his dick and put the head in my mouth.

"mmmmmmmm...good" I whispered coming up to breath

I started to slide down his shaft and stopped when his dick hit the back of my throat. I pulled up and went down again. I never thought myself to be a dick sucker but this was I know why Kyle sucked me. He moaned and shifted and I quickly pulled off and laid down beside him pulling the top sleeping bag over us.

"Shit! I almost got caught" I said softly to myself

My heart was pounding and I was shaking...nervous as hell. Would Kyle be mad if he woke up and I was sucking his dick? Probably not I would not be mad if he did it to me but it did seem strange to sneak suck. I kept tossing and turning pulling on my painfully hard dick. I pulled the covers back again and his dick had gone soft. I moved back between his legs and pushed them up brining the souls of his feet together. This fully exposed his crotch. I put my dick between the souls of his feet. I took a deep breath leaned forward and took his soft dick into my mouth and it started growing...holy fuck his dick is growing in my mouth! I started bobbing up and down on his dick head while quickly stroking his dick at the base. I was getting lost in what I was doing. Suddenly I stopped when fingers ran through my hair.

"Don't stop Kev...please don't stop"

I started back in and his warm hands massaged my back and head. I loved his touch as much as his dick. He moved his fingers to the base of his dick replacing mine and started to jack off while I was sucking him. I rolled his balls in my fingers and for some reason slid my finger over his ass hole. Kyle moaned out in pleasure. Kyle's crotch was saturated with my spit and his pre-com. He had my dick anchored in the souls of his big feet and I was humping in the slippery mess I had made there. He moved his hand over mine and pushed my finger up into his ass and then he returned to jacking. I thought it was kind of gross but I pushed my finger further in the tight hole. Kyle groaned and thrust his dick deep into my mouth.

"You better pull off Kev!" Kyle panted

I kept my mouth around his dick and felt the head of his dick flair out. Then there was...the taste...cum. As he filled my mouth I was forced to swallow. It tasted gross but I liked that I was giving my new friend such pleasure. I loved that he was giving me his special offering. I lovingly milked him empty while I was finger fucking him. I sat up a little pulling my finger from his ass and pressed the sides of his feet against my dick. He got up on his elbows to watch me fuck his beautiful feet. It kind of looked funny watching my dick head pop out between his toes. I clamped harder and started panting as my balls emptied into his feet squirting out between his toes. I had no idea why I just fucked my friend's feet. The bottom of the sleeping bag was a mess.

"I'm...Sorry...Kyle" I panted "I don't know why I did that"

"That was fucking so fucking awesome" Kyle whispered lustfully "come here let's cuddle"

I pulled myself on top of him our dicks together leaking residual cum. He rubbed my back as we drifted off to sleep.

"Come on boys wake up" my mom said shaking the tent

I blinked my eyes open and was glad my mom did not come in. My body was rising and falling as Kyle breathed deeply in his sleep, I was still on top of him. I rolled off, my dick kind of sticking in his pubes causing me to giggle. Kyle did not wake up but rolled to his side after I was off of him. I slipped on some shorts and one of Kyle's dirty t-shirts. I liked that it smelled like him. I padded down the path to the restroom barefooted. I hear someone come up behind me

"Hay Kev" Mikey said as he bounded next to me "I have to piss like a race horse"

"Me too" I said as I smiled into his bright blue eyes

"Look" he whisper looking around before pulling up the front of his shirt

"Nice boner Mikey" I said pulling my shirt up showing him my tent

We giggled and chased each other to the restrooms. He kept snapping his towel at me. I was afraid I would piss my pants if we kept laughing.

"No not there" Mikey said pulling me into the shower stall.

He stripped quick and turned on the water. I paused; he was a head shorter than me with a slight tan and completely hairless. His dick was smooth and hard with a small pink sack of jewels tucked beneath, beautiful.

"Come on get in...I can't hold it much longer" Mikey pleaded "I want to show you a game we play"

I pulled off my shirt and shorts. Mikey gasped as my hard dick flopped out. I stepped into the shower with the weird, but awesome little boy not sure where this was going.

"Wow you got a little hair" Mikey said eyes wide "Ok let me have it"

"Have what?" I said just in time to feel his warm yellow liquid start to flow over my body

I got it...ok I'm not the brightest bulb in the string but I got this nasty thing the boy wanted to why not. I relaxed and my piss started flowing onto him I was enjoying his strong smelling pee flowing over my body, so warm. The boy surprised me by taking a hold of my dick and spraying his little face. Then he looked up at me smiling a beautiful innocent smile, twinkling blue eyes and dark yellow piss flowing out of his hair, down his sweet cheeks and out of his mouth. He turned around and got completely under the shower and washed himself slurping up water and washing out his mouth. I began to soap up his back and enjoyed cleaning his little bubble butt. I slipped my dick into his crack like Kyle had done to me and started jerking on the hard little boy dick. He was tender and sweet to the touch

"I gotta go...later" he said pulling away

He rinsed off before he stepped out of the water and dried off while I washed...I was disappointed. I dried off while he got dressed. Then he slipped out of the cubical.

"What the fuck just happened?"

I locked the door and started to jack off running the vision of the kid spraying himself with piss over and over in my mind. This had to be the grosses thing I have ever seen a kid do or maybe the fucking sexiest. I panted as my cum shout out hard hitting me in my open mouth. My eyes closed tight I imagined covering the boy with my cum and him pissing into my mouth. I swallowed the cum that was in my mouth and even scooped some off my body to eat, I decided I liked cum.

"Fuck I better rinse off...again" I chuckled to myself

I started back to camp after I washed the cum off and dried with paper towels. I was wondering what Kyle wanted to do today. I walked by Mikey's campsite. He smiled and waved standing next to a miniature of himself. The little guy lit up and waved enthusiastically...what was that all about? I waved meekly and continued to my campsite. I decided not to tell Kyle what happened in the shower with Mikey, he would probably think I was sick.

"Hay Kyle...what's up?"

"Nothin" he grunted sipping on some coffee something else I was not allowed to have

It was not like Kyle to be disheveled, not even first thing in the morning but he was a mess. He sat in only his boxers, his hair was everywhere, his eyes were puffy and he looked pale as he stared into his coffee.

"Hay Kyle...want a beer?" Jack chuckled as he ruffled Kyle's hair

"No thanks Dad...I think I'm done with beer for a while" Kyle said pushing his dad's hand from his head

"Why don't you go take a long shower son it will help you feel better" Jack said as he massaged his son's back lovingly

I watched Kyle's Addams apple bob as he gulped down the rest of his coffee, he was even cute when he was a mess. He got up smiling weakly at me and padded off to the tent. I sat there for a while poking a stick into the cold ashes in the fire ring. For the first time in a long time I felt ok being me. Kyle was awesome and he liked me for real. A short time later he came out of the tent with dirty shorts on caring a small back pack full of clean stuff and toiletries. He nodded for me to join him.

"Be right there" I shouted as I leapt from my spot.

I ran to the tent and got some clean clothes, tooth brush and my towel. I caught up with his about where Mikey was camped. I waved to the boys as we walked by. Mikey was in his swim shorts and his little brother was running around naked, shit!

"I wish we could do that" I said quietly

"We could try and see if anyone noticed" Kyle chuckled "that kid is probably even pushing it at his age"

"Probably...but I'm glad he is" shit did I just say that "I mean it's cute...a...little"

"Me too too" Kyle smiled at me knowingly

It was late in the morning so the shower was empty. We went into the furthest cubical and I locked the door. I steadied Kyle as he stepped from his shorts and underwear. The water got hot quickly and I helped Kyle in. He just stood under the spray with his eyes closed. I undressed quickly and pulled the shower gel and shampoo from his backpack. I pulled him to me a little squeezing shampoo onto his head and started washing his hair. I had never washed anyone's hair but my own, this was different and I liked it. My dick started to swell out and get hard.

"That feels nice Kev...I'll snap out of this in a few" Kyle said softly without opening his eyes.

"Tilt your head back"

I helped him get the soap out of his hair holding him steady. Then I squeezed the gel onto his chest and worked it into his skin, his amazing skin. He was all mussels and no fat. I thought it was weird that he did not like PE but liked to work out at home a lot. My fingers rippled over his abs and plunged into his pubic hair. I used two hands to wash his dick and it swelled to about half mast. I rolled his foreskin and gently washed him there. He moaned and blinked his eyes open. He stepped forward and pressed into me as we slipped our arms around each other. The soap mingled with my skin making a slippery fun place to be. He moved his mouth to mine and we kissed. Our breath was bad but we did not care. I pushed my tongue into his mouth as did he to me. He was fully hard and we were humping our dicks together. He pressed me up against the back wall and started rubbing his dick hard and fast into mine. Then it started, my whole body started to shake and my middle was on fire I felt his dick swell with mine. Our tongues tangled violently as we started to coat each other with cum. We held each other for a while as we regained some level of composure. Soon we were both under the spray rinsing off.

"My dad was right" Kyle panted

"How's that?"

"A shower did make me feel better" Kyle giggled as he pulled me in for another soft kiss...less the tongue this time

Kyle was almost normal by the time we were out and putting on the final touches in front of the sink. He fixed my hair although I got a little nervous when he pulled out a pair of scissors. When he was done I actually looked kind of cute. I waited patiently outside watching boys as he spent another 20 minutes on himself, and of course he emerged flawless. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I slipped my arm around his waist and we headed back to camp. I could smell the freshness on him and the sweet smell of deodorant, something I needed to start using. We had decided to go for a hike and I decided that I would lose my virginity...maybe, if he wanted it. He gently kissed the side of my head as we walked and no one seemed to care. We made it back to camp and the grownups were fixing some burgers. We ate outside as usual looking at the trail map.

"This one looks cool Kyle" I pointed to a trail that ran along a creek

"Awesome choice dude" Kyle giggled and pushed me as I was taking a drink of Coke

I cracked up and Coke shot out my nose as I choked. I tackled him and our burgers went on the ground with us. I was on top of him looking into his eyes as we calmed down. I looked around quickly and then quickly kissed him...just as Jill walked out of the RV.

"Aaaa...ok boys...quit horsing around" Jill stammered as she retreated back into the RV

I looked into Kyle's eyes as he pushed me off of him. Once again I started to cry...for fucks sake.

"Come on Kev let's go for our hike"

I sat on the ground watching Kyle's butt move as he ran for the tent. I followed and he was stuffing some stuff into the backpack.

"Come on let's go" he said as if I was not there

I padded after him on the trail and he got further and further ahead. I was tired and crying hard.

"FUCK YOU KYLE!" I screamed and sat down leaning up against a tree.

I had my arms crossed on my knees with my head lowered into them crying. This was fucked up...really fucked up. My awesome friendship was turning to shit right in front of me. What did Kyle think, what about my parents, fuck...Dad? I was sobbing and scared like I never had been before...shit!

"Kyle...please come back" I sobbed into my arms knowing he was too far away to hear me "please don't leave me" I cried

I felt an arm come around my shoulder and his head press into mine. I wrapped my arms around Kyle's neck and leaned into him. We were both crying hard.

"She caught me before Kev" Kyle said pulling back sucking snot back up his nose "she said I could go to jail if I liked a younger boy...she called me a pervert"

It was my turn to comfort. I held him stroking his hair and kissing the side of his head. We both got it together a little and even laughed a little.

"This may be our last adventure so we should make the best of it" Kyle said sniffling

"Yea...make the best of it"

We got up and headed up the trail by the creek holding hands. I wondered how this could be bad...I loved Kyle and I think he loved me. Our hearts were tangled together as one. Soon the encounter was in the back of our minds as we playfully made our way into the woods. We tackled and tickled as we bounded up stream. Kyle led me off the trail to a small clearing in the woods dropping the small backpack to the ground.

"I found this place the first day I was here" Kyle said as he pulled a blanket from the backpack and some Cokes "No one will find us"

I pushed off my shoes and sat on the blanket wiggling my toes in my socks. Kyle sat down and put my feet into his lap massaging them through my damp socks. I relaxed pulled off my tank top and popped a Coke open. I loved the warm sun on my body. Kyle pulled my socks off and continued his massage on my feet and my caves. I fell back onto the blanket and stretched my hands over my head.

"You know you're beautiful Kev" Kyle said as he moved his hand over my crotch to my tummy.

"mmmmmmm...that feels nice" I moaned "how old was the boy"

Kyle froze and was quiet. I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes that were starting to tear up.

"Promise you won't hate me" Kyle said with a shaky voice

"I will never hate you" I said sitting up, stroking his cheek softly before leaning in and kissing him

"I hand just turned fifteen that day"

"Go on what happened"

"One of my friends brought his little brother to my party...fuck he was so cute" Kyle said softly "he was following me around like a puppy and I was loving it"

"So what happened?"

"He followed me to my room and I just had to hold him. I pulled him in for a hug and started rubbing my hands up under his shirt rubbing his back. Then I slipped my hand into his pants under his briefs to rub his soft bare butt"

"I bet it felt amazing Kyle" I said for some unknown reason

Kyle looked into my eyes and smiled "It was amazing the kid had me in some sort of a trance and I was about to pull his pants down when my mom walked in"

"Holly fuck Kyle...with your hand down his pants! What did you do?"

"Nothing, I backed away from the kid and my mom escorted him out of my room, I stayed there. Then she ended the party saying I was sick from too much sweet stuff" Kyle said looking off into the distance "she never told my dad"

" old was he?" I said pulling in close wrapping my arm around his shoulder as he started to cry

"Seven or eight I think" Kyle started crying harder

"Seven or eight year olds are cute...I don't think it was bad" I whispered into his ear giggling a little

He started kissing me passionately probing my mouth with his tongue. We rolled on the blanket striping our cloths off. We kissed and licked all over each other and eventually I ended on top of him between his legs rubbing my dick in his soft pubes alongside of his hard dick. I moved the hair from his brown eyes and smiled into his bright face.

"I love you Kev"

I smiled down at him and wondered what he was doing as he pulled the backpack over. He fiddled in the top pocked his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentered, so cute. Then he got a big grin on his face as he pulled a travel size tube of Vaseline out.

"Whoa what is that for?" I panicked

"Don't's for me...I want you to take my cheery"

"What do you mean?"

He pulled me to his lips and kissed me softly. I had a good idea what he meant but I was not sure if I would let him return the favor after all. He got out from under me and got on his hands and knees pointing his butt in the air. I stared into his ass and for some reason felt compelled to kiss the tiny pink center, I liked it! He moaned out as I actually started licking his hole. My dick was hard as a rock and dripping. I kissed and licked more enjoying how much it was driving Kyle crazy

"Use your finger with the Vaseline Kev"

I squeezed the tube of Vaseline into his ass thus ending my tongue fun and started pushing my finger into him. He was hot and slippery inside I was becoming fascinated by his backside, something I never thought of. He started rocking and moaning and I grabbed his dick from behind. I loved the feeling of his skin rolling in my hand as he humped. I now had two fingers in him. I had to have him. I came up and positioned my dick at his hole. With my hands on his hips I pushed and pushed hard.

"FUCK...KEV!" he screamed as my dick disappeared completely into his ass

I held him to me He collapsed his arms with his head resting on the blanket. I have never felt anything like it. My dick was surrounded in warmth...his pulsing ass massaging me. I was lost rocking slightly eyes closed.

"Oh man feel so warm inside" I moaned out

"Kev...pull out for a sec" Kyle pleaded

Did I hurt him? Did he want to stop? I reluctantly pulled my dick from its new favorite place. Kyle plopped onto the blanket and rolled onto his back pulling his knees to his chest

"Rocks under the blanket were hurting my knees" Kyle giggled as he shook his dick at me

I slipped back in between his legs and positioned my dick at his opening. He closed his eyes and braced himself. I went a little slower this time not quite as frantic as the first time. He grimaced a little but his face relaxed as my pubes brushed up against his balls. His legs came to rest on me and I kissed his legs as I slowly started to move in and out.

I was holding his dick and clear stuff was flowing out of the teenager like crazy. He was tossing his head slowly from side to side with an intense look of pleasure washing over him; maybe I should reconsider being fucked.

"Yesssssss...oh yessssss" Kyle moaned over and over

I felt it coming from the tips of my toes to the top of my head I tingled. It was like an earth quake started in my balls and exploded over my body.

"I'm there KYLE!"

My dick pulsed and delivered its goods deep into my friend's bowels. His legs fell to the side and I collapsed onto him still thrusting my dick inside of him until I was empty. Then we were still



"You feel amazing up in me...fucking amazing" Kyle panted

We stayed like that for quite a while but I could feel Kyle's dick pulsing wanting to have its turn to cum. As I felt him gently massaging my back I took a deep breath and rolled off of him causing my mostly still hard dick to pop out.


"Yea Kev"

"Show me how it felt" I said in a whisper

Kyle rolled over and kissed me our tongues poking in our mouths. He took his boxers and cleaned the Vaseline from my balls so he could suck on them. He rolled my nuts in his mouth and slurped down to my ass hole. I felt him lick at my tight opening, fucking amazing. I now came to realize that an ass is just another pleasure spot to explore. He licked and poked working quite a bit of spit inside of me. Then he started pushing a finger up my ass. It kinda hurt but really just felt weird. He switched to the Vaseline and his finger went further and easier.

"Holly shit what is that!" I shouted

"It is called a prostrate you know" Kyle said coyly before leaning in close to my face "wait till I rub it with my dick"

At that moment I wanted his dick in me...bad...very bad. I pulled my cheeks apart wider trying to relax and open my butt hole as his fingers kept sliding.

"Just relax...don't rush it" Kyle said working two of his fingers in me

I could not believe how good this felt and my dick was hard as a rock again. I was going to be fucked! I wanted to be fucked...I wanted to be fucked by Kyle! Three fingers!

"Ok Kev here we go"

I held my breath as he picked up my hips and positioned his dick. I forced my eyes open and sat up on my elbows to watch. His dick looked huge at that moment. I watched him rub more of the Vaseline on his dick, there must be something better, and something you could eat. He looked up and smiled at me with these sweet brown eyes.

"Ready won't hurt long but it will hurt at first" Kyle said with concern

I was so ready...I nodded my head yes weakly smiling. He seemed to be working my ass with his fingers a lot just pushing a little with his dick, I was getting impatient. When he pushed a little at my hole I grabbed his hips and pushed back. I felt my ass swell in severe pain

"OH FUCKKKKK!" I screamed but held him tight

His nearly sixteen year old dick head was in me. He had a deeply concerned look on his face

"Kev...slow down my dick is bigger than yours"

"No shit dumb ass are you going to fuck me or not" I joked forcing a big smile

Kyle waited for me to get used to his dick and slowly and gently worked it in. I leaned back and closed my eyes concentrating on the painful and wonderful feeling in my ass. When I felt his skin press into mine I knew he was in. I felt stuffed and it did hurt...but it felt awesome at the same time. He just stayed put letting me get used to it. I felt him rubbing his hands on my legs he had resting on his chest. He was gently kissing my caves and feet. He softly put my legs to the side and kissed me passionately on the lips as he started to slide his dick in and out a little. I swore I could feel the skin rolling on his dick deep inside of me. I held onto Kyle's arms as he fucked me, it was the best thing I had ever felt. My dick felt like I was slowly and continuously cuming and I was not even touching it. I had another cum midway through hitting me in the face. Kyle kept going faster and faster it was hurting a little as he bucked into me but I loved it. As I looked into his face I saw passion, lust and nirvana...I stayed hard.

"Here it comes KEV!" Kyle shouted and I felt the second best feeling of my ass filling with cum...Kyle's cum as his dick sank deep into me

Kyle collapsed on top of me

We cuddled naked for a while before cleaning up and getting dressed. Kyle tossed the cum, sweat and Vaseline soaked boxers into the woods. We put our arms around each other and walked back to the campground. It felt like his dick was still in me...awesome.

The rest of the day was like the others; we swam and played Marc Polo with the little kids. Kyle apologized to the old fat lady for being a jerk and she was actually nice. Mikey introduces me to Levi his little brother and said we should all three take a shower together, Levi beamed.

Back at camp everything seemed off a little. Kyle and me were waiting for the inquisition but no one said anything. The air was thick with tension and everyone was avoiding eye contact. Kyle was getting impatient.

"I've had enough of the walking on eggshells shit!" Kyle exclaimed

He pulled me to him and kissed me right in front of everyone, I nervously kissed back. The four adults in our campsite and the two adults and three kids next door all gasped. My mother tilted her head and smiled. The tension vanished.

" cute" my mom said putting her arm around Jill

"I just knew they would hit it off Jack...I just knew it" my Dad chimed in

"They make such a cute...I mean handsome couple" Jill added giggling

Our kiss was sweet and passionate. I was happier than I had ever been and I could tell that Kyle felt the same. Our parents went back to being busy with dinner and we continued to make out. They did not question me liking another fact they seemed to like that I liked Kyle. Maybe my mom and dad had already figured out that I liked boys and were just happy I had a boyfriend. All I knew was that life was going to be a lot better from now on, in fact it was going to be awesome! That night I sat on Kyle's lap our legs stretched out together in a lounger with my head resting on his chest staring into the fire. The kids across the way kept peeking, whispering and giggling, I kind of liked that for some reason. At about 11:00 I followed Kyle to the tent and we got naked. We had another awesome round of sex and I fell asleep with his freshly spent dick buried up my ass.

"Kevin...Kevin wake up" my mother was shaking me

"What the...where are we?" I asked trying to figure out where I was

I sat up in the back seat of the car sinking my head into the cloud of cigarette smoke. I rolled down the window to breath, still confused. We were driving in another campground and I was not sure how I got there. There were all kinds of campers and tents with lots of kids running around.

"Where is Kyle?" I asked to deaf ears

"Oh there it is...honey pull in there!"

We pulled up in front of a white motorhome with red letters across the top that read Rent Me with an 800 number. I climbed out of the car watching my mother go inside of the strange motor home chattering away. My dad was shaking hands with Jack.

"Hi Kevin" Jack said smiling

"Hi Jack" I stammered

What the fuck is going on, I was lost...where was Kyle?

"Hay Kyle say hello to Kevin" Jack shouted gruffly at a boy by the camp fire ring

A lanky kid with pale white hairy legs sticking out of tight black cutoff jeans, black high-top Converse and a torn black t-shirt was kicked back in a lounger reading a book. He had spiky black hair, thick glasses, his lip was pierced with a ring and he had lots of pimples on his face. Without looking up from his book he stuck his hand into the air and waved. Then he turned his hand around and lowered all of his fingers except one flipping me off.

I ran to the empty campsite next to us and sat at the picnic table. I buried my face in my arms and started sobbing. I trembled as the tears streamed out of my eyes. My body ached at my lost love as the dream drifted from memory. Then I felt a small hand squeeze my shoulder.

"Its ok don't cry...I'll be your friend" A sweet young boy voice said rubbing my back "its ok please don't cry"

"I'll be ok...but thank you" I said as I wiped snot across my arm but not looking up at the boy

"My name is Mike but everyone calls me Mikey, what's yours?"

I shot up like a rocket to find myself in total darkness drenched in sweat.

"It's ok was only a bad dream"

Kyle pulled me into his loving arms; I was surrounded by his sweet sweat and teenage boy smell. We drifted off to sleep.


I hope you have enjoyed the story and even though there will not be additional chapters I would love to hear from you and find out how you liked it. For my Den Chief fans I just needed to take a break and I am already half way through the next chapter.

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