Kevins Twink

By Trav Smith

Published on Jun 10, 2003


Kevin's Twink

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2003 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Part Three

Brian turned to be just as wild and horny as JC. He rode me three more times before finally leaving me to sleep. I barely had the energy to shower which I did before crawling back into bed and falling into a deep sleep.

"Michael?" a soothing deep voice asked me. I opened my eyes to find Kevin staring down at me. "Hey," he smiled down at me. "We're at the hotel so do you want to get up and come on up front?" I nodded and swung out of bed and followed Kevin up to the front. Brian and JC were still there. I sat down next to Kevin and he pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and tried to wake up some more.

"I hope we didn't wear you out," JC said softly. His eyes were full of concern. "I don't want you to think that we are bunch of sex freaks or something."

"I enjoyed it," I said softly. Kevin dropped an envelope in my lap. "What's this?"

"Your pay for today's work," Kevin smiled. "You've earned it."

"Yea you were really great!" JC smiled at me. I suddenly felt embarrassed and started to blush. Hot tears filled my eyes. "Hey," JC said softly. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a fucking whore!" I sobbed out. "That's what's wrong!" Silence racked the bus for a few minutes. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I smelled his cologne. It was like a drug. I was drawn to it. I leaned against him. I felt his lips grace my cheek gently.

"You are not a whore," he said in a soft and soothing voice. "You are an incredibly sexy guy who happens to enjoy having sex with guys. So what if you get paid for it." I looked up into Kevin's soft eyes and saw the concern and love. "Don't ever call your self that again." That part he said sternly. I sniffled and nodded. I felt the other side of the small sofa sink in a little and another arm wrap around me. I looked over and saw JC looking at me. Than I saw Brian kneeling at my feet with his hand on my knee and his other one stroking the side of my face. I shivered at his touch and leaned into it. "See?" Kevin whispered. "You got three good friends that care for you very much. We are not going to let you down. OK?" I nodded again. "Now do you want to discuss our agreement?"

"No," I said softly blushing again. "I really like having sex with you guys." Kevin and JC laughed softly. "I mean who wouldn't? You guys are like the hottest guys in the country!"

"Well I'm glad because I really like having sex with you too," Kevin said with a grin. "Speaking of which," I looked up and saw the look of lust in his eyes. I wondered what fun he had in store for me now. "I'm horny as hell. Anyone else horny as hell?"

"Well I know I am," JC said as he started to suck on my neck. "I would love to go another round with this really good looking stud." I shivered at his touch and than I was aware of Kevin's lips on me too. "What about it Michael?" JC asked as he tugged on my earlobe. "Can Kevin, Brian and me work you over?" he asked as he slid his hand up my shirt. I whimpered in response. "

"What was that?" Kevin asked as his mouth closed over my nipple. I whimpered again as Brian's hands reached for my tight shorts. "I guess we will have to take that as a yes," Kevin giggled. Soon I was naked and so was Kevin, Brian and JC. Kevin wasted no time in sliding his cock up me. JC slid in underneath me and was working his cock up me as well. I whimpered in pain as JC slid in to me. I was thrilled beyond belief. I had often wondered what it was like to have either Kevin or JC fuck me. Now I had both of them up me at the same time. I felt Kevin's cock slide in and than out. JC started to pump in and out of me with his usual ambition. Kevin was slow and deliberate. JC was fast and wild and unpredictable. The way I liked it. Kevin's lips and mouth was working on mine as he tried to quiet my moans and whimpers. I felt a warm mouth close over my cock. I looked down and saw that Brian had managed to work his way in between Kevin's body and mine and was bobbing up and down on my aching cock. I reached for Brian's cock and he turned around so that I could have access to it. I was in heaven. Kevin and JC were pumping their cocks in and out of my ass. Brian's lips and tongue was working on my cock driving me nuts. I was deep throating Brian's cock. Soon the room was filled with the sound of male moans and whimpers and the sound of male flesh slapping against eachother. My mind was reeling with sensations that I had only dreamed of. I heard JC yelp out and I felt his cock pump his load into me. Kevin bit down on my shoulder hard as his load too filled me. The second load being fired into me sent me over the edge as I pumped my load into Brian's mouth. I heard him moan and his cock started to pump it's load into me as well and I eagerly swallowed his seed as fast as he could shoot it into me. Finally we separated and lay gasping for air. The air was heavy with the smell of sweat and seamen. Kevin was the first to speak. "How was it?" he asked me softly. He face etched with concern when he saw the blood on my shoulder. He quickly wiped it clean and I winced from the stinging sensation from the bite. I vaguely remembered feeling embarrassed beyond belief. I was marked now. I bore the mark of Kevin. No one would ever mark me like that again. It was an unwritten rule. Once bitten and the skin broke you were marked for life. I stood up and walked into the small bathroom and turned on the water to the shower and stepped in. I felt Kevin step in behind me. I moaned softly as his hands rested on my shoulders and he started to massage me. I felt his lips grace my shoulders and neck area. "I'm sorry I bit you," he said softly.

"It's ok," I murmured back. "You were in the heat of the moment."

"No," Kevin replied as he continued to wash me. "There is not excuse for hurting you. I promise I won't do that again."

"OK," I replied as I enjoyed the feeling of Kevin's hands on me. I was getting aroused again just being in Kevin's presence. He noticed and moved in front of me so that he was facing me. He looked down at my erect cock and than into my eyes. "Sorry," I blushed. "I can't seem to control myself."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he grinned as he knelt down and took my cock in his mouth. I was shocked beyond belief. Here was a pop icon sucking my cock! Me a nobody! A street rat and Kevin Richardson was sucking my cock! I stop thinking and just went with the feeling. In a few minutes I moaned out that I was ready and he pulled off and finished me off with his hand. I came hard and fast and was soon leaning against the shower wall breathing heavily. "All better?" he smiled down at me. I nodded and he stood up and wrapped his arms around me. We stood there enjoying the closeness of eachother for a few more minutes before we stepped out and got dressed.

"Hold still," Kevin said softly as he applied some antibiotic ointment on my shoulder. "We don't want this to scar," he mumbled as he covered the bite mark with a large bandaid. "There, that should do it. Now let's get you up to the room so you can get changed. They have a gym. Would you like to go work out before dinner?" I nodded as I followed him out of the bus. I remembered picking up the envelope with over 12 thousand dollars worth of checks in it. This hotel had a bank and I could deposit it in my account. Kevin raised his eyebrows when he saw me make a beeline for the bank. He followed me and was silent as I made a deposit and than bought six thousand dollars worth of CD's. Cash Deposits. I would get a substantial return on my investments. Kevin nodded with out saying anything. On the way up to our room he turned to me. "Let me schedule you an appointment with my broker?" he asked.

"I wouldn't know what to do," I replied. "I don't feel comfortable playing the stock market especially after the record it`s had this past year."

"I'll be there during the meeting. And you don't have to do anything if you don't want to," Kevin quickly replied. I nodded as I leaned against the wall of the elevator. The elevator dinged and the door opened and there was Nick sneering at me.

"Hey boy toy!" he sneered at me. "Have fun riding the bus?" I glared hard at him and walked by him. Because I was wearing a sleeveless shirt he tore off the band aid. "Ewww, nice work Kevin!" he snickered as he eyed the bite mark. "Way to brand your boy toy!" Kevin shoved him aside and quickly ushered me to my room.

"I'm sorry he did that," Kevin said softly as he went to work reapplying the band-aid. "What do you say we head down to the gym?" I quickly changed into some work out clothes and followed Kevin down to the gym. We quickly got settled into a good run on the treadmill and after thirty minutes of running at a full sprint Kevin stopped me. "Let's head to the weights next." I was amazed at Kevin's ability to lift weights. I was rather ashamed of my weight lifting ability. Than again I mainly lifted weights to sculpt my body. I wanted to look good. I didn't like the bulked up look. I liked the trim and sculpted look. Kevin knew it and didn't push it. After we hit the showers we than hit the sauna. I wrapped a towel around my waist and followed Kevin in. I relished the thick and comforting heat. After being fucked a total of seven times today I was thankful for the comforting heat. I guess I nodded off and I felt Kevin shaking me awake. I struggled to open my eyes. I saw the concern in his eyes. "We worked you to hard today didn't we?" Kevin asked. "How many times were you fucked today?"

"Six or seven," I mumbled. "I really liked it," I grinned sheepishly at him. "But yes it might have a little much."

"Well let me make it up to you tonight," Kevin said as he kissed my shoulder. "After dinner we will relax and I have a surprise for you."

"More sex?" I asked hopefully. He smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "What?" I asked innocently. "I love sex!"

"I kinda figured that out," Kevin chuckled. "But no," I pouted and he allowed himself to laugh full out. I loved his laugh and smiled too. "For the next forty eight hours you are off duty. But I would really like it if you spent time with me? Maybe a nice dinner just the two of us and than we can do something tonight?"

"I think I would really like that?" I smiled at him.

"Good," Kevin smiled a bright and cheerful smile. One that was full of humor and love. "Shall we head up to our rooms?" I fell in step behind him and followed him up to our rooms.

From Kevin's point of view

Sighing I stepped into my room. I looked around and saw all the trappings of a successful singer. I had money and tons of clothes and I should've been happy. I had a very cute guy that I could have sex with any time I wanted. I also had friends too. But I wasn't happy. I wasn't happy because the one thing eluded me. That one thing was love. I couldn't bring myself to commit myself to one person and one person only. My mind traveled back to Michael. He was a cutie, and a sex crazed teen. I could very easily allow my self to fall in love with him. But I knew how it would end. I would do something stupid and hurt him. He would leave with a broken heart and I would start the vicious cycle all over again. Sighing again I picked up the phone and made a few calls. Than I climbed into the shower and got ready for dinner. For tonight at least I would have a very cute companion to escort. I would wine and dine him. I would bring him back to my room and fill his evening with romance and comfort and the trappings of love. At least for tonight I would treat him like he deserved to be treated. I would treat him like he was the most important person in the world. Who knows? Maybe this alien concept of Kevin Richardson falling in love wasn't so alien after all. I shook my head at the thought. No! Falling in love would mean falling out of control, did that once, never again! And for Kevin Richardson, Me! that was totally unacceptable! I opened my closet and looked in it. It was time to wow Michael. And wow him I would! I choose a dark purple silk shirt. I deliberately left the three top buttons open. I wanted him to see my chest. I knew it excited him and I wanted him happy. I than slid on a pair of black jeans and a pair of black boots. Slipping a sapphire stud in my ear and teasing my hair so it had that wild carefree look and splashing some cologne on me I declared myself ready to go. I knocked on the adjoining door and waited for him to answer. I heard a muffled come in and I opened it and stepped through. He walked out of the bathroom naked as a jaybird giving me a good view of him. I noticed that he had several more hickeys than the first night I met him. They gave him a wild and sexy look. He grinned at me and slipped on a pair of boxers before turning to the closet. He stood by the opened closet for a few minutes. Finally he sighed and looked over his shoulder with a look that cried for help. I smiled and stepped up behind him. I quickly pulled out a matching blue silk shirt and a black pair of jeans for him. He reached for the fake stud and I took his hand and shook my head. Reaching into my pocket I handed him a small box. He opened it and gasped. I took out the ruby stud and slid it into his ear and put the clasp on it. I than kissed him lightly on the lips. He blushed at the attention and I saw how cute he looked blushing so much so that I almost said the hell with this no love shit and give him my soul right than and there. Finally he was dressed and ready.

"You ready to go eat?" I asked softly. He nodded as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I leaned down and captured his lips in a long and hot kiss. I could feel by him grinding against me that he was horny and hot. "Come sexy," I giggled at him. "Let's go eat."

"Are you enjoying your meal?" I asked as I took a sip of water. He nodded as he continued to eat his dinner. I was amazed at how much food he could put away. He had eaten three plates of Chicken Alfredo and pasta, about six bottles of water and God knows how much bread. "When was the last time you ate?" I giggled at him.

"Well after the work out you all gave me I worked up quite an appetite!" he grinned. Finally he pushed his plate away and finished drinking the last bottle of water. "There, all done," he grinned.

"Thank God for that work out you get every day," I giggled. "You ready to go back to my room?" He looked confused. "Don't worry, no sex, at least nothing rectal, I promise, in fact I insist. You were worked really hard today. You need time to relax. And relax and be pampered is exactly what you are going to be." I stood up and guided him back to the elevator. I watched as his cute and tight ass walked over to the elevator. He snickered when he saw me looking at him. "Hey!" I said in my defense. "I can't help it if you are so hot!" Instant blush. I decided to make my mission to make him blush as much as possible.

From Nick's point of view

"Come in!" I shouted as I switched off the TV. The door open and Norman stepped in. He looked around if looking for someone. "I'm alone. Did you get the goods?"

"Yea," he mumbled. "I got the goods and more." He handed me a package and I handed him an envelope. I watched him take the bundle of bills out and count them. "This is more than we agreed on."

"Yea, well you do good work," I smiled at him. I escorted him out the door and quickly dumped the contents out on my bed. "Now Michael, let's just see who and what you are."

From Michael's point of view.

I had to admit that I was really enjoying this side of Kevin. He was treating me like a king. I allowed him to embrace me and kiss me from the time we got into the elevator and until we got to our floor. I loved the feel his tight body rubbing up against mine. I could feel he was hard and ready for action. I moved my hands to his crotch and he gently but firmly took them away. I had to pout because I really wanted to make him feel good. "This evening is all about you baby," Kevin whispered as he brought my two hands up to his mouth and kissed them lightly.

"But you're all horny and hard," I said looking into his green eyes giving him my best puppy dog eyes I could. "I hate to see you all frustrated."

"I'm not baby," he said softly. "Oh and for the record, puppy dog eyes don't work on me, just ask Nick. It used to work on him but not anymore," he giggled at me. We walked out of the elevator and to his room and he slid the card in and the door opened. The scent of lilacs filled my nostrils and I saw the soft flickering of candle light in the room. I stepped in and gasped at the sight. Every surface was covered with candles. I could hear soft strains of some exotic music playing. "You coming in?" he asked smiling at me. I stepped into the room and felt two pairs of hands touch me. I looked back and saw JC and Brian standing in the nude behind me. "They are here to help me make you relax."

"Why?" I asked suddenly getting all chocked up. "Why me? I'm not that special."

"Yes you are," Kevin said softly as he quickly and gently wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "You are very special and tonight we want to show you just how special you are." I moaned in delight as three pair of lips attacked me. I allowed my self to be drug into the room as three pairs of hands and teeth worked to get me naked.

From Nick's Point of view.

"God what a fucking son of a bitch!" I shouted aloud. "How can anyone do that their own flesh and blood?" I wiped an angry tear from my eyes. I had just read the report that my private eye had gave me. Michael's father had thrown him out of the house and his family because he was gay. Stripped him of his name and family. My heart actually ached for him. I also found out about all the pain he had gone through with the death of his brother. Not to mention all the sexual abuse he had to endure with the soccer team. I had Michael's life laid out in front of me. Pictures and everything. I had misjudged Michael. He was a good kid. Straight "A's" in his grades and very talented in music art and sports. But just because he was gay he got shit on. I looked at myself in the mirror and blushed in shame. I was no better than his dad or the other guys. Michael was a great kid and deserved a break. I treated him like crap and humiliated him. I had to make up for that. Only problem was how was I going to do it with out Kevin getting pissed at me. I walked out into the hall and walked by Kevin's room when I heard Michael's moan along with Brian's too. "Ass holes!" I hissed. "Treating him like a fucking whore!" I was so tempted to pound the door in but restrained myself. Sighing I turned back and headed to my room. I had to figure out a way to talk to him. Let him know how sorry I was for picking on him. And I had to let him know without him knowing about my investigative work. That would only make matters worse if he found out that I was snooping around his back. Crawling in between the sheets I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

From Michael's point of view.

I woke the next morning in heaven. I was sleeping in Kevin's bed snuggled in the middle of both Kevin and Brian. At some point JC had made his way back to his room. Last night was heaven. Kevin being true to his word there was no rectal sex. I did get several blow jobs last night and got to suck a lot of cock. But the real enjoyment came from the three-man full body massage. Kevin really went out of his way to make feel good. After they were done with me I was sleeping soundly. I was barely aware of Kevin wrapping his arms around me and Brian doing the same.

"Hey beautiful," Kevin whispered to me. I smiled at him and looked down at his rock hard cock. "It is your day off," he said as if to tell me that I didn't have to take care of him.

"I know it is," I smiled at him. "That is why I am doing this. Because I choose to it for you and because I enjoy it." I snuggled down to his cock and went to work. Once I had Kevin's cock in my mouth I found his hands on the back of my head. His fingers gently massaged my scalp as I started to suck on his shaft. I bobbed up and down on it taking it all the way to his pubes. By his moans and groans I could tell he wasn't going to last very long. I felt Brian's cock lightly stroking the side of my face. So I opened wider and his cock slid in too. I was in cock heaven as the two cousins slowly fucked me in the face with their morning hardons. I really didn't realize but I was moaning just as much as Kevin and Brian was. I also was shocked to feel Brian's lips close about my cock too. Soon Kevin came first and than Brian shortly after. I grunted loudly as I too shot my load into Brian's mouth. After cleaning off both of their cocks I snuggled back in between them. Both of them wrapped their arms around me surrounding me in a sandwich of hot male flesh and they covered my body with feather kisses. "Hmmm," I giggled softly. "Just what I wanted."

"What is that?" Kevin asked with humor in his eyes.

"My own personal Backstreet Boys sandwich," I giggled back. I saw the humorous look in Kevin's eyes turn to naughty and than I looked at Brian and saw the same naughty grin in his eyes too. "What are you two planning?" Kevin started to tickle me and Brian pitched in. Soon I was rolling with laughter trying to get my breath as the two brats tickled me to tears. "Ok ok!" I gasped out. "Stop! Please!" Finally Kevin and Brian stopped and grinned down at me. "I'm going to go back to my room and shower and get dressed." Kevin nodded as he let me out. On the way back to my room I heard a knocking on Kevin's door. I thought nothing of it as I retreated to my shower and started to get ready for the day.

From Kevin's point of view

"Hey Nick," I smiled at him. He walked in and surveyed the room as if looking for something.

"Where is he?" he asked bluntly.

"In his room getting cleaned up," I replied. "Why?"

"You need to stop what you are doing to him," Nick blurted out.

"This is none of your business," I hurled at him.

"Do you even know what kind of life he has had?" Nick asked. If I didn't know better I would've thought that Nick was actually being nice to Michael. "Do you know he got thrown out of his house because his father found out he was gay?" I nodded. "Did you know that he lost his baby brother just a little over a year ago?" Ok that I didn't know. "Did you know he was used as the team slut in the high school soccer team?" I nodded. "You knew all that shit and yet you still treat him like a whore?" I could tell that Nick was angry. "Man what kind of monster are you?" It was this time that Brian walked out of the bathroom. "And you!" Nick turned on Brian. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Excuse me?" Brian yelped. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You and Kevin and JC treating Michael like he is a slut!" Nick hurled at him.

"Nick you have no idea what you are talking about," I said sternly. "Yes we have sex with Michael and we pay him. But he is not a slut."

"What the hell do you call it Kevin?" Nick hissed at me. "What do you call some one you pay money to have sex with you. You call him a fucking whore!" I heard the door open and saw Michael standing in the doorway. "Michael!" Nick said surprised. "I just wanted to tell you that I umm--,"

"Save it!" Michael shouted at him with tears in his eyes. My heart ached to hold him. "Just stay the fuck away from me!" He turned and ran back to his room slamming the door.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry," Nick mumbled.

"I think you should leave," I said softly. Nick nodded and turned and walked out. "Come on Brian," I said softly. "We have some work to do." Brian nodded as I walked over to the door. I knocked. "Michael?" I called softly. "Please baby let us in."

"Go away!" he sobbed at us. Hearing him crying made tears come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't do that sweetie," I said in a soothing voice. "I have to make sure that you are all right." I waited a few seconds before hearing the door click open. I walked in with Brian following close behind. "Thank you for letting me in." I looked around and saw that Michael had been busy packing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving," he sniffled.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Because I can't take it anymore!" Michael shouted. "I can't take Nick teasing me like that. I can't take the truth!" By now tears were flowing down his face.

"What is the truth?" I asked softly.

"The truth is that I am a fucking whore!" he screamed at me as he threw him self down on the bed. I looked at Brian and he wore a scared look on his face. I sat down on the bed and laid my hand on his shoulder. "Don't touch me!" he screeched.

"Ok baby," I said softly. "Brian and I are going out for bit. When we come back I do want to talk to you. Just you and me." I nodded at Brian and we left. I could still here him crying softly.

"You are falling in love with him," Brian said sadly.

"No I'm not!" I hurled at him. "I can't fall in love with him. Kevin Richardson doesn't fall in love anymore."

"Kevin," Brian said softly. "It's been a long time ago. Let it go and let yourself love again."

"No!" I muttered stubbornly. "There is no way I can allow myself to slip again. So forget it. It's easier this way." I stormed out of my room with Brian following me close behind.

Part Four

From Michael's point of view.

After I was done crying my eyes out and having a good pity party for myself I sat up in bed and looked around. I saw that I had packed most of my stuff. Sighing I got up and unpacked it all. Kevin was right. I had no way of supporting myself. Hell I wasn't even out of school yet. And no one in their right mind would even consider hiring me for a decent paying job. Yea I could go to work for McDonalds if I wanted too. But there was no way I could support myself on that kind of salary. So I guess the one way to support myself was to continue selling myself out to Kevin and Brian and JC. It really wasn't all that bad. I loved having sex and I guess getting paid for it wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be. A knock at the door startled me into reality. I walked over to the door and opened it. Nick was standing there with a puppy.

"What do you want Nick?" I asked. The puppy was making these really cute whimpering sounds as he tried to get loose and over to me. "Cute puppy."

"He is yours if you want him," Nick said with a smile. Ok now I was floored. Nick Carter bearing gifts? That was a new one. "Listen I wanted to talk to you in private." By now the puppy was making a lot of noise as he tried to get loose. Finally I took pity on him and took him in my arms. The smile on Nick's face was amazing. He really did have a great smile. "He likes you." It was true that the puppy did seem to like me. "I wanted to first apologies to you. I really had no right to tease you like that. I mean what you choose to do with your life is none of my business. I was mean and nasty to you. Please forgive me?"

"Why?" I asked looking at him and into his eyes. They say the way to the soul is through his eyes. I looked into his and saw only regret, and sympathy. "Why are you being so nice to me? I mean just this morning you called me a fucking whore." Nick winced at the sound of those words. "I did hear you right. Didn't I?"

"No you didn't," Nick said softly. "You walked in at the tale end of the conversation." He handed me a envelope. I looked confused. "Open it," Nick said softly looking down. It was almost as if he was ashamed of what was in that envelope. I opened it and reached in. I pulled out a pile of photos and documents. After looking at them I got sick to my stomach. My past was here in my hands and Nick Carter had handed it to me. "I'm sorry I even looked. But I had no choice. I had to make sure that you were who you said you were."

"You had me checked out?" I asked glaring at him. "Why?"

"Because I had to make sure that you were who you said you were," Nick replied softly.

"I'm a gay teenager who got tossed out by his dad because he is gay," I sobbed. "Why all this other stuff?" It had everything. All about me being the soccer team cock sucker. It even had the story about how my little brother died. Hot tears of anger sorrow and shame ran down my face. "Why?" I asked again looking into the eyes of International Pop Sensation Nick Carter. I didn't see the sneering brat that I had seen in the past. I saw a young man who was saddened at what I had been through.

"No body should ever have to go through what you did," Nick whispered as he reached out and wiped my tears free. Surprisingly I didn't jerk away. Instead I leaned into his touch. "I'm so sorry for treating you like trash. I had no right to do that. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" I was shocked to see tears flowing down his face too. I wanted to beat him up first. But now I just wanted to hold him and make his hurt go away. I suddenly didn't care about my pain. I pulled him into my arms and I could feel him sobbing into my chest. After a few minutes he broke away sniffling. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it," I said smiling.

"I like seeing you smile. You have a very nice smile. You should do it more often," Nick smiled at me. At this time the puppy decided that he needed some attention too. A wet tongue got me on the cheek. Nick giggled at me shocked look on my face. "Seems that Yippie wants some attention."

"Yippie?" I asked.

"Yea well that is what I call him. He really doesn't bark. He kinda just yips," Nick replied as he reached down and started to pet the pup. "I got him for you."

"Why?" I asked I continued to shower attention to the little pup. By now he was snuggled up in my arms very content.

"Because you deserve to have nice gifts," Nick said shrugging. "You're cute and sexy and I hate the way Kevin and Brian and JC treat you."

"I work for them," I replied as I continued to pett the now sleeping pup. "I get paid really well for what I do."

"Yea but having sex with them for money?" Nick asked cringing. "Is that a life for you?"

"What else can I do?" I asked. "I mean I don't have a high school diploma and I can't go to college. My Dad has cut me off. Tell me Nick, what else can I do."

"Well first of all you can continue your high school education. We have tutors here. And we can contact your old school and get your grades transferred," Nick said as he started to get excited. "Than we can have a graduation of our own and throw a big party!" I had to laugh at Nick's eagerness. "I mean umm, that is if you want to graduate."

"Of course I want to graduate," I replied quickly laying my hand on his shoulder. "But what do you want from me?" Nick turned and looked into my eyes. He had the cutest expression on his face. I saw hope and loneliness and longing.

"To get to know you better, umm maybe to be your friend?" Nick asked.

"Is that all?" I asked. I was beginning to wonder if maybe he was looking for something like sex or something. I wasn't to prepared to add another partner to Kevin's sex ring.

"Of course that is all," Nick replied. "I would never ask you for sex. That is an agreement that you and Kevin have. I won't interfere with that. You doing anything this afternoon?"

"Ummm not really," I mumbled. "I was just going to hang out today."

"Want to go shopping?" Nick asked with a hint of naughtiness in his eyes. "We can bring Yippie." At the sound of his name Yippie hopped up into Nick's lap trying to garnish more attention. Yippie was a golden retriever puppy and really cute. Soon Nick had Yippie on his back making these cute little adorable puppy grunts while Nick rubbed his belly. "Come on it'll be fun." I decided to through caution to the wind.

"Why not," I grinned up at Nick.

"God I love your smile!" Nick replied grinning. "You should definitely smile more often."

"Well maybe I will," I giggled. "So you ready to go shopping?"

"Yea let's go shopping. I'm going to show you how to dress!" Nick said clapping his hands together. I was starting to get a little worried about me agreeing to go shopping with Nick. And I still wondered just why he was being so friendly to me. But for now I was on my day off and I wanted to have some fun. So I tucked Yippie under my arm and we headed out shopping. One of the perks of being with an international Pop star the store managers tended to allow you to bring your pets. Besides how else were we going to buy stuff that a growing puppy needed?

From Kevin's point of view.

"Brian," I said turning to look at Brian. "I'm going to see if Michael is feeling better."

"Yea like I said Kevin," Brian laughed softly. "You are falling in love with him."

"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not," I replied with a grin. Brian and I had done some talking on the way out to lunch. He had even convinced me to buy Michael a gift. It wasn't much. Just a necklace. With his initials. Brian said it was nice and I tended to believe Brian. He had pretty good taste in jewelry. I knocked on Michael's door. Getting no answer I opened it and walked in. I saw a note on the bed. I picked it up and read it.

Hey Kevin,

Nick, Yippie and I went shopping. I'm feeling a lot better and Nick came by to apologies to me. He even brought me a gift. He is a cute puppy and Yippie is his name. Hope you had a good lunch with your cousin. I'll be home soon.


I sighed as I read the letter. "Michael I sure hope you know what you are getting yourself into," I muttered. I walked back into my room. "Well Michael and Nick have gone shopping."

"Mike and who?" Brian asked shocked.

"Michael and Nick have gone shopping. It seems that Nick has bought Michael a puppy. That bastard is moving in on my turf!" I shouted.

"Michael is not anyone's turf Kevin," Brian said softly. "Do you and Michael have an agreement not to see anyone else. And besides Nick just bought him a puppy. I think it is nice that Nick wants to make up with Michael. Maybe he would like to join us."

"No way in hell!" I shouted at Brian. "If you think that I am letting that creep back in my bed!"

"Kevin," Brian cut in softly. "That was a long time ago. Nick has let it go. Don't you think it is time you let it go too?"

"He hurt me Brian," I sobbed. "He got me to fall in love with him and than he broke my heart."

"Yea I know he hurt you," Brian said to me. "But are you really going to let that lead your life for the rest of your life. Come on Kevin! Live! Love! Make love instead of just fucking!"

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted at him. "Just leave me alone!"

"Ok fine!" Brian shouted back. "But don't come crying to me if Nick steals the best thing that has fallen into your lap in three years!" The door slammed as he stormed out. I sat down in a hotel chair sulking. Was Brian right? Did I need to let the pass go and get on with my life. Could I really fall in love again? Do I put my heart on the line again to get it loved or stepped on. I heard the door to Michaels room open. I was so tempted to go in and see what was going on. But I remembered that I gave him the next two days off. If I was working and had a couple of days off I wouldn't want my boss bugging me. Sighing I took off my shirt and pants and quickly changed into some work out clothes. A good work out was all I needed. I would work out until I was dead tired and than I would go to bed. Yes that was what I would do. It would fix everything. I heard the yipping of a puppy. They sound of him barking tugged at my heart strings. I wanted to go in and see what was going on. But I restrained myself. I jerked when I heard the knocking at the door. It was Michael. Sighing I debated on whether or not to answer the door. Logic finally won out. I walked over and opened it.

"Hi!" Michael said grinning at me. "Did you get my note?"

"Note?" I asked. It was his day off. He didn't have to check with me. "I didn't check on you. It's your day off. I figured that you didn't want to be bothered. Who is this?" By now the pup's tongue had found my hand. "It's cute."

"It's a he and his name is Yippie," Michael said cheerfully. I had seen someone all giddy and cheerful like this before. Now who was that person. Oh yea, it was me. I was all giddy and cheerful when I was in love. Oh God, he has fallen love with Nick. "Want to hold him?" The puppy was struggling to get into my arms. It had seemed that he wanted attention from as many people as he could get. I smiled and took the squirming pup in my arms and cradled him. I stood aside and let Michael pass. I smelled cologne on him. I was shocked to find that it was mine. In fact his taste in clothes closely resembled mine. "I'm sorry I freaked out on you earlier," Michael said with a hint of pouting on his lips.

"It is ok," I replied as I turned my attention to the squirming pup in my arms. "So how was your shopping trip?"

"It was ok," he replied. "Nick was nice."

"Yea that is what I wanted to um talk to you about," I said. "Umm you should know that he and I had a umm history."

"What kind of history?" Michael asked casually.

"We were lovers," I replied. "That is of course until he cheated on me."

"I'm sorry," Michael said with sadness in his eyes. "Why would anyone want to cheat on you?"

"Well it was along time ago and he was real young," I replied quickly. Why was I sticking up for Nick? Tell him the truth, my mind screamed at me. "So I was umm going to work out. You want to join me?"

"Yea," Michael said grinning widely. "Just let me change. Come on in and I'll show you what I got for Yippie." I followed him into his room and shivered with lust as he pulled off his shirt. I wanted to jump him so bad. But I restrained myself. "See?" he asked pointing at the huge pile of stuff on his other bed. "All the toys that a puppy needs!" Yippie struggled to get out of my arms and I put him down on the bed and laughed as he latched onto a huge fluffy bone and begin to chew on it. I played with the hyper puppy as Michael got ready. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts as I looked up and saw Nick walk in. "Hi Nick!" Michael said cheerfully. "Kevin and I are going to work out."

"Yea can I talk to you?" Nick asked scrunching up his nose.

"Yea sure!" Michael said. "Just let me put on some sweats." And right there in front of Nick he dropped his pants and walked casually over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats. Nick's eyes followed Michael's every move. Jealousy raged through me. Especially when Nick's tongue snaked out and licked his lips as his eyes gazed down at Michael's crotch. "Ok all ready. Where do you want to go and talk?"

"Can we borrow your room Kevin?" Nick asked.

"Why don't I go and leave you two alone. I'll meet you down in the gym," I said as I started to leave.

"No!" Michael said suddenly as he grabbed my arm. "We'll just be a second." I shivered at his touch. I was falling for this kid and falling fast. I nodded for I did not trust myself to talk. I quickly left the room.

From Michael's point of view.

"So did you tell him?" Nick asked.

"No," I replied. "I don't know how to tell him. I mean how would you?"

"Well you need to tell him," Nick said. "He deserves to know." I looked at the door that adjoined our two rooms together. I grabbed Nick's arm and pulled him into the bathroom.

"How the hell am I supposed to tell my boss that I am falling love with him?" I asked. "He is going to freak."

"Ok first things first. Kevin is not going to freak. He may want to talk it to death but he is not going to freak," Nick replied. "Now tell him. He deserves to know."

From Kevin's point of view.

I know that it was wrong. But I had to know what was going on. I leaned against the door and listen in their private conversation.

"Did you tell him?" Nick asked.

"No," Michael replied. "I don't know how to tell him. I mean how would you?"

"Well you need to tell him," Nick said. "He deserves to know." There was silence in the next room. Either they had stopped talking or they took their conversation in another part of the room. From the sounds of yipping from Yippie the later seemed to be the case.

"Hey buddy!" Michael's voice sounded again. "Did you get all lonely?" Yippie's barks became like little whimpers. I choose this moment to knock. The door open and Michael smiled at me. "You ready to go?" I nodded. "Nick do you mind watching Yippy so he doesn't get lonely?"

"Sure!" Nick said as he took the squirming puppy out of Michaels arms. "Have fun with your work out."

After leaving Nick alone we headed down to the gym. "So Kevin?" Michael asked. "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Well after our work out we have sound checks and than the concert. What are you going to do?" I asked hoping beyond hope that he would want to come with us.

"Come with you guys of course!" Michael grinned up at me. "I've got to hear my sweetie sing!" He immediately blushed when he said that.

"Oh?" I asked grinning on the outside. But on the inside I was cringing. I had to ask. Taking a deep breath I looked into his blue eyes. "So who is your sweetie?" He swallowed hard and looked down and mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "What was that?"

"You," he blurted out. "I like you ok!"

"You umm what?" I yelped. I was so surprised. I was expecting him to say Nick.

"I said I like you," Michael said blushing deeply. "I can't help it. I like you. There I said it! Now go ahead and laugh at me!"

"Why would I laugh at you?" I asked gently. "You just opened up your heart and told me that you liked me."

"Yea but you think I am just some punk kid that you're paying to have sex with. Like I ever stood a chance with you," he muttered. Ok this was sink or swim. Do I take the chance and put my heart out there? Well what do you think I do? Yea that's right. Stupid me. Still so fucking proud that I put my pride first.

"Yea well you're probably right," I muttered. "I don't think we should get involved. It would just complicate things." The silence was as loud as one of our concerts. I looked away and when I looked back I was shocked to see him gone. Now why should I be shocked? I had just stepped on his heart. Good going Kevin. I walked from the gym and headed for the hotel bar.

From Michael's point of view.

"God I was so fucking stupid!" I sobbed against his shoulder. Nick's arms surrounded me as he held me. "I told him Nick and he didn't even react! I'm just an over priced whore to him."

"I'm so sorry," Nick whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry that Kevin hurt you like that. You are beautiful and sexy and funny and cute. You have a great personality and not to mention a great body too. Anybody would be happy to be with you. In fact I--." He stopped short of saying that he would love a chance with me. I knew that was going be what he was going to say. I looked up into his eyes and saw the love and longing in them. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I'm sorry for all the mean things I said to you. I'm sorry I didn't stop this before." I noticed that his lips were getting closer to mine. I closed my eyes and waited until they closed on mine. The feather touch of his lips on mine caused me to let out a whimper. His arms tightened around me and pulled me even closer to me. I was in heaven as I allowed this beautiful man kiss me. I'm not sure long we kissed but at some point I had lost my shirt and I was working on getting Nick's clothes off too. Thankfully Nick was a gentleman enough to stop me. "No," Nick said as tears flowed down his face. "Not like this." I looked at him confused. "You have an agreement with Kevin. As wrong as that agreement is we have to respect it. Until Kevin let's you go we can't do this." I nodded as tears flowed down my face. "Please don't cry,' Nick sniffled. "You are to beautiful to cry."

"I'll make deal with you," I smiled up at him. I loved being surrounded by his arms.

"Ok," Nick smiled down at me.

"I'll stop crying if you do too," I suggested to him. He laughed softly and nodded. "Good." Nick went to get up and I pulled him back down. "Please don't go." Nick nodded and laid back down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me I snuggled closer to him too. At some point we fell asleep and was waken by knocking at the door.

"I'll get it," Nick said softly. I felt him leave and than I heard the awful sound of flesh meeting flesh. I heard the shouts of anger and hurt. I got up and walked into the living area of the room and saw Kevin holding Nick by the shoulders. Nick had blood flowing down his face and what looked like a shiner forming under his eye. "Kevin!" Nick shouted at him trying to fight off Kevin's blows. "You don't understand."

"Oh I understand all right!" Kevin shouted. I could smell the alcohol on him. "You're trying to move in on my turf again! Stay away form Michael."

"Stop!" I shouted. Kevin and Nick's face jerked in my direction. "I'm nobody's fucking property!" I pushed Kevin away from Nick and Nick away from Kevin. "Stop fighting!"

"What's wrong?" Kevin said sneering at me. "Three cocks aren't enough for you? Had to try for a fourth?" Nick let out a yell and tried to hit Kevin. I tried to get Nick out of the way from Kevin's hits. Kevin was built bigger than Kevin and Kevin could really hurt Nick. It worked. I got Nick out of the way. Only problem was I got hit by Kevin. The blow hit my cheek and I fell. I saw the corner of the table coming for me and I tried to move to avoid the hit. But it didn't work. I hit it hard and the last thing I heard was both Kevin and Nick screaming no.


Next: Chapter 3

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