
By Kevin

Published on Aug 20, 1999


Authors Note:

I just wanna say thanks to everyone that sent me email and made me feel a little better about this story. I'm so so sorry for the long delay in posting this one. I can't believe it, but it's been nearly a month! But remember, I went on vacation for two weeks, and then when I got back, I had other things keeping me busy, but here it is..finally..right? A few new names are introduced in this story, so I feel the need to remind everyone that the names are made up, and if there is an actual person with any of the names, they are of no relation. Also, because of junk mail I had been receiving at the old address, the new address you can reach me at is . Okay, thank you all for being so patient, it is greatly appreciated(even though I had a few threat mails sent to me if I failed to continue the know who you are) ; ) K, on to the story, I hope you like it, please email me and let me know what you think!!

KeviN Sync5-

'What should we do??' Justin asked me with fear in his eyes.

'I..I don't know..' I said as I quickly glanced around, trying to spot anyone suspicious looking.

'Maybe we should get home. Or should we go call the cops??' Justin quickly threw out suggestions.

'I know I shot him. I know I did.' I said under my breath as I stared out the window, at nothing in particular.

'Well, you obviously missed! He may be watching us, don't you think we should get out of here??!' Justin shouted at me.

`I don't know. Maybe he is in the crowd somewhere?' I thought out loud, making eye contact with Justin.

'Or maybe he is in the backseat?' Said a familiar voice. I looked at Justin to see his body tense up and prepare to run and then he suddenly stopped. When I snapped my head to see who was in the backseat, my mouth dropped open.

'Oh, you guys are much to easy!' Ian said in between laughter.

'Ian! What the hell? What's wrong with you?!' I asked, and threw my cell phone at him, hitting him in the face.

'Ouch!' Ian complained as he grabbed his face. Justin sat in silence with a complete look of shock on his face.

'How did you get in here!?' I shouted at him.

'Karen gave me your spare keys. The police brought over your cell phone today. Karen called them earlier and told them about you leaving it in the studio yesterday. I told Karen I was going to give it to you as a surprise once you came out of the mall.' Ian said and started to laugh again.

'So, Karen drove you here?' I questioned him, while staring at him.

'Yeah, why?' He replied, still rubbing his face with a confused look.

'Get out.' I simply said.

'What?!' Ian asked with a "you have got to be kidding" look on his face.

'Your walking home.' I coldly stated.

'Kevin, we are miles from home.' Justin said, finally speaking up.

'He can use the city transportation.' I said, not budging.

'I don't have any money' Ian stated sorrowfully.

'Oh well, your screwed. You're walking. Now get out of my car before I throw you out.' I said, becoming angry again.

'Kevin, you are such an ass.' Ian said, as he reached for the door handle.

'I'm an ass?! Do you have any idea what it is like to be in a building and not know if you will ever get out? Your so called joke was not funny, Ian!' I shouted at him.

'Whatever' Ian said simply and opened the door.

Justin and I turned forwards in our seats again and Ian shut the door. I started the car and pulled out, leaving Ian stranded. Justin stared out the window watching the passing objects fly by, and soon began to feel guilty about leaving him there, as I drove angrily.

'Should we go back?' Justin asked after a few minutes.

'No.' I replied flatly, keeping my eyes deadlocked on the road.

'But he is going to have to walk all the way home, and it looks like it might rain.' Justin begged, and pointed skyward.

'He will be fine, unfortunately' I said angrily

'You don't mean that' Justin said as he read through my cruel words.

'He just frustrates me so bad sometimes. Like what he just did. That was so childish, and cruel, and just plain stupid. But yet he doesn't even realize it. Right now, he doesn't even care that he hurt both of us, the only thing he is thinking is that I'm a horrible person for making him walk.' I said, knowing Ian well.

'Maybe you are.' Justin suggested as he sat back in his seat and looked out the window.

'I'm a horrible person now?' I asked, glancing over at him. Justin didn't respond, instead he silently continued to stare out the window.

'Will you feel better if I go back and get him?' I sighed

'No, just forget it.' Justin replied stubbornly.

'Are you sure?' I said, giving him a last chance.

'Lets just go home.' Justin said.

'Ok.' I responded and continued the drive.

'I can't believe he is making me walk.' Ian thought to himself as he walked along the highway with his head down.

'He is such a dick. He would miss me if something happened to me. I know he would.' Ian thought as he crossed the highway.

'That Justin guy is cute though. Maybe he is gay, after all, he was defending me. But I couldn't cheat on Mark. I know what it feels like to be cheated on now, and we've only been together for one day.' Ian continued to ponder to himself as a raindrop fell on top of his head.

'Shit, I'm going to kill that asshole. Now I'm going to get soaked.' Ian said out loud and started to jog. He looked up and saw his new boyfriend, Mark across the street.

'Mark!' Ian yelled and Mark quickly snapped his head up to see Ian approaching him.

'Hey Ian!' Mark yelled back as Ian ran across the street to him and they embraced each other in a hug.

'What are you doing in the rain?' Ian asked Mark as it began to pour down the rain.

'Ohh..Uhh, nothing, just going to the store.' Mark replied as he glanced around Ian.

'Oh, how are you doing? Man, I have missed you so much!' Ian said happily.

'Yeah? I'm doing good.' Mark said, staring past Ian again.

'What? What's wrong?' Ian asked as he looked behind himself and saw a few people walking nearby.

'Ohh.nothing, why?' Mark asked him, still fidgeting.

'Oh, there you are hunny!' A teenaged male said as he reached from behind Ian, past him, and grabbed hold of Mark's hand, slowly moving to stand beside him.

'And you are?' Ian asked with a questioning expression on his face, followed by a short pause which was broken by David nudging Mark.

'Oh! Ian, this is my fianc‚, David. David, this is Ian, someone I JUST met.' Mark said nervously and Ian's eyes filled with tears.

'Oh, yes, uhh, nice to meet you. Well listen, I gotta get going.' Ian said and turned around. Tears instantly streamed down his face as he quickly walked away.

'Nice meeting you Ian!' David yelled as he gave Mark a questioning look and put his arm around him. They turned the opposite way and walked away without looking towards Ian.

'Home sweet home.' I said to Justin when we pulled in front of my house. Justin didn't reply, he only opened the door and slammed it, and began walking towards the house.

I sighed to myself as I got out of the car and opened the trunk. I struggled to try to get all of the bags in my hands, as I could see rain approaching.

'Need some help?' I jumped, as I looked to see Brian standing there, wearing a dark blue baggy fleece sweatshirt, a pair of baggy blue jeans and bright red and black shoes with a baby blue nike swoosh.

'Yeah, if you don't mind.' I laughed at myself and handed him a few bags in silence.

'Hey Kev, umm, well, I'm sorry about this morning.' Brian said, as he stared at the ground.

'There are some chicken nuggets in the front of the car, could you grab them, and my cell phone? I think the cell phone is laying in the back somewhere. Do you see it?' I asked him as I pulled out the last of the bags and closed the trunk.

'Yeah, I got it.' He replied as he pushed the seat back in place and grabbed the chicken.

'So, will you forgive me for the things I said and did?' Brian asked as he closed the driver's side door.

'Lock the doors please' I said and stood there, waiting for him to get finished.

'Kevin, are you avoiding the subject?' Brian asked me and locked the door, closing it again.

'Brian, I forgive you.' I said honestly as we started towards the house.

'Thank you. I have something I need to ask now.' Brian said seriously.

'Shoot.' I suggested.

'Can we make it official? I mean, uhh, will you go out with me?' Brian asked in his sweetest tone of voice.

'Ugh, Brian, that sounded like elementary school' I kidded with him and he laughed followed by a pause as we continued walking towards the house.

'So, what do you say? Will you go out with me?' He asked again as we stepped up on the front porch. I turned towards him and smiled while searching for the right words.

'Brian, you are a really great person. But after this morning, I can't. Not now anyway. I mean, Nick and I were just lying on the bed, sleeping, nothing more, and you jumped to conclusions. And that was right after you accused me of wanting to have sex with you, and throwing me off of the couch. It's too confusing right now, and I just can't say yes, at least not until I know you better. And there is someone else I really like too.' I said honestly.

'I would have had sex with you this morning, but I would never use you for it. I did get mad because you wouldn't, but I wasn't using you for it, I swear. I just a have problem controlling my hormones, I guess, and I'm used to getting what I want. I'm sorry that I lied to you yesterday about sex not being important. It isn't as important as love, but it still is important to me, I'm sorry.' Brian sighed out.

'Its okay hun, I understand. Now gimmie a hug' I smiled.

'Uhh, okay, but I can't quite do that' Brian said as he held up the bags and chicken he was struggling to keep hold of.

'Oh, I almost forgot about holding this stuff.' I laughed at my stupidity and opened the door, stepping in before Brian.

Brian followed me in as I looked into the living room, I could see Howie watching TV and JC lying on the couch sleeping. Brian closed the door quietly, and I started up the stairs as I motioned for him to follow me.

'Wow, it looks like you guys are doing a lot' I joked sarcastically at how quiet it was as we started heading down the hallway towards N Sync's guestroom.

'Yeah, the guys all want to just sit around, and I'm not going to go out by myself, so I'm stuck inside' Brian frowned

'Oh, I'm sorry. It's going to rain anyway.' I told him, hoping to make him feel better.

I pulled open the door to N Sync's guestroom and entered, noticing Lance lying in bed under the covers, reading.

'Hey Lance!' I said, happy to see him.

'Hey Kevin, what's up?' He said smiling, putting down his book.

'Just got back from shopping, here is some of Justin's stuff. Brian has the other two bags.' I laughed, and laid down on the bed beside him, as Brian finally entered the room.

'Oh, hey Brian' Lance said, smiling at him.

'Hey Lance' Brian smiled back, and put more bags down on the bed as he and I stood at the foot of the bed.

'Justin got all these bags, and you only got one?' Lance asked.

'Yeah, Justin is a heavy shopper.' I laughed.

'Where is Justin anyway?' Lance asked me.

'In the house somewhere.' I said and rolled my eyes.

'What was that look for?' Brian laughed.

'Justin is mad at me cause I didn't go back to pick up Ian, I think' I said as I shrugged it off.

'Huh? What?' Lance questioned what I meant.

'What?' I asked Lance.

'What about Ian?' He asked with a confused look

'Ian played a trick on Justin and I, and it pissed me off, so I told him to walk home, and that I wasn't taking him.' I told them as I started for the door.

'So, where is Ian now?' Lance asked me.

'Who knows' I sighed and shrugged my shoulders as I walked towards the doorway.

'Where do you want this?' Brian asked and I spun around to see him holding up the chicken.

'Throw the chicken in the fridge, okay?' I asked

'Sure, no problem.' Brian said, as I turned back around and walked from the room.

'I'll see you later Lance. I'm gonna go watch a little TV.' Brian said as he also started for the door

'Bye.' Lance replied, picking up his book as Brian walked out.

'Hey Kev.' A voice stopped me as I walked down the hall. When I turned around, I noticed AJ standing behind me. He was dressed in a wifebeater, covered by a bright yellow long sleeve silk shirt, khakis, and white shoes.

'Hey man! What's up?' I asked, as I turned around again and continued towards my room, him walking along side of me.

'Uhh, not too much. Hey man, I have a favor to ask' AJ said, sounding desperate.

'What's the favor? I asked curiously as we neared the room.

'Get Karen to talk to me more.' AJ said and we both laughed.

'Oh, I think I can manage that.' I said suspiciously as I opened the door to my room and stepped in, seeing Justin lying asleep on my bed.

'Do you think she likes me?' AJ asked as I turned around in the doorway, and didn't let him in.

'I don't know, I will find out for you though.' I lied.

'Good, let me know as soon as you find out, I'm dying to know man.' AJ laughed and started walking away from my room.

'Hey, how long are you guys staying here for?' I yelled after him and he shrugged as he turned the corner.

I quietly closed the door and tried not disturb Justin's sleep. I sat my bag on the floor beside the door and placed my keys on my dresser. I took my cargo pants out of the bag and examined them while walking towards my closet. I slowly and quietly pulled the door open and entered the walk in closet, placing the jeans on a hanger and hanging them. When I returned, Justin was still sleeping peacefully. I walked over to him, and kissed his forehead lightly, before turning and walking towards the door.

'Kevin?' Justin called out.

'Yeah?' I asked, as I turned around to look at him from in front of the door.

'You bumped my shoulder again.' Justin laughed.

'Oh, I thought it was something important.' I joked.

'It felt pretty important to me.' Justin laughed as he saw Chris sneak into the room behind me.

'Everything about you is important.' I smiled back as he sat up in bed.

'Awwww, now don't I just hate to break this moment!?' Chris joked from the door causing me to jump, and him and Justin to break into laughter.

'Shhh, go away Chris, I'm just about to get Justin into bed.' I joked, whispering loud enough for Justin to hear.

'Uhh, okay, just one thing, Justin is already in bed.' Chris pointed and laughed.

'Well then, you have obviously never been in bed with me.' I joked.

'No, I haven't, and that's a bad thing?' Chris laughed.

'You don't know what you're missing' I said and growled sexually.

'I already have a dick, I don't need another one' Chris said, starting to be more serious than joking now.

'Nah, you don't need another one, just a bigger one.' I laughed causing Justin to laugh.

'Ooh, he busted on you!' Justin laughed, trying to instigate a fight, causing Chris and I laugh also.

'Anyway, I was just coming in here to see if you all wanted to go out to eat.' Chris asked, letting me win the argument.

'No, I'm staying in. But you guys can go if you want.' I told them.

'I think I'm going to go, I need to get out of the house some more.' Justin said as he peeled the covers off and got out of bed.

'Oops, Justin is off the bed, looks like you aren't getting any today.' Chris started again.

'Shut up Chris' I laughed as I felt my face flush and I looked down to hide it.

'Awwww, is Kevin blushing?' Chris laughed as he tried to see my face.

'Yeah, Kevin is.' I laughed back, keeping my head down and wondering why I admitted to it.

'Well, I will see you guys later then. I want to go to the Hard Rock Cafe, but seeing how I'm the only one of us that wants to go there, that isn't going to happen' Chris sighed.

'Its always too crowded there anyway, don't worry about it Chris, its not worth it.' I told him.

'Who all is going?' Justin asked.

'So far, just you, me, Brian, Howie and Joey. Lance doesn't want to go, Kevin is going to a meeting, Nick is just being lazy all day, and AJ just ate.

'Where did AJ eat at?' I asked curiously.

'Needless to say, your out of food.' Chris laughed.

'Oh great, Ian just got groceries.' I laughed as Justin came up behind me and put his arms around my chest.

'Eww, okay, this is sickening now. I will see you guys later.' Chris said and Justin and I laughed as he walked out of the room, closing the door. I turned my head and smiled at Justin, planting a quick kiss on his soft lips, shocking him slightly, but causing him to smile.

Step by step, Ian felt his nerves tightening, his heart beating faster, and his mind racing. He neared the edge of the ten-story building, as he looked at the view. The sun was slowly piercing through the clouds, everyone on the streets could hear the sounds of the city, after a summer rain. Normally, these things would be joy to Ian, he loved to take long walks after it rained to watch the people come out and begin their activities again. He loved the smell, the feel of the damp air, but not today. Today was different, today was filled with coldness and nothingness. Ian didn't even notice the weather or the sounds. He felt himself letting go of his life, his nerves were finally calming down as he took his step onto the ledge, overlooking the street far below. Ian's mind raced to the times he used to come up on the roof with his grandmother. He could always feel safe with his gram. She was always there when he would get a cut or a bruise. Visions of himself running and playing with his grandma on this very same rooftop flashed through his head. He could remember helping his grandma check in the guests at the hotel below. Then he pictured his grandmothers coffin. He could still see the black coffin in which his grandmother was held, the same color of coffin that held both of his parents when he was five. As a tear slipped from his eye, he then remembered all the good times he used to have as a young child. Through all the rough times, he was always happy as a child, but things were different now. He wasn't young anymore. His mind flashed to me, as he felt the pain of me betraying him, and now being betrayed the exact same way by mark. He slowly lifted his shaking hand, and felt the cuts still on his chin and cheek, from where I had hit him. He could still feel the soreness from the impact of my cell phone earlier. He felt so unloved, so alone, so useless, he didn't want to die, but was afraid to live on. Ian checked his back pocket and made sure the note he wrote was still there. His heart began to beat faster than ever before in his life, as his eyes filled with tears and they ran down his face. His body shook uncontrollably. Ian then closed his pain filled, sparkling blue eyes and took his step into nothingness.

'So, I assume you forgive me for not going back to get Ian' I said to Justin as I broke our long stare into each others eyes, still standing in front of the door.

'Yeah, I'm sorry. I had a gut feeling that we should go back, but Ian is a big boy, he can take care of himself.' Justin said sincerely from behind me.

'I can still see the look on his face when I told him he had to walk home.' I laughed as I felt Justin giggle also.

'Yeah, I can still see him too. But besides the point, how could I possibly stay mad at you?' Justin smiled and complimented me sweetly.

I turned all the way around and looked deeply into Justin's crystal blue eyes, placing my hands on his shoulders.

'Kevin!' Justin shouted and quickly jerked away.

'What? What did I do?!' I asked, afraid to move towards him.

'Uhh, do I have to wear a sign on my head that says "watch my shoulder, I was shot yesterday"?!' Justin asked sarcastically and laughed as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

'Oh! I'm sorry baby, I keep forgetting.' I said seriously and sorrowfully as I walked over and sat next to him.

'Ahh man, I hit my elbow on something.' Justin said in pain as he touched his bleeding elbow.

'Justin, I'm so sorry, I forgot.' I said feeling bad for hurting him.

'Its okay, you didn't mean to' He said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

'Come on, let's clean that cut up a little.' I told Justin, as I stood and grabbed his hand. Once in the bathroom, I motioned for Justin to sit on a small chair beside the sink, as I found some rubbing alcohol in the closet.

'This won't hurt, will it?' Justin asked fearfully.

'Just a little.' I said as I let the alcohol fill the cotton, with my back to Justin so he couldn't see the bottle of rubbing alcohol.

'What are you cleaning it with?' Justin asked, as he tried to see what was in my hands.

'Oh, it's a surprise' I said as turned my head and grinned at him evilly.

'Come on, tell me' Justin pleaded as I concealed the bottle and placed it back in the closet.

'Let me see your elbow hun.' I asked sweetly and I knelt down beside him.

As soon as he gave me his elbow, I held it lightly and started to apply the alcohol to the fresh wound. Before long, Justin was squirming in his chair for relief.

'Justin, will you hold still?' I giggled as I slowly cleaned his elbow, blowing on it lightly for relief.

'Kevin, that really burns!' Justin cried out.

'I know it does, its supposed to' I said and slowly blew on it some more and continued to dab it with the cotton.

'Ahh! Kevin, stop, for real!' Justin cried as he jerked his arm from me and jumped out of the chair.

'Ugh, I'm sorry babe, I'm only trying to make it better' I said as I stood up and threw away the cotton.

'I know, I know. Anyway, I gotta go, the guys are probably waiting for me downstairs. We will be back soon, all right?' Justin said as he started for the door.

'Okay, I will see you later then.' I called to him as he disappeared.

I looked around the bathroom and snapped the light off. I decided to go see Lance and made my way towards N Sync's guestroom. I walked in no hurry and knocked lightly when I made it to the room.

'Lance?' I questioned from outside the door.

'Yeah? Come on in.' Lance said from inside. I opened the door as saw him sitting there reading again.

'Pretty good book?' I asked him, as I sat down beside him on the bed.

'Yeah, it explains the human mind.' Lance said, as he laid the book down and looked up at me.

'Oh, that's cool. So, you wanna take a break from that, and go read some scripts?' I asked him.

'Oh, I almost forgot about that. Sure, lets do it!' Lance said as he stood up and I laughed a little at his Winnie the Pooh pajamas.

'Do it? Okay, lets do IT.' I laughed as I stood from the bed also.

'You wish Kevin.' Lance laughed and started walking towards the door.

'Aww, so your not attracted to me?' I joked, following him.

'Nope, you're a cool guy, but not what I'm looking for' Lance laughed as we walked down the hall.

'Oh, that does wonders for my self esteem.' I joked as we walked into my room.

'Okay, here they are, have fun with them.' I said as I handed him a few of the large transcripts.

'You don't expect me to read all of these today, do you?' He asked.

'Yes, of coarse!' I joked.

Lance rolled his eyes and smiled as he began reading through the large stack of papers. I looked at him sitting at the desk. Lance was obviously a thinker. He thought things about before doing them. He had a funny side, but he seemed to be more serious. I laid back on the bed and began reading through a transcript myself. Before long, I could see Lance starting to get restless in the chair.

'Something bothering you?' I asked, as I looked up at him and he turned around and looked at me.

'Yeah, I mean, I try to mind my own business, but someone told me today that you and Justin seem really close. And yesterday, you were with Brian. I don't know what all has happened, but I have heard a few rumors, and I just want to make sure that you know that Justin is extremely sensitive.' Lance said to me in a serious voice.

'Yeah, I know he is. I promise I will be careful with him Lance. Don't worry' I assured him.

'You better, because if you don't, I will personally cut off your nuts.' Lance said in a half joking tone of voice.

'Oooh, you will at least touch my nuts now! I'm making progress.' I joked and Lance laughed along with me.

'That's another thing, you need to stop flirting so much, cause Justin can be a really jealous guy, and it's going to bother him if you flirt with everyone. Especially knowing that you have a history of cheating.' Lance said coldly without much thought.

'Lance, its not like that. I didn't cheat on Ian. I went to Disney World with an ex boyfriend, and I kissed him at the end of the night. That's it. It wasn't a passionate kiss or anything, it was a quick kiss on the lips. I mean, I would never have sex or even kiss someone while dating someone. I know I shouldn't have even have given him a quick kiss, but I did, and I know I messed up, but I learned from it. So please, don't worry, I would not cheat on Justin. But there is no relationship between Justin and I..' I said sadly.

'Oh, okay, I thought there was more to it than that. I know this is none of my business, but if you don't mind me asking, have you been all the way with any guy before?' Lance asked.

'No, I have only ever had oral sex.' I said truthfully, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the conversation.

'Well, I need you to understand something, JC might have known Justin longer than I have, but Justin and I seem to understand each other better than we do anyone else in the group. So I guess I tend to be really overly protective of him.' Lance said sincerely.

'Oh, its okay man, I totally understand. Anything else you want to know? Ask away.' I smiled

'Actually, now that you mentioned it. I know Justin wants to know these things, but he is to shy to ask you himself. many boyfriends have you had?' Lance asked, as he searched his head for more questions to ask.

'Uhh, 7. I only had sex with 2 of them. Ian and then a guy you wouldn't know.' I replied.

'That's another concern of mine, you're living with Ian, so what if your feelings come back for him?' Lance asked.

'Between you and me, I am going to talk to Karen a little later about telling Ian to find a new place to live. I own the house, they are just my roommates, so even if Karen isn't okay with it, Ian is still leaving. I want Karen to be okay with it too though, and I'm sure she will support me.' I told Lance.

'No further questions your honor.' Lance joked as he turned back around in his chair and began reading the script again.

'Lance?' I called out, after a few seconds.

'Present.' Lance raised his hand and laughed as he turned his head to look at me.

'You are a really great guy. You care so much about your friends, I think you care more about Justin than yourself.' I complimented him.

' aren't so bad yourself' Lance mumbled with a grin on his face.

'What was that? I couldn't quite hear you, speak into my good ear.' I joked back.

'Don't push your luck.' Lance joked back and turned back to his script. I picked up a script and began reading just as there was a knock at the door.

'Come in' I said as Karen entered the room and I put down the script again.

'Oh, hey Karen, what's up?' I asked as she closed the door and walked over to the bed and sat down beside me.

'Not to much. Did Ian meet you at the mall?' Karen asked me.

'Yeah, he did, and he decided to play a joke on Justin and I. He wrote some really cheesy note, and made it seem like the gunman was still alive and out to get us, and that the gunman was the one who left the cell phone there. So I got mad and told him to walk home.' I told her as she started to laugh.

'Oh my God, that's so funny! The mall is like 4 miles from here! Oh my gosh, he soo deserved that.' Karen said through her laughter.

'Yeah, he really did. You should have seen his face when I told him to walk.' I laughed and then I thought back on when Justin and I had this conversation earlier, bringing a bigger smile to my face.

'I am going to kill him when he gets home for taking advantage of me though.' Karen said, sounding annoyed.

'Oh, Karen, AJ wants me to get you to talk to him more.' I leaned over and whispered in her ear as her eyes lit up with excitement.

'Really?! So he likes me?!' Karen asked happily as I laid back down.

'Yup! So go talk to him already! And while your at it, take him to go buy groceries, cause he ate them all, according to Chris.' I laughed.

'Chris? Uhh, wait, is he the funny haired one?' She asked innocently as Lance burst into laughter and Karen jumped and screamed loudly.

'Oh my heart!' Karen exclaimed.

'What?!' I asked her, my heart also beating fast from her scream as Lance looked at her with concern.

'I didn't know anyone else was in here! Okay, excuse me while I go have a heart attack.' She laughed as she headed towards the door and Lance went back to his reading.

'AJ will give you mouth to mouth, if you need it.' I laughed as she opened the door.

'Oh! Don't get me excited.' Karen laughed as she closed the door.

'You gotta love her.' I said to Lance as I noticed he had his attention focused on the script he was reading.

'What are you reading now?' I questioned him after a few minutes. No reply.

'Lance?' I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder lightly as I realized that he was sleeping.

'Aww, how cute' I said quietly.

I walked back over to the bed and straightened out the covers, that Justin wrinkled from his nap earlier, as best that I could without actually making the bed and then walked back over to Lance. Slowly, I picked him up from the chair, and laid him on the bed. I pulled the covers up to his neck and turned off the lamp beside the bed. I quietly made my way out of the room, stopping to turn off the lights and then I quietly closed the door. I made my way down the hallway and to the bottom of the steps. I looked into the living room to see JC and Nick sitting on the couches watching TV. I noticed that JC was wearing a baby blue Nike t-shirt, cargo pants and no shoes or socks, and Nick was wearing the same thing as earlier.

'Hey guys.' I said as I entered the room.

'Kev!' Nick yelled as he jumped off the couch, happy to see me.

'Hey Nick, what's up?' I asked, smiling at his enthusiasm

'Your house is boring!' Nick laughed.

'Gee, thanks Nick, you are sooo good with words' I laughed back.

'No, for real, your house is cool. But what are we gonna do tonight?' Nick asked, excitedly waiting for my answer.

'Shhh, Nick, we can't discuss what we are doing tonight in front of JC.' I laughed as JC finally looked up from the TV.

'Oh, hey Kevin.' JC said.

'Hey JC' I replied.

'So, let's try this again' Nick said as he tried to get the same facial expression as last time.

'No, for real, your house is cool. What are we gonna do tonight?' He laughed and repeated himself.

'I have no idea. I plan on sleeping. What you and Brian do down here is up to you guys.' I laughed.

'Am I being lead to believe that we are staying in the house all night tonight?' Nick asked sarcastically.

'You can go out if you want. I'm staying in. I will go out tomorrow, but I just wanna sleep tonight. I think it's the rain.' I said, and I laughed as I pointed towards the ceiling to indicate the sky, and Nick actually looked up.

'You are the intelligent one, aren't you?' I joked and laughed, as he sat back down and I sat beside him.

'Seriously, what are we gonna do? I'm so bored.' Nick whined.

'I told you, you guys can go do whatever, but I'm staying in tonight' I repeated myself.

'Ugh, that's boring' Nick said stubbornly as he turned his back to me.

'I'm sorry Nick, I'm really tired today.' I apologized and he crossed his legs on top of the cushion and kept his back towards me as he created fake sobbing noises.

'You don't have to cry about it.' JC joked from the other couch.

'Shut up JC.' Nick laughed as I reached up and pulled him down on top of me.

'Hey!' Nick yelled as his head landed in my lap and I wrapped my arms around his chest.

'Uhh, Nick, your not ticklish are you?' I said with a grin.

', not at..all' Nick lied.

'JC, get his feet.' I called to him. I could feel Nick trying to get up as I tightened my grip and JC quickly ran over and sat on Nick's legs.

'No, please guys, I will do anything, just please don't tickle me' Nick begged.

'I don't know JC, what do you think?' I said, making Nick suffer.

'Maybe we should let him go. I mean, look how pathetic he looks.' JC joked back.

'Yeah, I guess your right.' I said as I slowly eased up on him, and then quickly began tickling his sides forcefully as he erupted into laughter.

'`No..stop! Gu..ys!!' He yelled in-between laugher and JC was now joining in on the fun.

'Okay, maybe we should let him go now.' I said to JC and he nodded. We stopped tickling him, as Nick breathed hard beneath us.

'Had enough?' JC laughed.

'Uh huh' Nick said and nodded.

'Your lucky this time.' I laughed as we got off him.

'Hey, and his pants aren't wet this time.' JC laughed.

'Ugh, that was a one time thing. Please don't keep bringing it up, okay? The guys already pick on me about my weight, I don't need them having another thing against me.' Nick pleaded embarrassingly.

'Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.' JC said sincerely.

'Yeah, sorry Nick, I know it must be rough to be the youngest in the group, and be always getting picked on.' I said as JC and I stood above him and he continued laying on the couch, catching his breath. This was followed by a long pause in which we all turned our attention to the TV.

'So, what do you guys wanna do tonight?' Nick laughed and sat up on the couch.

'If you ask that one more time, you will be sleeping on the street.' I laughed.

'Yeah Nick, will all those girls.' JC made a cringing face and laughed. I finally sat down beside Nick and JC walked over to the other couch, laying back down.

'Eww, girl germs.' Nick laughed as he finally sat up.

'Okay, either one of you two, or you both are gay, or you guys are making fun of me, and I really hope it's the first one.' I said seriously.

'Uhh..well-' Nick started and I cut him off.

'Nick, we all know you're gay, so you don't have to say it' I laughed and he faked a hurt look.

'Why do you think that?' Nick questioned

'I was just kidding. You don't act it or anything, I just think that because you were comfortable with laying on the bed with me this morning, and things like that. A straight guy would have been really uncomfortable with that.' I said and Nick shook his head to show he agreed.

'So, you are gay?' I asked Nick

'Yeah, but don't tell CNN or anything' Nick laughed.

'I don't know, I could probably make a lot of money..' I joked

'If you try it, Kevin will have your head.' Nick laughed

'There are way too many Kevins in this house.' I laughed.

'So, what about you JC?' Nick asked, turning towards him, snapping JC's attention from the TV.

'Huh?' JC questioned with a confused look.

'Are you gay?' Nick asked very bluntly

'Uhh, I would rather not talk about it.' JC said as he turned his attention back to the TV.

'So, you are gay.' Nick stated as he continued prying.

'Did I say that?' JC asked, keeping his eyes focused on the TV.

'No, but if you were straight, you would have gladly admitted to it, but you didn't' Nick argued back.

'But just because I didn't say I was straight, does that mean I'm gay?' JC asked, still looking at the TV.

'Yes.' Nick said stubbornly and giggled a little.

'Whatever. Are you always this stubborn?' JC asked with a smile, finally looking at Nick.

'Yeah, usually.' Nick laughed.

'Okay children, fight nice.' Lance laughed as he groggily entered the room.

'Hey, I'm not involved in this.' I laughed as I saw Lance's messed up hair and noticed he was still in his Winnie the Pooh pajamas.

'Nice hair Lance, you must have been in bed with Kevin.' Nick laughed and I smacked his knee playfully.

'Hey Nick, aren't you the exact same one that was sleeping with Kevin earlier?' Lance laughed and lazily ran his fingers through his hair, continuing to stand at the doorway.

'Why does every conversation you guys have turn to sex?' JC asked seriously.

'I wish we could hear AJ's answer to this.' I laughed

'Do you know that AJ has a thing for Karen?' Nick asked me.

'Yeah, and Karen really likes him, so Karen is gonna make it a point to talk to him more or something.' I said with a confused face as I tried to recall the conversations.

'Is that who you guys were talking about earlier' Lance asked me as he made his way towards the couch JC was sitting on.

'Yup.' I replied as I watched him.

'Can you move your feet please?' Lance smiled and asked JC politely.

'Sure.' JC smiled as he sat up on the couch and Lance sat down beside him.

'Awwww, how cute.' I teased as both of their faces got red and Nick and I burst into laughter.

'What's so funny?' AJ asked as he ran into the room and plopped down between Nick and I.

'We were just talking about you.' Lance joked.

'Huh? Well, you best be tellin what you said.' AJ said in a half joking voice.

'Kevin was just telling us how you like Karen, and how she likes you too.' Nick blurted out. I gave Nick the death stare and he quickly put his hand to his mouth and mouthed the word "sorry".

'Really?! For real man? She likes me?!' AJ asked and snapped his head towards me, awaiting my answer.

'Well, I don't think she wanted you to know yet, but yeah, she told me that he liked you before you even mentioned liking her to me.' I said and AJ's eyes lit up with excitement.

'You DID put a good word in for me, right Kev?' AJ asked squirming around on the couch.

'AJ, sit still! Actually, I pretty much told her she was crazy for wanting to get with you.' I laughed.

'You did!? Man, that's not cool.' AJ pouted, now slouching on the couch.

'Oh, but it doesn't matter, cause she still likes you, and I told her to talk to you more, so she is gonna. She is a handful, so don't say I never warned you.' I laughed and AJ started smiling again.

'I heard so many rumors that you and her were going out.' JC said.

'We did a few years ago. She is a really nice girl though, AJ, so be careful with her. She hasn't really ever had a serious relationship.' I told him.

'Dawg, don't tell me that she hasn't had sex yet! I don't buy that.' AJ said with a disbelieving look on his face.

'The furthest she has been is kissing, that's it. Karen's a good girl.' I smiled at AJ's excitement.

'That's sweet man! I can't believe that she is still a virgin! So, uhh, what's my chances of getting any from her?' AJ laughed.

'Slim.' Karen said with a smile from the doorway, and we all looked at her with shocked expressions.

'Uhh, sorry, I didn't know you were there.' AJ quickly apologized as the blood rushed to his cheeks.

'You know, I could press charges.' Karen said, changing her smile to a stern expression,

as AJ's face showed an expression of horror and I tried to hold back my laughter.

'You would do that?' AJ asked with puppy eyes.

'Why shouldn't I? That's sexual harassment. You were going to try to have sex with me, and that makes me feel used and uncomfortable.' Karen said and all the other guys were buying her act, watching with shocked facial expressions.

'Karen, I'm sorry man, I didn't know you were there, and I was playing anyway, I wasn't for real or nothing.' AJ begged.

'Yeah? Well, you can tell it to my lawyer.' Karen said as she held her straight face and crossed her arms. AJ's jaw dropped as he stood up and fell to his knees in front of the couch.

'I'm really sorry, I didn't mean any of this. Look, I'm on my knees, please don't get me in trouble. Kevin will kill me.' AJ begged as Karen and I finally burst into laughter.

'Its okay AJ! I was just playin with ya.' Karen said and laughed as she walked into the room and pulled AJ up to his feet.

'Wait, so, you weren't really gonna turn me in?' AJ asked, dumbfounded, and Nick and JC began laughing as Lance continued watching.

'No! I'm not gonna turn someone in for complimenting me. How pathetic is that?' Karen laughed.

'Does this mean I have a chance of getting some after all?' AJ laughed.

'Hmmm.the offer sounds tempting, but naw, not until I know you better buddy.' Karen laughed and put her arm around AJ, walking him out of the room.

'Is Karen always that perky?' Nick asked.

'Are you?' Both Lance and I asked at the same time and all of us, except for Nick, broke into laugher.

'Very funny.' Nick pouted sarcastically.

'Was there a joke involved?' I turned towards Lance and asked.

'Yeah, the joke IS Nick' Lance laughed.

'Ugh, where is Brian at when I need him to defend me?' Nick asked the room.

'They should be getting back soon.' Lance said.

'Kevin, I'm confused. Are you with Justin or Brian?' Nick asked me as I faced him and then turned to Lance and laughed.

'I'm not with either of them.' I stated simply looking back towards the confused Nick.

'Who do you want to be with?' Nick asked curiously.

'I really don't know. I feel like I understand Brian better and that he opens up more to me, but I like Justin more. So whatever happens, happens, I guess.' I said confusingly, directing my stare towards the floor.

'Hmm.' I heard Nick verbalize as I turned my attention back to the TV.

Justin, Joey, Brian, Chris and Howie sat quietly in the van in silence. Howie was driving while Brian was sitting next to him. Behind Brian was Joey and beside Joey was Justin. Chris sat alone in the back of the van thinking of nothing in particular. Justin was feeling extreme jealously towards the person in the passengers seat, Brian. Images of Brian and I kissing passionately the day before where flashing through his mind. Joey looked out the window at the darkening city, wondering how many more days it would be until him, and the other members of N Sync, left. Joey was not enjoying himself, he felt left out from the group. When everyone else in the house paired up and went somewhere or did something, Joey always seemed to be left by himself. He wished there was another female in the house other than Karen. He had seen Karen on interviews and always disliked her overexcited personality. Brian sat in the front seat with his hands in his lap and his head running full of thoughts. He wished he didn't crave sex as much as he did. Brian was addicted to sex ever since the first time he had it. He wouldn't just have it with anyone, but when he found someone that he was attracted to, he made it a goal to have sex with that person, whether in a relationship, or not. But I was different, he actually felt bad about trying to have sex with me earlier. Even though he felt guilty for it, he still didn't feel that a relationship between us was right. He desperately wanted love, but he felt that at this time in his life, it was pointless to look for something permanent. As this thought entered Brian's head, he jumped at the sound of a cell phone.

'Its not me.' Joey said quickly.

'Me either.' Justin and Howie said at the same time.

'Must be you Brian.' Chris said after checking for his cell phone.

'Oops, I forgot to give Kevin back is phone.' Brian said loud enough for everyone to hear as the ringing continued. He quickly checked his pockets, trying to remember where he put it.

'Hello?' Brian said as he answered the phone.

'Mr. Scott?' A female voice on the other line asked.

'Uhh, no, but I am in charge of his phone calls right now.' Brian said.

'Please inform Mr. Scott that he needs to call USC University Hospital as soon as he can.' The receptionist said.

'Why? What happened?' Brian quickly asked as he felt his heart nearly stop.

'I'm sorry Sir, that information is confidential, and we can only relay it to Mr. Scott.' The lady told him.

'Oh, okay. Is there any special number for him to call?' Brian asked looking around for a pen.

'No, just tell him to give the receptionist his name.' She replied politely.

'Okay, will do. Thanks.' Brian said and hung up the phone.

'Who was that?' Justin asked.

'That was USC University Hospital.' Brian said and stared blankly out the window.

'Is Kevin okay?!' Justin quickly asked.

'Yeah, he is just supposed to call them. Are we almost home Howie?' Brian asked anxiously.

'Yeah, around another 10 minutes or so.' Howie said as the phone rang again. Justin's mind then flashed to Ian who, as far as he knew, still hadn't made it home.

'Hello?' Brian quickly asked into the phone.

'Who is this?' A different female voice asked.

'This is Brian. Who is this?' Brian asked her.

'Brian? Hmm..are you Kevin's boyfriend or something?' The voice asked.

'What?! Who is this?' Brian asked, starting to get frustrated with the caller.

'So Brian, what's your last name?' The female voice asked coolly.

'Listen, if you don't say who this is, I'm hanging up.' Brian said angrily into the phone.

'It's nice to meet you Brian, my name is Carrie Scott.' My mother said.

'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I was just trying to be careful, you never know who is on the other line. My name is Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys.' Brian embarrassingly said.

'Its nice to meet you Brian. Hey listen, is my son there?' Carrie asked.

'No, actually I have his cell phone by mistake. Would you like me to get him to call you?' Brian asked politely, deciding not to tell Carrie about the hospital calling.

'Yeah, could you please? I haven't heard from him in quite a long time. How is he since the shooting yesterday?' Carrie asked in a motherly voice.

'Kevin seems fine. But I will let him tell you all the details about it.' Brian said.

'Okay, it was nice meeting you Brian, as I asked before, are you Kevin's boyfriend?' Carrie asked again.

'No, I wish I was..' Brian said as his voice trailed off.

'Okay, well, I will talk to you soon. Goodbye Brian.' My mom said to Brian.

'I look forward to is Mrs. Scott. Goodbye.' Brian said

'Please call me Carrie, or you can call me mom if you like, just don't call me Mrs. Bye Brian.' Carrie said as she hung up the phone and Brian did the same.

'Who was that?' Justin asked again.

'You're a little nosey aren't you?' Brian joked and Chris and Joey laughed.

'Whatever. Just answer the question.' Justin said, frustrated and failing to find Brian funny.

'It was Kevin's mother' Brian said rolling his eyes at Justin's attitude.

'What did she want?' Justin asked.

'She just wanted to talk to her son.' Brian said and Justin sighed to himself as they continued the rest of their drive home in silence.

'You are so cute, you know that?' Karen said as she tapped the end of AJ's nose.

Karen and AJ sat at the head of the table, looking out the huge window at the end of the dining room. Karen sat in AJ's lap with her head lightly rested against his as they watched the sun setting in the evening sky. AJ smiled at Karen's comment and tightened his grip around her waist.

'Do you believe in love at first sight?' AJ asked her.

'No. I believe that there can be lust at first sight, but not love. Love is something that is developed over time. That's why I won't have sex with someone until I'm sure that I'm in love with them, I don't want it to be about lust.' Karen said honestly.

As AJ snuggled closer to her and hugged her tighter, Karen sighed happily. Karen felt warm and loved for the first time in over a year. A year ago her heart was broken after her boyfriend broke up with her to be with her ex best friend. She hadn't been in a relationship since.

'Do you?' Karen asked after a long pause.

'Do I what?' AJ asked.

'Do you believe in love at first sight?' Karen asked again.

'I think I'm experiencing it' AJ said sweetly.

'Awww! That's so sweet.' Karen giggled.

'No man, I'm serious, you are so beautiful.' AJ said causing Karen to blush.

'AJ, can you refrain from calling me man? There are already enough guys that like guys in this house.' Karen joked and could feel AJ laugh.

'What can I call you if I can't call you man?' AJ asked.

'How about Love?' Karen smiled and suggested.

'Alright, cool.' AJ said contently and snuggled closer to Karen.

'That boy is so irresponsible.' My mother said to my father, David. She paced the floor and he sat on the sofa chair in the living room of their house.

'Now Carrie, he is still young, and he is busy. I'm sure he didn't forget about calling, he just didn't have a chance yet' David said to her.

'We're his parents, you would think that we'd be the first people he would call when he got out of that building yesterday.' She replied and stopped pacing long enough to make her point before continuing to pace the living room floor again, full of anger.

'Carrie? Calm down hunny, I'm sure he has a reason for not calling yet. He will call us back, there is no reason to be mad. You know he loves us and always tries to put us first, but sometimes he has to do other things.' David said standing up and massaging her shoulders.

'I guess you are right.' Carrie sighed and began to calm down.

'I am hunny, Kevin is a busy man. And he has a lot of stress on him, so I'm sure he has problems remembering things because of it, no matter how important they are.' David said, brushing his fingers lightly though his wife's hair, which is cut and dyed like Serena Altschul's on MTV.

'Okay, Okay, you've made your point.' She smiled.

'Good, now will you calm down?' My dad asked her as he sat back down on the sofa chair.

'Do you always have to be right?' Carrie laughed.

'I try.' He joked back and she sat down on the couch beside him.

JC fell asleep first, laying his head on Lance's shoulder, followed by Lance who had his head lightly rested against JC's head. Nick had just fallen asleep minutes ago with his head on my lap, and his feet dangling over the end of the couch. I was decided to let them sleep as I gently cradled Nick's head from my lap and stood up. Slowly, trying not to wake him, I laid his head back down on the pillow and left the room.

'Hey guys.' I said as I walked into the dining room where AJ and Karen were sitting, Karen still sitting on AJ's lap.

'Oh, hey Kev.' AJ said with a huge grin on his face.

'What are you guys up to?' I smiled and asked, sitting down beside them.

'Just talking a little.' Karen said standing up from AJ's lap and sitting opposite of me.

'You can sit where you were, I don't mind' I told her.

'Nah, I was starting to loose circulation.' AJ joked.

'Hey, are you calling me fat?' Karen joked scolding him with her pointer finger.

'Nah, just playin.' AJ simply said.

'You best be!' Karen laughed.

'Were you guys arguing before I got here?' I laughed.

'I am not a guy! I just told AJ he couldn't call me that, so you cant either.' Karen informed me as I gave her an odd look.

'I'm supposed to call her Love instead.' AJ said proudly with a smile.

'Aww! That's so cute that I think I'm gonna puke.' I said as I grinned and rolled my eyes and I heard Karen laugh.

'And no, we weren't arguing before you got here. It's all your fault.' Karen teased.

'Oh, how did I get so lucky to get to hear you guys bitch and complain?' I said sarcastically.

'You know you like it.' Karen joked.

'Yes, its such a turn on.' I joked back.

'I always knew you liked that kinky stuff.' Karen laughed.

'You and your sexual fantasies!' I grinned.

'Wow Karen, we could have fun together.' AJ said.

'Oh yeah baby' Karen laughed

'Man, I'm starving.' AJ said as he got up and walked into the kitchen

'Is there anything left in there after your little dinner?!' I yelled into the kitchen.

'Yeah, here are some chicken nuggets.' AJ yelled back in.

'Oooh! Warm them up for me, will ya?' I asked him

'Then what do you expect me to eat?' AJ asked appearing in the doorway after putting the chicken in the microwave.

'Karen will drive you somewhere to get some food, won't you Karen?' I asked, turning towards her.

'Sure, where do you want to go?' Karen asked AJ.

'I don't know.. how about Burger King?' AJ laughed.

'Sure! Burger King it is.' Karen smiled and we watched AJ walked back into the kitchen.

'So, what do you think?' I asked, turning back towards Karen.

'Think about what?' Karen asked.

'What do you think about AJ?' I asked her, explaining in more detail.

'He is really sweet. I actually feel special around him.' Karen replied with a huge smile.

'Aww, lucky you.' I said also smiling.

'What about you? I have seen you flirting with like every guy in this house.' Karen said with a grin on her face as AJ reentered the room.

'I really like Brian and Justin, but I don't know what's going on there.' I said as AJ laid the package of chicken in front of me.

'Justin? He's the one with the curly blond hair..right?' Karen asked and AJ sat down at the head of the table again.

'Yeah, that's him. Thanks for the chicken AJ.' I said and AJ nodded.

'Go with Justin, he is so much cuter than Brian.' Karen said.

'I thought you had a crush on Brian?' I asked her with a confused expression.

'I did, but Justin looks much better than Brian. If you get to choose, go with him, not Brian.' Karen said, trying to convince me.

'No way man, go with Brian. Brian really likes you.' AJ said.

'But Justin has the eyes, the hair, the face, and the body! Trust me Kevin, choose Justin.' Karen said.

'Well, I don't want to sound gay or anything, but Brian has all that Justin has, plus a better voice.' AJ argued.

'Brian isn't even half as cute as Justin is!' Karen argued back starting to raise her voice.

'But Brian-` AJ started as I cut him off.

'Guys! This is something I have to decide on my own. But thanks anyway for trying.' I said with a smile.

'Anytime. Well, AJ and I should get going.' Karen suggested as we all stood up.

'Alright, I will see you guys later. I think I will go up and watch some TV while eating. Make sure to lock the doors when you leave..alright?' I asked them and grabbed my chicken as I made my way towards the door.

'Okay, we will babe. And remember, Justin is cuter.' Karen winked and I laughed as I turned and walked out the door.

When I got to the living room Nick was still sleeping, but JC and Lance were awake and watching the TV. They both looked up when I entered the room and smiled.

'Hey guys, did you have a good nap?' I asked them and sat down against the wall with my chicken, since the two couches were full.

'No, not really, I feel worse now.' JC said groggily.

'You look like you feel worse too.' Lance said putting his hand on JC's forehead to check for a temperature.

'Gee, thanks for the compliment.' JC snickered.

'Aww, I didn't mean it that way, I'm sorry. You don't feel like you have a fever though, so you probably just need some rest.' Lance said lovingly as I ate my chicken.

'Hey guys, I know this is none of my business, but I really think you two would make a good couple.' I said to them and took another bite of my chicken as I looked up and noticed they were both blushed heavily.

'No, don't get embarrassed! It was a compliment.' I said with a mouthful of chicken, feeling bad about embarrassing them in front of each other.

'Well anyway, you should go to bed JC. Its 8:30 already, and you do look like your not feeling well.' I suggested, trying to change the subject.

'Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Goodnight guys.' JC said as he stood.

'Hey wait! Kevin, don't you want Justin to sleep with you? Err, I mean, sleep in the same bed as you.' Lance laughed.

'Well, I think its way to soon for that, even to be in the same bed.' I told Lance.

'Okay, if you're sure. I'm sure he'd be much happier to sleep in your bed rather than with me.' Lance laughed.

'JC is tired, and I don't want him to wait up to see if Justin wants to sleep in my bed or not. But I don't want him to go ahead and sleep somewhere else and put Justin in an uncomfortable situation either. So let's just do everything the same as last night.' I said trying to make the whole situation easier.

'You could sleep down here with Brian tonight.' Nick suggested and we all looked at him to see him rubbing his eyes and sitting up after his nap.

'Good morning Nick.' I smiled and he waved and stood up to stretch.

'So, are you going to sleep down here with Brian or in your bed with me?' JC asked, becoming impatient and leaning against the doorframe.

'I'm just going to sleep in my bed with you. Good night JC.' I said, noticing his impatient mood and finally taking my last bite of chicken.

'Good night guys. See you all in the morning.' JC said and walked out the door.

'Goodnight JC.' We all yelled after him.

'Karen and AJ have been gone for a while. I wonder what they are doing.' Nick laughed, sitting back down and slumping on the couch.

'They went to get something to eat. AJ was hungry, and I thought Karen should get out of the house some. I told you, Karen is a no sex type of girl.' I told him

'No sex? Maybe you should take lessons from her.' Nick joked as the phone rang as soon as he finished his comment.

'Very funny! Will you get that? The phone is right behind your head on the end table.' I told Nick, pointing towards it.

'Hello?' Nick said after picking up the phone and pressing the power button.

'Hi. Is Kevin there?' The female voice asked.

'Who is calling?' Nick asked and then looked at me and laughed at his attempt to sound professional.

'This is Kelly, Kevin's secretary, he has a phone call.' Kelly said into the phone.

'Yeah, he is here. Hold on.' Nick said and threw me the phone.

'Its your secretary' Nick informed me and I put the phone up to my ear.


'Kevin, you have a phone call on line 1 from your agent, and Cindy, your maid, called and said she is sorry for not making it in today, but she will try to be in tomorrow. There was a death in her family yesterday.' Kelly informed me.

'Okay, go ahead and put Megan through, and call Cindy back and tell her she can have a week off if she needs it.' I told her.

'Okay Kevin, I will put your agent through.' Cindy said.

'Hey, you remembered to call me Kevin and not Mr. Scott!' I laughed,

'Yeah, I learn quick. Okay, here is your agent.' She laughed and then transferred Megan.

'Hello?' I greeted Megan.

'Kevin?' Megan asked.

'Hey Megan, how are you?' I asked

'I'm doing good. Hey, I'm just calling to talk about your schedule.' She said into the phone.

'Okay..I wasn't aware that I have a schedule.' I said confused.

'You didn't, but now a bunch of people want to talk to you, and Rosie really wants to speak with you about doing the show again.'

'Okay, tell her to give us a call tomorrow if you talk to her.' I said.

'Us?' Megan questioned.

'Yeah, the Backstreet Boys and N Sync are all here.' I told her.

'Okay, that's cool. As you know, Jewel Kilcher didn't make it out of the studio yesterday, and neither did Dexter Holland. I really think you should think about going to their funerals.' Megan suggested.

'Okay, and I would really appreciate it if you could also get me the funeral date and time for a lady named Jane. I don't remember her last name, but I know she died yesterday. She was the lady that gave me the test interview yesterday..remember her?' I asked Megan.

'Yes, I remember her. I have all the funeral dates and times in front of me. Okay, so Monday at 6 P.M. is Jewel's viewing, Tuesday at 7 P.M. is when Dexter's viewing is and Monday at 8 P.M. is Jane's viewing. Tuesday at noon is Jane's funeral, then at 1 P.M. is Jewel's funeral, and Wednesday at noon is Dexter's. So you should be able to make it to all of them if you choose to go. Did you have a chance to read over any of the scripts?' She asked me.

'Yeah, Lance and I looked over a few this afternoon.' I told her.

'See any interesting ones?' Megan asked.

'No. In fact, Lance fell asleep reading one.' I laughed and looked over at him to see him also laughing

'Well, you keep reading over those, we need to get you started on a new project. Brainstorm and try to think of something new we could do with you. Okay?' Megan said.

'Alright Megan, I will start working on it. Anything else?' I asked her.

'Nope, I will probably talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Kevin.' She said as I noticed Justin, followed by Brian, Howie, Chris and Joey, enter the house.

'Bye Megan.' I said hanging up the phone.

'Hey guys!' I yelled and stood up.

'Hey Kevin. Listen, I don't want to scare you, but you need to call the USC University Hospital. I accidentally took your cell phone with me and they called and said they needed to talk to you. And your mom called, she wants you to call her back.' Brian said as he entered the room and handed me back my cell phone.

'The hospital?! Why?! What's the number?' I quickly asked and grabbed the phone.

'I don't know, check the phone book. They said just to tell the receptionist your name.' Brian said.

Immediately I walked over to the end table and opened up the drawer, picking up the phone book. When I found the number, I quickly picked up the cordless phone and dialed it.

'Hello?' The lady on the other line asked.

'This is Kevin Scott calling, I'm told you have a message for me.' I said as I looked up at Justin, Lance, Brian, Howie, Joey, Chris and Nick, all of them looking at me with worry in their eyes.

'Please hold Mr. Scott.' The middle aged woman said and transferred me to a different area of the hospital.

'Hello, Mr. Scott? My name is Dr. William Arroyo and I work in the psychiatry department of the hospital. I'm afraid I have some bad news.' The doctor said.

'What is it?' I asked fearfully.

'Ian Riches was found dead this afternoon.' The doctor said sadly.

'Oh my God, how did he die?' I said as I felt my hands begin to shake.

'He committed suicide, sir. He had a suicide note in which you are addressed. I would like to set up a meeting with you in which I can help you get through this, and then you will be able to see the note.' He said as tears began to run down my face.

'Okay.. Uhh, I will transfer you to my secretary, and let her handle it. Hold on a second.' My voice quivered as I tried to speak. I pressed the buttons on the phone to transfer him and hung up.

'What is it?' Lance asked quickly.

'Its Ian..he committed suicide this afternoon' I said as I looked at the ground, beginning to cry uncontrollably as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Justin holding me, as I felt him also crying. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his shoulder.

'Justin, oh God, this is all my fault..' I stuttered and felt myself fill up with guilt.

'Shh, don't say that.' Justin said and lightly rubbed my back.

'I made him walk..I caused this Justin. I made him walk..' I trailed off as we continued crying.

To be continued...

*Note: Suicide is a serious matter. If you ever feel like committing suicide, seek help. You are not alone; millions of other people feel or have felt the same way. Please, if you ever want to kill yourself, at the least, remember these sites: and . These sites offer help without the treats of being committed to a hospital. And remember, the most common reason for suicide is depression, and depression can be treated. Please get the help you need..

Next: Chapter 6

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