Kieran and Chris

By shy fox

Published on Oct 28, 2000


Kieran and Chris -- Part Two By ShyFox

Well here is part 2 as promised. I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to everybody who mailed me, I hope I have responded to all. Please keep the emails coming because its real motivation to keep writing. So send them to

Disclaimer bit :- Oh why bother you all know what I think, just don't get caught. By the way a piece of advice: Look out for the history files and temporary internet files on the system hard drive cos they are a dead giveaway! Trust me on this?

To answer many questions St. Lukes is another high school on the other side of town. Why the town needs two high schools? I have no idea!

On with the story...

As he stood to leave he did so by standing straight up which caused his to rub his body along mine which made me catch my breath. Then instead of walking around the desk he squeezed between the chairs and as he did he brushed his crotch against my shoulder. My mind was still reeling but was there an erection there or did I imagine it. Whatever the truth there was no doubt of my own hardness beneath the table.

"See you tomorrow." He said over his shoulder as he left the office.

"Yeah, tomorrow" I breathed.

"WOW." I said to the empty office as I watched Chris walk towards the exit.

It was an insistent buzzing that brought me back to reality. It was the counter assistant reminding me that is was time to close the store.

As we stood counting out the money, Paul the assistant broke my concentration by saying.

"What did that queer want?" he demanded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean Chris" he answered.

"I know" I countered "What about him?"

"We go to the same school." Paul began "Basically nobody likes him."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well. He never has had a girlfriend that anybody knows about and he wont join in when we are all talking about girls, so we just figure that he is gay and so nobody talks to him." He explained.

"That's a bit harsh." I said "does it really matter if he's gay of not?"

"Of course it does." Paul explained "I'm just telling you this because if you are friends with Chris then nobody will talk to you."

"Oh." I said sadly.

With that Paul said goodbye and left. I just stood there amazed at how judgmental and downright cruel people could be, but I have to say that my ears had really pricked up when I had heard Paul use the word gay. I mean I had never really considered it myself because I was still really confused about my own feelings and it hadn't really crossed my mind that others might feel the same way. However, when I thought about it I wondered if Chris was trying to give me a signal earlier and maybe I was just to blind to see it. Thinking about it made my head spin so I decided to just go home and see what tomorrow had to offer.

As I was leaving the store I noticed that it had started pouring with rain, so I braced myself for the run across the carpark to my car when I noticed someone huddled under the awning of the store.

I walked up to the figure and realized in the dim light that it was Chris. What was he still doing here I wondered, so I decided to find out.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, watching him jump as I spoke.

"God you scared me!" he said. "I'm waiting for the rain to ease off a bit so I can walk home without getting to wet."

"Don't be stupid." I began. "My car is just over there, come on and ill give you a lift home."

"Are you sure. I saw you talking to Paul and I figured that you wouldn't want to be seen with me" he replied.

"I don't care what Paul of the others think." I started "If they all want to act like little kids and ignore me at work then let them because I don't really care."

As I said that I saw a look of relief flash across his face and he turned and headed for my car, so I figured that he was accepting a lift home.

I hurried along after him, unlocking my car as I went and motioning for him to get in. As I shut my door behind me Chris said.

"Thanks again for this. I thought I was going to get soaked."

I just grunted an answer while I waited for the windows to clear before I set off with Chris directing me to his house. When we pulled up in his drive he looked at me with a real intensity in his eyes and he moved like he was going to try to kiss me, so I prepared myself and waited. Then I caught the look of indecision on his face as he said suddenly.

"Bye" and jumped out of the car and ran to the front door without looking back.

I was more than a little surprised and kinda disappointed but I thought no more of it as I drove myself home.

As I was laying in bed that night I couldn't get the image of Chris out of my mind and thinking about what might of happened caused my dick to rise. Never before had I ever had such strong feelings directed towards a single person.

I Mean I had been questioning my feelings for a few months now but I had nobody to ask about them so I just tried to ignore it. For the most part that worked, but my attraction to Chris was becoming harder to ignore as was the throbbing in my loins.

With that I relented and reached my hand down to between my legs and began to stroke my ballsac while visions of what Chris might be doing in bed alone now flashed across my mind. Finally when my excitement had reached unbearable Levels I took a firm grasp of my shaft and began pumping faster and faster, until I felt that unmistakable tingle and my back arched as I exploded and shot after shot of cum landed across my taught stomach. I just fell back and enjoyed the afterglow of such a powerful orgasm and drifted off to sleep, still with visions of Chris popping into my dreams.

As I drove to work the following morning Paul's warning resounded in my mind and I wondered if he was going to be true to his word? Either way I would soon find out.

As I pulled up at the store the following morning I saw that Chris had beaten me to it and was leaning up against the door waiting for me. I took the little time I had as I parked my car to take a good look at the cause of my swirling feelings and tried to decide what to do.

The first thing that I noticed was that Chris had obviously decided to forgo his usual choice of loose fitting cargo shorts in favor of much tighter jogging trousers. I noted this with silent approval and wondered to myself why the sudden change in wardrobe.

"I like the trousers." I commented as I reached the door.

"Thank you." He replied, and then muttered "I thought you would."

With that he walked inside leaving me wondering what he meant by that last remark.

I had decided to find out if there was any truth to what Paul had said last night. I had thought of many different approaches but I had decided that it was best to be blunt but subtle at the same time so I opened with.

"So what's up between you and Paul?"

"I don't really know." Chris began "It all started when I split up with this girl that I was seeing."

"Oh. So why did you split with the girl." I pushed.

With that Chris began to look uncomfortable but he answered "Well she wanted to get into a more `involved' relationship and I didn't so we split up and she went to Paul and the others and they haven't spoken to me since."

"Oh." I said again but with more feeling.

Suddenly Chris looked at me and said "Look I know that this is going to sound odd but please just be honest."

"OK." I said.

"Right. Do you think I'm weird?" Chris said.

"Not at all." I said firmly "why?"

"Well I try not to act or look different to the others but still they pick on me and I was just wondering if it was something obvious about me that I hadn't noticed." He explained.

"No there's nothing about you." I told him firmly, but just managed to stop myself from adding something that would reveal my true feelings.

The rest of the morning passed with the usual idle chatter until Chris mentioned that he had some more homework that he was stuck on and was asking me if I would mind helping him again tonight.

"Sure." I answered "What else have I got to do."

As we parted later that morning Chris said, "ill see you tonight then."

"It's a date." I said over my shoulder as I was walking to my car. As soon as I had said that I wished that I could take it back but fortunately Chris hadn't heard me, so I got into my car and heaved a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen tonight though?

Well was it good for you? Let me know, and part 3 will be along anytime soon.

Thanx for reading.

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