King Charlie

By Les O'Connor

Published on Mar 3, 2000


King ChArLiE Chapter 3 this is the third installment of King Charlie.. i hope you enjoy.. oh yeah email me for comments.. yadida

Charlie and I hung out for the last couple of days. We'd hang out together at the Pizza Palace, the basketball games, and other "typical" hang out places for kids my age with the same typical people. O well. I guess I can't be bitter about stuff like that.

Anyways, Charlie and I have been hanging out, but we haven't done anything sexual. We kissed. I love kissing him. I love how our tongues are like magnets. We don't kiss in public or anything because we live in a SMALL town. But when we kiss, I don't see the world around me. I see Charlie's world. I see the way he looks at me while we're kissing. I feel all warm inside..I feel comfortable. Time stops for that moment.

Its now really hard to concentrate on school work when all i think about is my boyfriend, yes I said my boyfriend, Charlie. I wanted to scream to the world that Charlie was my boyfriend, but I can't, for the obvious reasons. I needed to brag about what I have, even though I'm not a bragger. Charlie was mine. I have what I wanted for a long time. Even thought it's not lacrosse season, he still practices heavily. So we don't get to spend every moment together, which is a really good thing. I don't want to get stale.

I walked home after school that day, just to breathe the fresh January crisp air. The reflection of the sun upin the snow almost blinded me, but I lived. I walked by a house, and noticed two guys in their thirties, inside a red Ford pickup truck. The fascinating part of it was they quickly kissed. I never would have thought that anyone in this small ass town would be openly gay like that. I smiled and waved at the guy in the passenger seat as he nodded at me, and went on with my way. It was kind of a romantic atmosphere the two guys have created. They have a nice house, a nice viechle, and lived the american dream. I walked home some more.

I decided to take a detour and took the long way home, so I can walk some more. Just thinking and walking, and jumping on the slush on the sides of the road. My mind kept wandering, and of course, Charlie became the focus of my mind wandering. I love being with him. I love smelling his aura. I love touching his body. I love being touched by Charlie.

I finally made my way home. Wiping off my shoes or else mom will get pissed, I entered my house. Just your average American home, (and we even have a white pickett fence). I was so glad it was friday. There was only one message on the answering machine, and it was Charlie.

"Austin-- it's me Charlie, i wanted to know if you wanna go to the lake this weekend with me, and do some fishing.. We have a cabin up there, so we can spend the night there. Call me back and lemme know. Peace out."

Wow! Spending the night with Charlie. How amazing. I could not control myself. I acted worse than a kid getting his training wheels taken off a bike. I was ectstatic, and any other word that describes an over abundant amount of joy. I literally started jumping up and down. Charlie.. and me... in a cabin.. all night..

I called him and we confirmed the finer details. We were going to go ice fishing in the lake, which was cool with me. I started packing, not knowing what to bring with me. So i just started to cram as much clothes as I can in that bag. I still couldn't believe this. I don't know what I'm expecting, but I know, I just know, it will be good. This was to be the best experience I have ever had. It was 5:30, and he said he'd be here to pick me up at eight, cuz his parents stipulation was he can use the cabin, if he goes to watch his brother's karate tournament. Which was okay, but I was getting soo anxious, my toes were numb.

I decided to go for another walk since I have 2 and a half hours until he comes over. With my curiosity, I walked by that house again with the two guys in the truck. I glanced in the window and they were cuddled up together on the couch watching television. Again, i smiled. I was fortunate to have a boyfriend in highschool, instead of just "play" mates, as a lot of highschool guys do. Thinking about the two older guys made me think that I could spend a lifetime with one person. I mean, maybe it won't be Charlie, God, that'd be nice if it was, but I really could be faithful. Love is great, and lust can be fun, but if you mix them together like Rum and Coke, it's even better. That's how i feel about CHarlie. I don't know if I love him, but I do care for him a lot.

When I got back home, it read 7:30, and it was almost time for CHarlie to come and pick me up. I left a note with my mom and told her Charlie's cell phone number just in case she needed to get a hold of me. I lied on the couch, waiting. Waiting to hear the sexy voice, the magnetic green eyes, the nice body, the all around great looking, great personality, that belonged to Charlie King. I jumped right up when I heard the horn of the familiar Suburban.

As I walked out to the Burb, he kind of Chuckled. Maybe its because I over packed. I dunno. But I smiled back. I threw my crap in the back and said hello to Charlie.

"Planning on moving to the cabin?" He asked jokingly.

"I wish" I said

Maybe since its dark outside, and no one can see us, he leaned forward and kissed me. I parted my lips and let his tongue enter. We kissed for what felt like three minuted, in reality was only twenty seconds. I felt the surge of empowerment like I kissed him for the first time. I wanted to kiss him forever.... but he was the first to draw back just as he was the first to make the first move.

"Don't worry, Austin.. we have the whole cabin to ourselves... We'll definitely kiss more." He says as my insides turned to jello from the warmth of his words.

It's a four hour drive to the lake. Our drive there was actually quite fun. We listened to our favorite cds. And it's great that we have the same taste for music. I laugh when he lip sings the songs, he laughs when I actually sing the songs, in which I can't carry a tune to. But it was fun. He turned down the radio, and it seems like he had something important to say.

"Austin, i have to tell you something.." he said, but he didn't sound so happy about it.

"What is it?" I responded

"John, my ex-boyfriend came over last night..."

"What??" i asked with out sounding like a paranoid overjealous, over reactor..

"No-- No-- it's nothing like that, Austin. This is something good!" He pleaded as he was driving down the endless highway.

"What can it possibly be then?" I asked.

"Well, before I started getting serious with you, I didn't know how I'd react if I ever saw John last night. So, I hoped he would never come back. But last night, he did. And I liked it. Because, right then and there I knew I had no more feelings for him, that I'm totally nuts about someone else. Someone who can make me smile, some one who can talk to me, someone who I could spend every minute with, and of course this someone is you.." My Charlie explained.

I almost shed a tear. For once in my life I was speechless. I did not know what to say, so I said.. "Charlie, I don't know what to say"

"You don't have to say anything. Just let me look at you."

"Ummmmm.. Charlie.. you better look at the road"

I said as we almost bumped into an ass of a Volkswagon. He got back on track, and we both laughed it off. The old guy in the VW flipped us off, and we just starting to crack up some more.

"Oh, damn, that's too funny." Charlie King giggled.

We had a half hour left to go, and neither of us has said anything significant. We just relaxed and listened to Bob Marley. I lied there thinking about everything. How i got involved with Charlie in the first place. How quiet and mysterious he used to be to me. How I obtained my biggest crush. I reclined the seat just a tad to get a little more comfortable. Charlie placed his hands on my leg. I looked at him and smiled. There we go, a couple of teenage guys, travelling to ectasy. I guess Charlie couldn't wait to get to the cabin, his hands travelled up my leg near my crotch area. For a few minutes, he just placed his hands on my pubic area. Gradually he'd rub, until my dick got hard. I quietly moaned. Good think the Burb was an automatic, because Charlie was really rubbing my hard cock over my clothes.

"Charlie-- you'd better stop, or else bad things could happen----soon!" I said and smiled that sexy smile back.

We finally reached the town in which the cabin and lake is near. The town was soooo small. Maybe just a hardware store, a gas station, a post office, and a tiny grocery store. I don't think I even saw a church. We got past the town and Charlie turned into another road. And viola. The cabin near the lake. It was a nice little one. Just enough space for a family of four, in which Charlie's family has.

We pulled in and the air was so chilling. "Let's get our stuff tomorrow, I'm pretty tired." Charlie suggested.

"That's a great idea, I'm pretty tired myself."

"Mom called one of her friends who taked care of the cabin, when we're not here, and had him put some fire wood in the fire place for us. We'll need it."

We entered the cabin, it seemed like it was colder inside than it was outside. As he started the fire, I decided to look around. There was two bedrooms. One room with two beds, which probably Charlie and his younger brother uses, and the other room with ONE bed, which his parents probably uses.

"Yo, charlie, which bed do you want. The one next to the window, or the one closer to the door." I jokingly said.

"Very funny, Austin. You're sleeping with me, in the big bed, whether you like it or not!" He demanded humorously. "There the fire is started, and I'm ready to hit the sack."

I followed him into the master bedroom, with the big bed. He quickly jumped out of his shoes, shirt and pants, and only had his hot gray jockeys on.He looks so magnificent. How did I ever get such a specimen as Charlie King is. I could stare at him forever. He will never get stale for me. Always fresh. He then jumped into the bed under the blankets.

"Its fucking cold, Austin. Come here with me and we can keep eachother warm" He said, and I followed his order. I took my shirt, pants, and shoes off and jumped into bed with him.

"Brrrrrr..." I moaned. Then he took my body and hugged me to keep warm. We were facing eye to eye at this point.

"I am so glad you made it here with me!" He expressed.

I responded by kissing him. He took my invitation and my tongue explored his mouth. I love the taste of his lips. The electruc current, plus, the bitter coldness, ran chills up my spine. I kissed him and kissed him. I felt his raging hard on poking through as it hits my penis. I kissed him deeper. He then became the more forceful kisser and rolled me over on to my back as our lips were still joined. As we were kissing, his hand found my dick and started to rub it over my boxers as he did in the Suburban.This felt incredible. The coldness became warmer. As we were kissing, his rubbing of my dick, became a pumping of my dick.He bagan to jerk me off, and he ripped the boxers off my body.

I was still lying on my back, and underneath the blanket Charlie began to sink down words towards my thumping cock. He used his tongue to lick my navel, and without warning, he used his tongue to lick the tip of dick. He hasn't put his hot lips around my cock yet, but teased it with his talented tongue. Then he used his hands to keep my penis up, and started to fuck my slit with his tongue. Oh my god, this was so incredible.

"You're the best, Charlie"

"Shhhhhhh..." He responded.

He began now to slowly wrap his lips around my seen inch hard cock. And slowly but surely my dick touched the back of his mouth. The rhytmic pattern of his head bopping up and down, almost made me cum right then and there. He used his tongue on the slit of my cock as it was entering and exiting his mouth. The boy has great lips. As he was sucking on my dick intensively, his hands slightly glided over my balls. This stimulated my hormones more. The gliding of his fingers over my balls evolved into the glidind of a finger on my perenium then down to the my asshole. He was still pumping my dick with his mouth. His finger reached my ass hole, and slowly tried to get it in.

His tongue traveled from my dick to my balls. I wanted to scream soo loud. But then he started to lick my perenium, and I almost broke into convulsions. His tongue then moved downwards just as his finger did a moment ago. His available hand started pumping my cock. His tongue avoided my hole for a second. Then finally it reached and aimed right for the center. He kept his tongue there as he was whacking me off. I knew I wouldn't last long. This felt so great. It felt like I was already having an orgasm. I moaned and panted. I never experienced something that felt that great in my entire life.

"Oh man, CHarlie, I can't hold it any more."

As i told him this, his hands started to work harder, and his tongue started to flicker faster. I yelled a big yell, and my jizz exploded out of my cock and landed on my chest and stomach. One squirted almost landed on my chin. What an orgasm that was!

My cum still on me, Charlie kicks off his jockeys and landed right on top of me. His penis and his chest was rubbing against the fresh cum that lied on my body. He started to pivot his penis as if he was really fucking me. I wanted his cock in my ass, but I didn't tell him. He started to nibble on my ear, and whispered.."I wanna stick this in you, and make ourselves feel good, but not now, eventually, yes, if and only if you want to."

"Oh, you bet I'll want you too!" I said,

He then continued to nibble my ear as he was pressing his dick against my stomach. "Oh Austin"... he continued some more.. and then he moved up and stuck his dick in my mouth. He kind of swiveled his hips a little and mouth fucked me.

Oh what a feeling. His beautiful cock in my mouth. He pushed his dick in and out of his mouth. I helped him by squeezing his tight buns. The tip of dick reached my throat. I love the taste of Charlie's wonderful seven and a half inch cut cock. "Austin, I can't last any longer." He took his dick out of my mouth, and squirted all over my chest, neck and, some even on my face, which he kindly wiped off with his hands. His dick was still in front of me, and while it was half soft, I put it back into my mouth. This made him really quiver. He finally settled back down to his spot on the bed. And I looked at him. I am still amazed by Charlie King.

"Austin.. I think I'm beginning to fall in--"

"Shhhh.. Charlie, not now. I know what you're gonna say." I leaned over and kissed him. And kissed his cheek. I hugged him and we lied down that way. His arms felt so comforting around me. I fell asleep in the arms of Charlie King.

To Be CoNtInUeD.. its up to you.. Email me.. *******************************************************

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