Kips Long Distance Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 6, 2021


As he made his way to the executive floors of the corporation, Ted mused on his situation. He laughed "SUCH A DILEMMA". He had found the perfect sub - at least the perfect sub for him. A sub who had no idea how much power Ted had over him, and which Ted was thinking of exerting as he walked vigorously to the office. Ted worked in very senior management at the same company for which kip worked. Every morning, some Saturdays, and even Sundays, he made his way to what was called "the gold tower," (kip's division worked in "the silver tower") and took the elevator up to the "platinum floors": the two floors where the most senior officials in the company worked. There, he made decisions on corporate finance, deployment of goods, and other such stuff that paid him a truly good income, which he felt was well deserved after 25 years at the corporation.

Ted was 53: 14 years older than that cute closet case he was dominating. (The thought of what he was doing to kip got him hard as he stood in the elevator, its sole passenger, getting up to his office). He hadn't hired kip: he didn't even KNOW who he was, until that day he stopped to get a coffee. He was walking past the silver tower with his gay friend Jim, and he saw the crowds of people going into the building.

"Another conference?" He asked Jim, and Jim smiled "Yeah, another one.

They bring all the district guys in once a month, house them, feed them, yadda yadda, and send them back with a gung ho attitude. " "Does it work"? Jim was much closer to the personnel end of things than Ted was, so he would have a better sense. Ted saw the figures, he didn't see what they now called "human capital." Jim laughed. "It does ok. We do more than break even on them. And we can identify who to cull because their performance is weak. " Ted began sniffing the air. "I smell coffee. It's got to be better than what Mara makes. Wanna stop here and see what they've got? We're paying for it anyway?" Jim laughed again. "Yeah, I missed my coffee jones this morning. Brandon overslept. He'll hear about it when I get home." Brandon was Jim's lover. More accurately, his bottom and houseboy. Jim had a wandering eye and an active libido. He was the man who had taken Ted to the "club" where he saw kip.

The club was not the first place where Ted had seen kip, though: it was that morning when he and Jim stopped to get coffee. They showed their corporate badges, went in, and stepped up to the huge coffee urns that were ever present at these meetings. Ted avoided the pastry rack, and just went for black coffee. When he stood up, kip was about four people behind him. kip didn't know it, but he caught Ted's eye. He went back to Jim. "Hey, that sandy haired one. He's CUTE. We know anything about him?" "DOWN BOY. Kip is out of town. He's part of the crew. Good man, maybe on the verge of being great. Works hard. Wife, no kids, good numbers, nothing else to report. " "HELL, I wouldn't mind having his number. " "I SAID DOWN BOY" Jim laughed. "Good way to start trouble: flirt with a married man." "Yeah, you're right. " He sighed "Why do the women get all the good ones?" Jim huffed "I wish one would take Brandon. GOD, I'd love to catch him with a woman so I didn't feel bad about throwing him out?" "You throwing out Brandon?" "NAH. I just fantasize about it. He was fun but now it's just, well, routine. at least he doesn't object when I go catting. HEY. Speaking of that, I'm going out to a place I haven't tried yet. Tomorrow. Supposed to be really sleazy. The kind of thing you like. Join me?" "I just might... " Ted answered. "It's been a while for me, and...." That was where he saw kip taking cock down his throat. And that's when he began to hatch his plan: the plan that now had kip firmly under his control.

He had some very specific plans for what to do with kip that weekend. Not only did he like dominating him, he liked him. There was a bit of "sass" about him that he didn't find with some of the other subs he had had. kip seemed to be "into it." Ted never thought his moans, or his begging, or anything else, was fake. His orgasms sure weren't, and the one he had when Ted decided to take off the chastity belt was gonna be a big one. Forcing kip to submit long distance was hot too. But... that was beginning to get tiring. Ted began to wonder: what would he have to do to get kip transferred to the local area? It probably wouldn't take much: an increase in salary, a promotion, not very difficult to arrange at all. No kids, so there wasn't a school problem. He just had to check: was there a basis for doing it? Was kip's work good enough? Was the move merited? That WOULD be looked at. Ted worked on the 66th floor. There was a 67th floor. Enough said. He spoke into the phone to his assistant. "Mara, can you look up and get me all the files on an employee? Kip Parker."

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While all of this went through Ted's mind, kip's brain was racing too. Just before Ted had left that morning, while kip was still groggy with sleep, he had felt him lock something on him. He looked down and... he saw the cage on his cock. "HEY. WHAT THE...." He heard the chuckle in Ted's voice as he got dressed. "Get used to it kip boy. You're gonna be wearing it when I'm not here. Keep you in line. Keep you ready for... " he turned around and smiled at kip. "When I feel like I need another volcano on film. " "SIR? Is this really necessary? I mean, can't you just tell me not to play with myself during the day?" "Sure I could. But this means that I can save punishment for more serious things.." kip saw Ted lick his lips. "By the way kipster, your chest is shaved. " "Yes sir. My wife likes it when I'm smooth." "Well... if you start a job you should finish it?" kip looked puzzled. "Sir, what do you mean?" "I mean that by the time you go back home, you can count on those pits and that pube being smooth as your chest. "WHAT? SIR. .. PLEASE. How am I gonna explain that?" "Oh, you're resourceful kipster. It'll be much easier than explaining a cage on your cock, and having to bring in a locksmith. Now, come here. Give Sir Ted a kiss. I'll be back tonight. Probably after you. You know the drill." kip sighed. "Yes sir." Since they did not do casual wear at the meetings, kip would come home and change. Ted had ordered him to get tighter fitting clothes for when they were together, and had prescribed certain items, including the 501 jeans kip was to wear that night: a size down from his usual pants. kip had a feeling that the cage outline would show. It wasn't showing at the meeting. He thought about his relationship with Ted. Yes, it had started with blackmail and he didn't know how he felt about that when it started. But now.. he looked forward to his instructions from Sir Ted, to the bondage and most of all: the fucking. Ted showed no mercy when he was shoving his cock into kip. kip had been sucking dick for a while ,and was good at it. Now he was better. He could count up how many times he had given up his ass before Ted, and have fingers left over. Now, he was getting fucked at least once a night, and sometimes twice on the weekends. Ted was slowly exploring his body and finding all kinds of new ways to arouse him. The cage, for instance. He had no idea that, rather than feeling like an invasion, he would like it. The feeling of the cage banging against his cock was one he began to enjoy. He had no idea what Ted had in store for him that night, but he was looking forward to it.

Someone stood up at the dais of the stage and announced. "Ladies, Gentlemen: we have a special treat today. The director of Corporate Development, and the director of Corporate Personnel are here today to give brief talks. They're both very busy, and they took time to join us today so... can we have a hand for the Director of Corporate Development, Ted Murray, and the Director of Corporate Personnel, Jim Norris. " "SHIT. THE BOSS IS THE ONE FUCKING ME" went off in kip's head, as he saw Ted walk up front, smiling, and address the podium. "DAMN HE LOOKS GOOD" kip thought . "The suit: the tie. That shirt. It's custom made. I know it. LOOK AT HOW HIS BODY FLEXES UNDER THE CLOTHES." His cock began to bang against the cage. "HOLY SHIT. " kip had mixed feelings: the BOSS. The BOSS was fucking him. And he wasn't being secretive about it. All the other reps there: hundreds ? A thousand? And the boss had picked.. HIM." Ted didn't stick around after the speech. He had been dragooned into it by the organizer: she felt that the reps could use a visit from "top level management," and Ted and Jim had been chosen. Jim stood around afterward. Ted knew why: he was looking for "new meat." Jim chuckled. kip was keeping him more than occupied. When he got back to his desk, Mara knocked at his door. "Excuse me Ted: here's the file on kip parker you wanted."

kip couldn't help himself. He texted Ted that day. "YOU'RE MY BOSS." He got a catty response. "That's why you call me SIR" "I MEAN MY REAL BOSS. SIR." "Ha ha. Surprise. Does that make you hotter?" kip had to pause before he answered, honestly "yes sir." "Gets me harder that you know it. Now your boss wants you to go buy yourself a dark red thong for tonight. Make sure it's a size smaller than you think you need." "yes sir," kip texted back, suddenly even more aroused by the idea of wearing a thong for his DOM. He pulled out his phone and googled for a place where he might get one.

kip was in the hotel room when Ted got there. He heard the key in the door, and immediately sat in the chair with his hands behind him. Ted hadn't taught him how to handcuff himself into the chair directly yet, but he would eventually. He had on the tight blue oxford shirt, sleeves rolled, and the 501s, like he was told. Penny loafers and dress socks too. The thong was in between the cage, and his jeans.

"Welcome home Sir," was the first thing kip said, and Ted smiled, as he tossed his jacket on the bed, and began loosening his tie. "So, did you like my speech kipster?" He asked as he pulled kip's wrists together and began tying them with the fine silk. "It felt like you were talking to me directly, Sir. I had no idea..." "That the boss was shoving his cock up your ass, studmuffin?" Ted whispered into kip's ear, as he rubbed fingers over kip's right nip. "Sir. I'm so horny Sir.. I'm gonna burst." "No you're not. No you're not. Even if I do this..." From behind, both of Ted's hands descended to nipples and began rubbing the shirt across them. Without the undershirt, the solid oxford fabric was pushing most of kip's buttons. "Tomorrow, we're gonna use my friend Peter's technique. Velcro on the nips." Ted laughed. "How do you think it'd be to have the velcro on your tits AND the cage all day?" "OH SHIT SIR. I'd be dead..." He felt Ted's lips press against his neck. "No you wouldn't. Desperate, yes, but dead... No. " kip felt Ted's teeth begin to nibble on his ear, and his fingers opening kip's shirt. "We got a few things to take care of tonight, kipster. Then... another night out. But don't worry. Your slutting days are over. You're one man's bitch now." "yes sir. " kip replied, as he felt Ted take him out of the chair, and start leading him to the bed. "You know position. Star. On your back. Full splay." "Yes sir. " kip didn't know what was in Ted's plans , because this time, he was using the ankle restraints. They, and the wrist restraints, were drawn tight. He saw the evil look on Ted's face as he felt his loafers being removed. Ted left the room, and came back with the electric toothbrush from the bathroom. kip began to get scared. "Not ticklish, huh kipster? " "OH SIR! Everyone's feet are ticklish. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." kip began to laugh, hysterically, as the toothbrush hit his right sole. "You've still got your socks on. Can you imagine what it'll feel like when they're gone?" "OH NO. OH NO SIR. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA. " Ted had moved the electric toothbrush to kips left foot and, with a free hand, began taking off the socks. "I think that perhaps, a brush is too much for my kipster for the first time.. but nails...." Ted began running his perfectly manicured nails across kip's soles. "It's not nice to lie to the Boss." "NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. NO.............." "And you know what I've found kipster? Sensitive feet mean sensitive... other body parts. " Now the brush came back on, and Ted began probing kip's navel. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT ONE I SWEAR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SERIOUSLY SIR. MY BROTHERS.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. THEY NEVER TICKLED ME THERE. " "First time for everything, studmuffin. How about your ribs? Did they do your ribs? kip moaned. He wasn't going to escape. Those manicured nails found his ribs and got to work. "SIR. SIR. I'M GONNA PEE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "Well then you'll stain your thong. Ain't that a shame. " Ted's nails moved up to kip's arm pits. "Little jungle here. Gotta take care of that tonight. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "Little bit of trivia kipster. Shaved skin is more sensitive than unshaved. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I WON'T LIE TO YOU AGAIN. PLEASE." "No, stud. You won't. Because if you do..." He pressed his elbow on kip's crotch. "This COULD stay on a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time." "I won't. I won't Sir. I promise. " "Now we're gonna set up some long distance tickling. You'd be surprised how easy it is to do. All you gotta do is tape an electric toothbrush to the part of your body to be tickled, and... we may work on a different part every night. Ha ha hah ahahahaha." "GULP. yes sir." Ted got up and went out of the room again. He came back with a razor, creme, and the key to the cock cage. "You've been a good sport this time kipster. Let's get you shaved, and then... after I have my way with that sweet ass of yours... I'll let you cum." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Thank you Sir. THANK YOU. " "Now, just relax. It's one thing to get a cut on your pits, but if I slip at your crotch....." Ted started at the pits. His strokes were firm, regular, and smooth. kip was glad he had tickled him first, because he seemed to be much better at handling the strokes. It actually felt good. He felt a cloth being applied to his pits, but he saw Ted's smile. "BEAUTIFUL. By the way, kipster, terrible news about the bed bug break out at the hotel?" "WHAT BED BUG BREAK OUT SIR?" Ted began to laugh. "You're beautiful but a little dim, aren't you? Where would bed bugs be likely to hide? Ever have CRABS?"' "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Thank you Sir." "Now... remember.... Nice and still." kip gulped and moaned as the cage came off, and his cock popped out. He couldn't remember the last time it was as hard as it was that night. "Let's get those legs up. You've got a little peach fuzz on your ass and balls, and we gotta take care of that first. "OH, SIR. If.. if.. I may shoot." "Makes shaving a whole lot messier, but it's happening... "kip gritted his teeth. He tried to think of things to get his erection down. He felt the strokes on his balls. He held his breath. "NICE. Now all we need is the pubis..." kip was thin enough that he could see the work on the rest of his crotch. "Yeah, you look like more of a little boy than you ever did, but that's ok. You're adorable kip." Ted kissed him. "Now get your legs up higher. My turn." kip learned that Ted was as horny as he was. Ted's cock RAMMED him so hard, his head nearly hit the board. "OH FUCK. TAKE ME BOSSMAN TAKE ME. FUCK. FUCK...." Ted was doing just that: he was REAMING kip. He seemed to be into it way more than he ever had been. "PLEASE DADDY KEEP GOING. KEEP GOING SIR. PLEASE PLEASE FUCK YOUR BOY. PLEASE... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." kip felt the gushing into his ass. It felt cooling: a respite after the abuse he had just taken, and he smiled. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. OH MY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY." Ted smiled. "Your turn kipster. Me or you? "You sir? Please?" Ted smiled and he ran a finger over kip's balls, while his hand took kip's cock and began stroking. "YES SIR. YES. OH GOD YES. GEEZ. I'm so close I'm so close I'm so... CLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE" . He saw the smile on Ted's face as he watched the jizz go traveling into the air. "FUCK I'M EXHAUSTED SIR. YOU WEAR ME OUT." "Ha ha. Well, we're not done yet. " Ted set his phone on the bed table, set to a timer. "You've got twenty minutes to get out of the ropes. If you don't.... 24 hours for the cage." kip had to deal with that cage for another day, during their morning wank, the blow job he gave Ted, and through brunch. We'll get to that next time. And kip had no idea about how his file was moving from office to office, and at each point, the box "transfer approved" was checked.

Next: Chapter 4

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