Kips Long Distance Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 18, 2021


On the 44th floor of the Gold Tower, about 20 floors below Ted Murray's officer, Meredith Flynn, head of deployment, as her title went, was looking at the recommendations . This was what she called her "time of the month." Every month, there were two days when she would look over the reports on all the senior level employees, with recommendations about terminations, promotions, transfers, etc. As was usually the case, more than 90 percent of the employees had no change. She put that stack of paperwork aside. She also put "termination recommended" aside. Those were the hardest cases, and she needed to consider them carefully. She thought she saw only three names on the list. "Good" she thought. "That'll be fast." She turned to promotions: no problem. Then transfers.

"Hmmm." She thought. There was a name on the list. It looked familiar so she pulled out the promotions list. She was right. There was Kip Parker's name: recommended for promotion AND transfer to the home office. There was also a note: specifically recommended by Ted Murray." She laughed. Meredith and Ted had started at the company at just about the same time. They knew each other like two well read books. She called out to her assistant. "George, can you pull up the file on Kip Parker please? Just so that I can access it?" "Will do ma'am." She was pleased with George. He was what - 22? Had a real work ethic. And didn't seem to ever talk about what he had heard at work. Best assistant she had ever had. Now, as she opened the electronic file that George had pulled up, she smiled. "Why am I not surprised?" she thought as she looked at Kip's official photo. Then she made a sound: "oooooooooooh, this time it's a MARRIED man. Ha ha. I'm gonna have to discuss that with him." She read through the file and this wasn't a vanity job: Kip had the credentials. She took a deep breath, closed the file, and then sent an email to Kip:

"Hey Kip. Meredith Flynn here. Can you stop by 44 tomorrow for a brief chat? Say 11? Don't worry. It's all good. MF" Then she called Ted's secretary. "Gloria, can you get me on that man's schedule for lunch?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Next day, over salads in the executive dining room, Meredith lowered her voice. "MARRIED? There aren't enough SINGLE straight men for you to corrupt? MARRIED?" Ted started laughing. "Meredith, let me tell you, kip was corrupted before I did a thing. He..." "NO. I DON'T WANNA KNOW. OK, I DO. I DO. BUT DON'T TELL ME. WAIT. IS IT? NEVER MIND. " Then she lowered her voice. "Just be careful Ted. " She paused. "The file didn't indicate any kids, but you know how rapidly they update those things. No kids Ted?" "No kids." He laughed. "Even I don't go that far, although you know, he.." "I SAID DON'T TELL ME. Not until we're in a bar somewhere having drinks."

Kip got the email and WAS a bit nervous. "She says 'it's all good, but... what does that mean? Did they find out about Ted? Are they shipping me across country? What...." He was in his hotel, and it was a night when he was alone: Ted had begged off , telling him he had a big meeting to attend. Kip was just as glad. He'd be so nervous and so anxious to know what was going on, that he'd probably need to be tied down tight and gagged. On the one hand, that sounded good. On the other.. he didn't want to go to the meeting with rope burns. He took a sleeping pill and got some sleep.

He was sitting in the lobby, ogling George, when he heard the crisp sound of heels coming toward him. He didn't expect a woman of color, but there she was. She was taller than he was by about two inches. Smiling, holding out her hand. "KIP. So good to meet you. Has George offered you coffee or water, or anything?" "He did Ms. Flynn.. I'm fine.." She laughed. "Please Kip. If you'd prefer to be called Mr. Parker, then fine, but otherwise, I'm Meredith. Ok?" "Ok Meredith," he smiled. He liked her. In her office, she made eye contact immediately. "Kip, the word from all departments is that everyone is very pleased with your work." Kip began to blush but he also began to relax. "Well, thank you Meredith. The company has been very good to me." "Thank you for saying that. And we'd like to do better by you. We wish to offer you a promotion. " She saw Kip's mouth drop and she smiled. "Let me give you the good and the bad of it, because, you know as well as I do Kip, every silver lining has a cloud behind it." "O..... k......" Kip was wondering what could be bad about a promotion, and as Meredith started explaining it, nothing seemed bad. "You'd be in charge of a small team Kip - say ten other representatives - and you wouldn't have to be "on the road" to clients much anymore, unless you really wanted to do that. It's a more demanding job, and accordingly, there's a change in compensation." She looked at her figures. "Yes, I thought the number was right, and it is. It amounts to a 30% raise." If Kip's mouth had dropped previously, it fell to the floor with that. Meredith began to laugh. "Wait. I haven't finished. To the extent there is travel, and there may be, you'll have use of a company car for company business. I'm afraid we can't let you CHOOSE your car, but you'll be satisfied." "Well, Meredith, I'm... I'm floored and I'm honored. Thank you.. But... so far I haven't heard the cloud part." He saw Meredith tighten her lips. "Here it is. For this position, you'd have to relocate. All of the team leaders work out of the gold tower. The company would pay your relocation costs, and assist you in obtaining housing." She paused. "I know you're married, and your spouse works so... you would have to work out those issues ." Now, Kip's mind began to put things together - he began to smell the work of Ted behind this. Ted wanting him to be closer to him: easier to dominate, easier to fuck, easier to tie up. A part of him wondered "what was wrong with that?" Another part.... "Meredith, tell me the truth. If I turned down the promotion, what's my future here?" He saw the smile and the head shake. "Ah. There's the rub Kip. The 67th floor doesn't like to be told no, so if that happened, well... no, there wouldn't be termination, but declining ONE promotion means there won't be anymore. You'll still get cost of living increases in your compensation, and you won't need to make weekly trips any longer, but I'm afraid... if I were you, and couldn't take this promotion, I would think about alternative careers." There was a bit of silence, and then Meredith stood up. "You'll need to think about this, Kip. And discuss it with your wife. We don't need an answer today. But three weeks. That's when we make the decisions. " "I... I understand Meredith." Kip held out a shaky hand. "Thank you. Thank you for being so honest." "I believe we all HAVE to be Kip. Enjoy the rest of your time here, and if you have any questions.." she handed him a card. "Please call me. I'll make sure George transfers your call." Kip headed out, his face burning. He didn't know what to do. At the elevator bank he hit the "up" button. Ted worked on the 65th floor. They needed to talk."

On 65, there was a hush. It was quieter than a library. Kip felt intimidated. He looked around. There were various suites, and he found one, with a door closed: Ted's name was on the list. He turned the doorknob and it didn't move, so he buzzed. He got a return buzz and went in. If it were possible, it was quieter IN the suite than outside. He saw a woman in a tailored suit at a desk, working at a computer. "Good morning, may I help you." He saw her desk name plaque: Gloria. "Good morning. I... I don't have an appointment, but... I wonder if I might speak to Ted Murry?" She looked stunned. "Mr. Murray?" she gave a short chuckle. "I'm afraid that he doesn't see people without appointments, young man." Kip thrust his hands in his pockets to keep them from shaking too much. "Well... I'm sorry to disturb you... Could you maybe just let him know that Kip Parker came by to talk to him." She looked up. She had heard "Kip" in Ted's talks with Jim, and she knew about Ted's "tendencies" as she thought about it. She smiled. "Let me just see. I don't have anything on his appointment list for today right now, which means nothing, but he may have a few minutes. " She buzzed. "Mr. Murray? Kip Parker is here, wondering if he could see you?" Kip could hear a bit of chatter, and he saw Gloria smile. Then she put down the receiver. "The door over there, Kip. Room 6504." "THANK YOU. I really appreciate it." Kip knocked at the door, and heard the loud voice "COME IN KIP" He saw Ted at the desk, jacket off, braces showing. He had on a blue and white striped shirt with a white collar, a bright yellow tie, and his well polished shoes were up on the desk. "DAMN HE'S A HOT MAN" kip thought. "I guess you went and saw Meredith today." Ted got out of his chair and came over to kip. kip felt himself being backed against a wall. "And I've been thinking about all the things I can do to you if you're closer at hand. " He had his mouth on kip's ear. "Move your head." kip began to breathe hard. This was NOT how he wanted things to go and now, as Ted moved his fingers to kip's nipples and whispered. "playing hard to get? That may be fun." He began to twist the nipples, and kip let out a moan. "No. No Sir. I... I..... " "No rope here which is too bad. How's about though... under my desk. Get my zipper opened. I think you may need a quick protein shake." "Sir, I...." "I SAID UNDER THE DESK." When he used that voice, kip was helpless. "Yes sir." He took off his jacket, put it on the side of an armchair, and got in position in front of Ted's desk chair. Didn't he see things like this in porno movies? "OH YES. That tongue. That sweet straight boy tongue.. MMMMMM. OH, regular blow jobs at work.. Now THAT's something I'm looking forward to." kip felt Ted's hands in his hair, pushing him forward. "You're doing a GREAT job kip. " He began to laugh. "At work too. " He began to thrust. "GOD, I was WONDERING when you were gonna be up here to say thank you. I'm glad I waited. OH YES. OH FUCK. OH FUCK.." kip had succeeded in bringing Ted off, and the jizz was pouring down his throat. "Lick it all off. I want my cock as clean as when you came in, kipster." kip swirled his tongue around Ted's cock. This was NOT going the way he planned at all, and after giving Ted the blowjob, well.. he was glad he had worn a dark suit that day. He was still caged, and he could feel the pre cum pooling in the thong Ted made him wear. It didn't absorb the fluid, and his cock was swimming in it. Ted smiled as he drew kip from under the desk. "I know that tomorrow you're going back home for the week. Trust me...I'm gonna make sure you don't forget this visit tonight. I AM coming over. You'd better be ready. "Yes sir. I will be." "I'll text you how I want you dressed. " He grinned. "I'm planning to introduce you to some new games tonight."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kara Peters had been married to Kip for just over 15 years. When she met Kip, his smile is what did her in. She was a student at the time - one of the few women in chemical engineering and one of four in her entire university system. She had worked hard and now, she had just received tenure and was an associate professor at that very same university. She was the first tenured woman to work at the engineering school in its history. In non official academic circles, she was "hot stuff." Her work was well respected, and she had a reputation for not being afraid to put a man in his place if he made a sexist comment. To give an example, one senior colleague had written of her work that "there was nothing feminine about it," which he meant as a compliment. Kara wasn't buying it. The next time she presented at a conference, that colleague was in the audience. Everyone wondered when the "zing" was going to happen. It didn't take long. As she put up her first slide , of particles colliding , she asked "now, try as I might, I wasn't able to determine which particles were boys and which were girls. Perhaps Professor Davis can tell us." Then she paused. The audience applauded, and at the break, Professor Davis left the conference. Kara had some idea of her husband's "wanderings" as she thought of them. She and Kip had a housekeeper, and one day, Beatrice brought Kara a pile of rather heavy duty porn she had found when cleaning Kip's study, wondering what to do with it. Kara took a look and said "just put it back where you found it Beatrice. I'll discuss it with Kip when he's back." Then she put it in the back of her mind and said nothing. When he called that night, before Ted got to the room, she was grading some exams. "Kip? This is a surprise. You usually don't call during the trips. Something wrong?" "Well, no babe. No. Actually it may be good, but... I wanna give you a heads up because... we need to discuss something." "That sounds serious, gimme a hint." "Well, Kara, I got a promotion. And a raise." "CONGRATULATIONS! BOTH OF US. WE'RE MOVING UP." "Yeah, well, I haven't accepted it yet." "You haven't? Why not?" "Well, the promotion means I'd have to be here most of the time, rather than home." There was a pause. "I see. " Then another pause. "Well, you know I'm not leaving my job." "I know, I know. That's why I wanted to call now. See, if you don't want me to take it, I won't. Long distance marriage is hard enough one week a month, how are we gonna handle this?" Kara was remarkably pragmatic. "Well, we won't know until it happens, I guess. It's sort of like atomic physics. I don't think you can turn down the job, but... yeah, we'll talk." "GREAT. Oh. One other thing, love, I'm going to be a little different, physically, when I come home." "Did you do something stupid like cut off an ear?" "Ha ha. No, nothing like that. But I needed to shave my whole body. " "WHAT? HUH?" "Well, I was at a different hotel and... I woke up the first day, scratching like a madman. Bed bugs. " "BED BUGS? " she exclaimed. "Are you alright now?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just had to quarantine a few days, and move hotels, and now... but when you see the stubble, I wanted you to know why." "Well, thanks for the heads up. I know those conferences are killers, and I have another 30 exams to look at, so I guess I'll see you in a couple of days." "You will. Love ya Kara." "Love you too munchkin (Kara was two inches taller than Kip)" As they got off the phone, she laughed to herself. "Bed bugs... HA. I wonder who he got THAT story from?"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Now that his call with Kara was finished, kip could turn to getting ready for when Ted got to the hotel room. Ted had left instructions: the tightest white button down he had, jeans, penny loafers. It was one of kip's favorite outfits: the only thing he liked better was his lavender shirt and tan khaki combination. Ted had mentioned "new games," and kip had no idea what they were. He hoped they included taking the cage off. He was DESPERATE.

Normally, Ted gave him advanced notice of when he was leaving the office. Not tonight. Tonight, kip was fixing his hair when he heard the door open. "OH SHIT. Ted gets pissed if I'm not there." He ran out. "Evening Sir. I..." "CHAIR. NOW . We'll discuss not being ready for me later. " "Yes sir." kip felt handcuffs rather than rope being put on his wrists - this was something new, for sure. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH." kip felt metal against his lips. "It's a spider gag, bitch stud. Keep your mouth open, and you won't be able to close it. "AAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA" kip was trying to say "yes sir, and the gag had that effect. Then, the crop Ted had in his hand came down on his crotch. "WHY IS ONLY ONE BUTTON OPENED ON THIS SHIRT, BOY? YOU NEED RE-EDUCATING?" kip tried to smile, which wasn't possible. He KNEW he had to have both buttons opened, but he also knew that punishment followed if he didn't - and he LOVED the feel of Ted's hand against his crotch, his ass. The crop? Something new. "AANANANANNGGGGGGGGGGG" It came down again, and again, and again. A total of ten times. "Next time, it'll be 20. Understood?" kip shook his head yes. He saw the bulge in Ted's pants. This gag... he could fuck kip's face with no trouble, but he did that already today.... Ted headed behind him and slipped his hand inside kip's shirt. He worked the nipple hard as he nibbled kip's ear and whispered "You are gonna need a standing desk after you move here, cause I'm gonna be fucking you so hard, you won't be able to sit. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" His teeth began nibbling kip's ear up and down. kip wanted to melt, he wanted to cum.. he wanted cock in his ass. He felt the buttons of his shirt open, and then... Clamps. "NNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNNGNGGNGNGNGNGNGGN" "Like them kipster?" kip shook his head no. They were bringing down his hard on: they HURT. He saw Ted smile. He WANTED kip's hard on down. The crop to his cock, the clamps, this was all designed.. "FUCK. He's trying to train me not to get aroused," kip realized. Mentally, he drew a line in the sand "It's not going to work." "Think of how it's gonna feel if I fuck you from behind kipster. Those little teeth biting into your nips. "SHIT! " kip thought. Would he do that? He knew Ted would, so he tried to look as pleadingly helpless as he could. Ted smiled. "But I wanna see your face when I PULL those fuckers as I fuck your cunt." He manhandled kip to the bed pulled off his loafers, and put kip's feet under his arm. "Next time.. NEXT TIME. These are gonna be tied tight, and I'm gonna be tickling them hard. You're also gonna meet Mr. FUCK BROOM" at my house. Tonight though, just Ted Cock." If he could have spoken, kip would have made a smart remark: "is that like a Ted Talk, Sir?" Instead, he gurgled and howled when Ted pulled the clamp chain every now and then. His pants were gone, and his thong, soaked with precum, came off next, got balled up, and shoved in his mouth. kip thought he had drained Ted dry that afternoon, and he had: but he was full up again, and he RAMMED into his sub, fucking him HARD. "Gotta get one of those gags for your ass, kipster. Keep you nice and spread." As he pounded kip, kip thought about the phrase Ted had used "Fuck broom? " What was that? "TIGHTEN THOSE GLUTES MANCUNT. MAKE MY COCK FEEL SAFE." kip did the best he could. He couldn't focus completely, because the smell of his own precum, combined with the sting of the clamps was putting him in another world. Ted tightened his, and the shot from the expanded cock almost made kip spit out the thong gag. "NNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" he wanted Ted to cum, but he didn't. He wanted the fucking to end, and he wanted it to go on forever. He wanted to get up and leave, and he wanted to be tied down to the bed. "He's fucking my head. And I love it." And then, Ted shot, and kip was glad he had sucked him that afternoon because the wad that came out was, well.... Ted smiled. "I'm just thinking about the future kipster. If not with you, well..." he winked. "Meredith's boy George is always on the make. " "OH NO. OH NO." kip thought, and he shook his head no. "That little pussy is NOT getting my man." Ted began removing the gag, the clamps, the restraints pinning kip's arms behind him. "I want you cleaned up before we go eat something, kipster. " He grinned. "A gay place. You're going as my boy." He pointed to a polo shirt and white tennis shorts. " "yes sir," kip murmured, as he went to clean himself up. While he was in the shower, Ted took kip's "homework" out of his bag. A larger butt plug, and two small vibrators. He already had a plan. kip would find out.

kip left for home the next day. Three days after that he called Meredith. He accepted the position. He's start there in a month.

Next: Chapter 5

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