Kiss Me Ceit

By PassionFlakie

Published on Dec 27, 2001


Kiss me Ceit

Part One

Disclaimer: This story contains descriptions of sexual acts between two adult women. If this offends you, or if it is illegal for you to do so, please do not continue reading.

If you enjoy this story, please let me know. I hope to be posting a part two sometime in the new year when I get some more time (and inspiration!). Also any notes on my use of Irish places and names would be very helpful.

I woke up that morning full of energy. That night was the long awaited Christmas bash and I'd put aside a good bit of money to ensure a good time. I'd made sure everyone from my office was going and I knew just about everyone from the company would be there. I might have only been with this company for three months, but I knew the importance of these parties and I knew how important my first office party with them could be to my reputation. I also knew Ceit (pronounced Kate) would be there. Ceit was my area manager, my boss' boss, and all that was filling my mind.

I had a hair appointment for a shampoo and style scheduled for five pm and I'd had two dresses ordered in to the boutique in my size. I quickly showered and dressed in my usual baggy casuals and legged it to the mall. I went straight to the boutique and tried on the dresses. I had to choose one but both were fantastic. The one I chose was boned (like a corset) and managed to make my belly all but disappear and my already large breasts stand up and out. It was a deep mahogany red satin, low cut and short. I decided it was a night for sexy hold-ups, not nylons. I couldn't wait to get to the party.

After picking up a few other essentials -- sexy hold-ups, a satin thong and various unmentionables I made it to the hairdresser. I can never to anything with my hair, which is normally tied back in a wavy mess, but my hairdresser Miriam always makes me look like a supermodel when she does it.

I got home, dressed and was very pleased with the result. The girl in the mirror wouldn't be quickly recognized by my workmates. They were used to me in sensible (but ugly) shoes and I was wearing three inch stilettos. They were also used to me dressing fairly masculine. My suits were trouser suits, and I often wore a cufflink shirt, ties and my very long black hair was almost always tied back in a tight braid. And tonight, they would see me like this. My black hair blow dried straight, layered around my face and shining. My white tits spilling out from over my deep red corset -- dress, my waist cinched in and my legs propped up in shiny stilettos, leading up to lacy hold-ups. I felt like a sex goddess. I applied a little So de la Renta strategically between my white breasts and heard my taxi arrive outside.

I was a little bit late, but not entrance style late. I walked into the upstairs room of the Dublin city bar and saw in front of me the reason for all this effort -- Ceit. I wanted desperately to stare but that sort of behaviour wasn't part of the plan tonight. I quickly scanned the room and saw my old friend Ben by the bar. I ordered a martini and he looked at me and laughed. We've known each other for years, since he started working for the same company in England. We were transferred to Eire around the same time which was a blessing to both of us. I'm sure he had no idea what to say and you could tell he was a bit taken aback by my getup. Ben is quite short and with the heels, he was basically talking right into my breasts. He seemed to be enjoying it and I didn't mind. I needed as much sexual confidence tonight as I could get. Ceit was going to be a challenge but I hadn't stopped thinking about her since we met three months ago, and I promised myself she would come home with me that night.

I talked to Ben for a while and made my way around the room. I was surprised to find out how many people in the company I already knew and was having a great time when Ceit came over to talk to Niamh, a girl from my office. It was about three hours since I'd arrived and all of us were a little worse for the wear. I was trying to take it easy on the drink as I had other ideas for later, stuffed away in my handbag.

Gradually Ceit and I were talking together about everything in general (as people do when they're off their heads). I found out her boyfriend had dumped her recently and she was sort of lonely but not missing him terribly. This was good news. I adored this woman. All five foot eleven of her was pure goddess and made all five foot three of me tremble. Her red hair was always shiny and always in place and her lips were always dark and full. Her breasts were fine and round and peeking out from her low cut blouse. I could see that the freckles weren't confined to her face. What always killed me every time were her huge blue eyes. I could have died in those eyes and not worried a minute about how corny that sounded. She commented on my dress and on how hard it was to find things that fit large breasts. I said I could identify, and she blushed and said she'd only noticed that tonight. I told her about minimizing bras and how I always wore them at work. Although Ceit was much more feminine a girl than I was, I was dressed far more girly than she was tonight. Normally she'd wear skirt suits and low cut tops to work and she wasn't that differently dressed tonight. Her long legs were shown off under a slightly flared short black skirt and kept warm by sheer, shiny nylons. She was wearing a very slinky little top which was more sheer than opaque and her freckled breasts were pert and full beneath. Now, I enjoy being fairly androgynous and asexual at work since I've always hated men hitting on me on the job. When I really want to seduce someone though, I go all out femme. I know what I like seeing in a woman and make every effort to make sure I do all of that when I need to. I needed to that night.

I was loving every minute of this. Ceit's voice was soft and melodic with a deep culchie accent and she didn't show any interest in the hundreds of other people there that night. And then she asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. I said sure and we strolled downstairs to the regular pub and out into the street. It was a chilly night as we made our way to a bench in St. Stephen's Green. We sat side by side and she started to talk in the chilly Irish night

Nikki, I've heard rumours about you, she said, blushing slightly.

I blushed as well, and enjoyed hearing my name whispered by Ceit in the night air.

Well that didn't take long; I didn't think I'd been here long enough for rumours. What did you hear? I asked coyly, having a good idea what it was.

As I glanced down, I could see she was feeling the chill because her nipples were pointed and hard. I knew mine were as well and I was getting very excited. I was also feeling quite a draft up my short skirt were I was only wearing a black satin thong which was starting to get wet.

She blushed deeper and spoke carefully

I've heard you ... go with women. She paused and looked at her shoes.

I hadn't realized how much of a country girl she was until that moment.

I do go with women, Ceit, and I don't make a secret of it so don't be embarrassed about asking. I'm not embarrassed about it.

But, to be honest, I was shocked to hear that she knew. I had told the people in my office, to get the irritating "what did you do on the weekend" stuff out of the way, but had no idea how this had gotten back to Ceit. On the other hand, I didn't exactly mind. It seemed to be working in my favour.

So I took a chance and held her hand. There was no resistance, in fact she held it tightly and giggled, a bit drunk, a bit nervous. Our hands rested on her lap, just by the hem of her short black skirt. I began to play with the hem of her skirt and as we sat there in silence she moved in closer to me, squirming slightly.

It's cold, she said quietly and looked up at me. It struck me as strange how this tall woman could manage to look so vulnerable but she did it well and was stealing my heart away entirely.

I giggled slightly as the martinis seem to have got to my head and said that's ok, I could warm you up. She moved in even closer, but cast her eyes downwards and stared at our hands, intertwined on her lap where I'd raised the hem of her skirt about an inch and was tracing shapes on her thigh. She squeezed my hand tighter and I released hers.

Then I stood up without a word, and she sat there looking at me. I said are you ok with this? She just nodded and looked at me, making me almost faint with lust and those blue eyes.

I lifted my skirt a bit so she caught a glimpse of the lacy tops of my hold-ups and straddled her on the bench. Seated this way, I was above her and my breasts were just at her chin level. I looked down and drew her head up with my hand and kissed her softly and quickly on those dark lips.

I asked again, are you sure you're ok with this? I don't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. She didn't answer this time, just moved both of her hands to my bottom over my dress and caressed the satin as she laid her head in my chest.

I moved my hands from the bench where I had steadied myself and held on to her shoulders, pulling her head away from my breasts and kissing her neck passionately. I felt I was already about to explode and we'd just barely started. Her breathing was getting heavier, and a moan escaped her lips which turned me on even more. I kissed her neck up and down and on both sides until she grabbed my face and kissed my lips hard almost with violence. I let my tongue explore her mouth and our tongues played games touching and exploring as our hands did the same. I felt her hands move from my bottom, to the front of me and my breasts. She touched lightly and gently, probably had never touched another woman's breasts before. She kneaded them in her hands as moans started to escape my lips. My hands had been unbuttoning her blouse and touching her nipples lightly through her bra. I moved my hand downwards when the blouse was fully unbuttoned and put my index finger just inside the waistband of her skirt. I heard her breath catch as the hands on my breasts became more forceful and more frantic. I was ready to explode and she seemed to be in a similar state. I moved my head to her neck and started kissing it again, adoring the soft white skin and then whispered Are you wet? I'm getting awfully wet.

She nodded silently but hastily, catching her breath and looking right in my eyes. My hand drifted down to her thighs where I moved my hand up inside her skirt to find she was wearing hold-ups as well. Only she wasn't wearing panties either and she was very wet. I almost came on the spot but I held on. You dirty girl I whispered, teasing in her ear. You're in for a good hard fucking you know that.


Next: Chapter 2

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