Kisses by Natalie Nessus

By moc.socyl@susseneilatan

Published on Mar 23, 2006



I don't think you don't get it, Teresa,' Gillian complained to her friend. That woman is a total bitch!'

I think I understand,' Teresa said wearily. You complain about her every time we meet for coffee. Can I tell you I'm getting a little tired of it?' Teresa said honestly in her soft Texas drawl.

Teresa and Gillian were casual friends, drawn together when they had met by chance in the lobby of their small apartment building shortly after they had both moved to New York. Teresa was from Austin and Gillian from Dallas but, in reality, the only thing they had in common was the accent.

You're right, I'm sorry, but you're the only one I can talk to about her,' Gillian said moodily. She's frustrating, she always thinks she's right, and she's so opinionated!'

`Maybe you're alike?'

`What is that supposed to mean?'

`You know, opposites attract, like people irritate each other etc. That's what I mean. Don't get sensitive on me, I've had a hard day.'

`We do not have anything in common, she's gay for a start^Å'

Not that there's anything wrong with that,' Teresa said with a wink, trying to make Gillian smile but she ignored the comment and stared moodily out the window. There must be something about her that's ok?' Teresa asked.

`Mmmm, I suppose. She dresses really well and has a great sense of humour, she's always making people laugh in meetings.'

`Even you?' Teresa gently asked.

`I try to hide it but she does come out with some really wacky stuff.'

`That's good, isn't it?'

Maybe, but she's really bitchy! You should hear some of the bitchy things she says about people!' Teresa opened her mouth to point out that Gillian did exactly the same thing, but thought better of it. She was way too tired to handle one of Gillian's outbursts of outrage. Have you tried to make friends with her?'

`Are you crazy? She's in the running for the same promotion as me. Brad told me today - in confidence of course - that it was just the two of us in line for the European Vice Presidency. I so want that job!'

Teresa nodded absently, flicking through a magazine. She had heard it all before and knew how passionately Gillian wanted the job. It was all she spoke about, and Gillian felt it was hers by right, was desperate to get the promotion, and would be inconsolable if she didn't.

I'm surprised you haven't slept with Brad,' Teresa had said once, seeing you want the job so much.'

He loves his wife, can you believe it?' Gillian said bitterly and then, realising what she had said aloud, blushed and stammered, I wasn't thinking of it, really I wasn't.'

`Why don't you negotiate with this woman, what was her name again?'


`Whatever. Go see her, do a deal. You're always telling me how good you are at negotiation, work out a compromise and stop letting her get under your skin.'

`I suppose I could,' Gillian said, staring at her coffee cup.

The idea took hold. Why not sit down with her, she thought, and discuss a deal? Anything is possible. Nikki and Gillian were attending an industry seminar all day on Friday and they were the only representatives from their company. If she broached the idea on Thursday, she would have all the next day to close a deal.

Gillian waited until almost 5pm on Thursday before she tentatively knocked on Nikki's office door. `Nikki?'

Nikki turned from her computer, brushed a wisp of her hair from her eyes and looked blankly at Gillian. `Yes?'

Clearing her throat, Gillian inched into the office and tried a weak smile. `Can we talk?'

`About?' Nikki asked coolly.


Interest flickered in Nikki's eyes and then vanished as abruptly as it had appeared. `By us, I take it you mean you and I? Now, that's an interesting concept,' Nikki said, looking Gillian up and down with an obvious smirk.

Flushing, Gillian sat down and leaned forward. `I'll be blunt^Å'

`What a surprise,' Nikki said, rolling her eyes, and Gillian glared at her.

`Can you give me a minute to talk?'

Nikki raised an eyebrow, opened her mouth and obviously thought better of it for she shrugged. Gillian spoke quickly. `As you know, you and I are the last two in line for the European V.P.'

`Are we? I didn't^Å'

Can we cut the games, Nikki?' Gillian snapped. Brad is going to announce the new V.P. next week. I want that job, Nikki, I really want it.'

`Don't tell me, tell Brad. You might be able to squeeze it in while you're running after him all the time.'

Gillian flushed at Nikki's remark but ignored it. `That job is all I've ever dreamed of. I've even learned German!'

Is it based in Germany?' Nikki asked innocently and Gillian gritted her teeth. The bitch, she fumed, is playing dumb! Pity,' Nikki said sweetly, `I only speak Italian and Spanish. You know my family has a business in Italy?'

Gillian shook her head while her mind raced. She knows Europe, has family there and speaks two languages. Jeez, she is a good candidate, Gillian reluctantly admitted to herself. I wonder what perfume she's wearing?

`Is there a way we can do a deal on this?' Gillian asked at last.

Deal?' Nikki's eyes narrowed and she stared thoughtfully at Gillian. What kind of deal did you have in mind?' She pushed her chair out a little from her desk, crossed her legs, hands resting comfortably on her knee while she watched Gillian with a small smile.

I don't know. Maybe I could get you a different position when I get the V.P. or something?' Nikki shook her head. What then? I'm open to all suggestions, Nikki, I want this job.'

Nikki stood up and walked to her window, staring down at New York. Autumn is such a beautiful time in New York, she thought, the sky is different and the trees in Central Park are glorious.

Her mind raced with possibilities and Nikki's dangerous sense of humour took over, dangerous because Nikki was one of those people who truly did not care what people, other than friends and lovers, thought of her. It sounds like you would do anything?' Nikki said softly and looked at Gillian, who flushed deeply, her nervous fingers flying to play with her hair. Would you? Do anything, I mean?' ` Are you suggesting something?' Gillian managed to croak. Is she, the idea worried at her, going to suggest I sleep with her? I couldn't do that, could I? Could I?

I'm thinking,' Nikki said quietly, but her mind was racing with possibilities and then the idea came to her. Anything?' she asked again, fighting to hide the sly smile that suddenly appeared on her face.

Yes,' Gillian said firmly. Anything.' What does it matter if she wants to sleep with me, she silently reasoned, it's only sex, I'd just lie there and Nikki is not unattractive.

Okay,' Nikki said with a sudden open smile, I want five kisses, when and where I want them, and you have to kiss me back.'

Gillian's face went white. `You're kidding, right?' Kissing suddenly seemed a lot worse than simple sex.

`No, I'm not. Five kisses tomorrow, we're together all day anyway, it'll be fun, and on Monday I'll give Brad the news.'

`I can't believe you would suggest^Å'

Take it or leave it. What's five kisses,' she added in a hard tone, when it was obvious you were trying to seduce poor Brad.'

`I was not! That is crazy to^Å'

You weren't?' Nikki said sarcastically, Jeez, half the office must have misread your intentions. Take it or leave it, let me know tomorrow morning at that stupid seminar. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get downtown.'

In a daze, Gillian left Nikki's office and sank into her chair, wheeling it around so she could stare at the New York skyline while thinking. Nikki is some crazy bitch, Gillian fumed to herself, absolutely crazy! But a small voice asked, what harm can a kiss do, weren't you prepared to sleep with Brad and weren't you considering sleeping with her if she asked? Why didn't she ask, the stray obscure thought popped into her head, doesn't she find me attractive?

Gillian could never understand why her girlfriends always spoke so much about kissing, describing the first kiss they had with their guys, rating them as great kissers or not. Kissing was not a big deal to Gillian and although she had often wondered why she didn't feel the same way about it as her girlfriends in Dallas, Gillian had kept it to herself. In fact, she rationalised that she was a realist and didn't get caught up in romantic fairytale bullshit.

By the time she was seated in front of her television watching some stupid show and painting her fingernails, Gillian was thinking that a kiss was nothing, and five times nothing is nothing! God, Aunt Mary-Lou used to squeeze my cheeks, Gillian remembered, and kiss me! It couldn't be worth than that, could it?

She examined her nails and smiled. Europe, here I come!

The seminar participants were gathered in the lobby of the hotel, drinking coffee and looking around to see if they knew anyone. Nikki didn't recognise any of the faces; it appeared that most of the attendees were from out of New York. In a way, that made her plan all the more perfect and Nikki pinned her nametag on, smiling at the hostess who gave it to her.

The dress code was casual and Nikki was dressed in smart black jeans, boots and a black top with a fashionable leather coat, hair to her shoulders.

Gillian emerged from the crowd at the door dressed in a knee length casual skirt, pullover and coat and the moment Nikki saw her, she somehow knew Gillian was going to agree.

`Do I have your word you'll tell Brad you don't want the V.P. job?' Gillian asked bluntly as soon as she walked up to Nikki.

`Not in those words, but I won't be in the running. I have a 9.30am meeting with him on Monday, you can phone Mary to confirm it.'

Gillian nodded, retrieved her phone from her handbag and stepped aside to call Mary, Brad's assistant. A moment later she returned. `Okay, just five, and no more than five.'

`Yes, but you have to kiss back. If you don't, it doesn't count.'

Gillian shrugged. Whatever.' She frowned at Nikki. You are some perverted bitch.'

Nikki shrugged and smiled sweetly. We'll see. Now,' she said, slipping her arm through Gillian's, let's try to enjoy this stupid seminar.'

They sat together in the back row, trying to listen to the introductory remarks as the minds of both women were whirling with possibilities. Gillian was nervous, wondering when and where she would have to deliver the first kiss, while Nikki was planning and thinking, sneaking covetous looks at Gillian.

Finally, Nikki leaned over and said, Bathroom.' Okay,' Gillian said, swinging her legs aside to allow Nikki to go past to the bathroom.

No,' Nikki whispered patiently, we need to go to the bathroom.'

`Oh,' Gillian said in a small voice and her heart pounded as she followed Nikki to the ladies bathroom. Please, she silently prayed, please don't let anyone else be in there!

The bathroom was empty and Nikki turned to Gillian with a sly smile, moving close, one arm sliding around her and Gillian stiffened. Remember the deal,' Nikki whispered, her face moving closer. You have to kiss back.'

Gillian nodded dumbly, shut her eyes, and hoped it would be quick but when Nikki's lips softly touched hers, it was not unpleasant. It was sensual and beguiling in marked contrast to the heavy and fumbling pressure she had endured from boyfriends.

Their lips delicately moulded to each other and Gillian found herself willingly kissing back, her arms reactively sliding around Nikki, pulling her closer as they kissed. Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open and they heard an exclamation of shock.

Gillian's eyes sprang open and she pulled back from Nikki to meet the stunned gaze of a matron in the doorway. Perversely, Gillian read her nametag and saw that she was Louise from Tennessee. Nikki smiled at her and said, her arm still resting on Gillian, `Don't you know it's rude to stare?'

Louise flounced to a stall, slammed the door in disgust, and locked it loudly.

Nikki grinned but Gillian was too shocked and embarrassed to react. `You'd better fix your lipstick,' Nikki murmured, moving to the mirror to do exactly that.

They sat in silence in the back row, trying to understand what the speaker was actually saying and each deep in their own thoughts. Louise had returned and glared at them - which caused Gillian to blush even more - and then whispered to the person next to her. When that person turned around to look at them, Gillian's face burned, but Nikki just grinned and wiggled the fingers of one hand at them.

When they broke for coffee at eleven, Nikki and Gillian stood alone while all eyes were on them. `Everyone knows,' a distraught Gillian whispered, her coffee cup rattling on her saucer.

So?' Nikki smiled at her. I enjoyed it, did you like it?'

`I did what I had to do,' Gillian snapped, navigating the coffee cup to her mouth.

`Of course,' murmured Nikki.

`Just four to go,' Gillian mumbled, head down. That wicked internal voice was silently asking difficult questions that she was trying very hard to ignore, but without success. Did you like it? It wasn't that bad, was it? And then the most difficult question of all, the question that made her shut her eyes in an effort to make the voice go away; Have you ever had a kiss like that?

Nikki watched Gillian standing there, cup and saucer in her trembling hands with her eyes shut, and began to feel sorry for her. This is a stupid thing I'm doing, Nikki berated herself, she's embarrassed and humiliated, poor thing. On the other hand, Nikki thought, Gillian's gorgeous, the kiss was wonderful, and she did kiss me back. She did, didn't she?

Miserably, Gillian walked back inside, head down, trying to ignore the stares and the whispers from the women and the leers from the men. Nikki took great delight in meeting the eyes of the onlookers and smiling, making many a woman look away quickly, face flushed.

The second session of the seminar was even more boring than the first and Gillian mentally tuned out, trying to explain to herself why the kiss had felt as it had. It was the novelty, she told herself, that's all.

After an hour, Nikki couldn't stand it any longer and whispered to Gillian, `Let's go outside.' Gillian slipped after her as quickly as she could, anything to escape the looks and whispers. So intent on escaping, both women failed to notice they were being followed.

The cloak room,' Nikki said, taking Gillian's hand and leading her quickly into the small room where the coats were hanging. Softly closing the door, Nikki turned and smiled at Gillian. Number two? Gillian nodded, heart in her mouth as Nikki moved close to hold her. Almost hypnotised by Nikki's approaching mouth, she relaxed and actually moved her own lips to meet Nikki's. Their lips touched with an electrifying jolt and, hungrily, they held each other tighter and kissed, exploring and tasting each other with urgency. This kiss, the second, was different from the tentative and sensual first. This kiss was electric, sexy and hungry.

Shaken by it, the two moved apart, hands still on each other, lipstick smeared. `Jeez Louise!' Nikki whispered and she could feel Gillian trembling in her hands.

The door burst open and a stout woman with short dark hair and some sort of uniform stood in the doorway, hands on hips.

`Don't you know how to knock?' Nikki asked coolly.

The woman pointedly looked at their smeared lipsticks and smirked. `This is a hotel, you know, you could get a room!'

`This is none of your business,' Gillian said, surprising herself and Nikki.

The woman smirked again. `It is my business, honey. You're shocking all those out-of-towners. We can't have that, can we? The organisers of the seminar have authorised me to offer you a refund.'

`Refund?' Gillian asked, confused but Nikki understood quickly.

You want us to go?' The woman nodded and Nikki smiled. It will be our pleasure, the seminar is boring.'

`Give me your nametags and I'll arrange the refund, but do us all a favour and take your hot little action out of here before they break for lunch.'

Nikki seized Gillian's hand and, giggling, they ran from the lobby to another restroom where they fixed their faces. Nikki peeked around the door, winked at Gillian and said, `The coast is clear, 007.'

In the safety of the busy street, Nikki laughed loudly and, despite herself, Gillian also laughed. When they managed to stop, they noticed they were still holding hands and Gillian quickly pulled hers free.

`I suppose we should go back to the office,' Gillian said softly.

What for? I've got nothing to do, let's start the weekend early. Besides,' she added playfully, I have to collect three more.'

`You don't give up, do you?' Gillian said and she smiled at the grinning Nikki.

Not when it comes to collecting debts,' she said with a wink. Come on, let's have a long lunch in a place I know.'

Finding a cab on a Friday afternoon would have been an ordeal that neither woman was in favour of, so they took the subway. In a short time, they were in a small restaurant, hidden in a booth at the back, sipping wine and eating Italian. Although they avoided talking about the deal or the job, they talked about anything and everything else and the hours went by in a rush.

Gillian's head was spinning, both from the wine and the fact they were playing truant from the office, as well as the promise that sometime soon, there would be kiss number three. The occasional touch of Nikki's thigh against hers increased the sensual feelings rising within Gillian.

They were so close their perfumes mingled and Gillian was noticing small details about Nikki ^Ö the colour of her fingernail polish, that she had two piercings in her ear lobe and had a small beauty spot on her left cheek bone directly under the corner of her eye. `Number three?' Nikki asked softly, and Gillian didn't hesitate.

`Yes,' she murmured, and they joined in another urgent and hungry kiss, oblivious to the few diners left in the restaurant, not caring who saw. All they cared about was the kiss.

Gillian moaned softly as they parted and Nikki smiled at her and, after regaining her breath, Gillian smiled shyly back. `They get better, don't they?' Gillian nodded dumbly, not sure of anything anymore.

The owner of the restaurant arranged for a cab, probably to get them out, but they gave him a large tip and directed the driver to Nikki's apartment first as it was the closest.

They came together in the back of the cab in an instant, a hungry searching kiss, hands roaming, and Gillian felt Nikki's knee bump against hers so, without even thinking, parted her thighs. Gillian had always orgasmed alone, she had never experienced an orgasm with her boyfriends although she pretended pretty well, but Gillian suddenly knew that if Nikki slid her knee between her legs and rubbed against her wet crotch, she would come.

Suddenly, Nikki pulled back and brushed her hair back with a trembling hand. I'm sorry, Gillian,' she said in a rush, her voice breaking and Gillian saw tears beginning. This is getting out of hand. I shouldn't have done this, it was stupid and I apologise for making you do this. It's just that I was attracted to you the first time I saw you but you were so intent on Brad and^Åoh, I don't know!'

Gillian opened her mouth but Nikki held up her hand as the cab pulled in. This is my apartment. Don't worry, I'll keep to the deal, the job will be yours,' Nikki said and a big teardrop ran down her nose onto her leg. Sorry, I'm so sorry.' In a flash, she was gone and Gillian moved to the window, looking for her but Nikki had vanished.

Trudging up the stairs to her apartment, Gillian sought to make sense of the strange feelings that enveloped her but could not. I don't even have her telephone number, Gillian thought moodily as she undressed.

Alone in the darkness, Gillian's fingers moved down to caress, rub and flick while behind her tightly shut eyes, she imagined Nikki, remembered the kisses.

It was a strange weekend for Gillian; her thoughts were always coming back to that surreal Friday. Several times she found herself smiling at what they had done and the reaction of the other attendees at the seminar. Gillian also remembered the cab ride home and, of course she relived many times each and every kiss.

As Sunday drew to a close, the European job no longer seemed so important.

Gillian was at her desk early Monday morning and had walked past Nikki's office several times but the door was closed. When Nikki's assistant finally arrived, she told Gillian that Nikki was with Brad and then had several other meetings.

Brad called a subdued Gillian to his office at a little before noon and without preamble, offered her the V.P. job she had desired for so long.

`Okay,' was all she said and Brad blinked rapidly in surprise, leaning back in his chair, fingers steepled together.

`Don't you want it? I thought you would kill for this job?'

Gillian sighed and cupped her chin with her hand. `Sure, it's nice, but do you think I'm the best person for the job? Nikki has two languages and I'm still really learning German. She has family over there and probably has business connections^Å'

`Since when were you a fan of Nikki's?'

Since my eyes were opened,' she said honestly and Brad smiled. You are the best person for the job. Sure, I was considering Nikki but she resigned this morning.'

What!' Gillian leapt to her feet, almost knocking over the pitcher of water on the small conference table. Why?'

`She had always planned to work for her family in Italy, I think it's Milan. Guess she's decided to go now,' he added, but Gillian had strode from his office.

Gillian found Nikki in her office, chatting with her assistant and she looked up when Gillian entered, smiled softly and said, Congratulations.' Yeah, whatever!' The assistant looked at the women and decided to quickly leave, discretely shutting the door behind her. `You resigned?' Gillian asked bluntly, leaning against the window, arms folded.

Yes,' Nikki said, standing. I'd planned it for a while so I guess I should apologise again. I led you on. The job would have been yours anyway.'

Oh.' Gillian stared thoughtfully at Nikki. You were going to resign anyway? Why did you, you know?'

Nikki shrugged. I told you, I was attracted to you but,' she said wistfully, you were apparently very straight. My weird sense of humour always gets me into trouble, I shouldn't have done it.'

The phone rang, Nikki answered it and said, Yes, she's here,' and handed the phone to Gillian. Yes, Brad,' Gillian said after a moment, of course I want the job, thank you.' Gillian handed the phone back to Nikki, her fingers brushing Nikki's hand. You'll be in Milan?' Nikki nodded. `It's not far from Germany, is it?'

`It's not far at all. Look, I'm really sorry^Å'

Gillian smiled. Thanks, Nikki, you don't have to be sorry about anything, although I'm a little disappointed in you.' I know. What can I say, it's my sense of humour^Å'

No, that's not it. I'm disappointed,' Gillian murmured, that you didn't keep your side of the deal. I believe there's the matter of one kiss? I didn't miscount, did I?'

No,' Nikki whispered, there were only four kisses, so you owe me one.'

Then you should collect it,' Gillian smiled. Perhaps tonight at my place or yours?'

`Mine's closer,' Nikki croaked.

`Let's go there together after work. I always pay my debts.'

Gillian leaned over and kissed Nikki softly on the lips. This doesn't count,' she whispered, this is me thanking you.'

After the soft kiss that promised so much, Nikki watched Gillian walk to the office door. You know,' Gillian said smiling, her eyes shining, I think we're going to enjoy exploring Europe together. With your sense of humour, who knows what will happen?' She winked and walked out, leaving Nikki laughing softly in delight.

The Erotic Stories of Natalie Nessus are available at

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