Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Dec 17, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story.

If you are under 18, please leave, (as if my words will actually mean anything as is.) but please leave if you are. If you are offended by homosexual acts please leave as well. And finally if its illegal in your area to view this or something dealing with that please leave.

If you aren't going to leave enjoy.

Authors Note: Okay I don't know what everyone will think of this story but please do not trash me out in my email. I really would like to hear any critiques, comments, compliments (rare possibility but it might happen), and anything else... I love mail so feel free to email me please. And to hate mail and everything like that... you can send it I don't mind, actually it might make me laugh : )

Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! woo hoo!! you go girl!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"!!! I love it... and I would like to shout out to Josh... and... DEREK!!! woo hoo!! babe I love you!!! and all those Kick ass authors out there here at Nifty!!!

Kissing Me Softly by Rich

WHAM!!! There I lay on the mat at my local Martial Arts School looking up at my best friend Jenne. We had been practicing self defense techniques and I was getting a little slow on all of the mind work I was supposed to be doing.

"Rich, are you okay?" she asked with concern.

I love how she always has that cute concerning otherly type to her.

"Yeah I'm fine Jen, just of in my own world," I replied.

"Oh okay," she replied.

Just after that the instructor ended class and we did all the final stuff to end the class correctly we exited out of the class and I nearly ran into a chair in the main lobby.

"Rich!" Jenne exclaimed to try to grab my attention of what I was doing, as she ran to catch up with me.

"Wha... oh thanks Jen"

"What's up with you? You've been acting strange for the past week or so."

"Don't worry about it Jen, I'm just in really deep thoughts kind of."

"Oh, deep thoughts about... him?" she said as she was referencing to my last boyfriend, Mike, who I had broken up with just about a week ago.

"Yeah, partially, but that's behind us now. I need to get on with my life, he was a shit head anyways, how about we do something tomorrow. I mean its Saturday, and I really need to lose all common sense and just act crazy and have some fun"

"Oh okay cool, how about we go catch a bite to eat at that sushi you like so much, after we change and everything, then we can just think about what we could do tomorrow."

"Cool" I said as I headed off to the men's changing room.

When I got out of the dressing room she was waiting at the counter for me. I walked up to her and she smiled at me. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah I am, but are you, I mean did you find your longer attention span in that locker room or am I going to have to talk to an easily distracted face like I did in class?"

"Hey... wait... you talked to me in class?"

She laughed lightly, "Well no shit, I was talking to you though the whole class, my god you really do need a break" she said as she messed up my nose length black hair.

I just smiled and we walked out to my blazer. We jumped in it and I started up the car and we were off. In a few more minutes we had arrived in to the oriental restaurant that I loved. It was one of those ones where they cooked in front of you, had a sushi bar, and a regular dining area. We were quickly seated and we got into the usual best friend convo: school (high school senior year! thank god!!!), what stupid things we and friends did the past week, and then the wonderful topic of guys that I really wasn't in the mood for. I just had that glum face on my mind and she just realized what I was thinking about.

"Rich I'm sorry. I ..." she apologized.

"No its okay, I keep saying I need to get over him, and its not getting me anywhere if I never decide to talk about other guys. So where were we, you were talking about that guy Chris in our Calc class? Well I'm sorry Jenne but he's a hottie, so therefore you might just have a little competition from yours truly" I said.

She smiled, "Oh yeah well we'll see about that!"

"Oh and what about YOUR Drew Lachey? What will he ever do when he finds out that you don't care about him any more" I teased.

She glared at me "ooooohhh, you're gonna get it you know. And besides Its not my fault you don't totally go for the whole pop scene."

"Yeah Jenne, does it surprise you that you know a gay male who doesn't go head over Nick Carter, or Justin Timberlake? Hello, just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I'm gonna automatically love every boy group out there. I do have to say that a few of them have kind of cute members but I don't know!" I stated

"Hey what's wrong with Justin?" she defended another one of her crushes.

"Wha ya mean, my girl, Ya wan ta know wha id wrong wid Justin?" I mocked in my best fake ghetto talk.

"You're evil" she said.

"Yeah I know" I replied. Jenne laughed a bit

By that time the food came and we began to eat.

I guess its about the dreadful time I tell you about myself. I am 18, a little bit over 5' 10" tall, 175 pounds, have black hair, and dark brown eyes. I am in pretty good shape because of martial arts. I'm not the peppiest person in the world. I guess I kind of lean towards the skater side of things, but I can clean up very well everyone says. I am more on the pessimistic side, but can be optimistic when I am around friends.

"So... what do you want to do tomorrow?" Jenne said after a few minutes of silence that I could tell she couldn't stand.

"How about we call up Nicole, Laura, and Kathrine, and go ummm?" I trailed off from the lack of ideas.

"Ummm I don't know either... could we call up someone and see where they might want to go?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied while grabbing my cell phone out of my pocket (yeah I'm kinda on the wealthy side of things).

I punched in Nicole's number to see if she was busy, if she wanted to do anything, and if she had any ideas.

"Hello?" Nicole answered the phone.

"Hey Blonde! What's up!"

"Nothing much, what about you?"

"Trying to gather up people for going out tomorrow and trying to find some ideas. What ya doing? Got any Ideas?"

"I'm not doing anything. Umm, how about the mall, or we could always go to the hotel the BSB are hiding out at... and I could finally meet them, and Jenne could just drop her jaw and try to hit on every one of them!"

"Heh heh, oh yeah that's right they're in town for Sunday's show. I should have remember with Jen's teeny bopper rambling. Maybe we should just go to the mall, and the theaters?"

"Oh okay cool, I'll call Joe up, and then well see you when?"

"I want to spend the whole day and night out, how about we meet at my house at noon, eat lunch, and then head out whenever we choose?"

"Kay," she said "c-ya then."

"all right," I said "see ya tomorrow then, bye"


Click, "Alright Jen, I guess were just gonna have lunch at my house, and then go from there"

"Cool, so do you think we should be heading back to your place now?"


We jumped into my black blazer again and headed off back to my house. On the Ride home Jenne called up Laura and Kathrine, and found both of them could go. After she finished calling everyone we talked for the remaining 5 minutes about what movie we were going to see. I said I wanted to go see 'Sleepy Hallow', and we agreed on that.

I pulled up in the driveway, and walked to my house. I was lucky and unlucky when it came to the house I lived in. It was a big house, 8 bedrooms, 5 baths, nice big living rooms, 2 dining rooms, a beautiful kitchen, a library, and a computer room. All of this and a 1 1/2 acre back yard, with pool, gardens, and a b-ball hoop. What's wrong with all of this? The fact that Its mine, due to a will. Yeah a will, my mom passed away when she was trying to give birth to my sister but she passed away, and my sister passed away at the age of 3 weeks. And my dad passed away last year because of a drunkard and a car accident.

Well anyways, I parked the car into the garage, and me and Jenne walked up to the front door. I unlocked and we walked in, and Ona the maid (well actually more like a second mother to me) greeted us and right behind her was Silver my baby Eskimo puppy. Ona raised me when ever since my mother passed away. She's kind of short, with gray hair and a sweet personality.

"Hello Richie," she said using my childhood name.

"Hello Ona," I replied, "How have you been?"

"Just good, and I finished cleaning the house"

"ONA! how many times do I have to tell you! TAKE A BREAK!"

She just smiled in a response.

"Well, were going to leave you alone now and go be bored or something like that, maybe go check out some internet sites or something"

"Okay," Ona replied, and kissed leaned up to give me kiss on the cheek.

We walked up the stairs, and we decided to jump on-line. I decided to try my luck out with the chats and when nothing was happening I let Jenne get on. Then her fingers just decided to put the phrases 'boy groups', '98 degrees', 'Nsync', and 'Backstreet Boys'. With that, I just left and decided to take a quick shower and then just go to sleep.

Jen has lived with me ever since I was 18 (about 4 months), because her parents decided to move to Florida because of her father's job offer. So her parents just let her live with me because they knew that she was going to go off to college sometime soon.

~~The Next Morning~~

I woke up with that groggy dry mouth feeling. It was 10:30 a.m. at the time, so I jumped into the shower and dried off. Grabbed a simple pair of baggy jeans and a black tee-shirt, threw them on and went out to go see where Jen might be. I found her in the Kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands. It was about 11:15 by then.

"Hey, ready for today?" she asked with a yawn.

"Yep!! woa, did that sound to peppy???"

"Um kinda, but ya should be, were gonna go kick some ass at the mall!"

"Yeah I know" I said as I grabbed a mug and made some herbal tea. "They should be getting here sometime soon anyways"

"Uh huh, and you and your herbals its kinda funny how often I see you with them."

I just rolled my eyes and we went off to the living room. We talked a bit and watched some MTV, while she drooled over some boy group members as usual. I got up to grab a muffin that I had bought the other day when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and Laura had showed up early. Laura is one of my best friends.

"Hey sexy, how have you been" she said as she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Fine thanks for asking. Are you always early???"

"Hey its a habit."

With that we talked again until Nicole and Kathrine came in. Nicole is a beautiful blonde and very intelligent person whom you could always have an in depth conversation with. And Kat, she's also very beautiful with that exotic since to her (I think it's the black hair she has) very unique with her sense of style and has that abstract way of thinking I love to hear about. We started to talk about the days plans. We decided to go to the Galeria, and go to the 1 o'clock showing of 'Sleepy Hallow.' We all decided to take two cars because Nicole wanted to do some heavy shopping with the money she got from her parents (she was still 17, and the youngest). We took two cars and were off to the mall. We found parking places easily and we were off. we arrived at about 12:30 p.m. and decided to go grab tickets for the show and just check out the CD store right near the theater. I bought 311's new CD and Laura grabbed the new Creed one. We decided to go into the theaters then.

The movie was good, but we did get hushed at because we kept on talking, its more fun that way in our opinion.

We walked out of the theater and decided to go outside for some fresh air and get away from that closed in musty feeling of the theaters.

Laura bought a Coke from one of the near by vending machines and we decided to just walk around a bit before going back in. The mall here is under some reconstruction, so there is this one area where there is dirt and beams all over the place. Being the outcasts that we are we decided to hang out there for a bit.

Just then we heard some people yelling and some defending going on. We got up and walked to where we thought the sounds were coming from. The first thing I saw was 8 people, 5 dressed mainly in the same dark black clothing who seemed to be confronting these three, who dressed khakis and some nicer clothes they were preppy I guess, with hats and two in sunglasses. Just then I heard a guy from one of five say something about the three 'getting what they deserve' just as he pulled out a 7 inch knife.

Oh shit, was the only thing I could think of. I told Kathrine and Nicole to go get some help. I told Laura to stay back just in case, and Jenne to just follow my lead. She knew exactly what I was thinking. Finally I would be able to use some of the things I have learned in the 7 years of study at my martial arts school.

With that Jenne and I quickly snuck up behind the guy in the over coat with the knife who was moving from one guy to the other, and to the other. With that three of the five others grabbed the three guys in the kinda preppy clothes. The fifth guy, the smallest out of the five just stood by. 'Well its now or never' was the thing that popped into my head, yeah its cliché but oh well.

With that Jen and I got up and she went after the extra guy standing by. I kicked the knife out the one guys hand and Jen moved in on the short guy who swung a punch at her. Her being the excellent ass kicker she is dodged the punch and roundhouse kicked him in the stomach making him bend over. With that she rose her leg up and slammed it down on the guys back making him fall flat on his face in pain. The guy who had the knife had thrown a few punches at me and I just got away from. He threw another and I blocked and grabbed it and swung my leg up to his head hooking it bringing it straight across his face and recoiling the kick hitting him once again, and making him fall to the ground.

The other 3 began to just take the matters into their hands as best as they could starting to attack the preppy three. They must have been tired from a previously struggle or something because they weren't doing that good of a job. I couldn't stand that fact and did a really mean thing, low blow to the one in the overcoat. That made him bend over in extreme pain.

Jenne and I both got into the other three's way. I took on two and she took the third. The three guys in preppy clothes just dropped down in exhaustion. Laura came to help those three and got them out of the area of ass kicking.

Jenne was easily taking on her guy using the many self defense throws we learned the other night and follow up kicks and punches.

One of the other three grabbed me behind and I used my flexibility and kicked him with my knee bring my leg straight up and slam into the head of the ignorant attacker. He instantly let go and I did a few more kicks to get him down. The final guy came after me and I did a simple rising mule kick and slammed my heal into the guys chin knocking him out.

Over this time the guy in the overcoat had been able to get up and then walk towards me. The dagger raised high and ready to Strike.

"RICH!!!" Laura screamed foreseeing the chances of me getting stabbed.

Just then Jen came through with a flying side kick and knocked the guy out just before the leader had the knife slice up my back knocking him out cold.

"Thanks," I gasped pretty breathless.

"No prob," She gasped a bit and smiled.

Finally the security had came with Kat and Nicole. The three other girls talked with Jenne for a bit. I was told to stand and we moved over towards an unfinished concrete wall. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around with a spinning backfist. The problem was that it was one of the three preppier ones.

"OH SHIT!!!" I exclaimed, "I'm so sorry."

"Its okay I shouldn't have confronted you so fast and when you were uptight," he said as he had his hand over the place where I had struck him.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry, here let me see."

He put his hand down and let me look at where I had hit him. I couldn't get a full view of the area so I removed his hat and sunglasses. I examined his wounded area. I just simply told him it may or may not turn into a bruise, I didn't really connect that well for a positive side of the thing. I stepped back and I looked at the guy for once. He was taller than me, nice body pretty muscular, nice eyes, all around hottie. He looked very familiar to me.

"Well, I just want to thank you for helping us," he said, "you really did save us out there."

"Yeah, you really kicked some ass out there," another said this one about my height with more unique style to him, "that was some funky shit."

I blushed a bit, "Thanks. My names Rich" I replied placing out my hand.

"Hi I'm Kevin" the tallest one said returning the handshake.

"Holy shit," I said not to gain any attention, "you're Kevin from the Backstreet Boys aren't you???"

It was his turn to blush "Yeah" was all he said.

"Jenne and Laura love you pplz... all I hear out of Laura's mouth is that Howie and AJ is so cute and he's so nice which I'm guessing is you" I stated pointing to the other two. They just nodded in reply and took off their hats, each exchanging a hand shake with me and, leaving AJ in his sunglasses "...And Jenne never shuts up about you Kevin."

"Thanks." they all said some way or another.

"Oh but they aren't nothing compared to me, I want to marry one of you and have your baby!!!" I said mocking some teeny bopper.

They all just laughed. "Hey can we meet the other ones of your friends?" AJ asked.

"No they're mine. I forbid you to walk over to the group of girls and to stir up conversation" I said while rolling my eyes and turning around towards the girls.

They went over to the girls and Laura, Jen, and Nicole went totally "OH MY GOD" psycho type on them while Kathryn came over to me for she really didn't have much of a thing for the Backstreet Boys. After the meet and greet thing we talked with the guys a bit.

"Hey what are you 5 doing today?" Kevin asked.

"We were going to spend time at the mall... but the fact that I look like shit now I don't know. Why?" I replied.

"Oh just the fact that I would like to repay you for saving us from getting our butts kicked," Howie said speaking up.

"It was not much of anything" Jenne said nearly melting into a puddle now

"Oh come on, please let us show our thanks," continued Howie

"My god you both are so stubborn," Kat cut in, "How about you guys just come over to Rich's house and we can just relax, and maybe go out for dinner"

"Okay," we all said.

With that we headed off to my blazer and Kat's car. Kat gave Nicole the keys to drive. Nicole unlocked the car as did I with my blazer and Kev and Howie rode with Jenne and me while AJ rode with Nicole, Kat, and Laura. Just before I got into the drivers seat.

"So Rich, which one do ya like?" She snickered as she just jumped into the car, avoiding me from shoving her.

I grinned at her little perverted ways of getting into my social life. God what would I do without her?

To Be Continued....

HEY!! tell me what you think!! i would love to hear what you think.... Mystic Darkness thanx SEE YA!!! AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13

Next: Chapter 2

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