Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Mar 1, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... I would appreciate all thoughts on this PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

*Hey Lauren... Oh please go read her story: "Lucky Me"... *SUP YULI!!! Go read her story... "Busta"... SORRY!!! *Please read Wayne's "Corridor of Time" *NetBoy.... Hey whats up... and HES MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!!!! *And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!! I'm so bored!!! and WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU???

*David... Of Nifty... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH... Thank you for taking the time to post my story, and others as well.. I greatly appreciate it...

*Sorry to everyone... This story wasn't going anywhere, and well the MASSIVE amounts of homework didn't help to much... Im soooo sorry for this taking so long to get out.... I really am... I hope all of my readers can fogive me..... (EMAIL ME!!!)

Visit My newbe webpage: Http:// It has a few pics up (about 35 or so) and my story... well the earlier ones that can be put up on an Angelfire page... LOL So check it out AND SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!

WELL DOESN'T IT SUCK THAT KEVIN IS ENGAGED??? Oh well he's had 2 other engagements that DID NOT work out so it could happen again... and there always is the hope of media shit I know its a long shot but I'm desperate but oh well... No Kevin for me... sigh... Pout pout.... Oh well... just more work for me... wink wink.... ARG!! LoL well anyways... now that the stupid announcement about Kevin is over here is the story.... :o)

Kissing Me Softly (Part 11)

The door opened, revealing Howie and Jason, with barely a blanket covering them both. Two pairs of clothing were found on the ground, including underwear.

Jen gasped, I tried not to laugh, and Kevin stood there with a bit of an agitated face.

"Well, I guess we know what happened here," I said holding back from laughing.

"Ummm yeah, I think we do," Jen said now nearly laughing herself.

Kevin just stood there, not to happy with the scene.

Jen walked over to the window and tore down the cord to the blinds that covered the windows, sending beams of bright light everywhere. A few of the beams struck against the eyelids of Howie and Jason, slowly bringing them awake. Their eyes slowly began to open.

"Well, seems you two had an intersting night," I said bringing them out of their partial slumber.

"What? Oh...." Howie said jumping up... blushing.

I could feel Kevin's hands tightening around me. I turned around and kissed him quickly. Then returned to look him in his eyes.

"Babe, don't blow up on him, he's a big boy he can take care of himself and make his own choices.... he's 26, a year younger than you... so deal... okay?" I said nearly snapping at the end.

"Okay, baby, I guess your right," he said before giving me a quick kiss on my cheek. "It's funny how well you know me."

"Uh huh."

"So, I guess we'll just leave you two now," Jen said walking towards the door. "We just needed you up."

The three of us walked out the door, and shut it behind us.

"Is that the same reason you two were asleep for so long?" she asked with an evil grin.

"NO!" I nearly shouted.

"Sure, Rich, whatever you say." She winked at me.

"Hey, you're dead you know that."

Kevin wrapped his arms around me (it was cute how he did that), and held me back a bit. "If you must know, Jen, I sleep in really late, and well I guess Rich just did too... see I do effect him too much" He said with a grin.

"Yup you do, I never shut up about you."

"Oh god, he's correct there," Jen sighed while walking past towards the stairs. We followed her down the stairs to the living room and waited for Howie and Jason to come down before we decided what we were going to do.

The two of them (Howie and Jas) came downstairs, and into the room we were all haning out in. Both of them had drenched hair, that was really messed up, and an outfit that you could tell was put together in 2 seconds flat, and each sporting a red face (once they saw us watching).

"Okay, enough of making them blush," I defending them, "besides I'm gonna have to put up with it too."

They all looked over at me, and Kevin looked me in the eyes.

"At the right time. I'm 18, I can make my own decisions okay people? I mean I'm not going to be a virgin forever... I just like to know whats happening with my virginity.... Is that so wrong?" I asked giving them all a look that really showed my insanity.

They all smiled, and Jason and Howie sat down on the couch next to Jen. Howie laid his hand on Jason's upper thigh, and Jason slouched to rest his head on Howie's shoulder (they looked so cute, their attempt was really cute. For the fact that Jason was about 6 inches taller than Howie).

"Damn, it sucks to be single sometimes..." Jen moaned out looking around her, seeing me in Kevin's arms, and the other two love birds as they were.

We all laughed, and I leaned in and kissed Kevin with more passion than what I would usualy do in front of others. Kevin was surprised but still kissed back. During the kiss an "eeeeeewwwww" came from the lips of all three of them. The kiss ended and I grinned at Kevin, wrinkling nose a bit. He couldn't hold back a laugh. I turned to face the others who all had grins on their faces as well.

"Oh and Jen, come on you could have any guy wrapped around your finger if you wanted," I complimented her. She really could probably. She always turned heads at the mall, even though she hated wearing tight clothing. She was cool like that, she never once tried to come off to guys being "sooo sexy".

"Yeah, you had AJ wrapped around your finger," Howie added in.

"Oh did I?" She asked.

"Yup, it was funny, when we asked him about it... for once he was the one who was the follower instead of the leader, I guess is a way to put it." Howie continued.

Jen, Jas, and I all burst out laughing, and the two co-workers of AJ just smiled.

The day went on from there. Howie and Jas went out to the mall, Jen called up Katherine and went out, and Ona went out shopping for housegoods, leaving Kevin and I alone in the house.

"So baby, what did you want to do?" He said coming up and wrapping his arms around my waist, while I was looking out a window.

"I want to get out, I don't care what we do, I just want to go outside. Its up to you, though."

"Okay, hmmm what could we do though?" He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I wanna go into the backyard, and then just cuddle. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, that seems really nice, actually."

I turned around and smiled at him, and he smiled back. I stared into his eyes, and got lost at an instant. His eyes were so unbelievable close up, just so green and so relaxing. His eyes seemed to hold everything that he was thinking.

He looked right back into my boring dark brown eyes, the kind where everyone thinks you are having deep thoughts even though you aren't having a single thought, they just assume it because of the dark color. I loved it when we were caught up in these stares.... they were just so wonderful.

I slowly leaned in and kissed him. Our lips moved together as if they were dancing, they moved in sync with each other. His tongue slowly slid past my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he put his hand up against my cheek. His hand caressed my cheek, and the kiss became more intense. His tongue explored my mouth, and found mostly every single valley in my mouth. Mine did the same as his in my mouth. The kiss was wonderful, just standing there with someone I loved, showing I loved them by giving a simple kiss. The kiss ended with short sweet kisses. I again let my eyes meet his, and he had a huge smile on his face. Smiles from him were also something I loved, him being so serious all the time in pictures and all was not just something that made me feel special.

A whisper of "I love you," from his lips broke the silence.

"I love you, too. I love you." I laid my head down on his muscular shoulder.

"So do you want to go outside now?" He asked while leaning his head a bit to the side and kissing me on my forehead.

"Yeah, lets go." I lifted my head, quickly went to the 'fridge and got both of us a large glass of something to drink. He smiled and opened the back door for me, we both walked out into the huge back yard. I began to walk to the garden that was in the back of the yard. The garden was a place my father made for me one day when after we were talking about my mom. My mom loves gardening, and she was Japanese, so my father hired a few people to come and make a garden for me to sit and relax in, in rememberance of her. I use the garden now to relax and think of both of them.

We made it back there, and he took a seat, then laid down propping his head up with one of his hands, basically laying down on the cool grass on the ground next to one of those fake pond things under a tree that gave us shade from the hot sun. I smiled at him, he looked so good just sitting there. Just like one of those fairy tales. I smiled and made my way over next to him. I sat down and looked at him. He pulled me down right next to him. I propped myself on my left elbow.

"You're beautiful," he broke the silence, with his deep voice.

"Look who is talking. Who was voted Sexiest popstar?"

He smiled and laid back in the grass. I moved closer to him and laid down next to him. I laid my head down on his chest. He pulled me in close with one hand, which later moved behind his head.

"I like it here," he sighed. "It feels really nice, and calm."

"Yeah, I guess its a diff from the usual hotels, and conert halls you are usualy in. Kevin?"


"What's it like to be famous and to have fans like that?"

"It's great, but I mean there are really hard problems: family, privacy, relationships, et cetera."

"Yeah, I guess that but what do you feel about it?"

"I love it, performing is something I love. I love music and preforming helps me express myself. I mean sure there are hardships, but still, there are hardships in every job."

"Yeah, same with school for me. I don't know what I'm going to do about it all. No offense but I mean with you it kinda threw my opinions of school out of wack."

"Why is that?"

"Well if we ever take the step of being a really close couple, how am I supposed to attend college?"

"Oh? Rich, I don't want to stand in the way..."

My finger covered his mouth to quiet him. "Kevin, my education is important yes, but there are always those programs that can help you with education, and I can go to college later on. And besides, with the money my family has, I could not work a single day and have many many kids, grand kids, or Jen will have them, and I'll be the cool Uncle Rich, and I could easily put them all through college. Kevin, my family is loaded. Come on look at the house I live in."

"True.... wait, kids. Have you ever thought of them?"

"Yes, I kind of want one, why? do you?"

"Yes, I really want kids, I don't know how it will happen, but I want a family. Just to have a child there and have it look up to you, just to know you are going to help it grow, and learn... it just feels like something that I really need in life."

I smiled at him. "You think with your brain and heart a lot don't you?"

"I guess so... why?"

"Cause I like it." I leaned over and kissed him. He pulled me on top of him, and our kiss again slowly began to grow intensity. Our tongues tangled in each others mouthes. I slowly began to roll over and pull him on top of me. He came rolling on top of me and a loud splash sounded.

We broke the kiss, and I looked down, and I saw his foot had found its way into the pond. I started laughing, and so did he. We got up from the position we were in and he pulled off his shoes. I pulled mine off too, just because if he was, so was I.

We laid back down, and my head again went back down onto his chest. His feet were kinda cute I said looking towards them. I smiled, and then moved my feet towards his, and began to play a game of footsie... it was cute sometimes he would jerk when part of my foot hit a spot that was ticklish to him. I looked up at him, while my foot was still tracing different patterns in his foot. He smiled at me, and kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too Kevin."

"This is just one of those times where when touring seems like hell. Right now it feels so good to have you near."

"Yeah I know what you mean." I snuggled closer to him, and he wrapped one of his arms around me.

We stayed out there for about another hour or so, just talking and kissing and cuddling and smiling. It was great.


Dinner was fun, Ona made everyone Sushi, and we all seemed to like it a lot. It was good to just relax... to take time away from school work and other problems. I knew it was the same for Jason and Jen. Jason was still having problems with his old friends. They are still giving him a hard time. Jen's been so worked up in her finals it wasn't even funny.

Even Howie and Kevin seemed to be relaxed and liking staying here. Kevin lost his father figure image and became cute, sexy, loving boyfriend to me. And Howie took that "Sweet D" image all for Jason.


It was about 10:30 pm and everyone else had made it into their rooms I could hear *NSync being played very faintly from Jen's room because hse didn't have her door closed.

Howie and Jason had went into their room, and their door was wide open, which surprised me. Both of them had curled up in the blankets and they looked so comfortable together.

Kevin was laying on our bed, yes it was our bed now. I looked over at him. He was leaning against two pillows and laying on top of the blankets. His dark maroon shirt was unbuttoned about half way, and he was wearing simple very light colored khakis.

I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. He kissed me softly on the lips and then leaned back onto the pillows.

"Whats up?" he asked after I hadn't began to talk.

"Oh... I just don't want to go to sleep yet. Im just not ready to go to sleep."

"So what do you want to do? I'll be right by your side baby."

"I wanna go swimming."

"Okay, so lets go out to your pool."

"You do know that me and you swimming is basically just an excuse me to see you in a bathing suit!"

"Oh really?" he growled.

"Yes, so you still want to go?"

"Yeah, cause I mean, I have the same excuse?"

"No you don't, cause I have such a skinny ass its not even funny. So you really don't have the excuse."

"I like your ass, you look good. I was afraid of what I was going to do that one night when you were on my shoulders. I was about to Kill Nick for pairing us up. But, Now that we're together... I should thank him."

"I was the same way babe."



"Okay, so are we going to go?"

He nodded and grabbed his bathing suit and went into the bathroom. I grabbed mine and quickly changed. I yelled for Kevin to meet me outside the back door on the steps.

When the door opened behind me and Kevin stepped through with only a pair of Black swimtrunks on. I stood up and looked at him. He looked really good. His arms were very strong, and his chest was chiseled. His abs were tight and compact. He wrapped his hands around my waist, and I could have almost sworn I was going to sprout a hardon from that. But lucky there was no embarassment.

He smiled at me, and took my hand. We walked hand in hand to the pool. It was sweet how he did that. When we got to the pool the light were turned on, and the pool lit up in a beautiful blue color. The light reflected off the top of the water. I took off my black tang-top I had slipped on just a few minutes ago. Kevin smiled and came over and hugged me.

"This is kind of romantic you know?"

"Yeah" I leaned up and kissed him quickly. We both looked back at the pool.

All of a sudden Kevin swept me up into his arms, and grinned at me. He walked over to the steps of the pool and slowly began to go down them. The water soon surrounded his hips and he slowly let me down and into the water. I felt the water slowly wrap itself around me. All the time My eyes never left Kevin's. Soon enough, I was standing on my own two feet in about three feet of water.

Kevin grabbed me in close into him, and we just stood there a few seconds, not saying a word. Kevin slowly began to walk deeper and deeper into the water. The water went to just below my neck (about 4 1/2 feet). Kevins arms were still around my waist, and it felt so good to just lean my head up against his strong upper body.

All of a sudden, Kevin let go and dove into the deep-end. He surfaced and as water came pouring over his face. I grinned and quickly sawm over by him. Within a few seconds I came back up next to him, and he wrapped one of his arms around me.

I smiled at him, and then slowly began to push the both of us through the water. He let go and we began to swim a few laps around the pool.

He would always be right up next to me, and I could see the water rush over his muscles with every stroke. Was that a sight!

I dove under the water, and he did also. I could see the outline of him take a glowing effect from the lights. He looked so dreamy right there. He came up to me under water, and quickly placed his lips against mine. I was caught off gaurd, but we kept kissing. The kiss was long and sweet, and amazing. We both parted from the kiss, and resurfaced.

"Woa," I said still 'wao'ed out about the kiss. "I've never had a kiss under water."

"So, I'm taking you liked it."

"Yeah, but personally I like kissing you above water. My lips never want to leave yours and if I'm under water I don't know how I'm gonna breathe."

He smiled. He looked at his hands, the water had taken its effect on both of our hands. They had gotten all wrinkled up.

"Do you want to get out now?" He asked.

I nodded and we walked to the stairs in the shallow end of the pool. We walked across the patio to where the towels sat. I grabbed them and we quickly toweled ourselves off. Kevin sat down on one of the lawn chairs nearby, and smiled at me to get me to come over and sit down by him. I did, and he leaned back into the chair. I leaned back onto his chest and he placed his arms around me. We gazed up at the stars. A shooting star came soaring across the sky.

"Make a wish," he whispered into my ear.

"I don't need to, it's already came true," I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"I love you, baby" he sighed with a large grin on his face.

"And I, you." I said leaning up and kissing him, his goatee soft and wet, made the kiss feel abit different but sweet.

I laid back down onto his chest, and he ran his hands through my hair. Soon enough I fell asleep in his arms, outside right next to the glimmering pool, the atmosphere was wonderful.

To Be Continued......

Well okay people... that's it for section 11.... Okay yeah, this was a slow chapter I know... Im sorry for the long time this thing took to get it out my teachers are being bitches now... so much work!!!

Please visit my site!!!! Http:// PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!! PLEASE? :o)

Well whatever... Thank you and there are more events still to come or whatever.... thank you all that have responding I greatly appreciate it... so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Email me...

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