Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Jan 17, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... I would appreciate all thoughts on this PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


Hey Lauren... Oh please go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" SUP YULI!!! Go read his story... "Busta"... Please read Wayne's "Corridor of Time" NetBoy.... Hey whats up... and MINE!!!!!!!!!!! And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!!

Oh... And David... Of Nifty... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH... Thank you for taking the time to post my story, and others as well.. I greatly appreciate it...

Sorry I didnt get this out sooner.... Hell has risen from the days of school and I hate it.... But I did get it out... Im sorry I lied... It took me a week and a day... pout will you ever fogive me

okay now with that shhh-tuff taken care of... ENJOY!!!!

Kissing Me Softly

"No way.... No freaking way.... You did not, did you?"

She nodded again...

"Oh my god.... I can't believe you.... You had sex with AJ?" I nearly yelled.

She again slowly nodded her head.

"I can't believe you!"

"Rich, please don't be mad. I mean it was just something we both wanted to try, and I am responsible, you know that. And well, I'm not going around looking, acting, or being a slut."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, you are right. Just tell me you practiced safe sex."

"Of course. I mean I know how to use a condom, I know not to be like certain popstars"

I grinned. This was a long term joke between us ever since we saw the young female artists on MTV that we thought had no talent, we made fun.

We continued down the airport and picked up three drinks. We carried them out and headed back home.

"Hey Jen, Is this thing with AJ going to last?" I asked speaking up.

"Wiat, Rich, Something that stumps me. How did you know it was AJ?" Jason said finally speaking up.

"I know which ones she likes and which ones she doesn't. And well, AJ kinda has the rep for that kinda stuff I think."

"Oh... okay, Jen, now you can answer that Question."

"Okay. Well, Ummm Rich, truthfully I don't know. I mean we kinda just were interested in each other. I don't think I'm really into dating mode, and I don't think he is either."

"Oh, okay. I mean, I just want to get into that lil head of yours and see what is ticking."

"Yeah, I know you do. But, I really don't think you want to know what's ticking in this head now."

I shot a quick glare into her direction. I knew exactly what was going on in her mind, unlike Jason who had to ask, "What could be so bad in your head?"

"Jason, well dispite Jen's little innocent look, Jen can be one pervert, so just use your perverted sense and just take it all in."

"Oh," was all Jason could reply with; well that and the fact that he gave Jenne one hell of a strange look.

We made our way down the long coridoors towards the parking lot. The whole time we were pretty quiet except for the usual comment about something stupid, bring a small laugh or smile.

It was pretty quiet on the ride home too, nothing much happened. I think we were all just thinking about what had happened with the guys, because I sure was.

When we arrived home it was almost 11pm. We all just went to our own rooms. Silver had decided to waddle her nearly sleeping self after me. I picked her up off the ground and swept her into my arms. She backed and licked my face. I smiled and set her down onto my bed. I sat down besides her, running my hand across her back.

I got up and slowly pealed of my clothes 'til I was down to my boxers. I climbed into bed and pulled Silver close to me. I cuddled up in the blankets and with my puppy next to me. I closed my eyes and tried to drift to sleep.

I woke up, after about 10 minutes of being unsuccessful of getting any sleep. I ran my fingers across Silver's back making her wake up from the slight slumber.

"Sorry girl, I didn't mean to." She cuddled up against my warm flesh. I sighed, "You know something girl," I said moving to a sitting position, to get a bit more comfy, "I really do think I have found someone I can truely fall in love with and not be afraid of anything about the love I feel. This love is more sincere than the ones I have felt before. Kevin just makes my world revolve, I guess. I really love him, but why am I telling you this? You can't really talk back or anything."

Silver seemed to actually understand, as her head had rose to look me in the eyes. I smiled and pet her in the bridge of her nose. Her tongue came out of her mouth to touch the tickling tips of my fingers.

"So does this mean you don't mind that I run my mouth off about him?" She wagged her tail a bit. "Okay," I said with a smile upon my face. I guess dogs really could tell what was going on in your life.

"Kevin, hes just something I've wanted. Hes sweet, sexy, and is he ever. He has that charm to him that makes me feel complete. He has that deep voice that makes my kneees go weak when I hear him say 'I love you'. He's pretty smart, which is something that I like to have. He is mature and serious, yet fun and free-willing everyday. Hes just beautiful to me. From his bright green eyes that pulls me down into the wonderful Heart that I wish to hold."

I looked down at my sleeping puppy. She just lay there softly breathing in and out. I smiled, kissed her upon her forehead, and laid back down. "I guess you don't really care about all of that stuff." I whispered as I laid down for the night.

I had a hard time falling alseep still. I just stared up at the dark blue walls and white cieling above me. I thought about Kevin, and the rest of the group. I thought about Jen and AJ, as well as Jason and Howie. I really didn't know much of how the relationship started between Jas and Howie. All I know is that suddenly they wanted to be swapping tongues. Slowly I began to drift off to sleep from the extreme tiredness.

I woke up the next morning, in an empty bed with a sore/tight back. I guess that is what you get when you get used to sleeping in the arms of someone for a few nights and then suddenly not. I slowly rose from my bed, and made my way slowly to the shower.

I started the water, and let it run. I slowly let my boxers drop to the floor as I made my way towards the shower's edge. I let my foot touch the water. It felt very hot unlike the usual luke warm temp I had experienced. I looked over at the temp control; it was the same as it usualy was. "Great, if coming into a burning hot shower every morning is another side effect of not having a boyfriend to hold me for a night, then I'm basically screwed," I groaned as I stepped into the shower.

I became used to the water soon enough, and just stood there letting the water run over every pore of my body. I sighed, wishing the heat i was recieving was from Kevin. I missed him so much and I had only been away from him for less than 8 hours. God this week was just gonna suck even more.

I slowly washed up and made my way out of the shower. I got ready for school by shaving, putting on deoderant and colongue, and gelling my hair a bit (not like the preps at my school who gel the 1/2 inch of hair with two gallons of gel).

I looked halfway decent so I made my way downstairs. I didn't have to impress any hot guys at school anymore with my unique style (that they really didn't like in the first place) anymore. I smiled at my lil thought and saw Jen and Jason sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper, Jen with the popculture and Jason with the Sports section.

"Hey Rich," Jason said looking up from his section.

"Hey, and damn don't I really seem gay compared to you. My god sports are NOT my thing."

He smiled a bit. "Hey sexy," I said as I wrapped my hands around Jen's neck giving her a lil 'love choke'.

"Hey you. And look who's talking," she said as she glared at me. I rolled my eyes at her, and Jason laughed. "Hey, don't you be laughing either. You look damn sexy too. Damn why do all they good looking guys that are sweet and wonderful gay?"

"Oh Jen, hun, you should know that by know. Its so that other guys like me and Jason can get them. Duh, guys like that are not going to waste their time on women like you." I said playing the part of a dramaKing with hand gestures and all.

They both laughed at my staging of stereotypical homosexuals. I don't get how people see gays like that. Some are more masculine than some straight guys. I shrugged at it as I sat down at the table.

"So, ready for that Chem test today?" Jen said piping up.

"What?... Chem test? what chem test?"

"The one Mr. Smith has been saying all week. Duh, were you that out of it day dreaming of Kevin?"

"Shit. That's okay though because I have two study halls before that. I can just study then. And besides I'm pretty good when it comes to science anyways."

"Well I'm glad I don't have Chem. Last years manditory Chem was horrible how could you two ever decide to take it again."

"Rich is good at Chem, and well I just wanted to see if I could try my own experiments with the guys in the class," Jen said with a lil grin on her face.

We all laughed and realized it was time to go. We drove to school and had our lil psychotic time in the car. Radio station wars are always fun... especially when you have one that likes pop (Jen), one that likes R&B and Rap (Jason) and one who likes Alternative (me [duh]).

School went on as usual. It went a bit faster; I guess it was because I wasn't begging the clock to go faster so I could get back home. I was sitting in Chem class getting pretty nervous, I had studdied but I really wasn't sure how I was going to do.

The test actually was average. I had managed to get a B+ on it which was cool for me. I already was carring a A average so it wasn't that bad.

Jen congratulated me with her A+. I rolled my eyes, as we went to go towards Jason's last class. Today wasn't turning out to be such a bad day after all!

We made our way down to the main building that held Jason's last class, which was English. As we turned down the hall towards Jason's class, Katherine had caught up with us. She had a huge smile on her face.

Jen and I stopped to ask her what was up. Her only response was an envalope. She shoved the letter into my hand and told me to open it. I did as she said, and found the letter typed on the school's stationary.

Dear Ms. Katherine Barkley

You have made it into the top few of

of the students that have been chosen to be the year 2000's

Valedictorian. There are 2 others up for the running. We

advise for you to study hard for the last remaining weeks

of school. (BLAH BLAH BLAH)

I looked up from the letter and she still had that huge grin on her face. "Katherine! That's great, I'm so happy for you" I said as I pulled her into a hug.

Jen stole the letter from my hands and joined into the little group hug.

"So do you know who the other two are???"

"Yeah, John in our Calc class, and Derek in your Computer class."

"Derek isn't as bright as you, John will be hard though. YOu better get your ass working now!"

"I know... so what are you up to now?"

"We're gonna go to the library. I have to tutor tonight!"

"Ooooh... Have fun. I have to do my fair share of that on Friday, so dont feel so bad"

We found Jason and were off to the library. I had to tutor this real jackass today. I hated the selection people sometimes. This guy was one of the most egotistical people in our school. As well as the most popular. I couldn't stand it.

Soon enough the tutoring ended and I was off. I found where Jason and Jen were sitting.

"I hate him," I said sitting down in the chair next to Jen.

"Yeah I saw you biting your inner lip. I know when you are pissed babe. I've lived with you for a year or so."

"Whatever. So what did you two do all day?"

"Nothing much. Oh yeah," she pulled out a magazine. "Look here," she said as she threw a copy of Rolling Stone down in front of me. My eyes widened at the picture. There stood all five of the guys with their pants dropped. They were on the cover of Rolling Stone wearing three-piece suits, well not really, more like two-piece suits because the third piece was down by their ankles.

"Oh god."

Jason laughed. "Yeah I did the same thing when Jen showed me it. We got bored and started looking through the racks."

"Damn, what if my boy is an exhibisionist now!" I said playing dramaKing. "Oh well, he does look hot like that. I mean I've seen that before, but it's just so damn sexy." I gave them a perverted grin, which both made them laugh. "Maybe it's just the lighting," I said tossing the magazine back towards Jen.

"Wait, don't you want to make copies or something. I mean you could or would probably use it." That grin I gave before appeared on her face.

I just glared back at her. "Oh but what about you Jen, I mean I bet you might want this one of AJ. Oh wait you dont need this one; you've already seen him with his pants down, as well as his boxers."

"Okay, okay, okay, we can just end this li'l conversation now right???"

"Yeah I guess so."

"Alright you two, don't you think we should be going soon. And besides I want to get home if Howie calls," Jason pleaded.

We smiled at Jason's pleading puppy dog face. "So Jason, you really like Howie a lot huh?" Jen said being Ms. Gossip.

"Yeah, I think I've fallen for him. He's sooo sweet, and can be very sexy. He has that cute smile when he turns red too. He may be shorter, but he has that way of wrapping his arms around your waist that...."

"Okay as much as I love to hear about you two guys talk about your boyfriends, I think I'll just cut this description short." Jen said as she stepped in between us handing us both our bookbags, and walking towards the exit.

We ran after Jen, and went home.

The day went on, as expected. School work was as usaul, boring. The only thing that got me out of my apathy was the ringing of the phone.


"Hey baby," a deep voice came over the line.

"Hey hun," my voice screaching a bit from the excitement I had from hearing his voice again. "How are you and the rest of 'em?"

"Im doing great. I miss you a lot. And the guys, they are cool. Howie was in a mushy mood though."

"Yeah so was Jason. And I must say I was too. I miss you so much Kevin. Last night sucked, because I wasn't in your arms. I woke up with a sore back and everything."

"Awh, sorry about that. I know what you are saying though. I missed having your warm body up against mine. I just want to hold you and kiss you so bad now."

"Oooooohhh... that sounds so good. So Whats up?"

"Nothing much, the tours going great, which end soon. So that means I can see you more often."

"Really? When?"

"In about two or three weeks. And we have another break sometime in soon."

"Oh thats great babe. God, it feels so good to hear your voice again. Now I want to see you again."

"Yeah, So how is Jen, Jason, and the rest of your gang."

"They are all good. Oh speaking of which. Is AJ around?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Tell him Hi from Jen, Jason and me. And then ask him 'What he thought of Sunday Night."

"Um, okay, Hold on" I heard talking off in the back ground, and then Kevin laughing. "What's up with Sunday night? He turned bright red and almost choked on the soda he was drinking."

"Oh he and Jen got a lil friendly that night."

"You're kidding me right?"

"Nope, Jen was acting all strange when you left and I kinda outed her on it. She can be such a tease and flirt sometimes."

"Great, well AJ is going to get a talking to. He always seems to try this. I can't believe this. I'm sorry about this, AJ can just be a bit on the perverted side when the huge ammounts of testosterone build up in him."

"No babe, don't worry about it. Jen's the same way. She may not seem like it but she is. So don't go yelling at AJ."

"You sure?

"Yeah hun. But there is another thing... Jen and Jason found at the library at school today."


"Yeah, It seems to have this certain group on the cover. Rolling Stone. It was like the January issue or whatever. Oh yeah and they had their pants dropped."

"Oh great you saw that," he said witha bit of a laugh. "It was the photogropher's idea. Well with a bit of help from AJ."

"Okay, and by the way you look so damn sexy." I sighed. "Oh yeah, and I feel a bit hurt that you brought your pants down for complete strangers faster than for me!" I said getting into a good mood.

He laughed a bit. "Yeah, but I'm sure you're gonna be one of the few who gets to see more than that."

"What!!!" I nearly shouted making Jas and Jen look over at me. I just shook my head at them, as if telling them not to worry.

"Okay, maybe we should end this lil' game."

"Yeah. So any clue what is gonna happen between you and me for the next few weeks or whatever until you stop touring."

"No baby, I'm sorry. All I know is that we get off in a few weeks. Okay?"


"Hey, we need to hurry this up. And D wants to talk to Jason. So give Jason the phone and let him talk for a bit, and then we can say goodnight okay?"

"Yeah sure That will be fine."

I handed over the phone, and sat down and finished the last few assignments that I need to do for my first few periods. Jen looked really excited when AJ just had to say Hi to her, and Jason was in complete bliss the whole time he was talking to D. I hoped the best for those two.

I was soon given the phone back. "Hello?"


"Well It's gotten late here hun."

"Yeah. Well I guess this is goodnight."

"Yup. Nite Kevin. I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"Nite Love ya." I whispered into the phone.

"Nite, See you soon" Kevin said after he heard the click from my end. "See you soon," he repeated.

With that he walked into his own room and stripped down to his usual nothingness, unlike the boxers that he had worn while at Rich's house, and drifted off to sleep.

I slowly rose from the chair I was sitting in. It was time for bed. I quickly ran upstairs stripping down into my boxers and hopping into bed. I drifted off to sleep with Kevin's voice, and heart, on my mind.

To Be Continued......

Well okay people... thats it for section 8 .... Again I have some writers block for this part of this story. It should get a bit better once I get past this "no-Kev" stuff... so just hang in there for more shit... Again next seg should be out in about another week or so... I would greatly appreciate all comments and stuff... thank you...

Next: Chapter 9

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