Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Jan 27, 2000


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... I would appreciate all thoughts on this PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! (C'mon, Im nearly on my knee's begging... no Im not on my knee's for that reason... shame on you for thinking that... hehehe [Im in one of those strange moods for those of you who have talked to me online.] :oP )


Hey Lauren... Oh please go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" SUP YULI!!! Go read his story... "Busta"... Please read Wayne's "Corridor of Time" NetBoy.... Hey whats up... and MINE!!!!!!!!!!! And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!!

Oh... And David... Of Nifty... THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH... Thank you for taking the time to post my story, and others as well.. I greatly appreciate it...

Sorry It took me so long with this section... I didn't think it would be this long... It was my B-day on Friday so I was out all weekend with different friends... and I'm getting slammed with all this homework in school.... So... SORRY.... and I hope for the next edition to be out sooner than the amount of time that this one took.... Oh, and there is the fact I have been working on a webpage just a little bit so that kinda slowed me down a bit...:o)

Kissing Me Softly

I slowly rose from the chair I was sitting in. It was time for bed. I quickly ran upstairs stripping down into my boxers and hopping into bed. I drifted off to sleep with Kevin's voice, and heart, on my mind.

The days went on the same as before. Me dreaming about Kevin, Jen just being her strange and psychotic self, Jason dreaming of Howie, Katherine working her ass off for Valedictorian, and the rest of my friends being their usual unique selves.

Kevin had called me every day at night before I drifted off to sleep. Which helped the lonlyness at night. Just hearing his voice was a great thing.

It was good to feel loved now, especially when thinking about all the pressures at the end of the year. Graduation, Prom (which was in a few days, finals, and (for me being in the unpopular crowd) the peer pressure of Conformicy and other things. Jason had it real bad though, he was tormented by the three most popular people in the school, his past friends. I never really did understand what the reason was for that. They weren't proving much, just making someones life feel like hell. I wished I could have made their lives like hell, but that wasn't the easiest thing to do without getting kicked out... :o)

It was Friday afternoon and school had been let out for about an hour or so. The air was still damp from the morning's light rainshower. Jen and I had found our way back towards the pool. The water glistened off the top of the cool water. Jen sat on the pools edge, while I sat in a lawn chair holding Silver in my lap. I just loved to sit outside around the pool or in the garden that we have here. It's just so peaceful and calming to sit down in front of the pool or the sandy Zen gardens that are along my back yard.

Jen looked up from the water, and back at me. "So whats on your mind?" she asked, as she saw me staring off into space.

"Do you seriously have to ask."

"Yeah," she said turning around taking her feet out of the water and drying them off.

I rolled my eyes, "I miss my man. Its been what? one and a half weeks?" She nodded. "I don't know, Jen, It's just strange, I don't really know what to say."

"It's not strange, Its love, and you have fallen for it." She grinned once again. "C'mon Rich, we both know that you have fallen in love. You can't seem to think about much anything less than Kevin. He has totaly effected your life. And well, you two just look so happy and well almost sexy together... I think I may be getting jealous."

"Yeah right, you jealous? Come on, I know you and you are that 'Live-life and party'. You aren't looking for much commitment as is."

She blushed a bit. "Okay, you got me there. So what are we doing tonight?"

"I dunno. You can go find Jason and ask him. He'll probably have some Idea of what to do. I mean we've done everything that the two of us can think of, it might be kinda good to hear someone else's ideas."

Jen swung her feet out of the pool and water sprayed a bit across the warm cement, grabbed a towel, dried her legs off, and followed behind me and Silver. We found Jas practicing his shots at the basketball court. 'Jocks,' I thought, 'who the hell knows why they spend so much time on sports'. I sighed and we walked up towards the basket. Jason took a shot and missed bring the the ball right to me. I caught the ball with extreme luck. I'm like Lance of *NSYNC when it comes to sports, not so good. I guess that what makes him my fav *NSYNCer. :o)

"Hey dude," He said after folowing the ball falling down into my hands. "Whats up?"

"Nothing much.... Do you have any ideas that are cool and well fun for tonight. I want to do something."


"Nope, We did that last week. That's where Rich met Kevin. So well that wouldn't be too good of an idea if you don't want to hear sappy shit"

Jason laughed at my expense. "Well, what about clubs?"

"Clubs suck on Fridays," I said speaking up again once the color of my face had returned to its normal color. "They are filled with the populars that are really ignorant and somehow always seem to find themselves a drink. Its really stupid. Got any other ideas?"

"What about just inviting people and just having a small get together?"

Well that just dumbfounded me. "I can't believe that Jen nor I have ever thought of that. I feel so stupid now... Its obvious but I never thought of it."

We all smiled and decided just to talk others into coming over. Katherine, and Nicole were the only two that could make it, which was cool.

It would just be our own lil party. The girls came over in less than 30 minutes and we set out some hot dogs, veggie burgers, and hamburgers for dinner. We all gathered around the pool with a boombox.

We set in my Blink182 CD, which I totaly love and walked over to the rest of the group. Tonight was going to be quite an easy night for the brain cells. I sat down next to Katerine on one of the chairs we had out. We talked about everything. It was nice just sitting there and hanging out.

Pretty soon we had all jumped into the pool and were splashing and messing around like we did when we were 15. It was really fun. I don't remember the last time that I was acting like this open. It was a good stress break though.

Soon enough we had all climbed out of the pool and made our way over to the patio. Jason turned on the gril and put on the burgers and hotdogs. We all gathered around in our light clothing and wet hair that was everywhere, and waited for the food to be finished while working on breaking open the bags of chips and opening the cans of soda.

The food was soon done and I grabbed a veggie burger and a hot dog. I like a lot of veggie food, even though Im not fully one. :o)

"So Rich, Whats up with you and Kevin?" Katherine asked trying to stir up convo in a whicked way.

"Kevin who?" Nicole asked being totaly clueless about my dating life.

"Rich's boyfriend" answered Katherine.

"Ah... so cool, so I don't have to try to play cupid anymore?"

"Nope... But I mean I know you like him... you've met him so no worries that I'm falling for the wrong guy" I said biting into the veggie burger.

"Kevin? I don't know any Kevins...."

"Yeah you do...."

"Wait, No freaking way?"

I just grinned at her and she totaly freaked out. She was happy, but was freaking out. She ran through the whole "he's gay", "He's dating you", "how far have you gotten" thing all in a couple of minutes. I didn't realize that someone could get that much of their system and mouth in less than like 2 mintues.

"So you approve I'm guessing?" I questioned with a cynical grin upon my face.

"No, Rich, I don't approve.... DAMN IT I WANT HIM" She said laughing a bit.

"Well, he's all mine and if you touch him, you're gonna get a beat down."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, trying to 'change' a gay guy would be too much work anyways," she sighed sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know, but no problem for me!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up Rich. Why do the good guys out there have to be gay."

"Don't even go there," Jason said speaking up.

We all smiled and went on with the night. After dinner we had all migrated into the living room to talk and listen to the local pop radio station (it was Nicole and Jen's idea, not mine).

Once the clock struck sometime after eight, I heard the phone ring. 'Yay, my man is calling me!' I thought as I sprang up for the phone. Jen laughed at how excited I was, she seems to have this thought that I'm cute when I feel all "mushy".

"Hello?" I asked into the reciever of the phone after picking it up.

"Hey Rich," a high pitched (higher than Kevin's at least) voice came over the phone, "is Jason there?"

"Hey D, whats up?... Oh and so you're the one who is calling now feeling a bit beat out by my man?.... oh and Yeah, Jason's here"

He laughed a bit at the amount of stuff I covered. "Everythings cool, I just thought I might call first instead, and could you please let Jas talk now?"

"No, Howie, I'm gonna screw up your love life, because you know I have no other plans, oh wait I have that 'take over the world' thing I could always do." I walked towards the living room towards Jas. "Well, good to hear from you D, Take care, Bye." He said his good-bye's to me and I handed over the phone to Jason who excidedly accepted the phone. I laughed at it.

"Who was that?" Nicole asked, wondering why Jason was so excited.

"D." I said sitting down next to her.

"Dee from English class? Is she trying to hit on him. See I told you all the gay guys get the women."

"No.... D... as in Howie D... of the Backstreet Boys."

"Ooooooooohhhhhh...." Nicole let out, not really knowing anything about their relationship.

Jen and I exchanged glances and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Nicole asked totaly missing everything.

"Do you honestly think that Howie D, would call especially for Jason and just you know out of the blue, well just as a friendship thing?" Jen said as she gave Nicole one of those 'so can we start with the blonde jokes now?' stare.

"Huh?" she paused a bit before totaly catching it (which usualy takes her less time than that), "Oh, wait, oh. Well, okay, I guess I can see Howie being gay. But I'm still stuck on Kevin... damn... oh well."

That totaly put confused looks on Jen and My faces. "So, you're totaly surprised at Kevin, but not D? I bet that would totaly brighten up his day."

We all smiled and decided to talk some more 'til I recieved the phone again.

Jason soon walked back into the living room with the phone in his hands saying good-bye to D. I smiled at him, which he smiled back but totaly having one of those goofy grins on his face. I laughed a bit at him.

"Hey, you're gonna have an even bigger grin on your face and you know it," he said as he handed over the phone.

"Yeah, I know. But you were just so cute." I took the phone out from his hands.

"Hello?" I again asked into the phone, setting the earpiece up against my head.

"Hey baby. How are you?" Kevin's deep voice filled the phone that was relaxing and wonderful. There was no hope at me holding back a smile (Which Jason just had to point at with an 'I told you so' face on.)

"I'm just good now," I said as I made my way into the other room where the colored vases and candles were. I loved this room of the house. "How are you?"

"Good. It feels really good to hear your voice, though. I mis you a lot."

"I do too. So... Kevin, when are we gonna see each other again? I really want to be in your arms."

"I want you there too. And, well, I don't know actually. All I know is that tourings really hectic anyways."

"Well, doesn't that just suck for the both of us."

"Yeah." He said with a bit more of a optimistic mood than I expected.

"Wait, why are you so cheery about that. Did you find someone else or something?"

"Huh? No! I'm just in a good mood, don't worry, nothing is wrong in our relationship from what I can see."



I made a slight whimpering noise. "Kevin, I miss you so much." I whined out.

"Yeah, I know babe, I know."

"So how's Jen?"

"She's doing really good, just her ole lil self. So how's AJ?" I asked connecting Jen and AJ.

"AJ, well, hmm, lets see, how does 'his old perverted self' sound to you?"

"Pretty good, even though I think you should give..." I was cut off by the annoying ring of the door bell.

"Someone there?"

"Yup, I guess I should get that because the rest of them really won't" I said as I stood up and walked my way towards the front of the door. "So anyways, I really don't think you should be that hard on AJ. I mean sure he's a bit perverted, but he's 22, you have to give him some slack. Most 22 year olds are like that."

"You don't seem to be like that."

"Hey, what can I say, I'm strange," I replied with a slight laugh.

He laughed, which was a good sign. I slid my way towards the door, on the slick wooden floor.

"Yeah, but you're a good strange, a strange I've fallen in love with."

"Awh, thats so sweet," I said as I unlocked the latches on the huge double doors.

"Do you want me to hold on?" he asked hearing the loud clanks of the locks.

"It's nine at night, no one's gonna care if I'm on the phone or not."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah," I said opening the door. The moonlight from outside shining in the very poorly lit halway.

A shadow appeard with the moonlight, I looked at the figure and there stood Kevin, and Howie. Howie had a rose in his hands (such the romancer).

"So, who's at the door?" Kevin asked with one of those mischieveous smiles into the cell that was still up against his ear.

I screeched and quickly ran my way to him. He had closed the phone and had put it away so he could wrap both arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me squeezing me tight. It felt so good to be in his arms again. He leaned down and quickly kissed my lips, just short and sweet.

"I missed you so much." I said leaning my head upon his chest, and kinda shoulder area.

"I missed you too baby."

I looked over at Howie who was just sitting there spinning the rose in his hands with a smile on his face.

"Hey D," I said with a smile upon my face, kinda just pretending that he came out of nowhere.


"Well, umm I guess you two want to come inside then?"

"Yeah, that would be nice."

We walked into the house closing the doors behind us. Kevin's hands moved to my waist and stayed there the whole way back towards the living room.

When we arrived in the living room everyone had forgot about the radio and found some movie on one of the movie channels we had. Howie seeing Jason slowly came up to Jas. He slowly slid his hands along with the rose down Jason's chest, as he leaned over the top of the couch. Jason jumped at the first touch of Howie's warm hands but relaxad as he saw the red rose.

"Hey you," Jas said as he quickly kissed Howie's cheek.

By this time Kevin and I had walked over to by them. "Hey, wait, why is he not as surprised?" I asked with a strange tone to my voice.

"He knew," Kevin whispered into my ear, kissing the lobe of it.

"Wait, no fair, I get the shit scared and surpiresed out of me and he gets a rose. No fair."

"Sorry," Kevin said as he drew closer to me.

"It's okay, but tell me next time you come to see me or whatever, because my heart just hit the roof of my mouth just about twenty seconds ago"

"Okay, deal."

We made our way over to the couch and sat down. I snuggled up against his warm body, as did Howie with Jason. Nicole couldn't help but stare at us. It was kind of funny, but also irratating.

We all talked, and Nicole's stares stopped. Which was cool because it's not really fun to be stared at by one of your friends. I can deal with strangers staring at me for not wearing the usual Ambercrombie and Fitch (AKA Pimpercrombie and Bitch in my opinion), but being stared at by a friend kinda does suck.

Soon enough the conversation had grown down and everyone seemed to grow tired.

Nicole asked if she could just crash at my house for the night. I, of course, let her, and she called her mom and told her where she would be.

Kevin and I walked up to my room, and Jason and Howie went into the same room tonight. I smiled at the two of them. They looked pretty good together.

Kevin and I walked into my room, closing the door behind us. Instantly after I had locked the door, Kevin had spun me around and held me tight. "I missed you baby."

"Didn't we already go over this many many times?"

"Yeah, but I really did."

"Okay," I whispered.

I leaned up to his beautiful face. I placed my right hand softly onto his face. Our lips met and a wonderful feeling of love came over my body. It felt so good to feel his lips against mine. Our mouthes both opened and I felt his tongue slowly slide its way into my mouth. I greatfully accepted it and masssaged his tongue with mine. Our tongues tangled within eachothers mouthes at a very slow and loving pace. Soon enough the kissed ended, and we both looked into eachothers eyes.

"And, that was one of the things I missed the most."

"I know, but I miss being in your arms the most."

"Ah, did you want to get ready for bed now?"

"That would be good," I said as I slowly walked my way towards the bathroom.

We brushed our teeth, washed our faces, and did everything else to get to bed. I kept finding myself staring at him, but he was staring right back sometimes, so it was okay.

We made our way back out to my room and we slowly made our way back to the bed. We slowly disrobed down to our boxers and got under the light covers. He wrapped his arms around me and I let out a 'happy sigh'.

I cuddled up to his arms and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you Kevin," I whispered.

"I love you too Rich," he whispered back kissing me softly upon my lips. I smiled and tried to get as close as possible. With that we slowly fell asleep, me in his arms, just as I like it. It felt so good just to be there in the arms of the one I loved and fall asleep knowing that he'd be there for me when I woke up and just there for me because of love, and I would do the same.

I drifted of into a peaceful dreamland of a happy life, of living with Kevin, and feeling the best feeling I could have ever felt... loving, and being loved back.

To Be Continued......

Well okay people... thats it for section 9.... Okay again sorry this one was a lil late but it was because of My Birthday so you can forgive me right?? Well whatever... Thank you and there are more events still to come or whatever.... thank you all that have responding I greatly appreciate it... so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Email me...

Next: Chapter 10

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