Kok - a Fairy Godfather

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 29, 2000


(fantasy, orgy, rimming, M/B)

(Author's note: This is actually my first story, written many years ago. It's a bit silly, in that the main thrust is something we all fantasize about. I'm not sure if it still holds up, but...well, see what you think.)


He was the most beautiful, lovable boy I had ever seen; here he was in bed with me, making love to me. He bathed me with caresses of the mouth over my entire body, intimately, passionately. My body quivered under his touch. Every spot he touched with his eager hands and exploring tongue caused convulsions inside until suddenly I could feel the inevitable eruption begin to formulate inside my balls. Quickly I reached down between his legs and grabbed his rigid prick and felt it. I held it firmly and tried fiercely to bring it to my mouth. But for some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I was unable to bring it to my lips. I caressed, I felt, I squeezed...how smooth...how lovely. Instantly I felt a violent spasm within as I felt him put his lips to me and I came in furious ecstasy into the mouth of this beautiful boy. I knew he shot at the same time as I because I could feel his hot cum flow over my fingers and down my hand. Revelling in this excitement, I brought my hand to my lips and licked his delicious juices from around and between my fingers. He tasted so good, this boy... and he was mine.

I opened my eyes in the darkness to look into his eyes and suddenly realized that it was my own sperm that I had smeared over my face. I had masturbated during a dream. That beautiful boy was only a result on my wild imagination. Aw...pretty boy ...all gone. I reflected: how many times has this happened? So many. But my imagination is the only thing that sustains my sanity. Only in this way can I find another boy to share my passions with.

I took off my T-shirt and wiped the cum from my hand and spent organ. I looked over at the clock to find 5:30 am staring me in the face and reminding me that I would soon have to get up and go to school. I felt depressed in spite of the sexy fantasy I had just experienced. Why must I always rely on pretension to acquire satisfaction?

As I arose and walked toward my dresser to prepare my school clothes, I passed the full-length mirror on the closet door. I stated at the sleepy-eyed boy with the droopy cock and was reminded again, as many times before, of my ugliness. I stared at my scrawny, formless figure...then up to my anemic- looking face with its hollow dark eyes and adolescent pimply skin. "No wonder you can't make any contacts with good-looking guys for sex," I sneered sarcastically at my reflection. "An ugly kid like you couldn't possibly excite a good-looking boy. Even the boys you know are queer won't look twice at you when you try to meet them."

Tears came to my eyes and I turned and fell onto the bed crying in desperation. I stopped once only to moan, "If only they could see that I'm really a nice guy inside--even if I don't look so good from the outside! I could love them so much!" And I cried even more.

Several moments later I opened my eyes and realized to my astonishment that a foggy mist was surrounding me and rapidly filling the room. Within a few seconds I couldn't even see my own hand in front of me. Fire? No, it wasn't even warm. Instead it was refreshingly cool. Then I detected an overwhelming odor. It was a fabulous odor, similar to the perspiration of a well- exercised male body. It especially reminded me of the pubic region. As a matter of fact it actually smelled like a crotch!

I breathed deeply, taking in this exciting olfactory sensation. I turned over on the bed onto my back and rested on one elbow. Suddenly the fog lifted slightly and a form began to appear at the foot of the bed. I was terrified! At first it seemed to be a long, reddish brown pillar, but as the mist cleared more I realized that it was more variant in color with a very wide body and a huge crimson head. Was it a mushroom? Holy cum! Could it really be?! Before me stood a giant cock in full erection! It was about two feet wide and reached almost to the ceiling. Around its base sprouted a garden of giant hairs. I felt like screaming but I was speechless. Was I in another fantastic dream of mine? Was this merely the delusive personi- fication of a hidden desire transformed into an hallucination? "It must be!" I exclaimed aloud.

I looked closer at this monstrous thing. A cock it surely was, flesh-colored with a grotesque, yet somewhat appealing, appearance.

I scrambled back further onto the bed, pulling the covers to my neck and digging my fingers into the pillow in terror. Then it spoke, boisteriously, even with an echo: "I am KOK. Do not be afraid. I am your, uh, fairy Godfather."

It bent at the middle and lowered its head toward the bed and came closer to me. There were no eyes, no usual facial characteristics. Just a big talking prick!

"Touch me and you will no longer fear me. Aw, gawhead."

As if in a trance, I raised my hand unwillingly and caressed the extended gigantic knob. Instantly I felt a warm glow within me and I was filled with emotions of trust, desire and admiration. I was at ease. Stupidly I asked the intruder, "Are you real? And if so what do you want?"

He replied, the echo gone, "I am quite real, my boy. I appear only to those who have great need of me, as you do."

"What do I need you for? What can you do for me?"

"I can render happiness to those who believe in me. They call me Champion of the Geeks. I am prepared to grant you one wish at this time. Think it over carefully."

Flabbergasted I was, but I came to my senses, realizing that this was really happening. I though how wonderful it would be if he could make me beautiful. Then a more exciting idea came to me and I rushed up to KOK and thrust my arms around him exclaiming, "If only you could give me the power to make myself invisible whenever I want to!"

"Well, now, that's unique. I thought surely you would want beauty more than anything else. Have it as you will. First you must drink of me. I will erupt in an orgasm. As my juices flow from my canal, over my head and down my sides, you must lick until your thirst is quenched. At that time your wish will be granted. And don't worry about the carpet!"

I stood back, eyes wide in amazement, as this monstrous cock made violent jerking movements and began to excrete an unmistakable milky fluid from its head, shooting high and splattering back down to flow over the shaft like a lava flow. My naked form stood back against the wall watching this unbelievable phenomenon. I became excited and got up onto the bed, wrapping my arms around its head and tightly entwining my legs around its middle. I was instantly engulfed in a flood of sperm. My body was gently, but completely, becoming covered by the enormous river of cum from this creature. This was truly the king of all cocks.

I tried to hold tightly to his side, sucking and licking his magic and delicious secretions, having trouble because of the slipperiness. I fell to the floor, my belly full of cum, and collapsed.

When I came to I found myself naked on the floor, my arms outstretched and my tongue hanging out licking the air around me.

"You fool!" I said to myself, straightening up. "When are you going to stop this ridiculous dreaming. Here it is 7:00 and you're going to be late for school!" I jumped up, rushed to the closet, grabbed what I had intended to wear, and hurriedly dressed. Stomping into the bathroom, I quickly smeared some toothpaste onto the brush thinking, "Another miserable day watching all those cute naked boys in the locker room and having to come home alone afterwards to beat off. It wouldn't be so bad if I had gym after lunch, but having it beforehand causes me to come home at lunchtime and do it, then getting excited all over again in class and having to jack off again after school."

I was thinking all this to myself while fiercely brushing my teeth. I began to think about the wild dream I had just experienced, and thought, "Boy, I sure do wish I could make myself invisible. Would I ever manage to get an eyeful!" I raised my head to look at my reflection in the mirror and almost swallowed the toothbrush. I couldn't see me! Then it hadn't been a dream after all. I nearly went hysterical. I COULD DO IT...just by concentrating I was able to dematerialie and bring myself back again. I must have played around like this for quite some time because soon there was a pounding on the door and my mother's voice telling me it was almost 8:00.

I decided not to go to school as I was anxious to try out my new powers. I finished quickly and rushed out the back door, feeling sparkling. I wanted to try my luck at an event that I knew was to take place that morning.

Dennis, a very cute and close friend of mine, was skipping school today to meet Ryan, a hot looking guy who had graduated last year. Ryan was very, very popular with the girls and the boys. I was never able to get close to him when he was still in school. Now he was working at a nearby hamburger stand and I quite often spent sometimes a couple of hours just drinking cokes so that I could watch him. All the fairies used to swarm around him but he wouldn't associate with any except the best- looking ones. Rumor had it that even they couldn't get far. He had a group of Specials-- extremely good-looking boys with whom he associated. They reminded one of a beehive with the queen in the middle. He was incredibly beautiful, and he was well aware of it.

Whenever Ryan became interested in a boy, it was whispered that THE PARTY would soon follow. No one really knows just what happens at THE PARTY because those who participate in it never want to discuss it afterwards. All that anyone outside the circle knows is that for a new boy to be allowed the privilege of sucking Ryan's cock he has to undergo a rather debasing ritual consisting in part of servicing Ryan's Specials during a mass orgy. It's said to be quite debasing, but all who are known to have participated seem to always go back for more. Still, no one has the nerve to describe it.

Dennis, my friend, had been hot for Ryan for quite some time and today was to be his turn to find out the mysteries of THE PARTY. I decided to go over to Dennis' house and wait for him to leave for Ryan's apartment. I hid by the garage and practiced making myself invisible just to make sure. I concentrated on changing and waited. My body grew tense and my vision blurred. For a moment I felt drunk, then I raised my hand to my eyes and could not see it. I was completely transparent. Suddenly I heard the door of Dennis' house open and quickly made myself seen.

"Hi, Denny!" I cried. "Are you ready for your secret rendezvous?"

"Yes," he slyly emphasized. "I'm finally going to get that beautiful hunk of boy today and I don't care what I have to go through to get him!"

"I sure wish I could go with you--even if I could only watch."

"I wish you could too, but Ryan wouldn't allow it, and besides, I don't know what they'll make me do and I don't think I'd like to have my best buddy watch me degrade myself. I wouldn't be able to face you afterwards. It's a good thing that Ryan and his boys don't discuss what goes on to everyone; and of course those who go through it say that they wouldn't want anyone to know. But you know what they have said--it's pretty raw!"

"Well, I'm already a hour late for school so I'd better be on my way. I sure hope you have a good time, and give him a lick and a suck for me."

Automatically I felt depressed, then I smiled, remembering that I was going to follow him and watch the whole thing. I dashed around the corner and changed my appearance then caught up and walked behind him, studying his gorgeous buttocks. Then, daringly, I jumped in front of him for the final test and he didn't even flinch. He couldn't see me. Fabulous!

We arrived at Ryan's place at the specified time. Dennis was greeted without words by his host, who was wearing only a robe and a smirk, and led into a small anteroom where three nude boys proceeded to strip him completely.

They undressed him slowly, feeling his body lovingly as each different section became bare and exposed. By the time they slipped his shorts down, there was no doubt as to the state of excitement they had brought him to. They were all very cordial and nice, but with an air of mystery and secrecy.

The three boys left and soon afterward a small, nude little boy, with a big smile and a completely hairless body, entered the room and walked up to Dennis. He seemed to be about 12 years old, though small for his age. He didn't say a word, just smiled and took hold of my friend's hard cock and motioned for him to follow. Dennis walked behind the boy who still had his hand wrapped around the stiff shaft. He was led into a room where Ryan and his Specials were. Nine other beautiful boys-- all teenagers and all stark naked.

The little boy led Dennis into the center of the room and sat him down onto a soft rug. He then knelt down on the floor and gave Dennis' cock a lick, then jumped up quickly and retreated to the other side of the large room. None of the boys spoke to him, but all had friendly smiles and some were obviously anticipating what was about to happen by the erections they sported. This was heaven, and I moved around the room freely, an erection of my own pressing hard in my pants, and personally inspected their desirable bodies, finding it extremely hard to keep from touching them. Ryan finally spoke:

"How bad do you want me, stud?" he asked, walking over to my friend.

Dennis replied hesitatingly, totally awed by this beauty, "Well, ah, I've wanted you very much for a long time...you know that." He looked around with a quizzical look on his face, slightly alarmed, but determined. "What do I have to do? I think I'm prepared for anything. Whatever it is, with all these cute guys involved, it couldn't be too bad. Let's go!"

"OK. First let me tell you that I want you too, but I enjoy orgies and watching other people have sex. And I like to have other people prove how much they want me. You'll have to go through things you've probably never done before. If you do them, then you can have me in any way you want! I'll let you subject me to the same things if you like. First, one at a time, each of the guys will stand in front of you, turn around, bend over and position their rear in front of your face. You must put your face in their cracks and lick and suck on each of their assholes, putting your tongue inside until they achieve a full erection. I'll be right beside you, watching closely."

"But, I..." Dennis seemed a bit frightened. My cock started leaking. I wanted to scream out I'LL DO IT! There wasn't an asshole in the place that I wouldn't have eagerly eaten out, even though I'd never done it before either. But instinctively I knew it would be absolute heaven!

"Don't tell me you're backing out already!"

"No, no," cried Dennis. "It's just that I've never done anything like that before. I don't know whether I can!"

I CAN, I CAN, I raised my hand. I couldn't touch, but I managed to kneel behind a couple of the guys, get real close, and sniffed their butts. What a temptation!

Ryan bent down and kissed Dennis full on the lips in a passionate mouth-probing manner then pulled away, leaving Dennis thirsting for more.

"OK, OK. I'll do it, I'll do it. Just so I can have more of you. Quick, let's get it started." And with that the first boy came up to him and Dennis grabbed him around the hips and immediately buried his face between the inviting globes, fiercely enticing his hole until the boy's cock was rock hard. Then he accepted the second boy and rimmed his ass. And on down the line Dennis tongue-fucked frantically, for the first time, trying his best to excite them into a quick erection. Occasion- ally, Ryan would reach down and spread the cheeks of the recipient, encouraging Dennis to probe deeper.

"Yeah, lick up and down that crack. Stick that hard tongue in there; CLEAN OUT THAT SWEATY HOLE. Now suck on those asslips!"

Near the end it was hard for me to tell whether Dennis became tired or if he was beginning to enjoy it, because he slowed down and lingered for a while, especially when the 12- year-old came around for his turn. Such a young body and eager to experience everything. The boy didn't have as much control as the others, coming to the fore already sporting a nice sized hard cock with only sparse crotch hair. The look in Dennis' eyes said it all. He wasn't about to point out that the boy was already hard, he immediately caressed those soft buns, and nuzzled his face in between, moaning very quietly. The boy started to giggle when Dennis shoved his tongue up the tight little hairless hole.

"Don't mind him," said Ryan, "he always giggles when he gets rimmed. Thinks it tickles! The little shit giggles when he's getting fucked, too. But you won't find a guy is this room that loves a cock up his ass more than junior here." A few chuckles and smart remarks were heard around the room. "Oh, alright, assholes!" he yelled at the group, then smiled and looked at Dennis seductively, "except for maybe me!" Ryan knelt down and put his face right next to Dennis' butteating face. "Pull your tongue outta that hole and stick it right in my mouth. I like a taste of the kid once in a while myself." Dennis did as told, sticking his tongue directly into Ryan's mouth, who sucked on it as if it were a little cock.

When all ten had satisfactorily, and quite obviously, been sufficiently excited by this practice, Dennis was then told that he was to suck them all off in whatever position they individually desired. Some had him kneeling, others wanted him to go down on them while they lay back comfortably on the bed. One had him lie down and did push-ups into his mouth, and several other positions were suggested. I was somewhat amazed at the proficiency Dennis showed. Without being directed, he managed to lick on each guy's balls for a while, and swallowed lots of cum without losing a drop! I wasn't aware he had become such a good cocksucker. He must have sucked a lot more cocks than he ever confided in me, the little whore.

During this round, those whose turn had not arrived were impatient. They were playing with each other while watching the excitement, being careful not to reach climax. This HAD to be saved for the guest. When all were finished off but the last, a tall footballer with the biggest and thickest cock of them all, Ryan again spoke:

"Lunk likes his joint sucked with your other pair of lips! You're to sit on it and move your ass up and down until you milk it of the pint of cream his rod usually has in stock."

Dennis had seemingly enjoyed being treated like a sex slave by this group of lust-hungry studs, and indeed his own organ was throbbing boldly throughout the entire episode. Now he couldn't wait until he could release his passions upon Ryan. But as he stood near the bed and stared down at the boy lying there holding his rampant cock upward, he fearfully declared to Ryan:

"Oh, I want you so bad, but I don't think I can take that huge cock up my ass. I must be at least 10 inches long. Can't I please just suck it off?"

The host replied, "No--you must let him fuck you!" Then softly, "Please try. That is what excites me the most to watch--some guy lowering his bottom and slipping it over and around his huge prong. One time I got so excited watching that I lifted the boy off of him so that I could sit on it myself! If my little ass can take it, yours can."

As Ryan stood there, half pleading, I noticed that his robe was sticking out obviously at the crotch. His hand was in his pocket and I could tell that he was stroking his prick inside the robe.

"Perhaps I can persuade you by giving you a little preview of what your reward will be." Ryan turned his back toward the group and bent over, slowly lifting the robe up until he obscenely exposed a beautiful pair of buttocks. The lines from his swimming trunks was sharply distinct, showing off his gorgeous golden brown shapely tanned legs. Between his legs could be seen hanging completely unrestrained a splendid pair of balls covered with a down of delicate golden hairs. His manhood was still carefully hidden to everyone but me. It was all I could do to keep from touching him. It was truly a magnificent body.

Still bending in this position, over his shoulder Ryan said teasingly, "How would you like that? You can have it if you work harder for it. Let me watch you being fucked."

Poor Dennis. He looked as if he were ready to shoot his wad right there, just from the sight before his eyes. "I MUST HAVE YOU," he panted, and turned to the boy on the bed, who was wagging his cock back and forth, smirking knowingly as if no one had ever resisted after getting a glimpse of Ryan's ass.

Without waiting for a reply, Ryan turned and ordered, "Junior, front and center!" The child ran forward immediately. Ryan pointed at the lunk on the bed. "SUCK! Get it good and wet, our friend's gonna need it."

The lad knew exactly what was expected of him, as if it were his duty. He scrambled onto the bed and grabbed the monstrous shaft. SUCK was out of the question for his little pink mouth, at least in the usual sense. He did manage to get the fat knob inside, and perhaps another inch or two. What he could manage, he managed well. It was absolutely bonethrobbing watching this sweet little kid, with his mouth stretched to the bursting point, trying frantically to suck as much of this man- sized prick into his mouth. In his excitement, his angelic face looked so beautiful stuffed with cock. He was a natural cocksucker. I got the feeling that this boy would probably suck thousands of hot cocks in his lifetime. He lived for it. I made up my mind, then and there, that sometime he would be sucking mine!

He concentrated on the head, sucking it noisily and running his tongue around and around. Then he slicked up the long shaft, tickling his tongue over the thick veins that were quite prominent and full of pulsing blood. If a cock could be said to look CRUEL, this one did. Though perfectly shaped, it still wasn't a sweet, smooth pink boy's penis. This was a MONSTER FUCKING PRICK! The guy could make a mint fucking the assholes off truck drivers. And he was only a sophomore!

All slicked up, Junior lifted the guy's nuts and dove for them. Shit, I hadn't even noticed them before. I hadn't taken my eyes off the cock. HUGE is an understatement. Think of the biggest balls you've ever seen on a guy, and double it. I couldn't have gotten even one in my mouth. Lunk was stroking Junior's hair and moaning.

Ryan called a halt to this. "Junior! UP! You two lovebirds can carry on later. There's preparations yet."

(I learned later that Junior and Lunk were just waiting for the boy to grow. He wanted desperately to suck that cock properly, and Lunk had his eye on that sweet ass. These days, the boy had to confine himself to sitting on the hulk's face, while he nibbled the cream out of Lunk's German helmet.)

Ryan had Dennis sit on the end of the bed, then pushed him down and lifted his legs, completely exposing his asshole to the assembly. I'd seen Dennis naked, lots of times, but not his butthole. Spread obscenely like that, he looked absolutely scrumptious. The corrugated lips of his anus were protruding outward, fat and inviting. I wanted so desperately to get down there and SUCK ON THEM!

"EAT!" Ryan said to Junior, pointing at the anal delight. "And get a lot of spit up that hole. We want our friend to enjoy this. Swab the deck real good, kiddo."

Without hesitation, Junior knelt and thrust his face against the offered tidbit and did just what I was thinking. He put his face to the hole, breathed deeply, and stuck his hard little tongue RIGHT UP THAT TASTY ASSHOLE. He pulled out and licked around the poochy lips and sucked them. What a kid! Dennis was writhing on the bed, and Junior was in asshole heaven.

After a while of this, Ryan grabbed the kid by the hair and pulled his face out of the butthole. "I said get it wet, shitlick! You can crawl in and set up housekeeping after he's a member!" This brought a hearty round of laughter all around.

"Sorry, Chief," the kid squealed. "My mouth's dry. I just don't have any spit left."

"Any of you guys close to coming?" Ryan asked.

Not me, I thought, I had shot a wad in the planter about thirty seconds earlier.

"Me!" said a short redhead, stroking his milk white boner.

Ryan grabbed it and brought it forward. "Stick it in Junior's mouth and shoot!" Looking down sternly, he said "And don't you swallow it, you greedy little shit. Keep it in your mouth so you can push it up his ass. Let's get this show on the road!" He pushed the cock into Junior's mouth. The deposit was quickly delivered, as Ryan was taking no chances on things getting delayed any longer. He licked a finger and reached back and shoved it right up Red's hole. The guy shot off immedi- ately. Ryan pulled his finger out, looked at it, shrugged, and nonchalantly licked it again.

Junior, meanwhile, had his mouth clamped over -Dennis' asshole again and pushed the creamy load right in. Dennis was holding his own legs back by now, which was a good thing. That way he couldn't touch his dick. It was hard and throbbing, precum oozing profusely and running down his shaft. Lunk spit on his now dry cock, slicking it up thoroughly, and things were ready.

Dennis scooted up on the bed, hesitated, breathed deeply, then frantically straddled Lunk and promptly adjusted himself, spread his cheeks, and instantly engulfed nearly all of the 10 inches in one stroke. He screamed in pain and terror at the sudden intrusion and quickly Ryan rushed over close to him and exposed himself, allowing Dennis to caress his voluptuous behind. This took Dennis' mind off the pain somewhat, and caused it to soon subside. Remaining still, he allowed his anus to relax and accept gargantua. Lunk reached around and stroked the buns, pulling apart the asshole and massaging it. Then he began to work his cock slowly, very slowly, in and out an inch at a time. Red's cum soon coated the rectal ravager.

Ryan knelt at the foot of the bed to get a full view of the intoxicating action. Then he began to move around the bed, pressing his face close to view it from all angles. Finally, he got onto the bed and knelt behind Dennis, grabbed him by the hips, and forced his ass down on the dick until every inch disappeared from view. He slowly lifted Dennis upward, enjoying the extracting of each precious inch one at a time. Then just when it was about to slip out, he would thrust the body back down upon it.

At last Dennis could not take the waiting any longer and began to move rapidly, allowing his body to be pierced violently, milking the mammoth weapon, and before long Dennis was vigorously sliding up and down the lubricated shaft. He rested his hands on Lunk's smooth chest, fingering his tits. Lunk was gently playing with his cock, fingering the precum over his knob. Dennis took a long look at the handsome guy and momentarily fell in love. He leaned down and planted his mouth on Lunk's. They kissed passionately, groaning loudly, oblivious to anyone else in the room. Lunk took over the action, thrusting repeatedly up into Dennis' expanded asshole. It gripped that fat pole so tightly that on the outstroke his anus was being pulled out, sliding along the shaft just like a pair of lips that didn't want to give it up. Ryan stared wide-eyed in awe. This was better than he expected.

Dennis stopped licking Lunk's ear and whispered, "Such a cock, such a cock. Fuck me, man!' Then shouted, "SHOVE IT ALL THE WAY IN! SHOVE IT OUT MY MOUTH!" He was being fucked by a stallion and loving it. Suddenly, he straightened up and perfectly banged his ass all the way down to the balls and started bouncing up and down quite frantically.

Lunk cried out first. "Argh! Urgg!" Not exactly intelligent, I thought, but definitely got the point across.

"Oh...I can feel it," cried Dennis. "I can feel it squirting inside," as the burning liquid rushed into his canal in torrents.

He rested again with that cock all the way in and grabbed his own cock, pumping furiously. One of the boys leaned over and put his mouth on it just in time to catch the discharge from the turbulent orgasm. With that huge shaft strangling his prostate, he shot an immense load into the poor boy's mouth. He had to gulp and gulp repeatedly to keep from losing it. It wasn't a few spurts he let loose with, IT WAS A FUCKIN' VANILLA MALT!

The combination of Red's load, and the size of that big cock, left little room for Lunk's load. It started squishing out of Dennis' hole, running down the still-encased shaft. Hands were reaching out, collecting it as it was expelled. The boys were smearing it on their cocks, some licking their fingers, then coming back for more. When they had well lubricated their throbbing organs, they retired to groups and engaged in a mass cock-sucking orgy, cleaning off Lunk's jism, and probably some of Dennis' ass juices. They didn't give a damn! When the tools were licked clean, they advanced to fucking and rimming. The smell of healthy, sex-craved bodies permeated the room.

Ryan was still watching, playing with himself through his robe, totally under control. Junior had to be satisfied with the dregs. He settled himself between Lunk's legs and contentedly licked the runover cum from his balls. But each time he cleaned them, more was on the way. Finally he started licking up the shaft, to the hole, getting it right from the source. Ryan smiled down at him. "You take the hole, I'll take the cock," he whispered. Junior smiled a wide grin and nodded excitedly. "Ready...now!" Ryan yanked the huge cock out of Dennis' asshole and pulled it aside, allowing Junior to clamp his mouth on the anus. Ryan started licking the scummy cock clean, while this precious little boy was sucking out all the cum he could get. And he got plenty! Dennis' anus was gaping so wide from having that thick cock in there for so long a time, it simply would not shut. This allowed the sweet cream to continuously trickle right down into the boy's mouth. Now he really was in asshole heaven! And so was I. Being preoccupied as he was, I fearlessly spread the little boy's cheeks and drove my tongue right up inside. He probably thought one of the boys was back there. Ryan, also, was too preoccupied sucking on Lunk's knob, trying to get more, that I was sure he wouldn't notice the boy's cheeks mysteriously spreading apart all by themselves. I shot another load, handlessly all over the carpet.

Dennis looked down at Lunk, amazed. "Boy! You guys sure are perverts!"

Lunk smiled and winked. "You ain't seen nothin' yet! Wait til we have a piss & enema party!"


"Relax. It's really quite clean. I'Il tell you how we do it sometime."

"Yeah...sure." Dennis said, unsure.

They rested; while on the floor no one was without at least two partners. Three guys were attached cock-in-asshole while a third knelt to eat out the one on the end of that line. One boy was being fucked on his side while a beautiful blonde boy was busy in front blowing him, and yet another boy had his hot tongue buried in the blonde's ass, tickling him lovingly. Junior had retreated to this assemblage and was sitting on another boy's plunging lance while another was lying between his legs sucking on his young cock. Two others were standing over him, a finger up each of their assholes, while he alternately sucked their pricks into his mouth. The two standing boys decided to drop their loads at the same time down his gullet, stretching his little mouth to the breaking point. When he heard the moans of his fucker, and felt the thrusting cock in his asshole explode, he came in his fellator's mouth. A double mouthful of semen soon bloated his cheeks. When he couldn't contain it they spritzed all over his face. He jumped up, the spent cock in his bottom pulling loose, causing a loud farting noise. The boy quickly leaned over to Dennis. "Ummm, ummm." he pointed to his mouth, cum dripping slightly down his chin. He seemed to be saying that it was more than he could handle. Dennis took the boy's face in his hands, licked his chin, then pressed his mouth to the boy's. They shared the double load, happily splurping at each other's lips and tongue. The boy loved it and so did Dennis, who had already swallowed an enormous amount of the abundant fluid from blowing all the other boys.

Ryan stood, adjusting his robe to make sure that modesty prevailed, but mostly to keep Dennis anxious and guessing. "Dennis," he spoke. "You're sure a hot stud, and you've progressed beautifully. I know it's going to be marvelous between us. But for the final test of your desire for me, I am going to bring in another person who you will also have to suck off. How does that sound?"

"With all I've gone through, another blowjob would be mild," replied Dennis.

"Well...I didn't exactly say a blowjob, I said suck off."

"Oh, no!" stammered Dennis, his imagination running rampant. "Not an animal or something awful like that!"

"Now that's something I've never considered. I'll have to remember that!'

Ryan left the room and returned shortly with another person wrapped in a sheet. Dennis looked quizzical, and I wondered myself. Ryan led the form to the edge of the bed and the person sat down next to Dennis. Lunk retreated to the group, smiling.

Ryan lifted the sheet, exposing a rather ugly, slightly plump, naked girl fingering her pussy, showing she was hot and ready for lovemaking. Dennis gasped.

"This is Carol, a local high school whore, who is always ready to be fucked or sucked. She loves to nibble at my dong, so once in a while I let her. In return she has agreed, quite willingly, to be a part of my sex games."

She reached down and spread her thighs, exposing a mop of black matted hair covering a juicy cunt craving satisfaction. She jumped off the bed and went around to all the boys playing with them and licking their soft, limber dicks. "Oh!" she cried. "Look at all the luscious meat!"

But the boys were unimpressed. She played and fondled but got no response for the temporarily spent youths. Jokingly, she yelled at them. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were a bunch of queers! Especially if a pretty girl like me can't bolster your egos.' She layed back down on the bed, knowing what would soon happen. "This must be the new kid. Hiya honey, wanna fuck?"

Ryan proceeded: "Now, Dennis, get down and suck that pussy better than you've ever sucked a cock. Give her a real thrill."

"B-but Ryan, I've never even touched a girl before. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I've even seen a pussy on a grown-up girl!" He stuck his head down and looked at it closer.

"It's funny looking!"

"Suck on it!"

"OK. I'Il suck it if you want me to...but it smells funny."

"Just different, Dennis, just different. You're too used to smelling boys. Now get down there and eat it!"

Dennis positioned himself in front of her as she spread her legs eagerly and grabbed his head, pushing it into her gaping twat. She wrapped her legs around his neck, stopping him from pulling away, forcing him to eat his way out. And Dennis did. He was so determined to make a good show for Ryan's quirks that he licked and sucked her pussy eagerly, making her lie back onto the bed in ecstasy. Dennis moved onto the bed with her and lifted her legs high and wide and plunged deeper into her hole. She began to writhe and move about, twisting and turning. She grabbed one of the boys and forced his head down onto her tits. The boy began to suck until her nipple grew rigid. She implored him to continue and he did until she could hold off no longer and pressed Dennis' face into her all the harder, and quivered, experiencing the waiting orgasm.

Ryan arose and Dennis approached him hopefully.


"Yes, baby, now! It's no longer a case where you can now have me. We can now have each other. I've watched you perform on everyone in this room, and if you perform half as well on me you're going to be around for a long time. Come to me."

"Finally!" cried Dennis.

He slipped his hands inside the robe, searchingly, pulling Ryan's smooth body close to him. Their waiting lips touched, and each investigated passionately each other's mouths. Ryan received him enthusiastically, wrapping his arms around Dennis' neck and allowing the robe to drop to the floor slowly from his shoulders. They stood there in the middle of the room, locked tightly together, feverishly exploring each other's body. Dennis panted, "Now I can finally have you completely."

"I'Il make your wait worthwhile, baby." Ryan replied. "Do anything you want with me. I'm completely yours."

Still embracing, they made their way to the bed and fell onto it. The other boys surrounded the bed, anxiously prepared to watch the finale. Ryan pushed Dennis onto his back and proceeded to give him a tongue bath over his entire body. Starting at his neck, he made his way down slowly, lingering at sensitive spots. Down his belly and around Dennis' balls, then between his legs and inner thighs. Ryan showered him with moist kisses. Then he grabbed the legs and thrust them up and back over Dennis' head and stabbed his asshole with his rigid tongue. Wild sensations ran through Dennis' body, eagerly awaiting the experience of Ryan rimming him!

"Oh, my god...that's wonderful!" cried Dennis.

"Your asshole's sweeter than I even imagined," Ryan gushed.

"I love it! Turn so that I can be doing the same to you. I just know you will taste better than the others. Oh, yes, you smell so good!" For several minutes they probed each other's most personal region unashamedly.

Then almost instinctively, they shifted slightly until each was facing the other's cock. This was the first opportumty Dennis had had to inspect the trophy he was now awarded. "How suckable! I could munch on it forever!"

"Do you really like it!" Ryan asked, stopping his sucking for only a moment.

"It's the prettiest pecker I've ever seen. I could devour it!"

And there it was, facing him. Perfectly formed, hard as stone, yet soft and delicate, with its head crimsom, dripping from the prolonged excitement.

"Go ahead and devour it. As hot as I am you could bite it off and it would feel great. Suck it, Denny, suck it!"

He was soon engulfing all Dennis could give. They sucked madly, pressing tightly against each other.

The others were becoming aroused again as ten organs started to spring back into stiffness. Nearly twenty hands and several mouths began to caress their bodies to increase their excitement. Carol was also hot again and was on the floor as Lunk was shoving it into her hard and fast. She was riding his prick like a whore possessed, sliding up and down the entire massive shaft, covering it with bubbling pussy juice.

Suddenly Ryan jerked his cock out of Dennis' mouth and pushed aside the probing hands. "How do you want me?" he asked.

"You said I could do whatever I wished if I played by your rules. Okay--I want to screw the hell out of you!'

With that, Ryan threw his legs up, exposing his lightly haired brown hole and winked it a few times, invitingly. "There's ten boys and one girl here that aren't going to let you leave this room until you do JUST THAT!"

Two boys, one on each side of the bed, held Ryan's legs high, while another sucked Dennis' hot organ, smearing it generously and lingeringly with spit, then transferred some of it to the spot which was soon to be invaded, driving his finger into Ryan's furnace, finger-fucking him in circles to loosen it up real good. Another boy asked permission to help with the entry. He gently fingered my friend's cock, pointing it toward the inviting hole, while with his other hand he fondled Dennis' soft bum and pulled Dennis forward as he maneuvered the insertion.

As the dripping knob disappeared from view, Dennis could no longer endure the long wait and rammed his tool mercilously into Ryan's hot entrails, causing a moan of pleasure from the buggered boy. Dennis flattened himself upon his reward, and their lips met, hungrily sucking with darting tongues to taste the sweetness of each other's mouths. Dennis reached under and grabbed Ryan's cheeks to allow greater penetration. He pulled that ass flush, and keeping every single inch deep inside, began rocking up and down.

"Yeah, man, shove that fucker up my ass!" cried Ryan. "Shove your balls in too!"

The boys were gathered around, stroking the lovers' bodies, and fingering wherever they could. They shouted obscene words of encouragement. "Fuck his asshole harder --he loves his cock that way!" "Somebody stick a couple of fingers up Denny's butthole!" Someone agreed, "I'll do it--if you'll kneel down here and suck out my last load." This was arranged quickly. Dennis' asshole was so loose the intrusion could only be welcomed. The boy finger-fucked him for awhile, but Ryan was starting to buck. HE WANTED THAT COCK TO MOVE! Dennis was ready to comply. He couldn't hold off much longer, anyway. He started to bang his cock in and out of that hole furiously. Ryan had straddled his legs over Dennis' back, holding him tightly, and was fucking back breathlessly as their bodies bounced upon the bed. The finger-fucking boy was no longer able to stay inside Dennis' asshole because of the violent move- ments, but no matter. He was now coming in his sucker's mouth as he happily licked on his own fingers.

Dennis soon shot a tremendous load up Ryan's ass as they both had fantastic orgasms. They stayed stuck together for some time, resting and savoring the moment. Dennis' cock soon began to slip out. Ryan then pulled Dennis' body even further up onto him, his legs still high and his asshole quite exposed.

"Red! It's your turn. LUNCH!" Ryan ordered.

"You bet, boss!" Red quickly had his face down there and began sucking out Dennis' cum from Ryan's asshole. Evidently, any time Ryan got fucked--which was apparently quite often--one of the boys would suck the load right out of his hole. They took turns. Quite willingly. It seemed these boys would do anything for Ryan. They all lusted after him. They could have done well on their own, but Ryan's orgies allowed them pleasures they could get nowhere else.

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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