
By Jon Bennett

Published on Sep 14, 1999


This series has begun at the request of a few of you who have read the Nick and Jonathan series.Kristian does not go to school where Nick went, but has a few most interesting attributes and capablitlies as we shall see... comments always welcomed. Usual disclamers apply.


Chapter ONE:

Silently with single minded purpose he caused the weights to rise and fall. His ears heard only the explosion of breath from his lungs and the rhythmic clang of the steel plates. His blond hair, sweat soaked, framed the Norwegian features of his face. Deeply corded muscles rippled under his smooth tanned skin. At 23 he stood 6'3" and weighted in at 197 pounds of muscle. His chest, muscled but not over burdened with plates of muscle, rose and fell sending sweat tracing down the ridges of his deeply ridged and sculpted 8 pak abs. Not even a hint of hair lay beneath his belly button. Hard and lean muscled legs, a trace of the same blond hair as on his head on them, flexed in time to his actions.

With a final clang of the weights slamming together, Kristian rose from the machine. His gym shorts equally soaked as he was in sweat from the two hour work our clung to his hips showing a firm outline of what lay beneath them. Rarely wearing even underwear, he knew the image his shorts were creating. Picking up his long discarded shirt and towel from beside the machine, he walked thru the gym towards the locker room. His perception picked up eyes following him across the floor. He knew that his body garnished the looks of both gay and straight guys alike. No one knew of his secrets.. How his body achieved this sculpting. No one knew, except one, of his preferences in sexual tastes. No one knew of where he came from. Transferring to this college from another school at the beginning of his sophomore year he was a true mystery to almost all who encountered him. He lived in a single dorm room on the third floor of one of the residence halls. As both a senior and president of one of the more prestigious fraternities on campus he could command a single room in the fraternity house or even an off campus apartment. Yet he choose to remain in the dorms. Distant and yet friendly he always seemed to be at the parties both on and off campus, almost as if in two places at once. There was a mischief behind the incredibly ice blue eyes that seem to hold eternal merriment and mystery. He could have his choice of any guy or girl on campus who looked at him. Yet he was always seemingly alone returning to his room at the end of the night when his friends were busy "Scoring". Yet he was always there offering to pick up a check at a fast food joint or somewhere else when out with his friends.

Stripping off his sweat soaked shorts he retrieved a clean towel, soap and headed to the showers. Entering the room he noted one other in the showers. He knew this one. He lived on his hall. 22, good looking, good body, dark hair, and obviously gay. Mark would be an easy conquest if he so desired. Judging from the looks he received every day in the hallway it wouldn't take much. Kristian decided to have a little bit of fun with this one. Stepping under a shower head directly across the small shower area from Mark he closed his eyes as the hot water cascaded over his head and shoulders. He quickly soaped up his body and rised off. Then, closing his eyes again, in his mind he pictured Mark. Kristian knew he was facing him. Focusing his mental abilities he focused a single command in his mind across the space between them. He opened his eyes as a small noise came from across the way. Mark standing across from him was starting to have an uncontrollable erection. So swiftly did it rise that he could not even hide it. Kristian smiled as Mark's 7" uncut cock rose unbidden by his owner. The head snaked out from the foreskin as it rolled back. Now, Kristian thought. NOW

Mark was thunderstruck by what was happening. As his favorite jerk off fantasy had entered the showers naked, his long soft cock dangling between his legs, Mark could only watch in lust. Kristian had just put his head back under the flowing water a second time when Mark felt blood flowing to his loins. He could only watch in wonder and horror as his cock rose with swiftness. As Kristian opened his eyes and looked at him he felt an uncontrollable orgasm rising. He tried to turn to hide it but found he could only stare at Kristian. A smile crossed Kristians' features. Suddenly unbidden the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt struck him. Mark groaned as his load started to shoot across the shower room almost landing at the feet of Kristian. As the waves of pleasure swept thru him, he could feel his muscles clench and unclench. Moans of pleasure escaped unleashed from his mouth. Seven times his cock erupted. Finally as the waves passed him he collapsed on the floor of the shower. As he senses returned to him he looked up to find himself alone. What the Hell had just happened he thought to himself. Never had he experienced an orgasm as the one that had just racked his body. Was it just a dream? Had Kristian actually been in the shower room with him... Mark could only wonder as he shakily got up from the floor.

Kristen laughed silently to himself as he dried himself off and got dressed in the locker room. He had developed his powers over these people in an age long borne past. These mortals were such easy prey. Yet there was one who had attracted his attention. Subtly at first he had become attracted to this young mortal. Jeremy Stone was the person who occupied the other single room on his hall directly opposite his. Jeremy was a junior at the uiniverstiy. A varsity soccer player, his body was equally as scultped from his many years of training for soccer first in Junior High then High School and finally the University. They had first seen each other running one morning at 5 am on the university track. Now they ran everyday together. Kristian remembered how he first found out of Jeremy's sexuality......

Chapter TWO: The Begnnings of lust "Hey man" said Jeremy as they were finsihing their typical 7 mile early morning run. "You going to go to that big frat bash tonight?"

"I don't have much choice Jer" replied Kristian. "We're hosting it"

"Oh shit" said Jeremy as he stretched his muscles out. "Sorry dude. Shows ya how much I know"

"No problem man" said Kiristian. His eyes silently roamed over Jeremy's hard body. A thin line of hair ran down the abs into his shorts. The unusually warm Fall weather had caused both men to take their shirts off. Kristian knew that Jeremy only had boxers on under the shorts. On occasion he had glimpsed a bit of his hiary nuts. After 6 weeks of running together and hanging out, it was time he decided to see if the issue could be pushed a little. Closing his eyes briefly he sent a mental command across the way. Suddenly Jeremy gasped as his thigh muisles locked in a charlie horse.

"Oh man that fuckin hurts" said Jeremy dropping to the grass on the side of the track. Kristian came over and made Jeremy lie back on the grass.

"Let me try to work it out" said Kristian. His hands found the knotted muscles and started kneeding the muscles. Softly then more powerfully he worked the kinks out of the leg one by one. As his fingers trailed up and into the shorts just short of the hairy orbs liying in the boxers he could see movement within the shorts. As his fingers reached upwards he brushed one of the hairy orbs with the back of his hand. This caused a sharp intake of breath from Jeremy and an obvious reaction in the shorts. Kristian had found out what he needed to know. A plan formed in his mind.

"How's that Jer? Better?" asked Kristian

"Yeah man, that's awsome" said Jeremy. "Thanks man. I need that. Don't know where that cramp came from. Usually don't get them"

Kristian stood up and offered his hand to Jeremy to help him up. As Jeremy grasped the outstretched hand an almost electical charge passed between the two of them. The shock traveled down Jeremy's arm straight to his nuts which all but shot off right there. A large glob of precum issued from his cockhead creating a wet spot on the front of the shorts. He quickly pulled the shirt around the front of him to hide it. Kristian acted as if he had seen nothing.

"I"ve got to go over to the house directly after class" said Kristian as they walked back towards the dorms. "I've got some VIP passes that will get you in the back door of the house early if you want to come over before it gets crazy. I"ll throw one under your door."

"That would be kewl dude thanks." said Jeremy. He was still trying to figure out what had happened back on the track. He was gay and wanted Kristian, but knew there was no way that he could be gay. Jeremy loved the feel of Kristian's warm hands working on his thigh. He could not control his erection as the fingers brushed back across his nuts. When he took Kristian's hand he all but lost it right there. Thank God Kristian had not noticed anything. He would probably have pounded his ass right back down into the track.

That afternoon after his classes Jeremy returned to find the pass and a note under his door.

"Plan on being there around 8pm. It will be a time you won't soon forget-K"

Jeremy could only wish plans he couldn't forget. Still incredibly horny from the morning's encounter he swiftly got undressed and lay back on his bed. Thinking of all the times he had seen Kristian in the showers naked he began to stroke himself slowly then faster. Soon he cried out as he erupted in a powerful orgasm. His cum flew out and landed on his sculpted abs. Coming down off the sexual high, he reached for a towel to clean himself. Laying back naked on the bed, he was glad of the single room. His father had pull on the campus and had gotten it for him. Last year he had come very close to getting caught by his roommate with a dude in his bed. This year he was taking no chances. He drifted off to sleep with visions of the young Norwegian stud in his mind.

======================== OK People.. part two is up to you... let me know. You want to find out who or what Kristian is? What plans he has for Jeremy? Let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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