
By Jon Bennett

Published on Sep 25, 1999


Thanks for the response to the first part of the series. Seems everyone wants to know who is Kristian... Well.. Don't know if we will find out or not this part..... heh...

Read on.. Comments always welcome.

Kristian Part Two:

AUTHOR NOTE: In the first part we left off in the past tense. This will continue though this story and return to the "present" time in Part Three

After cleaning himself up, Jeremy had decided to grab dinner in the cafeteria then take a nap to be awake for the party. It was the one the whole campus had been talking about for weeks. Changing into sweats he walked over to the cafeteria. He got into line and got a rather non-descript dinner; actually they said beef, but he had his doubts. He walked over and found a table where his best friend was sitting.

"Hey Chad" said Jeremy "Wassup dawg?"

"Not much man" said Chad. "Looks like I can guess what was up earlier tho.. You missed some on your arm"

Jeremy looked down to see a chunk of dried cum on the hair of his arm that he had missed. Brushing it off he blushed.

"Hey, dude's gotta get relief somehow man" said Jeremy.

"Here that man" said Chad. "You need to get out more and find some pussy"

"Yeah yeah" said Jeremy. He looked at his best friend. He was so fuckin hot he thought. Black hair and green eyes, a member of the lightweight varsity crew team, his body was perfection. If he could only tell his friend the truth.

"You going to this party tonight?" asked Chad. "Should be lots of ass there"

"Yeah" said Jeremy between forkfuls of what was supposed beef. "Dude across the hall from me is hosting it."

"You mean that frat president dude. .Kristian?" said Chad. "You know him?"

"Yeah sorta." said Jeremy. "We run every morning together"

'He ever seem kinda weird to you man?" asked Chad as they finished dinner and dumped their trays.

"What do you mean?" asked Jeremy.

"I mean he is like one of the most powerful dudes on campus.. prez of the frat, got woman looking at him having orgasms just watching him walk, and stuff man. He could be anywhere on this campus he wants and he is still in the dorms. Man, if I could get out of them I would."

"Maybe he likes his privacy" said Jeremy.

The two continued walking back across the quadrangle talking about upcoming plans for the weekend, classes and general crap. They split up at the end of the quadrangle, living in dorms at the opposite end of the lawns. They agreed to meet up at the party. Jeremy went back into his dorm room. Shucking off his sweats he thought about jerking off again, giving his cock a few strokes but decided to wait and see maybe if he could get a drunken frat boi up in his room. Falling asleep quickly he was roused a couple of hours later when his alarm clock went off. He got up took a shower, taking the opportunity to look at a couple of his hallmates in the showers. One he thought might be gay as he kept getting looks back. He filed that way in his brain for later use.

Returning to his room, he got dressed for the party. He put on a pair of brand new 2zist white briefs, arranging his nuts in them carefully. He generally wore boxers but like the look of the briefs and they way they showed off his package in jeans. He threw on some jeans and a white button down dress shirt. Throwing on some cologne he slipped into his docksiders and left for the party.

Chapter TWO: Showing his pass to the hulking football jock who was guarding the back door he was admitted to the house. He got all of 10 feet into the house when someone handed him a cup of beer and a shot glass of vodka. Downing both he continued on his way. Kristian had said 8pm would be early but the party was in full swing it seemed. A DJ was sending crashing audio waves out over the crowd. The furniture had been moved from the great room and what seemed like a hundred people were dancing on the floor. He joined in the party, dancing, his body coming into contact with all of the others on the floor. It seemed that it didn't' matter who was dancing with who. The beer flowed as did the time.

Later on, Jeremy was shocked to look at his watch and see that it was already 11:30. He had been dancing and talking and drinking for over 3 hours. Feeling a major buzz going from the beer, he wandered around looking for Kristian. Finally looking up the stairs he saw him. Standing on the balcony stood Kristian. Dressed in dress kakhis and a red and white stripped Hilfiger shirt he looked incredible. A single gold chain hung around his neck. Attached to the chain was a small hammer, modeled after the hammer belonging to the Norse God Thor. As Jeremy neared him he could smell a cologne of unknown smell. It was intoxicating.

"Hi Dude!" said Jeremy, just a little drunkenly. He realized he'd have to be careful about what he said. In his drunken state he might give himself away.

"Hey yourself" said Kristian, his glacial eyes seeming to bore through him. "You having a good time?"

"Yeah this has to be the party of the year" said Jeremy. Standing next to Kristian, he couldn't help himself but start to become aroused. Thank God I put on the briefs he thought.

"Get enough to drink Jer?" asked Kristian as they started down the steps. "We got some good stuff in kitchen that the frat is only drinking. Want some?"

"Sure man." said Jeremy. "We're not running in the morning are we?"

"I can run through any hangover" said Kristian.

They reached the kitchen through the crowd. Jeremy could have sworn that he had been groped along the way but didn't know who did it. There were just too many people here. He figured he would do a few shots with Kristian and try to find out who groped him. He was still half hard from being near Kristian. He hoped that who ever had groped him, like what he felt. Maybe he could score tonight.

"Here ya go bud" said Kristian, handing Jeremy a very large shot glass of a clear liquid.

Tossing it down he all but fell to the floor. Fire burned down his throat and the room spun.

"What the hell was that man?" asked Jeremy, tears flooding his eyes.

"Some of my private stuff" said Kristian tossing off a shotglass of the same liquid without any seeming effect. "My uncle sent it to me from Scandinavia. He makes his own vodka"

"Damn" said Jeremy. What ever it was went straight into his bloodstream. The buzz he had from the beer and dancing became magnified 10 fold.

"That is some good stuff man" said Jeremy.

"Here have another" said Kristian pouring two more shots.

Tossing the second one off the room became more animated it seemed to Jeremy. He looked over at Kristian and could feel his cock go from half hard to full hard. It was uncomfortable in the jeans and without thinking he rearranged himself. Kristian smiled to himself. He would have this one tonight. Maybe more then just tonight. He found himself strangely attracted to this one. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of the shirt, exposing part of his tanned chest. He saw Jeremy stare briefly before turning his head.

"Come on Jeremy" said Kristian "Lets go see what the crowd is doing"

Kristian started across the kitchen floor with Jeremy staggering behind him. As they entered the great room of the house the noise and light seemed to swell around them. Out on the main floor Kristian was seeming to be with everyone. He moved through the dancing crowd with the grace of a panther, slipping between bodies with ease. Jeremy on the other hand was having difficulty moving about. The sound of the music seemed to bore through him. Suddenly the DJ called for the lights to be turned down low as a new song started. The heavy beat drew people closer together in the near darkness. Jeremy backed off the dance floor looking for Kristian. Propping himself up against the wall he looked but couldn't find his hallmate. He did see the dude from the showers coming along the wall next to him.

"Hey Jeremy" said the dude. "You look pretty wiped"

"Yeah man" said Jeremy, "I m feeling good. Forgot your name man"

"I'm Kevin" he said. Kevin was now standing in front of him, very close due to the large crowd on the floor. As they talked Jeremy found himself increasingly horny. Pushing himself slightly forward he felt his crotch touch Kevin's. When he didn't move away he made the premise of falling back grabbing on to Kevin. As his back hit the wall, Kevin's body was up against his.

"Hey sorry man" said Jeremy. "Lost my balance"

"No problem dude" said Kevin. "Hope I didn't hurt you"

Jeremy's cock was at full hardness and starting to leak. The contact and the alcohol in his system was leaving him out of control.

"I'm fine man" he said. "Just fucked up really good. I think I need some fresh air. Wanna join me?"

"Sure dude" said Kevin. "You look like you might need some help anyway"

The two boys staggered outside to the back of the house. Standing in the cool night air, Jeremy unbuttoned his shirt, pulling the tails out he let the night air dry his sweat soaked body. He noticed Kevin standing close to him. He could feel the heat of his body. Kevin likewise took off his shirt. Jeremy stood and watched as the light reflected off of something around his neck. His eyes would not focus on it. Before he could realize what it was Kevin's hand was stroking him thru his jeans.

"Want some help man?" asked Kevin.

Jeremy could only moan as he fell forward kissing him. As their tongues dueled Kevin pushed Jeremy along with him further back into the night, away from the house. Kevin's hands worked their way into Jeremy's jeans stroking his hard cock through the fabric of his briefs. Breaking the kiss, Jeremy's head was spinning. Briefly his eyes came into focus and could have sworn that the glittering item around Kevin's neck was the same as the one Kristian wore. Before his alcohol fogged brain could assimilate this his body was rocked with sensations deep from within his groin. Kevin had pulled open his jeans and was now sucking on his cock. As his cock swelled from the stimulation his body and mind became wrapped in fire. The alcohol burned in his brain increasing the feelings. It was as if his whole world was centered around his cock. He let his head fall backwards and a deep moan escaped his throat. Kevin rose trailing his tongue up the abdominal ridges of Jeremy's stomach. Kissing him again then pulling back he softly said Jeremy's name.

"Look at me" said Kevin.

Jeremy opened his eyes to see the gold chain glowing around his neck. The hammer was hanging from it glowing almost pure white. Jeremy looked above the chain to see the face of not Kevin but Kristian standing there

"What? How" stuttered Jeremy.

"Behold my power" said Kristian, his ice blue eyes afire with a mysterious aura. In a deep voice born of the ages of fire and ice came the words from his throat "Baruk Tun"

With those words ,the world seem to shatter for Jeremy. He felt forces pulling him in different directions. Following came an ear shattering explosion of light and sound. From the center of the explosion welled up sensations. Feelings he had never experienced. His cock seemed to swell to immense proportions. It was as if he whole body had become one single organ. Suddenly his whole body spasmed as his orgasm began. Once, Twice, Three times his whole body shook as if he was being drained of every single ounce of fluid through his penis. Colors, light and sounds, sensations shook his mind and soul. He felt his body adrift in space, separated from his mind and reality. From the very depths of his mind came the filtered words that seemed to surround him and over take him.

"You are mine now Jeremy. Your earthly body has experienced its first journey into a dimension beyond your comprehension"

What followed was a final shuddering orgasmic spasm, then blackness.................

Chapter THREE: Jeremy woke up in his bed. His body covered with sweat, and dried cum. He was naked and alone. His mind swam as it returned to reality. It was daylight outside. He felt an almost painful urge to relieve his bladder. He staggered out of bed, his muscles feeling as if he had run for miles last night. Flashes of the images of the previous night filled his mind. His knees started to buckle, but he was caught by powerful hands. Looking up he found Kristian holding him.

"Hey dude" said Kristian. "Welcome back to the world of the living. Was getting worried about you.'

It took two tries for his vocal chords to start working. "Piss man. Gotta piss"

Kristian held up Jeremy and helped him get a pair of boxers on and then down the hallway to the bathrooms. Holding him up while he pissed his hands gently massaged Jeremy's back. When he was finished he guided Jeremy over to the showers. He put him in one and turned on the water. Pulling off first Jeremy's boxers then his own sweatpants he once more picked up Jeremy and held him under the hot waters, washing his body free of the cum and sweat.

Sometime later Jeremy woke up again, this time in a pair of sweatpants in his bed. He noticed that the clock next to his bed read almost 5pm. His head had cleared but his body was still stiff. His muscles registered their complaint as he moved. His mind vaguely remembered the night before. He reached into his sweats and pulled on his cock.. It was sore. He knew he had scored last night. The only question in his mind was with who. He remembered that he was kissing the dude from his hall, but it had morphed into Kristian. He shook his head to clear it. Kristian was about as straight a dude as he knew. It had to have been wishful thinking on his part mixed with the alcohol.

"No it wasn't" said a familiar voice.....

to be continued.,

Next: Chapter 3

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