
By Jon Bennett

Published on Sep 29, 1999


thanks for all the email guys.. keep on reading.


Three weeks had passed since that night Jeremy had been seduced. Waking up and finding Kristian in his room saying no it wasn't a dream freaked him out. Kristian told him the whole story.

"I saw you leaning up against the wall at the party" said Kristian. "You looked really out of it and looked like you needed some help.. I went over to you to see what was up. You said you needed some fresh air so we went outside"

"Yeah, but you looked like a different person " said Jeremy. "I mean I would swear you were someone else. Someone I had seen in the hall shower."

"You are the only person from the hall who was invited to the party Jeremy" said Kristian. "You were pretty wasted. That homemade stuff will screw with your head pretty bad"

"I guess so" said Jeremy, quietly. He was sitting on his bed still in his sweatpants. Kristian was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. "So what happened"

"We went out side and you kept staring at me. I ran my hand over your crotch a little to see what would happen and you kissed me."

"I remember that part but after that it was like a wild acid trip" said Jeremy. "You morphed into you and the next thing I knew I was on a magical mystery tour"

"You were a little wild that's for sure" said Kristian. "After we made out for a while in the back yard we went back across campus and we fucked and sucked each other for like three hours"

"I can't believe you are gay" said Jeremy. "How did you know I was?"

"From that time I worked the cramp out of your leg." said Kristian. I saw you get hard and had a pretty good idea you were gay. As for me being gay, you are the only person here who knows."

"Kewl" said Jeremy. "So, uhm was last night a one time trick or you looking for more?"

"Lots more" said Kristian "If you want"

In the three weeks that had passed Jeremy and Kristian had spent a great deal of time together. On the outside it remained the same that they were just friends. They would get up each morning and run at the track, have breakfast together and split up for classes. They would come to one or the other rooms after classes in the afternoon and fuck. One morning before their morning run they sucked each other off in the bleachers at 5 am. They usually fucked each other before retreating to separate rooms for the night.

Each night the sensations seem to grow for Jeremy. He had never felt so experienced a lover as he found in Kristian. Whether he was fucking Kristian or being sucked or tongued or fucked back by Kristian, the sensations had never seemed so intense. When Kristian worked his tongue into his ass it felt like a thousand feathers with a mind of their own had been released into his hole. It nearly drove him mad with pleasure. The first time Kristian had done that to him he shot off right on the spot, yet he never lost his hardon. Their lovemaking sessions were intense. Both boys were covered in a heavy layer of sweat by the time they were done.

Going into the fourth week of their relationship, Kristian had decided that Jeremy could stand the truth. He left a note under Jeremy's door telling him to pack a bag for the weekend, they were going to go someplace after classes.

Chapter Two Jeremy knocked on Kristian's door at 5pm.

"Hey dude" said Kristian, "Come on in"

Jeremy entered the room and closed the door. As he turned around Kristian was standing in front of him in just a pair of boxers.

"Just got out of the shower. Good timing" said Kristian. He had a plan to build up tonight slowly. He walked up to Jeremy and kissed him, Gently at first then with building passion, forcing his tongue into Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy reached down and fondled Kristian thru his boxers as they kissed. Kristian momentarily closed his mind to the sensations in his groin and focused his mind on Jeremy. Focused waves of thought entered Jeremy's brain.

Jeremy suddenly felt lust beyond belief. His cock had gone from slowly rising in his cargo shorts to full hardness instantly. Waves of lust and pleasure were coursing through his body. He had to be taken.

"I want you in me" whispered Jeremy breaking the kiss. He pulled Kristian down to the floor pulling off the boxers and taking him into his mouth in one process. Running his tongue over the hard cock he slipped his tongue under Kristian's foreskin pulling it back over his tongue. From there he took it deep into his throat while running his hands over Kristian's perfect body. Kristian felt the waves of pleasure from the hot mouth and hands on his body. He knew this would be fast and furious. Jeremy could not yet know or understand he was being guided towards this. Jeremy suddenly pulled off sucking Kristian's cock and pulled off his cargo shorts and boxers. He rolled over on his stomach.

"Take my ass man" said Jeremy. "Take it fucking now"

Kristian rolled over and spread the ass cheeks. Looking at the hole surrounded by the dark hairs he found his own lust rising. Forcing his tongue deep into Jeremy he again sent thoughts of pleasure into Jeremy.

Jeremy could only moan with lust and pleasure as his ass was being worked on. This was even better then anything he had felt before with Kristian. He couldn't contain himself. He cried out as his load started to spill onto the rug on the floor. as he was shooting Kristian reared up and pushed his cock deep into Jeremy. Straddling him he pistoned his 8" cock in and out of him; sending intense waves of pleasure through both of them. He bent down and kissed and bit the back of Jeremy's neck.

"You are mine" said Kristian

"Yes, fuck yes" said Jeremy "Just don't stop"

As Kristian's orgasm approached yelled " Hang on I'm gonna shoot soon". As the first waves of orgasm approached he could feel Jeremy's ass tightening, He knew Jeremy was going to cum again. He made a snap decision.

"Wanna feel something really wild?" he said, continuing to piston into his lovers ass his own orgasm continuing to build past the point of no return.

"Fuck yeah what" said Jeremy half in a daze from the lust.

Kristian rolled over on to his back pulling Jeremy with him so he was now on top, his back on Kristian's chest and abs. Kristian continued to thrust into him, his arms gripped tightly about Jeremy's waist fingering the ridges of his abs.

Under his breath between grunts he murmured. "Baruk Tun"

Once more Jeremy felt his world ripped apart. His body seem to fly in different directions. Feelings and sensations passed through his body. He could feel Kristian's cock swell inside of him until it seemed to envelop and over take him. Suddenly his entire being was shattered by a flash of white light and thunder beyond capability of understanding. His orgasm began and felt like it would never end. Wave after wave of pleasure beyond belief over took him. He could feel Kristian unloading into him. The white hot cum seemed to pass through his body. Jeremy opened his eyes to a world unknown to him. He seemed to be floating in space. His body its own astral plane. The waves of pleasure increased in him until he couldn't stand any more and crossed the threshold into a total sexual agony. Opening his mouth a guttural roar of pleasure erupted from his throat. His voice seemed everywhere and nowhere at the same time. As his voice dropped off the sexual crest he had been riding seemed to receded. Once more opening his eyes, he was in Kristian's room. He could feel his body coated in his cum and sweat. Breathing heavily he could feel Kristian under him.; the cock starting to pull out of his ass.

"Oh God" moaned Jeremy rolling off of Kristian. "What did you just do to me?"

"I think I helped you get your rocks off" quipped Kristian. He was equally coated in sweat but in more composure of mind. "Did you enjoy that?"

"I've never felt anything like that even when I got fucked by a dude with eleven inches." said Jeremy. "Damn I've got to take another shower"

"Yeah me too" said Kristian getting up and throwing a towel at Jeremy "You'd better clean up a little bit first. As far as an 11" cock, its all what you do with it, not how big it is" he said.

"Damn dude" said Jeremy. "I couldn't take it if you had eleven inches and knew what to do with it. I'm serious man, what did you do? I've never experienced anything like that in the month we've been together."

Kristian walked over to Jeremy and pulled him up off the floor with a strength previously unknown to Jeremy. Kissing him, he forced his tongue into his mouth rubbing it around his upper teeth and gums. Breaking the kiss he looked him in the eye. Jeremy thought he saw a faint flash of an arctic fire in the glacial blue eyes.

"I'll explain it all tonight Jeremy" said Kristian. "I'm going to bring you to a place of sexual high that you could never dream off"

"Braggart" said Jeremy wiping the cum off of himself. He kissed Kristian again and put on his boxers to go to the showers to get cleaned up. Kristian smiled at an unknown thought and followed.

Chapter Three: The two rode for about two hours out of town in Jeremy's jeep. Kristian would give directions here and there until they arrived at a bed and breakfast. They pulled their bags out of the jeep and went inside. Once registered they went upstairs to their room. The room was designed in colonial style with a large four poster bed with fluffed down comforters on it. There were two large dressers and comfortable chairs around.

"This place is beautiful dude" said Jeremy. "How did you know about it?"

"I found it last year" said Kristian. "Where do you think I disappear to on weekends"

"Thought you were always getting some pussy some where" said Jeremy

He reached over and kissed and fondled Jeremy. "Not hardly"

The two continued to kiss for a while stroking each other's hard bodies before breaking off the kiss. They changed clothes and went downstairs to the dinging room for a prime rib dinner. Afterwards having a few beers in the lounge they went back up to the room.

Kristian changed into a pair of sweats while Jeremy changed back into his cargo shorts and a university sweatshirt.

"You said something about telling me about what happened this afternoon." said Jeremy. "You got LSD in your cum or what?"

Kristian laughed. "No not quite" he said. "But we do need to talk."

Jeremy kissed Kristian and pulled him down so they were sitting on the floor. He rubbed his hands over Kristian's legs, marveling at the muscles underneath the tan smooth skin. "What's up?"

"I have not been in love for many years" Kristian began. "Probably more then you can imagine."

"You trying to tell me like you are older then the 22 years you said you where" asked Jeremy. "What are ya 25 or something?"

Kristian smiled and fingered the necklace he never seemed to be without. "We never talked about this. What do you feel about me. We just fuck buds or is there something more?"

Jeremy stared into Kristian's eyes for a short time before answering. "Well, the fucking is pretty intense, but yeah, there's more, I love you if that's what you mean"

Kristian pulled Jeremy to him gently and kissed him. "I love you too. I haven't felt this way about someone for a very long time. Its because of what I feel there is something you need to know"

"What's wrong man" asked Jeremy. "You got some weird disease that's gonna make your hair fall out?"

Once more Kristian kissed Jeremy,. their tongues dueling briefly. Breaking the kiss, he stood and pulled Jeremy to his feet.

"I hope you still love me after this" said Kristian. He paused as if unsure of what to say. It was the first time Jeremy had seen him unsure of anything. He reached over and took Kristian's hand. "Tell me" he said. "I can deal with what you want to tell me"

"I was adopted and raised by a foster family" Kristian began. "On the eve of my 21st birthday they brought me many foods and drinks as a celebration. They told me it was a night beyond all nights"

"What do you mean they 'brought' you many foods and drinks" asked Jeremy "Is that a term from Scandinavia?"

"Something like that' Kristian said. He had a far away look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and continued. "Anyway following that dinner, they had me dress in the finest clothes I had and then we went to the center of the town. I had no clue what was going on. In the town square the village was assembled, waiting on us"

Wow" said Jeremy., "Hell of a birthday"

"You don't know the half of it" said Kristian. "When we got there I was brought to the very center of the square. There my father spoke to me. He said that tonight was the night of my reawakening. I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me that I had been raised by him and his wife at the request of my real father. This was done to allow me to take the understanding of his people and their language and lifestyles. To know what it was like to walk among them"

"What do you mean?" asked Jeremy his hand still on Kristian's leg. "I don't understand"

"Neither did I at that point" said Kristian. "He said now was the time. I remember him pointing to the sky. I could see the full moon at its zenith, the stars seem unnaturally clear and brilliant that night. When I looked back he was holding the strangest object I had ever seen. It looked like a bolt of lightening about three feet long formed from an almost liquid metal of sorts. It was gold and silver and shimmered in the moonlight and firelight"

Kristian paused as if plagued by a vision. Jeremy got up and moved closer to Kristian, putting his arm around him. "Go on, I want to know it all"

"He said remember us and always smile upon them" Kristian. "Suddenly he thrust the object into my chest. I can remember the terrible pain and shock of seeing this man push this bolt into me. Yet there was no blood. They all backed up and away from me. As I held on to the bolt,. I could feel it shrinking. As it shrunk, a fire seemed to be burning in my chest growing outwards to my arms and legs. As the last of the bolt disappeared the pain and fire reached my head. I screamed in agony and fear. Suddenly my whole body was wrapped in fire and a noise unlike any I'd ever heard all but shattered my senses. As quickly as it came upon me it was gone. There I stood, not in the village square but a plain of darkness. Ahead of me stood my real father bathed in a preetermal light....."

"You are pulling my leg man" said Jeremy, rubbing his hands over Kristian's shoulders. "What acid trip was that on?"

"I'm serious man" said Kristian "Deadly serious. That birthday was 3,000 years ago."

"What do you mean man" said Jeremy, a tremor in his voice "What the fuck are you telling me"

Standing up he took Jeremy by the hand. "I was born 3000 years ago in a place unknown to mortal man. I am not of this world or this plane. I am one of many who walk among your kind. I possess the telekinetic, and telepathic powers channeled of the universe. My strength comes from the energy of the universe."

"Knock it off man" said Jeremy backing away "You're starting to scare me"

"There is nothing to be scared of in me Jeremy" said Kristin focusing his eyes on him Unbidden and uncontrolled Jeremy was pulled back to Kristian. Kristian took him in his arms and kissed him. Jeremy could only respond with an unbidden passion he felt. "You will always be safe with me. I am like you in many ways, but different in others. Come with me and let me show you what I mean"

"Go where dude" said Jeremy. He was starting to shake at what he was seeing and hearing. He didn't understand how when he had backed away from Kristian he found himself being led or pulled back to him. Now he found himself in Kristian's arms looking into his eyes. He thought he should feel fear, but only felt love and passion for this man, his lover, regardless of what he was saying.

"Trust me" said Kristian. "New worlds await you"

"Huh?" said Jeremy.

"Watch" said Kristin. The chain around his neck started to glow. The hammer glowed in a soft light. "You know of the legends of Loki, Thor and the Norse God Odin, or of Zeus, Apollo, and Mercury?"

"Yeah what about it " Jeremy stuttered.

"Odin and Zeus were born of my father" said Kristin "Come it is time"

Suddenly the hammer on his chain glowed a fiery white. In a voice unknown to this time came the words from Kristian's mouth "By the power of the universe, I command it's majesty and might. Behold. For I command Immortal Time, whose shadow stalks all creation,. bring me home. Baruk Secun!"

A wave of dizziness passed over Jeremy. Suddenly a light seemed to swirl around them enveloping the two. Suddenly a flash of light and what seemed the crack of dawn shattered his senses. In an instant, the room was empty. They were gone.

Next: Chapter 4

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