Kyle and His Immodest Roommate

By Damian

Published on Feb 11, 2020


Kyle and Justin come to share a small apartment in Palm Springs. Kyle is surprised with his new roommate's unexpected casualness about wearing anything. This will be a one-part story.

I'll make you a deal, gentle reader - I'll try to give you a good read and you send me your feedback and tell me what you think. Agreed?

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author.



Kyle Roberts woke with a start that Saturday morning in May. He'd been dreaming that he was falling from a high place, which caused him to jerk violently in his bed, waking him instantly. It was his usual time to get up anyway, except that he'd gone to bed later than normal the night before and had expected to sleep until at least 9 a.m.

But now it was only 7:30, light was streaming in the windows of his bedroom, and some jerk's lawnmower was already shattering the morning peace. He knew that he was awake for good now. Maybe an afternoon nap would be in the cards. It was Saturday after all, except...

"Saturday, Schmaterday," he thought to himself. All his days would be the same now that he was involuntarily at loose ends. Only the day before, he had piled a few meager personal items into a cardboard box in his workplace and carried them home. The only thing heavier than the box was his heart.

After only a few months on the job at a local accounting office, he had suddenly been laid off. Let go. No longer needed. No longer on the payroll. At 27 and all alone, he would soon face being unable to pay his future rent, not to mention his other obligations. It was a nightmare – one that he never saw coming.

He had driven himself and his little box of possessions home on autopilot, not remembering a thing about it and choking back tears of frustration. He threw together a meager meal of leftovers and sat down in front of the TV to eat it, with no one but his purring cat Harry to keep him company.

Panic swelled in his chest as he thought about his new situation. He had just signed a one-year lease on a nice apartment in Palm Springs, California, having recently moved there from his parents' home in Tucson. It had been uncomfortable and somewhat humiliating to continue to live with his folks for nearly four years after graduating from college, but he had had little choice. Jobs in his field were scarce, and he had made ends meet by working as a cook in a local Perkins while he waited for something better to open up. Finally, he had landed an entry-level job in Palm Springs and immediately relocated there, where he thought he could get back some of his dignity, not to mention some overdue privacy. He didn't know who was more relieved – himself or his parents, who finally had the empty nest they had dreamed of for years. Kyle was the baby of the family, and his older siblings had left much earlier.

At first, he was elated about getting a job in Palm Springs – a well-known gay mecca two hours east of L.A. – but it had not been quite the liberating experience he had hoped for. Guys his age seemed to be far outnumbered by those whose glory days were, shall we say, a bit behind them.

Every time Kyle would go to a gay bar, he would see few guys under 40, and the ones who were close to his age seemed to be partnered up already. If he went home with anyone – and it was rare that he did so – he would feel that he had merely "settled" for someone less desirable than what he was looking for.

A few days after he was laid off, Kyle summoned up the courage to ask his folks for a loan to get him through the rough patch that would inevitably be with him for a while until he could find other employment. They were on a cruise – their first ever – when he tried to contact him, but they willingly obliged when they returned.

In desperation, he eventually found another cook job at a local restaurant. He hated the idea of going back to working in a hot kitchen instead of an air-conditioned office, but he had little choice. It was also an income reduction for him, but he figured he could make ends meet if he could find a roommate for his apartment, where he would've faced a stiff penalty if he had broken his new lease.

He placed an ad and soon was contacted by a number of gay male prospective roommates, none of whom appealed to him very much. Finally, after almost giving up, he agreed to take on a young man, Justin, who had just moved to the city from the L.A. area. The guy had a job and an income and said he could afford half of the rent that Kyle was paying on the place, but he wasn't very confident that he and Justin would have enough in common to enjoy sharing a small apartment. At least Justin was cute, which was some benefit, Kyle thought, but he was in for a surprise when Justin moved in.

He quickly learned that his new roommate, only 22, was very much a free spirit and enjoyed a little-to-no-clothing lifestyle. While Kyle figured this was hardly unusual in Palm Springs, he wasn't prepared for the un-ease he would feel around his very casual new roomie. Kyle didn't consider himself a prude, but he had never exactly embraced that lifestyle himself nor been around anyone who did.

After a few weeks, he finally grew used to it, but he still didn't feel comfortable enough to participate in it. While he found Justin to be nice eye candy, he thought at first that he was a bit of a flake and was five years younger. He was reluctant to go around nude in front of Justin in case he got the wrong idea and thought that Kyle was interested in more than a platonic relationship. So he decided to just keep his clothes on most of the time, with an occasional but rare exception in the one bathroom they had to share.


I grew up in a small coastal town between L.A. and San Diego. After high school, I went to a nearby community college, majoring mainly in surfing and boys and itching to make some money instead of studying. I finally dropped out after a year and got a job in retail clothing. With my outgoing personality and, frankly, my good looks, it was a natural fit for me, and I quickly became one of the store's top sellers.

After two years there, they transferred me to a store in Palm Springs, where I became an assistant manager. I wasn't too keen on leaving the Coast, but it was an opportunity I couldn't turn down.

I had been to Palm Springs only a few times and was keenly aware that it catered to an older crowd than I was used to being around. I mean like really older! I hadn't found Mr. Right in my young life yet, so I was a little worried about my prospects in the desert. I figured I'd get hit on a lot there, but not by many guys that I would want to go home with.

Before moving there, I checked some ads for someone looking to share a place and found a potentially hopeful one from a guy named Kyle. I didn't know how old he was, but I was pleasantly surprised when I went there for an interview that he wasn't much older than I was. Also, I thought he was very good-looking and had a nice, clean apartment not far from my new job.

It had only one bedroom, but there was a small room off the living room that Kyle had been using as a den. It had a pull-out sofa bed in it and a small desk, but just a thin curtain for a "door." He said he could turn it over to me if I didn't mind the relative lack of privacy. That wasn't an issue for me really, as I like to hang out without much on at home anyway and don't require much in the way of privacy.

I didn't mention my lack of modesty to Kyle, figuring that – being gay himself – he wouldn't mind. Secretly, I hoped that he might lean that way himself. He almost took my breath away with his looks, but he was kind of an enigma to me in our first meeting. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. I think he was probably expecting someone a bit older than me – since I told him on the phone that I had a managerial job at the store. In fact, he almost did a double take when he opened the door to let me in. At only 5 foot 7, I was at least three inches shorter than him.

Kyle showed me around the place, which didn't take long, but didn't seem too enthusiastic. I figured he was just – unlike me – an introvert. As the rent he was asking was much lower than I thought I would have to pay in Palm Springs, I quickly decided that I wanted to move in and told him so.

He said that he still had a couple of interviews to go but that he would call me within a day or two with his decision. I was thrilled when he called back just 24 hours later and offered me the space. I moved in the following weekend late on a Saturday morning.

I thought I should wait a day or two before "showing myself," so to speak. I wanted us to get to know each other a bit first. I had almost two full days before I had to report for work, and he was off until his evening shift, so I was home with Kyle almost all afternoon. We talked a lot and worked out the details as to sharing the cooking and cleaning duties, laundry, expected quiet hours, entertaining guests, etc. I felt that we would be very compatible in all regards.

He opened up to me about how he had wound up in Palm Springs – and about being laid off and forced to accept a job cooking in a restaurant. I could see the sadness in his eyes and other signs of low self-esteem and felt sorry for him. But I could tell that he was a genuine guy with a level head on his shoulders and would be a good person to live with. (To be quite honest, I found myself attracted to him and hoped that he might feel the same attraction toward me. Only time would tell.)

I wondered how he would deal with my intended nudity around the apartment and almost wished I had been more forthcoming about that in our initial meeting. I decided to "ease into it" on Sunday morning by walking to the bathroom in just my low-rise briefs with a towel around my neck. Kyle was working in the kitchen, as I knew from the sounds I heard, so I just sauntered by and said, "Good morning, Kyle." He was already dressed for the day in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Oh, g'morning, Justin," he said, barely looking up from what he was doing. I stopped long enough to pour myself some orange juice. "Okay if I take a shower now?" I asked, hoping for some eye contact.

"Sure, go ahead. I've already done that."

This time he did look over at me and smiled. But he looked away kind of quickly, apparently not wanting to show too much interest in my nearly nude body. I drank my juice and promised that I'd be back soon for a cup of coffee.

"Sure thing. It's ready for you," he said, with a catch in his voice. I stripped off in the bathroom and took a leisurely shower, happy to have found this nice place to live. I liked Kyle, but I hoped that he would loosen up a bit so I wouldn't feel awkward around him undressed.

After my shower, I faced a little dilemma. I hadn't taken any clean underwear with me to the bathroom and had already deposited yesterday's in the laundry hamper there. Rather than just brazenly walking past the kitchen naked and risk shocking Kyle too soon, I wrapped my wet towel around myself and went to the kitchen for my morning coffee. Kyle was still there, cutting up a cantaloupe.

"How was your shower? Have enough hot water?" he asked, not looking up from his work.

"Everything was fine," I replied, reaching up in the cabinet for a coffee mug. As I did so, my towel caught on a drawer handle and fell to the floor. I honestly didn't plan it that way – it just happened.

"Oops," I said with a smile as he glanced over at my unexpected skin show, quickly looking away again.

"I didn't see a place to hang up my wet towel in the bathroom. What should I do with it?" I asked, picking it up and holding it loosely in front of me.

"Oh, uh, I didn't leave enough space on the towel bar after my shower, did I? Sorry – I'm not used to sharing my space yet. Just move mine over and hang yours next to mine."

"Okay," I said, leaving my coffee on the counter and returning to the bathroom. I hung up my towel after moving Kyle's over on the same bar on the back of the door. My heart started beating a little faster as I realized that I was now completely naked and all my clothes were on the opposite side of the apartment. A little thrill went through me, and my 5-incher suddenly felt more like a 6-incher.

"Oh, well," I thought. It was now or never, and I preferred the former to the latter. I returned to the kitchen to retrieve my coffee – and to see how Kyle would react to my total lack of clothing.

"I hope you don't mind me walking around like this," I said as casually as I could. "I'm not exactly the shy type, as you'll quickly learn."

This time he was facing me head-on and could see everything, including my rather plumped-up dick. His face reddened and he looked away – but not before taking me in head to toe.

"Suit yourself," was all he said.

"Is that a pun?" I said with a little laugh.

When he didn't respond to that, I took my coffee back my room, walking bareass through the living room, just like I was used to in my last place, but somehow feeling uneasy being the only nudie in the apartment. With Harry the cat eyeing me curiously, I threw on a t-shirt and some shorts, wondering if I'd made a wise decision moving in.


My heart was pounding double-time after Justin left me alone in the kitchen. While I certainly found my new roommate very attractive, I had not been prepared for his total lack of clothing around me on only his second day. In fact, I had been embarrassed by it since I was never inclined to go naked myself at home except in my bedroom and the bathroom. So yes, I was uncomfortable at Justin's apparent brazenness. And yet...I can't say I exactly hated it – it was his apartment now, too, so maybe I'd just have to get used to his lack of modesty. I needed some space and time to think about what I'd just seen. Justin was more than just good-looking, and the fact that I'd just seen him fully naked already was a bit overwhelming to me. Not only overwhelming but major boner-producing. After he was out of sight I retreated to my room and shut the door.

After fumbling with my TV remote and finding nothing of interest, I noticed that my hardness hadn't eased off one bit. Locking my door, I stripped off and gave in to the need to do something about it. With the fresh image in my mind of Justin standing stark naked in my kitchen just moments ago, I came with a speed and an intensity that I'd not experienced for quite some time, then drifted off contentedly into a brief nap.

At first, Justin and I lived like ships passing in the night. He worked days, and I worked nights, so sometimes whole days would go by without us even seeing each other. On his infrequent days off, things were different. I would often walk into the kitchen and find Justin having his breakfast in just his briefs – or, more often than not, in even less. I grew used to it to a degree, but there was always something about it that created a tension between us.

I would at least be able to talk to my naked roommate during our relatively rare times when we were both at home, and gradually we grew to even laugh about it. Still, I was slow to feel comfortable enough to appear naked in front of Justin. I didn't think I could do it without getting hard within seconds. He seldom seemed to have that issue.

If Justin wanted to see more of me, he finally got it one morning when he entered the bathroom just as I had completed my shower and opened the curtain to reach for my towel. I decided to play it cool for a change and engaged him in a bit of conversation as I stepped out and began drying off. With me talking to him, Justin had no polite choice but to stay in the room and listen. I could tell by the way he looked me over that he seemed glad for the opportunity to finally see his heretofore shy roommate in the complete nude.

Being nude himself, as was usually the case in our small apartment, Justin could not hide a growing erection – the first time that I had ever seen him that hard. I blushed but didn't say anything, continuing to dry myself and discreetly covering my own lengthening penis. Suddenly growing shy again, I wrapped the towel around myself and returned to my room to dress – and taking matters into my own hands again, bringing myself off to yet another powerful orgasm.

In his room on the other side of the apartment, I imagined that Justin was doing the same thing, thinking about what he'd just seen for the first time. Was he hoping it wouldn't be the last? More to the point, was I?

From that day forward, we seemed to grow more comfortable with each other, and the tension that had defined our first month living together largely dissipated. I would even allow myself to work in the kitchen in my underwear more and more, even with Justin being present, and Justin usually stripped off completely when he came home and stayed nude until it was time to go out again.

I grew weary of my cooking job very quickly but could not find another daytime job that was a good fit. So I decided to look into developing a home-based accounting business so I could be my own boss and not worry about being laid off or fired ever again.

It took me a few months to develop a business plan, but I finally did. The only problem was that my bedroom was not large enough to accommodate the setup required. I didn't want to move again, so I really needed the space that Justin was using as a bedroom.

I thought about asking Justin to find another place, but I knew he liked it here and could hardly afford his own apartment on what he was earning at the clothing store.

Besides, there was an even more compelling reason. I liked the feelings that Justin produced in me whenever I saw him naked, which was often. To be honest, I didn't want to give that up. In fact, my growing feelings for Justin were becoming harder for me to deny. But I wasn't sure if he could ever feel the same way about me.

With his good looks, I thought Justin would have no trouble finding a boyfriend, but he never talked about it or brought anyone home. I was reluctant to ask, perhaps harboring the hope that maybe someday he might make a move on me. I was way too shy to initiate anything myself.


After a few months, I grew to really enjoy sharing Kyle's apartment with him. He was a nearly perfect roommate in all respects, and we got along better and better as time went by. He finally stopped seeming uneasy with my almost constant nudity around the place, especially after that time in the bathroom when he showed himself to me for the first time. He actually engaged me in conversation while he dried himself off after a shower, until I started getting an erection from finally seeing him in the nude. I wondered if he was getting one, too, but if he was, the towel he had grabbed mostly concealed it. I was standing there stark naked, so he couldn't help but notice mine. We both quickly went to our own rooms, presumably doing the same thing.

From then on, Kyle started showing up often in the kitchen and even in the living room in just his briefs, and I was delighted about it. He has a great body, and I had been wanting to see as much of it as possible.

Just as I was starting to believe that this arrangement might be at least semi-permanent, Kyle sat me down in the living room one evening, saying that we needed to talk. To me, that felt like bad news was coming.

As usual, I was naked and Kyle was in just his briefs. He seemed very uneasy, and I felt the tension starting to build between us, like in our earlier days together.

He started by telling me of his plans for a home-based business, which I thought would be a good thing. But then he dropped the other shoe, so to speak, and made me aware that he needed my small room to accommodate it.

My eyes dropped to my lap when I heard that, and my heart sank. I hadn't seen anything like that coming and I was suddenly very sad. Not only did I like living with Kyle, but I had also grown to like him as a person more and more and didn't want to see us go our separate ways. I knew there was little chance that I could find another place – and roommate – that I would like nearly as well, and I told him so.

He told me that he'd been giving that a lot of thought and that he didn't want to lose me either. As he said that, he moved closer to me and put his hand on my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. This was very unlike him, as I don't think he'd ever touched me before.

As we had been "just roommates" for several months, it hadn't occurred to me that Kyle might have harbored any feelings for me. My own unexpressed feelings for him suddenly welled up inside me, and I put my hand on his, which was still on my leg – closer to my crotch than my knee.

Then he leaned into me just a bit, and I met him halfway. I was incredulous when I felt his lips on mine, never imagining such a thing would ever happen between us. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but rather a gentle one that showed me that he really did want to chart some new territory with me. I kissed him back to show him that I was open to that.

Suddenly, however, I had to wonder just what was going on. He was telling me one minute that he wanted my room back, and the next minute he was stroking my bare thigh and kissing me.

"Do I really need to leave, Kyle?" I asked him.

"I've been thinking about that, too, Justin, and I think I know of a good place for you."

"Where's that?" I asked.

He stood before me, skimmed his briefs to the floor and kicked them off. He was now fully naked and hard, and so was I, as he pulled me up, took my face in both of his hands, and kissed me again – this time more urgently. Then he put his hand in mine and led me to his bedroom.

From that night forward, it would forever be ours.


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Next: Chapter 2

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