Kyle and His Immodest Roommate

By Damian

Published on May 5, 2020



Kyle and Justin come to share a small apartment in Palm Springs. Kyle is surprised with his new roommate's unexpected casualness about wearing anything.

I'll make you a deal, gentle reader – I'll try to give you a good read and you send me your feedback and tell me what you think. Agreed?

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author.



"Do I really need to leave, Kyle?" I asked him.

"I've been thinking about that, too, Justin, and I think I know of a good place for you."

"Where's that?" I asked.

He stood before me, skimmed his briefs to the floor and kicked them off. He was now fully naked and hard, and so was I, as he pulled me up, took my face in both of his hands, and kissed me again – this time more urgently. Then he put his hand in mine and led me to his bedroom.

From that night forward, it would forever be ours.



When I woke the next morning, I was aware of a strange but pleasant feeling. For several months now the only occupant of my bed had been me. Now there was a warm hand on my bare butt, kneading it gently. I closed my eyes again and just enjoyed the feeling, as it had been way too long since I had felt anything that nice upon waking.

Then I felt a gentle kiss on the back of my neck, and then someone's moist tongue licking the outside of my left ear. The hand that had been on my left bun had been replaced with another anatomical body part that poked it with a hardness that I was definitely enjoying.

Every cell of my waking body was suddenly on fire, and my cock – already experiencing its usual morning wood – was soon oozing warm pre-cum. The hand that had been on my butt had now moved to my left nipple, and I felt it harden as my new bedmate's finger and thumb squeezed it gently.

I had been feigning sleep but couldn't stifle a moan of extreme pleasure that started somewhere deep within my chest, letting the "offending" second party know that whatever he was doing to my naked body had not gone unnoticed.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," came a familiar voice – one that I had not heard in my bedroom before. I turned over and my slowly opening eyes focused in on the cutest face I had ever seen looking down at me and smiling.

"Justin, just what do you think you're doing in my bed – and with no clothes on?" I teased.

"As I recall, my dear Kyle, I believe I was invited – no, pulled by your very own hand – in here last night, was I not?"

"Oh, yes, I believe you're right," I replied with a smile. "And you're still here."

"Hmmm, I am. And after what happened last night, I don't have any immediate plans to leave either. Can you handle that?"

"You're about to find out what I can handle," I said, as I rolled over on top of him, trapping two very hard cocks between us and rubbing our noses together. "I want to wake up every morning from now on just like this."

It was very unlike me to be any kind of aggressor in a sexual situation. I had always deferred to the few overnight partners I'd had and let them "do unto me." But this time I couldn't hold back. The young man I had quietly lusted after for so many months -- who had walked around naked in our shared apartment shamelessly nearly every day, driving me crazy with his brazen immodesty -- was now not only in my very own bed but completely naked and pinned under my own nude body.

My left hand was tucked under the small of his back, pulling him as close to me as possible. Running my right hand through his soft hair, I leaned down and kissed him gently. My tongue sought out his, and he reciprocated eagerly, his fingers stroking the back of my neck.

Last night before we finally went to sleep, I had thought I had drained his perky cock dry, but now it was standing at solid, eager attention, begging for more. So I scooted down his beautiful body and engulfed it like the last time, while he groaned in appreciation of my actions.

Both of my hands were now kneading (as well as needing) his round buns, and it wasn't long before he proved that he still had it in him! And I was only too happy to make another "withdrawal" of his warm spunk.

Before I knew it, he had turned us both over, pinning me like I had been pinning him moments before. The smile on his face told me that he was beyond happy with this new living arrangement.

"I hope you haven't changed your mind overnight about me moving my stuff into your bedroom, Kyle. Please tell me you haven't."

"It was my idea, sweetie, and once I make up my mind it takes a lot to change it. This is where I want you. Is that still okay with you?"

"What do you think, sexy? As long as you'll have me, I'm here to stay."


Waking up with Kyle that morning was like a dream come true for me. I'd woken up with other guys, of course, but this was special. It was something beyond sex – like we belonged to each other and nothing would be keeping us apart from now on.

I didn't realize until then just how much I admired this wonderful "landlord" of mine. He was the genuine thing, in my mind – not only handsome but also just an all-around great guy. He had been a little shy for the past few months, but gradually he warmed up to me and got used to my nudist way of living in his apartment. When he stripped off in the living room last night, it about took my breath away. He was finally nude, hard as a rock, and kissing me – and then he led me to his bedroom and called it "ours" from then on.

The next few weeks was a period of adjustment for us as a newly formed couple, but overall we were as happy as could be. The main thing I had to "adjust" was my penchant for immediately stripping off when I got home from work and remaining that way.

Usually that was fine, but with Kyle having a home-based business now, he sometimes had a client with him in what used to be my room, which he had transformed into his office. So I always had to check before getting naked just in case someone else but Kyle was in the apartment.

Of course, I usually knew without asking. Kyle had gradually gotten comfortable enough to go naked around our place like me. If I came home and found him naked, I could be pretty sure no one else was there!

One time, however, I totally slipped up. I had slept in late one morning, not having to be at work until noon. Without thinking, I walked naked to the bathroom and ran smack into a very good-looking but surprised guy who looked a bit familiar. He was headed for the same bathroom to take a leak.

"Oops," I said. "Didn't know you were here, obviously."

Once he got over his initial surprise, he didn't turn back. In fact, he gave me quite the once-over – more than once!

"Aren't you the guy from the clothing store downtown?" he asked. "Justin, isn't it?"

I stood there in the total nude, scratching my head.

"You helped me find a pair of pants," he said, "and you even measured me for the alterations after we finally found the right pair. I'm Cory – one of Kyle's new clients. Are you and he...?"

"Yes, I remember you now. You, uh, were more fun to measure than most of my customers," I said with a laugh. "And yes, Kyle and I are a couple."

After we smiled at each other some more, I told him he could have the bathroom first. I was about to turn around and go back to Kyle's and my bedroom when Kyle poked his head around the corner from his office. He had heard voices and put two and two together. Cory and I looked embarrassed. Kyle looked put out.

After Cory left – still with a glazed look in his eyes, I suppose – Kyle expressed his displeasure at my little inadvertent show. He isn't one to rant and rave, but I knew he was pissed, as things were a little "icy" on the home front until I left to go to work.

The good news for Kyle was that Cory became a regular customer of his from that point on. (Did I have anything to do with that?) The bad news was that Cory showed up occasionally at our apartment when he wasn't expected, hoping, I think, to catch me again with little or nothing on.

Cory also started showing up at my store rather regularly and always made a point of trying to start a conversation with me if I was on duty.

I admit that I found Cory attractive (and a few dozen years younger than most of my male customers), but I've always made a point of being totally professional at work and not encouraging anything like flirting with customers.

But Cory was persistent. One day he was trying on swimsuits and shorts. He carried a pile of them to the fitting room and called me over to get my opinion on one. I tried to stay just outside of the fitting room, but at one point he pulled me into the room, closed the door, and whipped off the only garment he had been wearing. He was then not only nude but half erect.

"Now we're even," he said with a grin. "Like what you see? Pretty hot, huh?"

I was totally flustered by his brazenness and told him I needed to get back to my station. He blocked my only means of exit and pulled me to his body and tried to kiss me.

"No, Cory!" I stated emphatically and pushed him away. "Put your clothes back on and leave please. I think you need to do your shopping somewhere else."

"The only thing I'm shopping for is you, Justin. I thought you liked me."

"Well, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not available, as you know all too well. Kyle is going to hear about this."

Cory's face went pale and he begged me not to say anything to his new accountant. I pushed him away and hoped to exit the fitting room with no one seeing me. No such luck. The store manager was not far away and heard Cory scream, "Don't touch me like that, faggot!"

"What's going on here, Justin?" the manager asked me as I came out, with a concerned look on his face. He could see Cory's nude body in the background.

"He tried to make a pass at me, Morris. I didn't do anything wrong."

"You shouldn't have been in the fitting room with him, Justin."

"I tried not to be, but he pulled me in and closed the door. He's been stalking me for weeks now, and I've been nothing but professional with him."

"I think it might be best if you took the rest of the day off, Justin. I'll see what your customer has to say about this before I take any action."

Just then an older man came out of the fitting room next to Cory's, looking a little shocked. He sized up the situation pretty quickly I thought and came to my defense.

"Are you the store manager, sir?" he asked Morris.

"Yes, sir, I am. Did you hear the exchange next to you?"

"I certainly did. It sounded like your employee here was coerced into going into the fitting room against his will. It sounded like the customer was trying on more than just clothes. I heard him quite clearly trying to put the moves on your employee, and your employee was resisting."

Cory was still in just his underwear but dressing as quickly as possible. Leaving a scrambled pile of merchandise in the fitting room, he ran past me without a word, and I knew I was off the hook.

"Thank you so much, mister," I said to the other customer. "You saved my job – at least I think so." I looked at Morris for confirmation of that.

"I'm sorry I doubted you, Justin. But I still think you should take the rest of the day off. Don't worry – you'll still be paid for it."

Morris clasped my shoulder as I prepared to do as he suggested, and I heaved a sigh of relief.


"What are you doing home so early?" I asked Justin. It was only the middle of the afternoon. Then I noticed that he was not himself at all. He looked a little shell-shocked, in fact. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"What's wrong is Cory, your new client. He was in the store today trying on things in the fitting room, and he pulled me in and tried to kiss me. On top of that he was naked."

I looked at Justin like he'd lost his mind. Cory had been my client only a short time, but he seemed like a nice guy who wouldn't do anything like that. I knew he had caught Justin in the nude in our hallway, but I just thought that was Justin being careless. I was upset about it initially, but I'd gotten over it. Now I was really incensed!

"That asshole! How did you get out of it?"

"I pushed him aside and left the room and told him to do his shopping somewhere else. But Morris saw me leave and heard Cory blame me for the incident. Fortunately, another customer in the next fitting room heard what happened between Cory and me and came to my defense. Morris still thought I should take the rest of the day off because it was so upsetting to be blamed for something I didn't do. If that other customer hadn't spoken up, I could've lost my job."

"I'm so sorry, Justin," I said, taking him into my arms. The poor guy was still shaking. "I'll take the rest of the day off, too. Let's get undressed and take a little nap together."

"I know what your `little naps' are like, love. I think that's a great idea, but I have a hunch there won't be much sleeping going on."

"Not if I have my way, there won't," I said as I lovingly undressed him and then held him tightly against me until he stopped shaking. Then I got out of my own clothes and took us both to bed.

The next day I canceled my contract with Cory and returned all his materials to him with no explanation. None was needed. It was a blow to me business-wise, but I knew I could never work with him again after what he tried with Justin – and never wanted him to darken our apartment door again. Justin felt bad, but we both knew it was the only reasonable thing to do under the circumstances. The man was a jerk.


I returned to work the next day, still unnerved by Cory's actions of the day before. Morris greeted me like nothing had happened, but I thought I saw a look of sheepishness in his eyes – like he knew he had misjudged me initially.

Cory never appeared in the store again, thankfully. If he had, I would've ignored him or asked another employee to wait on him.

Kyle and I gradually started being more involved in the gay community in Palm Springs, although neither of us was interested in becoming barflies. We did join a loose-knit group that gathered in various places on Tuesday nights for tacos and beer.

In November we even marched in the local Pride Parade with some friends. Life was good. But life doesn't always pan out like you thought it might. Just as we were about to decorate our apartment for Christmas in December, we were blindsided.

Morris, my store manager, pulled me aside one day and announced that the high mucky mucks of the chain wanted me to take the number two management spot in a larger store in San Diego. The money they were offering was twice what I was making in Palm Springs, but of course the responsibility would be a lot greater as well.

I was flattered by their trust in me, but I had come to like Palm Springs – and especially my living arrangements. What to do? What to do? I could have refused the offer, but it wouldn't have been good for my career to do so. The only thing to do was to have a heart-to-heart with Kyle about it.


To say I was floored by Justin's announcement when he came home that night would be an understatement. Neither of us saw it coming. San Diego was more than a two-hour drive away, so daily commuting was out of the question for him, and neither of us wanted to have a long-distance relationship.

"So what do you think, honey?" he asked me, after presenting the news. I could tell that he was torn about the offer, but I also sensed that he wanted to say yes to it. A decision had to be made quickly, because they wanted him in San Diego by January 1.

My own work could be done there as well, but it would be a difficult transition for me. I already had several good clients in Palm Springs and didn't want to leave them in the lurch and start over.

"I honestly don't know, Justin," I told him. "This is a little much to react to, off the cuff. I think it's a great opportunity for you, but I really am not in a position myself to just uproot and relocate – at least not that quickly."

"I understand," he said. "Why don't we talk about it over the weekend? They want an answer by Monday. Right now I could use a little happy hour and some snuggle time with you."

"You got it, babe. Let's get out of these clothes."


I will never tire of snuggling naked with my new lover. His body turns me on like no one else I've ever been with. To give up sleeping with him every night of the week would be torture for me – and I knew he felt the same way. Not a day went by that we didn't make love at least once.

We talked about all kinds of options over that fateful weekend, and by Sunday night we had come to the conclusion that it was best for me to accept the offer. I would go to San Diego, and Kyle would follow as soon as he could find his way to do so. It wouldn't be easy for a while, but eventually we would find a way to make it work.

We celebrated Christmas together by visiting Kyle's parents and siblings in Tucson. It was my first time to meet them, and they were all welcoming and gracious. It was a pleasure to spend time with them and to know that they supported our relationship. Even his much older "born again" Christian sister made me feel like a part of the family, although I think it was her husband who had nudged her gently into it. He was a jewel.

When we got back home to Palm Springs, it was time to face reality. I packed up my few belongings into my car. We had one last dinner out and then a tearful night in bed holding each other and pledging to remain faithful until we could be together again for good – and beyond.

It was not easy driving while crying the first 40 miles, but I made it to my parents' home in El Cajon, not far from San Diego. I would live with them and commute to work until I could find a suitable apartment in the city. The chief advantage was that it was free. The chief disadvantage was that I'd have to suspend my nudist lifestyle for a while and, of course, sleep alone.


I thought I had prepared myself mentally for Justin's move to San Diego, but when he finally left I dissolved into a puddle of tears for the rest of the day. I had grown to not only love him with all my heart but also to depend on his presence in my day-to-day life. The apartment felt like a tomb without him.

But life had to go on. On January 2 I resumed my home-based accounting business and tried to forget that Justin wasn't there. That was okay in the daytime, but I missed him like crazy in the evenings, and especially at night sleeping alone for the first time in many months.

We had planned to meet up occasionally, as his store schedule allowed, but he was quite busy at first learning the ropes of clothing store management. We texted several times a day, but sometimes it was hours before he got free enough to reply. I jumped every time my cell phone dinged, hoping it was he.

Five weeks later we had our first reunion – a weekend in early February. It was the earliest that Justin could get away from the store for two days. We decided to meet up in Temecula, a city close the midpoint between us. Although Justin had been out to his parents since he was 18, they weren't thrilled about it and didn't really cotton to the idea of a conjugal visit from me in their own house for a whole weekend. We had met only a couple of times in our brief relationship.

We met in the parking lot of the motel we had reserved and practically ran to each other's arms, hugging and kissing like we hadn't seen each other in a year. It just felt like a year. We got a couple of stares but didn't care one whit what anyone else thought.

We weren't in the room 30 seconds until we were both naked and hard on the bed. We didn't leave that king-size piece of furniture much all weekend except to take showers – together of course – and go out for meals. All too soon, it was time to go back, but we pledged to do everything we could to not wait five weeks again for the next reunion.


I was on Cloud 9 all the way back to El Cajon, having just spent the most wonderful weekend of my life with my handsome boyfriend. In two days we had gotten as physically and emotionally close as two guys could get. I had missed him more than I thought possible, and he said the same about me.

We had decided not to talk about anything difficult – like how and when we could live together again – and just enjoy each other's company. I think I had an erection the whole weekend, despite Kyle's numerous – and successful, I might add – attempts to drain me of what had built up inside my body for the previous five weeks while I was immersed in learning my new job.

A few days later in the store, I was straightening the merchandise when I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder and a familiar voice saying my name.

"Well, if it isn't Justin Tyler. What are you doing in San Diego?"

I spun around and was face to face with my first boyfriend.

"Jesse! What a surprise."

"How the heck are you?" he asked eyeing me up and down. He always had a way of looking at me that unnerved me somehow.

"I'm good, Jesse. Just moved here a few weeks ago after working in Palm Springs for a few months. I'm in management now."

"Good for you. I always knew you'd shine in this business."

"What keeps you busy these days?" I asked.

"Oh, not much. Still going to school in between surfing expeditions. You got time for a cup of coffee with an old friend?"

My stomach did a flip at that. When Jesse and I had split two years earlier, I hadn't expected to run into him again. We had been lovers for almost a year when he decided he couldn't keep it in his pants for other guys. I had "slipped" a couple of times myself, but I was crushed when I learned of his serial non-monogamy and told him it was over. Now here he was in my face again, looking great I had to admit, and wanting coffee with me. I had to make a split-second decision.

"Umm, I'm pretty tied up here for the rest of the day, but I'm off tomorrow. Lunch maybe?"

"You're on," he said and named a time and place to meet. Then he was off as quickly as he had appeared, leaving me wondering what had just happened. Why had Jesse's sudden reappearance shaken me up like it had?

I almost didn't show the next day but decided to go through with it. What harm could it do to have lunch with an old friend? It wasn't like I had had any other social opportunities in the last month and a half in a new city.

So we had a nice lunch together that lasted a couple of hours while we caught up on each other's life in the past two years. I told him about Kyle, but he didn't linger on that topic long, preferring to talk about himself and dredging up memories that I thought I had pushed out of my mind long ago. The wine I drank with lunch had made me quite mellow, and I had to admit that I was enjoying the attention.

In the middle of it, Kyle texted me, so I texted back that I was having lunch with an old friend. "Call me later," he texted back.

After lunch Jesse and I went to a nearby park and threw around a Frisbee that he had in his car. We were both in t-shirts and shorts – standard warm-weather gear for southern California – and pretty soon we were starting to sweat.

In a flash, Jesse stripped off his t-shirt and continued to toss the Frisbee to me. I had forgotten how buff this guy was – and it was even better after two more years at the gym. As he leapt around, I found myself getting hard at the vision. I tried hard to suppress it, but I knew he couldn't help but notice my bulge.

Finally, we collapsed together in the grass to catch our breath. I had kept my t-shirt on, but it was soaked. With no shirt on, Jesse didn't have anything to absorb his own sweat, so it had started to soak his shorts.

"We're a mess, kiddo," he said with a grin. "How `bout we go back to my place and clean up a bit?"

My head said NO, but my mouth said OK. I knew I was treading on thin ice, but I was having too much fun after being cooped up with my parents and in the store for the past few weeks. I wondered what Kyle was up to, but I thought I'd wait a bit to call him.

Jesse quickly stood up and held out his hand to help me up. I got to my feet but thought that he held my hand a bit longer than was necessary.

We left my car at the park, and he drove us to his place in the Hillcrest neighborhood.

"Give me your shirt," he said after showing me around his upscale apartment. "I'll give you another one to wear after your shower."

So I did, and he grinned broadly at seeing me half naked again. He pointed me to the shower and stayed in the kitchen while I stripped off what little I still had on by myself in the bathroom. I never even thought about how I was going to dry off after my shower until I was in it. I didn't have to wonder long.

"Brought you a towel," I heard him say while I was facing away from the door. "I'm hanging it next to mine."

"Okay, thanks," I said, knowing that he was taking his time doing so and was no doubt admiring my cute butt at the same time.

Next thing I knew, he was pulling the shower door open and stepping inside. Naked, of course.

"No use wasting water," he said as I felt my cock go hard.

That "thin ice" was getting thinner by the second. This situation was quickly getting out of control, and I was about to protest when I felt Jesse's soapy hands washing my entire back and going down to the sides of my ass. I have to admit that it felt amazing, even though I knew it wasn't something that I should be allowing.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Jesse," I said, somewhat reluctantly.

"Oh, don't worry, buddy. Two old friends can shower together, can't they?"

"Maybe, but `old friends' don't usually have erections when they do."

Even though I was facing away from him, somehow I knew he was as hard as I was.

"Hush, my little friend, and just enjoy it," he said, pulling my back against his chest and washing my front side. As his hands drifted downward, I finally got some moxie back and kept his hands away from reaching their intended target.

"No, Jesse," I said emphatically as I turned to face him. "I can't do this. I'm not going to be another one of your conquests."

"Your cock says otherwise," he snickered, pointing to the hard evidence between us.

"Get out and dry off and leave me alone. This has gone too far – I told you I have a boyfriend."

"Yes, but I'm here and he's not. Don't you think he might be doing something like this right now in Palm Springs?"

I shuddered at the thought but realized that Kyle was too noble to allow himself to get into a situation like the one I had just allowed myself to get into. I felt like shit betraying him, but at least I had a shred of gumption left to not let it go any further.

"No, Kyle has too much integrity for that."

I was realizing that I had almost allowed my own integrity to be compromised, and I doubted that Jesse even knew the meaning of the word. Or ignored it if he did.

"I thought you wanted this, Justin. We used to have some fun times together. Take a good look at me," he said, backing up and raising his arms. "Does your boyfriend really look this good?"

I took in the view presented to me. It was awesome, but I knew what I had to say in response.

"Sure, you look good, Jesse, but it takes more than a great body to make a great boyfriend. And Kyle has all that and much more – everything I'll ever need. Let's just dry off and get dressed. Mom's expecting me home for dinner."

"All right, all right," he said, finally looking defeated. "Just do me one thing first and I'll let you go."

"What's that?" I asked anxiously.

"Just let me at least dry you off and then you do the same to me."

"All right, but no funny business," I said, trying to sound convincing.

I stood naked in the middle of Jesse's bathroom and allowed myself to be dried. To my chagrin I remained hard the whole time. Then I took my turn at drying him. He was just as aroused, and I had a hard time not coming, just from the simple act of drying my ex in all his naked splendor.

Jesse was bigger and buffer than I, and I didn't want to piss him off since I had to be reliant on him to drive me back to my car at the park. When we got there, he put his hand on my thigh and said "I hope there are no hard feelings, Justin. It was good to see you again."

I squeezed his hand while gently removing it from my leg and got out of the car, still having mixed feelings about the afternoon with my former lover.

"Good-bye, Jesse," was all I could come up with. I unlocked my car and drove back to El Cajon in a daze and kept wondering what I would say to Kyle when he asked me how my day off was. As it turned out, that would be the least of my problems.

(To be continued in Part 3 soon)

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