La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Jun 4, 2001


Author Note:

Thanks guys for waiting this chapter, I know some of you are kept waiting for this chapter. I'm just so busy and I don't have any idea where the story is going, so excuse me for the late chapter.

By the way thanks for people who already sent their email, bad or good. Thanks to Derek, Rion, Jamy, Shan Chua, and of course all of my old friends hehehe, you know who you are. Last but not least, others who already read my story.

I still open my mail box so, keep in touch with me :


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita e Bella':

"JC, it is nearly 8 o'clock, can we go?" I looked at him.

"Sure," he stood up, "by the way, Thanks for everything, Dave."

"I told you, you are not alone," I replied and he smiled, "Wait!" I came to him, he looked at me wondering, I put my hand on his chin, "There is a sauce on your chin," then I wiped it, "Let's go."

JC was stunned as I did that, he must be thinking something else, then he laughed reallyy loud. I was laughing really hard to join him. It was 8:20pm, JC and I made it to Justin's house, I grabbed some groceries bags, while JC helped me with the others. As I entered the house,

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?" I heard a yelling.

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By Tonny

Chapter 10: No Me Ames (Don't Love Me)

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS NOW?" Lynn screamed at me.

"I'm sorry, I..." I looked down.

"We were waiting for you for dinner, even Justin is so damn worried about you. Now he and Britney are looking for you outside," Lynn yelled.

"Lynn, I asked him to accompany me for a quick bite," JC explained as he was standing next to me.

"At least, he can call so we won't be worried about him," Lynn replied.

"If you want to blame someone, please blame me. David has nothing to do with this," I looked JC as he was defending me.

"Whatever! I need to call Justin to go home," Lynn left us.

"Thanks JC," I thanked him for defending me.

"No need, I'm the one who should apologize to you. Let's just put this stuff." He said as he helped with my groceries. After put all the groceries into fridge and cupboard, I was heading to my room.

"Where are you going, Dave?" JC asked

"My room," I replied.

"Don't you want to hang out with me, watching TV?" JC asked me again, but I just shook my head no, "are you okay? About Lynn, don't worry about her, she will change tomorrow,"

"I know, I'm okay. I'm just a little bit tired, that's all," I lied trough my teeth.

"Well in that case, go ahead," JC smiled.

I went straight to my room and sat on the bed, the next thing I knew, I dropped some tears. I tried to cry silently, I don't know what I was crying for. I didn't know for how long I was crying for, all sudden my door was opened, and it was Justin.

"Dave, are you okay?" he knelt down in front of me, I wiped my tears quickly.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I replied, "I'm sorry that I didn't call you,"

"Sshh JC explained the whole thing, that's okay but I do worried about you." Justin said, "but why are you crying?"

"Nothing," I shook my head no

"You lie, Dave. I know, something happened, please tell me?" Justin asked as he put his hands over mine.

"I'm okay, Justin. Nothing is happened."

"Was it my mum?" Justin squished my hands harder, "Please tell me because I wanna know."

"Justin! Come on! We are late!" Britney came to my room, "See! I told you, he is okay, you are just too paranoid."

"We are going to talk later, but I have to go now. We need to attend Britney's friend birthday. You don't mind that I left you with JC?" Justin asked as he stood up.

"Not at all, have fun." I smiled to both of them, Justin just sighed.

"Because of you, we are going to be late for the party," Britney blamed me.

"Britney! It's not his fault, actually I don't want to go to your friend stupid party!" Justin said angrily.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I take it back." Britney apologized to Justin, "Please, can we go now? Your mom are waiting downstairs."

"I'll be back really soon, Dave." Justin said to me then left Britney behind, while she ran to catch him.

I just sat in my room for another half an hour or so, before I felt thirsty. I went downstairs to the kitchen to have a glass of water. When I passed the living room, I saw the TV still on and JC half-asleep. I came to him,

"JC, you looks so sleepy," I sat next to him.

"I don't feel really good tonight," he replied softly. He looks pale, so I put my hand on his forehead.

"JC, you have a fever. Do you want me to call a doctor?" I asked him worriedly.

"No need, I just need a Panadol," he tried to smile.

"Okay, let me take to your bed first, then I will find a Panadol for you," I helped him to stand up and walk to his room.

In his room, I put him on his bed and helped to take off his shoes. I wrapped his with a blanket. I found a Panadol in his drawers, I gave one tablet for him.

"Just take a rest, I will make something for you, okay?" I took his glass.

I went to the kitchen and made some soup, I found the whole ingredients in the kitchen, so it should be easy. After 15 minutes, it is ready, I went back to JC's room.

"JC?" I called his name softly.

"Yeah," he replied.

"I made this soup for you, it help you to ease the fever," I put the bowl on the nightstand.

"You made those?" he surprised.

"Yeah, why? you don't like it?"

"No! But WOW!" he amazed

"Okay quit it," I giggled, "please sit, I'll help you with the soup," I said as I guide the spoon to his mouth.

"Hmmm this is really tasty," JC commented.

"You don't have to lie about it, JC." I cocked my eyebrows

"I swear to God, it taste so yummy," JC put his serious face.

"Okay Okay, in that case, you have to finish it then go to sleep," I reminded him.

After 15 minutes or so, he finished the soup, I tugged him in the blanket then I left him to clean the kitchen before Lynn noticed the mess. From the kitchen, I went back to JC's room, he was asleep already. I put my hand on his forehead; the temperature was down. I took the chair next to his bed, then I just sat at the corner of his bed. I was thinking to sleep for couple of hours, just to make sure that he is okay.

The next morning

"JC," Justin whispered as he tried to wake his friend.

"hmm what?" JC yawned.

"What is David doing in your room?" Justin asked.

JC surprised as he saw me sleeping at the edge of his bed, he looked back to Justin.

"OO My, he's waiting in here all night?" JC still surprised.

"What's happened?" Justin still confused

"Last night, I got a fever, he made me soup, he took care of me, but I've never thought that he would stay in here. Should we wake him up?" JC looked me closer as I was in deep sleep.

"I don't know," Justin also watched me closer, however Justin's footsteps woke me.

"Morning!" I greeted them, "I must be over sleep, how are you?" I asked JC

"I'm okay now," JC replied.

"well I've better back to my room then," I stood up, "How was last night?" I asked Justin.

"okay," he replied shortly, I shrugged then I passed him, back to my room.

In my room, I went straight to the bathroom for taking a shower. For ten minutes or so, I dried myself then took a casual one for that day. I saw the time and it was 9 o'clock already.

"dave?" Justin called me.

"Come in," I replied as he opened the door, "yeah?"

"Breakfast is ready downstairs," he entered.

"Thanks," I smiled, "but I'm not hungry this morning,"

"Are you okay?" Justin sat next to me, "you seems a little bit different lately, something wrong?" he asked as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"No, nothing wrong," I answered as I put my hand on his to assure him, "I'm okay,"

"No, you are not! You seems put a distance with me, Why? You know I lo..." I quickly put my fingers over his mouth to stop his words.

"Please don't say it, Justin. I'm not the one. You are like a brother to me, I'm never put a distance between us." I explained then he took my fingers away from his mouth.

"Is it Britney? We are just best friends, that's all," he frowned.

"There is no one, Justin!" I assured him.

"NO! YOU ARE LYING!" he raised his voice, "Fine then! Now please tell me that you really don't feel a little feeling for me," he looked at me with his teary blue eyes.

"Justin...Please? Don't do this to me," I said as I looked down to hide my sadness.

"SAY IT! SAY IT!" he shook me on the shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" Britney asked as she and JC entered to my room, "Justin? What's happened? I could hear your voice from downstairs." Britney sat next to Justin and put her hand on his waist.

"Nothing," Justin looked at me.

"Sure?" Britney put his head on Justin's shoulder. I really felt uncomfortable so I stood up.

"I hope you don't mind if I wanna go around for a new flat," I told them.

"Let me take you," Justin offered me.

"Hey! You promised to take me shopping today," Britney whined to Justin.

"I'm okay. I can take a bus from here," I excused as I ready to leave the room.

"Wait!" Justin tried to catch me.

"Justin!" Britney yelled.

"I can accompany him, Just. Don't worry! You, two, go have some shopping," JC said to his mates.

"See! Everything is under control. Thank you, JC." Britney thanked JC. JC just nodded then left the room to chase me.

I was walking alone on the side of the main road heading to the nearest bus stop, it was a quite day, and all sudden a jeep stopped next to me. I saw JC with his sunglasses.

"Jump in!" JC smiled.

"I can go by bus. Thanks man," I just walked but he was still driving slowly beside me.

"Let's find it together. I can help, it's a lot quicker." JC spoke up as he was driving.

"Please leave me alone, JC." I replied then JC stopped his jeep in front of me, across the path, it surprised the hell out of me. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?" I yelled at him.

"I AM! Jump in! I'll take you wherever you go," JC opened his sunglasses.

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" I was so angry by now.

"As a friend, I won't leave you alone,"

"Stop it!" I shook my head

"As a friend, I will help you whenever you are in trouble,"

"JC?" I looked down

"As a friend, Please let me help you?" then he opened the door for me. I just smiled, as he was so stubborn. I looked at him for a minute then I jumped in to his car.

"And as a man, you talk too much." I teased him as I closed the door.

"Hey! You are so meant, I tried to persuade you with my beautiful words and what you." he started babbling as I looked at him and tried to hold my laugh. Then he realized, "okay I talk too much," I burst out my laughter.

"Okay that's enough, let's hunting!" I said.

"I saw this a beautiful place last week, let's check it out!" he said as he starting his car.

After 3 hours, checking some flats, I still couldn't pick one. Every flat that JC took me are so beautiful indeed, but the prices is just out of my budget.

"I think you should take that one, I love the view. Did you see the bathtub?" JC gave me some brochure.

"JC, as like the other last 6 flats. $1000 per week is so damn expensive for me, I can't afford it." I gave the brochure back.

"Let me take care the bill," JC offered me.

"NO way!" I rejected.

"As a friend." he started his poet again.

"JC! It's not gonna work again, I made up my mind." I stopped him.

"Okay! Okay! But I'm hungry now, let's find something to eat." He grabbed my hand.

We bought a large box of pizza hut and two large cokes for take-away. We had our lunch at the park, enjoying our pizza as seeing some kids running around far away from us. I was so enjoying the view the park, I was so jealous how those kids are so happy with their parents. I was glad that JC was with me, I'd never been so much fun before with anyone. He kept teasing me with his jokes and funny faces.

"Dave, can we continue to search your flat tomorrow?" he asked me.

"Why? you wanna go or something?" I asked him back.

"No silly," he mocked me, "Why don't we go to the theme park, it's been awhile thought,"

"huh? Are you six or something?" I mocked him back

"Excuse me. There is still a child inside everybody," JC explained and his explanation made me giggle.

"Then grow up!"

"You MEANT!" he hit me lightly, "come on?" he took my hand and drag me.

"But! But! I haven’t said 'yes' yet," I tried to slow him down

"I don't care. You should come with me," he started his jeep.

"See! You MEANT!" I joked and he stuck his tongue out to mock me.

And again, we had so much fun, we hang out until it is nearly close, by the was JC remembered to call Justin to tell our plan so he and his mother wouldn't have a panic attack again. JC insisted that he want to take me again to try some rides. JC didn't take me straight to Justin's place, instead we were cruising the city until midnight.

It was nearly 1am when we finally arrived at Justin's house. We both tried to sneak in as quietly as possible. We were heading to the kitchen for some drinks.

"Do you have fun?" JC asked as he pouring a glass of water for me.

"The best ever! Thanks man," then I drank my water, "it was like, you plan it already for my present,"

"Present?" JC confused.

"Yeah I turn 20 yesterday," I smiled and JC choke up with his water then spill over his shirt.

"Holly shit! Why don't you tell me!" he surprised

"JC! Be quite! It's not a big deal, anyway I have the best day ever, remember?" I quite him down.

"No way, we should celebrate it," JC insisted.

"Man, it's too late already," I replied.

"Let's turn the back of time," then JC took the clock from the wall and changed it into 23:55. "Now you still have 5 minutes left," he smiled and took some bread and lights a candle on it. I was amazed what he'd just done for me, I was nearly crying that time. "Now make a wish and blow the candle,"

"Thank you," I smiled then I blew the candle.

"Happy Birthday," JC hug me for a minute.

"Let's eat my birthday cake," I cut the bread into two pieces and gave one of them to him. As we were eating the bread, we were both so quite until I didn't realize that JC was watching me.

"Are you seeing someone?" all sudden he dropped me a bomb.

"What?" I looked at him in surprised.

"I said are you seeing someone?" he repeated his question.

"I heard your question, what do you mean by that?"

"Who do you love?" JC looked at me.

"Ooo please JC. Don't tease me. No one like me," I giggle.

"I do," JC replied, when he said that I lost my taste of humor all sudden. "I do love you," he repeated his word.

"Aaah I get it, as a friend, right?" I laughed as I was hoping what he just said, just joking. However he didn't laugh not even smile, he looks serious. I was stunt. The next thing I know, his lips was on mine for a minute or so until I pushed him.

"No! No! Please not me, JC. Not me. I'm sorry." I tried not to cry in front of him, then I ran to my room.

"Dave! Wait!" he ran to chase me but I closed my door already. He knocked my door.

"Please leave me alone, JC." I said, then he left my front door. I cried quietly, "I'm not the one, JC."


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