Label Free

By freddy fred

Published on Dec 23, 2003


Hey guys. My second submission is "Label Free". It's many a part of story, but just read this one to find out how it's set out and all that (jazz). I'm doing my best to express how I feel in my life of reality. These are dreams of mine and none of this is true. No disclaimers are needed in here cos it involves nothing but a bit of language I suppose. Have fun, and use imaginations!

Label Free

The sun had just risen above the horizon. Moving faster there than any other part of the day. It was my favourite part of the day, everything was whisked away from memory as the sun first hit your face and travelled down your body to fill the rest of the earth with its gracious beams. The water eventually began to get cooler as the morning warmed up. After the wave had broken and rolled into the shore I lay back on the board and looked at the time. The morning was late, it had just turned 8 o'clock. I decided to catch 2 more sets and head off to get ready for work. I began at 9:00 but every one knew I'd get there at 9:30 - 10:00, I was lucky to have a great guy as a boss.

The two sets rolled in and so did I. I stood my board in the sand and yanked my towle off the railing. As I began drying I twisted around to face the city form a stitch in my side. As I turned I saw Glenn, which took me off guard as I had never seen Glenn away from work. He saw me but kept moving toward the flags. He knew me, I knew him.... That's as far as our situation went. He never showed any interest in me, but I showed a lot of interest in him, if he hadn't noticed by now then those things he called eyes were a set of testicles. I continued to dry myself up and headed for the shower to wash my board off form the sand and salt. As I made my way up the top I ran into Jackson who had come in to see what the surf was doing.

"No surprise to see you here!" Claimed Jack.

"Ha, well same instance for yourself bro. No point going in now man. Your about 3 hours late" I explained.

"I'm no dipshit, dipshit! Been surfing longer than your sorry ass"

"My ass ain't sorry, I'd say it's happy and Round!!" I joked to Jack.

"Yeah, you keep ur queer stories to yourself." My close friends knew about me, I wasn't labelled like most guys like to be nowadays. I liked guys, that didn't mean I was any different to any heterosexual guy.

--> There was this one time I was walking from a club to my car to drive all of us home. When my mate's friend asked me if I liked looking at guy's asses. I replied simply, "Yeah. You check the tits and twats, wat's wrong with me checking the pecs?" I chimed.

"You a queer Flemo?" This juvenile fuck asked me. I turned and stared at him.

"You a dumb ass prick who doesn't know when to shut his mouth, Faggot?" I replied ( I see "faggot", "poof", "queer" as just names which don't offend gay orientated guys, just the insecure "straight" guys).

"Who calling Faggot? I ain't checking no guys backside"

"Well what do you call a guy who checks another guy's fist? I retaliated as I sent my fist toward his head and slammed him to the ground. "Did not know who the fuck your messing with, punk" I turned and walked up to my car. " Chocko, you want a lift, it's cool, but no slandering bitch is getting in my car" I claimed as every one climed in my van. <--

"Gotta head man, work's in an hour." I said turning toward the shower.

"Take it easy dude." He yelled back. I shoved my towel into my van and grabbed my cloth for the board. I turned to see Glenn was under the shower in his speedos. Seeing him there in most of his glory brought me to my knees (mentally). I brought my senses back to reality and played it cool turning the shower recess on beside him. He turned to look at me. As I continued to wash the sand form my board it surprised me as he turned the shower off and said, " Hey, you come into work every Friday night right?"

"Yeah man, I wasn't sure if you'd seen me, so I didn't want to make a dip of myself!" I said.

"Yeah, I'd seen you, you only been coming in for about 4 weeks now, so I'd have to have seen ya there aat same stage. It is small after all!"

"True true. I'm Mark Flemming by the way" I said holding my hand out.

"I'm -" I cut him off and said

"Yeah Glenn...." Realising what an idiot I was for saying his name, made me sound obssessed.

"How'd you know?" He queried

"Umm, I heard you speaking to Angela, also known as DJ Angel." I said, hoping that would get me off the hook.

"Oh yeah, that was weird, I'd never spoke to her before and she came up and asked me my name" He said remembering that night

--> A mate and me had been going to CBD for three weeks when we had started to get to know the DJ's spinning there. Her name was Angela his name was Miles. We had been speaking more to Angela on this night when I had thought that she would have known Glenn's name. I asked her over and said "What's that guy's name that's getting the Crown Lager from the fridge?" She looked over and replied that she didn't know his name but she would find out. Ten minutes later Angela walks past me and Glenn walks toward me. Angela turned around and said "I'm Angela, who are you?" He leaned over and said "Glenn" she talked for a bit and then walked off looking back at me with a wink and thumbs up. So technically I wasn't lying and did hear him introducing his name to Angel <--

"Yeah well, we all know how chicks think and work" I said, acting my best straight act.

"Yeah, complex complication is my motto for the women. So you headed into work on Friday?' he asked me.

"Yeah it's my hang out spot now (to perve on you)" I thought/said.

"Cool, well you'll see me after 12, I gotta serve at the bar in the resturaunt for a chrissy party" he said picking up his towel and gear.

"Nice stuff man, I catch ya there."

"Later" he said walking off down and across the stret to get into his car. I placed my board in my van, wrapped a towel around my waist and changed into dry clothes. As I closed the van boot, Glenn drove past and waved. I grabbed my keys as I waved back and opened the door and sat inside the vehicle re thinking this mornings events. I thought I'd die before I got to speak with Glenn. At the hotel he never even noticed my exsistance when I was around him. But I had obviously been noticed by him, and for that alone I was quite pleased. As I looked at my clock I saw that time was slowly becoming late and work wouldn't wait for me to get there, so I started Babe and got home to shower and eat before work.

The week passed by with few complications in between. Atm had a garage full of cars with little staff to do much with them. All week Glenn's image was in my head. Wednesday night was my band night where I sung at the Exchange. We played all types of music from the radio, from Britney to jazz and blues. While on my break Glenn walked in with a group of guys and girls. He noticed me and walked up to me.

"Hey man. What brings you here?" he asked

"I'm singing up with my group. What about you?" I said looking over at the group of people he was with.

"It's my girlfriend's birthday. She's 21, so it's a big night out!" He trailed on talking about all kinds of things as my brain soaked in that he had a girlfriend. My heart sunk through my feet then six feet under. I felt smaller than an ant at that moment. I realised he had stopped talking and had no idea what he had just said or asked.

"Ahhh....What?" I asked, embarrased for not listening.

"I said you look pale" he repeated.

"Yeah....A little sick man, just got some bad news from amate an hour ago. Sorry not with it tonight." I lyed.

"oh, no good dude, hey I gotta run, groups getting drinks. I'll catch you on Friday night?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm there." I replied looking at the ground. As we got back on stage again we began to play Mariah Carey's "Fantasy" in our rock version. Glenn was sitting in the middle on the wall with his friends listening to our music. While I was singing I paid more attention to him - kinda singing to him, cause after all it was a fantasy to be with him. Our night finished with No Doubt's "Sunday Morning" and afterwards packed our gear away. Glenn made a start towards me as I grabbed the amp.

"Great music man!" He said picking up the left speaker.

"Thanks, I try!" I replied modestly. We walked out to the van as most of the gear was thrown in there.

"So what was the bad new you received tonight?" He asked looking concerned. I racked my mind thinking of what to say here.

"Hmmm, our mate was in a car accident and we can't go away on Sunday" I said feeling proud as that was the quickest thinking I have done.

"That's shit man!" Glenn said. I started getting nervous thinking he caught me out.

"What's shit?" I asked.

"The accident...." He said looking confused.

"Oh, yeah. But there's another time to do these things. He's alive is the main point." I said, once again lying.

"He your boyfriend?" Glenn asked smiling and looking directly into my eyes with a sparkle of secrets shimmering out, "It's obvious man, you singing to me; when I told you I had a girlfriend that's when you turned pale; you knew my name. I figured it out. Good looking, yes. Dumb, no."

"W-well", I started to clear my throat from becoming uneasy standing here with him, "to answer that no he isn't. Secondly I didn't want you to know. You don't seem the friendly type to gay guys and I'm sorry if I offended you, but I can't help my feelings man."

"Hey, man, just chill," was all responded with. He grabbed my hands and lifted me off the side of the van, I came within two inches of him and he leaned in to kiss me, "I'm bi, but no one has to know that either!"

That's the end of this one. I'm not gonna continue my story if no one reads it. If you would like to know how it turns out email me and just simply ask to continue "Label Free". I have somewhere to go with all of this, so cheers guys!


Next: Chapter 2

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