Laceys World

By Lacey

Published on Mar 9, 2003


So why am I writing this? Well I have been chatting at #niftygirls during the last few weeks, and I wanted first to say 'Hi' to several of the girls there, QueenB1, Amber, Chibi, Claire, Exipnada, Honeypot, IslandGirl, LilCuteNiece, Mandy, Sammi, Sarah, Suzi, Tracy, Sapphia, and especially Imogen, who helped me get set up into the chatroom at the beginning. If I have missed anyone, please I am sorry, but I have chatted to so many in this short time. Many subjects have come up, and quite thoroughly covered I think, and there has been plenty of food for thought as well. My thanks go out to you all, and to the enjoyment I have had being with you, and I hope in the future as well.

Some background about me.

Commuting, whatever the city, is never fun. However I am normally going to my job, when others are going home. My name is Lacey, and I am an exotic dancer at clubs in and around London. I have a good agent, who gives me plenty of work when I want it, and I am never really short on money. And I am not tied to the same old boring clubs night in night out, but get a variety of venues during the month. The whole thing suits me to the ground. I work in the evenings, and have the day free. Mind you, I do go to the gym to keep fit and my figure, and I normally sleep through to about 11 am, so mornings can be a bit of a trial if I have to be up earlier. Recently I have been logging on to #niftygirls when I come back to my flat from work after mid-night, and chat into the small hours here, which, with the time differences round the world, means that I am going to bed at 3 or 4 in the morning when it is just getting into the evening in America, where most of the other girls seem to live.

I am 32 and I am told I am very pretty. I have a 34D size 12 (ish) figure, and dancers' legs. I am a lesbian, with a partner who mostly lives with me in my flat to the south east of London. I say mostly as she does stay elsewhere sometimes, depending on what is going on in her life. We enjoy and share each other when we are together. We are not jealous or possessive about each other and don't get umpty if the other has a different partner now and then. It seems to work well.

A friend once described my flat as being 'decorated in early Gestapo', but hopefully that was just a joke. I am not into SM or bondage, but am heavily into toys. My bedroom has two shelves on one wall filled with dildoes, vibrators, strap-ons, and butts plugs of various descriptions and sizes. Some I have bought myself, others I have been given or acquired in usage. I look upon the shelves as my trophy display really. The flat is very simple, a lounge/diner, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom (en suite to my bedroom) with bath and walk-in shower. There is a second, separate, toilet off the entrance hall. I am on the first floor, and have a nice view over the garden. That's about it really.

Whilst chatting to the girls at #niftygirls, I have been told several times, I ought to write down here what we were talking about, as I tend to draw on actual events that have happened to me, and use them in the chat role play scenarios when we are having a bit of fun. So here and, hopefully, in the following chapters, are descriptions of some of the things that just seem to happen to me. In respect to the fact that the people described here are my friends, I have changed their names etc., but if you do read this and find yourself here, 'Hi there!' The events described here are adult fiction, only for enjoyment and entertainment, so if you are young and innocent, go read something else. You have been warned!

And so to the first story...

Chapter One. A Workout in the Gym.

I go every other day to a small, ladies only gym in the south east of the London suburbs. My flat is near a tube station, and so is the gym, so it is an easy place to reach when it is raining, which is often during the British winters. As a dancer, regular exercise is important, and I like to keep me figure trim too. Upstairs is a long gallery of exercise machines, treadmills, moonwalkers, rowing machines, all that you would normally expect, and on the ground floor are the changing rooms and facilities, a swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam and dry saunas. It is very popular in the evenings, when most people have finished work, and sometimes at lunchtime, but in the afternoons it is quite quiet, with only two or three of us there with the staff. I am normally there for about two and half-hours, working at a gentle pace, but giving myself a good workout.

One afternoon a noticed a pair of young ladies, both blonde, about 28 years old with reasonable figures, reading the instructions on one of the exercise machines as I walked into the room. There is continuous mirroring along each of the walls, and as I put down my towel and drinks bag I watched their reflection as they looked me up and down and made some comments which I could not hear over the pop music from the bank of TVs over the treadmills. I wear a light blue, short sleeve, short leg all-in-one, under a white minimum exercise leotard, white sox and pink and blue Ellesse trainers. I have firm 34D breasts, short blonde hair and a trim figure. I liked the look of them immediately.

I strolled down to one of the blue floor mats near them, giving them a smile and a nod as I passed which they returned as they just stood there, watching me pass. They were both wearing similar white stretch tops and matching tight white cycle shorts, white ankle sox and trainers. On the mat, I started my warm-up routine, starting with stretches. As I worked I could see that they were watching me all the time. I decided to have a bit of fun and stood facing them, feet apart with my arms wide in a cruciform, showing them my tits and knowing that the leotard was cutting between my lips. Then I bent at the waist and joined hands to feet. After six of these I relaxed and stood shaking my arms and hands, then I turned my back to them and did the same cruciform exercise, showing them the leotard cutting in between my ass cheeks. As I touched my toes I could see them looking at me. One made a comment and put her hand to her mouth, her finger stroking her lips. The other nodded and licked her lips. Both were smiling unconsciously.

OK I thought to myself. I stood up and completed another couple of stretchings, and then lay down on the mat, my feet towards them. Bending my knees and lifting my legs, I supported my back with my arms. I then unfolded my legs so they pointed straight up to the ceiling. Keeping my legs straight, I opened them apart into a 'V' shape, giving the two a good look at my open crotch and ass. I did this six times slowly. My party trick came next. Being a dancer I pride myself on keeping supple and I performed six splits, my legs out wide, almost in a line level with the floor. I could not see or hear which said what to the other, but I did hear a 'Shit' over the music. I brought my legs together and slowly stood up, as sinuously as I could. I walked back past them with another nod and a smile. They had not moved from where they were standing when I came in. Both returned the nod, and I noticed that one had a damp patch where her legs met. I knew I was in for some fun.

After fifteen minutes on the Life Cycle, whilst the other two fumbled and giggled their way round a couple more machines, rather ineffectually, I decided to go over to them for a chat. As I approached them one elbowed the other and nodded in my direction and then both were looking at me. One, Annie -the one I noticed earlier had got wet, was sitting on the low seat of the Pec machine, and the other, Beth, was standing beside her. I asked if they were new to the gym, and they said that they had wanted to have a look round for ages, and had come in as they were free for the afternoon. Apparently Ruth on the Reception desk had let them in as a favour, as they should have been shown round first time by one of the staff, but none was available. Both were eyeing me up and down, taking note of my toned muscles, flat tummy and trim legs as they talked. I noticed Annie eyes kept on straying to my crotch every now and then. They asked if I was a regular, which I affirmed, and I offered to show them round and help if I could.

I walked across to a machine on the opposite side and suggested to Annie that she give it a try. She sat in the seat of the 'Abductor' and put her legs onto the support arms infront of her, straight out. Then I told her to open her legs against the ten-pound weight I had set on the side of the machine. Slowly she pushed her legs apart, getting them wider and wider. I told her to hold for the count of five and then slowly close them again. As she closed them I walked round to be infront of her. I told her to repeat the exercise and watched as the white of her cycle shorts revealed the damp patch between her legs as she opened them for me. She was watching my face and I made sure she could see that me eyes were on her crutch all the time as I encouraged her to open, hold and close. When she came to rest, I allowed myself to make eye contact, and again I smiled as I told her friend, "You know Beth, I can see Annie has a lot of potential." "Well I have never done this before," said Annie. "No, but I have," I said, and smiled again at Annie. She grinned back before replying, "In that case Beth, we have a good teacher."

"Either of you want a drink?" I asked as I went to my bag near the entrance. "I have a few bottles here." They joined me and I gave them each a bottle of energy drink. I had to break the ice. "So what do you want to do here?" I asked.

Annie replied immediately. "We are neighbours and our kids are now at School full time. We get together of an afternoon and either stay in or go out together until we have to pick up the brats."

Beth looked a bit shy and had reddened on her neck a bit. "Yes we stay in sometimes," she said, looking at the floor, and then she looked up and straight into my eyes, "But we decided to come here today, and I'm glad, 'cos you are nice, and I like you." Her eyes returned to the floor, self-consciously.

"And I like you Beth, and you Annie. I think you're my type of gals."

Beth's eyes returned to mine and she shot another quick smile at me, whilst Annie just nodded slowly.

"I think I can call it a day here, why don't I show you the Jacuzzi? Did you bring towels?"

"Errr. No," said Annie.

"No bothers, I'll get some from Reception as we pass." And with that I ushered them out the door and down the stairs. In Reception, I asked the Matronly Ruth for a couple of towels from the supply she kept for such emergencies. She looked at the other two and then back to me and smiled. "Made some new friends have you Lacey?" She shook her head and then said quietly, "I just don't know how you do it," and handed over the towels.

"We'll be in the Jacuzzi and the saunas, Ruth."

"OK. I'll let you know if any straights come in." She winked and turned back to her magazine.

"What's a straight?" asked Beth as we walked to the changing rooms.

"This is a gym for girls," I started.

"And so you get some girls who only like boys, and they are called straights," replied Annie. "And you get other girls who like boys and girls," she continued.

"Oh.... I see!" said Beth, holding Annie's hand as she walked. "Like us."

I looked back at Annie. She was looking at Beth, who was smiling up at her. Annie turned back to me and said that Beth had had a complication during the birth of her daughter, and this had left her a bit 'distant'. As we walked she explained that they had been at School together and had always been good friends. By chance they had become neighbours, and their friendship had become closer. Since the accident in the Hospital Annie had helped her more and ......... I stopped walking and they came up closer. "And..........?" I asked.

"We love each other," said Beth simply, and hugged Annie's arm.

I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and gave them a hug, ending with a kiss on each of their cheeks. "Let's go Jacuzzi," I said and we entered the changing room.

"Hang you things up with your clothes and take your towel," I said as I sat and took off my trainers.

"But, why...?" she said standing in front of me.

"Oh we only wear things up stairs for ease. Can't have bits flapping all over the place can we?" I asked with a grin. "Down here the windows are too high to be seen, so we usually go buff." I continued to stand and shuck off my clothes.

"What was that with the Receptionist then?" asked Annie.

"Well sometimes it gets a bit riotous, and there have been complaints to the Licensing Authorities, so Ruth let's us know if anyone suspicious is around, and we behave ourselves." I looked Annie in the eyes and she just smiled and said, "That's neat." Following her eyes I realised that she was looking at my puss. I have it waxed clear of hair, and I have a prominent clit. As I was getting excited I had already started to open and my clit was already proud. I ran my open hand over my puss and then said, "I like it!" and picked up my towel. "Come on you two, the Jacuzzi awaits....." I watched as they both disrobed. Beth had small B cup breasts and a close trimmed puss, with a little extra weight on the hips. Annie had D cups and was shaved. She had little excess anywhere. They picked up their towels and followed.

Classic music played in the background as we enter the large echoing structure that contained the pool, Jacuzzi and saunas. I hung my towel on the pegs nearby and stepped down into the sunken Jacuzzi, with its slowly swirling warm waters. I helped Beth down first and then Annie. Was it an accident that she slipped and I had to hold her steady, my hand under her right breast? When they were seated I pushed the switches to start the two air pumps. I then sat between them with my arms behind their shoulder. The water boiled with the air and the jets in the side massaged our spines. I felt a hand on my leg and then another on my other leg. I let my head loll back on the side as my two new friends slowly explored up my legs and met at my puss. As their hands met and they both realised that they were doing the same thing, they both turned and laughed at each other. I pulled them to me with my arms, and kissed them both, first Beth then Annie. Beth was a soft mouth kiss, but Annie gave me her tongue, and her fingers gently stroked up and down my slit. As I continued to kiss Annie, Beth took hold of my right breast and started to suck and lick it. My brown aureole hardened as her tongue tip licked across the nipple. Annie's tongue was getting more forceful, as was her fingers. Her thumb was caressing my erect clit, and a finger was inside me. Beth was now sucking my right tit and tweaking the nipple of the left between her thumb and forefinger. The hot swirling water completed the circuit and I felt my orgasm grow and then blossom. I twitched and shuddered three times and Annie drew back from me.

"Christ, you really are switched on, aren't you?" she laughed, and then she stood up and said to Beth, "It's your turn next." Beth stopped sucking me and took Annie's proffered hands. She stood up and then sat on the broad, shelf-like side of the Jacuzzi. Beth giggled and said, "We watched a video like this Annie," and then spread her legs apart, holding her lips open with her hands. Annie knelt on the underwater bench seat of the pool and, holding Beth's thighs went down on her open puss. I sat watching for a moment as Annie licked her friend, first her darkish lips, then her reddening hole, and finally her clit, which Beth had revealed with her fingers either side of it. Then Annie made it obvious that she wanted me to join in. She was kneeling with her knees apart, and I had a clear view of her puss and ass. I watched as her hand went between her legs and opened the lips of her puss. Her middle finger was tickling her clit. I moved behind her and went down on my haunches. Holding her hips I gave her puss a big cowlick, open flat tongue, from her clit, across the open hole to her tight brown ass ring. She wiggled her bum and took away her hand, in order to bury its fingers in her friend. My hands went to her lips and parted them again, and I started to lick her clit with the tip of my tongue, with my nose bumping her opening and her ring. I could see white cream and it tasted musky. I put a finger into her hole and gave her a gentle fuck. She was sooooo wet. I made it two fingers and curled them so I could feel the rough surface just inside. I licked her ass ring as I pumped my fingers in to my knuckles and back. I could feel her shaking. I pointed my tongue and speared her ring, getting it in about an inch. I could feel her clenching the muscle round my tongue as I continued to finger fuck her, whilst she continued to lap at her neighbour's cunt. I pushed a finger of my other hand in and out of her ass, going in to her ass as I came out of her puss. Suddenly she just froze, followed by a shudder that ran down and up her whole body. Her ring clamped hard on my finger, I pulled my hand away from her puss, and on the second shudder her cream squirted into my face. She gave another two earthquakes and then fell over onto the bench to one side. She was gasping for air but OK as I moved forward onto her friend's open puss and licked her clit furiously. Beth held my head in place and orgasmed as well, whilst I licked her juices and her clit. Then we were done. Beth climbed back into the pool on wobbly legs and I sat between them. The pumps had shut off whilst we were pleasuring each other, and just the water was swirling like a whirlpool. We sat there gathering our senses and the warm water gentled past us, round and round. Again I gathered Annie and Beth to me, and they kissed my neck and cheeks, and cuddled my arms.

"Now that's what I call a good workout," I said, which got me a kiss from them both, as Annie idly pinched my left nipple. I watched as a small raft of white swirled around the perimeter of the pool. I think it was a group of bubbles....

Next we met an old friend of mine in the dry sauna.

Next: Chapter 2

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