Laceys World

By Lacey

Published on Mar 9, 2003


Chapter Two. Fun in the Sauna.

Once we had got our breath back I suggested that we go into the dry Sauna. There are two dry saunas. One is maintained at about 85f and the other is Sahara Desert heat. We went into the cooler one, and sat on the lower slatted bench, the upper one being filled by the apparently sleeping body of another lady. Her head was turned to the wall but I knew her well. It was Julie, known as Jules, a 54-year-old lesbian, with a wicked sense of humour and bursting with good fun. Annie, Beth and myself started talking as girls do when they get together. After five minutes it was as though we were old chums, although I had not told them what I do for a living. Beth had become pregnant soon after leaving her school, and subsequently married the father, who was very loving to the child, but had backed off Beth since her accident in the Hospital had left her a bit slow. Annie had moved back into the area, and quite by accident had chosen the house next to Beth. She had married as well soon after leaving school, but after the second child was born, her husband left and they were divorced now. It was whilst I was telling them that I lived in a flat and did not work during the day that Jules sat up and said, "No, she works the Clubs at night, and a pretty little bum you have too!"

"What do you do?" asked Beth

"I'm a dancer. A stripper if you like," I answered.

"What infront of strangers?" asks Beth

"Yes. Men and women. But not down to the skin. We're not allowed to. That only happens at the private parties......"

"And Lacey just luuuuuuuves private parties, don't you Lace?" interrupted Jules with a grin, as she swung her legs round so that they were either side of my shoulders.

"Don't listen to her girls," I said to Annie and Beth, "she's just jealous," and I banged my head back into her crutch behind me.

"Don't worry about me," laughed Jules, "I still get plenty. Well... Enough to keep me going, anyway." She put her hands each side of her puss. "Can't see no moss growing on this, can you?" and her whole body began heaving with her laughter.

"So what do you actually do Lacey?" asked Annie.

"As I said, I dance. I have a good agent, who gets me dates in various Clubs, so I don't dance at the same venues every night. There are about a dozen or so girls, and through our agent we rotate fixtures and times. This way we don't get bored."

"And neither do the customers!" wheezed Jules.

"And she also books us out for private parties. There are always three or more for safety, and a bouncer. This is where we earn our money." I said. "But I'm not into doing 'extras' after."

"No. Normally she does it as part of the show!" chipped in Jules.

"Do you mean you do live sex shows?" asked the normally timid Beth who was suddenly getting interested.

"Only with the other dancers. Quite often we team up so we can. We have done it more than once you know!" I looked up at Jules and she smiled back.

"Definitely more than once!" she chuckled back.

I noticed that Beth had a hand between her legs, softly rubbing herself. Annie had her arms crossed, gently tweaking one of her breasts.

"Jules here, sometimes joins us for the parties, don't you Jules?" I said.

"Do you really?" asked Beth, now fingering herself more openly.

Yes. I can remember taking Lace to her first party." Jules put her hands on my head and started stroking my hair. I turned and kissed her knee. "What a party that was!"

"Yea! We didn't leave until about 5 in the morning, do you remember?" I said.

"Yes. We asked the taxi driver didn't we and had breakfast at that transport cafe on the way home. The driver had some with us," Jules said softly.

"But he didn't turn off the meter, did he?" I laughed. "Angie wanted to know why the taxi bill was so high, but we never told her!" I felt Jules laugh quietly as well.

"Dear old Angie. She was a good, hardworking agent, who loved her girls. God how I miss her!" Jules continued to stroke my hair. "Haven't worked since she went. Just don't have my heart in it any more."

I could feel the atmosphere suddenly get a bit heavy. "Jules we all miss her. We were lucky to join up with Mandy's Agency."

"I know. But you didn't live with Mandy did you?" asked Jules. Her hands were trembling.

"I'm sorry. I never knew Jules. You kept that quiet didn't you?" I said quietly.

"Well we had to didn't we. Wouldn't have done for the other girls to think there was any favouritism, would it?" She stopped stroking my hair and batted my head playfully. "Never mind. Water under the bridge," and she swung her leg into a gap and stood on the bench. "Just had an idea. Back in a mo." With that she stepped down and walked out of the sauna.

"Gosh!" said Annie, "that was a bit heavy."

"Yes. Sorry girls. I think that caught all of us a bit unawares. Haven't seen Jules for almost a year. Angie died about five years ago. I was one of her girls for over a year. None of us knew she was dying of bowel cancer. She just suffered in silence, and then went in to a private nursing home for three months, and never came out...... But I never guessed that she and Jules were an item. Well I never!" I was pondering on that when Jules came back into the sauna.

She had an enormous towel wrapped about her, and her hands were joined at her navel. She looked like a female Friar Tuck in white.

"Fancy one for old time's sake?" Jules asked with a grin.

"Well, err." I stammered.

With that she opened her towel and revealed she was wearing a 10-inch soft, pink strap-on.

"Taa Daaaaah!" she fanfared. "Just happened to have this in me handbag......." She grinned at me. "What do you think?"

Beth reached out and took hold of the pink cock. She pulled slightly and Jules moved over to her. Beth took hold of the cock in her right hand and sniffed it, then put it in her mouth, and tried to suck the flared head.

"She doesn't waste any time does she? Where did you find her?" asked Jules of me.

I was about to answer when Annie broke in with "She's my partner, alright?" a bit sharply.

"OK! OK! Understood! She's yours, OK?" said Jules with her hands up in mock submission.

"Can you get one of these Annie?" asked Beth, coming up for air. "They're fun!" She gave the cock a wank or two with her hand, sliding it up and down the shaft on her saliva. "I wouldn't mind this up me. Don't think I've ever had a cock this big!"

Jules stared blankly at Annie and then raised her eyebrows. "Is she always like this?" she asked.

"She's a bit like a child," said Annie, looking at Beth and mussing her hair. "She tends to speak what is in her mind, good or bad. Just like a child sometimes." She looked up at Jules. "I love her dearly." Jules just nodded back, with a small smile on her face. She nodded down at Beth, whose head was bobbing on the strap-on still. "What are we going to do about this then? I don't want to cause no trouble."

Annie looked at Beth and then at me. "Jules is OK in my book." I said.

"Best give her what she wants, then," said Annie. "Or I'll never hear the end of it," this said to Jules with a mischievous smile.

Beth stopped and looked up at Annie. "Really? Thanks Annie."

Jules made Beth kneel on the lower bench, and Beth found she was able to lay with her tits on the upper bench. I watched as Jules wiped the tip of the cock up and down Beth's slit a few times, rubbing it a couple of times over Beth's brown, puckered ring and then back down a bit, where she paused. She aimed the cock head over Beth's wet open entrance, and gave a little push with her hips, guiding the soft, slightly bendy cock up into her a couple of inches.

Ahhh! Oh Annie! It's so big!" gasped Beth, lying on her tits, her arms straight out along the bench, her head on the slats, turned to one side.

Jules nudged in another couple of inches withdrew almost all the way out, and then slid in one easy movement all the way up to the hilt, so she was pressing on Beth's bum cheeks with the frontplate of the strap-on.

It was as though it was pumping out the air in Beth's lungs as she exhaled as the cock went into her with an "OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooh!" Jules just stopped and waited until Beth had taken another breath, and then started a slow easy rhythm, sliding it in and out with the motion of her hips. I watched riveted, as the 10 inches disappeared and appeared, the skin round the entrance to Beth's fuck sleeve being stretched in and out. Beth gasped to her lover, "Annie I need you. Come here!"

Annie climbed up on to the top bench and swung her legs so they were either side of Beth's head. She shuffled forward until Beth could lick her cunt and then held herself open to her friend. Beth lapped at her friend's creamy gash, her curving tongue filling with cream as she licked first the round puckered entrance, and then up a bit to the clit standing out from its skin hood.

Annie leaned back against the wall and sat there, with her eyes closed, a dreamy smile on her lips. Beth lapped at her lover's dark red folded meat whilst Jules slowly fucked her with the 10 inch soft dildo strapped to her waist. I watched, a foot up on the bench, one hand round under my leg finger fucking my hole with a finger dragging over my back entrance, and the other hand at the front, frigging my clit, which was sticking out about an inch, the finger working up and down my slit, first one side of my clit, then the other, and sometimes actually over the oversensitive tip.

Jules hung on two handed to Beth's hips, slowly increasing the pace, heightening the excitement, until Beth suddenly shouted out that she was about to cum. Then she started to bang it in deep and hard. Beth seemed to jiggle about like a rag doll, speared on the end of Jules toy. All we could hear was, "Oh yeah! Shit! Yeah! I'm cumming! Yeah deep! Yeah! Yeah Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh Shit! Ahhhhhhhhh! Yeah do it like that! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Enough! Stop! OH Yeahhhhhh!"

Jules stopped fucking her and Beth collapsed once more down onto the top bench. Annie stroked her head; the hair was all matted with sweat. Sweat was pouring down Jules' body as well. I watched as a drip fell off the tip of one of her breasts. Her hand went to hold her toy and she drew it out. She turned to me and waved it at me, so that it turned in the air like a propeller.

"You're next," she said, " and I know how you like it!"

"I think we all need to cool off a bit. It's getting a bit fucking hot," I said. Jules moved over to the door and opened it. Cooler air wafted in, helping Beth and Annie to revive.

"Why don't we have a shower and then take it on from there?" I asked. I helped Annie down from the top bench, her legs wobbling a bit, and we then helped Beth to turn and stand. She was in an almost dream-like state. "Fuck that was good!" was all she would say over and over. We helped each other out of the sauna and over to the changing rooms where the showers were. Jules supporting one of Beth's arms, her strap-on wagging from side to side as she walked. Annie supported the other arm, and I opened the doors. We got under the showers and luxuriated under their needle sprays. Beth came to, and alternated between kissing Jules and telling Annie that they had to get one. Annie agreed each time, and I cooled down to be ready for my turn. I knew what Jules had in mind as we had paired at private parties many times over the years, and I gave my lower regions a good wash.

Ruth popped her head round the entrance door, talking as she entered. "Oh so you're out of the sauna then?" She stopped when she caught sight of Jules and her strap-on. "Hmmmm. I'll just go and get the key for the side room," and turned on her heel, and went back out. Jules just laughed. "She's a treasure ain't she?" she asked no one in general.

Ruth returned with a key and unlocked a door at the far end of the changing room, opened the door and turned on the lights inside. Turning a dimmer switch she lowered the intensity, and then came back to us. "Have a good time," she said to Jules and then her eyes swept round us and she left with a "Girls..." and was gone back to Reception.

We went over to some clean dry towels that Ruth had left and dried ourselves, and then I took my clothes bag and led them into the room at the end. Once we were all in I closed the door and slid on the small bolt. The room had various bits of furniture. A specially made leather sling hung from four chains. There were two massage tables. There was a chair like the ones used by a Doctor for internal examinations. One wall was covered with a gymnasium climbing frame. Light chains and padded manacles hung from a bar at one end. There was a low vaulting horse, so shaped in a 'Z' shape that one could kneel on it comfortable and be supported along the whole body. It was to this that I made my way.

I put down my bag and unzipped it. Rummaging around I found the tube of KY Lubricant and tossed it over to Jules. Beth and Annie were walking round talking in low voices, their murmuring punctuated every now and then with Beth's laughter.

"What did you think of my toy Beth?" asked Jules to get their attention.

"Fantastic Jules" enthused Beth as they came together. She stroked the cock lovingly.

Jules opened the tube of lubricant and smeared the clear gel along its length carefully, putting a big dollop on the cock head. I had got onto the horse so my rear end was presented to Jules. My knees were together and I reached round with both hand and held my cheeks apart for her. Jules held her pink toy in both hands and stepped forward so her feet were either side of my legs. She looked over her shoulder at Beth and Annie. "Now children, don't try this at home without supervision," and put the tip to my anus. I crouched there, actively relaxing my sphincter muscle as I felt the cold gel on the tip, kiss my brown, crinkley ring. Holding the cock in her hands, Jules carefully pushed at my back door. I felt the ring stretch open and then the bulbous head popped in through the gate. I let my held breath out in an "Ahhhhh".

"OK Jules, let her rip!" I hissed.

Jules started a small back and forth movement, and the other two came either side to watch the big cock gently feed in and out of my ass. Beth put her hand out and circled the cock, feeling it as it moved back and forth. Annie moved round to my face, and kissed me, her tongue snaking into my mouth. I felt the intensity of her kiss, and realised she was really charged up. She drew away from me and I told her to get into the horse. She looked at the box I was laying on and realised that the ends were open. Looking inside she could see through to the other end, and Jules's legs as she slowly fucked my shute, and from one end to the other was a soft, leather-upholstered bed, on which she could lie. I told her to pull it out and it came out to her touch like a filing cabinet drawer. Laying on her back on it, she was able to pull herself into the horse, so that when her head reached to the other end, it was at the right height to lick my creamy slit, whilst I, with very little difficulty could reach her's with my hands.

Beth had found the shelves on the wall, not unlike the one's I have in my own bedroom, on which were ranged a wide selection of vibrators, dildoes, strap-ons and plugs. She stood in front of them, running her fingers over them. I asked her to bring one, any one, over and to bring a condom from the shelf as well.

"What do you need a condom for?" she asked, picking up a nice purple soft vibrator.

"Those are toys for anyone to use, and they have been. We always practice safe sex here. So if you use a toy, it is always with a condom on it. No problems then with anyone who has used it previously," I answered.

"Oh. I see," was her short answer as she handed the vibe to me. I twisted the end and it hummed nicely in my hand. I felt Annie's fingers part my lips and her tongue lick along my slit, near my clit. Jules was slowly fucking my ass, giving me the odd slap on my cheeks. Beth watched as I put the tip of the buzzing vibrator to Annie's open puss. I felt her jump at the touch and then she stuck two fingers into my creamy entrance, as she watched at very close hand the 10inch soft strap-on cock work in and out of my anus. As I moved the vibe tip up and down her drenched slot, she finger fucked me, her thumb circling my erect clit, in time to Jules's stroke. Beth put a foot on the horse's inner couch and, with one hand holding her cunt open, frigged her hole with the middle finger of her other hand, right by my face. Her head went back and her eyes closed, as she drifted into her own sensual world. I closed my eyes and half lay, half knelt there, luxuriating in my ass being fucked by Jules, my cunt being finger fucked by Annie, and my hand lazily running the vibrator up and down Annie's slot.

All too quickly, my orgasm started to build. I wanted the feelings to go on forever and tried to ignore the signs, but there was nothing I could do to stop this particular avalanche from burying me. I was totally overcome, and started moaning and thrusting into Annie with the vibrator. Both she and Jules speeded up. I went past the point of no return, and felt Beth take over with the vibe. I held on to the sides of the horse and started to cry out as my back arched and my head went back.

Jules took hold of my hips, and started quick deep thrusts, pulling herself into me. I sensed the plastic balls hitting my opening. Annie was massaging my clit with three fingers, pulling it from my body. I started to buck and almost convulse, shouting to Jules to fuck me deeper, faster, harder. I heard a roaring and then a pressure in my ears, as I was swept with wave after wave of raw pleasure. Annie watched as I squirted four or five times cream from my vagina, splattering Jules on the leg or onto the platform I was kneeling on. Jules pulled herself from me and rubbed the red, very open ring that was my shit shute, to help it close. Annie lay there as I dripped onto her face. Beth continued to pleasure her at the other end, whilst she knelt and frigged her clit with her other hand. However, I knew nothing of this as I was almost unconscious, dragging in breathes in gulps, my eyes tight shut, my heart pounding in my breast. When I did come back to reality, it was to find a very smug Jules, standing beside me, stroking my hair, and kissing the back of my neck tenderly. Annie and Beth were lying on an enormous king-sized waterbed, face to face, cuddling and kissing. I turned to Jules and we deep kissed, our tongues probing each other. She drew away from me and smilingly said, "I've missed you lacy. I didn't realise how much." She kissed me again and then added, "I'm going to have to get out and see my friends again, ain't I? It's about time I think." And with that she helped me to stand up and get off the horse.

More from Lacey's World to cum.

Next: Chapter 3

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