Laceys World

By Lacey

Published on Mar 10, 2003


I first met Ruth, the Matronly Receptionist of the Gym in Southeast London, in my block of flats. It was a few years ago, and she had her then 13-year-old daughter in tow. Things were not going well. As I came off the pavement, through the front door into the hall, Ruth and Sarah were just exiting the lift, and were in the middle of a blazing row. Seemingly the babysitter had cancelled suddenly, and Ruth had no option but to take Sarah to work with her, something that Sarah did not want. She said she had homework to do, and her hair to wash, and countless other pressing things to do that night. I knew they lived on the floor above me, I had heard Sarah's music system before! It seemed that it would end in blows or tears, and I was planning on a night in, so I offered to baby-sit Sarah myself, in my flat. I had not been in the flats long, and had got plenty to do to mine. I felt that the young girl would be more of a help than a hindrance. Ruth clutched at the straw I offered her, and Sarah returned upstairs with me, whilst her Mum went to work, having given me some money for a take-away dinner for the two of us, and made the youngster swear to behave and not be a burden.

Less than twenty minutes later, I was showing Sarah into my flat. We had collected her homework, tapes, various clothes for day and night, make-up, you name it. I was in the process of decorating my bedroom, and had just finished papering the walls, and painting the ceiling. Sarah lay on the carpet in the lounge, with the TV switched on but muted, and set about her homework. I changed out of my clothes into my decorating gear, a loose fitting white terry-towel dressing gown, now showing the marks of many splotches of paint. I had bought that day a couple of self-fix shelves from the local DIY and set about reading the fitting instructions. I could not make myself understand them. I sat on the bed and read them slowly. Nothing! So I took them into Sarah. She was lying on her tummy, knees apart and bent, feet in the air, chewing her biro as she pondered the homework spread infront of her. She had kicked her black shoes off and was in her white school blouse, grey skirt and white short socks.

"Sarah, can you help me with this please?" I asked her. She rolled over and looked up at me. What a sight I must have been, because she burst into laughter.

"Why are you wearing that?" she asked.

"Because I am in the middle of decorating this flat, and I don't want to get any of my other clothes shitty," I answered. She giggled again, and I knelt down beside her, holding out the instruction sheet for her. "How does this work, love?" I asked.

She read the paper and then stood up. "Where are the shelves?" she asked standing infront of me. From where I was I could see her white cotton knickers up under her pleated skirt. I could feel myself flush. 'Stop it Lacey' flashed through my brain, 'she is too young, and you hardly know her Mother.' I pointed to the bedroom and she went in. When I entered she was kneeling on the bed, which was up against the wall, offering up one of the shelves to the wall. "It's easy Miss," she said, "It goes up like this."

"Call me Lacey, Sarah," I told her. "I will go and get the tools...... And we ought to get something for you to wear as well. Can't get your School things mussed up. Your Mum would never forgive me!" Sarah turned and put down the shelf. "I brought my dressing gown as well. Shall I put that on, like you?" I could not think of a reason for her not to, and so I smiled and nodded. Sarah went back into the lounge and I followed.

She rummaged in the holdall she had brought and came out with her pink dressing gown. She laid it on the sofa arm and removed her skirt, folding it neatly and putting it on the coffee table. She was wearing white cotton knickers that looked about a size too small for her. Next off was her blouse. Facing away from me, she unbuttoned the front and took it off her shoulders. As she folded it, I moved forward and unclasped her white bra. She gasped when she felt what I was doing but did not stop me.

"Might as well take everything off. I have," I told her.

I took the folded blouse from her and put it ontop of the skirt. She ran her bra down her arms and put it with the blouse. She had small, budding teats for breasts.

"Might as well take your socks and knicks off as well," I said in an even voice, which hid the rising excitement I felt. Our eyes met and locked. "Yes I would like that," she answered with a small smile and a far-away voice. I watched as she hooked her fingers into the waist elastic and bent over, sliding her knickers to the ground, and stepped out of them. As she straightened up they joined the other clothes and she fell back into the sofa. Leaning forward she lifted her left foot and removed the sock, then her right leg and removed that sock. As I stood there, all I could see of her was the top of her head and along down the ridge of her back. Then she leaned back, and back, and still further back, until her head was on the back upright cushions of the sofa. It was then that I saw her pussy had no real hair, just very thin, light coloured whisps. She tossed her socks onto the pile and put her hands behind her head. My eyes must have been wide open, because her smile grew broader, and then she opened her legs a bit.

I could feel my blood pressure go up a few notches, and my heart started to beat faster. I could not help but lick my lips, a bit nervously. "Don't you think you ought to put your dressing gown on, before you catch cold, my dear?" I enquired.

"But I feel so hot," she replied and, taking her hands from her head, started to rub up and down the tops of her legs slowly. I was mesmerised. Then I suddenly came too. The little minx was playing me.

"Come on Missy," I said, taking her dressing gown and chucking it at her, "We've work to do." I watched as her lips pouted a bit, and then she took her gown, stood up and put it on, doing up the chord round her waist.

"There'll be plenty of time for play, after we get the shelves up...... and you've done your homework." I went to the other bedroom and picked up the tools. Sarah helped carry the cable reel, and we returned to my bedroom. In minutes flat, the shelves were up on the wall. I stepped back to admire our handiwork, then stepped close behind Sarah. I put my hands on her hips and my chin on her right shoulder. I felt her head lean in to my face. "What was all that about on the sofa?" I whispered in her eye.

I felt her tense up and she drew a little away from me and turned to face me, but with her eyes looking at the carpet. "My Mum said you were.........." Her eyes came up to look into mine. She bit her lip. "She said...."

"That I was a lesbian?"

Sarah nodded and looked as though she was about to burst into tears.

"And what do you know about that?" I asked, moving to her and holding her to my breast, tousling her hair.

"The girls at School say that lesbians do to girls what the boys usually do."

"Oh yes," I said, trying to stop myself laughing, "and...?"

"I have never had a boy, but I thought......maybe you......Oh! It was nothing Lacey, honest!" and her hands went round my waist as she hugged me. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Sarah. I'm flattered. And yes, I suppose what you say has some truth, but lesbians are girls who love girls, just as boys and girls can love. It's the same love, it is just seen to be different by people who don't understand." I patted her back lightly. "Do you want to know what I am going to put on these shelves?" Sarah looked up at me, with tears in her eyes. I wiped them away and kissed her. "Promise you won't tell your Mum," I said. Her little head nodded, and she sniffed. "Pop into the loo and blow your nose on some paper," and as she went I made for the sliding mirror door of the cupboard. I retrieved the sportsbag from inside and hefted it onto the bed as she came back in, looking a little red eyed but a bit better.

"You're not angry with me, Lacey, are you?" asked her little voice.

"Of course not, Sarah. Now come over here and sit on the bed beside me," and I patted the bed next to the bag. "Promise you won't tell your Mum?" I asked conspiratorially. "Then unzip the bag and we will put them up on the shelf."

Sarah did as she was told. She unzipped the bag and looked inside. When she looked back up at me she was grinning from eye to ear. "Oh, Lacey!" she shrilled, "do they all belong to you?"

"Every one of them," I said and pulled out the first object, which was a blue plastic 5-inch vibrator. Between us we brought out all my toys, a selection of vibrators, dildoes, strap-ons, and butt plugs - about half as many as I have now, but still quite a number.

"My Mum has one like that," said Sarah, pointing to a cream coloured, ribbed vibrator. "She keeps it in her bedside drawer. She doesn't know I know its there."

"Pick it up and turn it on," I said. Sarah instantly became shy and coy.

"Naaah!" was all she said. I picked it up and turned its base. A low humming emanated from it, and I felt it vibrating in my hand. "Here take it."

Sarah took it and almost dropped it instantly. "I can feel it humming," she said, and put it to her cheek. "Ooooh! Don't it feel funny!"

I picked up another vibrator; this in the shape of a cock with veins down its shaft. "I like this one," I said, and turned it on. A deeper, stronger hum started. I opened my dressing gown and took hold of my left breast in my left hand. My right hand held the humming cock vibrator, which I then made circle my dark brown aureole on my left breast. The nipple stood up almost immediately. Sarah watched entranced. I took the vibrator to my mouth and sucked it halfway in, then pulled it out. Sarah giggled as she realised what I had done. Then she copied me, and took her left breast and made the nipple erect as I had done. "Ooh! That feels beautiful. It goes right into me." She then put it to her mouth and sucked it like I had.

"Do you want to do that to my breast?" I asked her. She shuffled up close to me, took hold of my breast and circled my aureole. The nipple was already erect and I felt the waves of raw emotion flow through me. I knew I was getting very wet, and was beginning to smell the aroma of my damp puss. I leaned back on my elbows and held my breasts for her. She vibrated first one then the other. The tie on my dressing gown loosened as I moved, and I felt cool air on my puss. Sarah looked down and saw I also had no hair there.

"Do you shave there, Lacey?" she asked, which brought me back to my senses.

"Yes, but I think I my go have it waxed soon."

"Won't that hurt?" she asked.

"Naaaaaah. Not really." I had not given it a thought. I lay down on my back, and picked up the cock. Without thinking I reached forward and drew the tip up and down my opening slit. I have a biggish clit that is about 1 inch long when I'm excited. It was just poking out when the vibe hit it. I flinched and then realised what I was doing infront of the kid. I turned to look at her.

She had stopped massaging my tits with the cream vibrator and had swapped it for a black one. She was sat on the edge of the bed, her legs hanging down, her knees apart, buzzing her clit and slot as well. She looked to me.

"This is fucking ace! Lacey," she said.

I was dumbstruck. Here I was with a 13 year old child, who I had only known for a couple of hours, and who was now sitting almost naked on my bed, pleasuring herself with one of my toys. 'Yes' I said to myself, 'this is fucking ace, Lacey!'

I sat up and decided that I ought to take charge of the situation.

"OK," I said to her. "Stop that right now!"

She looked at me quickly and pulled the vibe away from her puss as though it had just stung her.

"No," I said," I don't mean it like that. It's just that there are several rules if you are going to play with my toys.......and me." Sarah relaxed visibly.

"Firstly..cleanliness. Both of body and toy. We should both have a good shower and I always practice safe sex. No one uses my toys without they first put a condom on it. That way there are no cross infections, hmmmmmmm?"

She nodded as the ideas sank in.

"Secondly, each respects the other if they say 'Stop'. If you don't like it, don't do it any more. That way no one gets hurt, see?" Again she nodded. "I mean it Sarah. You don't have to get unnecessarily hurt to enjoy do you?"

"Thirdly, with me.........anything goes. And I mean anything, love. I'm too old to be shy." Sarah gave a wry smile at that. "And lastly, I will tell you what I want, and I expect you to tell me. I'm no thought reader and neither are you. If it wants a little more, or a little less, tell me, 'K?" She nodded again.

"Come on then, let's have a shower." And I stood up off the bed, took her hand and led her to the shower next door.

The water soon ran warm and we soaped each other over. She was totally unself-conscious as I ran my hands over her shoulders, breasts, tummy, ass and fanny, then her legs. When I stood up she copied me, and lathered me just the same. I stood with my legs apart and she carefully washed between my ass cheeks and my slit. I held onto the water pipe leading to the showerhead to steady myself. I looked down to see her looking up at me, grinning. Her soapy hands made another, unnecessary pass along my groove, and detoured into my entrance. "Oh! Yessssss !" I hissed as her fingers entered my cunt. She started to gently finger fuck me. I looked down at her face, amazed. She grinned back and then astounded me when she said, "My Mum likes me doing this." I suddenly understood. That was the missing part of the jigsaw! That was why she was so open to me. I let my head loll back onto my shoulders under the force of the shower water and felt her small hand slowly insinuate itself into me. She was fisting me! God what a girl. Her hand slipped in to her wrist and then she continued to fuck me with it. I could feel my orgasm building. Suddenly her tongue found my erect clit. She sucked on it and I felt it explode. I gripped the water pipe and convulsed with my orgasm, once, twice, three times, then a fourth. I found I had been holding my breath and fought to replenish my lungs. Her fist was still pumping up and down in me. I reached down with "Enough! Enough!" and she stopped. She gave my clit another lick and my legs almost gave way, then I felt her carefully extracting her wrist. When her hand was clear, I slid down onto the tiled floor and just sat there, getting myself back. She stood in the falling water, gently fingering her cunt, looking up at the falling water. I drew her to me and licked her cunny. She put her right leg over my shoulder and I licked her inner folds. I could feel her shudder under my tongue as it found her little button to the top of her slit. Then she too came, bucking on my shoulder, whilst her hands held my head for support.

Afterwards we just sat in the warm shower rain, kissing and cuddling, until we decided to get dry. We rubbed each other down with large towel sheets from the hot cupboard, and then she changed into her nightdress. She lay on the sofa and I covered her with a duvet, where she slumbered until her mother collected her at about half past midnight. Sarah gave me a very sleepy kiss as she left my flat, carrying her bag of bits and homework, after I had assured her Mum that she was 'a pleasure to have', and had been no bother at all. A few weeks later her Mum was to experience first hand with me what a pleasure her daughter really could be, but that is another story.

More from Lacey's World another day...............:)

Next: Chapter 4

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