Lakeside Lust

By Jake Parrish

Published on Jan 31, 2002


This story contains sexual activity between two consenting men. If such material offends you or you are underage, read no further. This story is based on real life event that occurred a couple years ago.

I've always loved the outdoors. The fresh air, sun, clear starry nights, being one with nature, it's awesome. It totally invigorates me. Every year, my friends and I get together and go camping. It is always a large group of us going and we go to the same spot every year. This place is pretty remote, and we can only get there by boat. It allows us to totally let loose and have fun. No one to complain when we drink and get rowdy, sing around the campfire at all hours of the night, and best of all, no one to care if we go skinny-dipping.

The past couple trips, I have taken my girlfriend Liz along. She's become a core member of our group and loves to camp and get just as wild as I do. My story however takes place before I met Liz. Neither Liz nor anyone else in our "Crew" (our nickname for our group of camping friends) know that I am bi, except of course for Jesse.

It was a holiday weekend two summers ago and I had gotten some extra time off from work. My friends and I had planned our usual trip to a lake about 90 miles from where I live. My buddy Matt and I were the only ones that were going to the lake early on Thursday morning. The rest of the Crew was getting in Friday night or Saturday morning. The night before, Matt told me that his girlfriend's cousin Jesse was going to be joining us. I had previously met Jesse at a party at Kelly's house a while back, but I really did not know him. Jesse was in college at the time and hanging around with a different group of people at the party, while Matt, Kelly and I were chatting up some friends we knew from school. I did remember how attractive Jesse was when I met him. He was close to 6' tall with sandy colored hair sticking out from under his well-worn hat. He was dressed much like any other college jock was dressed, torn jeans, tennis shoes, and t-shirt. I could tell from his well built arms that he worked out and after Matt introduced us, Jesse firmly gripped my hand and I stared into the greenest eyes I had ever seen. I broke from the stare and made small talk with him about where he went to school and what frat he was in. After that, I did not talk to Jesse again the rest of the night. He left early with some friends to go to another party.

Back to camping. I met Matt and Jesse around 10 Thursday morning at the boat launch. It was a three-hour drive for me from the city. Matt and Jesse had picked up the boat at Matt's grandparents house about 10 miles from the lake. Matt had inherited an old pontoon boat from his parents from the early 80's. It was our party barge. Many times the Crew would pile onto the boat with our sunblock, boombox, and a cooler, find a remote cove on the lake and party ourselves silly.

I could not help noticing how great Jesse looked. He had on ragged khaki shorts, his frat tee, sandals and the same hat from when I first met him. His strong muscular legs had a covering of light blonde hair. Unfortunately, he was wearing shades and I couldn't see his emerald eyes. Matt and I were dressed similarly to Jesse with old shorts, sandals and t-shirts we knew would be dirty or taken off the second we got off shore.

"So who else is coming out today?" I asked Matt as we finally got all of our gear loaded onto the boat.

"Just the three of us for today. Kelly is coming up with Chris and Kate tomorrow evening, and then Billy, Mark, Max, Nate, and their women are coming on Saturday. Nate is bring up the ski boat and Billy's got the jet skis," Matt said.

"Good, I'm looking forward to doing a little water skiing. Do you ski Jesse?" I asked.

"Tried it a couple times, but always fell on my ass in the water. I'm from Atlanta and we don't do much water-skiing in the city," he said with a slow, deep southern drawl.

"This is Jesse's first time at the Lake," Matt stated.

"Virgin eh? Then I'll be sure we go easy on you," I winked at him as I hit him on the back.

"I hope not. My cousin and Matt have told me some wild stories about this place. I hope I get to experience everything here. Maybe even get out of the water on the skis this time."

"Don't worry man, you're getting no special treatment this weekend. Your ass is ours once we get out on that lake," Matt laughed. "Right Jake?" If only Matt knew how much I wanted Jesse's ass in another sort of way. I simply nodded and laughed agreeing with Matt.

The sun was hot that day and for only being 10 in the morning, it had to be about 85 already. Matt and I were talking about his current job woes on the boat ride to our campsite. Jesse stood at the other end and was simply taking it all in. When the heat got too unbearable, we all removed our shirts. Matt commented on how my diet was working and how running was working for me. I was overweight after college and Matt inspired me to start running and dieting a few months before this camping trip. At 26, I was not about to let my body start falling apart. I did not think Matt was checking me out, we always felt secure enough to comment on each other's bodies. Jesse was a piece of work though. He was very tan and had great pecs and a well-developed torso. His chest was hairless, but he had a happy-trail that started a few inches above his navel and ran into his shorts. The shorts sat low on his hips and I could see that irresistible contour of his pelvic bone that made a V. His shorts were too baggy however to see what kind of package that V was pointing to. After Matt finished telling me about the project he was finishing up at work, I walked over and talked to Jesse.

"So what do you think of this place?" I asked as Jesse kept looking out at the clear water and lush green mountains that surrounded the entire lake.

"Amazing. The only lake I've been to was crowded and overdeveloped. There's nothing but wilderness out here. I love it."

"Now you see part of the reason why we all love coming out here every summer. By the end of the weekend, you will be hooked on this place forever, trust me." I could not help but to think that by the end of the weekend, I'd be hooked on him forever. Once we got to shore, Matt and I tied the boat up. We unloaded our gear and set up camp. I set my tent up in my favorite spot, along a lush patch of grass that looked out over the water. I noticed that Jesse was not setting up a tent. "No tent Jess? It gets cold out here at night and buggy if you are planning on sleeping under the stars."

"I'm staying in Matt's tent tonight. I don't have any camping gear, so Matt and Kelly are letting me use theirs."

"Actually Jake," Matt popped his head out of his tent. "Do you think that Jesse could stay in your tent after Kelly gets here? We've got room in here, but Kelly and I love having sex out here in the middle of nowhere and it's been awhile for us."

"No problem. Don't want to interrupt you getting your groove on. I sure as hell am not getting any this weekend," I responded, secretly hoping that would not be the case with Jesse now in my tent.

"No girlfriend meeting up with you tomorrow or Saturday, Jake?" Jesse asked.

"Nope, not if you don't count Rosey Palmer and her five sisters," I joked.

"Same here. My girlfriend Anna and I broke up in May after graduation. She was moving to Seattle after getting a decent job. I'm still looking for one. No job, no girl, damn."

"Sounds like you could use a 12 oz. friend," I said as I went into the cooler and threw him a beer.

"Isn't it a little early to drink?" he asked as he opened his beer anyway.

"Boy, you've got so much to learn" Matt yelled from his tent.

"Don't you belong to a fraternity? Isn't drinking requisite? Out here it is always beer o'clock. Now don't let me hear you question our drinking schedule again or let me see you without a beer in your hands at all times, you hear me boy?" I was laying it on thick with him.

He responded by pounding his beer down in a few gulps, crushed his can in front my face and said to me, "Yes sir. Thank you sir, may I have another?"

"Matty, I think we got ourselves a keeper. Jesse is going to fit in just fine with the Crew," I said.

Matt, Jesse and I spent the next two hours pounding beers and shooting the shit in the shade of our campsite. Jesse really was fitting well with Matt and I. We had a lot in common. As much as I lusted after this guy, I knew that even though he was straight, and I pretended to be 100% straight, he and I could be good friends, no matter what. After the beers had gotten to us, we decided to slow down the drinking so we could take the boat out. While we were sobering up, we searched the surrounding woods for firewood. Jesse questioned why we would need to keep warm around a campfire if it was so hot out. We simply explained the campfire was for ambiance. It was our central location at night where we would congregate, tell stories and sing. Our buddy Mark and I always brought guitars. I think I loved singing at the campfire or out in the middle of the lake more than anything in the world.

After we gathered enough wood from fallen trees on the forest floor, we had some lunch, changed into our bathing suits and headed for the boat. Jesse filled our cooler with beer while I grabbed my guitar, shades and a towel. Matt made the unfortunate mistake of checking in with his office on his cell phone. Jesse and I waited on shore as Matt was looking upset pacing the campsite. He slammed the flip cover on his phone and yelled "Fuck!" He walked down to the shore and explained to us that his supervisor found a major mistake in his project and that he needs to work on it.

"What the hell do you mean, work on it?" I asked. "It's a fucking holiday. Can't it wait until you get back on Tuesday?"

Matt said that the project was due on Tuesday and that no one else on the team was available to work on it. If he did not get back and work on it, he would lose his job.

"That sucks! Now you've got to drive three hours back to the city?" Jesse questioned.

"No, I've got my laptop in my Durango, but the battery is worn down and I need an internet connection. I can work at my grandparents' house. It should only take like three or four hours," Matt said dejectedly.

Jesse and I took Matt back to the boat launch. I told Matt that I would have my cell phone on and to call me as soon as he needed us to pick him up again to come back to the campsite. I felt bad for Matt, but I was also relishing in the idea that I was now alone with Jesse for the rest of the afternoon.

The sun was even hotter and somehow, Jesse was looking even hotter. I took the party barge to one of our favorite coves and threw the anchor in. I had passed another cove that had a few more boats in it. Normally, with the Crew, we would pull in and party with other people on that lake too, but this time, I wanted to spend some time alone with Jesse. "Here we are. Be careful not to dive deep. We're only in about 6 feet of water," I said as I grabbed a beer and threw one to Jesse. I gulped down half of it and then grabbed the sun-block that Matt left on the boat.

"Can I get some of that sun-block up off you?" he asked.

"Sure, you do my back and I'll get yours?" I said as I handed the bottle to him. We both squirted some of the white creamy goo in our hands and covered our own faces, necks, arms, chest and stomachs. I squirted some more in my hands and approached Jesse. "Sorry I'm not some hot chick with huge tits doing this to you," I said as my hands touched his skin. His skin was warmer than the lotion I was smearing on his back. His shoulders were broad and well defined. "Looks like somebody works out."

"Yeah, I played rugby at school and like to go to the gym," he said breathlessly. I think he was enjoying my work. I managed to turn applying sun lotion into a massage.

"You've got a bunch of knots in your back. Do you want me to work them out for you? I am a massage therapist," I said as I continue to rub his back and shoulders. I worked my hands to get his sides and even down the small of his back.

"That feels good, are you really a masseuse?" he groaned. "I thought Matt said you worked in IT with him."

"I am going to school part time to be a massage therapist." I was starting to get hard touching this guy. All my training had talked about the ethics involved in sexually stimulating your clients and being stimulated yourself.

But this guy was not a client, he was a friend who's back I am applying lotion to. Still, I did not want him to see me get hard. "It's too fucking hot out here, I've got to get in the water soon. How about I work out those knots later?"

"Sounds good to me. Now let me get your back." I turned and he squirted the lotion in a line down my back and worked it all in. He attempted to give me a mini-massage too and we talked about my workout routine and how I was hitting the gym regularly and about my running program. I am about 5'10" and weigh 175 lbs. I've got short curly light brown hair. I've got a decent build, but my best asset is my legs. They are hairy, thick and muscular. Not long and lean, like a runner should have. I am better built for soccer or rugby.

We both took a few more sips of our beer and jumped into the lake. We splashed around a bit and commented how refreshing the water was. I was floating on my back and lost sight of Jesse when I felt something from below the surface of the water pull on my leg. I was completely pulled underwater. I was attempting to fight off my attacker when a burly set of arms closed around my chest from behind. I did not want to get out of Jesse arms, but I needed to make it look like I was playing along and wrestling him in the water. As I attempted to break free, I tried wriggling my body. I ended up grinding myself against him in an effort to get free. He only held onto me tighter. I was rubbing my ass right into his crotch. I could feel him getting harder underneath me. We kept up this routine for a few more seconds and then Jesse let go of me. We went to the surface and grasped for air.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked him as I splashed some water at his face.

"Maybe," he said as he grabbed my neck and put me in a headlock. He pulled me under again. I reached across his chest and pinched one of his erect nipples. I was not sure if they were hard from the cold water or from the excitement. He flinched a bit but kept a strong hold of my head. I wanted to be daring and grab his cock, but decided not to push it. I grabbed of tuft of his armpit hair and he let go of me. We both surfaced.

"Fucker that hurt!" he said jokingly.

"You may be able to overcome me with strength, but I fight dirty."

"Obviously, grabbing my tit, yanking my underarm hair and grinding your ass onto my dick until I am about to blow my wad." I was shocked that he would acknowledge his hard-on and my actions to make him hard.

"Whatever it takes dude. I hold nothing back," I said as I winked at him. I swam over to the boat and climbed back in and finished my beer. He followed me. I watched him climb up the ladder as the water dripped off his body. It was like I was watching him in slow motion. It reminded me of commercials where a hot guy pulls himself out of the water with the sun reflecting golden off his skin, and the water accentuates every ripped muscle of his body. I loved how his happy trail was wet and darker. His swim trunks had fallen at his hips and the trail of hair widened before disappearing in his waistband. The wet fabric clung to his body and I could see the outline of a very nice bulge in his trunks. He was not erect any longer, but still very full. I did not want to stare too long, so I turned and grabbed my guitar as he grabbed his beer and toweled himself off.

I played a few of my favorite Dave Matthews songs while Jesse spread out on the front of the boat singing along and staring at the beautiful mountains surrounding us. I played a few more songs and then Jesse got up and looked for something in the bag he brought with him. "You got a lighter?"

"Sorry man, I don't smoke. I think Matt might have one he leaves on here for such emergencies." I got up and found Matt's lighter and threw it to Jesse.

He pulled a blunt out of his bag and waved it at me. "Do you mind if I..."

"Oh shit, go ahead man. I thought you were talking about cigarettes. I don't fucking mind at all, as long as you share." He lit it, took a long drag and passed it to me. I did the same. We ended up sitting next to each other dangling our legs over the front of the boat into the water. We were sitting so close that I could feel his leg hair softly caress mine as he would make circles in the water with his feet. This was heaven. I wanted so badly to lean over and kiss him, but I was afraid that he was not feeling the same way about me. We just sat there, traded stories about college, parties, girlfriends, career aspirations, as well as our philosophies of life. One tends to wax philosophical when stoned. We continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery around us and discuss the meaning of life.

Over time, the weed, sun, and beer had taken it toll on us and we both were sleeping on the deck of the boat. I was awakened by my cell phone ringing. I looked at the time when I picked it up, it was after 7 p.m. Jesse and I were out on the lake for nearly 5 hours. Matt was on the phone and said that he was going to be much later than he expected. I told him to call any time and we would get him, but he said he would most likely have to work until after midnight. He said he would just meet up with us in the morning.

I wished him luck on his project and relayed the news to Jesse.

We headed back to the camp. I started the fire and Jesse grabbed two steaks from my cooler for dinner. We chatted some more over dinner and then decided to play a few drinking games after doing the dishes in the lake. After that got boring, we decided to sit by the fire and talk. I asked him about his love life and he said that he and Anna were not all that happy. He just wasn't sure what he wanted out of life and she had a definite plan about where her life was going. He said toward the end, their sex life became non-existent with the pressure of finals and his refusal to move to Seattle with her.

"It's been like four months since my last blowjob. Isn't that pathetic?" he said.

"You're lucky you found someone that gives head at all," I responded. "All of the girls I dated didn't like going down on me, but they sure liked it when I would eat them out. I got sick of giving and getting nothing in return." It was true, the only place I really could get good head was from guys at the gym who liked to fool around in the steam room or sauna.

"I hear ya brother. Wish I knew where to get good head." I was tempted to tell him about my gym experiences and offer to give him one myself. But I was not that experienced sucking dick myself. I had only done it a few times. Even at the gym, the guys that would suck my 7-inch monster never asked for one in return. I would have been much happy to oblige and return the favor.

I had to make a first move or else I'd regret it. "Sounds funny, and I'm not queer or anything, but I hear that guys give better head than girls because they know what they like done to them."

He sat there for a second and did not say a word. Oh fuck, what did I just say? Jesse turned and looked at me, "Yeah I hear that too." We sat in silence for a few more minutes before he turned to me again and said. "This sounds queer too and I don't want you telling anyone I said this but ... it's true."

"What's true?" I probed. Bingo, I hit the jackpot!

"Guys give better head. We do these hazing rituals with the pledges and sometimes the older brothers make the pledges suck them off and stuff." He looked at me nervously.

"Damn! Wish I joined a frat back in college. I've got to go to the gyms in gay neighborhoods to get head these days," I laughed. This seemed to ease the tension quite a bit.

Jesse lit another blunt and we moved our chairs next to each other by the fire. We laughed and joked and traded stories about head from men and how ridiculous it was for straight guys to have to turn to other men to fulfill them sexually. We also talked about the stigma attached to same-sex relations and the idiocy of to having to hide your actions with other men for the sake of society.

"Have you ever done anything else beyond getting head?" he asked. This was just where I was hoping our evening would lead.

"Just jacking off with the same guys at the gym. Sometimes I will let them finger my ass too. How about you?" I was getting harder and harder as the conversation progressed. I could see him adjust himself too.

"Just jacking with my frat brothers." He paused, "So does it feel good?"

"Does what feel good? Getting my ass fingered? You've never fingered your ass when you jerk off? It feels incredible man."

"Umm, so what goes on here with all these people? Kelly said something about skinny-dipping. Is it just one big orgy?" He sounded interested in the possibilities.

"Depends. It's never been one big orgy, but sometimes when we get drunk and high, people's inhibitions are lowered and there's a lot of groping and making out. Most times any of the stuff that happens occurs when we meet up with other people on the lake who come back here or are camping out here on the point. I've never done anything with another guy out here though, except for fucking this chick while her boyfriend was there. A few times he grabbed my dick and I did the same to him."

"Sounds a lot like the kind of stuff that went on all the time at the frat house," he said while rubbed his crotch with one hand and his shoulder with the other.

"Those knots in your back still giving you trouble?" I asked.

"Little bit. How about that massage you promised me?"

"Sure, let's go into my tent. I've got an air mattress that you can lay on." We both stood up, noticing the sizable tents in our shorts. Our eyes met and we both smiled at each other.

We got into my tent and I turned on my lantern. Jesse laid down on my mattress while I took some aloe gel out of my bag. "Normally I would work on this sort of thing without any lube, but you got a sunburn and this will make it feel good."

I warmed the aloe in my hands and started to rub his back. I started at his neck and shoulders and clinically worked out the knotted muscles in his shoulders and traps. He also had some lactic acid built up and I gave him a few pointers about stress relief and proper stretching after workouts. But things were turning far too professional. I was losing the mood we had set, so I put more aloe into my hands and sensually worked up and down his back. I asked him to loosen his shorts to get his lower back and legs. He lifted his hips off the mattress and completely took them off. "We're both grown-ups here," he said. His ass was beautiful. His cheeks were two perfect mounds covered with a dusting of light brown hair.

I worked lower and lower down his back until I touched his ass. I had one cheek in each hand and worked toward the outside toward his hips. My motions were spreading his cheeks apart and I could see his rosebud. I wanted desperately to touch his hole and run my hands up and down his crack.

He moaned the harder that I kneaded his ass and moved down his legs. I noticed that he had his dick tucked facing down and it was prominent under his fuzzy balls as he opened his legs wider. I worked up and down his legs.

When I moved up them again my hands caressed his inner thighs and brushed across his balls. He moaned more. "Oh dude, this feels awesome. Don't stop," he sighed.

I focused more attention onto his balls, inner thigh and ass. I ran my hands up and down his crack. My thumbs paid extra attention to his anus. "You were right, it does feel good, stick your finger in." I worked him some more and then inserted my finger into his warm and welcoming hole. He was completely relaxed as I pushed my finger deeper. I massaged his prostate and then inserted another finger. I could see the tip of his dick leaking pre-cum. We were both totally engorged. I told him that I was going to get comfortable and took off my shorts with my free hand.

I fucked him with two fingers in his ass and then asked him to get up on his knees. As he did, I reached under and jerked his 6.5-inch cock with my free hand. It was uncut and I slid the foreskin back and forth over his bulbous head. I proceeded to roll his balls in my hand, working them one at a time before going back to his dick. With two fingers in his ass and the other three massaging his perineum and the other hand stroking his cock and balls, he was getting close to cumming. I stopped after he told me to and he turned and sat on the mattress.

"That was fucking incredible. I was just about to blow my wad, but I wanted to savor it. It's your turn," he said as he grasped my dick that was inches from his face. He stroked my cut cock and grabbed my balls. He pulled me closer to him and started to suck my dick. First his lips closed around the head and then worked further down the shaft. His tongue was making little circles on the underside of my meat and it was driving me crazy. I was breathing more heavily as he sucked my dick harder and harder. His head was bobbing up and down on my member and at one point I could feel the tip of my dick hit the back of his throat. He did not gag once. This was one expert cocksucker no matter what he said.

"They trained you really well at that frat house," I gasped. He had me lay on the mattress while he sucked me. His left hand pinched my nipple while his right hand brushed along my stomach, moving down to my bush, caressing my inner thigh, balls and pubic region. I was over the edge. I was moaning so loudly that I am sure that my cries of pleasure echoed off the mountains across the lake.

I remembered Jesse telling me that he had not gotten good head in months, so I instructed him to lay on top of me and I took his hard cock in my mouth. As I sucked him off with the same vigor he was pleasuring me, I found his ass again and stuck two fingers back inside. We kept up this routine for another few minutes and then he let go of my cock, turned around, and laid on top me, dick on dick, chest on chest and face to face. He kissed me deeply. Our tongues wrestled similarly to the way our bodies had wrestled in the water earlier that afternoon. He was grinding his dick into mine as I guided his actions by grabbing his ass. "I want you to fuck me," he said as he pulled his mouth off of mine. We kissed some more and then he got off of me.

"You sure about this?" I asked. "I've never done this before. This will be my first time with another guy."

"Me too," Jesse said, "but if you can work your dick in my ass the way you just were with your fingers ..." I needed no more encouragement. I reached into my bag and pulled out a condom.

"Just to be safe," I said to him as I took it out of the package and unrolled it on my dick.

Jesse was stroking his cock as he watched me put the condom on. He was now laying on the mattress on his back. "Is this how I should be?" he asked.

"Guess so," I said as I squeezed some lube onto my cock and on my fingers as I prepared his ass. I faced him as I lifted his legs in the air and slowly entered his ass. He groaned a bit, and soon my entire 7 inches was inside him and I was slowly pumping away. I held his legs and plowed this stud as he jacked himself off. Then he wanted to flip over and do it doggy style. This was the same position he was in earlier as I first fingered his ass and jacked him off. I pounded him harder and harder and could feel that old familiar feeling in my balls, I was getting ready to blow my wad. "Think I'm gonna cum soon Jess"

"Turn me over again, I want us to cum at the same time and I want you to shoot your load on me." His talk was making me even closer to going over the edge. I pulled out of his ass and we both laid next to each other on the mattress. We were facing each other and pumping our own cocks. Our tongues met again and I felt him let loose and shoot streams of hot milky seed on my stomach. Some of it got into my chest hair as well. Not but a few seconds later, I was blowing one of the largest loads I'd ever seen onto Jesse's stomach, in his bush and all over his dick and leg.

We both fell back in utter exhaustion. His leg crossed mine, my arm fell onto his chest and we both fell asleep. I awoke the next morning with Jesse spooning me. My cell phone rang in the tent and we both immediately jumped up. I looked over at him and smiled. He did the same. Matt was on the phone and said that he was leaving his grandparents' house soon and would be at the boat launch in a half hour. I had almost forgotten about Matt.

Jesse and I were still covered in cum crusted and matted our body hair. We both grabbed a towel and headed down to the lake to wash up. We were pretty quiet and I was afraid this was going to be awkward, but he broke the silence. "That was fantastic. I've never had sex that good in my entire life."

"Me neither. You were fabulous," I said. "I hope it doesn't ruin things for us, I mean. From this point on in the weekend, we'll have to act straight and like none of this ever happened."

"I could never forget what happened, but I know what you mean. I don't want any of your friends or my cousin Kelly finding out what we did. But since we are now sharing a tent anyway ... we'll just have to be really quiet."

I soon left to pick up Matt, while Jesse stayed back and made breakfast for us. We had an awesome day of teaching Jesse to water ski, swimming, joking and getting wasted on the lake. The rest of the weekend was even more fun than previous trips after the others got there. Jesse and I really seemed to bond. Over the next three nights Jesse and I silently fooled around in my tent without anyone else knowing what was going on. Hell, with all the couples getting it on that weekend, our moans would have blended in with all of theirs.

I was sad to see Jesse go back to Atlanta after our weekend together. We emailed frequently and Jesse was soon adopted into the Crew. He managed to make at least two camping trips a summer after that, but he and I never got the chance to be alone like we were that one time. Last summer I met Liz and she started coming on these trips, as did Jesse's new girlfriend Briana.

Jesse and I got together only one more time since then for sex when I had to attend a conference in Atlanta last spring. I've got another conference coming up this spring in Atlanta and Jesse has insisted that I stay with him. Briana will be out of town he tells me. Looks like I'll get to show him some new massage techniques.

Tell me what you thought about my experience. If you like it, I've got more encounters to share. Email me

Next: Chapter 2

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