Lakeside Lust

By Jake Parrish

Published on Jan 13, 2004



It's hard to believe how much my life has changed in the three years since my first gay sexual encounters with two hot men at the lake. I kept in close touch with both Jesse and Shane, but decided at the time that it would be best for me to remain in the closet. They seemed supportive because Jesse considered himself to be straight and did not want anyone to find out about our hot fuck session. Shane, who is openly gay, knew the pressures of coming out, being out, and asking yourself, am I really gay, can I deal with that and how will my friends and family deal with that? Both he and his roommate Eric agreed not to talk about what we did and Shane and I kept our friendship at the platonic level.

For a little over a year, I dated a terrific woman named Liz. We got along fantastically as friends, but deep down I knew that this relationship would not last because it was not based on truth. I knew I was gay and could not deny my sexual desire to want to be with men. I'll admit, being with Liz and having a hetero life on the outside was easy. I did not have to explain myself, I did not have to worry about what other people would say or think about me, I did not have to change my behavior around my hetero guy friends so they would not think I was coming on to them. Why do all hetero men think gay men want them? Despite the easiness of not being "out," the closet was a lot worse and I had to deal with my worst critic, me. I was not being true to myself.

Anyway, over time, my relationship with Liz began to fall apart. Luckily I live in a gay friendly area and I found other outlets to satisfy myself sexually. After Liz and I had broken up for good, I began hanging around with Shane more and more. Shane was dating a guy named William. It really got me thinking, maybe I could be gay and out and live a full happy life. Shane and William were prime examples of that. With their encouragement and support, I found the strength to come out to my friends and family, who were extremely supportive.

Shane was a really good friend to me and had all the qualities I was looking for in a romantic partner. While he encouraged me to get out there and date, I was still insecure about my place in the gay community. I also did not want to let him know that I did not date because I thought I already found the perfect man, him. Shane was also in a relationship with William. Why would he want to be with me?

Shane and I never had sex other than that one time in my tent. I often fantasized about him and would jump at the opportunity to get to feel his warm soft hands caress my body, grip tightly around my throbbing cock, and take me in his warm wet sensuous mouth again. I had also gotten much better giving head since the last time I sucked him off and I wanted to show him I was no longer a novice. Alas, I never acted on my urges with Shane because he always talked about how sleeping with your friends complicates your relationship..

That would all change for me one snowy weekend at a cabin on the infamous lake.

Eric's father owned a pro shop on the lake. Not only did he sell fishing and boating supplies, but damn near everything else you could think of. He also did repairs on my friends' boats as well. Eric's mother ran the lodge that is part of the large resort on the lake. It was a real family business. The resort is only open from May through the end of October. I guess it was around New Years this past year when I was talking with Shane and Eric to find out what they were doing for an upcoming long weekend. Eric said he Shane, William and a couple of their friends were heading up to the lake. The lake freezes over every year and hiking trails along the mountain make it perfect for snowmobiling. I said I wanted in and soon enough the emails started flying back and forth among all of us to plan the trip.

I was a little surprised when I got to Eric's parents house Friday afternoon. I thought we were going to be staying there, but he told me that his mother was letting us use the lodge for the weekend. They had to keep it heated anyway so the pipes would not freeze, so why not just stay there. The lodge was warm and cozy. Each bedroom had its own fireplace and the master suites had Jacuzzis in them. Unfortunately, Eric's mother would not let us use the master suites because they were on the south wing of the resort, which was newer and did not need to be heated all winter, like the rest of the older parts of the lodge. We were confined to three rooms in an older part of the lodge, which was fine with me because it was quite quaint and there was plenty of firewood to keep us warm. Luckily we did have access to a hot tub that was outside the bar and main room of the lodge. I also looked forward to sharing a room with one of Eric's cute friends.

Shane and William took the room with the king size bed. Eric and his cousin Dwayne claimed the room across the hall with two full size beds and a view of the lake. That left me with Nick in a similar room to Eric and Dwayne without a lakeside view, which was fine with me because the view of Nick was spectacular. Nick is a law clerk at the firm that Shane works at and is on Eric's softball team. I had met him once before at a party the guys threw for Shane's birthday but I did not give him too much attention because I was there with Liz. Nick was about 6'2" and was built as heartily as Eric. There was no doubt these two jocks worked for every ripped muscle on their body. His eyes were a warm, friendly, soft brown. It almost looked like he had a tear in them at all times. Nick's skin was also the richest color mocha I had ever seen. When we met at the lodge, he was wearing a black turtleneck and jeans. I told him how much I admired his boots, but I was really admiring this stud from head to toe. His goatee and dreadlocks that he kept hidden under a black ski cap gave him a sense of mystery and really turned me on. I was not sure how I was going to be able to hide my erection around this guy all weekend.

Dwayne looked nothing like his cousin Eric. While Eric was shaved and sculpted from head to toe, Dwayne was more pale, scruffy and unkempt. His body was also not nearly as buff as Eric's and he lacked the worldliness Eric had. Don't get me wrong, Dwayne was a nice guy, and he was quite funny. I never heard the word fuck come out of someone's mouth as much as it came out of Dwayne's. Dwayne was about 10 years older than the rest of us, had grown up his entire life on the lake, and never really left the area. He was also married, but had gotten a reprieve from his wife to snowmobile with us and stay at the lodge for the weekend. Dwayne was excellent at keeping the snowmobiles running all weekend, but really did not seem to fit in with the rest of us at first. Eric had told him that Shane, William and I were gay and he was cool with that. While he and I did not have a lot in common, the one thing we did was our enjoyment of a stiff drink and primo marijuana.

Nick and I were unpacking when the unmistakable pungent aroma of pot wafted across the hall. I looked up at Nick and sniffed. He did the same and we both smiled and went into the hallway to find out whose room it was coming from. I looked into William and Shane's room and asked if they were smoking, but got my answer when William said, "Christ, they're getting stoned already?" William did not smoke pot because he's an airline pilot and got tested frequently. I think he was resentful because he wants to and sees his boyfriend and all his friends enjoying it. Shane threw William a fifth of bourbon that he was unpacking and said, "Here, catch up with this. We'll be in Eric's room."

It was already too late and too dark to snowmobile and we were half lit anyway, so we decided to stay in and hit the trails in the morning. I heated up a hearty stew that I brought while Dwayne passed around some of his homemade venison jerky. It was not half bad, which surprised me. We sat around the fire, drank, and shot the shit for a while. It felt a lot like our camping trips, except instead of folding chairs and rocks, we were sprawled out on plush sofas. Eric called dibs on the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace and Sane and William snuggled on a two seater. Dwayne had us in stitches with stories of when he and Eric were growing up. Even though Eric seemed to be the butt of the joke every time, he took it well and laughed along with the rest of us.

Later on, I took out my guitar and we sang a few songs until Shane suggested we play a drinking game. We all switched from hard liquor to beer, except for Dwayne. He said he never feels the effects of beer until his eighth one, so he was sticking with his Jack and Coke. Needless to say, Dwayne was the first one to pass out. We did not even know he passed out until we noticed that he never came back from going to take a pee. Eric checked on him and said he was passed out in bed with all of his clothes on, snoring like a motherfucker.

The game went on for a couple more rounds. I kept staring across the table at Nick, and then my eyes would dart back to Shane, William and Eric. I was thinking, what the fuck is wrong with you Jake? You've got four hot drunk men sitting around the table with you and haven't taken advantage of the situation yet. I stood up, slammed my beer down and said, "Fuck this drinking game, who wants to go into the hot tub?" I did not give anyone time to answer as I got up, walked over to the sliding doors and went to the deck to take the cover off the hot tub. The temperature read 104 degrees, perfect. I came back in, shed my sweater, kicked off my shoes, socks, pulled off my tee shirt, then jeans and finally my boxers. I turned to the guys who had all watched my striptease and said, "last one in has to roll around in the snow first."

I eased my naked body inch by inch into the scalding water. The wind outside was whipping the snow against my skin until I was completely submerged. From the tub, I watched each stud inside remove every piece of clothing and started fondling my hard dick under the water. Eric was the first to be completely nude. His caramel skin was not as sun kissed as it was during the summer, but he was delicious all the same. He was shaved from head to toe. He was working on becoming an amateur body builder and you could tell by looking at him that he spent every waking minute in the gym. His pecs were firm and well developed. You could also see every single one of his ab muscles. My mouth watered at the sight of his waistline that formed into a perfect V. Swinging between his tree trunk legs was a six-inch uncut cock that rested on top of two large balls in their low-hanging completely smooth sack. I had seen Eric nude before when we were skinny dipping at the lake, and he did not look nearly this succulent, nor was his cock that large. Could my supposedly straight friend be aroused? I wondered. Then he did a few poses for me where he flexed his bulging biceps each surrounded in a tribal tattoo band. Then he turned around and flexed his lats in his back and then his perfectly round butt cheeks. Oh yeah, this show was for my benefit. "Don't shoot a wad in the hot tub Jake. I don't want to be swimming in your jizz."

"Then don't put on a fucking show for me and just get in the water. Damn dude, I would kill to have a body like yours," I said.

"Yeah well, maybe if you got your ass into the gym with me more often and skipped your running and yoga, you might come close to having a body like this. It ain't easy work my friend," he said getting into the hot tub.

Eric threw his arms over the top of the tub as he laid back and looked up at the sky. I was too busy watching the show inside. William and Shane were undressing each other and making out. This was really getting hot. They were still standing by the fire. Shane was in a pair of white briefs that did nothing to hide his raging hard on. I guess it did not help that William had a hand down there. William was still in his boxers and a white tee shirt. Shane broke from their tongue wrestling and slowly removed William's tee shirt over his head, licking from his hairy abs all the way to his nipples. Shane stopped to suck on Williams hard nipples, while William finished the job of taking his shirt off. William had one hell of a hairy chest. I could easily see he had spent as much time in the gym as Shane, but not nearly as much as Eric and Nick.

I lost sight of Nick during Shane and Williams suck fest. Perhaps he had found a better seat for the show as well. Eric continued to stare up at the perfectly clear night sky. It was amazing how many stars you could see when you left the city.

The show inside was getting me hotter and hornier. I could not help but grab my dick under the water. I felt a heavy thud against my leg. It was Eric's foot. "I told you dude, I do not want to be swimming in your spooge!

Get out of the hot tub if you want to jerk off watching those two get it on."

I could barely hear what Eric was saying as I was totally transfixed by Shane running his hands through William's pelt of dark blonde fur, sucking on his nipples and kissing all the way down to the waistband of William's tenting boxers. Shane began to latch his thumbs under the waistband when both men looked up suddenly. Nick had entered the room carrying a small cooler and a stack of towels. He was wearing a pair of gray boxer briefs that really accentuated his dark skin. It looked like he was apologizing and quickly headed out to join Eric and me. Shane and William gathered their clothes and headed toward the hallway leading to our rooms.

"Guess they forgot they were not alone," Nick said as the gust of cold air made him shiver. "Fuck it's cold out here!"

Eric looked up again. "Cool, you remembered the beer. Get your ass in here before you get frostbite."

Nick put the cooler down next to the hot tub and stripped out of his underwear. I tried to make it look like I was not staring, but from where I was sitting in the hot tub, he had to get in right across from me. Number one advantage of getting into the hot tub first, a sure fire head on stare at the cocks getting into the tub and the asses getting out.

Nick's body looked pretty smooth, much like Eric's, except Nick did not shave his pubic hair. Nick had a nice looking cut cock and a decent set of low hanging balls that would surely had shriveled up inside of him had he stayed out in the frigid air any longer.

"Looks like it's going to be just the three of us," I stated as I looked into the lounge to see nothing but a roaring fire and clothes thrown all over the furniture.

"I'm surprised they went as far as they did in front of us," Eric piped in. I did think that he was paying attention to Shane and William's show.

"That's funny," I interjected, "Shane always seemed like an exhibitionist to me."

"Yeah but William is not. He's pretty damn conservative when it comes to public displays of affection, much less foreplay in front of the rest of us." I could not tell if Eric liked William. I know there was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way, but that may have had something to do with the fact that William's cock was probably right now in the hot sensuous mouth I wanted my cock in. He also had the heart of the first guy I truly had feelings for.

"Oh well, more beer for us," Nick stated as he reached over the side of the tub and grabbed three bottles out of the cooler.

Nick, Eric, and I spent the next hour in the hot tub drinking, smoking a bowl, and getting to know each other better. While Nick and Eric were close, I did not know either of them all that well. Most of my interactions with Eric were through my friendship with Shane. It was nice to get to know him a little better.

Nick turned out to be an interesting guy as well. Unfortunately for me, the topic turned to pussy and Nick and Eric talked about chicks at the gym they thought were hot and who they hooked up with from the softball team. There went my hopes that Nick was gay as well. Despite being straight, both men seemed to enjoy my company and it did not bother them that they were here on this trip with three gay men. I mean, Eric was totally cool with it already. He and Shane had been roommates for almost three years and was totally supportive of me when I decided to come out last year. He even tried setting me up with another gay friend of his, which turned out to be a disaster, but that was not his fault.

Nick was beginning to nod off in the hot tub after the conversation wound down. I was pretty exhausted too from the long drive north, copious amounts of alcohol and pot, and the heat from the Jacuzzi. I suggested we call it a night and Eric and Nick agreed. I got another fantastic view of Nick's naked body as he climbed out of the hot tub. His cock seemed to grow a bit longer in the hot water. I did not get to enjoy the view too much longer as he ran inside to dry off. Eric stood up was completely hard. He saw my jaw drop open as his cock was merely inches from my face. It was bulging much like the rest of his completely smooth body. "What? The jets make me hard. Don't get any ideas," he said as he stepped out of the tub. Just as he was climbing out, I got a view of his perfect ass. Even his puckered hole was completely hairless.

I quickly followed Eric inside and we toweled off in front of the fire. It was highly erotic watching Eric rub the soft cloth all over his hard body. His boner did not seem to want to go down either. I was beginning to realize that Shane was not the only exhibitionist in their apartment. Nick dried off and put his boxer briefs on rather quickly. He also threw on a pair of shoes lying by the door and went back outside to cover the hot tub. We had finished all the beer in the cooler, so he also picked up the empties and left them in the cooler outside.

Eric remained nude and was warming his ass in front the fire that was just beginning to die down. His erection still seemed to have a spark of life. As I was slipping back into my boxers and tee shirt, I glanced up and saw him stroke it a few times. "Nick seems like a nice guy," I said, trying not to give Eric the satisfaction of having me watch him wank.

"Yeah, he's real cool. I had a feeling you two would get along," he said with a slightly odd tone in his voice.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I think you know what I mean Jake." I did not know what he meant, but by the time I got around to probing him further, Nick came back inside.

"Happy to see us Eric?" Nick asked noticing Eric's hard cock pointing straight out at him.

"It's got a mind of its own and it loves the heat," he said as he shook it.

I was getting pretty damn hard myself. I did not know how much longer I could stand to see this supposedly straight stud standing a few feet away from me buck naked and stroking his hard cock. He kept pulling the foreskin over his head and sliding it back down again.

"Yeah well stroking it doesn't do much to make it go down either," Nick retorted. "Jake, you should see the ruckus this son of a bitch causes in the steam room at the gym by stroking that thing. I go in there for a nice relaxing steam after a hard workout and he's got every dude in there jerking off watching him."

"Yeah right, that's why you go into the steam room," Eric laughed.

This was definitely getting interesting and I was suddenly no longer tired. I wondered what would happen if I continued to just take a seat on one of the comfy couches and watch this scene with Eric and Nick unfold.

"Whatever bro," Nick said as he gathered up his clothes and headed down the hallway. "I'll see you guys in the morning."

Hmmm, that left just me and a horny Eric. I contemplated my next move. I could either follow Nick back to our room, or I could sit there and watch Eric stroke himself. If I stayed with Eric, there was no way I could not just sit there without jerking my own rigid cock. Maybe he was doing this because he wanted me to make a move and give him some head. I would love to get that monster into my mouth, I thought. Then again, Eric was a huge tease too.

"So tell me what you meant before about Nick and me getting along well, and what were you implying about Nick in the steam room?"

"You're a smart guy Jake, figure it out," Eric smirked.

I could not help rubbing my hard cock through my boxers. As I did, the head slipped out the loose leg opening. I was dripping precum. Eric saw this and turned toward me.

"You want this cock don't you?" he asked as he walked closer to me.

I could only nod my head and I reached my hand out and grabbed it. His soft flesh was hot in my hand. My thumb and index finger barely made it around his girth. I slowly pulled the foreskin back. His bulbous pink cockhead was oozing. I ran my finger along his piss slit and he let out a moan. "Oh fuck yeah, that feels so good," he whispered hoarsely.

I let go of his cock and sat back. "Are you really sure you want this?"

"I wouldn't be standing here with my hard cock in front of you if I didn't. Please Jake, I need this." He grasped his dick again and stroked it. I could smell the sweet precum just inches from my face.

I reached back out and moved his hand away from his dick. "Do you always do this sort of thing with other guys?" I resumed stroking him, feeling all the veins that ran down his meaty shaft.

"Sometimes when I need to get off. What the fuck did you think Nick and I were just talking about a minute ago?"

"At the gym, in the steam room? Tell me all about it." I was getting even more hot thinking about Nick and Eric fooling around with other well toned studs in a warm moist environment.

I fondled Eric's balls with my free hand, while my other one tightened my grip around his throbbing cock. I began to wank him fiercely as he told me about the guys who would fight over him and Nick, begging to touch them, jerk them off, suck their cocks, take them home and offer their tight asses to them.

I then varied my strokes and lightly brushed up and down Eric's shaft, over his bare pubic area, around his thighs and lightly grazing his balls. You would have sworn he blew his load by the amount of precum he was leaking.

I stood up and slid my boxers off. As I did, Eric reached out and grabbed my dick. This was most unexpected. I had figured I would end up just giving him head with nothing in return. His firm grip sent shivers down my spine. His dry calloused hand was a little rough as he tried to stroke my cock. I had no problems with his dick because he was uncut and already well lubricated. I could tell that he was not used to jerking cut cocks. After his hand would not slide far along my thick seven inch shaft, he settled for squeezing it and playing with the head.

"You've got a great cock Jake," he whispered as we studied each other's bodies up and down.

"I never knew you liked cock Eric, especially with all the talk you and Nick were doing about pussy." I continued to stroke his dick with one hand while my free hand was now exploring up and down his chest and six pack of abs.

"How could I not love the male form? Besides, my mother always taught me, you must also give something in return in order to receive," he laughed. His chuckle turned into a gasp and then a moan when I reached for his suculent perk brown nipple.

We moved even closer together. I could smell the chlorine on both of our bodies from the hot tub. I looked into Eric's chestnut eyes and leaned in to kiss him. Eric took his hand off of my hip and moved it to my face to push me away.

"Don't. Please, no kissing okay?" he asked. It seemed to me that this was what he wanted, but something was holding him back. Then I remembered back when I was first starting to fool around with guys when I considered myself straight with a few gay tendencies. Kissing men was also taboo in my book. I thought that if I actually kissed a guy, then I would have to admit to myself that I was gay. I reserved kissing for romantic partners and I sure as hell did not want to admit I could have feelings for another man. There was nothing wrong with jerking another guy off or getting your dick sucked, but no way, not kissing.

I took both hands off Eric's amazing body, stepped back and stared at him. I contemplated for a second about whether or not he and I should take this any further. He was not into kissing and if he felt the same way about kissing as I once did, then obviously he is just looking to get rocks off. I'm just another horny fag feeding his ego by worshiping his body and giving him an orgasm. This has absolutely nothing to do with me, I realized.

But then I thought about it. Who the fuck cares? I did not have feelings for Eric either. Yeah sure we were friends, but I knew this would never lead anywhere. I got off on giving pleasure to people, so what's the big deal? He was a total stud and it got my libido pumping just seeing him standing there nude, rock hard before me, begging me to worship his body. Besides, we were both pretty wasted, so we could always blame it on the booze and weed.

His voice broke me from my dilemma. "I'm sorry Jake. I don't kiss ..." He did not have to finish because I stepped back close to him and pulled Shane's best friend and roommate into a great big bear hug.

"It's cool man." I held Eric tightly, running my hands all over his toned muscular back and down to his bubble butt. Eric enclosed my body in his massive arms and we began grinding against each other. Our hard dicks were smashed together, moving as if they were having a sword fight. I positioned my cock so that it would slide Eric's foreskin up and down. It made him leak so much that there was now plenty of lubrication on my dick if he wanted to jerk me off again. I could feel the hairs on my stomach and my bush matting from Eric's lustful desire.

Eric reached down between us and tried to fit his hand around both of our cocks. There was too much girth and he needed both hands to encircle us. I resumed playing with his nipples while he was jerking us off.

The whole time we were exploring each other's bodies with our hands, I could not help but miss the kissing aspect. My mouth felt odd having nothing to do and things seemed less intense without our tongues wrestling. After a few minutes, my mouth could hold back no longer. I leaned into Eric and started licking and sucking on his neck. He did not seem to mind this at all. "Oh yeah dude, that feels so good,'' he moaned.

I pushed Eric down onto the couch. I knelt before him on the bearskin rug. I could feel fire's warmth on my backside and it cast strange shadows all over our bodies. I resumed kissing Eric's neck and made a path down to his nipples. He had thrown his head back and closed his eyes. He gripped my thick curly hair with matched intensity. "Oh fuck yeah," he cried as I licked and grazed his left nipple with my teeth.

The heat from the fire and our passion had both Eric and I sweating. His skin was no longer tasting like chlorine. After giving each nipple equal attention, I lifted Eric's arm and began licking from his nipple over to his arm pit. Eric's natural scent was driving me insane with desire. I began lapping his entire torso, tracing his perfect abdominal muscles, and then fucking his belly button with my outstretched tongue. I held his hips tightly and then started to follow the perfect V downward.

Eric must have shaved recently because I could barely feel any stubble where his pubic hair should be. Now, I've always found the happy trail leading from the navel into the bush to be one of the hottest traits on a man, but for some reason, Eric's smooth pelvis with that huge dripping cock resting on his left hip was the hottest fucking thing I had ever been inches from.

I did not suck Eric's dick immediately. I licked along the ridge between Eric's pelvis and right thigh. My fingertips were making little circles barely touching his massive tree trunk legs. Eric's ball sack was as loose as when he had gotten out of the hot tub. I started to massage one testicle and tug on the pliant skin. I took the other nut into my mouth and rolled it around on my tongue. As I had done with his nipples and arm pits, I gave equal time to the other nut as well before moving south. I lifted his sack and began licking from the underside, down to his taint. I contemplated going the extra inch and eating his ass out, but I was not sure if he would be into that. Then again, he was already putty in my hands and loving everything I was doing so far. I also decided that it would not be fair to his dick that was even harder than before, now pointing straight up and leaving a slimy trail below his navel. I licked back up to his balls. Maybe he would let me slip a finger into his hole if he liked my cock sucking enough.

"Oh please man, I can't take it any more, suck my dick," he whimpered. I took hold of the thick shaft, slid the foreskin back and started a series of kissing and licking from the base of the shaft up to the head. I decided that I would tease him a little more with light pecks until he took a firm grasp of my hair and shoved his cock into my mouth. I almost choked as he pushed my head further down. His salty sweet precum was like nectar from the gods. My tongue tickled the underside of his shaft as I started bobbing my head up and down. The only other time my mouth had been that full was three summers ago when I was sucking on Shane's dick in my tent. I was working pretty hard on Eric's tool, but apparently not hard enough as he started to buck his hips and fuck my mouth. I picked up the pace and we soon had a good rhythm going. I grabbed my own cock and beat my meat with at the same feverish intensity. I could tell that it would not be much longer for either of us.

"Oh shit Jake, I'm getting close," Eric cried after he had been fucking my mouth for about two more minutes. "Stand up, I want us to cum at the same time." He pulled my head off his dick and then lifted me to my feet as he too stood up. We gripped each other's wet cocks and beat each other off fervently. Eric leaned his upper body weight into me and held my back tightly with his free hand. He started biting on my shoulder. I felt a jolt of electricity. It was the first time that I actually felt his mouth on my body. I turned my head to the side as he licked, sucked, and bit all the way up to my neck. I could feel my own orgasm approaching. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head. As Eric's mouth got closer to my chin, I turn my head down toward him. Our eyes met in a locked longing stare. At the same time our lips parted, met and we became one infused raging impulse.

Our tongues sloppily danced as my cock exploded all over Eric and I. He did not last a second longer as I felt his dick throb in my hand and jets of hot cum erupt. My leg was searing from his load, as my load seemed to bind us together at our bellies.

We broke from our embrace and Eric flopped back down on the couch. "Holy shit that was hot!" he said, trying to catch his breath. I turned and was about to fall onto the couch next to him when I looked up and saw that Eric and I were not alone. Shane was standing in the doorway holding two bottles of water. The expression on his face was blank, but the tent in his pajama bottoms suggested he had not just walked in a second ago. We made eye contact and neither of us said a word. I looked down at Eric. He was still lost in the afterglow. "I've never cum like that before," he sighed. His dripping wet chest was still heaving. He was covered in our semen.

"Yeah that was fucking intense dude," I said, turning back toward the doorway. Shane was no longer there. I grabbed the towels that Eric and I had used to dry off after the hot tub and threw one to Eric. "Here, clean up."

"Thanks man." Neither of our dicks had gone soft while we wiped the remaining cum and sweat off. "I should take a shower," Eric said as he stood up and looked for his underwear in the piles of clothes that were strewn about the lodge's lounge. He did not bother to put them back on once he found them by the door. He walked toward me, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Guess I'll see you in the morning." That was it, apparently no further talk about what we had just done. I did not tell him that Shane saw us.

"Yup, bright and early." I grabbed my own boxers and followed him down the hallway. I wondered if we would run into Shane, but when we got past Shane and William's room, the door was shut. I could hear Dwayne snoring in Eric's room from out in the hallway. "Oh that will be pleasant for you," I laughed.

"I'm too fucking tired to let him keep me awake. Night Jake." Eric closed the door and the snoring ceased. I turned and went into my room. I could hear Nick breathing heavily, but he was not making nearly the amount of noise that Dwayne was. The room was a lot cooler than the lounge and I immediately felt naked. It was pitch black and I did not want to turn the light on and wake Nick up, so I felt my way around to my bed, pulled back the covers and climbed in.

My head was spinning. This was definitely going to be one weekend that I would never forget.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 4

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