Lance Air

By moc.loa@yagnimtseW

Published on Jan 12, 2001


Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction . . . this story in NO way implies that any of that characters are gay in real life . . . This is a story of consenting male adults in sexual activities if this offends you or you are too young to read then GO AWAY!

Lance Air by: (Mike)

You spend your life reading and hearing stories of fantasies . . . then one day you wake up never expecting it to happen to you . . .

Chapter 2

"J.C. pick up the phone," Lance was in the limo calling his friend. He has probably got some boy in his bed and they are both knocked out from a night of hard screwing. That boy is a walking hormone and a wild man, Lance thought to himself.

"Hello," a groggy voice responded.

"J.C., it's Lance I have to tell you what happened on the plane. I met a guy and we talked the whole flight. Then after we landed I hid in the bathroom and jumped out and kissed him. It was so crazy and spontaneous. I can't believe I did it." Lance was going on so fast J.C. was very confused.

"Whoa, Lance buddy hold up. Are you in New York for your Management companies auditions?" J.C. asked.

"Yes," Lance responded "I am on my way to the hotel to get checked in."

"Ok now who is this guy and what happened with him? Oh and by the way when you get home I am going to kill you for waking me up at 7:30 in the morning." J.C. growled "Especially when I have a beautiful boy in my bed."

"Well the whole story is like this" Lance began,. "I got onto the plane at LAX at 9:30 last night. I noticed this very handsome guy, he was about 5'11" and had what seemed to be an average build. He had deep blue eyes and brownish blonde hair. He was so handsome but he was the flight attendant so I was nervous about talking to him. I overheard him saying the most romantic things to one of his co-workers during take off. So I decide I had to talk to him. When he offered me my drink I struck up a conversation and I can't believe it but I actually asked him to sit down and talk to me if he could."

"Lance Bass, you the shy one asked a guy , a flight attendant to talk to you, call the press you are coming out of your shell" J.C. teased his friend as he began to wake up and rub the hard body next to him in bed.

"Wait it gets better, after the chat we had to land and he was so abrupt in getting back to work I was worried. But once again I heard him and his co-worker talk about what he thought. I knew he liked me and I was so into him that I had to do something about it .Something about this guy makes me feel like I can' do anything. So when he went into the cockpit after landing I hid in the restroom until the other passengers got off. I was going to just give him my number and leave but I heard everyone was off the plane and he was going to check it out before getting off. So when he opened the door and grabbed him and kissed him. It was a kiss like nothing before. Then I handed him my number and ran off the plane I was so scared. J.C., I am not sure what I am doing but everything about this feels so right. I am distracted and I don't know how I am going to get any work done on this trip."

"Well Lance it sounds to me like you may have found something that you have been dreaming off. It sounds so romantic, if your into that crap. Just be careful bud, you don't know this guy at all." J.C. warned in his classic older brother style.

"Thanks man that's why I called I just needed some reassurance I am nervous and confused and excited all in one". Lance continued.

"Listen bro go get some sleep and I am sure by the time you wake up he will have called you. I will check up on you later today but I have a distraction who is Latino and very anxious lying next to me." J.C. laughed as the beautiful Puerto Rican dancer he had picked up the night before began to tickle his hard chest with his tongue.

"Sure man I will let you go, and you behave your self. Bye" Lance hung up the phone. He began to look around New York city, a place that had always fascinated him. As he watched the sun come up over the skyline, he thought to himself, finally I have met someone who can share all this with me and seems to want to know me just me. He smiled as the Limo drove to the hotel.

Mean while in the lobby of the Radisson Hotel La Gaurdia. "So that is pretty much it Kristen and then he gave me his cell number. How long should I wait to call him?" Mike questioned.

"Well hun I think the 72 hour rule is not valid here since you will only be in town 72 hours. I say take a nice nap and then when you wake up call him. He sounds like he is into you and you are SOOO into him, why not go for it." Kristen replied.

"Ok well I will see you this afternoon and we will make plans for the crew to hang out at the club tonight. But for now I need sleep then I'll call you." Mike said as he took his key and walked into his room. "Ahhh a single all to myself , one of the few perks of being the Senior on the crew. Now I can get some rest"Mike said to himself as he prepared for a nice cat nap.

The room was dark as if lit by one warm candle, which burned its everything to provide this moment. In the center of the room was a bed far larger then that of the greatest kings. Draped in light silk woven of pure gold strands. Growing around the bed was a garden of sweet smelling roses of all colors. The two men met each other at the foot of the bed. They were clothed in silk robes made of the same material as the sheets. Mike felt a warm hand take his arm and pull him in for a kiss. Ever so gently those lips brushed across his own. Suddenly the moist tongue which was teasing his quivering mouth, lunged in deep to probe not just his mouth but his soul. That firm sculpted body before him began to rub against him. As he rubbed his hands around the body and slid off the robe it was hard to tell where the robe ended and Lance's body began. It was so gorgeous to admire his large eight inch cock rubbing against Mike's own well defined package of eight inches. He began to kiss Lance all over as he laid him upon the bed. He traced every sweet tasting inch of Lances body. As he began to remove his underwear Lances proud member stood up. Mike slid his tongue around the mushroom head, feeling it throb against his tongue. The cock so longed too feel the warmth of his mouth. As he slid his entire mouth onto Lance's gift he felt Lance shudder. He began to move up and down feeling every vein and bump with his wet mouth. Lance thrashed in pure ecstacy. Mike slid back up the beautiful body and stared into those deep green eyes. As he kissed Lance they rolled over and Lance began to go down on Mike just as gentle. Enjoying every moment and devouring his partners sweet taste. Both men felt so very in tune to each other as they moved into an erotic 69 position each knowing that the other was close to letting go. Soon they began to pump each others mouth as their love juices exploded They were careful not to swallow each wanting to share everything with the other. Their bodies were shaking uncontrollably as they embraced and began to kiss sharing each other loves juice and exploring each others bodies with in their embrace. As Mike looked over the bed he noticed that it was up in the air flying over a beautiful moonlit ocean. Together in each others arms they could reach new heights, he thought to himself. As he began to wake.

As Mike began to wake up, he realized he was laying in a wet spot. "Shit, that hasn't happened since I was like ten." He decided to take a shower realizing it was nearly three pm. "What a dream".

At the same time across town Lance began to stir and wake. He too was in moist sheets and amazed at the dream he had just had. He picked up the phone "hello room service this is 654 I need an order of french toast and coffee, if for some reason I don't' answer the door have the bellboy leave it with the bill out side the door. Thanks". Lance hung up the phone and headed towards the shower.

Shortly after Lance stepped out of the shower the phone began to ring."Hello" Lance answered the phone while wrapped in a towel and downing some french toast.

"Hey Lance this is Mike, from the plane I hope I didn't wake you" Mike asked.

"Oh hey. I am so glad to hear from you already. I figured you would have been asleep for a while or something. I am usually an early riser so its hard for me to sleep during the day even when I am up all night." Lance continued.

"I am always awake pretty early on a trip. I never grow tired of seeing new things when I can. I especially love New York and I am never hear long enough to really enjoy a good Broadway show or some of the sights." Mike said

"Sound like a good Idea to me" Lance quickly entered.

"I'm sorry ?" Mike asked very confused.

"Well believe it or not I have always been enamored with NYC and it sounds like you are as well so how about an evening of sight seeing and then dinner and a show. I think I can get a hold of some good Tickets to Rent. Not one of the most romantic musicals but and experience none the less". Lance explained

"I love Rent I have seen it in LA, NY and on tour in several places" Mike exclaimed. "Sounds like an unforgettable evening."

":Great the I will pick you up about five o'clock?" Lance asked.

"Sure sounds like a plan I am at the Radisson La Gaurdia in room 245" Mike gave Lance directions and hung up the phone. He thought himself what an evening this would be. Even more exciting was that this guy seemed to like a lot of the same things he did. The date Lance had planned was Mike's dream date. The afternoon flew by as Mike prepared for the evening. He call Kristen and told her he might join the rest of the crew later at the club but he probably wouldn't because he had plans with Lance. She came down to help him pick out something cute since he wasn't really prepared for a date. In no time five o'clock was there and a knock came at the door.

Mike was taken back when he opened the door. There in front of him stood one of America's most beautiful boys. More then that this guy in the Candy Apple Red shirt and black jeans was here to see him. Mike's heart beat in a strange pace like something was just so right about this evening and spending it with the man in front of him.

"Hey" Lance said with that coy Southern Accent and smile. "I have a car waiting down stairs shall we go explore the city."

"Certainly it will be my pleasure", Mike responded.

They drove all through out the city and explored. No certain plan to it just two people enjoying each other company and the other ones reaction to the city. Lance drove the car to a beautiful little Italian Restaurant just off Broadway called Mario's. The two men were lead to a quite little table up stairs and away from the crowds.

"I am amazed this place seemed so small outside but it is huge inside", Mike commented.

"It's amazing, J.C. found it once when the band was here for an MTV interview," Lance responded. "I enjoy it a lot. It's quiet and the food is to die for."

"What an evening Lance, I can't even remember all of the sights I was so enjoy just talking to you." Mike said blushing. I think we should skip the show and after dinner I have a surprise for you I think you will enjoy."

"Oh really, I have no problem with that. What kind of surprise did you have in mind?" Lance replied as he took Mike's hand under the table.

"Well now Mr. Bass if I told you that I would have to kill you. A Flight Attendant knows many secrets and we can be quite cleaver as well," Mike grinned

"Dare I say I may have met match," Lance teased as the waiter approached.

Both men ordered a Shrimp Linguine in a cream sauce. As Lance had said it was divine. "This is incredible," Mike stated "I have been to Italy four times and this is by far the best I have had."

"I told you, Lance stated I can't believe you have been to Italy four times and your only 21? I mean I have been all over the world but there is something different about it when you can actually enjoy it with yourself ."

"Are you saying you don't enjoy seeing the world with the band? I mean I thought those guys were like your brothers. The world is a fun place but my life can be very lonely. I wish I had someone special with me the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramids." Mike responded

"I know exactly what you mean, I love the guys don't get me wrong," Lance continued. "The problem is it's not the same with them as it would be if I had someone special to share it with. It also makes it worse that we are always so busy we don't get much time to enjoy the city. It's usually fly in, set up, rehearse, interviews, meet, perform and on to the next city."

"I guess I never thought of it that way," Mike replied. "I am so use to seeing 'stars' on the plane so in control of everything I never realized how demanding that life can be. Oh my look at the time I need to make a quick phone call to set up your surprise then we can head out ok."

"Sure, but first how about a hint?" Lance pleaded.

"No sir this is going to be perfect and I want to see your face," Mike said sternly.

After returning Mike asked about the bill. Lance insisted it was already dealt with and not to worry. They got into the car and drove to Central Park. Lance parked at a nearby hotel and the guys began to walk into the park. As they passed through an entrance there in front of them was a black carriage and a beautiful white stead.

Mike whispered into Lances ears, " If I am correct Mr. Lance Bass of N'SYNC enjoys horses and the out doors. I also noticed you admiring the carriage as we drove by the park earlier."

Lance was unsure how to respond he was so happy. What a romantic gesture, but more then that never before had any guy gone out of their way for him. It was always the other way around, he was the rich singer so he was expected to do anything. "Thank you so much, this is such a romantic end to an evening," Lance said as he gently kissed Mike.

"This is evening is about both of us so I wasn't going to let you have all the fun," Mike joked. "This is Victor and he owns about five carriages here. His 12 year old daughter lives in LA and she flies to NYC often on our flights. One of my responsibilities is to care for kids in flight who don't have a parent traveling with them. So I have had a chance to talk to Victor a few times and get to know him. Anyways to make a long story short ,he is very trustworthy and offered to give us a ride around the "quiet" parts of Central Park."

Mike and Lance hoped into the carriage. They tried to just talk but the moonlight was a very strong power in the warm Autumn evening. Lance was gazing into Mike's moonlit face and as he leaned in for a kiss time seemed to stop. It was a moment not hurried this time. Not as scarey as the previous day, but rather a moment which could be savored and enjoyed. So they did savor the moment and the sensations and most of all each other. Nothing could be more perfect.


Hey everyone thank you all for such a great response to Chapter 1. I hope Chapter two has caused you all to think of someone special. Chapter 3 holds the answers to the big question "How will they make the most of the remaining two days? Is this just a 'weekend' thing? Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 3

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