Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Oct 6, 2001


Here it is at last Part 11. Sorry it took so long. I had a bout of writer's block and then with other events, I wasn't in the mood to write. But, now I'm back, hopefully up to form. Cross the fingers and off we go.

This story: Fiction. The characters: Based of real people but fictionalized. Very fictionalized. Mega-fictionalized. So fictionalized in fact... (Drop it!) Knowledge of these people's private lives: None. Zip, that's where the fiction comes in. Is NSYNC gay?: No, not to my knowledge. (But if I find a magic lamp. Can't make them love you, but gay is a start.) Am I proving it here?: Hell, no. If people log onto a gay erotica web site and start believing the stories as true, I'm moving to a deserted island. (Hello, Gilligan!) On with the story!

The elevator stopped on the second floor. John gestured. NSYNC started to get out.

Peter looked puzzled as they left the elevator. "I thought we were going to the car."

Lonnie was standing by the elevator. He smiled as he placed his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"If you would please come with me, sir."

Peter looked at Lonnie. "Not again!"

Lonnie smiled. "At the crew's request."

"Do I have to?" Peter pleaded. "Once was more than enough."

John raised his hands. "Sorry, it's out of my control."

Joey and Justin put their hands on Peter's back pushing him forward.

"Come on, Mr. Hero." Chris grinned at Peter. "Your public awaits."

"I am no hero."

"They probably found out you deflowered Justin last night. I've never been to a shotgun wedding before."

Justin shot Chris a nasty look.

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Come on. You deserve to be thanked."

"Have them send a card."

"You better get used to it." Peter looked at Lance. "You'll probably be in the spotlight or close to it most of the day."

Peter spun around. "I'm going back to my room."

They grabbed him. "Oh, no you don't."

"Its not that bad. You've survived it before. Besides," Joey grinned. "Your a hero, a victim and in the media. Girls... ah, guys...ah, people love that. You may even get a date."

Peter turned around. "Well..."

Justin winked at him. "Go for it."

"Okay." Peter looked determined. "Darn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead."

"Darn the torpedoes?" John asked.

"I'm watching my language in front of the guys."

"We're running late. Get your assets in gear."

They opened a door to one of the banquet rooms. Everyone was chatting among themselves. David was again standing at a podium. When he saw the group enter he turned to the microphone.

"And here he is!"

The crew began applauding. NSYNC stayed at the back of the room. Peter walked up to the dais. David shook Peter's hand warmly.

Peter leaned to David. "We have to stop meeting like this."

Anthony walked up onto the dais and shook Peter's hand. He moved Peter closer to the podium.

"Peter has again come to our rescue. First it was JC. Now he has saved all of NSYNC from possible danger" He turned to Peter. "Thank you for your timely discovery of the tampering. I know I did not believe you at first, but you still persisted. For that I am humbled and we all are thankful. We cannot give you much in return. You have already been made a bodyguard. Now we would like to give you this."

He held up another ID like the one Peter was wearing, but instead of "Bodyguard" it had the word "Crew".

Peter took the tag. "Thanks. This will be easier." He clipped the crew tag on. "I'm afraid I don't look much like a bodyguard." Peter saw Lonnie laughing.

Anthony winked at Lonnie. "But unlike your last job, you get accessories!" He gave Peter a cap with "NSYNC Crew" on it. Then he handed him a T-shirt also with "NSYNC Crew" printed on it. Peter unbuttoned his own shirt and much to the amazement of Lance and JC took it off in front of everyone. Someone whistled. Blushing, Peter turned his back. He pulled on the T-shirt then put his other shirt over it but left it open so that the crew T-shirt was visible. Peter then put on the hat.

"Now you really look like one of the family."

"Thank you."

John stepped forward. "There's more." He gestured. Two women carried two covered easels onto the dais. "When we discovered the impact of last night's broadcast on the fans, Publicity went into action. They worked all night. This is the result of their work. He pulled the cover off one of the easels. The panel underneath showed a round circle. Within the circle was the group's logo. "Be NSYNC. Say no to hate." John pulled the cover off the other easel. It had "Stay NSYNC". Then the word "violence" with a red circle crossed through.

John smiled at Peter. "What do you think?"

Peter looked from one easel to the other. "I don't know what to say."

John turned to the crew. "Now." Everyone of the crew pulled out a button with one of the slogans and fastened it to their clothing.

"The buttons will available at the concert."

"You didn't really have to do this."

Anthony turned to Peter. "You have done so much for us and the guys. We're deeply distressed by what happened to you. This is our way of letting people know we're against such hate and abuse. Maybe it will help prevent someone else being beaten up. Please, it's our gift to you." He handed a button to Peter. "The crew and I changed them a little for tonight's concert."

The button had a piece of tape across the bottom with printing on it. The slogan now read. "Be NSYNC. Say no to hate. For Pete's sake."

"I know you prefer Peter, but I didn't think you'd mind."

Peter was speechless. "I..." Peter looked out at the crew. "Thank you. Bless you all." Peter reached for his hanky. "I started this morning in dread and now I'm crying." He wiped his eyes. "It's not even 9 o'clock. This is going to be a very exhausting day."

John squeezed Peter's shoulder. "We better get going."

Anthony slapped Peter on the back. "See you tonight."

"Yeah. Thanks again." He bowed slightly to the crew and walked off the dais.

JC watched Peter across the back seat of the car. Peter took off the bodyguard tag and slipped it into his pocket.

"I can't be both at once."

"You're now a bodyguard and a member of the crew. You keep this up and soon you'll be a member of the group."

"He does have a good voice, JC. I've heard him sing."

"Don't even go there, Justin."

"When did you hear him sing?" Joey asked.

"Last night."

Chris grinned. "Boy, Justin, I didn't know that you were that good. I've never got anyone to burst into song before."

Joey broke into an exaggerated tenor voice. "Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I've found you."

"It was before that." Justin replied.

Peter batted his eyes. "He seduced me with his voice."

Joey looked thoughtful. "I'll have to try that."

"Yeah, the girls will be screaming and banging on your door all night." Chris paused. "Until you let them out."

"You're just jealous. Chris."

"Me? I've seen the girls you pick up."

"Chris, stop it." JC snapped. "Show some respect."

"I'm sorry. For the girls, but not for Joey."

Peter rubbed the new NSYNC button lightly.

JC smiled Peter. "Tonight will be your be your night in the spotlight."

"Oh, no you don't." Peter said firmly.

JC looked surprised.

"They're coming to see you guys not me. People are looking forward to dance, sing along, scream and just have a good time with NSYNC. I don't want to interfere with that."

Justin smiled. "Believe me, you won't."

"It's not like we're going to haul you out on stage and preach about how bad gay bashing is." Joey said.

"Good. I'd prefer to stay in the background. I'm thrilled enough just to be here."

"Sure." Lance said. The whole group exchanged glances. "No problem." They all smiled slightly. "They'll hardly know you're there."

JC quickly changed the subject. "So, Peter, do you listen to the radio station we're going to first?"

"No, I don't listen to the radio much, especially in the mornings. Some people like those morning shows. I just don't think pulling pranks on listeners and making jokes in bad taste about people is all that funny."

Lance glanced out the car window. "I sure hope he's not one of those "shock jocks"."

"I could go on ahead and find out." Peter said.

"None of that now." JC scolded. "You've done enough already. We want you to relax and just enjoy yourself."

Enjoy myself? Peter thought. He looked at Justin. Justin waggled his eyebrows back at him.

Peter and Justin didn't even glance in his direction. "Shut up, Chris," they said together

Chris closed his mouth. He lay back on the seat pouting.

Joey shook his head. "That is positively eerie."

Chris glared at Peter. "You're cramping my style. I hope you know that."

"Sorry. I promise I won't tread on your jokes at least in public."

"Thanks. I do have my reputation to keep up."

"Speaking of your jokes, I'm assuming you saw all of the news broadcasts. Did they use your gay bit?" Peter asked.

Chris crossed his arms in front of him. "Not one. It seems it was a bit too controversial, like we were actually admitting it."

"It's probably for the best." Justin said.

"Some unscrupulous reporter could edit the footage and use it as our declaration of being gay."

Lance looked worried. "JC, you don't really think that would happen?"

Joey tried to calm him. "We know it was said as a joke. Until you two..." He glanced at Justin. "Or should I say three are ready to go public, we'll do everything we can to protect you."

"Don't worry." Chris said. "We can handle anything the media can dish out."

JC caught Lance looking wistfully out the window. He put his hand on Lance's knee.

"Maybe next year, Lance, I promise. Then we'll tell the world."

Lance turned to JC. "Its okay. I can wait until we're both ready. It's gone well so far."

"So far?" Joey said. "What about your parents? That didn't go so well."

"That's right you don't know. My mother called me this morning. They've accepted me being gay. With Peter's help and the news broadcast, I am back in "beloved son" status."

"That's great Lance." Chris said.

Joey slapped Lance's knee. "We told you they'd come around."

Chris smiled knowingly. "I take it Peter helped you "visit" your parents."

"Yep. I kept thinking of my love for them and they felt it. My mother said she dreamt about me that night. Then after the broadcast, she said all she could think of was that it could have been me getting gay bashed."

"The power of the maternal instinct."

"She even excepted JC. She was going to call JC's mom to talk about "our sons in love"."

"Yeah, but now she's talking commitment ceremonies and even grandchildren." JC said.

Chris was excited. "Oh, can I be a bridesmaid? I look lovely in powder blue."

"Well, you're certainly not going to be the best man." Justin kidded. He elbowed JC. "You'd better get a move on. They'll set a wedding date and you haven't even proposed to Lance yet."

"Justin, please." Lance turned away. His face was turning bright red.

"Since when does it have to be JC. Lance is the one who wants a family." Chris said. "He should be the one to do the proposing."

"Its not as though I've never thought about it." JC stammered. Lance turned back surprised. It was JC's turn to blush.

"I think we should just drop it. You're embarrassing them and it is personal."

"Peter's right." Chris added. They turned to him and waited. "That's their mothers' job."

"Grandchildren?" Joey was confused again.

"Adoption, Joey." Justin added.


The car turned a corner. Peter could hear the screaming start.

"I think we're here."

The fans lined the street. There was a low wall surrounding the radio station. None of the fans were on the station property.

"Good." Lance said. "Looks like we won't have to run for it."

The car pulled up to the door. The bodyguards got out and stood next to the car. One of them opened the car door.

Chris indicated to Peter. "After you."

Peter didn't have time to argue. He stepped out of the car. The screaming rose in volume. Chris grabbed the car door and closed it. The fans' screams faded.

"Oh, it's only the gay guy," someone said.

The bodyguard reached for the door handle. He looked up embarrassed. "They've locked it." He tapped on the window. "Guys?"

The crowd was watching him. Peter shuffled nervously. There was a man standing at the door to the radio station. Clearly he was waiting to welcome NSYNC not Peter. But, with nowhere else to go, Peter headed for the door. The sudden screams stopped him.

NSYNC stood up on the other side of the car. They had crept out of the other door while Peter served as a distraction. They waved at the fans as they headed for the building. Chris walked over to Peter, grinning.

"Sorry about that. I couldn't resist." He stood back to let Peter go first.

"Not again. You go first."

"No, after you. I insist."

"No, please." Peter was so caught up in playing the joke with Chris, he forgot about being nervous in front of the crowd.

The rest of the guys were waiting for Peter and Chris to join them.

"Will someone go first!" JC snapped.

Peter and Chris kept waiting for the other to move. JC nodded to Lance. They went behind Chris and Peter. They each planted a hand on Chris and Peter and together they pushed them towards the front door.

They gave the fans a last wave. Chris grabbed Peter's arm and raised it causing a wobbly wave.

"Peter, we'll have to work on that wrist of yours."

The man held the door as they entered the building.

Once in the station the man turned to them. "I'm Ron, the station manager. It's a pleasure to meet you." He shook hands with them. "Thank you for allowing this. Our listeners are looking forward to hear you." He took Peter's hand. "And you are?"

"This is Peter, our hero." Joey slapped Peter on the back. "He discovered the sabotage of the stage and he was the one who was assaulted. Thanks to him the perpetrator is now behind bars." Joey stared at the manager. "Don't you watch the news?"

"Oh, of course. I heard something about that. Terrible business." He shook his head. "He'll be there, too?"

"Of course."

"I'm just sort of observing." Peter said.

"Nonsense." JC replied. "Believe it or not, someone will want to talk to you or ask you questions."

"I'm afraid our morning show host called in sick. But Dr. Dan volunteered to fill in. He hosts the late night show. He's used to interviews and he handles the callers well." It sounded like he was trying to convince himself of the fact. "Follow me, please."

They started down the hallway. A little way down the hall and Ron opened door. He ushered them into the outer control room. Seen through a large window was the broadcasting booth. The "on the air" sign was on.

"We'll have to wait."

Dr. Dan glanced up at them and smiled. He reminded Peter of the gym teachers he had had in school. Although he was large he didn't really have muscles just bulk. Something about him made Peter uneasy. Dr. Dan raised his coffee cup.

"Isn't that nice. He's toasting us." Chris waved back.

"No, he's not." The man in the control room said. He pressed a button.

"Yes?" asked a woman's voice.

"Java run, Madeline."

"It's the third time this morning. That lazy, macho, son of a..."

"Thanks, Madeline." The man pressed a button cutting the rest of the tirade off. He smiled weakly. "She's just joking."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Peter whispered to Chris.

"I think you're jumping to conclusions." JC added.

"Its okay. We can handle him." Chris smiled.

Dr. Dan had finished and the "On the air" sign went off. Ron led them into the booth.

"This is Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan may I present NSYNC and, ah, friend."

Dr. Dan stood up. "Let's see if I've got it right. Justin?" He shook his hand. "JC, Chris, Lance and Joey. Mind if I call you Joe?"

"Yes, it's Joey."

"Oh." He glanced up at Joey's hair. "You look more like a Joe. Good strong name Joe." He turned. "And you're Pete, right?"

"Yes." Peter was taken back.

"I saw the news." Dr. Dan gripped Peter's hand in an overly firm handshake. Peter tried hard not wince. "You're the guy that got beat up. Can't say that you look any worse for it."

"I see you're in good hands. Break a leg." Ron excused himself and left.

"You can take your seats over there." Dr. Dan pointed over his shoulder to a line of chairs behind a set of microphones. He sat down in his chair and began to check the equipment.

"Break a hand is more like it." Joey whispered. Peter saw each of them rubbing their hands.

Chris gestured to the chairs. "Gentlemen to your corners. Round one is about to commence."


"Don't worry, JC. I'll wait for your signal."

As they took their places, a woman entered carrying a coffeepot. Peter could feel the restraint it took to fill the mug with coffee and not fill Dr. Dan's lap instead. Dr. Dan grabbed the full coffee cup without so much as a thank you.

"Would you like something? Coffee perhaps?" He asked.

"Water would be great." Madeline spun to face Lance. He smiled at her. "If it isn't to much trouble."

"We don't want to be a bother." Justin grinned at her.

"When you're through..." Chris made a motion like throwing a bucket of water, " people more coffee that is."

Madeline smiled. "For you it's no bother." She winked and left the booth.

The first few calls were routine mostly NSYNC questions. Peter still felt uneasy. Dr. Dan seemed to be waiting for something or somebody.

"Go ahead, caller."

"Hi, NSYNC. I think you standing behind your gay friend is great."

"Peter," added Joey.

"Yeah, you standing behind Peter is great. But aren't you afraid people with think your gay also?"

"People are entitled think anything they want." JC replied.

"But is it true?" asked Dr. Dan.

"We're here to share our music, not our private lives."

"To tell you the truth, I've been exceedingly happy, but I wouldn't say I was "gay"."

Dr. Dan ignored Chris. "But you're celebrities. The public wants to know."

Justin leaded forward. "The public doesn't need to know everything."

"But you're not denying the possibility."

Chris smiled. "Dr. Dan, you're in the public eye or should I say ear. Do you discuss your sex life on the air?"

"Touche'." He answered. "However, don't they say that one out of ten people are gay. Being that there are five of you, that makes the odds very good that at least one of you is gay."

"Okay, you win. One of us here is definitely gay." Justin said. "It's Peter."

"You dirty squealer!" Peter snapped. They broke into laughter.

"But," Dr. Dan pushed on. "He's not a member of the group."

"I am today."

"He's in the room." Lance added. "He should be counted. That makes six."

Chris grinned at Dr. Dan. "That's seven if we count you."

"Me?" Dr. Dan sputtered, "Quee...,ah, gay? That's absurd!"

"Well, by your argument the odds are against you."

The man in the control booth signaled.

"Sorry. Time to sell some products. We'll be back in a moment with more from NSYNC." He flipped a switch. The commercial began to play.

Dr. Dan raised his coffee cup again. He turned to them, smiling. "You guys are good. You've must have had lots of experience." He looked at the clock. "Excuse me. I need to recycle some coffee." He left the booth.

"I'm surprised he didn't say "don't touch anything." Chris said.

Dr. Dan's voice came from the intercom. "Don't touch anything while I'm gone."

Chris made the "okay" sign to the control room.

"Well, JC?" Chris asked after Dr. Dan had gone.

"Okay, maybe Peter was right."

"Maybe? This isn't an interview, it's an interrogation."

"Force of habit. You have to something like this to keep the late night listener's attention."

Lance shook his head. "JC, you are really stretching. He's got it in for us."

"Why would he want to do that? He's supposed to be a professional."

"Well, if you ask me I think its plain male ego." Justin said. "We're an insult to his perfect male image."

"What do you mean?"

"We're performers and we dance. That's a sore spot for any macho guy."

"What a delight to prove to all those adoring girl fans that we're a bunch of fairies skipping around. Nothing personal." Joey added.

"We're half way there already," added JC.

"I'm in big trouble."

"What makes you say that, Peter?" Lance asked.

"This fairy not only discovered and thwarted Bill's plans, but I got him fired, fought off his attack and got him arrested and charged. An openly gay man looked on as a hero? I'm macho man's number one enemy."

Madeline entered the booth with the coffeepot. "You're doing very well." She smiled as she filled Dr. Dan's mug. "Give him hell. He deserves it."

"Is he like this all the time?" asked Lance.

"Why do you think he was assigned the late night show?"

Peter remembered that was precisely the reason Bill's father was on the night shift. No wonder all that gay bashing happens at night.

"But he's no better than the other group he hangs out with. Three peas in a pod they are. I'm just glad they're not my family."

"Family?" asked Peter. No, it couldn't be.

Before she could answer, Dr. Dan returned. "Madeline." He motioned to the door with him thumb.

She ignored him. "You guys need anything?" she asked.

"No, we're fine. Thank you, anyway."

"My pleasure." With an angry glare at Dr. Dan, she left.

"We're back. This morning we have NSYNC with us live in the studio."

"Live is a given isn't it. It would be very quiet the other way."

"Thank you, Chris. Let's take another call. Caller, you're on the air."

"Hi, guys," a very nervous female voice said.

"Hi." NYSNC said in chorus. They could hear screaming in the background.

"My girlfriends and I can't wait for the concert. We drove 6 hours to get here. We're staying in the same hotel." More screaming. "We're having a party after the concert. We were wondering if you'd like to stop by." The screams came again.

"Sorry, it's against the rules. Thanks anyway." JC replied.

"How many girls will be there?" asked Joey. More screaming.

"There's four of us. Well, if you change your mind, we're in room..."

JC interrupted. "Don't give out your room number over the air. You don't know who is listening."

"Leave it with the front desk."


"Sorry, we can't be there. I'm afraid JC is right."

"Next caller, please."

"This is a question for Peter."

"Go ahead."

"I was wondering how you managed get away from your attacker."

"He punched him in the happy sack." Joey said.

"And that didn't make him too happy," added Chris.

"Then I gave him a push and he fell backwards over the bench. I took off running."

"That was it?" Dr. Dan asked incredulously. "He couldn't have been a small guy."

"No. He was very muscular. But you are right he did corner me, again. He was pushed backwards into a storage locker. Sports equipment came crashing down on him. That's when I made my escape."

"So you just pushed him."

"Yes, its amazing what you can do when you are in fear for your life."

"I can't believe you could do that to someone his size."

"What do you mean "his size"?" asked Peter.

Chris quickly responded. "Actually, he used telekinesis or mental energy to do the pushing."

Peter stared at Chris. Why was he telling everything?

"It was that same thing he used to push JC out of danger the last time we were here."

Dr. Dan looked at Peter. "I did read something about that. That was you?"


"I don't believe it."

Chris smiled. "Well, if you get Peter agitated enough, I'm sure he would be glad to give you a demonstration."

"No, that's quite all right."

Chris patted Peter's shoulder. "Everyone knows that fairies have magical powers."

Dr. Dan's head snapped around to face Chris. Peter caught his surprised reaction. It was the line Lonnie had used in front of Bill. Dr. Dan seemed surprised that Chris had known it. But how could Dr. Dan have known? No, it must have been the word "fairy" that caused the reaction.

Peter tried to get back to the topic. "Once I got out of the locker room and into the hallway, I knew I had a chance of getting away. When I ran into NSYNC's bodyguards I knew I was safe."

"What were you doing in the locker room in the first place?" Dr. Dan asked. "It is not a sports event. The locker room would seemingly be unused and empty."

Peter's internal alarms started to go off. Whatever it was he sensed it was coming to the surface.

"I was looking for Craig from security. I wanted to tell him that the stage had been repaired. His secretary suggested that I might find him at the employee locker room checking on the fired employee. I didn't know where that was. I went to the only locker room I knew."

"This Craig is gay to isn't he?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Peter asked. How did Dr. Dan know that?

"There is also a gay employee that is known to "be nice" to other employees. You have been seen frequently with these two over the last few days."

Justin didn't like where this was going. "Your honor, we object to this line of questioning."

"I thought this was supposed to be about us." Lance asked.

"I think this has gone far enough," added JC.

Peter raised his hand. Let him go on. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.

Chris decided to steal Dr. Dan's thunder. "Peter, it's easy to see where Dr. Dan is heading." Chris said. "It looks like you had arranged to meet this guy in the locker room for little... Let's just say one of you was going to be the tight end."

JC gaped. "You mean people would think that Peter was going there deliberately to have sex with this guy?"


"That's hilarious!" JC nudged Lance. "Do you believe that?"

"They certainly don't know Peter, do they?" Lance chuckled.

Dr. Dan watched confused as the guys including Peter laughed. "Peter, you're a gay man, they're always looking for..."

"Not Peter. He's almost a monk, man." Joey said.

"The only thing that got laid in his bedroom was the carpet!" Chris laughed.

Dr. Dan saw that Peter's face was red. What they were saying about him was true.

"Thank you so much, Chris! I can't say anything about you! But tell the whole world about me! " Peter snapped.

"Peter's right." JC said. "We defend our private lives and then we trash his."

"I'm sorry, Peter."

"Well, all right, Chris. I can't say I blame you. It was a good joke."

"And I want people to know what I said about the carpet is totally untrue." Chris said. "Because his bedroom has hard wood floors."

JC reached over and swatted Chris.


"How do you know what's in Peter's bedroom, Chris? " Justin smiled.

"Maybe we have a case of two out of ten." Lance joked.

Chris ignored them. "You know," Chris looked thoughtful. "Some people might even think you were attacked because you made a move on the guy."

Peter gaped. "Why would I made a play for a guy I know hates gays?"

"Well, there is no accounting for the way some people think, is there?"

Chris turned to Dr. Dan smiling. Dr. Dan seemed to be at a loss. No one said anything. He pressed a button.

"You're on the air."

"Peter, I am so glad that the concert is on for tomorrow thanks to you," another female voice said. "How did you discover the tampering?"

Peter tried to look non-chalent. "I was there. I saw him do it."

"You saw it? That's impossible!" said Dr. Dan.

"No. There's this thing called astral projection. The ability to project yourself out of your body. That night when I was out of my body I went to the stadium."

"What nonsense."

"Even if I wasn't invisible, it wouldn't have mattered. The security guard was too busy talking on the phone to notice that own his son was sabotaging the stage."

"You have no special abilities other than an overworked imagination." Dr. Dan punched another button. "Next caller." He snapped. Peter noticed Dr. Dan was getting angry. His cool facade had been shaken.

"Hi, NSYNC. I was wondering did you find out why he would want to sabotage NSYNC?"

"Not sabotage," said Peter. "He called them practical jokes." He watched Dr. Dan closely. "Perhaps he was just trying to teach NSYNC some humility." He emphasized the last word.

Dr. Dan barely hid his surprise.

Peter continued. "Perhaps he was thinking he was carrying out his father's wishes. He was being a dutiful son. Although I doubt if his father wanted it to go this far."

"How could you have known that?" Dr. Dan snapped.

"I think we should take another break." JC said.

Dr. Dan ignored at JC. "Tell me how you knew that."

"I told you, I was there."

"I don't believe you. You're lying."

"I'll prove it if you answer me one question."

"What is that?"

"How long have you been friends with Bill and his father?"

Dr. Dan stood stunned.

"Dr. Dan."

He turned to JC. JC brought his finger across his throat. "We're still on the air," he mouthed.

Dr. Dan punched a button. The music began to play. He turned back to Peter.

"They are a good family. You've destroyed all that."

"A good family, really? What about what I heard that night? "As I just told my son Bill, they need to be taught some humility. I don't know what the girls see in them. A bunch of prancing queers. It will take sand blasting to get their muck off the walls. There are no fags in baseball or football. They just can't cut it"."

Dr. Dan glared at Peter. "This is impossible. There was no way you could have heard that. You can't be able to do these things"

"Bill probably thought the same thing until he smashed into the shelves."

"You did this to him. You gave him a record."

"No. Bill did that himself."

"They couldn't prove it was him. You told them."

"Yes, I did. But it wasn't proof enough. I wasn't there physically."

"Bill didn't mean to do anything wrong. It was just a joke. Even the phone call, we were just joking."

"Trespassing, willful destruction of property and endangerment a joke? Looks like Bill took your joke very seriously. He was taught very well."

Dr. Dan thumped his fist. "It was just a practical joke."

"The joke ended when he attacked me. I was afraid for my life."

"Bill is a good boy. He was just angry at being fired."

"Fired by a gay man and thwarted by a gay man. He must have felt humiliated. I was a threat to his masculinity. Just as we are a threat to you. That's why you squeezed our hands so hard. To prove yourself above us."

"A true man can stand a little pain."

JC got up. "Come on. Its time we were going."

"It's not time yet. You can't leave now." Dr. Dan said sternly.

"I'm sorry, but we are leaving."

They started towards the door. Dr. Dan grabbed JC's arm.

"No one has ever walked out on me."

"I find that hard to believe." Joey said.

"Everything all right in here?" came a voice.

JC looked over Dr. Dan's shoulder. "Its okay."

Dr. Dan turned his head. Lonnie was standing in the doorway. He let JC go.

"Thank you for having us." JC said.

"In more ways than one." Chris shot back.

Lonnie held the door as they left.

Peter turned back. "It's funny, if Bill hadn't attacked me he would have gotten away free with only losing his job. His next biggest mistake was to confess to me what he had done. He did this to himself. I don't know how any of this would have helped him."

"I wanted to disgrace you like Bill was disgraced." Dr. Dan sneered at Peter. "I still don't believe that bullshit you said. You're just a fucking fag."

Well, after last night that was now true, Peter thought. He turned his attention back to Dr. Dan.

"Coffee?" He said and concentrated.

Dr. Dan watched dumbstruck as his coffee mug slowly slid toward him. It approached the edge. He grabbed it before it fell. Peter couldn't help but smile at the shocked look on Dr. Dan's face.

"You really can do it," He stammered.

Peter raised his arms in front of him. Dr. Dan cringed slightly. Peter simply adjusted his cuffs and lower his arms. "Need more proof?"


"That's one for our side." Peter started through the door. He had a thought. Peter turned back. "A word of advice: Be very careful who you call "fag"."

Peter shut the door. The slight air current caught a pile of paper teetering on the edge of equipment. The fell off scattering paper everywhere. Dr. Dan eyed the door suspiciously.

He hastily took a gulp of coffee. It steadied him. He looked back at the door. "Humbug!"

Madeline stood there in the control room holding a steaming pot of coffee she went up to Peter. "I'm so sorry. You certainly didn't need that after all you've been through."

"Thank you."

"Excuse me, I'd better give Dr. Dan his coffee."

They walked into the lobby. The broadcast could be heard over a loud speaker.

"We're back. Unfortunately, NSYNC had to leave early. But Dr. Dan will still answer those calls. Hey, watch it, goddamnit! Fuck! Son of a bitch!" A song suddenly started to play.

Madeline came from the hall. She had a huge smile on her face. The coffeepot she was carrying was now empty.

"That was most satisfying."

"You didn't pour hot coffee...?" asked Peter.

"Of course not."

"But it was steaming."

"Dry ice."

"That must have been mighty cold on the old crotch." Chris grinned. "I like her!"

"I was just going to let him drink it, but I thought screw it. After what he pulled he deserved it."

Ron stormed out of his office. "What the hell is happening? Dan's swearing on the air!"

"It was my fault, Ron. I spilled his coffee."

Dr. Dan came angrily down the hall. "What the hell is wrong with you Madeline? I was on the air!" He saw that NSYNC and the bodyguards were still there with the station manager and stopped.

Ron looked worried. "Are you badly burned?"

"No it was iced coffee." Madeline said. "I had to run coffee to him four times this morning. I was mad. I wanted to play a joke on him so I put dry ice in his coffee. I wanted to see his face when he drank it. After the way he behaved with these guys, I couldn't help myself. I dumped the whole pot in his lap."

"Dan, go to the men's room and dry off. Then get back into the booth."

"But, Ron."

"You've got a show to finish. If you don't get a move on, there will be dead air. Now, go! I'll handle this."

Chris couldn't resist. "Be a man."

Dr. Dan glared at them then disappeared down the hall.

"God, I wish I could have seen his face!" Ron burst out laughing. "I don't blame you at all, Madeline. But, I have to ask you to go against the grain and apologize to Dan."

"It won't do any good, but I will."

Ron turned to NSYNC. "What exactly did he pull?"

"He was a friend of the Bill and his father. He was out for a little revenge." JC said.

"We disgraced their family so we wanted to disgrace us." Peter added.

"How did you know he knew them?" asked John across the restaurant table.

"He started to let little things slip out. He knew that Craig was gay. He knew about Hugh and that the three of us had been seen together. Chris quoted the fairy line Lonnie said to me before Bill was taken away and he was surprised that Chris knew it. The only way he could have know that was if he had spoken to Bill or his family after the arrest."

"We were scheduled months in advance. This whole thing seems like a coincidence."

"Dr. Dan wasn't host of the morning show where we were booked. He had the late show." JC explained. "A little deal with the morning show host to call in sick and Dan "volunteers" to fill in."

"He then must have contacted people to call the station with specific questions to get certain topics going."

"Like one that started the "are you gay?" business."

"Exactly. When we were confirmed to appear the whole station went NSYNC crazy. Soon it got so bad he just hated us. NSYNC was such a thorn in his side the chance to humiliate us on the air was too powerful. Then after Bill's arrest he really wanted to make us pay. Peter being there was just the frosting on the cake."

"The way some people's mind work. I'm sorry, Peter. You certainly have been through a lot."

"Its okay, John. Chris was right. NSYNC can handle anything the media can throw at them. Dr. Dan tried to make it seem like I was in the locker room to have sex and that Bill was defending himself from my advances. Chris beat him to it and made a joke out of it. It quite took the wind out of his sails."

"Don't forget his look when you quoted the night watchman's phone conversation to him. He turned white as a sheet." Lance smiled.

John looked puzzled. "Why?"

"It was the proof that I really was there that night. After the clues he dropped I realized that he was the one Bill's father was talking to."

JC grinned. "I also liked it when you moved his coffee cup."

Peter blushed. "Oh, you saw that. I couldn't help myself."

"Well, its over." John said. "We'll have a nice relaxing lunch then on to the next interview. That one should be quite different."

"I hope so." Lance frowned. "I've had my fill of these homophobes. It's so depressing."

JC squeezed Lance's knee. "Just wait until after the concert, I'll cheer you up."

Peter felt a foot rubbing against his leg. He looked up. Justin winked at him. He mouthed the word "Ditto" and grinned.

"I've met with the owner of the radio station and the DJ. He is a very nice man. Trust me, this interview will be quite different."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that."

"Why is that, Peter?"

"You forget. I'll be there. Where Peter goes, trouble follows."

"Peter, you are not a jinx." Lance said sternly.

"Besides," JC patted his shoulder. "It certainly is turning out to be an exciting weekend thanks to you."

"It will turn out fine." Lance smiled at Peter. "Just wait and see."

Yeah, Peter thought. Just wait and see.

End part 11.

Whew, writing this section of the story sure seems to be a long four days. And there's still one day to go! Oh, well. This part was the hardest to write so far. I had the itinerary, but no events to fill the gaps. I hope it worked. Sorry, no sex but just you wait.

The next part will be easier. I have some of the events already thought out. I find myself thinking forward to future plots and I have to bring myself back to the current plot. Anyway, I hope you like it. As always I'd love to hear from you with your opinions, positive or negative. Or just your favorite parts and bits from throughout the story. You can e-mail me at This is for you, too. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 12

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