Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Nov 16, 2001


Here it is Part 12. I'm sorry it takes a month to get these chapters out, I hope the waits worth it. I have a very demanding editor. (Me.) That's why takes so long.

My thanks go to "Dawn" for your feedback. It made me rethink where I was going as far as plot and character development. Although I write the way I write it was a kick in my complacency. For you loyal readers (I think there is a few of you) don't worry, there have been no drastic changes. For you not so loyal readers, well, I hope you fine it palatable. Okay, time for me to shut up.

This is a work of complete fiction. It in no way represents the real lives of the people described within. (In fact real life has little to do with this story.) To my knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay, was gay or will be gay. (Well, it's their loss.) There will be descriptions of gay sex. (At least that's what it is intended to be.) So if you are under 18 or find the idea of any member of NSYNC in lip lock with another man, click the "Home" or "Back" button now. You have been warned. To all others, I admire your bravery. Read on.

NSYNC sat in the backseat of the car. Justin watched Joey open the Styrofoam container he held, take little piece of something from inside and pop it into his mouth.

"Joey, The idea of taking home leftovers is to save them until later."

"It is later."

"Give it." Joey reluctantly handed Justin the container. "Chris, put this in the cooler."

"I'm amazed there were any leftovers." Chris said as he placed it in the cooler and shut the door.

"It was just because we didn't have time to finish dessert." Joey said eyeing the cooler.

"After the interview."

"If I don't eat it first." Chris joked.

Joey glared angrily at Chris.

"I was joking." Chris raised his hands in front of him. "Down, Joey. I swear I won't touch it."

JC put his arm around Lance and gave him a squeeze. "Feeling better now."

"Yea. After that good lunch I'm back. I'm now looking forward to this next interview."

"Good. It upsets me when there's something troubling you."

"Then you must be upset most of the time."

"Pretty much."

Lance elbowed JC.

"Ow! I'm kidding. Your sensitivity is one of the things I love about you." He leaned his head against Lance's. JC turned and gave Lance a kiss on the forehead.

Joey leaned over to Justin. "You're not going to start acting like that with Peter are you?"

"Of course not, Joey." Justin tried not to look flustered.

"We could give them to their own car." Chris suggested.

JC removed his arm from around Lance. "Okay, no more mushy stuff in front of the guys."

Lance snuggled up to JC. "They're just jealous." Lance sat up. "I suppose we shouldn't rub it in."

Justin puffed himself up. "Well, I was jealous. I'm not anymore."

"Wait until after tomorrow." Lance was sorry the minute he said it. Justin frowned. "I'm sorry, Justin."

Justin shrugged. "Its okay. It's not like its serious or anything."

"Really? You guys seemed awful chummy."

Lance could see that Justin was looking uncomfortable. "Drop it JC."

"But, if it is?"

"It's none of our business."

Before JC could say anything more the car door opened and Peter climbed into the car.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"No problem." JC said.

Chris glanced around the backseat. "If anyone else has to go you had better do it now. We are not stopping."

The car started to drive away.

Justin was happy to change the subject. He took on a whiny voice. "Are we there yet?"

Joey copied him. "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

JC tried to look stern. "Don't make me turn this car around."

Chris leaned against Peter. "Peter's touching me. He's in my space. Tell him to sit up straight."

Peter gave Chris a slight push. Chris didn't move. "Come on, say it."

Peter didn't give in. "Chris, on JC lean is mean. With you lean is just mean."

Chris sat up. "That's not it. Try again."

Peter sighed. "Okay, everybody on three." He raised his hands to direct the beat. "One, two..."

"Peter can never sit up "straight"." They all chorused.


"Damn straight." Chris replied.

Peter turned to the window. "Tell me about it," he said to himself.

The car pulled out of the restaurant's parking lot.

Joey tried to find some music on the radio.

"Nothing but talking."

"Play a CD, Joey. I think we'll have enough of talk radio."

Joey turned to JC. JC nodded in Peter's direction. Peter was looking out the window with a blank expression. Joey turned off the radio. He started flipping through the CDs.

Chris couldn't stand it any longer. "Peter, I wish you'd stop talking. No one can get a word in edgewise."

Peter didn't move. "Huh?"

"You're talking too much."

"Oh, sorry."

Chris shook Peter gently. "Hey, you still in there?"


Chris sat back. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't out "traveling"." Chris nudged Peter. "Come on, this interview will be better."

"I guess."

JC leaned forward and put a hand on Peter's knee. "Come on, out with it. You'll feel better."

Peter looked up at JC. "You know, don't you."

JC nodded.

"On a rating of one to ten, one being a rude to ten being a complete S.O.B., where do you rate me?"

"Five, a little above jerk but not quite a complete bastard. But he did have it coming."

"What are you two talking about?" Justin asked.

"If you mean Dr. Dan, don't worry about it. He deserved it." Joey said.

"You don't understand."

Justin couldn't believe that Peter was feeling regret. "He had it in for us, we turned the tables on him."

"It wasn't what you did. It's what I did. I couldn't believe that Dr. Dan wanted it to seem like I deserved to be beaten up. When I realize what he was trying to do I hated him for it. I really hated him. I didn't just want to move his coffee cup. I wanted to smash him against the wall."

Chris changed to a deep voice. "Give in to the power of the dark side of the force, Luke."

"Chris." JC snapped.

"Peter, you know you couldn't have done that." Chris continued. "Besides, there was a lot of hate in that room. You were very vulnerable to strong negative emotions."

"Don't you see? I couldn't understand why they hated gays so much and there I was feeling such hate for Dr. Dan. There's no difference."

Lance grew mad. "There is a big difference. What Dr. Dan was doing was on purpose. You can't help being gay."

"I've never really hated anybody. Not like that. I hope I never feel that way again."

"You said it yourself that you've had no negative reactions to being gay." JC tried to explain. "You were still trying to cope from being gay bashed when this new assault happened."

Peter shook his head. "When we started to turn the tables on him, I reveled in it. I delighted each time we tripped him up. For once I had power over the bully. I was gloating over his lack of control. It dawned on me that that was probably exactly what Bill was thinking. I had lowered myself to their level. I was no different than either of them."

"Peter, you are very different from them." JC said firmly. "You are feeling the sting of your conscience. I doubt if Dr. Dan or Bill are."

"I thought I could make Dr. Dan think twice before he took on a gay man again. But I was just being smug, a big show off. I've become a straight basher."

JC smiled. "I wouldn't put it quite that way. He did deserve it."

Joey stretched out. "He put aside his professionalism for a personal vendetta."

"Joey, you've been reading the dictionary again." Chris joked.

Justin sneered. "I doubt if Dr. Dan has any professionalism or any scruples at all."

"I wish there was something that could be done about this guilt."

"Now that's easy to fix." Chris waved his hands over Peter's head. He lowered his voice again. "Hear me all ye elementals that are musical. I, one of the holy order of the brothers of NSYNC summon you. I beseech thee to do my bidding. Cast out the demons possessing this thy servant, Peter. Begone thee fiend of guilt! Away thou wicked spirit of remorse! I purge you of all the evil burdens conferred on you by your actions against the blasphemies of the unholy Dr. Dan." Chris wrote NSYNC in the air with a flourish. "Thou art cleansed, my son. You may now remain within thy brothers' holy presence."

Peter couldn't help laughing. "Thanks, Chris."

"Look at it this way," Justin added. "Do you think Dr. Dan would want an apology from the gay man who embarrassed him and his friends?"

Joey shifted in his seat. "You'll just piss his off more."

"Besides, he's probably forgotten about it already." Chris stopped. "No. He's probably telling everyone he scripted it to turn out the way it did."

"We know now how you feel. Isn't that enough?" Lance asked.

Peter brightened. "You're right. Thanks, I do feel better."

"How about an apology to Chris." Joey added.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"Peter yelled at you, remember? When you joked about the carpet in his bedroom."

"He played off my line beautifully. I knew he didn't mean it. Do I have to explain "Sarcasm" again?"

"And how about the whole Astral Projection thing." Lance asked. "The whole thing is out of the bag."

"It would make an interesting career choice, not much competition." Peter said.

"Relax," said Chris. "I figured most of the listeners wouldn't believe it anyway. I've got the whole thing under control."

Justin looked very dubious. "I know, that's what scares me."

"Peter trusts me. Don't you, Peter."

"Just remember, Chris, tomorrow you guys ride off into the sunset. I have to stay here and deal with the aftermath."

"Well, you can always come with us." Joey said simply. "Both John and Anthony suggested it."

Peter was flustered. "They were just joking. I mean, would you really want me..." Peter turned into Justin's gaze. Peter looked away nervously. "It probably wouldn't work. Besides, there's my job."

JC patted Peter's knee. "Just keep it in mind. Okay?"

"Sure." Peter felt strangely flattered and at the same time scared to death. He mind became a jumble of thoughts and fears. He was having fun with these guys and then there was Justin. Could that go on as well? Peter cleared the thoughts from his mind. No. Cinderella, the magic ends at the last stroke of midnight and no longer. Case closed. But...

The screaming started.

"Looks like we're here." Lance said as the car turned into the station's driveway.

They were in the radio station's waiting room doing of all things "waiting". There was a large mirror on one wall. Peter was walking up and down that side of the room. Every now and then he would stop in front of the mirror adjust something then go back to walking.

Joey turned away from the vending machine with disappointment. He sat down with the others. "Someone should remind Peter this is a radio show. He shouldn't worry about how he looks."

"Hey, at least he's improving."

"Looking at himself in the mirror?"

"He has a low self body image." Chris said.

Joey shook his head. "Peter should fall in love with a therapist. It would be a perfect match."


"I knew he needed help. That's why I brought him here in the first place," said Chris. "That first night when we were projecting I showed him how to look at his inner self. It must have helped."

Justin snorted. "It couldn't have helped that much. Last night I almost had to pry the shirt off him."

Joey cringed. "Do I have to keep hearing about last night?"

"But he took his shirt off in front of the entire crew this morning."

Peter turned to Lance. "Thanks to both Chris and Justin I am getting better."

Joey sat back on the couch. "Nothing wrong with his hearing."

"Speaking of hearing, I'd cover your ears, Joey."


"Its about last night."

Joey slapped his hands over his ears.

"It was last night that really helped." Peter looked gratefully at Justin. "Thank you, Justin." He turned back to the mirror.

Justin got up and walked over to Peter. He smiled as he squeezed Peter's shoulders. "Thank you, too."

Peter turned to Justin. He could feel JC tense up. "Don't worry, JC. Here is not the place."

JC looked relieved. "Thank you."

"Ditto," said Joey. "Do I have to close my eyes, too?"

Peter leaned in to Justin. "Remind me I owe you one hug and a kiss."

Justin nudged Peter's chin with his fist. He tried John Wayne. "You've got it, pilgrim."

"Peter, looks like you just needed a good, ah, kick in the butt."

JC's head snapped up. "Chris!"

"You're close, Chris. It rhymes with kick."


Lance nudged JC. "You know there's a lot of words that end with "CK" that would fit."


"Fit what?" Peter asked looking innocent.

Lance, too? JC sat back exasperated. Why he tried to keep these guys under rein in public he didn't know. Sometimes it was just impossible. He gave up. "Okay, Joey. We haven't heard from you."

Joey waved his hands in front of him. "Hey, this is out of my area of expertise. No ifs, ands, or butts."

They all groaned.

"You haven't added anything, JC." Lance teasingly nudged JC.

Since everyone else had had their say he might as well join them. JC smiled. "I'm just hoping the topic will peter out."

Peter couldn't resist. "That's the way it was last night, peter in and peter out."

"Peter in and Peter out." Justin added.

JC let out a moan and held his head.

Joey turned away. "That was way too much information."

The door opened and a man in a suit entered. He smiled warmly.

"Hello, I'm Dave, the your host. Welcome." Dave shook their hands. "What a privilege it is to have you here." He finished with NSYNC and turned to Peter. "And you're Peter." Peter extended his hand a little wearily. He shook Peter's hand gently. His face took on a serious look. "What a terrible thing to have happen to anyone. We are totally with NSYNC on this. I am so glad you could be here." He smiled. "I take it you're recovering?"

Peter nodded toward NSYNC. "Its hard not to with these guys."

"Good. It's almost airtime. Follow me, please."

They followed Dave from the room.

Chris turned to Peter. "See, Peter, John was right. This interview will be different." He flexed his hand. "Its one hundred percent better already."

This was the complete opposite of the previous interview. John had been right. Dave had made everyone feel so at ease. Peter felt comfortable enough to throw in the occasional joke.

"You guys are wonderful." Dave said during a commercial break. "Our listeners are eating it up. And Peter, I don't know who's worse you or Chris."

Peter blanched. "I'm sorry if I'm saying too much. It's their show."

"Nonsense." JC said. "Its nice to see you back on form."

Chris smiled. "I can use the workout. Keep it up."

Dave got the signal. He pressed a button.

"Welcome, back. We're taking questions and comments for NSYNC. And callers, please try to keep the questions reasonable."

"I'm still reeling from the last question." Chris said. "Boxer briefs? JC, I thought you were more of a bikini man."

"Bikinis are more Joey's style." Justin added. "Wearing and looking at."

"You wear the leather, of course." Chris joked.

"Of course," replied Joey.

"Sounds like you're quite the stud muffin." Peter added.

"That's not a bad description of Joey." Justin said. "It hits his two favorite past times girls and eating."

"As public service message about wearing leather bikini underwear, be sure not to put them on inside out. Those metal studs can really smart." Joey paused. "I am just joking. What I wear is white and they're cloth and that's all you need to know."

"Private showings available by appointment only." Lance said.

"Evening hours preferred." Joey added.

"How about Peter?" Chris asked. "What kind of underwear does he wear?"

"Hey, leave me out of this. I'm not a member of the group."

"Too late." Justin said. "I'd say definitely briefs." Justin winked. He knew too well what Peter wore.

"Nah, boxers." Joey added.

"He might just surprise us. I'll go with bikini."

"Maybe I don't wear anything."

"Ew!" They all said together.

"I'm with Lance." JC said.

"You're all wrong. I bet its panties. Pink I should think."

"Chris, that's just a stereotype. Not all gay men are cross dressers." JC explained.

"Chris is right, JC. I hate to get up in the morning and pajamas are so comfortable. So I am a very cross dresser." There were groans all round. "And as for the panties, Chris, you're completely wrong." Peter paused. "They're blue."

"Okay, okay. It's definitely time to change the subject." Dave said. "Next caller please."

A man's voice came from the speaker.

"I just wanted to say I am enjoying listening to you guys. You're very entertaining even off the stage. It is certainly different from your previous radio appearance. I can't believe he would treat you guys like that."

Dave smiled. "You must mean Dr. Dan."

"Yes," said the man. "Well, I'd say he regrets it now. You certainly let him have it. It was the only part that was enjoyable to listen to. Its too bad it had to be cut short."

"He got angry. We sort of strayed from the script." Chris said.

"I knew it." Dave said. "Some of it had to be planned. There were too many coincidences especially the callers. I have to admit it though that mental power idea was an unusual concept. His writers must have had a good day."

"That was our idea actually." Chris added smiling at Peter.

"That explains that. They could never come up with something so original."

"It was supposed to all be a joke." JC voice became stern. "The "admit you're gay" thing was one thing, but when we realized he really was trying to make it seem like Peter was actually looking for sex and had provoked the attack we had to stop it."

"We can definitely say that Peter is no where close to your stereotypical gay man."


"I not saying more."

"I hope it hasn't ruined your impression of our city." The caller added.

"Not in the slightest." Justin added. "We're having a great time here." He glanced at Peter. "You're a very friendly city. Very accommodating."

"I hope the concert goes well."


The caller hung up. Dave flipped a switch.

"Perhaps you can tell us what really happened with the sabotage. How was it discovered?"

Peter plunged in. "I was actually there. I thought they were working on the stage so I didn't think anything of it. I was a distance away and it was also dark. That's why I couldn't identify the culprit."

"And I assume you overheard the guard's phone conversation as you left. He didn't see you leave?"

"No, he didn't. He had his back to me while he was on the phone."

"That's when the idea of you being invisible come in. To protect Dr. Dan's friend's reputation."

"Dave, you are amazing." Chris said.

"I've always wanted to be an investigative reporter." Dave continued excitedly. "When you told them of the tampering, this person was the most likely suspect and he was fired?"


"This is where the assault comes in."

"Yes. As I was leaving the locker room he grabbed me from behind."

"He blamed you for his being fired?"

"Yes. Since I knew both NSYNC and Craig from security, he thought I had ratted on him."

"You got free once, but he cornered you again. How did you make your final escape?"

"As he blocked my way, all I could feel was terror. I could think of nothing to stop him. I raised my hand to ward him off and the next thing I knew he was crashing into the shelves behind him. Equipment crashing down on him. I took off running."

"You were terrified. He was still in pain and off balance. It was your adrenaline that did it. But Dr. Dan couldn't believe that you could have done it alone and to one of his friends, so the mental energy thing was brought into play again."

"There is no fooling you is there?" Chris said.

"I think we have the whole story now." Dave said.

"Not quite." Joey added. "Peter was brave enough to stand up for himself and press charges. And when we wanted to make a public statement that we were against what had happened to him, he agreed to be there."

Justin was beaming with pride. Something the radio audience couldn't see, but Peter could. "He went on the television and let everyone know that not only had he been attacked, but that he was attacked as a gay man. He came out on network TV. I admire him for that."

"I quite agree." Dave said. "Who knows what young person out there you may have become a inspiration to or who might take courage from what you did. "

"I never thought of that." Peter shrugged. "I just did what I though I ought to do. NSYNC was taking a stand for me. I knew I should be there."

"I've noticed this button you're wearing. "Say no to violence". What does it say below that?"

"For Pete's sake. The crew added that." Lance answered. "The buttons were made after our website was flooded with responses from the news broadcast. They'll be available at the concert. It's a way to let everyone who is behind us on this issue show their support."

"Peter, you have certainly made an impact."

"That was after NSYNC took their stand. They deserve the credit. Without them it would have only been a blurb on a police report."

"But if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have been put in that situation in the first place."

"Lance, you know I don't blame NSYNC. It was your bodyguards that helped me. It could have been a lot worse without you."

"Don't you just love paradox?" Chris added.

Dave smiled, "So, Peter, what is it like being a guest of NSYNC?"

"Its every fan's dream."

Dave looked surprised. "You're a fan? Your shirt and badge says you are a crew member."

"It was bestowed on him." JC added.

"You're never too old to appreciating talent. Besides, if age was a fan factor what would become of the Vienna Boys Choir."

"Good point."

"I may not look it but my mind stopped at age sixteen. Some people have an inner child. I have an inner adult."

"We have a very broad fan base." JC said. "The young girls are just the most obvious. We get letters from all ages."

"With your talent, your voices and energy, not to mention your honest presence, I can see why." A light began to flash. "Please excuse me but we have to take a break for, to use an old clique, "a word from our sponsors"."

Dave shook hands again as they left. "It has been delightful. Thanks for being here. I hope the concert goes well."

"Thank you," said Justin. "We had a great time."

They started to head for the lobby and the car. Chris held Peter back.

"Thank you, Dave." Chris said.

"No, thank you." Dave shook Chris's hand. "I think we covered everything rather nicely." Dave turned to Peter. "You should be relatively in the clear now. Your abilities should be safe."

"What? You mean you two...?"

"We can't have Astral Projection being proven and common knowledge can we?" Dave said.

Peter looked confused. "You both knew? Did you plan this?"

"Dr. Dan isn't the only one with contacts."

"I told you we could handle anything." Chris said. "Remember, you're not the only one with these abilities."

"Then you two must have... And then you...." Peter looked from Dave to Chris. "I give up. There is so much I just don't know."

Dave put his hand on Peter's shoulder and smiled. "You will in time."

"Come on. The guys will be waiting. Thanks again, Dave."

Chris and Peter headed down the hall.

"We have a few hours rest before we have to be at the stadium. The sound check, the "Meet and Greet" and then..."

Peter grinned. "The concert!" Peter paused. "Chris, thank you for covering up for me."

"No problem." Chris put his arm around Peter's shoulder. "Come on. Let's catch up with the guys."

Justin was about to enter the car. He looked up to see Chris with his arm around Peter leaving the station. JC and Lance slapped Peter on the back and ushered him toward the car. Justin climbed in and slid across to the far side of the seat. The guys climbed in after him. The car pulled away.

"I almost forgot. Can you arrange a car for me tomorrow?"

"Why, Peter?"

"I want to get to church."

Joey seemed incredulous. "After all this and the concert, you are going to get up early to go to church!"

"Yes, I look forward to it every Sunday."

"It's a very special church, Joey."

"It needs to be."

"At least its very special to me."

"Why?" asked Justin.

"It's a primarily gay church. It was the first place I felt like I really belonged."

"He described it to JC and I that first morning. It sounds wonderful."

"You could come to, if you want." Peter tried to sound non-chalent.

"Well, JC, could you cut short your hobby?"

JC pretended to think it over. "Well, maybe. But we are so tired after a concert."

"JC." Lance was glaring at him.

JC smiled. "Just kidding, Peter. We'd love to. I'll have to clear it with John, but I'm sure he won't mind."

"Great." Peter could barely hide his excitement.

Lance was also eager. "We don't get to go to church much while on the road. I can't wait."

"Everyone is invited."

Chris and Joey shook their heads.

"I'll pass," said Joey.

Peter grinned. "That doesn't surprise me."

"It's not the gay people. It's the morning after a concert."

"I know." Peter smiled. "You're actions speak louder than you're words. Justin?"

Justin looked rather sullen. "I don't know."

"Don't worry about being outed." Peter reassured him. "We have straight people there all the time and we are wonderfully discrete."

"We'll just be showing our support of Peter by being there. No one will know."

"Let me think about it."

"Sure. No problem." Peter sensed Justin was back in his old mood again.

The car continued on to the hotel.

They were in the hall outside their rooms.

"We have a couple of hours before we need to leave." JC explained to Peter. "Sorry to leave you on your own, but we could use the down time."

"I understand."

"We'll let you know when we are leaving."

Peter nodded.

Lance and JC took him by the shoulders. "Soon it will be concert time."

Peter glanced past JC to see Justin look over his shoulder at them then slowly turn and continue to his room.

"I can't wait." Peter said taking his eyes off of Justin.

"See you later." JC and Lance went into their room.

Justin had barely entered his room when there was a knock on his door.


"I know you're supposed to be resting but I just wanted to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine." Justin said.

"I thought maybe you wanted company."

"Sorry, Peter, now is not the time."

"I'm not talking about sex. I mean you just look a little down."

"Come in."

Justin closed the door.

"Feeling the old jealousy again?"

Justin shook his head. "There is no putting anything past you is there?"

"Well, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see something is bothering you. You slumped back to your room like a teenager told to take out the garbage."

"When I see you with Chris or JC and Lance, I regret the time it took for me to get to know you. Even after last night, they seem to know you so much better."

"There's not that much to know."

"Chris, Lance and JC really took to you that first night. I wish I knew what I missed."

"You have time now."

"It's only a couple of hours."

Peter smiled. "There is another way. But you will have to trust me."

Peter opened his eyes. Justin was lying on the bed on his side with his back to him.


There was no response. Peter put his hand on Justin's shoulder.

"Its okay. It really doesn't matter. It was your first try."

Justin gave a grunt.

"I forget that not everyone can do it. Don't blame yourself. It was a bad time. You have so much on your mind with the concert and all."

Justin didn't respond.

"We can try again later if you want."

"Don't bother."

"Don't feel bad. I couldn't bring JC out that first time, either. Lance had to help me."

Justin rolled over and faced Peter. "Really?"

"Yep. Just tell me I didn't make you feel worse."

"Because JC and Lance projected their first time and I couldn't? That it's just one more thing you guys share that I can't?" Justin smiled. "Don't worry, its no big deal."

"Justin, you're lying."

"I'm lying." Justin sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "But you're right I'm not really in a relaxed mood."

Peter sat up. "I'd better go. You need to rest." He got off the bed.

"You can stay if you want. I'm too keyed up to rest."

Peter with the heightened awareness he got when he had returned from projecting, could read Justin's mood. He knew what to do about it. Peter stopped in front Justin.

"When I have trouble getting to sleep I have a surefire remedy. It always works for me."

Justin looked up at him. "What?"

Peter didn't blush this time. "I beat off."

Justin laughed. "Nothing induces sleep in the male faster than a orgasm. Except for the "Let's talk" line. I think I'll give it a try."

Peter shook his head. "Bad idea."

"But you just said."

"You're supposed to be resting. Jacking off takes such effort. It's counter productive."

"I don't know of another way." He suddenly sensed Peter had an idea.

"If you let me, you won't have to do a thing."

Justin could feel his cock getting hard. "You want to jack me off?"

"To start with. But I'd like to do something nicer." Peter pulled Justin to his feet. "Don't worry. You don't have to do a thing." Peter began to unbutton Justin's shirt.

Justin was amazed. Peter was taking charge. Justin's cock started to twitch. "Peter, you don't have to do this."

"This is not for me. I want to do this for you."

Justin looked into Peter's eyes. There was no lust and he didn't sense that Peter was horny. All he felt was an earnest wish to make him felt better. Peter unzipped Justin's pants. He pulled down Justin's pants and underwear with one smooth motion. Justin stepped out of his clothes. Peter stood up again.


Peter placed his finger against Justin's lips. "Sh, trust me. This is purely medicinal. It will help you to relax."

Justin felt Peter's fingers wrap around his stiffening cock. He closed his eyes.

Gently the fingers moved along the shaft back and forth. Peter licked his other hand and changed hands. Justin gasped as the lubed hand slid more easily up and down his cock. Peter licked the other hand and switched again. Justin knew the feeling of jerking off. The fingers were always on one side. Now the fingers kept changing, each time hitting different sensitive areas on his cock. He started to moan.

Peter leaned forward to suck and nibble on Justin's nipples. He kept stroking switching hands every few strokes. He picked up speed.

Justin's body trembled at each sensation. He started thrusting forward with his hips matching Peter's rhythm. He could feel his excitement mount. This was going to be the shortest hand job he had ever had.

Peter slowed his stroking. The fingers began kneaded Justin's balls. Pulling them down then squeezing them very gently. One hand continued stroking Justin's shaft.

"Peter, that feels great."

Peter pulled back from Justin's chest. "Now for the something nicer."

Justin's cock was enveloped by Peter's wet warm mouth. The soft lips gently caressing the sensitive skin. Justin's head snapped back.

"Oh, yeah!"

Peter's tongue seemed to hit every sensitive point on his cock. Even last night had never felt this good. Justin looked down at Peter. He was looking up at Justin. His eyes watched Justin for every hint of pleasure. When Justin reacted, Peter probed that spot again. Justin's body was trembling from the pleasure.

"You suck so good."

Justin watched as Peter swallowed his cock. All the way down then up again. There was no gagging, just a smooth rhythm.

Peter was thoroughly enjoying sucking Justin off. Peter had opened his pants and was stroking his own hard dick.

Justin could hear Peter's muffled moans of joy. He watched as his hard cock slid between Peter's soft warm lips. Then he felt the lips tighten around his cock as it slid back out again.

Peter pulled back to flick his tongue at the sensitive head and along the side of the cock. Justin shuttered. Peter licked down the underside until he came to Justin's balls. He kneaded and sucked at them taking them one by one into his mouth. Peter's tongue retraced his way up the shaft again. He deep throated the cock with one smooth motion. Justin felt the head of his cock slide into Peter's throat. Peter pulled back then down again burying his face in Justin's crotch. Justin felt Peter's throat tighten around the cock's head. A thrill shot through his body. After a few moments Peter backed off. A tear ran down Peter's face. Justin lightly brushed it away.

"You okay?"

Peter didn't take Justin's cock from his mouth. He answered with a low ecstatic moan. "Uh huh!" The vibrations of the moan sent another wave through Justin. Peter happily continued sucking on Justin's cock.

After a few more times up and down Peter backed off. His hand took over working Justin's cock while he caught his breath.

"I love your dick, Justin."

Justin smiled at him. "You're a hell of a cocksucker."

Peter grinned and then plunged down on the cock again. The rhythm increased. Peter grabbed Justin's ass. He squeezed and kneaded the round mounds.

Justin was in ecstasy. His hips began to take up the rhythm. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through him. His cock was throbbing. Justin began to run his hands over his body. Every nerve seemed to magnify each touch. Justin never remembered it feeling so good.

"Don't stop, Peter."

Peter didn't plan to stop. He plunged on with more fervor. Justin knew that Peter was doing this for him. Giving Justin pleasure was giving Peter pleasure. Peter's mouth and tongue were pushing Justin closer to the edge.

Suddenly Peter's rhythm altered. His smooth strokes stuttered. His body tensed. Muffled gasps came from him. Justin looked down as white spurts of cum splattered onto the carpet. Peter pumped his cock as his body jerked. The climax lessened. Peter started to stroke his own cock more slowly. He looked up at Justin. There was a muffled sigh. Peter let Justin's cock slip from his mouth. He caught his breath. Justin brushed his fingers through Peter's hair.

Peter looked up into Justin's smiling face. "Man, that was great. Now its your turn."

Peter returned to his efforts on Justin's cock. Justin was already excited. It wouldn't be too long now. Justin saw Peter lick one finger. He knew what was coming next. Peter reached between Justin's legs. The finger found Justin's asshole. His whole body shook at the sensation. Then Peter's finger pushed past the opening and slid completely into Justin. It was like an electric jolt rushed through Justin's body.

"Oh, fuck!"

The finger withdrew raking against Justin's prostate. Another surge went through him. The finger plunged in again. Justin's body snapped forward.

"Fuck, yeah!"

Only a few more thrusts of the finger and Justin couldn't hold out any more. The sensations on his cock and in his ass flooded his whole body. He could feel the start of the climax. His knees grew weak. He staggered slightly. He leaned forward and put his hands on Peter's shoulders to steady himself. He felt like his whole body was about to explode. Peter jammed his finger into Justin, again. Justin lost it.

"Oh, yes! Peter, I'm cumming!"

Peter swallowed Justin's cock to the hilt. He relaxed waiting for the eruption.

Justin's whole body jerked as he came.

"Oh, gaaaaaaawwwd!"

Justin could feel every shot, every volley of cum. Waves of pleasure surged through his body. It seemed to go on forever.

Each shot had Justin gasping.

"Ah! Ah. Ah."

Finally the waves slowed. Justin began to breathe easier. He stood up only to find out his knees were still weak. Justin collapsed back on the bed.

Peter stood up and helped Justin to his feet. Justin wrapped his arms around Peter. Putting his hand on the back of Peter's head Justin pulled him to his lips. They kissed. Their tongues mingling in passion. Justin released Peter.

"That was incredible!"

Peter just smiled. "You should be able to sleep now."

"What about you? It should be your turn now."

"The remedy was for you." Peter reached around Justin and pulled the sheets down. "Your mind will be clear now." Justin sat down on the bed. "You will be able to rest."

Justin did feel tired. Spent would be a better term. Justin stretched out. Peter pulled the sheets over him.

Peter adjusted his own clothes. He turned to leave. The sight of Justin gave him one more idea. He bent down and kissed Justin.

"Thank you, Peter."

Peter caressed Justin's cheek with his hand. "Don't mention it."

Peter flopped onto his bed. He realized that he was tired. Even the energy he had got from "helping" Justin was fading. Peter sensed that Justin would have a good nap. He would wake very refreshed. How did he know that? He remembered that first night Lance knew how JC was sleeping. Maybe he was learning after all.

A thought came to him. "Your mind will be clear now," he has said to Justin. It reminded him of what Hugh said to him after their tryst.

Peter looked around the empty room.

"How was that, Hugh? Just the way you showed me. Oh, that's right, you wouldn't have been able to be in the room. But, I think you would have been proud of me."

He thought back. Justin's aura was so beautiful to watch. It flashed with each wave of pleasure. He glanced around the room again. "Now I know why you do it, Hugh. It feels so good to help people feel better."

Peter rolled over and burying his face into the soft coolness of the pillow. He rolled back. A grinned spread across his face. "I am lucky, Hugh. Justin is so fucking Hot!"

Lance was lying in bed staring at the ceiling. "JC?"

"What are we going to do about Justin and Peter?"

"How did you know?"

JC rolled over to face Lance. "It was inevitable."


"You told me to drop the subject."

"That was in front of Justin."

"But you were right. It's between them. There's nothing we can do."

"I guess I am just being hopeful."

JC lay on his back. "Come here."

Lance moved close. JC put his arm around him. Lance rested his head on JC's chest.

"Its like Peter said. Couples always like to see their single friends fall in love, too."

"Well, if nothing else," said Lance. "Peter has more self confidence now. It will make it easier for him to find someone."

"And who knows, maybe Justin is that someone. Stranger things have happened."

"But we're leaving tomorrow. Do you think Peter will come with us?"

"I seriously doubt it. It would be a big change for him."

"Then how would they get together?"

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

"JC?" Lance raised his head and looked at JC. "That's stupid."

JC laughed. "You brought it up."

Lance settled back. He was silent for awhile. "I'll miss him."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "I will, too."

There was a pause.

"You know," JC began. "There's always after the tour."


"We could invite him to Orlando."

Lance's head popped up. "Really?"

"He must have vacation time."

"He could stay at the house. I don't think he'd offer too much of a temptation. Or maybe a hotel would be better in case he and Justin want to have at it. Of course if he stays at the house he'll have to put up with us so we should be able to "turned a deaf ear" to them. Although I must admit it might be kind of hot to hear them going at it. But then they could want the privacy if the have to "talk" about "things"."

"We could introduce him to the other bands we know. Show him off. I think he'd love that. We could throw a big party for him. Invite everybody. I'd like to introduce him to my parents. He could meet yours as well. Justin's may be a bit much, but if they get to know him."


Lance looked up.

"Don't make me sorry I even suggested it."

"Sorry." Lance lay back.

JC smoothed Lance's hair with his hand. "You get so excited. I love that."

"I am excited about the concert. Do you think Peter suspects anything?"

"Nah. It should be a complete surprise."

"Do you think he will like it?"

"Are you kidding? It's every fan's dream."

"And the audience?"

"Every fan will see themselves as Peter. They'll love it."

"You don't think he'll faint or anything like that?"

"Lance stop worrying. He'll be fine."

"I wonder what he'll do."

"Wait and see, Lance. Wait and see."

End part 12.

Next chapter: The Concert, the weekend ends and of course more sex.

It still amazes me what pops into my mind when I'm writing. I had intended to end with Justin and Peter just talking to get to know each other better then "napping" together. Then the idea of Peter trying to get Justin to project came to me. I like it. (Duh, its in the story isn't it?) I thought it brought the "magic" back into the plot. Things were getting a little heavy and normal.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what you think. E-mail me at I now know that I can take the negative with the positive. Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. Time to start on number 13.

Next: Chapter 13

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