Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Dec 21, 2001


Here we go with part 14. Just in time for the holidays. No time for fanfare onto the usual stuff:

This is a work of fiction. It doesn't even remotely bare (sorry) bear a resemblance to real life. I have no knowledge that NSYNC is gay, was or will ever be. Explicit Sex? Sorry, not in this part. But if you're going to stop reading, then I'm lying. Checkout page nine. Five guys, a head of lettuce, a dozen tomatoes, a bunch of bananas and a gallon of olive oil. "Can I toss your salad for you?" (For you loyal readers: don't believe it. I just hate to be spurned) Read on.

JC stepped from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Lance was already dressed.

"Morning, lover." Lance gave JC a peck on the cheek. As JC walked away Lance slapped JC's butt.


"What?" Lance was trying to look innocent.

"Have you been watching football again?"

"No." Lance shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt like it." Lance looked at JC. "Did it turn you on?" Lance asked eagerly.

"Lance, when a little ass slapping turns me on, you'll be the first to know."

"Justin and Peter seemed to enjoy it." Lance started to pout.

"We are not them and it was only a few slaps apiece. Besides you hate pain."

Lance faced JC. "Are you saying I'm a wimp?"

JC fought back the urge. "No. You just have a low tolerance for pain."

"Says who?"

"Lance, you need Novocain to get you into the dentist's waiting room."

"I'm just trying to expand our sexual range."

"Really?" JC moved close.


"You mean you'd like to try a little bit of this." JC slapped Lance's ass.

"Ow! JC!"

JC smiled. "You have pants on Lance. Can you imagine that against your bare skin?"

"Okay, I just wanted to try it. I found it very, ah, simulating."

"So did I." JC took Lance in his arms. "But not for us. I can't even think of causing you pain."

"It was so hot watching them." Lance lay his head on JC's shoulder. "I'm glad they've fallen in love."

JC pulled back. "Well, we will see."

Lance stared unbelieving. "You saw the aura. They're in love."

"I'm sorry. But something in me wonders if it is truly love."

Lance sat on the bed. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Justin was Peter's first lover and it was Justin's first time with a man." JC removed the towel. Lance was distracted for a moment. JC slipped on his underwear. "You saw the care Peter was taking with Justin. That could have easily been mistaken for love."

"I thought the care showed love."

"Okay, maybe from Peter's side. But I still have a problem with Justin falling in love so fast. I not so sure that it's more about love here," JC pointed to his crotch, "then love here." He pointed to his heart.

Lance got off the bed. He put his arms around JC resting his chin on JC's shoulder. "I thought I was supposed to be the worrier between us."

"You must be rubbing off on me." JC faced Lance. "It's just that we're leaving this afternoon. I guess it would be easier on them if it wasn't love."

Lance kissed JC's cheek. "Speaking of rubbing off on you," Lance pressed his crotch against JC's. "Remember when I did a lot of that? It was our first time together."

JC pulled Lance's hands around him. "Ah, yes, I remember it well."

"We'd gone to a movie and you asked me back to your place to see if we could catch our videos on TV."

"Pretty pathetic excuse, wasn't it?"

"It worked. You offered me a drink. Bourbon, I think." Lance wrinkled his nose.

"You said you wanted me to surprise you." JC stuck out his chin. He took on a posh accent. "I thought Bourbon was so sophisticated."

"I almost choked. The seven-up helped a little. I don't know how you could drink that stuff."

"Me? You downed that drink so fast and you were so gone. You couldn't even sit up straight. You kept leaning against me." The light dawned. JC peered suspiciously at Lance. "You weren't tipsy at all, were you?"

"I was only pretending. I wanted to be close to you." Lance confessed. "When you weren't looking I poured the drink into the potted plant on the end table."

JC laughed. "That's why it died."

Lance blushed. "I wasn't even thinking about sex. I just wanted you in my arms and I ached to kiss you. I didn't know how you would react. I could always blame it on the drink. Actually, I was scared to death."

JC smiled. "So was I. I thought the drink might help. First to give me courage and then to make you a bit more open. If you got mad, I could say I was just fooling around." JC kissed Lance's forehead. "But when you made the first move I couldn't believe it."

"Was it that obvious?"

"Obvious? You said, "JC, you that shirt looks good on you." You put your hand on my chest and said. "Nice pecs. How often do you work out?"" JC struck a pose. "Do you see any pecs?"

Lance ran his hands over JC's chest. "You have all the definition I could want. Besides, I thought you'd be flattered."

"I was. But right then I was too busy being totally turned on by you touching me. But you gave me an opening and I took advantage of it."

"You said the most romantic thing. "I workout as often as you do smart-ass. Let's check out your pecs" and you reached over and touched me." Lance rested his head on JC. "Your voice might have been joking but I could tell by your eyes that you were serious."

"It seemed like we sat like that for hours with our hands on each other's chest. I could feel your heart beating."

"Then I couldn't stand it any longer. I threw all caution to the wind and leaned over to kiss you. I couldn't believe my luck when you met me half way. I still remember how soft your lips felt against mine. I'll never forget our first kiss."

"I thought I was going to explode." JC said. "I had you in my arms at last and I was kissing you. I can't describe the joy I was feeling."

"You said, "I love you" right then and there. It was like a dream come true."

"I had to say something. We both had already gotten to second base and we were heading to third."

"JC!" Lance gave him a slight slap. "You always have to joke when I'm being romantic."

"But you look so cute when you're riled." JC tapped Lance's nose with his finger. Lance tried to bite JC's finger. "Okay. No more jokes." JC looked into Lance's eyes. "Back to the very first time I said, "I love you, Lance.""

Lance smiled. "I said "I am so in love with you, JC.""

"It was then that I began to feel that I wanted to do more than just kiss you."

"You took my hand and lowered it until I could feel that you were turned on. Then you reached over to me to see if I was. When you touched me I almost came."

JC nudged Lance gently. "You did."

"Really? Everything after that was just a blur of your blue eyes, your naked body and pleasure like I had never felt before. Well, that is until the first time you did me. But that was weeks after. Then the time you let me do you."

"You actually came six times that first night. I was quite impressed."

"You made it so easy."

JC smiled. "Isn't that what Peter said to Justin last night?"

Lance grinned. "New lover lingo."

Lance pulled JC to him. They kissed. After they parted Lance nestled closer. "JC, you don't think its possible...?"


"Forget it. It's a dumb idea."

"What, Lance?"

"You remember that first night we met Peter and we sang to him."


"Chris said that Peter was thinking of "This I Promise You" and we had somehow tuned into it."

"Yea, what of it?"

"What if it is Peter who is in love and Justin is just "tuning" into Peter's emotions?"

"Lance, I don't think that's possible. I doubt if Peter is unconsciously brainwashing Justin. Besides, we know how stubborn Justin can be. He's not that easily swayed."

"I said it was a dumb idea. It's just that since we met Peter anything seems possible." Lance straightened up. "So you don't really think they're in love."

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "I guess I want to believe it. But there is a lot that they will have to go through. It won't be easy."

Lance just nodded. He stepped back and let JC get dressed. He changed the subject. "I'm so looking forward to this. I really miss going to church."

"And a gay church at that."

"Just think of it, JC, all those people gay like us. We could hold hands. They wouldn't care."

JC turned to Lance. "If what Peter says is true about the congregation..." JC stopped.

Lance looked warily at JC. "JC, what are you thinking about?"

"Lance, I want your opinion on something."

Justin walked up behind Peter and put his arms around him. "I have it all arranged. There's still a vacant room booked through the rest of the tour. They hadn't cancelled it yet. You'll have free room and board during the tour. On the road you can stay on the bus and take the extra bunk now that Lance and JC bunk together or sharing my bunk." Justin nestled close. "I hope you choose my bunk. No hanky panky, but it will make the hotels stays all the nicer." He stood up and crossed to the chair and sat down at the table. He took Peter's hand. "John will be more that happy to hire you on as... Well, he'll think of something." Justin beamed. "That way we can still be together." He squeezed Peter's hand.

Peter tried to draw shapes with his fork in the maple syrup left on his plate. The shapes were always covered over as the syrup ran back together. He told himself to stop delaying. He hated what he had to do.

"There's just one snag."

"What?" Justin asked still smiling.

"I can't go with you."

Justin let go of Peter's hand. "What do you mean? It's all worked out."

Peter looked at Justin. "I have a job, obligations, bills and an apartment. I just can pick up and run off for a month."

"Its only three weeks," corrected Justin. Already his cheerful mood was gone.

"Justin, please believe me, its a dream come true. But, I can't afford it."

"Then I'll pay your way." Peter could feel Justin was clutching at straws. "Its no big deal."

"It is to me."

"Don't tell me." Justin said with a tone of anger in his voice. "You'll feel like a whore."

"You wouldn't want Bill to be right."

"What does Bill have to do with it? I thought you'd want to stay with me after last night. I thought you loved me. At least you "said" you did."

Peter winced. It was starting. Peter reached for Justin's hand. "Justin, I do love you." Justin snatched his hand away.

Justin took on a snotty voice. ""And last night was so special to me. I'll never forget it. But it would never work out." I thought you were different. But you're just like the others." He turned away.

"If you really believe that, I'd better go." Peter said softly. He stood up.

Justin turned back. "No! Please, stay. I'm sorry. I guess I just don't understand."

Peter took Justin by the hand. "Come here." They walked to the couch. Peter sat down. Justin determined to be defiant remained standing. Peter looked up at Justin. "Okay, say I did come with you, what happens when the tour is over? You bundle me onto the next plane for home?"

"No, I'm sure we can find you a place to stay and a job."

"And then? Do I stay in seclusion waiting for your covert visits or would you want to be seen with me in public?"

"Peter, I not ashamed of you." Justin said firmly.

"Good. Then you can introduce me to your friends, your family and your parents." Peter stressed the last word.

Justin dropped onto the couch. "My parents!" Justin bowed his head. "I never thought that far ahead." Justin looked up. "I've changed my mind. Can I stay here with you?"

"They can't be that bad."

"They'll never understand this."

"I'm not that much older than you."

"Not you. Me! They'll like you. They'll blame it on touring or on being around Lance and JC. If I was so freaked at being BI, they will be even more so. Their own son in love with another man. They'll go through the roof."

"I don't believe that."

"How do you know? You've never met them."

Peter took Justin by the chin. "No, I don't but I know you. And they raised you." Justin smiled at Peter. Peter continued. "Together we can face anything."

Justin looked surprised. "Together?"

"I do have some vacation time coming, if I give them enough notice. We can arrange it so after you get back from the tour I could come for a visit. I could be there with you when you tell them. Or at least be close. If you want me to that is."

"You'd do that?"

"I love you, remember?"

Justin threw his arms around Peter and kissed him. "Peter, I do love you."

Peter rubbed Justin's back. "Maybe this time apart will be good for us." Justin sat back puzzled. "It will be time for us to really think about us and our future together. Then when we do see each other again, we may have a clearer picture of what we both want."

"But last night you said you didn't know what to do?"

"That was because there was another head doing the thinking."

Justin smiled. "You are right about that." Justin paused. "I might not like it, but I think you could be right. Time apart might be best."

"But remember, it's just a breather. Soon, we will be together again." Peter took Justin in his arms. He could feel the sting already and Justin hadn't even left yet. "I going to miss you, Justin."

"Are you sure it's me and not the best sex you have ever had?"

Peter blinked away a tear and smiled. "It's the only sex I've ever had."

"Oh, thanks! You had to mention that. I thought it was because of how good I was."

Peter brushed Justin's cheek with his fingers. "It is how good you are. And I don't mean the sex."

They held each other tightly not wanting to let go. Peter finally pulled back.

"I have to get going. I think it would cause less of a scene if we got to church a little early."

"Is that invitation still open?"

"Of course. If you want to come with."

"Yeah. Now there's something I really need to pray for."

Justin reached over and wiped a tear from Peter's eye.

"Justin, it's just not fair, don't you ever cry?"

"You're the emotional one." Justin's voice broke. "But just wait until our bus pulls away and with you standing there."

"Don't think about that now." Peter gave Justin a smile. "Come on." He patted Justin's knee. "Believe it or not, you will feel a whole lot better after church."

Justin managed a smile. "Okay. As JC would say, let's go get churchified."

"Take a right at the traffic light." Peter said to the driver. "It's the first building on your left."

The car turned right.

"You can turn in there."

The car turned into what looked like an alley between two vacant lots. One lot served as a parking lot. On the other side stood a square single story building. It looked like a small warehouse. The outside had been painting in various colors to make it seem less plain. A glass double door served as the main entrance. At each side of the door was a small garden area crammed with blooming flowers.

"Here we are."

Lonnie got out first and opened their door for them. John had insisted that Lonnie accompany them.

"This is it?" Justin said as he stepped from the car.

"It's not much to look at. But as with a person, what's important is what's inside."

JC noticed the paint job and the flowerbeds. They made that square structure more warm and welcoming. He nodded to Lance. "This is definitely a gay church."

They had barely entered the door when a woman came rushing up. Lonnie and NSYNC braced themselves. She swept Peter into a hug.

"Peter, I am so sorry to hear about what happened. Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine, Deb. Thank you. I brought some friends."

She turned. Her mouth dropped. "Oh, my god!"

"No, NSYNC, actually." Peter smiled, "Well, three of them. And this is Lonnie their bodyguard. This is Deb. One of our official greeters."

"Welcome." She embraced each one. Lonnie just extended his hand. She shook it warmly.

"Peter spoke so glowingly about this place we decided we had to see it for ourselves." JC said.

"I could speak just as glowingly about Peter." She handed them songbooks and bulletins. "Peter does so much for us like ushering and counting the offering. He's a little shy, but he is dependable."

Peter was embarrassed as usual. "I think we should sit down." He stopped by a cardboard box. He pulled a small package from it and handed it to Lance. "I'll let you have the distribution rights."


"Trust me. It's your first time. It can get a bit emotional."

Lance shrugged and slipped the package in his pocket.

Peter chose a row of chairs. Lonnie took a chair and placed himself to the left of them against the back wall.

They looked around. This "church" was just a large room with a cement floor. There was a door leading to another area of the building. Folding chairs were set up in a crescent shape around a small altar. Track lighting illuminated the area. A podium and mike stood on one side with a piano in the other. Against the wall between them stood a large painted mural. It was a vast landscape of flowers and hills. There were no fancy gold symbols and, much to Justin's surprise, no cross.

"This doesn't look like any church I've been in." Justin said.

"I know." Lance replied. "That's why I kind of like it."

The people started to arrive in greater numbers. Lance watched two men greet each other.

"Hey, you. How was your week?" said one man.

"Same old. Same old."

It seemed much like his home church.

The two men had a quick kiss then hugged each other.

Nope, this church was unique.

There was a high-pitched scream and the sound of running feet. Two young kids, a boy and a girl scampered by.

"Christy, Dennis! Behave in Sunday school." The mother said. The two children went through the door leading to the other part of the church. She then smiled at the woman next to her and they both sat down together.

Justin turned to Peter. "Children?"

Peter smiled. "I know. I didn't expect them either."


"Some. Most are biological. Either from insemination or from attempts at heterosexual marriage. We have about a dozen children in the church school."

JC noticed people looking in their direction. But no one approached them.

"Oh, I was going to warn Lonnie," Peter said. "There's a place in the service were we Share the Peace. People go around greeting each other. You'll probably be inundated. I wouldn't want him to think you'll be overrun."

JC shook his head. "He is a professional. He can tell when he is needed or not."

Soon a man walked up to the podium. He welcomed everybody and started the announcements. After a bit he introduced the minister. A man wearing a rainbow colored stole took over at the podium.

"First I would like to welcome any visitors with us today. If you would like to stand and introduce your guests or if someone is brave enough to introduce themselves."

Peter stood up. JC could see that Peter was both excited and proud.

"Yes, Peter. Our little media star."

"I doubt if I really have to introduce them. I have three members of NYSNC with me this morning Justin, Lance and JC. Lonnie there is their guardian angel." Peter smiled at him. Lonnie didn't seem amused. "They don't get to church much on the road and they were intrigued when I told them about mine. So they came to check us out." Peter sat down.

The minister nodded. "Welcome to you." Everyone clapped. "I promise you we won't ask you to sing. Outside of the normal hymns that is." The minister said. "And Peter it's nice to see you looking so well after your assault. You were in all our prayers after we heard. I also would like to thank NSYNC for their positive actions afterwards. The GBLT community is deeply touched and very thankful to you." The congregation rose to its feet applauding. Peter was beaming as he joined the applause. JC, Lance and Justin stood and acknowledged their thanks. It was sometime before the clapping faded away. When everyone had resumed their seats they went on to the other visitors.

The service started. Lance had never felt so at home in a church before not even his own. There was a casual atmosphere but still a ritualistic side. Peter said that they had a reverent irreverence. He began to realize why Peter loved this place so.

A person from the congregation walked up to the podium. He read from a sheet of paper.

"Today's contemporary reading is based on a writing by Guillaume Apollinaire:

"Come to the edge." You said.

"We are afraid." They said.

"Come to the edge." You said.

"Its too high." They said.

"Come to the edge." You said.

"But, we might fall." They said.

"Come to the edge." You said.

They came to the edge.

You pushed them

And they flew."

JC felt a chill run through him at the words. He looked over at Lance. He could tell Lance was also moved by the words. JC reached over and squeezed Lance's knee. He left his hand on Lance's knee. Lance reached over and placed his hand on top of JC's. They were beginning to feel the freedom of being in this place.

They got to the Sharing of the Peace. All four of them were more than happy to exchange hugs. People did approach them. They shook hands said a few words of welcome or thanks then moved on. Lance was delighted to see same-sex couples kissing each other. He'd never seen it before outside of the gay bar they had projected to. But here it was a true gesture of love.

Justin got the others attention. "Look over there."

People were going up to Lonnie welcoming him. Lonnie seemed uneasy about it.

JC smiled. "It's the attention. He's used to being ignored."

An older woman approached Peter. She was very nicely dressed different from the casual clothes the majority of the people were wearing. Her dress was a brilliant blue. It fluttered behind her as she moved. She gave Peter kiss on the cheek. Her bracelets noisily slid down her arms.

Something about her appearance had Justin puzzled.

"Peter, how are you doing after that dreadful attack?"

"I'm fine, Lily." Peter gestured to NSYNC. "The guys really helped."

She shook each of their hands, bracelets rattling. Justin was surprised at how large of her hands were.

"How wonderful. Bless all of you." She put her hand on Peter's shoulder. She smiled warmly at the guys. "Peter, I envy you your company." She headed off in a whirl of blue fabric.

It suddenly struck Justin what was different about the woman. He spun around to Peter.

"She's a he!"

"Lily is transgender." Peter explained. He stressed the next word. "She just didn't go through the medical process. She's a very kind woman. Feel free to talk with her and ask her questions. She delights in enlightening people about the transgender community."

JC shook his head. "Peter, you maybe naive about some things, but you are light years ahead of us on others."

"You can thank this place for that." Peter said.

Before JC could say anything the piano player began playing the introduction to the next hymn.

The sermon was a surprise and a delight to Lance. He had hardly ever heard gays mentioned in church before and rarely in a positive way. Here they were a freely mentioned as part of the sermon.

"I was flying back from a synod meeting." The minister was saying. "An other minister about seventy years old was seated next to me. As we talked I could tell he had a more conservative upbringing. The topic soon came up of love and marriage. He was happily married with two wonderful children. Each of these children had "followed God's plan" in his words and were also married. He then went into a speech about how love and marriage is a divine gift to mankind that no one was spiritually complete without it.

I, of course, was getting nervous. Sooner or later I knew my being gay would come into the picture. I wasn't going to hide the fact from him. If it came up, I would tell him the truth. Whether he wanted to know or not.

He finally asked me if there was," the minister made quotes in the air with his fingers, "someone special" in my life. I told him, yes and that we had just celebrated our three-year anniversary. He beamed happily at the answer.

"Any children?"


"Well, keep trying."

The congregation laughed.

"He had crossed the line. I turned to him.

"You probably don't want to hear this, but my "someone special's" name is Dave. I am gay."

He looked at me very sternly. I braced myself for his attack.

"It doesn't matter what I want." He said. "God made you and God doesn't make garbage."

Lance reached over and took JC's hand. JC smiled at him. They turned back to the minister.

"You were born this way because God has a purpose for you as a gay man. Surely as a minister, you know that?"

"Yes." I stammered. I was stunned by his positive response. He went on.

"I'm delighted that you have someone. What I said goes for everyone. I'm sorry if you thought I only meant straight people. God's gifts know no limits. It's us that assign the limits to God. I know that God is forgiving, still I sometimes wonder if God ever gets good and pissed at us."

There was laughter again.

"We spent the rest of the flight showing pictures and chatting. We were both different people from when we sat down. We understood each other and we grew closer because of it."

The minister was coming to the end of the sermon.

"We, all people make up a truly multicolored tapestry. It is made up of all colors, all opinions and all orientations. I tell you, again. We all are the children of God and we are most wondrously and fabulously made. Amen."

The congregation replied, "Amen!"

Peter looked at Justin.

"Wow," was all he said.

The piano started the hymn.

The communion was different, too. There were several servers. People came up as groups or singly. They were giving the elements and they embraced each other in what JC thought of as prayer huddles. They got up to get in line. Peter indicated to Lonnie that he could join them. Lonnie declined.

Lance didn't remember much of the prayer the server gave. He was so taken with how wonderful the physical contact between them was. In his home church a handshake was about as physical that they got. Here for some reason standing there with their arms around each other in a group made the experience more personal.

As they walked back to their seat Lance found himself very moved by what he was experiencing. Peter was right. This service was emotional.

"Well, I'll be. Guys, look there." Justin said surprised.

There stood Lonnie waiting in line for communion.

"I guess he felt moved." JC suggested.

"I don't think I have even seen Lonnie leave his post." Justin added.

"Well, it's not needed here." Peter said.

Peter watched as Lonnie approached a server. He had to smile. It had to be the shortest of all of the people. Lonnie smiled down at the person warmly then got down on one knee so their two heights were more compatible. The server timidly put his hands on Lonnie's shoulders, leaned forward and started to pray. When the prayer was done Lonnie stood up and Peter saw him say, "Amen." Lonnie didn't even glance at them on the way back to his seat. But Peter could tell something had touched Lonnie. He didn't really care what.

They were singing the final hymn. As they sang the second verse the piano stopped playing. Instead of tapering off the voices swelled filling the room. They broke into four part harmonies. As he sang Lance felt a thrill go through him. Lance had never felt like this in church before. The spirit in the room was almost palpable. These people, probably outcasts from the churches they grew up in, had created their own place of worship. Now Lance knew why he felt so at home. They didn't care that they were members of NSYNC, they didn't care if they were straight or gay. All that mattered was that they were there to worship together.

Lance looked over at JC. JC was singing with fervor. He reached over and put his arm around Lance. Lance resisted at first. They were in public. Then he leaned against JC. Lance looked self-consciously around the room. No one was staring or even seemed to notice. He was standing with his lover's arm around him for the first time in public. No one cared. Then it struck him. They were in a church. He wasn't just in public. They were standing before the divine as well. The connection with the divine was stronger than Lance had ever felt. Lance let the feeling of freedom and acceptance wash over him.

Lance looked at JC. JC stopped singing long enough to smile and give Lance a kiss on the cheek. Lance stopped singing. He couldn't get the words out. The tears started to form. Lance reached for the package of tissues in his pocket. He broke the seal, pulled one free and wiped his eyes. He was about to put it away when JC stopped him. JC reached over for a tissue. JC dabbed his eyes.

"JC, look at us."

"I know. Holding each other in public."

"Not just in public." Lance looked upward.

JC blinked back tears. "He already knows, Lance."

"I never thought I could feel like this. No dread or fear of what the public will find out. Just us, free to be our true selves."

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "So what's you opinion, now?"

"Yes, please!" Lance nodded enthusiastically.


JC watched the minister leave the front of the church. He went down the aisle and made his way to the door. Obviously to greet people as they left. JC leaned over to Peter.


Peter pointed behind them. "To your left." JC excused himself.

Peter glanced at Lance. He was still wiping his eyes. Peter smiled. He knew the feeling all too well. It was one of the reasons he wanted to bring them here. After a few minutes JC returned.

The last chords of the hymn rang out ending the service. There was a smattering of clapping. People started to leave.

"If I can have your attention, please." The minister was back at the podium. "Our guests have something they would like to say." He nodded at JC.

The people started to sit back down.

Peter looked confused as JC and Lance pushed past him.

"Come on you two." Lance smiled.

Peter and Justin followed.

"Do you know what's going on?" Peter whispered to Justin.

"We usually do a "Thanks for having us" speech when we appear places."

"Oh." Peter nodded.

JC gestured for Justin to go first. Justin stood at the podium.

"I want to thank you for your warm welcome. This has been a wonderful service. Like Peter said we don't get to church much while on the road. This is a wonderful church. I can see why Peter loves it do much. Thank you, again."

Justin stepped down. JC went next.

"To quote Justin after the sermon: Wow! The last time we were in town Peter told us of this church. We were unable to make it then. I am so grateful we are here now. I think I am right to say we have never experienced anything like this. You are so welcoming and excepting of people. Here in this church you allow people to freely be who they really are. I've felt it myself." JC could see heads nodding in agreement. "I especially want to give you my personal thanks."

JC moved and let Lance stand at his side.

"There's not much I can add to that." He waved the package of tissues. "You obviously know your effect on people." The congregation laughed. "Since we started NSYNC, we have always tried to show we are just people not celebrities. We're just guys doing what we love. Here, too, you are brought together by something you love. Thank you for sharing that love with us today."

JC nudged Lance. "Do it."

"But there is another bond that we share. And today JC and I got to experience it openly in front of so many people for the first time in our lives." Lance scanned the people's faces. "JC and I are gay."

There was a brief stunned silence. Then the applause erupted. JC grinned at Lance. JC waved his hands. As the clapping subsided JC leaned to the mike. "Now tell them the real news."

Lance fought hard to keep his voice from breaking. He proudly took JC's hand. "In a little over a week. JC and I will be celebrating our one-year anniversary as a couple."

There was no stopping them now. The people stood up cheering and clapping. A few whistled enthusiastically.

Lance and JC looked out at the people cheering for them. Lance felt the tears running down his face. He turned to JC. He was more restrained but the tears were there, too. Lance threw his arms around JC. Their love had gone public and these people were rejoicing in it.

Lance looked over JC's shoulder to see both Peter and Justin clapping just as hard as everyone else did. Peter was brushing tears away, too. Lance blew him a kiss. They turned back to the people.

The clapping had become a steady rhythm. JC looked at Lance. Lance smiled. They leaned close and kissed. The room exploded with cheers.

Lance was almost sobbing with joy when he pulled back. JC and Lance held out their clasped hands and turned again to face the people.

Peter waved the people to come up front. People left their seats to hug and give congratulations to the JC and Lance. Peter and Justin moved off to the side.

"Well, it has started." Justin said. "But, I've never seen them happier."

Peter nudged him. "You want to make a statement. There's still time."

"I think I'll pass." Justin smiled at Peter. "For now."

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Lonnie.

"It was a good idea to come here."

"Especially for JC and Lance." Peter said.

"And for me." Lonnie added.

Peter looked surprised.

"To tell you the truth, I never felt real comfortable around gay people, even when it was JC and Lance or you."

Peter pulled on his angel charm. "You've been very nice to me."

"I thought I was bringing God into your life. I thought of it as saving your soul. It was the way I was brought up, I guess. I can't think of gays the same way now. This church reminded me of the services I went to when I was a boy." Lonnie gestured to the room. "God is in this place. God is with these people. He has already accepted them. I should, too. They're... You are not so different as I thought."

"That's big of you, Lonnie." Justin smiled.

"You I will never feel comfortable with." Lonnie patted Justin's shoulder. "But with Peter's influence you are getting better."

"Thanks a lot!"

Lonnie and Peter laughed.

The minister approached JC and Lance. "I want to assure you that what you have said here will remain between all of us. We'll let you tell the world. When you're ready." He handed them buttons. "Here is a little something for you to remind you of us."

JC read the writing on the button. It said in pink letters "Queer by the Grace of God."

"Thank you."

"May God bless you both and may you have happy life together."

Peter approached JC and Lance after the crowd of people had gone.

"Well, you two are now officially queer. Congratulations."

Lance swept Peter into a hug and kissed him.

"How can we thank you for this? This was so incredible."

"We will never forget this day or this church." JC also hugged and kissed Peter. "How can we ever repay you?"

"You already have. I remember a shy lonely man being thanked for a certain rescue and being made an honorary bodyguard. Everybody shook his hand and thanked him. So you owe me nothing. I'm just glad I got the chance to give you something back."

"But you've done so much for us. That whole thing with Bill and the sabotage, the media interviews, you helped me with my parents not to mention Justin here." Lance said. "Are you sure you won't change your mind and come with us?"

They were standing in the concourse of the stadium. It was time for good byes.

"I'm sorry. Tour life is too hectic. I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow. I could use the rest."

"We're going to miss you, man." Joey said.

"I miss you already."


Peter turned. Craig came hurrying toward him.

"I'm glad I caught you before you left. I wanted to give you my card. The stadium management has almost reached a decision on the compensation to you for you're assault. Call me on Monday and I will have all the details."


Craig hugged Peter. "Well, have a save trip."


"You're leaving aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't have that far to go."

"But your part of the tour." Craig was confused.

Peter smiled. "I was a guest of the tour. I live here."

A smiled spread across Craig's face.

"Really? Well, then I can call you."

"Watch it, Justin." Chris teased. "You have a rival already and you haven't even left."

"Rival?" asked Craig.

"Come on, the bus is waiting." JC said. He hugged Peter. "Stay in touch."

"Of course."

"Remember you're coming to our home for vacation. Right?" said Lance as he hugged Peter.

"I'm looking forward to it."

It was Chris's turn. "I'm looking forward to some good sparring."

"You'd better brush up on your jokes before then."

"See you on the astral plan sometime."

Joey patted Peter's shoulder. "Take care, bro. Hope to see you soon."

Peter turned to Justin.

"Take it easy, Timberlake. Don't give them too much trouble."

Justin pulled Peter to him. His voice broke. "I going to miss you so much, Peter." After a few moments he pulled back. "I wish you would chance your mind."

"Justin, some night you will be thinking of me and it will feel like I am there with you. I just might be."

"How will you find me when we're traveling?"

"You're traveling. I'm traveling. Don't worry. I will somehow."

Justin smiled and turned away. He had walked only a few steps when he ran back. He gave Peter a long kiss. "I love you, Peter." He turned and left the stadium with the others.

Peter reached for his hanky.

Peter walked through the door and watched the bus pull away. He waved. He could see the guys through the window waving back. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Peter knew who it was. He kept his eyes on the bus as it turned the corner and out of his sight.

"You did the right thing. I am so proud of you."

"Thanks, Hugh."

"And don't worry. You'll be together again before you know it."

Peter finally turned away. He looked at Hugh.

"How do you know these things?"

Hugh just smiled. "You already know the answer. And yes, if you keep projecting and learning you can know these things, too."

Craig had been watching. He touched Peter's shoulder.

"You and Justin?"

Peter nodded.

"I know it must be painful. I wish there was something I could do."

Peter turned to Craig and smiled. "There is something you can do."


"Finish my tour."

Craig grinned. "Sure. Anything you'd like to see in particular?"

"Yeah, the employee locker room."

"What?" Craig pointed to Hugh. "I think that's more in his line."

"No. I don't mean it that way. I just never want to walk into the wrong locker room, again."

Craig laughed. "Come, on. Let's finish the tour."

End Part 14.

Don't worry, there's more to come. Thanks to all who have E-mailed. I always love to hear from the readers. My E-mail is Good, bad or indifferent. I can take it. Thanks again for reading. Time to work on the next part.

And JC, thanks for your reaction to Lance during the Atlantis Concert when you are singing TIPY in the aquarium tunnel. Have you been reading this? Or maybe some of these writers aren't far off after all.

For those of you who missed it. NSYNC is in this tunnel fish swimming all around. They are singing TIPY to check out the acoustics. They're just standing there singing very seriously. At the line "Every word I say is true. This I promise you." JC looks at Lance standing just off screen. JC breaks into this huge grin and turns away. No one else cracks a smile. Something is going on there. Well, maybe it was a shark swimming up behind Lance. I know what I am thinking.

Next: Chapter 15

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