Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 4, 2002


Here we go with part 15 and it only took 2 weeks! There were holidays in there too. What do you think Luke & Jimmy? Well, I think I'm getting faster;) You're not here to have me dither on so...

This is a story of complete fiction. The characters in this story are based on real people but in no way is this meant to be a depiction of their real life. To my knowledge no one in NYSNC is gay or has been gay. (I'm leaving off the "will be" because I have hope.) Will there be wild gay sex? I'm not telling. But you can tell its hot sex by all the !!!. So if you are underage or find Gay sex distasteful or are loath to the idea of the hunks of NSYNC locking lips with guys (and I pity you) stop reading now.

With that out of the way: Go to it! I hope you enjoy it.

NSYNC were watching TV on the bus. The movie was at a romantic scene between two lovers. Justin turned away from the TV. He glanced across the way. Lance sat with his head resting of JC's shoulder. They were holding hands. Justin got up.

"I'm thirsty. Does anyone want anything while I'm up? Joey, I'll bring you a can of cola and a bag of chips."

Joey looked up. "Why is it that you guys always think that I am always looking for food? I beginning to find it insulting."

"I'm sorry, Joey."

"Justin, forget it. I'm fine."

Justin started to leave.

Joey sighed. "Make that a diet cola and the sour cream chips."

"Anyone else?"

"No, we're fine." JC said.

Justin left.

Lance nudged JC.

Justin opened the fridge and took out two cans of pop.

"I'll have an orange, if there's one left," said JC.

"Sure." Justin handed JC the can.

"You're holding up well."


"Since we, you left him."

"Oh, I haven't given it much thought."

"No? You always get uncomfortable now during the romantic scenes. I know seeing Lance and I together doesn't help either."

"It's not your fault. Please don't feel guilty because of me."

"Justin, I owe you an apology."

"For what?"

"I didn't think that you were really in love with Peter. I though it was awfully fast. I see now that I was wrong." JC put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "This can't be easy for you."

Justin looked at JC. He had a pained expression. JC finally saw a bit of the pain Justin was so bravely trying to keep from them.

"JC, I have never felt like this before. I try to convince myself that it was just the sex. I've had other weekend romances before. It was so different with Peter. I seduced him because I was curious about sex with another man. He took the time and the care to make it special for me. No one's done that for me before. I didn't expect to feel this way." Justin bowed his head.

"Come here."

Justin moved to JC. JC put his arms around Justin and held him close.

"We're here for you, Justin." JC gently rubbed Justin's back. "Please, stop being so brave and let us help you. We all know that you're hurting."

"I'm sorry, JC."

After a few minutes Justin pulled back.

"Feel better?"

"A little. I miss him so much, JC."

"I know. You'll be together, again. I promise you. Probably sooner than you'd think."

"It just hurts so without him."

"That proves that its love."

"If only I could hold him in my arms, again. Or even just to see his face."

"Thanks for reminding me." JC fished into his pocket. "I had John contact the stadium security and asked for them to send over a copy." He handed something to Justin.

Justin looked down at the tag in his hand. It was Peter's crew tag with his picture on it.

Justin ran his finger across Peter's picture. He looked up and smiled. "Thank you, JC."

"Talk to John. Maybe he can work something out."

"I doubt it. I even offered to pay Peter's way. He still didn't come with."

"It would be a big change for him. He's used to being alone."

Justin looked up. "My god, you're right. He is. I have you guys. He has no one. It must be harder for him."

"So help him. Give him a call. Let him know that you're thinking about him."

Justin smiled. "I will. I might even send him flowers." Justin looked questioningly at JC. "That's okay with gay guys, right?"

"He'll love it." JC let Justin go. "Just keep it simple."

"A single rose to symbolize my love."


"Thank you, JC." Justin gave JC one last hug.

"No problem, bro. Shall we go back?"


Justin turned and opened the cupboard. He stopped. "Oh, hell. He's going to hate me."

JC turned back alarmed. "What?"

"We're out of the sour cream chips."

Peter answered the phone. "Hello."

"Hi, stud," came a sexy voice.

"Will you please stop calling. I told you I am not interested."

"Peter, its me! Justin."

"Justin?" Peter voice trembled. "Its wonderful to hear your voice. I miss you so much."

"Me, too. Even with the hectic pace you're still on my mind."

"You're always on mine. I guess I have less distractions."

Justin tried to sound non-chalent. "Who is this caller you thought I was?"

"Oh, just a prank. Ever since I've been home the phone has been crazy. I had to go out and buy an answering machine. I just felt I had to answer it this time."

"That's because you knew it was me." Justin said silkily.

"What are you wearing?" Peter cooed.

"I get back to you later on that."

"Oh, the guys are around."


"Tell them "hi". Oh, and give JC and Lance a kiss and a hug for me."

"Nothing for me?"

"There's plenty for you, but I can only give it to you in person."

"You know I hate to wait."

"Well, you can call me once you are alone in your room. I can describe it to you."

"I can't wait. And I have something for you, too."

"If it is what I think it is I can't wait either." Peter lowered his voice. "Your stand-in isn't the same."

"My stand-in?"

"The Pickle bread."

"Pickle bread? Wait, I get it. The dildo."

"You're getting good. But its not you and I have to do all the work. I think its actually wearing down."

"My poor, baby. Have the neighbors complained yet?"

"No, not complained, but I have had some offers."

"Stop, you'll make me jealous. And you're turning me on. I can't go back to the guys with a woody."

"Sorry. How's the tour going?"

"Fine. Except Joey split his pants last night."

"What? When?"

"Right at the beginning of first number. He had to dance with clinched butt cheeks for the next two songs."

Peter laughed. "I bet he wasn't happy about that."

"Chris told him he should have turned around and mooned the audience. He would have gotten a lot of dates."

"And not from the sex he wanted. Now if he had split them up the front maybe."

"Yeah, but then the fans would have gone from NSYNC to incensed.

There was a pause.

"I better let you go." Peter said. "I don't want to bankrupt you with phones bills."

"I'll call when I get to my room."

"What time?"

"Why? You never go out. Should I be getting worried?"

"There's only one man I truly want to see. I love you, Justin."

"I love you, too."

"Bye, lover."

Justin hung up. He walked back and joined the guys.

"It was so romantic. "I love you, too." Gees, someone get me a barf bag." Chris said.

Justin sat down. "Peter sends hugs and kisses. Except for you, Joey. For you just a warm handshake."

"Anything for me?" asked Chris.

"Yes." Justin adjusted a small pillow. "Peter said I was to give you a big smack on the lips."

"Really? Great!" Chris turned and pursed his lips. Justin hit him in the face with the pillow.


"Chris, you had it coming. Listening in on a private phone conversation."

"Justin, nothing is private on this bus." JC remarked.

"Well, at least you tried not to listen. And he didn't have to joke about it." Justin raised his hand. "I take that back. That was a stupid thing to say. Chris is Chris."

"How's Peter doing?" Lance asked.

"Fine. His phone is going crazy probably from the publicity. But he is managing."

Lance patted his knee.

"You doing better?"

"Yeah, It was nice to hear his voice, again." Justin put his hand on his thigh. He could feel Peter's crew tag in his pocket. "I think I'll lie down for awhile." He left.

"Remember to wipe up afterwards." Chris called after.

"He's really got it bad." Joey said.

"If only Peter could be here."

"Well, he chose to stay behind."

"I mean the astral thing. Surely since they are in love Peter can find Justin." Lance said.

Chris shook his head. "Its not that easy. Believe it or not, even a strong emotional attachment doesn't mean an instant connection."

"Well, then maybe we could find Peter and bring him here." Lance suggested.

"But we don't know where Peter lives." JC replied.

Lance puzzled for a moment. Then a big grin spread across his face. "But Chris does."

JC brightened. "That's right you were there twice."

Chris put his hands up. "Now just wait a minute."

"But, Chris," Lance pleaded. "It's for Justin."


Chris looked at each of the guys pleading with him.

"Damn. I had hoped it would be a surprise. Don't worry. It is on my agenda."

"Thanks, Chris." JC smiled.

"Hey, I want to see Justin happy too, you know."

Peter was heading back home. For four nights he had projected and had tried to locate Justin to no avail. Peter had tried everything. He had gotten their itinerary from John. He had studied maps, followed roads, concentrated on Justin and nothing worked. Well, he wasn't giving up yet. He slipped through the walls of the apartment building and floated to his room. To his surprise a shape was waiting.

Peter felt the presence. "Chris?"


"What are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood and was about to go back, so I thought I should see if you wanted to return with me. You know to see Justin."

"In the neighborhood?"

"Look in this state we know no boundaries. Halfway across the country is the neighborhood. Do you want to come back with me or not?"

"What do you think?" Peter floated close. They touched.

Chris felt Peter's thanks. Then Chris was flooded with Peter's love and need for Justin.

"Concentrate, Peter. You don't have to share every emotion with everybody."

Peter closed part of his mind.

"That's better. Here we go."

As before the room blurred. Objects flashed past them, houses, trees, and signs. Nothing distinct but Peter knew what they were. The view grew clearer but the objects still were moving.

"What's happening?"

"We're catching up with the bus. Hang on."

Peter watched as they approached the bus. They passed through the roof. Once in the bus they stopped.

"Justin's bunk is..."

"I sense him now. Thank you so much, Chris."

"Thank everyone. It wasn't just my idea. We all want to see Justin happy. See you later."

"I thought you were returning."

"Later. I can't sleep with all that glowing going on." Chris flew off.

Peter floated to the bunk he felt Justin was in. He passed through the curtain.

There was Justin asleep on his back.

"Justin? It's Peter. I'm here."

There was no response. Justin was too deep in sleep. Peter floated close. He concentrated his thoughts. He reached out and touched Justin. Not to read Justin's emotions, but to let Justin know his. A blue glow flowed from Peter onto Justin. Justin seemed to absorb the glow. Justin stirred.

"Peter?" Justin muttered in his sleep.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here."

"Hmm, I love you. I miss you."

Peter noticed Justin's eyes moving beneath the close lids. Justin was in REM sleep. He was dreaming and Justin was talking in his sleep.

"I am here, Justin. Can you feel my love."

Justin smiled. "I do. Make love to me," Justin moaned.

"I can't."

Justin began to move his hips. The sheets began to form a teepee.

"Please, I need you."

Peter panicked. "Justin stop. Don't think about sex."

"I want you."

Peter felt himself being pushed back.

"Justin, stop. I can't stay if you do this."

"Peter, please!"

"Justin, don't start to want privacy. I want to stay with you."

"You feel so good."

Peter felt himself losing touch. He was being pushed away.


Justin's hand grabbed himself under the sheets. "Peter, do me."


Peter was propelled backwards into the night.

The bus sped off in front of him. Peter was distraught. "Justin, why did you have to get turned on? I wanted to be with you." One more look at the receding bus. Peter reluctantly headed for home.

Peter rolled onto his back. Damn it! He had found Justin, but only briefly.

Peter decided to try something. Maybe they were still connected. He tried to project his thoughts into the night. "Justin, hear me!"

Justin was in that state just below being fully awake. There came a faint blue glow. Justin felt a presence and his body thrilled to it. His head rolled back and forth. Justin's cock strained against the sheets until it flapped to his stomach. His hands clutched at the sheets.

"Peter?" He whispered.

Peter felt a strange warmth close over him. The room seemed to take on a blue glow. He sensed someone.



As Peter lay there a thrill went through his body. His cock followed the same arc as Justin's. They were still connected.

"I am here, Justin."

"Peter, it that you?"

"Yes. I love you, Justin." Peter thought.

"I love you, too. I miss you, Peter." Justin's mind replied.

"I miss you, Justin."

"Where are you? I want to see you."

"We're joined together by our thoughts, Justin. Can you feel it?"

"Yes, I can."

"Can you feel my love for you."

"Yes. Do you feel mine?"


"I wish I could hold you."

"Justin, soon I'll lying beside you."


"We will feel our warm bodies press together."


"We will taste each others sweet lips!"


"We'll be making love!"


"I want to feel you so bad!"

"I'm here with you!"

"Oh, Justin!!!"



Although they were thousands of miles away from each other Peter and Justin shot off together. No hands touched them. The emotion of the moment did it all. The two lovers soon slipped into dreams of sleeping in each other's arms.

Lance and JC had been watching the blue glow. They could just make it out through the crack in the curtains. Justin had called out Peter's name softly. The aura had grown bright and then faded away. Lance smiled and snuggled closer to JC.

JC kissed Lance on the forehead. "Happy now?"

"Yeah. Now how are we going to get them together physically."

JC refrained from groaning. "That's my caring baby. I love you, Lance."

"Good night, JC." Lance lay down.


Lance moved and kissed JC. "I love you, too."

JC smiled. "Thanks. 'Night, Lance."

Chris floated back to the bus. At last that was over. Still he had to be impressed. He had never seen such a connection between two people before. Reach out and touch someone, indeed. Chris was glad he had done it. Two people he cared greatly for were for a moment happier.

Justin whistled as he came to the table. Lance smiled as he recognized the song, "Its Gonna Be Me".

"My, we are happy this morning." Joey said.

"I had this most incredible dream last night. It was so real."

"It was about Peter wasn't it?" Lance smiled.

"How did you know?"

"Because it wasn't just a dream."


"Chris brought Peter back here last night." Lance was just beaming.

"Brought him back? How?"

"I projected myself to his home. He was out trying to find you. When he came back I brought him here."

"You did that? For me?"

"Nothing is too good for my bro."

Justin sat down. "Then he was really here. That really was his love I felt." Justin suddenly looked embarrassed. "Was I too loud? Did I say anything?"

Chris grinned. "Do you mean beside the "Take me like the wild animal you are!"? Then there was a constant thumping and it all ended with some ecstatic screaming."

"Stop it, Chris." JC said.

"You just said Peter's name a couple of times," Lance glared at Chris, "and that's all we heard."

Chris looked serious. "That was some connection you guys had. I've never seen anything like it. It was quite amazing"

Justin smiled. He let out a happy sigh. "It was amazing alright."

JC put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "We're glad it did you some good."

"You guys are the best. I could just kiss all of you."

"Save it for lover boy." Joey said.

"Is there anything I could do?"

"Well, you're washing your own sheets for one." Chris said.

"Hello, sexy."

"Justin, right on time."

"Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing. Just listening to Beethoven with a glass of wine, a bottle of lube waiting for the phone to ring and someone to tell me to get a hold of myself."


"What else would the cultured gay man have as background music while he jacks off?"

"Oh, I get it. You beat often to Beethoven."

"So, what are you wearing, stud?"

"Nothing but a smile."

"My the guys have gotten more open minded."

"I'm in my room."

"Are you hard?"

"How do you think I dialed the phone?"

"You'll have to show me that sometime."

"I push your buttons right, don't I?"

"I'll say you do."

"By the way the other night was amazing. I wish I knew that you would be here."

"We can try again sometime. Maybe you would even learn to project."

"I've heard that you can even have sex on the Astral Plain. That could be another first for us."

"That would be wonderful. I always wondered what it was like after seeing Lance and JC doing it."

Justin noticed a tone in Peter's voice. "Do you want to skip it tonight?"

"Unless you really need to."

"No. Just talking to you is enough. I can jack off to your picture when I have to."

"My picture?"

"JC had a copy made of your crew tag. I was really feeling lonely when he gave it to me. It helped a lot."

"You guys always look out for each other. It's so wonderful."

"I wish you had someone."

"Besides you?"

"Yeah, being alone, I mean, by yourself, I mean... I'm sorry. How it going for you?"

"Well, work has been a bit of a strain."


"It seems that I wasn't as out as I thought I was."

"You mean the people didn't know you're gay?"

"They do now. No one has freaked on me, but its not the same."

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, I made the choice. It's not for much longer anyway."

"What do you mean? Are you quitting?"

"No, not really. Never mind. Oh, before I forget, thanks for the rose. It was a romantic gesture."

"My pleasure."

Peter paused. "I miss you, Justin."

"Sixteen days. That's all."

"I've put in for the time off. Everything should be set."

"I can't wait. I love you."

"So do I. I mean, I love you too. Take care."

"See you soon."


The concert was over and Justin was dead tired. All he wanted to do was to go to sleep. He reached the bus and climbed aboard. As the rest of the guys headed for the door the driver put out his hand.

"Wait a few moments, please."

"What?" They said.

Justin pulled back the curtain to his bunk. He was about to get in when he noticed a single red rose lying on the pillow. He picked up the card beside it.

"Your lips are softer than these petals. I can't wait until I feel them on mine again. Love, Peter." Then at the bottom were the words. "Please turn off the TV."

Justin was puzzled. Then he realized that the TV was on. The driver must have left it on. He walked to the back of the bus.

As he entered the room something moved at his right. Justin turned.

"I'm sorry, I must have dozed off."

Justin stared unbelieving.


Justin was so stunned he could barely speak. "Peter?"


"What? How?"

"What is in that driver's mind trying to keeping us off the bus." Joey was saying as they came in.

JC saw Justin standing frozen to the spot.

"Justin, what is it? What's wrong?"

"You son of a bitch!" Justin lunged out of sight.

"Someone's in there!" They rushed to Justin's aid. They pushed into the room. Justin had the person firmly pinned in his arms and he was kissing him? Justin pulled back from the kiss.


"Hi, guys."

"What are you doing here?" Joey asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Surprising the hell out of Justin." Justin let go of Peter. "Actually, I'm taking you up on your invitation."

"But I thought..."

"Things have changed. That's if you haven't changed your minds."

"No. Of course not." JC hugged Peter. "Its good to see you again. Justin, you're not saying anything."

"I'm still in shock." Justin said. "You're really here to stay?"

"As long as you can stand me."

Justin flung his arms around Peter. "Peter, I..." He stopped. "Not in front of Joey."

"NSYNC, clear the room." JC point to the front of the bus. "You have five minutes."

They left.

Justin pulled Peter to him. "Don't you ever leave me, again."

"I'll never... "Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "Screw the rest of the speech." Peter pressed his lips against Justin's.

Lance looked back over his shoulder.

JC shook his finger at Lance. "For shame, Lance. No peeping."

Lance took JC's hand. He looked at JC. "Together, again."

JC smiled and squeezed Lance's hand.

They were seated together as Peter was starting his explanation.

"I arranged everything with John. My flight got in too late for the concert, so I just waited on the bus. I'm just relieved the surprise went so well."

"But you said you couldn't go with us. You couldn't afford it." Justin said.

"I couldn't. But that was then. This is now."

"What?" Joey said.

"You remember Craig mentioned the compensation that the stadium was going to pay me for the attack. "Guilt Money" Craig called it. If it got out that one of their employees sabotaged a stage and assaulted a member of the touring crew. Now many touring companies would like that?"

"How much did you get?"

"Lance!" JC snapped.

"I'm just asking."

"Its okay. Well, I decided that I would give one-tenth to your children's charity. It was your concert after all." Peter pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. "Here. This is for you."

JC took it. His mouth fell open. "This is a check for eight thousand dollars!"

"One tenth of what they gave me. They must have felt very guilty."

"Sweet Jesus!" Said Joey.

"Yes, he is." Peter replied.

"But what about your obligations?"

"I sublet my apartment to my nephew. He was dying for his own place. He'll be forwarding me my mail in the mean time. And I have an extended leave of absence from work. They don't understand the meaning of the word "Quit". So here I am. No strings attached."

"Oh, Peter." Chris groaned.

Peter looked serious. "I hope I haven't imposed myself on you."

Lance took Peter's shoulder. "Nonsense. We asked you to. Come with, that is, not to impose yourself, which you're not."

"Well, I have found that some people make offers never thinking that they will actually be accepted."

"Peter, I am ashamed of you." JC mildly scolded him. "I thought you knew us better than that. What NSYNC says goes."

"So beat it!" Chris joked. "No," he added quickly. "I mean leave. We get enough of the other from Justin here. But I suppose you make that unnecessary now. I guess you can stay. I just want a room that's the farthest away from them. I almost smothered the last time and I need my sleep."

"Chris, shut up." Justin said. "We can work the arrangements out later."

"That's okay. I have a backup plan." Peter pulled another piece of paper out of his pocket.

"What's that?" asked Lance.

"A plane ticket for home if I become too much of a bother or if Chris pushes me too far."

Justin walked up to Peter. "You won't need that." He hugged Peter. "Not if I have any say in it." Justin looked lovingly at Peter.

"Joey?" They said together.

"If you're part of us now, I'd better get used to it. Kiss away."

They didn't need to be told twice. The two lovers were together again.

Justin pulled back. "Let's get ready for bed, love."

"Bunk!" said Chris. They turned to him. "It's called a bunk."

Justin nodded at Chris. "Peter, you may live to regret this."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "Never." He paused. "Well, we'll see." Peter smiled.

"Thanks a lot!" Justin grinned. "Come on." They went to the back of the bus.

Lance smiled as he watched them go.

"You know something?" Joey asked. "They make a nice couple."

"Joey?" JC looked surprised.

"For two guys. Second to you two, of course."

"Joey, there maybe hope for you yet." JC smiled.

Lance was looking from Joey to Chris.

"What?" asked Joey.

"With Justin taken care off, that only leaves you two."

Joey looked at his bare wrist. "Oh, gees, is that the time. I better hit the sack." He got up.

Chris stood up and yawned. "Me, too. I need my beauty sleep."

"Even JC couldn't sleep that long." Joey slapped Chris on shoulder.

"There's still half a pizza in the fridge for your midnight snack." Chris said as they left.

JC looked at Lance. "You were just kidding about matching Joey and Chris up, right?"

"Yeah, I'm giving it up."

"Yeah, right."

"Joey is too much of a flirt and Chris, well he's Chris. I just knew it would work out with Justin and Peter."

"Lance, you're telling me when we first met Peter you knew Justin was really BI and that he had heard us going at it and would seduce Peter to find out what we were doing and what it felt like to have sex with another man only to fall in love with Peter because of the care he used since it was Justin first time and even though they were separated, they would get together again and be happy?"


"I knew there was a reason I loved you so much." JC hugged Lance. "Come on. Let's go to bed."

"Sure." Lance kissed JC.

"So, my little seer, what lies ahead for the happy pair?"

Lance closed his eyes and placed his hand on his forehead. He smiled. "I see wondrous things. Happy times. Oh, that's not so wondrous. Ah, that's better. I see sex. Hot, steamy, crotch grabbing, passionate and ecstatic screaming sex." Lance opened an eye. "Sorry, that's us." He resumed. "There they are. Okay, they're not so bad either. Be careful guys. Oh-oh, that's going to leave a mark."

JC almost believed Lance was seeing something. "Tell me, Lance."

Lance patted JC's cheek. "Wait and see, JC. Just wait and see."

"Bitch." JC said softly.

Lance just grinned.

End part 15

I hoped you liked it. As ever let me know what you thought or even your favorites bits. I can be e-mailed at It was nice to work in more of the astral stuff. I had a lot of different ways for Peter to surprise Justin. I even toyed with Anthony getting involved and they set up this Phantom of the Arena thing. When NSYNC is thoroughly spooked. Ta-dah! Its only Peter with Anthony's stage magic. But I shelved it. Go for the subtle and the believable. (I hope.) Thanks for all of you who have written. I really appreciate it. It helps grease the wheels.

To every reader out there I appreciate the time you take to read this story. Just one question if I may. I have noticed on other sites as well as here that there are females reading and writing gay fiction with NSYNC and I mean some really hot sexy stuff. It's just personal curiosity to know why. What is the appeal? Is gay sex really that hot? Or (my theory) is it a way for the guys to have sex without the threat of another female in the picture. If you could enlighten me, I would be ever so thankful. (Now you know where the character Peter gets his naivete' from.)

Also I'm looking forward to the release of the Popodyssey Tour Video & DVD next week. It will be fun to see what I saw at the concert but up close. (And I do mean the guys.)

Anyway on to part 16! Thanks so much for reading.

Next: Chapter 16

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