Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 24, 2002


Here we go with Part 16. Thanks to all of you who E-mailed me on my question from the last part. I am now enlightened. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. On with the story!

This is a work of fiction. (A complete pack of lies.) It doesn't mean to depict any of the character's real lives. (The ones based on real people, that is.) To the author's knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay. (But if it were a perfect world.) There will be descriptions of gay sex. So if you object to two men locking lips and, ah, such A: stop reading now, B: keep reading and expand your mind (you might even get turned on). C: What the hell are you doing here? D: Bring it on.

D is the winner by majority vote!

Lance was ecstatic. He did it and by himself. Peter had told him he was learning how. Lance would have laughed out loud if it had been possible. He gazed down at JC and himself sound asleep.

Lance had managed to astral project solo. Not that he wanted to be a good at it as Peter was. No, he only had one reason on his mind. Tomorrow was JC and his one-year anniversary. Now he had something extra special for JC. After they had dinner and had made love, he would help JC "out". Then they could connect as they did the first time they had projected. Lance remembered how incredible it had been feeling JC's and his love so completely. A perfect ending to what he hoped would be a very romantic evening.

Lance was tempted to reach out and touch JC, but he didn't want to ruin the surprise. He started to think about going back. Maybe just one short trip. He floated from their bunk into the one across the way.

Justin lay slightly spooned up along side Peter. His arm was resting on Peter. Justin seemed to be smiling. Lance didn't blame him. Justin had spent one miserable week alone. Now Peter had been able to join them. The two lovers looked so beautiful together. Lance could make out the light blue glow around them.

Peter moved. Lance backed away slightly. Did Peter sense his presence? Peter rolled onto his back. Justin's arm slipped off him. Peter became uncomfortable. Sleepily he pulled at the sheets but that didn't seem to help. He still fidgeted. Peter frowned in his sleep.

Justin sensed the movement. The smile left his lips. His hand moved. Justin's hand touched Peter's body. The smile returned. He raised his arm from his side and laid it across Peter's chest.

Peter relaxed. He laid his hand on Justin's arm. He settled back to sleep.

Lance floated back to his bunk. He hovered over his body then sank lower. Lance began to sense his heartbeat, his breathing and then the warmth of JC in his arms. He felt the goosebumps prickle his skin as the thrill of rejoining went through him.

Lance opened his eyes. JC lay with his back to him. Lance pushed himself up on his elbow and kissed JC gently on the cheek. Lance settled back. He couldn't wait for tomorrow night. Lance closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Peter was roused from sleep. He opened his eyes. At first he was disoriented. The ceiling was only a few feet away. Then he felt the bus rock. That's right he was on the NSYNC tour bus. Suddenly he felt anxious. What the hell was he doing? He'd dropped everything and went running off on a dream quest.

He'd quit his job! Well, now with the publicity from the newscast the atmosphere was strained. Even the people he liked working with couldn't override his knowing that some people were uncomfortable around him now.

He'd left his friends! Well, the few that he had had thought it was a great idea of Peter going on an extended vacation. He couldn't tell anyone about Justin.

Peter could feel Justin's arm draped across his chest. He turned his head. Justin lay there on his side with eyes closed. Peter's love for Justin pushed all fears from his mind. Peter turned back. Cinderella was going find out what it is like living at the palace. He started to hum softly.

"Bibbity, bobbity, boo," softly sang a voice at his ear.

Peter turned his head.

"Morning." Justin placed a kiss on Peter's lips.

"Did I wake you?"

"No. I was faking. I was just laying here watching you. That was what you were humming, wasn't it?"


Justin snuggled closer. "So, Cinderella, how is happily ever after so far?"

Peter put his arm around Justin. "A little intimidating if I stop and think about it."

"Then don't stop and think. Everyone likes you. I'm here for you and so are the guys. Besides, who knows, maybe I am Cinderella with four stepsisters and you are the Prince coming to live with me."

"Prince? You mean queen don't you?"

"Maybe you're my fairy godmother. You've made my wish come true."

"So did you. You keep getting me to do things I never thought I could ever do."

"We're good together, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are." Peter pressed his lips against Justin's.

They could hear people moving about.

Justin pulled back. "We'd better get up. It'll look bad if JC gets up before us."

"I'm already up." Peter reached under the sheets and adjusted himself.

"Please, Peter, not now. Keeping my hands off you last night was tough enough. Don't tempt me. Soon we'll be in our rooms."

Peter did a voice of a newscaster. "This just in, Peter's peter is just in Justin."

Justin turned his nose up. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Oh," Peter pretended to pout.

"Hey, you're good, that's Lance, right?" Justin smiled. "Come on. Let's get dressed."

Lance gave JC a long kiss. JC stirred. He wrapped his arms around Lance. Lance pulled his lips away. JC opened his eyes.

"Morning, lover." Lance said.

JC brushed his fingers against Lance's cheek. "I do love to wake up this way."

"Now I know why you love to sleep. Its just so I can kiss you awake, my Sleeping Beauty."

JC put out his arm and Lance snuggled close.

"Well, there is one other way you wake me that I really love, my little under sheet diver."

"Now that's a gay version of the fairy tale I'd like to see." Lance lightly ran his fingers across JC's chest. "I like that, too but you know there's no hanky panky on the bus."

"That's just because you always get too loud."

"Oh, really? I thought it was because of that time you fell out of the bunk. You almost sprained...yourself."

"We did have to think of the guys. It wasn't fair to them keeping them up like that."

"Now, at least we know that Justin was and he didn't mind."

"That was quite the surprise Peter sprung last night."

Lance smiled. "Especially for Justin. Its good to see him so happy again."

"Yeah. I was more surprised at Peter. When that money give him the chance he left everything to be with Justin."

"It's so romantic. I think its Justin's influence on him. They're really good for each other."

"I think you're right."

They heard voices.

"Oh-oh. Sounds like everyone's out of bed already." Lance said.

"Then my reputation is safe." JC nudged Lance. "Come on. Let's check and see how our new arrival is coping."

Peter was used to his small apartment so the telephone booth size bathroom didn't phase him. He washed and shaved then joined the rest of the guys in the front of the bus.

"There's bakery stuff in the box and cereal in the cupboard. The milk and orange juice is in the fridge. Help yourself."

"Thanks, Lance."

Peter grabbed a bagel and poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Lance.

"Yes. What you said about the bus rocking you to sleep was true. I usually have trouble sleeping in strange places but not last night."

Lance smiled. "I'm glad."

Peter found a place to sit. Peter was again struck by the situation he was in. He looked around him at the guys and the bus. This seemed so impossible and unreal.

JC noticed the look on Peter's face. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Yes, you are really here." JC raised his glass of juice. "Welcome to the NSYNC family."

The others raised their glasses, too.


"And we really mean that," said Joey looking sternly at Peter. "Okay?"

"Okay. I've purged my mind of all of my doubts. From now on I'll be cool, composed and confident." Peter looked down. "If that's all right with you."

Justin slapped Peter's shoulder. "Stop that."

JC gestured at their surroundings. "Are you enjoying the glamour of the touring life?"

"That bubble has already burst. Seeing you guys disheveled, unshaven and scratching yourselves in your underwear killed that notion dead."

Lance couldn't help but smile. "So, what's been going on since we left you? Justin said your phone has been crazy."

"That's putting it mildly. People calling to ask me if I could get you guys to sign something for their kids, lawyers saying it wasn't to late to start a law suit, and a few people looking for a date."

Joey grinned. "I told you that would happen. So were they cute?" Justin elbowed him. "Oh, yeah. Sorry."

"I got interviewed by the local gay newspaper. That was exciting. I got a copy if you want to read it."

"I do." Justin said.

"But the topper was this one guy who wanted me for this performance piece he was producing. It was made up of people who were abused or gay bashed telling their stories."

"Sounds like that would be very powerful." JC said.

"Sure. But it was the finale I didn't care for."


"We all come back on stage wearing only bathrobes. We form a semicircle and start caressing our own bodies. Then we finish with a circle jerk."

"You're kidding!"

Chris smiled. "I just love a play with a climax."

"Actually, we only pantomime, but still."

Lance was puzzled "Why?"

"It was suppose to symbolize our healing and the excepting of our sexuality again."

"So, how many shows did you do?"


Joey shook his head. "Sounds like an old perv using sex to sell tickets."

"The guy is actually legit. I checked."

"And?" asked Lance.

"And?" Joey snorted. "I find it hard to believe Peter even getting naked in front of Justin. Let's face it, he can barely take his shirt off in public. Real or not, Peter could never have sex in front of other people."

There was a spray of orange juice.


Justin wiped his mouth. "Sorry. That caught me by surprise."

"You're quite right, Joey," said JC trying not to smile. "That would never happen."

"Never", added Lance.

"You are so right." Chris nodded.

"You've got me pegged, Joey." Peter smirked.

Joey looked suspicious. "What?"

"Nothing." JC added quickly. "So, Peter, I take it you turned him down."

"I said that no one would pay to watch me jerk off. Big mistake."


"He kept calling back giving me pep talks on how good looking I was with an inner beauty, that is was art not sex and how freeing it would be for me."

Justin snapped his fingers. "That was the guy you thought I was when I called."

"Yep. Anyway he finally gave up and found someone else to do it."

"What about what happened at work?" Justin asked.

JC looked surprised. "I thought you said everyone knew that you were gay." "Yes, but now they saw me in a new light. At first it was okay, but as soon as the "I saw you on TV" started to wear off the uneasiness set in." Peter indicated Justin with his juice glass. "They even confused Justin there with a gay porn star."

Justin stared. "You're kidding."

"I was on the Internet during my lunch hour looking at NSYNC fan web sites."

"Looking for pictures of me, love?" Justin fluttered his eyelashes.

"Naturally. This one had some wonderful pictures of Justin without his shirt. As I was admiring the photographer's style," Peter winked at Justin; "someone walked by. The next thing I know I'm in my manager's office being reprimanded for viewing inappropriate pictures during work hours."

"Serves you right!" said Chris. "You wouldn't want people to lose their lunch." Chris shuddered. "I feel queasy at the thought of Justin beefcake."

Justin pushed up his sleeves. "Okay, Mr. Buff and Ripped, how about we take this outside?" Justin stood up. "Chris, you go first."

"The bus is still moving."

"Don't let that stop you."

Joey shook his head. "Don't do it, Justin. We'll get fined for littering."

"You'll have the Humane Society after you for cruelty to animals," added Peter.

"Ha, ha." Chris sneered.

"You started it, Chris." JC turned back to Peter. "Where does the gay porn star come in?"

"A gay man looking at pictures of a shirtless male. What else would I be looking at?"

Chris grinned. "Management should have been happy. For once you were hard at work."

They all burst into laughter. JC tried to act shocked. "Chris."

"When my manager found out that it was a fan site of NSYNC, he was very apologetic. Although he said I should be extra careful because all eyes were on me."

Joey looked puzzled. "Why?"

"I think it was the rumor that I was in the locker room looking for sex. I was no longer a quiet lonely gay man but a gay man with sex on his mind."

"That's stupid." Joey snorted.

"Sad but true. One woman had this picture of her with her husband and their two teenage boys. I had always commented on how handsome her family was. When I got back she had moved the picture so only she could see it. And when I was alone in the bathroom, this one guy came in, saw me, and just turned around and left."

Lance had a pained expression. "It must have been awful for you."

"Well, I had wished they could see that I too could have a sex life." Peter shrugged. "Be careful what you wish for."

"Well, it's over." Lance said.

"He's right," said JC. "Peter, you're with us now."

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Yes, he is."

"And we're happy to have you."

JC shook his finger at Peter. "If you'd just let that NSYNC in."

Justin groaned. "JC, leave the jokes to Chris."

"Oh, my god!" Joey looked up surprised.

"What, Joey?"

"Peter, I'd never thought you'd do that! I'm impressed."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what you guys were hinting at." Joey pointed at Peter. "You and Justin had sex in front of JC and Lance!" Joey glanced around. "Hey, I get there in the end."

"And these four get it in the end." Chris said. "Big deal."

Peter glanced around with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" Justin asked holding Peter's shoulder.

Peter smiled and put his hand on top of Justin's. "I was a little anxious earlier about being here, not any more. I am glad I decided to come along."

Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "So am I."

"Warning! Warning!" Chris was moving his arms up and down like a robot. "Kiss approaching! Don't look, Will Robinson. Danger! Danger! Lip lock imminent!"

"You are so wrong, Chris." said Justin.

Peter took Justin by the chin. "When Chris finally has a good idea, don't discourage him." Peter pressed his lips to Justin's.

"What does he mean "finally"?" Chris protested.

JC patted Chris on the back. "Don't worry Chris. We all know that Peter is right."

"Thanks. Hey."

The bus approached the stadium. As they drove by the guys waved at the groups of screaming fans. This time instead of using the main door, the bus turned into the underground entrance.

As the bus stopped John walked up. The door opened and the guys piled out. After checking to make sure no fans were around, Peter followed them.

"There he is." John said shaking Peter's hand. "Our new employee. How did the surprise go?"

"I thought it went well."

"It went well?" Justin gaped. A grin spread across his face. "It was the best surprise I have ever gotten." Justin hugged John. "Thank you for arranging it."

"Anything to keep my boys happy."

"If that's really the case." Joey started.

"No way, Joey. You'll have to find your own girls."


Chris patted Joey's shoulder. "It was worth a try."

"So now that I have the job, what exactly am I doing?" Peter asked.

John handed Peter a tag.

"Security Advisor?"

"It's a new temporary position. You're not really officially joining security. That would be silly for only two weeks. But being under the security title you can stay close to, ah, the guys." John winked at him. "I doubt if people will get suspicious about the two of you."

"I think going to the hotel with the crew would be best." Peter said. "Riding in the car might be pushing it."

"Nonsense." John said. "You forget, since the broadcast people have seen you with NYSNC. I'd just suggest hanging to the rear when you arrive. With the bodyguards and such, people will hardly notice. Plus I'm sure it will make Justin happy."

Peter smiled. "More than just Justin."

John slapped Peter on the back. "Good."

The guys had moved on ahead of them. John leaned to Peter.

"I'd like to see you after we get back to the hotel."


"Tomorrow is JC and Lance's anniversary. The guys and I want to do something special for them. I want to run the ideas past you to get your input."

"Oh, you mean the gay angle? No problem. Just let me know your room number."

"It's safer if we come to you. How about a hour after we get settled?" Peter held back his disappointment. That was one more hour he and Justin would have to wait.


John smiled. "Justin will be free after that, but only for a few hours."

Peter looked surprised.

"You're together after a week apart? Please." John smiled. "I usually like the guys to rest before a concert. But I think this will be better for Justin." John looked at Peter. "I am so glad your here. Justin was really miserable without you. He tried not to show it, but we knew." John put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You are so good for him. I hope you'll be together for a long time to come."

"A long time to come and you just delayed it another hour," thought Peter.

"Thanks," he said.

They headed for the stage.

"You just can't stay away." Anthony approached Peter to shake his hand. "And what are we now, security? You'll be on stage next."

"Been there, done that." Chris added.

"That's right. So, you're with us through the end of the tour, eh?"

"Yep," Peter answered.

"Glad to have you." He nodded at Justin. "I'm sure I'm not alone."

"No sabotage this time, I hope."

"Not possible," said Anthony. "Every security department has gone overboard to make sure nothing happens. The last stadium posted a guard on the stage every night. We really kicked them in their complacency." Anthony held his hand to his headset. He spoke into the mike. "Right. I'm on my way." He looked up. "Are you coming to the concert?"


"How'd you like to watch from the booth? You could see how the brains of the concert works."

"I'd like that."

"I'll arrange it." Anthony walked away. "See you later."

Peter stood there watching NSYNC move around the stage. He was suddenly grabbed and lifted off the floor.

"Who do we have here?"

It was Lonnie's voice. Peter relaxed. Lonnie set him down. Peter turned to him.

"I heard you were here. Welcome back. I saw you standing here and I couldn't resist the surprise." Lonnie noticed Peter had gone pale. "Oh, I am really sorry. I forgot. That was a dumb thing for me to do grab you from behind like that."

"Its okay. Anybody would have been startled." Peter put his hand on Lonnie's arm. He tried to look serious. "I forgive you."

Lonnie gave Peter a good pat on the back that set Peter off balance. "That's big of you." Lonnie nodded to the stage where the guys were. "Its good to see Justin back to, should I say "normal", again. He really missed you."

"I missed him, too."

Lonnie patted Peter's shoulder again. "To tell the truth, we all did. It just wasn't the same without you."

"Thanks, Lonnie. That's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me."

"Well, I'd better get back to work. See you later."

Peter was pacing in his room. One hour John had told him. It was past that. He told himself to calm down. There'd be time enough. There was a knock on the door. Peter forced himself to walk to the door slowly. They mustn't think he was too anxious.

John, Chris, Joey and Justin entered. They all found places to sit.

"Everything okay with your room?" John asked.

"Its fine." Peter answered. No, please not small talk. This will take forever.

"I hate this hotel." Joey snapped.

"I know," John said. "I thought of you when I saw the sign."

"I almost cried. There is nothing sadder than "Restaurant and bar closed do to remodeling". Then it opens the day after we leave. That really sucks."

"Gees, Joey." Chris said. "There's a restaurant and bar next door. It won't do your fat butt any harm to walk a few more yards."

"It's the principle of the thing. And I do not have a fat butt"

"And who split his pants on stage?"

"The seams were weak from the wear."

"Yeah, right," Chris sneered.

Peter interrupted. "You wanted my opinion on something?"

John smiled at Peter's impatience. "We have a few ideas for JC and Lance's anniversary tomorrow night. We kind of want to do something so they can be alone together, but they want all of us there, too."

"I think we should take them out for a fancy dinner." Joey said.

"You would." Chris teased. "I though about getting them the honeymoon suite. You know room service, champagne and a bubble bath for two. They could play spot the submarine."

"I was more like renting a banquet room. We could set up a single table with candles. They could have the whole room to themselves. We could drop by for a bit. It's not really in public but at least they would be out of their room."

They all looked at Peter. He was deep in thought.

"I think they would enjoy what everybody else does, dinner and dancing."

"Dancing? Where can JC and Lance go to dance together?" Joey shook his head. "I am not going to a gay bar."

"A gay bar is definitely out", said John. "I will accept taking them most places except there."

"I wasn't suggesting a gay bar. It's not a place for a quiet romantic evening. The answer is simple."

They leaned forward.

"You could take them to their own private restaurant."

"What? That would be way too expensive."

"Not really. There's one not being used. The hotel shouldn't mind."

Joey got it. "The one downstairs."


"But it's being remodeled."

"It opens in two days, there can't be that much left undone."

"But there's no kitchen or staff." John stated.

"We'll use the hotel's main kitchen and you have four people here to be the staff."

"Us?" asked Joey.

"Why not? They want us to be there."

Justin grinned. "And we know them. They could kiss up a storm and not care."

John nodded. "I like this idea."

"And there's a dance floor isn't there? They could dance, too."


"There must be a CD system. We can program it to play of hours. We can pop in after dinner for a hour or so then leave them alone to be romantic." Peter couldn't help but glance at Justin. He could tell Justin was just as anxious as he was for everybody to leave.

John was smiling. "This is sounding better and better." He caught the glance between Justin and Peter. "Tell you what, I'll contact the hotel management. If they approve it, I'll get in touch with Peter. While you guys are busy tomorrow, we'll set it up. Okay?"

"Sounds good." Joey said. "Shouldn't we discuss the details?"

"Later," John said. "Come on, guys, nothing more to do here." They got up and headed for the door.

Joey turned. "You coming, Justin?"

"Not with us still here." Chris put his hand on Joey's back and pushed him toward the door.

"Oh!" Joey grinned. "Time for the parents to depart and leave the love birds alone." Joey winked. "Have fun."

Chris was the last one through the door. He turned around and raised his hand. "On your mark. Get set." He dropped his hand. "Go!" The door closed.

Peter went over and took the "Do not disturb" sign. He opened the door.

"Oops," Chris and Joey straightened up. "Chris lost a contact."

John walked back and took them by the shoulders. "Let's go boys, before Peter puts something else in your eye. Sorry, about this." John led them off. Peter closed and locked the door.

Justin and Peter looked at each other. They were finally alone together.

"Does everyone need to know what we're going to do? Maybe we should wait until after the concert."

Justin moved close. "Remember what you said about encouraging Chris when he had a good idea?" He began to unbutton Peter's shirt. "Pretend we're on our honeymoon. Sex is no secret then." Justin slipped off Peter's shirt.

Peter took hold of Justin's shirt and pulled. Justin stepped back to help Peter to pull his shirt off over his head. He straightened up.

Peter reached forward and placed his hand on Justin's cheek. "Do you know how many times I wished I could just touch you like this?" Justin pressed back into Peter's hand.

Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "I missed you so much, Peter." Justin watched as a tear ran down Peter's cheek.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would be so hard on you. I promise I will never put you through that again."

"It doesn't matter. It's all over now."

Peter didn't look away from Justin's eyes. Their hearts were beating wildly. They could feel the heat from their bodies on their skin. Peter's hand slipped to Justin's neck. He pulled Justin to him. Their lips met. After a few moments their lips opened. Justin's tongue eagerly sought out Peter's. Relishing the feel of their tongues wrestling they pressed their bodies together. Warm skin upon skin and two hearts beating. The long wait was at last over.

Peter ran his hands over Justin's back, shoulders and arms. It was bliss to hold this beautiful man in his arms again.

They pulled back. Peter lowered his head to kiss Justin's chest. Justin's hand took him by the chin. Peter looked up.

"No, please." Justin caressed Peter's face. "You came to me. Let me thank you first."

Justin licked Peter's lips. Then he licked the chin, started down the throat, and then across the chest to the nipples. He licked and nibbled playfully at them. They soon stood out firm from Peter's chest. Justin continued down to the stomach then to the navel. He kissed and jutted his tongue into it. Peter's body twitched.

Justin undid the button of Peter's pants. He pulled down the zipper and slid the pants down Peter's legs.

Peter kicked off his shoes. He raised one foot so Justin could pull the pants leg free. Then he raised the other.

Justin turned back. Peter's cock stood out in relief against the white fabric of his briefs. Justin licked it. His lips massaged the cock through the fabric. As the material got wet from Justin's efforts Peter's hard cock became more visible. Justin soon got tired of the veil between him and his objective. He grabbed the waistband and pulled. Peter's cock sprung free.

Justin gently wrapped his hand around the shaft. He kissed the base of the cock then followed along the shaft to the head. He looked up at Peter as he swirled his tongue around the head. Peter gasped.

Justin saw Peter's cock standing erect before him. He took a breath. Leaning forward Justin took Peter's entire length into his mouth and throat.

"Oh, Justin, yeah!"

What joy to have Peter's cock in his mouth again! Justin delighted in running his tongue along the underside of shaft and feeling the soft tip slide between his lips. He began to increase his speed kneading the balls gently with his hand. Peter was moaning happily. Down to the base then up again using his hand to stroke the shaft as his lips caressed the sensitive flesh. So many days he had wished for this. Now at last it was here before him.

"Justin, I missed this. You make me feel so good." Justin replied by flicking his tongue. "Yes!"

Justin looked up. His body thrilled to the sight of Peter closing his eyes and throwing his head back. He was giving Peter pleasure, again. Justin doubled his efforts. He reached between Peter's legs and started to massage Peter's asshole with his finger. Justin began to suck Peter's cock hungrily. He wanted to make Peter cum. He wanted to feel the cock throb as it pumped Peter's load down his throat. Justin went faster until he had reached a rapid pace.

Peter stopped him. "Justin! Justin." He looked up. Justin was breathing heavy. "I don't want to cum so soon."

"But, Peter."

Peter helped Justin to his feet.

"I missed you, too, you know. Please."

Justin relented.

Peter kissed Justin's lips. He then brought his hands down over Justin's eyes. He kissed each closed eyelid. Peter slipped sidewise to Justin's ear. He nibbled and sucked on the one ear lobe without an earring. With his tongue he followed the chin from the ear to the front then down to the throat. He detoured to the side of the neck. His lips latched on. He started to suck.

"Please, Peter. No hickeys." Justin smiled. "Visible by the public, at least."

Peter wanted to try something he had read about. Still kissing Justin he moved to the shoulder and down the arm. Then he raised the arm. Peter attacked Justin's armpit licking with abandon.


There was barely a pause in the licking. "No."


"Doesn't it feel good?"

"Yes, but..." Justin couldn't say it.

Peter knew what Justin was uneasy about.

"It tastes of salt but it has your scent. I love your scent."

No girl would ever do this to him. It did feel so sexy. With Peter Justin's whole body was open to him. He relaxed and let himself enjoy what Peter was doing.

Peter continued licked for a few moments then moved forward from the side to the chest. He licked and sucked at Justin's nipples. As he licked one, he gently pinched the other. Justin delighted as the sense of pleasure went through him.

Peter soon started the journey downward kissing and licking the exposed skin.

Justin had already kicked off his shoes. He let Peter undo his pants and pull them down. Once the pants were off Peter pulled off Justin's underwear.

Justin's cock stood out erect and proud. Peter gently took hold of it. As he got close he started to slap it against his face.

Justin looked down surprised. But he saw how turned on Peter was by what he was doing. Justin cock grew harder.

Peter slapped Justin's cock against his face and lips. Then he slapped the cock against his tongue.

Justin was going crazy. His cock was in contact with Peter, but he wanted so much to feel Peter's mouth around it. Peter seemed to be teasing him.

"Peter, please. Suck me."

Peter finally stopped. His hand was still grasped around Justin's cock. Looking Justin in the eyes, Peter opened his mouth then with deliberate slowness moved forward. He closed his lips on the head of the cock and ran his tongue around it.

"Oh, yes, Peter. Please!"

Peter didn't wait any longer. His mouth enveloped the cock to its base.

Justin whole body shook. A week's worth of want and desire was finally being fulfilled.

"Oh, Peter, yeah. That's wonderful!"

Peter caressed and prodded Justin's cock with his tongue. He delighted in sucking Justin again. Up and down from base to tip. The warm flesh felt so good in his mouth. He pulled back to encircle the tip with his tongue. A prod or two into the piss hole then engulfing the cock again to its base.

Justin gently ran his hands through Peter's hair as Peter sent Justin into ecstasy. He looked down to see his cock sliding between Peter's lips. It was so good to feel Peter's wet warm mouth close around his cock. Everything was now heightened by the time apart. Both were trying to make up for it.

Peter was making gulping noises. He sped up his pace. He also wanted to make Justin cum.

It was Justin's turn to stop him. Justin helped Peter to his feet.

"I want to make you cum first."

"So do I." Peter smiled. "Let's go to the bed."

They made their way to the bedroom.

"Just like the first time, Justin lay on your side."

Justin lay on the bed. Peter lay next to him with his feet at Justin's head.

"Now together."

They both swallowed each other cock's with abandon.

There was muffled moans and slurping noises and as they pleasured each other.

Peter ran his hands over Justin's back and thighs. He stopped to knead Justin's ass cheeks. He let one finger press against Justin's asshole.

Justin let out a muffled whimper. He plunged down on Peter's cock tonguing the ball sack. Then pulling back pressing hard against the underside for the cock head. Justin felt Peter tremble. Justin hands cupped Peter's ass pulling his body forward. Forcing his cock into Justin's mouth. Justin stopped to catch his breath.

"That's it, Peter. It feels great."

Peter moved Justin's leg toward his body. He buried his tongue into Justin's asshole.

"Oh, fuck!"

Justin followed suit and attacked Peter's puckered opening.

Peter grabbed Justin by the waist and rolled onto his back pulling Justin on top of him. Justin still had his face between Peter's other cheeks. He pressed his tongue farther into Peter. Peter's moans were getting loader. Justin took Peter's cock into his mouth. Once all the way down to the base and back to the tip. Then he licked along the base to the balls, past the balls to Peter's asshole. Justin pressed his tongue as far as he could then pulled back. He retraced his steps. Licking along the ass to the balls, up the underside of Peter's cock then swallowing the shaft again. Peter's body trembled with delight.

Peter pulled back. "Justin, that feels great!" Peter dove in again.

Justin could feel Peter's tongue probing his ass. He took over stroking Peter's cock to concentrate on the feeling. Each time Peter's tongue went a little deeper. Justin could feel a growing pleasure the deeper Peter got. Justin sat up. He let go of Peter's cock and started jacking his own. Peter's tongue pressed in again. This time Peter hit the spot. Justin's body shook, his head snapped back.

"Peter, this it." Justin gasped. "Right there."

Peter stuck his tongue in again pressing as hard as he could. Justin let out a loud whimper.

"Yeah, Peter. Don't stop. Do it again!"

Surges of pleasure washed through Justin. He pumped his cock as he sat on Peter's face whimpering loudly. Before Justin knew it the first feelings of the climax were on him.

"Oh, fuck Peter! You're going to make my cum."

Peter pressed back with his tongue as far in as he could. Peter could feel Justin's body go rigid. Justin's ass clamped around his tongue.

"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming. Oh, Peter, yeah!"

Streams of white cum shot from Justin's cock. They arched through the air and splattered on Peter's stomach and chest. Peter could feel the hot cum on his skin. He kept pressing his tongue into Justin.

Justin pumped his cock sending out more spurts of cum. Justin could swear that each time Peter tongue went into him, it caused him to kept cumming. Slowly the volleys slowed then stopped. Justin relaxed.

Justin leaned forward and swallowed Peter's cock. Up and down at a rapid pace. It was Peter's turn to cum. He took a finger the pressed it into Peter's asshole.

"Yeah, Justin. That's it."

His tongue flicked and pressed against the sensitive flesh. Peter's hips began to buck matching Justin's rhythm. Justin moved his finger in and out of Peter's ass. He could feel the muscles clench around it.

"That's it, Justin. You're doing it. Make me cum."

Justin could feel Peter's hand caressing his back and legs. He plunged down of the pulsing shaft licking madly.

"Oh. Oh, Justin! I'm getting close."

Justin took the shaft to its base. He tightened his throat around the head. Once last time his shoved his finger into Peter's ass.

"Justin, yes! Here I come!"

Peter's hips gave one more thrust. His cock exploded in Justin's mouth. Justin could feel the cock contract and throb with each spurt of cum. Justin swallowed hungrily. He thrilled to Peter's cumming. He had been waiting a week for this.

Peter rolled his head as the pleasure surged through him. He let out loud gasps at each shot of cum. Peter could feel Justin tongue flicking around his cock. The shots of cum began to abate. The climax was spent. They both relaxed.

Justin sucked up and down the shaft a few more times. Peter shuddered at each stroke.

Justin finally pulled back. He moved off of Peter and twisted around. They kissed.

"Man, you hit the right spot there. It was fantastic." Justin smiled. "Want to go on?"

"I don't want to tire you out. You still have a concert to do. I owe it to your fans."

"It won't matter."

"It could be nice to save something for tonight." Peter grinned. "When we have lots more time. Its been a while I may want some encores."

Justin broke into his impish grin. "I'll have to stop at the drugstore after the concert then. I only have a dozen condoms. We won't want to run out."

"A dozen times in one night? Space it out a bit. We still have a long time ahead of us." Peter crossed his fingers.

Justin looked at Peter lying there. The truth finally hit him. The smile left Justin's face.

"Justin, what's the matter?"

"You left everything. Your job, your friends and your church, just so you could be with me."

Peter caressed Justin's cheek. "That's because I love you remember. It's not like I'm cut off forever. They're still there if I miss them."

Justin took Peter by the chin. "I'm going to do my best to see that you don't." Justin pressed his lips against Peter's with passion. After a few moments he pulled back. Justin lay down. He put his arm across Peter and rested his head on Peter's chest. "You are so good to me."

Peter ran his fingers through Justin's hair. "I'll always be here for you, Justin. I promise."

Justin let out a happy sigh and closed his eyes.

"No matter what happens." Peter put his arm around Justin. "No matter what."

Lance rolled onto his side. He was still wasn't comfortable. He rolled back. JC groaned.

"I'm sorry, JC. I'm just too excited to rest."

"Its Justin and Peter isn't it?"

"Partly. Just think, they're making love for the first time in a week. Can you imagine the passion?"

JC rolled over to face Lance. "Hey, we don't do so bad ourselves."

Lance stroked JC's chest. "I know. I guess I'm just so happy for them."

"And us?"

"That's the other reason I can't rest. A whole year with you, JC, it's been so wonderful."

"I was there too, remember."

Lance leered at JC. "Do I ever."

JC noticed a tent in the sheets that Lance was making. JC smiled. "Lay back. I'll get you to relax."

Lance closed his eyes. "How?"

"A little trick Peter showed Justin. Justin said he slept like a baby afterwards."

Lance sighed. "That would be nice."

"Good. Just lay there and enjoy. Sheet dive!" JC disappeared under the sheets.

"JC? What are you...?" Lance felt his shorts then JC go down. "Oh, JC!"

Lance felt a thrill go through him as JC's mouth closed around his cock. He clutched at the sheets. JC's effort sent a surge of delight rushing through Lance. JC always knew what to do to drive Lance crazy. Lance watched the sheet rise and fall as JC slid his lips up and down the shaft. He threw the sheets off. JC looked up but continued working Lance's cock.

"I don't want you to smother and I love to watch you."

JC's blue eyes showed his delight. He took the cock down to its base. Lance let out a loud gasp. JC pulled back.

Lance felt a twinge of guilt. "What about John? We're supposed to be resting."

JC pulled off Lance and smiled. "I'm getting you relaxed so you can rest." He swallowed Lance's cock again. He increased his rhythm.

"But JC, it's not... Oh, my god!... We should be...Oh, yes! We've never...JC, yeah! Fuck it! Don't stop, JC."

JC licked and flicked his tongue. His hand stroked Lance's cock following his lip's progress. JC watched Lance clutching at the sheets. His head was turning back and forth on the pillow. Lance had been so turned on by the idea of Peter and Justin making love and the possibilities of tomorrow night, that JC's efforts were magnified. The more turned on Lance became the more JC was. This wouldn't take very long.

JC began massaging Lance's asshole with his finger. Lance's body lurched.

"Yeah, JC. That's it!"

Lance raised his legs so JC could have easier access. JC took Lance's cock into his throat and pushed his finger into Lance.

Lance reacted like he was lying on a live wire. His head rolled back and forth on the pillow while his body shuddered and shook. He thrust his cock into JC's mouth and grabbed JC's hand coaxing the finger deeper into his ass.

"Yes, JC. Keep it up, please."

Lance caressed JC's shoulders and back. Then he held JC's head between his hands running his fingers through his hair. Next Lance would squeeze and pinch his nipples with one hand and urge JC's finger into his ass with the other. All the time Lance's body twisted and turned. It was making love to an octopus. But Lance's enthusiasm only got JC more turned on.

Finally, Lance took JC's shoulders and eased him off his cock. He pulled JC up to his lips. They kissed passionately, lips and tongues colliding. Lance let JC go. Lance lay back on the bed. JC looked down at him.

"JC, I..."

JC placed his finger over Lance's lips. He reached to the end table, opened the drawer and took out the bottle of lube.

Lance beamed with delight. He raised his legs. JC saw Lance's opening constricting and relaxing. Lance wanted it so bad.

JC lubed up and pushed his cock into the trembling Lance. As his cock slid in, Lance's hands clamped onto JC's ass cheeks. He pulled JC forward urging JC's cock further into him.

"Yes, JC. That's what I want. Give it to me! Fuck, yeah! Lance was too far-gone for a slow start. JC started to slam his cock into Lance. Lance twisted and turned on the bed. His face was flush with pleasure. He jacked his cock rapidly.

"Fuck me, JC. Fuck me!"

Lance grabbed JC by the back of the neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. They were both breathing hard. It wouldn't be to long now. Lance let JC go.

JC was giving Lance his all. Long strokes almost all the way out then back in to the hilt. Lance was in ecstasy.

"Give me that cock, JC. Fuck me. Yeah!"

JC watched Lance's eyes go wide.

"Oh, JC. You're going to make me do it. I'm going to cum."

Lance's body shook and trembled. His head rolled about on the pillow. Then his body stiffened.

"Yeah. Fuck the cum out of me. Oh, JC!!!!!!!

Lance's cock exploded. Cum splattered on his chest and face. JC felt Lance's ass tighten around his cock as he continued fucking. Lance pumped his cock as spurt after spurt landed on his chest. The spurts lessened and Lance's body relaxed.

Lance looked up in time to see JC's body snap backward.

"Oh, Lance! I'm cumming!"

JC shoved his cock to its hilt into Lance. Lance could feel the cock throb as it exploded inside him. JC's head was thrown back. He let out gasps as the climax peaked. Lance tightened his ass muscles. JC whole body snapped forward. As the climax abated JC propped himself by his arms. He smiled at Lance out of breath. JC pressed his body to Lance's and gave Lance a long kiss.

After a few moments JC moved off of Lance onto the bed. "Do you think you can rest now?"

Lance caressed JC's cheek. "Like on a cloud. Thank you, JC."

"No, thank you." JC smiled. "I couldn't rest either." JC pulled the sheets over them. He closed his eyes basking in the afterglow.

The bed bounced and the sheets pulled back.


"I'm sorry. I have to go and wash."

JC just shook his head.

A moment later Lance crawled back under the sheets. He snuggled up to JC.

"Sorry, about that."

"Its okay. That smell of soap on you is so sexy." JC paused. "Maybe we should buy some moist towelettes to keep with the lube. They would come in handy." JC groaned. "Gees, I'm sounding like Chris."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Not a bit. Its just that cutting down on washing time means more cuddling time."

Lance nestled closer. "Mm, I do like this part." Lance paused. "I'll make sure there's a wash cloth handy tomorrow night. That way it will be wash and go on."

"Go on?" JC smiled. "That usually means we're finished."

"Not tomorrow."

"Lance?" JC grinned.

"I want it to be the most romantic and hottest sex ever."

JC looked into Lance's eyes. "It always is." JC kissed him.

Lance pulled back and grinned. "We'll see." Lance gave JC a quick kiss. "You are the best thing that as ever happened to me. I love you, JC."

JC tried his Bogart. "Here'sh, looking at you, shweetheart. My shweet little, Lansh."

"JC, you're spitting."


Lance settled back. "I can't wait until tomorrow night."

"Peter and Justin had to wait. Look what happened to them."

Lance smiled. "Now I really can't wait."

"Shorry." JC grinned. "You'll have to."

"But I don't have to like it."



"Get some rest."

"Yes, lover." Lance closed his eyes.

JC lay there in Lance's arms. He too was excited about tomorrow night. Like everyone else, he had his plans for the evening. He hoped that the evening would be special for both, but especially for Lance. Lance was so in love with love. If Lance had his way everyone in the world would be in love. JC was happy that Peter and Justin were together again. Or maybe he was happy because Lance was happy. Everything seemed to be pointing to a wonderful and memorable evening.

JC closed his eyes. He fell asleep with one thought. Waiting sucked.

End part 16

Well, we've come down to the end of another one. As always I'd love to hear from you. Favorite bits, jokes, touching moments, sex scenes or just thoughts upside or down side. From the whole work if you want. (I know I'm pathetic, but I won't beg. Much.)

It's been fun throwing bits from E-mail feedback and real life into this story. That incident with the Internet pictures of Justin really happened. I was checking out Kevin's website update with new Justin pictures. There were three with Justin shirtless. Later I get this E-mail from my manager (who had walked by) that I should show care and not look at "inappropriate pictures" during work. Once the facts were before him, he did admit that he "over reacted". The other technicians thought it was funny considering one of the guys gets a Victoria Secret catalog delivered at work. (No one knows why.) Of course there is Hunk A Day and Bikini boys and other beefcake sites I sneak a peak at. Just to brighten the day. But I am discrete.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I better get started on part 17. You people are insatiable!

Next: Chapter 17

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