Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Feb 12, 2002


Here we go on Part 17.

Sorry for the delay. I got the beginning and ending of the part. Then I went back and fleshed out (pun intended) the sex scenes. Then I got another idea for the middle. That lead to another sex scene. So it took longer than I thought. This part was a lot happening and has been double sized so I hope it makes up for the delay. Now to the *underwear part (*Its something that covers your butt.)

This is a work of fiction. It does not reflect on the real life or the sexual orientations of the characters based on real people. In short, this is not their real lives and to my knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay. Everything contained in this story is pure and unadulterated BS!

There will be descriptions of gay sex. So if you are underage or find gay sex objectionable stop reading. And since these are just written words, I am assuming that they will be treated like all the other written warnings found on other adult sites. Just click "I Agree" and get on with it! So let's get on with it.

NSYNC were relaxing in the dressing room. The Meet and Greet was over. They were killing time before they had to get into costumes. Justin was happily humming.

Joey nodded at Justin. "Justin was been glum for a week. Now he's practically glowing after letting him have Peter for a couple of hours."

Lance winked at JC. "That always works for me."

Joey sighed and shook his head.

Chris patted him on the shoulder. "Joey, you are the perfect straight man."

"Thanks. Let the girls know that will you."

Chris shook his head. "It wouldn't help. Females have higher standards then we do."

"And some gay men." JC reached over and stroked Lance's chin. Lance smiled.

"It's not fair. You've found the perfect arrangement."

Lance was surprised at Joey. "What?"

"Everyone knows that the one thing always on the male mind is sex. We..." Joey indicated Chris and himself, "have to go out find a female, wine and dine her trying to get her into the mood. You go out and get yourself another male. Equal libidos. You must just look at each other and bang, you're having sex."

JC laughed. "Joey, you are so wrong."

"We're not having sex now." Lance added.

Joey pointed at them. "But you could be thinking about it."

JC snorted. "And you're not?"

"That's easy, Joey always is." Chris added.

"Believe it or not Lance has had a headache now and then."


"Lance, I'm making a point."

Lance looked hurt. "I've never turned you down."

"Okay, we've had a mutual agreement for "Not Tonight"."

Lance nodded. "That's better."

"Joey, just because you might want sex all the time, doesn't mean the whole world agrees with you."

"Then the world is sick, JC." Joey snapped.

Lance was looking thoughtful. "Just imagine everyone having sex freely and openly whenever they chose to."

"Now look what you've done." JC nodded to Lance. "Lance is waxing romantic. Lance!" Lance looked at JC. "If everyone was having sex all the time, we'd be out of a job."

"Not necessarily," said Chris. "We would be having sex too but on stage. Joey and I would have girls of course."

"It would make the concerts more interesting."

Justin smiled. "We could change it to "I Want You on Your Back".

"The choreography would be interesting." Joey added.

Lance smiled at JC. "I wouldn't mind all the rehearsing."

"Except during hell week. We go through the whole concert four to five times a day all week."

"JC," Joey said, "don't mess with the dream."

There was a knock on the door. Peter entered the dressing room.

"You were looking for me?"

Justin smiled. "I am after that."

"After what?"

"Nothing," said Lance. He was glad to change the subject. "There's something we want you to help us with."

"Sure, what?"

"Stand right there." Lance pointed to an open spot of the floor. Peter took his mark.

Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC formed a circle with Peter. Lance pulled out a small object out of his pocket.

Peter recognized the set-up. "Now wait a minute."

Chris slapped Peter on the shoulder. "Objection overruled."

Justin pointed his finger at Peter. "Not a word from you." Justin nodded at JC.

"Peter, this isn't the "official" hacky we do before the concert. Look at it as your initiation. Not just as a family member of NSYNC, but as a friend. You know what to do?"

"Yeah, you..."

"Ah-ah." Justin shook his finger.

Peter closed his mouth and nodded.

"Here we go."

Lance tossed the hacky in the air and as it fell kicked it. It arched toward Joey. Joey raised his foot and sent it toward JC. The hacky deflected off of JC's toe to be sent flying out of the circle.

"That's three for the first time." Lance picked up the hacky. "Not bad."

Peter was nervous. He was never good at any sports.

"Relax," said JC.

Lance started again. Joey kicked it next and then Justin. It headed toward Peter. Peter kicked and missed. He picked it up and handed it back to Lance.

"No, you start the next one."

Peter shrugged. He threw the hacky. His shoe connected with it. It flew toward JC. He kicked it. Then to Joey, to Lance, back to JC, and then to Justin. He sent it Chris's way. It came off of Chris's toe back to Peter. Peter managed to kick it toward Justin.

"Hacky!" They said. But Justin didn't stop. He kicked it back to Peter.



Peter managed to kick it to JC. Around the circle it bobbed. From foot to toe. To Chris, Joey, Lance, Peter and Justin it made its way around the circle. Again instead of stopping, Justin kicked it on. Peter was getting caught up in the excitement. Around the circle again. No one missed it. Finally, Justin kicked high and caught it. He grinned at Peter.

"Hacky!" Everybody said. They slapped Peter on the back.

Joey smiled. "Now, you're official."

"Wow, three times around." Lance said. "That's a record."

"It's the power of Peter." Justin grinned.

"Of course, there's only guys in the room." Chris added.

"That turned out better than I thought." Peter said.

"Want to try it again?" JC asked.

Peter raised his hands. "No, thank you."

"You could join us again the next concert."

"No, Lance, that is your good luck ritual before performing." Peter looked suspicious. "That wasn't "it". Was it?"

"No." JC shook his head. "It only counts when we're in costume. We'll do it again later officially."

"Good." Peter was actually very touched about what had just happened. But he thought it was better to let them think that he was fooled. "Well, if there isn't anything else, I've got to get to my spot." Peter gave them the thumbs up and left.

They all turned to JC. "Again later?!"

JC raised his hands. "Just kidding."

"Damn, right."

"Don't tempt fate."

"Three times!"

"That was great."

"Let's get ready."

Peter looked out into the audience. He had a few minutes before he was wanted in the booth. He was scanning the crowd when his attention was caught by a different colored aura. The colors didn't make sense. He frowned.

"Something wrong?"

Peter looked up at Lonnie. "Not really, one of the crowd has me puzzled. That's all."

"You, puzzled? I thought you knew and saw everything."

Peter shook his head. "No, I don't. It might not seem like it, but I'm in the dark ninety percent of the time."

"What do you see?"

"This one fan is excited to be here, but she also shows that she is determined. It doesn't make sense."

"The brunette in the blue and red striped tank top?"

Peter stared at Lonnie. "How did you know that?"

Lonnie smiled. "I've had my eye on her. I'm suspicious of her, too. It's nice to have my opinion backed up by an expert."

Peter still looked puzzled.

Lonnie went on. "Ever since she first got here she was walking around looking at the stage."


"She tried not to look obvious, but I believe the jargon is she was "casing the joint". So put that with her determination and you get?"

"She's thinking of rushing the stage!"

"Right. Don't worry. We'll be ready if she tries anything." Lonnie put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Thanks for confirming my suspicions. We make a good team. We could use you at the autograph sessions."

"Oh, I am there already." Peter looked at his watch. "I'd better get going. If I see that aura on anybody else I'll let you know."

"I'd appreciate that Mr. Security Advisor."

Peter practically bounced into the dressing room.

JC stopped changing and looked up. "Did we have fun?"

"It was fantastic! You know that big firework at the beginning of 'Bye, bye, bye"?" Peter grinned. "That was me."

"I thought it was perfectly timed for once." JC said. "You know, Lance, by the time the tour is over Peter will know everything about staging a concert."

"I do have to thank you guys. You have certainly opened me up to new experiences."

"Justin, he's talking to you."

Peter shook his head. "No, Chris, I mean all of you."

Joey waved his hands. "Don't look at me."

Peter laughed. "Don't worry, Joey. I don't. Oh, and before I forget, you almost had a guest on stage with you."


"Yes, this girl..." Peter was interrupted by a commotion outside.

Lance looked at the door. "What's that all about?"

Peter turned. "I'll check it out."

He opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Peter didn't have time to turn his head when someone crashed into him. They fell in a tangle to the floor. Arms and legs flailing the person struggled to disentangle themselves from Peter. Finally they broke free.

Someone yelled. "Stop her."

Peter didn't have time to think. He managed to grab an ankle. The girl toppled over. Peter managed to dodge as she kicked at his head with her free leg trying to get him to release her. Then there were people all around them. Peter let go of the ankle. The girl struggled as the bodyguards took hold of her. Peter was helped to his feet.

"Let me go. I have to meet Justin. Just one kiss, that's all. Please, I love him. Justin!"

She was led away. Between the bodyguards Peter caught a glimpse of fabric with blue and red stripes.

"Are you all right?" Lonnie asked.

"I guess so." Peter held his head. "Did you get the license plate of that truck?"

"Come on, let's find you a place to sit down." Lonnie pushed open the dressing room door.

"What happened? What was that screaming?"

"I was run over by a rival." Peter said as he sat down.

Justin went to Peter. He put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Are you all right?"

"Yea, just a little shaken. I got blindsided."

Lonnie smiled. "See, even when you don't know it, you're on duty. I told you we make a good team."

Peter held his head. "I resign."

Justin kissed Peter on his forehead. "Is that better?"

Peter looked up at Lonnie. "What a team!" Peter winced. "Ow." He held his head again.

"I'll get you some aspirin."

"Thanks, Justin."

JC leaned in. "So what happened?"

Lonnie explained. "I saw this girl acting suspiciously. She was walking around checking out the stage. Then Peter here also noticed her aura?" Peter nodded gently. "He said that she was determined about something. We put two and two together and kept an eye on her. Sure enough she made a break for the stage."

Peter laughed. "She had just started climbing over the barrier when Lonnie stood up right in front of her. What was she a foot away?"

"Yeah, I got the full blast of her scream."

"She backpedaled so fast."

"But not fast enough. The security guards were already there. They led her off before the next number had started. Somehow she either got away again or got back into the building. She was a slippery young thing. We were chasing her when Peter "stepped" in." Lonnie chuckled. "He slowed her long enough for us to finally catch her."

"That's my hero." Justin handed Peter a paper cup of water and two aspirin. "Here, I don't want you to have a headache especially tonight."

Peter grinned at Justin. "It will take more than a headache to stop me tonight. Trust me."

Lonnie put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "We all do." He tried to sound serious. "With our lives."

Peter looked around at the all faces around him.

"I hope it won't ever come to that." He took the aspirin. "I don't think I could take it."

Peter closed the door behind Justin. "I'd ask you to make yourself comfortable, but I hope that's redundant. Do you want to chat a bit or, if you will pardon the phase, straight to the bedroom."

"Ah, chat is fine."

They sat on the couch together.

"How come we always do it at my place? Afraid of someone seeing me leave your room?"

"Of course not." Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Tomorrow night I'll host. I'll give the palace guards the night off. We won't want them to interrupt, would we."

"No, they're really not my type and I'm not sure I could handle an orgy yet."

"Peter! I'm shocked." Something occurred to Justin. "Don't tell me that when we did it in front of JC and Lance you wanted them to join in?"

"No. They did as far as they could which still surprised me. They're in a committed relationship after all. I won't do anything to interfere with that."

"But if they weren't, would you have...?"

Peter put his finger over Justin's lips. "Justin, forget it. You are all I care about now."

Justin nodded.

"The only thing I will ever do with the other guys that is anyway exciting is that hacky today."


"By the way, you were wonderful tonight. Of course you always are. You really give your all for your fans. Everybody does. Its no wonder you are so loved."

Justin began to feel uneasy. "I have a confession to make." Justin looked down. "It was the official hacky that you were apart of."

"Thank you. I thought it might be."

"We didn't want you to know it. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was my initiation."

"It was just that we didn't want you to feel responsible if something happened."

"You mean like having a fan rush the stage."

"That doesn't happen that often."

"Justin, its all right. I like how it turned out. The plans for JC's and Lance's anniversary are going forward and I helped point out and catch an over zealous fan. If I don't do anything else for the rest of the tour I have at least proven that my being here was worthwhile."

"You're being here is worthwhile to me. That's all I care about." Justin took Peter into his arms and kissed him.

Peter held Justin close. "I can't believe that we are lovers. In my dreams before I knew they were together maybe JC or Lance. But you seemed so unreachable."

"I know what you mean. I was so full of myself. You changed all that."

"There is nothing that deflates an ego like having your tongue up someone's ass."

Justin smiled. "I never knew that kissing ass would be so enjoyable."

"Gay sex gives you a new perspective doesn't it. Why the next time someone tells you to go fuck yourself, you might just thank them for the suggestion."

Justin laughed. "You're right."

"I could never understand using "fuck you" as an insult. "I hate you, I loathe you and I want you to get laid". It makes no sense."

"Peter?" Justin ran his hand across Peter's cheek. He said softly. "Fuck you."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "Yes, please."

He pulled Peter to his lips. Peter pressed back. Soon their lips parted and their tongues intertwined. Their passions started to grow. They parted.

They stood up and made their way to the bedroom.

They stood undressing each other.

"Just think of it." Peter said. "No deadlines. No one is leaving tomorrow. We have tonight and then night after night to be together."

Justin took Peter into his arms. "Won't you get tired of having sex with me all those nights?"

"Let's find out." He pushed Justin backward onto the bed.

Peter pressed his lips to Justin's. Their mouths latched on to each other. The tongues darting and colliding. Already they were breathing hard.

Peter pulled back. His tongue slalomed down Justin's torso. Over to one nipple then over to the other. Around and around the nipple then across to the other again. Peter lightly pinched one nipple. He watched as Justin shut his eyes with delight. Peter continued further down. A few darts of the tongue into the navel then on downward. Peter wrapped his hand around Justin's hardening dick. He glanced up at Justin with a devilish smile on his face. He turned back to the cock.

"Tonight, baby, your mine!" He swallowed the shaft to the base pressing his tongue against the underside of the cock.

Justin gasped and clutched at the sheets.

The week apart had finally got to be too much. Peter wanted Justin and he wanted him bad.

Upward and downward he plunged on Justin's cock. Barely pausing for breath. He'd pull off to attack Justin's balls with his tongue. Kneading them back and forth and sucking them one at a time into his mouth. Then he'd rub Justin's hard cock across his face.

"God, I love your cock."

Justin lifted his head and managed a gasp or two. Peter resumed his efforts on his cock. Justin dropped his head back to the bed.

Surges of pleasure washed through Justin. Peter was going wild. Justin wanted to protest. He didn't want to cum so soon but Peter's passion left him lying there clutching at the sheets. It felt so wonderful.

Peter ran his tongue around the sensitive head pressing hard at the underside below the tip. Justin began to rock from side to side. The feelings of delight filling him. Justin tried to talk but managed only a loud whimper.

Then Peter slowed. He kept up long strokes swallowing the cock to the base then all the way back to flick his tongue at the tip. Peter didn't try to jack his cock. In his present state he would surely cum. He wanted to save that for Justin.

"Oh, Peter, that's great." Justin found his voice. "Suck me."

Peter continued slow long strokes his tongue licking the soft flesh. He reached up and rubbed Justin's nipples. Justin closed his eyes and opened his mouth.


Peter backed off. He slapped Justin's cock against his tongue. Peter watched as Justin loosened his grip on the sheets. Peter pulled down on Justin's dick then let go. It sprung back, slapping against Justin's stomach

"Peter, please."

Peter looked up. Justin's blue eyes pleaded with him. Peter grinned. He swallowed the cock with gusto.

Justin's head dropped back to the bed. He tightened his grip on the sheets. His head rolled back and forth as his whimpers grew in pitch.

Peter plunged onto and off of Justin's cock. It throbbed and twitched between his lips. He could feel Justin's hips thrusting it deeper into his mouth. Peter didn't want to stop sucking. He paused once just to catch his breath. He stroked Justin's cock.

"Come on, baby. Come for daddy." He dived back onto it.

Justin's body started to go rigid. His mouth opened.

"Oh, my godddddddddd!!!" it trailing off into a long groan.

One last thrust of his hips and his cock erupted. Peter swallowed eagerly the hot cum. Justin's body shook and trembled. The cock throbbed and twitched as the climax peaked. Justin's knuckles went white as he griped the sheets. Slowly the climax abated. Peter milked every drop of cum out of Justin's cock. Justin twitched as Peter's tongue and lips caressed the now more sensitive flesh. Justin relaxed.

Peter pulled off of Justin's cock. He raised himself until he and Justin were eye to eye. Peter saw the flush of pleasure in Justin's face. Justin threw his arms around Peter and pulled him to him. Their lips pressed together.

Justin held Peter to him relishing in the feel of his warm body. After a few minutes, he eased his grip on him.

Justin was still out of breath. "That was great, Peter."

"I've been planning that for a week"

Justin kept his hold on Peter. He rolled over taking Peter with him. He looked down on Peter's face and broke into a grin. "If you think you're going to outdo Justin Timberlake you have another thing coming."

"I hope so." Peter's grin matched Justin's "Bring it on."

Justin dropped to Peter's neck. He licked and sucked. He moved to Peter's ear lobe nibbling playfully. Justin felt Peter's body move beneath him. Peter liked this. He found he was following Peter's example. He raised Peter's arm and started to lick his armpit. The salty taste and musky smell only serve to fuel his passion. He switched to the other arm.

Peter was moaning. "Yes, Justin."

Justin was encouraged, but enough of the upper body parts. Justin wanted and needed something much lower. Justin bypassed the torso and headed for the crotch.

Peter's cock was already hard and throbbing from his work on Justin. Justin reached up and rubbed Peter's nipples. Peter let out a low moan. Then Justin got the idea. He didn't touch Peter's cock. He licked his finger and began to massage Peter's asshole.

Peter let out a moan. Justin worked his finger into Peter. Slowly he pushed it in then bending forward to rake against Peter's prostrate as he pulled it out.

"Oh, Justin."

Justin lightly wrapped his hand around Peter's shaft. But he only held it. There was no stroking. He let his finger in Peter's ass do the work. He lowered his head and pursed his lips. He blew air along Peter's cock. Peter's cock twitched at the sensation.

Justin very lightly touched his tongue to Peter's cock here and there. Peter started to tremble.

"Please, Justin.'

Justin took his finger out of Peter and just massaged the asshole.

Peter's body began to twitch.

"Please, Justin. Stop teasing me. I want you to suck me so bad! Please!"

Peter was desperate. He looked down into Justin's devilish grin.


Justin still looked up at him teasing him. But those wonderful blues eyes told him the truth.

Peter reached down and took Justin by the shoulders. He pulled Justin up to him.

"Justin, I missed you as much as I love you." He pulled Justin to his lips. After a time he let Justin go.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

Justin's face dropped out of his sight. A warm wet mouth engulfed Peter's cock. Even though they had had sex earlier Peter let out a cry of a week's worth of release.


Justin didn't hesitate now. He followed Peter's example. All the way off the tip then plunging down to the base tightening his throat around the head of the cock.

Peter's hand caressed every part of Justin's body he could reach. Then he'd run his hands through Justin's hair gently forcing him back down onto his cock.

Justin looked up. Peter's eyes were closed with pleasure. He reached up and pinched the nipples again. Peter's let out a low moan.

Justin went for broke. He had felt Peter's passion and he too felt the need after a week apart. Justin sped up his strokes. He kneaded Peter's balls with his hand. The finger pushed into Peter's ass again.

Peter was beginning to writhe on the bed. He looked down into Justin's sparkling blue eyes. His hard cock was again slipping between those sensuous soft lips. Peter felt the passion rise in him. The climax started to build.

"Yes, Justin. Do it! Make me cum! "

Justin was giving his all. He thrilled to the feel of Peter's body reacting to his effort. He could feel Peter's cock throbbing between his lips. It was only a matter of moments.

"Yes, I'm going to cum!"

Justin swallowed Peter's cock to the base then pulled off. He took over jerking Peter's cock.

Peter's body stiffened. "Oh, Justin!"

His cock exploded. Volleys of cum arched out of his cock splattering and his stomach and chest. Justin stroked up then twisted his hand around the sensitive tip of Peter's cock. Peter's body shook. His mouth opened. Slight gasps were all that came out. The climax ebbed. Peter relaxed and began to breathe easier.

Justin stopped stroking. He leaned forward and licked the cum off of Peter's stomach. He brought himself up so they could kiss.

"Justin, that was wonderful."

"Better than yours?"

Peter caressed Justin's cheek. "There's no way to compare."

"No. But it's fun trying."

Peter's looked into Justin's eyes. "Justin, please. I want to be one with you. I need to feel you in me."

Justin ran his fingers through Peter's hair. "Yes, lover." Justin kissed Peter again.

"Lay on your back."

"But, Peter, I want to get you ready."

"You will. I'm making sure you can't tease me this time."

"You take away all my fun."

"Wanna bet?" Peter straddled Justin with his back to him. He lowered his ass to Justin's face.

Justin closed his mouth. "Ugh-uh."

Peter bent forward and took hold of Justin's cock. "I can at least get you ready." He swallowed Justin's cock. As Peter sucked he felt the shaft getting harder. After a few moments Peter pulled back. Justin's cock was hard and ready.

Justin was still teasing him stubbornly.

"Okay, we'll just skip ahead."

Peter sat up. He reached for the condoms. Peter felt a tongue press into his asshole.

"That's it, lover."

Justin was glad to give in. He couldn't stand it any longer looking at the puckered opening so tantalizingly close to him. Justin began to work on Peter's ass with abandon. He loved doing it and he knew it drove Peter wild and Peter could drive him wild. He probed and pressed with his tongue. He could feel Peter's body begin to shake. Justin stuck his tongue in deeper.

"Yes." Peter gasped.

Justin swirled his tongue around the opening then pressing it in as far as he could get it.

Peter's body shook. Right there that was the spot. Justin's tongue sent waves of pleasure washed through Peter. Peter watched Justin's hard cock as it twitched by itself in the air. There would be no more teasing tonight.

Justin fucked Peter with his tongue. As far in as Justin could get it in then back out.

Peter's whimpers were getting louder. Peter reached for the condoms and the lube. Justin didn't stop him this time. Peter was hungry to feel Justin inside him and Justin wanted to fuck Peter so badly.

Peter handed the lube to Justin. Justin worked the lube into Peter. Peter leaned down and unrolled the condom onto Justin. Justin squeezed more lube on his hand. He lubed his cock up. Peter moved down and squatted over Justin.

"Peter, please. Turn around. I need to see your face."

Peter turned around. Slowly he lowered himself onto Justin. Peter adjusted the cock so it pressed on his hole. Lower still. It still pressed at the opening. Lower. Slowly it started to slide past the sphincter.

Justin watched Peter's face. Peter's mouth opened and his eyes closed. Justin felt a thrill as his cock entered Peter to the hilt. Peter's head tilted back. He let out a loud long gasp.

Peter lifted up then back down. He could feel Justin's cock slide into him filling him up.

"Oh, Justin!"

Up again then down. Peter's face flushed with pleasure.

"I really missed this. You inside me." Peter sped up the pace. "Yes, Justin, your cock feels so good."

Justin's body filled with pleasure. He watched as Peter bounced up and down on him. Feeling his cock sliding in and out of Peter's tight warm insides. Peter caressed Justin's chest with his hands rubbing hard on the nipples.

The rhythm increased. Peter moaned happily as he rode Justin cock. Justin began thrusting back with his hips. This sent his cock deeper yet into Peter.

"Justin, yeah. Fuck me."

Peter's legs began to get tired. He leaned down and kissed Justin. Justin didn't have to be told. He held Peter to him and rolled over until Peter has on his back. Justin didn't miss a stroke. He put Peter's legs on his shoulders and thrust into Peter with fervor. Peter responded by tightening his ass around Justin's cock.

Their eyes locked. Both saw the other's pleasure. Justin continued thrusting into Peter for all he was worth. Peter ran his hands over Justin's body. He cupped Justin ass cheeks feeling the force of the muscles driving Justin's cock into him. Each thrust sent surges of pleasure washing through both of them.

The wait was over. They were one again. Justin leaned down to kiss Peter. He pulled back but stayed close to Peter. He could feel Justin's hot breath on his neck.

"Fuck me, Justin. Show me you how much you missed me."

Justin pushed Peter up onto his shoulders. Supporting himself by his hands and toes, Justin became a pile driver. Every inch of Justin's cock slammed into Peter's ass. Every nerve in Peter's body thrilled to Justin's onslaught.

"Give me that cock, Justin. Fuck me!"

Justin timed each word with a thrust into Peter. "I never want us to be apart again."

Peter loved the sound of their bodies slapped together. Peter felt the passion raising in him. He was getting close.

Justin looked down. Peter's mouth kept opening and closing. The pleasure surging through Peter's body as Justin fucked him was impossible to verbalize. Short gasps were all that Peter could make. Justin was going wild on his ass and Peter loved every moment of it. Justin couldn't hold out much longer.

Then Justin slowed his thrusts. He let Peter down onto his back. Peter looked confused.

Justin ran his hands over Peter's chest. He looked into Peter's eyes. "That was how much I missed you. This is how much I love you." Justin went into smooth long strokes in and out. He clasped Peter's cock and jerked it firmly but gently. After the rapid pace, their senses had been almost overwhelmed. Now at a calmer pace everything was magnified. Peter could feel every inch and contour of Justin's cock as it raked against his insides on its way in then on its way out. The warmth and curve of Justin's fingers as he stroked Peter's dick. He tightened his ass muscles. Justin moaned loudly.

"Oh, my god, lover. This feels wonderful."

"You make me feel so good." They kissed.

Suddenly Peter felt the climax starting. He pulled away.

"Justin, I'm..." Justin silenced him with a kiss.

Justin felt Peter's body shake then stiffen. He rubbed his finger over the tip of Peter's cock. It pulsed in his hand and the cum erupted from it. Justin kept fucking and jerking Peter. He pulled back from the kiss.

Peter was moaning while his body shook at each spurt of cum. It splattered on his chest. Justin kept stroking until the spurts stopped. Peter relaxed. He smiled up at Justin.

"Fuck me until you cum."

Too late. Justin pulled out of Peter and tore off the condom.

Peter watched Justin throw his head back jerking his cock.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!"

Arcs of cum surged from Justin's cock onto Peter's stomach. Peter watched it as Justin shot off. Justin leaned forward still stroking. Still he came. Then slowly it stopped. He let go of his cock. Justin fell forward landing beside Peter on the bed.

He turned so they could kiss.

"Justin, you're an animal."

"Thanks." Justin rolled onto his back. "You were fantastic." Justin sighed. "You were right. That time apart did us good. When we were together again that is." Justin turned his head. "Never again. Okay?"

"I could never leave you, again."

Peter felt like he was glowing, but that still left Justin. He glanced at Justin lying next to him. He could see that Justin was exhausted.

"Justin, do you mind if we don't go on?"

"But what about your turn?"

"I am so content now. You've made me feel so wonderful." It was the truth. "Unless you want me to?"

Justin sighed. "I am a bit tried."

"Tell you what, tonight was my room and my hospitality. Tomorrow night, your room and I get to know your hospitality."

"You don't mind waiting?"

"The anticipation is part of the excitement. Besides, with the afterglow I'm feeling it's enough."

"Peter, I love you."

"I love you, too." Peter stroked Justin's cheek. "So go to sleep already. I think tomorrow is going to be a big day."

They stretched out under the sheets and nestled together. His body still tingling from the sex and delighting in the feel of his lover in his arms Peter slipped into sleep.

JC snuggled close and nuzzled Lance's neck. "It's almost tomorrow." JC kissed Lance's forehead, his nose, his cheeks then pressed against his lips. He pulled back smiling.

"Its okay, JC. I can wait until morning. Let's get some sleep."

"You sure? I don't mind."

"JC, I can tell you're tired. We both are."

"I thought that maybe you'd want to rehearse for tomorrow."

Lance ran his fingers along JC's cheek. "We've had a whole year to rehearse. Besides, what I have in mind for tomorrow you will need to be fully rested. Go to sleep."

JC gave Lance a peck on the lips. "Whatever you say, lover."

They both lay down and let sleep take them.

Peter got up to go to the bathroom. When he got back Justin was lying on his back. He was fidgeting slightly. Peter thought he must be having a bad dream. Peter leaned over and kissed Justin.

"Sweet dreams, my prince."

"Peter?" Justin mumbled.

"Yes, lover."

Justin said softly. "Don't leave me."

Peter realized that Justin was talking in his sleep.

"I won't, Justin."

Justin's hands began to move. His hands searching the sheets. He started to act anxious. "Peter, where are you? I can't find you."

Peter put his hand on Justin's hand. "I'm here."

"Please, stay." Justin settled back.

"I'm here for you, Justin."

Justin's hand grasped Peter's. "We'll never be lonely again."

Peter lay down close to Justin. He laid his arm across Justin's chest.

"Sleep, Justin. I'm here. I won't leave you."

"I hated it that you were so lonely."

Peter was surprised by the words. He had thought that by "we" Justin had meant just himself.

Justin seemed to smile. "Peter, do I love you so."

"I love you, too."

The real Justin had spoken. No matter how "the Timberlake" acted Peter knew the truth. Peter moved as close to Justin as he could. He wanted Justin to feel him even in his sleep and know that he was there. Peter also realized that Justin wanted Peter to know he was there for him. Feeling the warmth of Justin in his arms Peter closed his eyes. He smiled as he slipped off into sleep.

Lance was pulled from his sleep by a wave of pleasure. He opened his eyes and looked down. There was a large bulge in the sheets directly over his crotch. He felt two lips slide down his stiffening cock. A thrill went through him as the cock head slipped into the throat.

"Oh, what a wonderful way to wake up. That feels good, JC."

Muffled moaning was the only reply.

"JC, could you pause for a moment? I want to give you my good morning kiss."

Lance felt fingers start to stroke his cock along with the lips.

"Come out here, lover. I want to kiss you."

Just more muffled moaning.

"JC, can't you hear me?

They didn't stop.

"JC, that had better be you."

There was a grunt. Lance felt the lips pull off his cock. The bulge moved up the bed. JC's head emerged from under the sheets.

"Who else would it be? Or maybe I should ask who did you want it to be?"

"The answer to both questions is "you"." Lance kissed JC. "Morning, lover."

"Happy Anniversary." JC reached down and kept stroking Lance's cock.

"Hmmm, Happy Anniversary. Is this my present?"

"Only one of many."

"How come you didn't answer me?"

"My mother told me to never talk with my mouth full."

Lance pouted slightly. "I was planning to wake you up this way."

JC kissed Lance. "I wanted to surprise you. You never give me a chance. You always get to me first. It's almost like you have an alarm clock."

Lance shut his eyes as a wave of delight went through him.

"That feels good, JC."

"Can I get back to my present to you now?" JC stroked a little harder.

"Oh, yes, JC!"

JC pulled the sheets back. He moved down to be even with Lance's cock. He lowered his mouth. JC stopped and looked up.

"I could go back to sleep and let you wake me up again."

"That's okay, JC."

"If you have your heart set on waking me up."

"Never mind."

"I don't mind."

Lance smiled. JC was teasing him. "JC?"


"Your present." Lance took JC by the back of the neck on gently pushed him back onto his cock. JC began to suck with earnest.

The pleasure surged through him. Lance gasped, "Thank you, JC."

Lance watched as JC concentrated his efforts on Lance's cock. JC wouldn't see him. Lance reached under his pillow. He pulled out his watch and pushed the button to turn off the alarm.

"JC, its four thirty in the morning!"

JC pulled off Lance. "Isn't there something about an early bird?"

Lance smiled. "Okay, JC, you win."

JC grinned then plunged back onto Lance's cock.

Lance loved to watch JC suck his cock. Well, he loved to watch JC do anything. JC was in earnest this morning. Lance felt JC's tongue flicking at the sensitive flesh of his cock. It felt so wonderful. JC would look up from time to time. Lance would smile back at him. Except for the times when JC hit the right spot. A wave of pleasure washed through his body. Lance would give out a gasp and tilt his head back closing his eyes.

JC began to concentrate on the right spots. Now when he looked up Lance had his eyes closed most of the time. Little gasps escaped his mouth. They were growing in pitch and frequency. JC doubled his efforts. Lance's hands caressed JC. Then he gently took JC on either side of his head to guide him. JC needed no guiding. He swallowed the cock to the hilt then opened his mouth to lick as much of the ball sack as his tongue could reach. Closing his lips around Lance's cock he pulled back. Over and over, back down and then up. Soon Lance was quivering on the bed.

"JC, you do that so good. I love it when you suck me."

Lance waited for JC to stick a finger up his ass. That always sent him over the edge. But JC hadn't done that yet. Lance looked down.

JC was in heaven sucking Lance's cock. He reached up and rubbed Lance's nipples. Lance's whole body shuttered. He gave out a loud groan. Lance tried to lift his legs so JC could get to his ass. JC had them pinned down.

"JC, please. Play with my ass." Lance pleaded.

JC looked up and smiled. "Not yet."


"Here." JC raised his hand. He extended a finger. Lance grabbed the hand and started sucking on the finger then two. JC had to get Lance's attention away from ass play. JC would get there, but not yet. He wanted to extend Lance's pleasure for longer than he usually did. It was special day after all. He pulled his hand back, much to the disappointment of Lance. JC kicked his body around so they were in the sixty-nine position.

Lance didn't hesitate. He swallowed JC's cock hungrily. Lance took JC's ass in his hands forcing the cock deeper into his mouth. His tongue swirled about the shaft from the base to the tip. He took his finger and pressed it into JC's ass. Maybe JC would get the hint.

JC let out a muffled groan, but continued his efforts only on Lance's cock. JC could feel Lance going to town on his cock. Hoping that Lance was distracted enough JC reached to the side of the bed. He pulled out the bottle of lube and another gift for Lance.

Oh, the joy of JC's cock in his mouth. A wave of pleasure washed through Lance. JC was making him feel so good. He returned the favor to JC. Lance was thoroughly enjoying sucking JC's cock. Finally Lance felt a finger at his asshole. He could feel the cold wetness of lube. So JC had more than a morning blowjob in mind. Lance's dick throbbed in JC's mouth at the thought. JC was opening him up good. Lance couldn't wait to feel JC inside him.

JC suddenly pulled off Lance's cock.

Lance felt something push into his ass. It too big for a finger and JC's cock throbbed in front of him. It seemed to get wider as it went in. Just as Lance began to be concerned it narrowed. Lance could feel his sphincter close around it. It did feel good.

"JC, what is that?"

JC made no reply but returned sucking Lance's cock with enthusiasm.

"JC, what is...Oh, my god!" The thing in Lance's ass began to vibrate. Surges of joy flooded Lance. "Oh...oh... oh, god."

JC twisted around. Lance had lost all thought of JC's cock. JC sat up and watched Lance.

"Wha...wha... what is it?" Lance finally managed to ask.

"Your present." JC grinned as Lance went ecstatic. His whole body trembled. "A vibrating butt plug."

"JC, its"

"Fantastic? I'm glad you like it. It has variable speeds. Right now its set on the lowest." JC turned the dial.

"Oh, fuck!" Lance whole body shook.

JC took to stroking his own cock. He was so turned on by Lance's reaction.

"There's three more. Want to try the next one?"

"Yyyyyes." Lance barely managed to get out.

JC turned the knob.

Lance threw his head back on the pillow. He rolled about of the bed. His cock throbbed and twitch with nothing touching it.

JC stroked his cock faster as Lance thrashed about the bed. This present was better than he had hoped. He turned the dial again.

Lance had never felt anything like this. His mouth gaped open. Loud cries escaped his throat. Every nerve in his ass was vibrating. He lifted his body off the bed then dropped it back. He was in such ecstasy!

JC was about to turn the dial again. Lance let out a cry that grew almost to a scream. He grabbed his cock and with a thrust of his hips his cock erupted. Cum shot everywhere onto his stomach and chest. The next volley shot over his head. Lance thrashed about as the climax pasted through him. It had never been this intense before. Lance felt like his whole body was exploding.

The sight was too much for JC. Seeing his lover have such a climax push him over the edge. His muscles tightened as his cock shot off. Cum arced through the air. The white liquid spattered on Lance mingling with his own. JC jerked his dick coaxing each last drop of cum from his cock. He watched as Lance still lay quivering from his climax. JC relaxed. Then he noticed Lance. He wasn't relaxing. JC suddenly realized what was happening and turned the vibrator off.

Lance body dropped to the bed. He lay there panting hard. JC was worried.

"Lance, are you okay?"

Lance panted and gasped. Then once he had caught he breath his mouth broke into a grin.

"That was fucking-tastic!" He reached down and pulled the butt plug out of himself. "So this is what my little beauty looks like." He looked up at JC "Thanks for the present. It will come in handy when you're not present."

JC lay down next to Lance. "When's that?"

"Don't you have to take a shower?"

"It's only five o'clock in the morning."

Lance pulled JC to him. "I'm kidding. It was wonderful." He kissed JC. "Thank you."

"You will share that won't you?"

"Are you kidding? You'll have to get your own. We need to buy a shit load of batteries. By the way, what made you think of a butt plug?"

"Justin was talking about Peter using a dildo as Justin's stand-in. I know how much you love ass play. The vibration seemed like an added benefit. I ordered it on-line."

"JC, you know me so well."

JC smiled. "We have a few hours left for some sleep."

Lance lay back spent. "I could use it." Lance sat up. "But, I have to..."

"Stay put." JC reached to the bed stand. "Here, let me." He took the wash cloth and cleaned the cum off of Lance.

"Thanks, lover. You are so sweet."

"You may want to turn the pillow over. You got cum on that, too. That was quite the geyser you had. I think I'm jealous."

"Why? It was thanks to you." They kissed. "If this day continues the way the morning has gone, I don't think I will make it through. But, what a way to go!"

"Happy Anniversary, Lance."

They kissed then settled down for a few more hours sleep.

John knocked, but no one answered. Peter had given him permission so he opened he door. Peter lay on the couch asleep. Well, not just asleep he was out projecting. John shook his head. It was hard to get used to. John looked at his watch. The autograph session should be done by now. He'd just have to wait.

He smiled at the thought of Peter helping JC and Lance find the gay fans. Until they come out publicly, they could at least have some connection with the gay community. Of course, there was that time at Peter's church. Lance and JC spoke of nothing else for days after that. He'd wished he had been there.

John heard a movement. He turned to see Peter sitting up on the couch.

"Have you been waiting long?" Peter stretched.

"No, I just got here. How did the session go?"

"There were two gay fans this time. After reading what Lance and JC signed for them they left on air."

"JC and Lance will like hearing that."

"How's the preparations?"

"Everything is set. The hotel is even throwing in the uniforms. They will look official."

"I think the guests dressing for dinner might add to the mood. Do JC and Lance have tuxes?"

"Yeah. But they share the same room. It won't be a surprise."

"Not if we separate them."

John smiled. "I'll send Lance to you on some pretext and he can change here. Then Joey can show up at their room with JC's."

"I'll call when we're about to leave. They can meet downstairs."

"This will be such a surprise for them."

"They deserve it."

"Yes, they do. Thank you, Peter for your help."

"No problem. I can't wait to see their faces."

Lance entered Peter's room.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yea, you can't wear that tonight."

Lance looked at himself. "What's wrong with it?"

"It doesn't lend itself to the event." Peter handed Lance his tux. "This is more like it."

"Am I going to the prom?"

"Humor me."

Lance started to undress. "You guys have something planned, don't you?"

"I won't lie to you."

"So what is it?"

"I'm not saying anything so I won't lie to you."

Peter helped Lance dress.

Lance straightened his tie in the mirror.

"You look so handsome. JC is so lucky."

Lance noticed tears in Peter's eyes.


"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy for you both. I'm glad you have each other."

Lance suddenly sensed the truth. He looked at Peter. "You were in love with me and you were in love with JC."

"It was just a fan's fantasy. It was before I knew you were together. I've had to let lots of other people go that I had crushes on. It doesn't matter now."

"Peter, I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

"I wouldn't want to change the way it turned out for anything. You and JC make a wonderful couple. The gay world will be so proud." Peter hugged Lance. "Happy Anniversary."

"Thank you." Lance pulled back. "Don't worry. I'll be wishing you the same thing in a little over eleven months time."

"I hope so."

"I know so."

"What am I doing? This is your night." Peter walked to the phone and dialed. "Hi, we're ready at this end. Give us a minute to get in place." Peter hung up.

Lance walked up to Peter and gave him a kiss.

"What's that for?"

"Whatever you guys have planned, I know it will be something special. Thank you in advance."

"Come on, Lance." Peter offered his arm. "The night and your knight await."

"Joey, what is this all about?"

"You'll find out, JC."

They started down the hall to the restaurant.

"The restaurant is closed."

Joey said nothing. As they got close JC saw a large paneled screen across the entrance. Joey pulled back the end panel and gestured JC to enter. Once through Joey pulled the panel back.

"Assured privacy." Joey said. He rang the bell at the maitre d' stand.

Justin appeared in black suit and tie. "Ah, the other party is here." He said in a bad French accent. "Please follow me to your table. The other guest is already here."


"Ah, pardon, Louis. You're amour is waiting pour vu."

JC stepped into the restaurant. The lights were low. There was soft music playing. All the tables were bare except one in the middle of the room. It was fully set with linens, candles and a bouquet of roses. But what caught JC's attention was Lance standing there in the candlelight in his tux. He had a rose on his lapel. JC had never seen him more handsome.

When they got to the table Justin took a rose that was lying on the table.

"Pour vu." He pinned the rose to JC's lapel. "Ze waiter will be here soon. Bon Appetite." Justin bowed and walked off.

"Hi, handsome." JC kissed Lance.

"You're not so bad yourself, JC."

"What's all this?"

"Our own private restaurant courtesy of the guys. Shall we sit down?"

They sat at the table. A waiter came over carrying a wine bucket and a bottle of champagne. It was Chris in a waiter's uniform. He had a towel draped over his arm.

"Hello, my name's Chris. I'll be your wine steward tonight. Would you care to start with a bit of the bubbly?"

Lance nodded.

JC cringed as Chris uncorked the bottle. To his surprise there was a pop but no spray of champagne. He filled their glasses then put the bottle back in the ice bucket. He turned away from the table.

Another waiter approached. It was Joey. He also had changed into a waiter's uniform.

He set down two plates of appetizers.

"We have selected a special menu just for you. Enjoy." He bowed and left.

"How do you like it so far?" It was John.

JC smiled. "Wonderful. I don't know what to say."

"Then don't try. I just wanted to check in then I'll leave you to eat in peace."

"Please, join us." Lance said.

"Later. We'll all join you for desert. Then we'll have some dancing and then you're on your own."

"John, thank you."

John put his hands on their shoulders. "You both deserve this. Happy Anniversary." John left.

Even in the candlelight JC could see the tears shining in Lance's eyes. He reached his hand across the table. Lance took JC's hand in his. They just sat there looking at each other smiling. JC took his wineglass. Lance raised his.

"To us, my love."

"To us. Happy Anniversary, JC." They drank.

The time flew by. Tonight the world consisted of the two of them and their friends. All of them were celebrating their love. They weren't really in public, but it felt like it. JC and Lance found themselves moved to tears for the slightest reason. A simple smile or a touch of the hand sent shivers through them. Tonight was very special indeed.

"That was the most wonderful dinner I have ever had." JC said. "You guys did a great job."

"Everything was wonderful." Lance smiled. "We'll always remember this night."

"Thanks." John said. "Peter put all our ideas together and added a few touches."

JC winked. "I recognized the gay flair."

"Does anyone else want another piece of cake?"

"Help yourself, Joey."

"There's still a little bit of Lance's name left on the frosting. I already ate JC's."

JC shook his head as Joey eyed the cake for just the right piece. "And I must say the service was excellent."

"I don't suppose I'll get a tip."

"Of course, Chris." Chris held out his hand. JC shook it. "Don't give up your day job."

Chris sat back annoyed and crossed his arms. "Gee, thanks."

Lance didn't want Chris to be upset. "Hey, he opened the champagne without spraying it all over."

"That was appreciated, Chris." JC said.

John looked at his watch. "Well, its time I left the night to you youngsters and I do include you, Peter." He got up. "Happy Anniversary you two." He hugged JC and Lance. "Enjoy the rest of the night."

"Thank you so much, John." Lance had a tear in his eyes. "It's been a very special evening."

"We'll never forget it." JC added.

"You two deserve it. Hell, all five, sorry, six of you deserve it. You are a great group of guys. See you in the morning." John left.

Justin stood up "I don't know about you, but I need to wear off some cake." He walked over to the sound system. After pressing some buttons music began to thump from the speakers. One more switch and the lights came up on the mirror ball over the dance floor. Justin walked back to the table.

"Peter, may I have this dance."

Peter was going to protest but Justin was looked at him with earnest. "Okay, just don't laugh too loud." Peter stopped. "Shouldn't we allow the guests of honor to go first?"

Lance stood up. He offered his arm to JC. "How about it, JC?"

"My pleasure." JC stood up and took Lance's arm.

Lance patted JC's hand. "That comes later." Lance grinned.

"Joey?" Chris batted his eyes.

"I'm eating."

"You're no fun."

Joey put down his fork. "Okay, but you'd think we'd get enough of this."

They reached the dance floor and paired off. Six bodies began to move to the rhythm.

"Peter, you're not that bad."

"Coming from you, Justin, that's a compliment."

"Just loosen up a little. That's better."

Peter was enjoying this. He liked watching Justin's body moving to the music. Every now and then he'd glance over at JC and Lance. They looked like they were enjoying themselves too.

After two songs came a slow number. Two couples wrapped their arms around each other and swayed to the music.

"I'm going to finish that piece of cake." Joey headed back to the table.

Chris put his hands on his hips. "Afraid of a little intimacy? That is so male." Chris followed him.

"It's like having our own gay bar." Lance smiled.

JC danced closer to Justin and Peter. "Peter, this was a wonderful idea. Thank you."

"No," Peter rested his head against Justin. "Thank you."

Chris and Joey watched the loving pairs dance.

"You done with that cake yet."

Joey dropped the fork to the table. "Yep. Maybe one more piece."

"How about we hit the bar next door? We might be able to find some girls to do our own cuddling with."


"I'm sure they will save the rest of the cake."

"Shouldn't we say goodnight?"

"Look at them. They'll hardly miss us."

Joey nodded. "Okay, let's go."

It was so nice to hold Justin in his arms. Peter wished it could go on forever. The next song ended it. It was a fast number.

Justin saw the look of disappointment on Peter's face. "We're in control. Pick a song you'd like to dance to."


JC and Lance shrugged. "We don't mind."

Peter smiled. "There's one thing I have always dreamt of doing."

JC gestured. "Go ahead. Indulge yourself."

Peter went to the sound system. He pressed a button. The music stopped.

"I saw this song earlier. I just love it. It's just instrumental, but this has always been my dream of being romantic."

The music started. The three of them looked at Peter with surprise. Peter quickly joined Justin.

"We're supposed to dance to this?"

"Sure, it's just a waltz. Come on, let's go." Peter took Justin' hands.

"I'm not sure I know how."

"What? NSYNC doesn't know how to waltz?"

"It's been a long time." Lance said. "We don't get much call for it."

"Okay, the old fart will teach you. Who's first?"

JC and Justin pointed. "Lance."

Lance sneered. "Thanks, guys." Peter took Lance's hand. "They mean if you can teach me you can teach anyone." Peter put his hand on Lance's waist.

"Okay, now watch my feet. One, two, three."

Lance tried matched Peter's steps. He shuffled a bit.

"That's okay. Back then side and slide. One, two, Three."

Lance was surprised how fast he getting it.

"That's it, Lance."

Lance grinned. "This is kind of fun."

JC tapped Peter on the shoulder. "May I cut in."

Peter stepped back. "Of course."

"Okay, Lance. Show me how." JC watched Lance's feet.

JC was also a quick study. Peter felt tap on his shoulder.

"Forgetting someone?"

"Sorry, Justin." Peter took Justin's hand. "Okay, one, two, three. Back side and slide. That's it, Justin. You've got it."

They danced about the floor. The song ended.

"I didn't get to do it."

"Go ahead. Play it again, Sam." Lance grinned. "I'm liking this."

JC laughed. "It is kind of romantic."

Peter started the song over. He returned to Justin.

"What is it you want to do?"

"We'll work up to it." They began to twirl about. After a few times, Peter got to the edge of the dance floor. He smiled. "Ready?"

Justin nodded.

"Here we go."

Peter spun and made sweeping steps around the entire edge of the dance floor. "I loved to watch them do this in the movies. They use the whole floor."

JC and Lance watched as Justin and Peter danced in a large circle around them.

Lance looked at JC. "Let's not let them have all the fun."

JC began to sweep Lance around the dance floor.

The room spun around them. Justin could see that Peter was ecstatic. He had a huge grin on his face. Justin had to admit it. It was nice dancing fast but with Peter still in his arms.

Peter suddenly started to sing to the music.

Ten minutes ago I saw you

I looked up when you came through the door.

My head started reeling

You gave me the feeling

The room had no ceiling or floor.

Ten minutes ago I met you

And we murmured our "how do you do?"s.

I wanted to ring out the bells and

Fling out my arms and to sing out the news

I have found him. He's an angel

With the dust of the stars in his eyes.

We are dancing. We are flying.

And he's taking me back to the skies.

In the arms of my love, I'm flying

Over mountain and meadow and glen

And I like it so well

That for all I can tell

I may never come down again

I may never come down to earth again.

The rhythm slowed and the song ended. They stopped dancing. JC and Lance applauded.

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, I got so caught up. It was a fantasy come true."

Justin grinned. "You're right the waltz is romantic. Especially when you sing to me." He kissed Peter.

Lance staggered a bit. "Boy, that leaves you lightheaded."

JC hugged Lance. "I liked holding you in my arms as we danced, my little angel." JC and Lance's lips met.

Justin pulled back. He saw JC and Lance kissing. "Maybe we should leave our guests to themselves."

"So we can be by ourselves? I'm all for that. Its your time to host remember."

Justin nodded. "Would you mind wrapping up the cake? Joey would be heart broken if it went to waste."

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Room 1211 when you done."

"I can't wait."

Justin gave Peter a quick kiss and left.

Peter found a plastic bag and placed what was left of the cake into it. He'd take it back to his room. Peter looked up. JC and Lance were still kissing.


They looked at Peter.

"I'll look after the cake. You now have the place to yourself. We told them we'd be done by twelve o'clock. Until then enjoy."

JC walked over to Peter. He gave Peter a hug and a kiss. "Thanks for tonight. This is so wonderful."

"Everyone had something to do with it."

Lance copied JC with the hug and kiss.

"But you added the right touches."

Peter smiled at them. "For two people we care so much about it was a pleasure." Peter winked. "Don't dance all night. See you in the morning."

Peter knocked. Justin opened the door.

"Come in. Welcome to my place."

Peter's jaw dropped. "Wow!"

"They gave us the executive suites."

Peter looked suspiciously at Justin. "Gave us?"

"Okay, you caught me. I up graded."

"I knew your room wasn't on this floor yesterday."

There was Justin's impish grin, again. "I thought Cinderella might like to make out in the palace at least once."

Peter grinned. "I can't wait to see the bed."

"First things first. You've got to try this on. Courtesy of the management." Justin handed Peter a dark blue silk robe. "Have you ever had silk on before?"

"No." Peter removed his shirt.

"You're in for a treat."

Justin held the robe for Peter. Peter slipped the robe on.

"Oh, wow." Peter rubbed the fabric against his skin.

"Sexy, isn't it?"


Justin pulled off his own shirt. He picked up another robe.

"These are supposed to be "his and hers" but I won't tell if you don't." He undressed.

Peter was enjoying the feel of the silk on his skin.

"Take your pants off. Enjoy the total body experience."

Peter took off the rest of his clothes.

"Oh, my!"

"Feels good on the ass, doesn't it?" Justin pulled his robe on.

"Yes, it does." Justin glimpsed Peter's growing erection through the gap in the robe. "Justin, I think I want to be alone."

"Oh, no you don't." Justin moved close to Peter. "Silk isn't everything, you know. It can't do this." He kissed Peter. Justin pulled back grinning. "Besides, I'm not through yet."

Justin took Peter by the hand and led him into the bedroom. The bed was huge.

"We'd better tie a line to each other in case we get separated."

"Come on." Justin continued past the bed.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Justin was heading for the bathroom door.

"Are we going to shower together?"

"Just close you're eyes."

When Peter's eyes were closed Justin opened the door, ushered Peter in and closed the door behind them.

Peter could smell a fragrance in the air. "Air freshener? Justin, what did you do in here before?"

"Peter, stop it." Justin sounded hurt. "You'll ruin it."

"I'm sorry."

"Okay, open your eyes."

The first thing Peter noticed was how big the bathroom was. The next thing surprised him. The only light came from several jar candles set around the room. The mirrors on the walls multiplied the number. The room seemed filled with candles.

Now he knew why Justin had asked him to take the cake. He needed time to prepare.

Justin was delighted at Peter's surprised expression. "Come here."

Peter followed Justin to the far end of the bathroom.

There was a Jacuzzi ringed by more candles. Standing just to the left was a silver wine bucket on a stand with a bottle of champagne. Two glasses sat on the edge. Justin took the bottle and filled the two glasses. He turned and handed one to Peter.

"You like?"


"We have never had a romantic moment together. After all the talk about what we should do for JC and Lance, I decided I wanted to do something for us."

"Justin, it's wonderful."

Justin raised his glass. "To us."

"To us."

The glasses chimed. They both drank.

"Come on." Justin set his glass down. "Let's get in." He slipped off his robe and dropped it to the floor.

"I don't know." Peter wrapped the robe around him.

Justin smiled. He liked the feel of silk, too. "You can wear the robe while we have sex if you want to."

Peter grinned. "Deal." He removed his robe.

Peter watched Justin as he flipped the switch on the wall. The water in the Jacuzzi bubbled to life.

Peter kept gazing at Justin. "Justin, you look so beautiful naked by candle light."

Justin took Peter into his arms. "So do you." They kissed. Justin pulled back. "Shall we?"

They stepped into the frothy hot water.

Peter gingerly settled into the water.

"Is it too hot?"

"No, I'm getting use to it. Just have the drawn butter and cocktail sauce ready when we're done."

"Your first time in a Jacuzzi?"

"Do I really have to answer that?" Peter settled back. "It is relaxing." Peter looked around him.

Justin smiled. There it was again Peter's wide-eyed wonderment. To Justin this was just a suite with a Jacuzzi. To Peter it was an adventure. Yet Peter knew just what to say to help him deal with his bisexuality. It was this combination of innocence and knowledge that touched Justin so.

Justin took the champagne glasses. He handed Peter's to him.

"Thanks." Peter noticed Justin's thoughtful gaze. "What?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking how wonderful you are. You get me to look at things differently."

"You show me things I have never seen or done before."

Justin moved close. "But nothing will be as wonderful as our first time together."

They clinked glasses, again and sipped the wine.

Justin leaned against Peter. "I almost had to drag you into the bedroom. Once there you took over. You took such care to make it special for me. No one had ever done that for me before. Although I must admit, I was afraid that you were going to tell me you loved me."

Peter nudged Justin. "So was I. It was better not to know. I thought it could never work out. Silly now, isn't it." They took a sip of champagne.

"I can still see you standing there so frightened and trembling. You know I think that's when I started to fall in love with you."

"You took me into your arms and told me to stop being afraid. And I did."

"I realized then that you weren't having sex with me because of who I was. Then it became more than just me wanting to experience sex with another man. On some level I wanted you to really enjoy it. It was your first time, too. I wanted to make it special for you."

Peter kissed Justin. "It was very special."

"How about me? When did you first start to fall in love with me?"

"When else? When I first saw that wonderful cock of yours." Peter sighed. "I do love sucking it so and then when you shoved that whopper right up my tight virgin..." Peter stopped. Justin was gaping at him. "What?"

Justin looked warily at Peter. "You are kidding, right?"

Peter laughed. "Of course. That would have been my answer to Timberlake, but he's not around." He kissed Justin's cheek. "It was that morning in the dressing room when you backed me into the costume rack."

"Really? That early?"

"You'd just come out to me about being BI. That's very vulnerable state and I was touched that you trusted me that much. I wanted to be there for you. But you were leaving in a few days. I prayed that you'd find someone to guide you along the way."

"I did."

They looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Justin."

Justin placed his hand on Peter's cheek. "Peter."

They kissed.

Justin pulled away. He reached for the champagne bottle. "More?"

Peter held his glass out. "Are you trying to ply me with champagne so you can take advantage of me?"

"Of course." Justin filled it.

"Good. I like to know where I stand. Actually, Peter is standing already."


"Can't you spot the submarine?"

"What did Chris mean by that?"

Peter shook his head. "In the movies how do they spot submerged submarines?"

"By the torpedo's wake?"

"No, before that."

"Oh, the periscope."

"Up periscope." Peter lifted up until the tip of his hardon emerged from the water."

"Oh, I see. Well, trim the ballast and take that sucker down, I want to stay here a while longer."

"Don't worry. It's just that the rushing water is very stimulating." He rubbed his leg against Justin's. "This whole evening is very stimulating." Peter snuggled close. "I like just being close and talking."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "I like this, too."

Peter clinked his glass against Justin's. "To love."

"To love." They drank.

Justin lowered his glass. He thought for a bit. "Peter, do you think we will end up like Lance and JC?"

"Here's hoping."

The glasses chimed again.

"Lance, I want to do something. Will you humor me?"

"JC, for you anything."

JC led Lance back to the table. They stood facing each other. He took Lance's hand.

"Make a wish and blow out a candle."

"It's not my birthday."

"I want to start our own tradition. We'll each make a wish and blow out a candle. We'll then re-light each other's candle signifying our continuing love for each other for the coming year." JC looked sheepish. "Is this too corny?"

Lance leaned on JC's shoulder. "I think it is a very romantic idea."

"Then make a wish and blow."

They both blew out a candle. Lance squeezed JC's arm. He liked this new tradition.

JC took a box of matches from his pocket. Opening the box he took a match and struck in against the box. Lance watched as the match flared into life. JC reached over and lit the candle in front of Lance.

JC faced Lance. "This flame symbolizes my love for you. It will burn as true for you throughout the coming year."

Lance felt the tears already forming in his eyes. JC handed Lance the box of matches. Lance noticed that JC's hand was trembling.

Lance fumbled with the box of matches. It was empty.

"You took the last match."

"There still should be one left. I checked."

Lance shook the box. There was a light and a heavy rattle. The second rattle didn't sound like a match. Lance pushed the box all the way opened and turned it over. Two objects fell into his palm. He looked at his hand. There in his palm was the match and beside it was a gold ring.

JC watched as Lance looked up with surprise. JC's voice was full of emotion. "That is a symbol of my love for you for as long as I live. Lance, there is no one else I want to spend my life with but you. You are the love of my life." JC's voice broke. "Lance, will you marry me?" JC watched as Lance stood there stunned with tears running down his face.

Lance threw his arms around JC. "Yes, JC. A thousand times, yes!" Lance pulled back to look into JC's eyes. Lance saw the tears running down JC's cheeks.

"JC, I love you." He pressed his lips to JC's. Moments passed into minutes. They pulled back. They laughed. They cried. They hugged. They kissed again.

After a time Lance pulled back. JC nodded to candle. Lance took the match and struck it against the side of the box. His hand shook as he lit the candle in front of JC. Lance turned to face JC. He took JC's hands. Lance could barely get the words out. "This is the symbol of my love for you. It will burn as true through the coming year." Lance gave JC's hand a squeeze. "And beyond."

JC wiped his eyes. "So, put it on. See if it fits."

Lance slid the ring onto his finger. "Perfect" He held his hand up to admire the ring. "JC, I don't know what to say."

"You already did. You said "yes"."

Lance beamed. "Our mothers will be so thrilled." Lance hugged JC again. "Oh, JC. I could do you right here on the table."

"Better not. We don't want to be caught with our pants down." JC joked. "Do you want to go back to our room?"

"No. I want to dance with my future husband."

Lance led JC to the dance floor. The guys had chosen the music well. There were mainly slow numbers now. They began to move to the music holding each other tight.

Lance stopped. "JC, who is going to marry us?"

"I'm sure Peter will find someone."

"Of course, Peter will know." Lance went back to dancing. "It would be nice if we could be married at his church. It was so wonderful."

"What about our family and friends? We can't fly them all there."

"You're right."

Lance was silent a while.

"Does this make me Lance Bass Chasez or Lance Chasez Bass or just Lance Chasez?"

"Whatever way you want it."

"JC Bass?" Lance shook his head.

"Joshua Bass sounds okay."

"Maybe we should just stick to our own names." Lance lay his head against JC's.

They danced in silence. Lance raised his hand to look at the gleam of gold on his finger.

JC dropped his voice. "Happy, honey?"

"Yes, dear." Lance smiled. "But check with me in another hour. I'm sure I will much happier then."

JC grinned. "The ring worked then? I wanted to make sure I got some tonight."

Lance looked sternly at JC

"I'm sorry, Lance. That was inappropriate."

"Just for that, Mr. Wiseass, you're not going to get some tonight."

JC's expression fell.

Lance grinned. "You're going to get lots." He looked into JC's eyes. "JC, you've made me so happy. Can't you see? I'm dancing on air."

"I love you, Lance Bass."

"And I love you, Joshua Chasez."

They kissed. They danced on into the night.

End part 17.

I know. Stop your screaming. For you romantics, I ended it here. It was getting a bit long. For you sex scene readers don't worry. Part 18 will pick-up from here. I promise to try to write quickly. But two sex scenes on such a romantic night, I may get too caught up in it. It's hard to type with one hand. But I will try.

I must admit this was a delight to write. It felt so different from the other parts as I wrote it and reread it. I don't really know why. It does strike me as being the most romantic part yet. (Believe me it nothing to do with Valentine's Day.) When I wrote the proposal I actually cried. In fact I cried at several scenes. (Am I losing it?) I hope you found it equally touching and a bit of a surprise. Sometimes it can be a thin line between romantic and corny. I think it worked. Well, it did for me.

As always I'd love to hear your opinions or just your favorite parts. I can be reached at Thanks for reading. On to part 18!

Next: Chapter 18

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