Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Mar 28, 2002


Here we go on Part 19.

Thanks for being so patient. (Well, what else can you do with such an agonizingly slow writer like me? Well, I do want to do my best for you.) And the chapters have been getting longer. Lots of things happening. I am a bit nervous being that I am taking things beyond the NSYNC niche for a bit. Anyway, time to shut up and get on with it.

This is a work of complete fiction. Though the characters are based on real people this is NOT a depiction of their real lives or sexual orientation. (I hesitate to mention them by name as it might give away the surprise. There will still be NSYNC of course.) There will be descriptions of gay sex. (I have regenerated after the last chapter. Do I hear sighs of relief?) So if you are underage or find the idea of NYSNC more than "good friends" stop reading now. (Yeah, I didn't think there were any.) Read on! I hope you enjoy it.


"Hi, mom."

"Lance, how are you, son?"

Lance looked at JC. "Just wonderful."

"Wonderful, huh? The tour must be going very well."

"It's more than just the tour. JC gave me the best anniversary present."

"Anniversary? How many months has it been?"


"What? You've been together for a whole year? You only told us you're gay a month ago. Lance, I'm hurt."

"Mom, remember your reaction when I told you I as gay?"

"Okay, I guess I can understand. But a whole year, I wish we could have shared in it, that's all."

"Well, you can share in the wedding."

"That will be nice." There was a pause. "The what?"

"JC proposed. We're going to be married."

There was another pause. "Married?"

"I guess you could really call it a commitment ceremony."

"My baby is getting married?"


"Lance, I am so happy for you and JC. I've got to tell your father. I've got to tell the family. I must call... Goodbye, dear." There was a click.

Lance handed the phone to JC.

"Call, quick!"

JC pushed the speed dial. The phone started ringing.


"Hi, mom. Its JC."

"I know that. How are you?"

"Good, mom. I have to tell you something."

"How is Lance?"

"He's fine. Actually, he's wonderful."

"He's wonderful and you're just good. Sounds like problems to me."

"Please, mom. It's just that I don't have much time."

"You young kids are always in a hurry. Okay, so what do you want to tell me."

"Lance and I are..." These was a beep.

"Sorry, honey. That's the other line."

"Don't answer it!"

"What do you mean don't answer it? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"No. Please, its Lance's mother. I want you to hear it from me first."

The phone beeped again.

"Lance's mother? We've talked a lot since Lance came out. It must be important. Honey, I really think I should answer..."

"Mom, Lance and I are getting married."


"Yeah, I asked Lance to marry me and he said yes."

"Well, of course he said yes. JC, this is wonderful! When it is going to be?"

"We haven't discussed that yet. Once the tour is over we can go into details."

"I've got to tell your father. I've got to tell the family. I've got to call... That's right she's on the other line. Goodbye, honey." There was a click.

JC put the phone down. "That was close. I barely got in under the wire."

"You know they'll have the whole thing planned by the time we get back."

JC looked distressed. "Let's elope."

"Don't you ever want to set foot at home again?"

"Well, we won't have to worry about coming out now. All Orlando will know by noon. One o'clock at the latest."

"JC?" Lance said softly. "Maybe it's time."

JC put his arms around Lance. "You mean coming out publicly?"

"It will be all over if the press finds out about the wedding. I'd rather it was on our terms." Lance smiled at JC. "It would be nice that on our wedding day that we no longer have to hide. It would be a true celebration of our love."

"That's true. I'll tell you what we'll talk to John when he gets back. He can give us our options."

Lance smiled. "Okay." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "That's right, he doesn't know yet."

"One of the few. Come on. Let's join the guys."

"I'm just saying that you could use a little style."

"Thanks a lot, Justin." Peter snapped.

"Lover's quarrel?" asked JC as he sat down.

Peter turned to the newcomers. "Is there anything wrong with what I am wearing?"

Lance thought a minute. "You look good in earth colors."

Chris laughed. "Another way to say "drab wardrobe"."

"I didn't mean it that way." Lance protested.

"How about you, JC? What do you think of my clothes?"

"I never get involved in a couple's dispute. I claim the fifth. Joey, can you hand me the newspaper. Thanks." JC sat down and started to read.

"JC, can I have a section?" asked Lance.


"We'll have time today," Justin said. "I'll be happy to take you clothes shopping."

"I'd watch it." Joey said to Peter. "He's trying to change you already."

"I am not." Justin snapped. "I want to show him off to his full advantage."

Chris grinned. "More like if you're going to hang with Justin Timberlake you need to dress more stylish."

"Shut up, Chris." Justin turned to Peter. "Please, give me a chance. You don't have to buy anything you don't like."

"Well, okay. But I'm not one for loud flashy colors."

Lance put down the paper. He was visibly upset.

"Lance, what is it?" JC was concerned.

"Here," he pointed to the paper. "I can't..." Lance's voice caught in his throat.

JC took the paper and read the article.

"Oh, no."

"JC, what is it."

JC's voice had a mixture of anger and sadness. "A sheriff discovered two teenage boys late at night naked and alone by a lake. The boys said they had been skinny-dipping. There were empty beer cans so the boys had been drinking. But when he found condom packs the sheriff figured the boys were thinking of having sex together. The boys denied that they were. The sheriff let them go but told them that if they didn't tell their parents that they were gay, he would. When one of the boys got home, he broke into his father's gun cabinet, took a gun then shot and killed himself."

Justin looked at Peter. Peter had his head bowed shaking it slowly from side to side.

No one said anything for a few moments.

Lance voice broke. "I feel like a piece of me just died. I don't even know the boy."

JC put his arm around Lance. "I know."

Peter glanced up. "I always wish I had magic powers so I could go back in time and be there for people like him."

Joey shook his head. "I can't imagine what his parents are going through."

"How about how the other boy feels?" Chris added.

"JC, here is another reason for going public."

"About what?" asked Joey.

"Lance was talking about us coming out publicly before the wedding. It would be better on our terms then if the press found out."

"What has that have to do with this boy?"

"Don't you see, if he knew of successful happy gay people he might not have killed himself."

"I wish it was that easy, Lance."

Lance looked at Peter puzzled.

"I don't know how anyone could even think about killing themselves." Joey said. "It is so beyond me."

Peter didn't look up. "Its like you have horse blinders on."

"What are horse blinders?" asked Chris.

"In those old movies with the horse drawn carriages. Those black squares of metal on the horse's harness by the eyes. It restricts the horse's view so the horse can only see forward. With these people all other ways of dealing with their pain or fear are also blocked from their thoughts until only one remains. There may be thousands of different ways of getting through it without suicide, but they can't see them."

"Gees, Peter, you know everything." Chris said.

Justin moved to sit next to Peter. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "How do you know this? Did you know someone?"

Peter shook his head. He looked at Justin. "I never attempted suicide, but once I did think about it seriously."

Lance was shocked. "Peter!"

Justin couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Peter?"

"It was during Junior High School. I had the gym teacher from hell. He loved to single me out in front of the class because I was so non-athletic. Maybe he even knew I was gay. I dreaded PE. But one day was the worst. We were wrestling. My opponent was larger than I was. He pinned me easily. But it didn't look like I was fighting back. So he brought me up in front of everyone and said if I didn't try harder he would transfer me to the girls class."

"What a bastard." Joey said under his breath.

"He was a teacher what could I do. I was so scared I almost got physically ill before gym class. Then I hit on it. He had power over my life. If I couldn't end his power I would end my life. In one way at least I would be free of him."

"Oh, Peter." JC shook his head.

"I started to imagine him at my funeral so distraught and sorry. He had gone too far and there was nothing he could do about it." Peter managed a weak smile. "But luckily for me that view changed. I dreamed one night that I sat up in my coffin. I laughed at him with his head bowed and crying. "You did this. Are you happy now?" Then as I gloated I looked up from him sitting alone in the front row." Peter raised his head. There were tears in his eyes. "It was then I saw the other people. Row upon row of people some of which I hardly knew. The whole church was full of them. They were all crying. They cared about me and I never knew and I had hurt them."

"I went back to the front row furious. "Look what you made me do!" I shouted at my gym teacher. "Just because I wanted to hurt you I hurt all these other people. Damn you! Damn you."

Justin hugged Peter.

Peter looked up. He wiped his eyes. "That did it for me. I realized that I would hurt more people than just this one. I never serious thought about suicide again. I couldn't cause so many people such anguish. I only wished that these others could have had the same revelation." Peter caught Joey shaking his head. "Yes, Joey, I know I am such a neurotic."

"No," Joey put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You are a very sensitive caring person. You can't help it if the world sucks."

"What about the gym teacher?" asked Chris.

"Well, his power over me wasn't the same after that. I just tried to stay out of his sight as much as possible. Just like I did with every other bully."

Lance frowned. "I hated some of my gym teachers, too. They intimidated me."

JC patted Lance's knee. "Well, now you make more money than them."

Lance laughed. "Yeah."

"And I'd like to see them do what you guys do on stage day after day." Peter replied.

Lance smiled. "Now that would be sweet revenge."

"Actually," Peter looked thoughtful. "I think I did get revenge in a way. Dr. Dan reminded me a lot of that gym teacher."

"No wonder you went after him so zealously."

"I guess that score has been marked paid." Peter shifted. "Anyway, back to the other topic." Peter turned to Lance and JC. "I think your coming out could have a very positive effect."

"We'd hope so."

"It's too bad that our fan base is so heavily female." Chris said.

Peter leaned to Chris. "This may come as a shock but the girls harassed me, too."

Joey stared. "You're kidding me."

"Why not? I wasn't a true male in their eyes." Peter thumped his leg. "If I could have seen other gay people open and proud. It would have made such a difference. That's why I think you two coming out is important. It won't be all smooth sailing and it may even hurt your careers. But if you really want to do this."

Lance was determined. "If I could save one person from taking their own life by my being out or make them able to accept themselves. I don't care about the money."

"Sure, you say that now." Chris added.

"We want to talk to John. He could help us do it properly."

Lance smiled. "We would like all of you there. It will effect all of us, I think you should be present in the planning."

Joey shrugged. "Well, I can't say I am really ecstatic about it, but I think it is about time."

Lance beamed. "Thanks, Joey."

JC glanced out the window. "I think we're almost at the hotel. Peter, give us a half an hour to get settled and then we'll meet at the restaurant for some lunch."

"Sounds great."

Justin took Peter into his arms. "Thank you for not doing away with yourself."

"I could never had done it anyway. I'm afraid of heights, I'm uneasy around sharp objects and there were very few drugs at home. I don't think you can OD on children's aspirin. I am such a wimp." Justin gave Peter a squeeze. Peter gazed at Justin. "But you have made all the painful years of my youth worth it."

"I am glad."

The bus pulled to a stop.

Peter let go of Justin. "Off to your public."

Peter was glancing at the menu when he felt a chill go through him. He shivered.

"Are you cold?" Justin asked.

"No. It's just a feeling of foreboding."

Justin shook his head. "You're imaging things. It's natural. Everything it going right for you. You're happy, in love and have a great sex life, even if I do say so myself. Of course you're looking for the lightening bolt to hit." Justin took Peter's hand. "Trust me. Nothing is going to happen to change this."

"Justin!" A female voice called out.

Justin started. He yanked his hand back from Peter. Peter felt Justin shift further away. In true Jeckyl and Hyde tradition he watched Justin disappear. A smug smile spread across his face. Timberlake had taken over.

Peter looked up at the young woman approaching the table. He couldn't help but recognize her. His feelings had been right.

"Britney, hi."

"Hi, guys."

"Whatcha doing here?"

"Same thing as you, silly, the launch party." She bent down and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek.

Peter caught her glance at him as she straightened up.

"Right now I'm looking for some lunch. I saw you and thought we could have lunch together if they others don't mind."

"Of course, they don't mind. We haven't ordered yet. Plus they can live without me for a while. Right?"

"Sure," JC said. "Go ahead."

"Change in plans, guys. I'm needed elsewhere. Sorry." Justin went off with Britney. "See you later." He paused. "Maybe."

JC stabbed the last piece of meat on his plate. "I don't believe it." He snapped. "Five seconds with Britney and the old Justin is back."

"JC, give it a rest." Lance gave Peter a look of pity. "I'm sorry, Peter."

Peter shrugged. "Don't be. It had to happen sooner or later."

"You knew this was going to happen?"

"Justin's not out yet. Of course he's going to revert back in these situations."

JC slammed his fork to the table. "But he just ignored you. He's supposed to be in love with you."

"Aren't you two ignoring your love right now? You step out into public and you add two feet to the distance between you."

JC shook his head. "You know that's one thing that is beginning to bug me about you, Peter."

Lance looked alarmed.

"We're trying to be good and pissed off at Justin's behavior and you counter with tolerance and logic. You're the one who should be angry. One moment Justin is holding your hand telling you how good you have it and that nothings going to change that then bang he's off with Britney. He didn't even introduce you."

"As what, his proctologist? Hi, Britney. This is Peter. He gives me very thorough rectal examinations."

Lance laughed. JC shot him a glance.

Peter tried to explain. "This is still new to Justin. He'll come out when his ready. Besides how often do you introduce Lance as your lover?"

JC glared at Peter. "See, you're doing it again."

"JC, I'm touched that you care enough to be mad at Justin. But, please give me a little credit. Don't you think that I thought about the possibilities of what may happen before I left everything to be with Justin?"

JC calmed down. "Okay, you're right. But I'm still pissed at Justin."

"To tell you the truth, I am a little, too. But where would I be if I got mad at Justin for being Justin?"

Lance patted JC's hand. "He's got you there."

"Don't you start."

"Besides there's nothing we can do about it now." Peter looked a little sad. "Well, there goes the new clothes."

Lance smiled. "We can take you shopping, if you'd like."

"Thanks, I'd like that." Peter suddenly was distracted as three men walked across the restaurant. "Oh, my god."

"What?" JC looked around.

"It's them. Well, three of them." Peter blushed, "That other group."

JC recognized Brian, Nick and AJ. JC laughed. "You can say Backstreet Boys. We wouldn't hang you for treason. They're friends."

Peter was excited. "Really?"

JC smiled. "We told you there would be other groups here."

"Would you like to meet them?" asked Lance.

"That's, okay, maybe later. They look busy."

"Nonsense." Lance waved his arm.

Brian noticed. The other's continued on. He smiled and approached the table.

"Lance, JC, how's it going?" Brian slapped JC's shoulder. "How's the tour?"

"Going great." JC answered. "Brian, this is Peter."

Brian shook Peter's hand. "I remember. The gay guy from the news broadcast."

"Yep, that's me, the gay guy."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"That's okay."

"So are the other "boys" here, too?" Lance joked.

"Yeah, they're around some place. They already ate. You "boys" going to the party tonight?"

"Yeah, we'll make an appearance."

"Well, I've got to get going. Nice meeting you, Peter. See you "boys" tonight." Brian walked off.

"Don't tell me. That was the battle of the "boy" bands." Peter said.

JC nodded. "You got it. The media keeps looking at us that way. We always give each other crap."

Lance sneered. "What's wrong with "male group"? We detest that title "Boybands"." Sometimes I could just scream."

Lance noticed Peter was still watching them. Lance leaned in. "That Nick is cute isn't he."

Peter shrugged. "Yeah, but I was hoping to meet..." He stopped.

JC leaned in with Lance. "Okay, out with it. We won't tell Justin. Who flips your switch? Spill."

"Well, in the videos I've seen I always liked watching Kevin."

Lance and JC exchanged a look.

"Then it would be Howie. They seem so nice and approachable. Besides in the early videos the two of them flash a lot of bare chest."

Lance sat back. "That's incredible!"

"Two for two." JC shook his head. "Peter, you are amazing."


"You must have twenty-twenty gaydar."

"They're gay?"

"Yep. Longer than we have been." Lance nudged JC.

"Kevin's been in a relationship for awhile now. Howie's still looking."

"Wow. Are there other gay guys in the other groups?"

"You'd be surprised."

Peter pointed at JC and Lance. "Do they know about you two?"

"Some. It's hard to keep anything secret for long in this industry." JC said. "Anyone you want to ask about?"

"The other group I love is 98 degrees. They harmonies are great."

Lance smiled. "And it has nothing to do with them having more beef than all us put together?"

Peter sighed. "They do look good in tight clothes."

JC cocked his head. "We don't know for sure, but there are rumors that there is some messing around a bit when they are on the road. But, whether they are gay or not." JC shrugged.

Peter shifted in his seat. "Let's change the subject."

JC grinned. "Pants getting a bit too tight?"

"JC." Lance chided.

"I just don't want to talk about it any more."

"He's probably feeling guilty because of Justin." Lance suggested.

"Well, he shouldn't be. It is innocent enough. Besides, Justin's off somewhere playing all hetro with Britney."

"He's BI remember?" Peter added. "It is a possibility."

"Look, she may have her sights set on him, but Justin isn't even aiming in her direction. To him they're just good friends."

Lance looked serious. "She does have a big influence over him. He almost quit the group twice because of her. I suppose we'll have a repeat performance to look forward to."

Lance felt JC give him a nudge him under the table. Lance looked up. JC shook his head and nodded slightly at Peter. Lance dropped the subject.

"Well, it's only for one more day. Then things will go back to normal.

The waiter brought with the check. After they had paid the check JC turned to Peter.

"Meet in our room in thirty minutes."


"Don't worry," Lance said. "Justin loves you."

Peter nodded. "I know. I just hope Justin will be allowed to remember that."

Britney looked at Justin. "So, how's the tour going?"

"Fine. Just fine."

"You look nervous, Just. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, sure. It's just you surprised me. It's good to see you, again."

"It does seem like ages." She reached over and put her hand on Justin's. "I missed you."

Justin knew what he was expected to do. He took her hand. "Yeah, I missed you, too." The waiter brought the food. Justin pulled his hand away.

Britney smiled. "So, who was that at your table. I sort of recognized him."

"Oh, Peter? The news broadcast. He was the gay, ah, guy that got attacked."

"That's right. I remember now. I was so proud of you. Standing up against violence like that. Your public image really shot up after that. It was good publicity. The gay angle was a bit risky, but it worked out for the best." She leaned closer. "But he's part of the crew isn't he?"


"What is he doing at your table?"

"Ah, we got to be friends with him, especially Lance and JC. You know the gay connection. They have someone they can talk to." Justin felt his guts start to hurt from what he was doing. He tried to make up for it. "He's real nice. You'd like him."

"I'm sure he is." Britney looked serious. "Justin, you know I got over you being with JC and Lance. But Peter is openly gay. You have to think of your image. You being seen in the company of an older gay man, I'd hate to see what the media would make of that."

There was an edge to Justin's voice. "I'm not ashamed to be seen with Peter."

"I'm not saying that you are. Hell, in this industry it is impossible not to be seen with gay people. Just be careful, that's all. We must think of your career."

Justin nodded.

"And speaking of your career, I have two songs for my next album I want you to do the back-up vocals on. They're perfect for your voice. But we discuss that later this afternoon."

"This afternoon?"

"Well, yeah. We can't talk about it tonight at the party. Wait until you see what I am wearing its so sexy. Anyway, I though we could do some shopping. Maybe we can find something for you that matches my outfit. That would be so cute as a couple. We can talk about it then."


"We haven't seen each other in so long I knew you wouldn't mind."

"But, we've made plans."

"The guys have had you for the whole tour. They can do without you for one afternoon."

"Sure, okay."

They went on talking. Justin was grateful Peter wasn't mentioned again.

JC opened the door.

"Am I early?"

"No, Peter, right on time. Come in. There are some people here who want to meet you."

Peter stepped into the room. "Meet me?"

"We're your biggest fans."

Peter looked past JC. Getting off the couch to greet him were Howie and Kevin.

"It's a pleasure to finally mean the Gay Guy." Howie grinned.

Peter glared at JC. JC raised his hands in an "I'm innocent" gesture.

Howie shook Peter's hand. "I'm kidding. Brian told us of his little goof. Its still nice to meet you, Peter."

"Its, ah," Peter swallowed, "nice meeting you."

Kevin took Peter's hand. Kevin was even more strikingly handsome in person. Peter couldn't help staring, but it was more than Kevin's good looks.

"That broadcast made quite a stir." Kevin was saying. "It was nice to see people rally around the anti-violence issue. Especially, because of the gay angle." Kevin looked at JC. "I'm sure the gay community appreciates it."

JC put his arm around Peter. "Oh, we know that first hand thanks to Peter here." JC smiled. "Come on, let's sit down."

After they were seated Howie asked. "Okay, how do you know?"

"Peter took us and Justin to his church." JC said.

Lance explained. "A gay church. It was so wonderful."

Peter corrected him. "That's predominately gay church."

"The minister thanked us for our public response to the attack and we got a standing ovation."

"That was nothing compared to later." Lance was beaming. "We come out to them."

"What? Has there been any repercussions?"

"We are amazingly discrete." Peter said.

Kevin leaned forward. "Where is this church?"

Peter felt himself blushing. "I can give you the address and directions if you are ever in the area."

"And when we told them we were a couple they went crazy." JC said.

Lance took JC's arm. "JC and I and our love were so accepted and affirmed. I've never felt anything like it."

"I'll make a point to be in the area." Kevin added. "I'd love to see that church."

Lance patted JC's knee. "We kissed for the first time in public. They all cheered."

JC gazed at Lance. "Imagine what they'd do know if they knew."

Howie sat up. "Knew what?"

Lance raised his hand so they could see his ring.

"Congratulations." Howie said. He gave a quick worried glance at Kevin.

"Yeah, its great." Kevin smiled slightly. "I'm happy for you."

"Tell us everything."

"Well, everyone put together this wonderful evening for our anniversary..."

Peter wasn't listening to Lance. He was watching Kevin. Kevin didn't seem to be listening either. Kevin's aura showed that something was bothering him and Peter was getting more alarmed at what he saw. After a few moments the conversation in room broke through into his thoughts.

"Peter has been a godsend."

"He has helped us in countless ways." JC added. "A regular little miracle worker."

"Guys, please." Peter blushed.

Lance took JC's arm.

"Our love has only deepened since he came into our lives."

Kevin shifted on the couch.

Lance kissed JC.

Kevin sat forward. After what looked like a mental debate he stood up.

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'm going to lie down. Howie, I'll be in my room. Excuse me." He crossed to the door. Kevin turned back. "It was nice meeting you, Peter." He turned and left.

"I'm sorry about that. Kevin hasn't been sleeping well." Howie said apologetically.

Lance had watched Kevin go. "I'm sorry, was it something we did?" He turned back. Peter stood there staring at the door. Lance hadn't even seen him stand up.

"Peter? What is it?" JC asked.

Peter kept staring at the door. "Howie, forgive this from a stranger, but how long has Kevin been like this?"

"Like what?" JC asked.

"Severely depressed."

Howie looked stunned. "How could you know about that?"

"I have never seen such a dark aura. It worries me. Is he getting professional help?"

"No, he's not. Believe me we have tried to persuade him. He went to one therapist, but he refuses to talk about what happened."

Peter shook his head as if to clear it. He turned to Howie. "May I ask what happened?"

Howie looked at Lance and JC.

"You can trust Peter."

Howie sighed. "He and his lover Kirk broke up. We can't get any details, but whatever happened it effected Kevin very deeply. He seemed to be getting over it then this depression set in. He's been like this for over a week. But Peter, you're right, we are very worried."

Lance looked anxious. "Peter, do you think you can do something to help?"

"I'm not sure. I could try. I want to try. Howie, do you think the other guys would object?"

"If you can help Kevin, we're behind you. What can we do to help?"

"Kevin's room number should do for now. I'll let you know after I've visited him." He turned to Lance and JC. "Mind if I use you're bed? This shouldn't take too long."

"Sure, help yourself."

Howie looked confused. "You're going to visit Kevin from the bedroom?"

Lance smiled. "It's a long story."

"We have the time."

Peter floated into the room. He found Kevin stretched out on the bed on his back with his arm across his eyes. Peter floated closer. The aura was more pronounced now. Peter had to get closer. He had to touch Kevin.

It became more difficult the closer he got. Now Peter knew what people meant by negative energy. Kevin mental state was pushing him away. He struggled closer. Finally he was within reach. He concentrated. As he began to radiate blue light, Peter let the energy pour onto Kevin. But unlike the other times the glow simply flowed off of him. It wasn't absorbed at all.

Peter tried again. He managed to actually touch Kevin lightly. A wave of anguish, pain and despair flooded through him. Peter concentrated. He tried to send positive thoughts into Kevin. Kevin was fighting against Peter's efforts.

Kevin suddenly sat up. "Go away!"

Peter got full mental contact. Images and feelings ripped through him. The pain was overwhelming. Such anguish, hurt and betrayal seared Peter's mind. He was too disoriented to realize that he had been forced from the room. He was floating out of control.

"Do you think Peter can really help?" asked Howie.

"He will do his best. Since we've got to know him almost anything is possible."

"It would be nice to get Kevin out of this blue funk he's been in."

"That's an understatement," said a soft voice.

They turned.

Peter stood in the bedroom doorway. He was leaning on the door jam very pale and very weak.

They rushed to support him.

"Peter, what happened?"

"I was pummeled by Kevin's negative energy." They sat him on the couch. "Now I know how Luke Skywalker must have felt getting zapped by the Emperor.

JC looked concerned. "He's exhausted. Lance, get a bottle of juice and some aspirin."

Peter smiled weakly. "That would be lovely."

Lance hurried off.

"How is Kevin?" asked Howie.

"He has shut himself off from all emotion except his pain. I tried to cheer him up and got thrown from the room."

"That's not like Kevin. He's always so quiet and easy going."

"Have you ever know Kevin to hold a grudge?"

"No. He's very forgiving."

"Then why is he holding on to such pain?" Peter was puzzled.

Lance returned with the juice and aspirin.

"Lance, you are a saint." Peter took the aspirin and few healthy gulps of juice.

"Can you help Kevin?" Howie looked hopeful.

Peter looked up sadly. "I don't know how. I can't do anything against that much negative emotion. There's enough in Kevin for two people."

"Would it help if we went to? Triple the power." Lance looked hopeful.

"Thanks for offering. But, I doubt if it would help. We need to find the cause of Kevin wallowing in this pain."

Howie shook his head. "I can't believe this. Kevin has always been very sensitive, but I can't believe he'd be so negative for so long. Now there's other people I could think of, but not Kevin."

"There was one weird thing," Peter remembered, "Kevin seemed to sense that I was there in the room. He suddenly sat up and told me to go away."

Lance gaped. "How could he have sensed that you were there? We never have."

"Well, if he is as sensitive as Howie says, he could have sensed my positive energy. It would have stood out like hot and cold to him." Peter suddenly turned to Howie. "You said you knew other people who were always thinking negative."

"Yeah, AJ does sometimes. I do on occasion. But for holding a grudge it would have be Kevin's ex. I pulled a joke on him once and it was weeks before he talked to me again. He wasn't that way to Kevin though."

"Do you know who did the breaking up?"

"No. It could have been either of them. Why?"

"If Kevin's ex is holding a grudge against Kevin for their break up." Peter shook his head. "No. That wouldn't explain Kevin's obsession with his pain."

Howie sat back. "If you ask me, Kevin is acting more possessed than obsessed."

Peter's head snapped up. "Howie, you might just have something there."

"You think Kevin is possessed?" Lance asked.

"No. But I think he may be under a type of psychic emotional attack."

Howie nodded. "You did say Kevin had enough negative energy for two people."

Peter was at a loss. "Who could be doing this and how? I don't know what to do. I need more information."

Lance shrugged. "Talk to him."

Howie shook his head. "Kevin wouldn't talk to a therapist why would he talk to Peter?"

"Peter said that Kevin is his favorite Backstreet Boy. Would Kevin turn down a fan? And a gay fan at that?"

Howie looked thoughtful. "That might just work."

Peter frowned. "But I don't know how long it could take. I suppose he's going to this launch party."

Howie snorted. "In his condition? He'll stay holed up in his room."

"Do you think he'd be up for a little dinner with a fan." Peter asked.

"He better not be "up" to it." JC teased. "There is Justin remember?"

Lance grinned. "That's even better. They can commiserate together having both lost their boyfriends."

"Justin is only sidetracked." Peter said.

Howie raised his hand. "Hold on, back up. Did I hear right?" He turned to Peter. "Justin and you? Boyfriends?"

Lance and JC looked sheepish.

"Oops, sorry Peter."

"When did this happen? I didn't know that Justin was gay."

"He's BI, actually." corrected JC.

"Figures." Howie sneered. "Justin never likes to limit himself."

"So, do you think you could talk Kevin into it?"

Howie smiled. "Yes, I think I can. I'll let you know." Howie stood up. "I've got to get going."

Lance hugged Howie. "We'll find a way to help Kevin."

JC was next. "With our talents combined nothing can resist us."

Howie went to Peter. He started to extend his hand, but switched to a hug.

"I believe we will help Kevin." Howie smiled at Peter. "Anyone that can get Justin Timberlake distracted from himself long enough for him to fall in love with them can do anything."

Howie left.

Lance patted Peter on the shoulder. "So what are you going to do?"

"I haven't a clue." Peter said sadly. "Play it by ear, I guess."

"You feeling better?"

"Yeah, Lance. The juice helped."

JC clapped them both on the back. "Come on. Let's go do what any other gay man would do when he's down." JC grinned. "Go shopping for clothes."

Lance flipped through the TV channels. Nothing grabbed his interest. JC walked in from the bedroom.

"I think Peter chose some great looking clothes. It was kind of fun outfitting him like that."

Lance turned off the TV. "Yeah, and luckily Justin and Britney were on different levels at the mall when we saw them."

JC hunched up. "Don't get me started on that." He said angrily. "Their "aren't we a happy couple?" display. It almost made me throw up."

"Will you relax. Peter accepts it."

"Peter's an idiot."

"He was right about us." Lance took JC's arm. "We do separate ourselves once we step through that door. You were only mad because you knew he was right."

JC nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Lance couldn't stand to see JC in this mood. He pulled JC close and kissed him.

"I am going to take my shower. Do you want to join me?"

"Lance, we don't have to get ready for two hours yet."

Lance stood up. "You haven't seen the shower."


Lance waggled his eyebrows. "Come with me, my lather loving lover."

JC followed Lance into the bathroom.

"Look at this." Lance pulled the shower curtain back.

JC gapped. There were metal bars attached to the walls of the shower at different heights.

"Look," said Lance. "Non-slip tiles on the floor of the tub. Metal bars that don't pull out of the wall like the towel racks used to." Lance didn't even want to think about that unfortunate incident. Lance stepped into the tub. He bent over holding onto the bar in the wall. "This will be no 6 second ride. In this rodeo you ride until you are the winner." Lance got out of the tub. "What do you think?"

JC was warming to the idea. "I always liked sex in the shower but I was afraid of someone getting hurt."

"Now's your chance. This is a safe sex shower."

JC started pulling off his clothes. "Turn on the water, Lance. We've got to try this baby out."

Lance got the water to a comfortable temperature. They stripped naked and climbed into the shower.

"Damn it. Only those little bars of soap. How do they expect you to raise a lather with this?"

Lance put a large bar of soap in JC's hand.

"Lance, you think of everything."

"You might, ah, lose that small one and I'd hate to think where. Besides, this is the non-stinging kind of soap."

"Afraid you'll get it in your eye?"

"I was thinking of a different opening."

JC pulled Lance to him. He squeezed Lance's ass cheeks. "You're ass will be so clean I could eat off it."

"Now, that's something we haven't tried." Lance stood back. "I love the notion of getting clean and down and dirty at the same time." Lance looked at JC. He could see the love shining from JC's blue eyes.

"Lance, thank you for suggesting this."

"Hmm, I'm sure it will be my pleasure."

JC leaned in and they kissed. Soon the mouths opened and the tongues danced together. They pulled back.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment.



"Time to raise a lather."

JC grinned. Handing the bar of soap back and forth, they spread the soapy foam over each other's warm skin.

JC watched his hands gliding over Lance's body. Everything seemed more pronounced Lances' beautiful chest, the muscles in his arms and his ass seemed even more round and more delectable than ever. Soon Lance's body gleamed with water and soap. Every muscle and contour reflected the light.

"Lance, you get more beautiful everyday." JC pulled Lance close. The feeling of their slippery skin sliding against each other excited them. Warm water cascaded over them caressing their bodies. The water had matted down Lance's hair. Lance was always so particular about his hair. JC ran his fingers through it. Now in this unkempt state, Lance was even more appealing.

"JC, my hair must look awful."

"I'm not making love to your hair. But you look so wild and savage this way."

Lance was about to protest. "Savage, me?" But JC pressed his mouth against Lance's. JC pressed their hips together. Lance could feel JC's hardon rubbing against his.

JC pulled back. "A waterfall in the jungle." JC panted. "I got lost from my safari. While refreshing myself by bathing naked in the water you, a wild jungle boy, spy me. You're attracted. You join me in the waterfall." JC started kissing Lance's face and neck. "There are no rules. You want me. Your cock is hard and throbbing. You want me to satisfy you." JC stopped and looked into Lance's eyes.

Lance placed his hands on JC's shoulders. "Ugh." He grunted. Lance pushed JC to his knees. JC leaned forward. Lance put his hand out. "Ugh-ugh." JC stopped. Lance took the showerhead and tilted it until the water hit him. The water cascaded down his chest and body. It ran off in streams from Lance's crotch.

JC leaned forward and opened his mouth collecting the water as it streamed off of Lance. He looked up at Lance. JC playfully spit the water back at Lance.

"Ugh!" grunted Lance again. He took his hard cock in one hand and the back of JC's head with the other. "Suck!" Lance said in a deep voice. He pushed his cock into JC's mouth.

There was that same electric jolt surging through him. JC's mouth felt so good on his cock. Lance looked down as JC attacked Lance's cock with relish.

There was no slow start and increasing speed. JC was going wild. He swallowed the cock then pulled back. JC used his tongue to flick and press against the sensitive flesh. He pulled back and took to stroking the cock while he sucked on Lance's balls. One at a time he took them into his mouth caressing and prodding them with his tongue. JC could feel Lance's hands on his head gently running his fingers through his hair. He could hear Lance gasp at his efforts. JC returned he attention to Lance's cock. He took just the tip into his mouth swirling his tongue around the mushroom head.

"Feel good," grunted Lance. He was into the part.

JC stopped to look up at Lance. Grinning up at Lance, he took hold of his own throbbing cock and began jerking it. JC was thoroughly enjoying himself.

JC dived onto Lance's cock licking for all he was worth. Water streamed down both their bodies.

The warm water felt so good running down his body. A stray drop hit JC's face close to his eyes. JC wiped it clear then returned to sucking.

Lance had known that JC always liked having sex the shower, but he never could imagined anything like this. The water combined with JC's mouth had his whole body alive to the sensations. JC was sucking with such enthusiasm. Lance knew that JC wanted to make him cum. But that wasn't what this Jungle boy wanted.

Lance pushed JC away. JC looked up in confusion.


With another grunt Lance pulled JC to his feet. Lance pulled JC to his lips.

JC had never felt Lance kiss him with such force. When Lance released him, JC looked into Lance's eyes. There was a playful gleam but also a deep lust. Lance was really into the part and that turned JC on.

Lance turned JC around and bent him over. He soaped up JC's back. The lather ran down JC's ass crack.


Lance pushed his hips against JC. "Ugh."

JC got it, no names. He had to wait and see what Jungle boy had in mind.

Lance's fingers pressed into JC's ass.


The fingers moved within JC more roughly than usual but JC wasn't in pain. This wasn't their usual routine, but JC wasn't complaining. For a few more moments the fingers slid in and out of JC's ass and then they retreated.

JC felt warm breath on his neck. A deep voice said. "You, mine."

JC felt Lance's cock pressing against his ass.

"But Lance, I always suck you off first."

"Who Lance?" The deep voice rumbled into JC's ear. "Me in you."

Lance shoved his cock into JC to its hilt.

"Oh, fuck!" JC's hands latched onto a bar on the wall.

Lance was at first concerned, but he quickly could tell that JC was in no pain. He saw JC arch his back and look behind him.

"Yeah! Fuck me!"

Lance went at it grunting at every thrust. He fucked JC with good long strokes. JC's knuckles went white as he held onto the bar.

JC threw his head back. "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Don't stop."

JC closed his eyes. There was the soft caressing of the warm water as it softly pelted and ran down his skin and the wild thrusts of Jungle boy's cock fucking his ass.

Lance could see that JC was so into it, his passions were already growing.

Their bodies slapped together. Lance pushed his cock into JC and JC pushed back forcing it deeper into his ass.

JC grabbed his cock and started stroking it. Lance was fucking him good and he loved it.

Lance felt the beginnings of his climax.

"Me close."

JC reached behind him and took hold of Lance's ass cheeks. "Don't stop. Keep fucking me!" JC was so caught up that he forgot what he was doing. He brought his hand down against Lance's ass with a slap.


At the sound JC froze. What had he done?

"Sorry, I..."

"You make Jungle boy mad. Now you pay."

Lance reached forward and took JC gently by the hair. Lance's cock started slammed into JC. JC couldn't believe it. Lance was fucking the hell out of him. JC had never felt such force from Lance. God, how it turned him on!

"Fuck me like the animal you are!"

Lance could hear JC loud cries each time Lance sank in cock into JC. JC's whole body shook. Lance had never been this rough with JC before. He saw how much JC was turned on by it. Lance couldn't hold out any more.

"Me cum!"

A few more thrusts and Lance pulled out. He stroked his dick as the climax hit him. Wave upon wave surged through him. His cock erupted and streams of cum splattered onto JC's back. Lance let loose a long moan as he shot off.

JC looked over his shoulder to see Lance cum. He felt the spray of hot cum as it hit his skin.

Lance slowly began to relax. The shots of cum stopped. He stopped stroking his cock. Lance leaned forward to take JC into his arms.

"Hmm, you good." He said in a bass voice.

JC stood up and turned around. Their mouths locked together with tongues wriggling. JC pulled back.

Lance saw a devilish gleam in JC's eye.

"Time to tame this Jungle boy." JC took Lance by the shoulders. He pushed Lance to his knees. "Suck my cock." He pulled Lance onto his dick.

Lance gave in easily. He loved to suck JC. Pouncing on JC's hard dick, Lance swallowed it hungrily. This whole Jungle boy thing was a great turn on. Lance looked up to see JC rocking back and forth moaning with a look of utter pleasure on his face. Lance plunged down onto JC's shaft. The head slipped into his throat. Lance stayed there squeezing his throat around the head. He felt himself starting to choke but still he held it.

JC threw his head back. "Oh, fuck."

Lance finally pulled back with only a small cough.

JC ran his hand across Lance's chin. Lance looked up at JC. He couldn't tell if it was just the shower or was JC crying?

"Jungle boy suck so good." JC pulled Lance up to him. They kissed with an animal passion. Lance pulled back.

"Jungle boy make stranger cum." Lance dropped to his knees.

JC cried out as Lance resumed his efforts on his cock. He found himself hold on tight to one of the bars on the wall. First it had been Lance's aggressive fuck and now his sucking. JC felt everything reach a head. His legs were shaking. He couldn't take much more. The warm water tickled and caressed his whole body. JC gave up trying to hold back.

"I'm going to cum!"

Lance took over jerking JC's cock.

"Oh, my god!" JC thrust his hips forward and his cock erupted. It seemed to Lance like gallons of cum shot out. It hit Lance's face and chest. Lance loved the hot feeling of cum on his skin.

JC was almost doubling over at each spurt of cum. The waves washing through JC slowly receded. His breathing relaxed.

Lance kept stroking for a time. JC's body started to jerk as Lance rubbed the head. JC grabbed Lance's wrist.

"Stop. It's too sensitive now."

Lance turned to the shower and washed the cum off of himself. He felt JC's arms around him.

"Jungle boy suck me good."

Lance turned around.

"Me glad."

They kissed. When they pulled back, JC looked into Lance's eyes. He knew what he would find. Lance looked back at him. Lance was in great need.

Lance gave a low grunt and turned around. He bent over.

"Do Jungle boy. Now."

JC decided not to copy Lance's idea.

"No. Stranger get Jungle boy ready first."

JC lathered up Lance's back. Same as JC the foam flowed off of Lance down his butt crack. JC massaged the hole gently. He knew Lance was already ready and this was just teasing Lance. JC leaned back into the shower with his mouth open. He leaned forward again and spit a stream of water directly onto Lance's asshole.

Lance's whole body shook. JC repeated it.

"I like!"

After a few more times JC stood up. He lathered up his dick. JC leaned over Lance.

"Jungle boy want cock?"

"Yes, fuck Jungle boy."

"Jungle boy know "Fuck"?"

"Jungle boy learn word from stranger." Lance grinned. "Jungle boy fast learner. Please, fuck."

JC pushed his cock into Lance's hungry ass.

Lance gripped the metal bar. "Yes! Want cock!"

JC started thrusting slow, but Lance was already pushing back on his cock faster. Lance was willing and JC was able. He pushing his cock into Lance faster matching Lance's pace. Lance would look behind him from time to time. JC could see the sheer joy on his face. JC grabbed the soap and lathered up Lance's body. He ran his hand over Lance's back and chest. He reached down and started to stroke Lance's cock.

"Yeah, feel good."

JC increased his thrusting speed and power. Lance took everything JC could give him. JC felt his passions raising.

"Fuck Jungle boy harder. Be animal!"

JC slammed into Lance. Lance gripped the metal bar tighter. There was a certain wildness about this that they had never experienced before. The warm water seemed to height every sense. Their skin magnified each touch and caress.

Lance felt the climax beginning to grow.

"Me cum soon."

JC trust harder yet. He was getting close, too.

"Jungle boy cum!" JC kept stroking.

Lance held on to the bar as his cock exploded. JC looked around Lance to see the white liquid spurt into the tub. Shot after shot.

Lance thought he would never stop cumming. The surges of feeling as JC fucked him with the waves of joy as he came flowed through him. Then they began to lessen. His cock stopped shooting. But the feelings as JC fucking him were still there, but not for long.

JC threw his head back. "I'm cumming!"

Lance turned just in time to see JC shoot. Cum arched across the shower. JC gasped while stroking his cock. Lance watched as a seemingly endless arch of cum flew from JC's cock. Then it abated. JC stopped stroking. He stood there panting.

Lance took JC into his arms. "Jungle boy thank stranger."

"Stranger thank Jungle boy. Make stranger feel very good."

Lance grinned at JC. "Jungle boy love stranger. Stay with Jungle boy?"

"Forever." JC chuckled from how good he felt. "Thank you, Lance. That was spectacular. I never knew there was such an animal within you."

"You really flipped my switch with that fantasy."

"We need to have these bars put on at home."

Lance lay his head against JC. "Just think of the water bills. Not to mention soap."

"They'd be fun in the bedroom, too. We could really hang on."

"Boy, I am worn out after that."

"Me, too. I'm spent."

"Well, thanks to your wonderful timing, I think we may have time for a little lay down before we have to leave."

Lance had a satisfied smile on his face. He delighted in holding JC against him. "Let's just stand here for a while."


They let the warm water caress and relax them.

"Not you, too, Howie. I'm not going." Kevin turned away from the door. "I've already debated it with Brian and AJ." Kevin flopped down on the couch and stretched out.

"I'm not here to persuade you to go to the party." Howie closed the door behind him. "I'm here to see if you might what to do something for a fan since you're free tonight. If you are feel up to it, that is."

"Like what?"

"Just a little dinner and conversation."

"Isn't dinner a little unusual for a fan?"

"Well, the fan is gay. Besides, you've already met him."

Kevin turned to Howie. "Do you mean, ah, what was his name, Peter?"

"Why did you think JC called us to his room to meet him?"

Kevin lay back. "I'm not in the mood for your matchmaking."

"He's got a boyfriend. But his boyfriend is going to the party. Peter's stuck here with nothing to do." Howie moved to the couch and looked down at Kevin. "I though it would be nice since the last visit with you was awfully short."

"I'm sorry, it just got too lovey-dovey for me to bear."

"Lance and JC won't be there and I doubt if Peter will go waxing on about his boyfriend. From what they said Peter's lost his lover to the closet for the next few days. You're both lonely. You can relate."

"Yeah, but he didn't break up with his lover."

"No, but you don't have to see your lover being pawed at and fawned over in public by Britney Spears."

Kevin propped himself up on his elbows. "Has Britney dropped Justin?"

Howie just stood there smirking.

Kevin's eyes went wide. "Justin and Peter?"

"Yep. I was surprised, too."

"Justin's gay?"

"Nope, BI."

Kevin snorted. "Of course, he'd hate to alienate any of his fans."

"So, what do you feel about dinner?"

Kevin sat up. "I'd love to find out how Peter got Justin."

"Now's your chance."

"It is only for a couple of hours." Kevin was convincing himself. "He did seem like a nice guy."

"And he's a good listener. The guys trust him completely."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Howie?"

"I'm just mentioning it." Howie put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "We worry about you, man."

"I know."

"So what about it?"

Kevin nodded. "Okay. At least it will pass the time."

"Fine, I call JC and arrange a time."

"No, wait. Let me call Peter direct. I think he'll get a kick out of it."

"Sure. I'll check back tomorrow and see how it went." Howie headed for the door.

"It is just dinner, right?"

"Yeah. But I hope getting you out of your room will do you some good. See you later." Howie closed the door.

Kevin had gotten Peter's room number from a call to Lance. He found he was pacing by the phone. Damn, this was just dinner not a date. He wiped the sweat from his palms on his pants. This was stupid. Why should he be nervous? He picked up the phone and dialed.


"Hi, Peter?"


"Its Kevin."

There was a pause. "Of course, Kevin." Peter's voice barely hid his excitement.

"I want to apologize for the a short visit. "

"That's all right. You weren't feeling well."

"I'm feeling better now. I'd like to make it up to you. I hear you're being stranded at the hotel tonight."

"Yeah, they'll all be off to the party. But I don't mind."

"Do you have plans for dinner?"

"I haven't decided whether to order room service and pay twice the price or get stared at eating alone in the restaurant."

"Well, if you're already resigned to being stared at, would you like to eat with me?"

Kevin could hear a gulp. "I'd like that."

"Meet me in the restaurant at six thirty."

"I am assuming that this is Dutch."

"No, I think its just American cuisine."

Peter laughed. "I mean the paying."

"We can discus this later."

"At six thirty then."

"See you then."

Kevin hung up the phone. He lay back down on the couch with his hands behind his head. Soon he would be having dinner and talking with another gay man besides Howie and Kirk. How long had it been? Kevin tried to calm himself. Peter was a fan and nothing more. But there was something more. Somehow this evening was going to be different. Kevin could almost sense it. He smiled. For the first time in long time he was looking forward to something.

"Peter, please. If Britney saw you."

"She's getting ready too isn't she? Justin, it won't take long. I just have to tell you something."

"Couldn't you have just called?"

"This is something I need to tell you in person."

Justin looked quickly up and down the hall. "Come in."

Peter followed Justin to the bedroom.

Justin continued dressing. "What is it?"

"I meet Kevin, Brian and Howie today."

"Yeah, they're friends of ours."

"I know. Kevin is very upset about something."

"Oh?" Justin didn't look away from the mirror.

"He is in deep depression. Howie said that Kevin had broken up with his boyfriend. It probably is the cause of it. Although I have never seen so dark an aura as I saw on Kevin. Everybody is worried about him."

"They would be." Justin put on his shirt.

"I want to help him. I think I may be able to."

"I'm sure you can."

"Kevin and I are set to have dinner together. If you don't mind."

"Sure, why not. I feel a little better knowing that you'll have something to do."

"Yeah, back to the knowing part. To help Kevin I will need to clear his mind. You know like the time before the concert and you couldn't rest and I "helped" you. It might call for something like that."


"I just wanted you to know before hand. I don't know how far I will have to go to get through to Kevin." Peter looked down. "I don't want you to think that I am cheating on you."

"Of course not."

"Justin, I don't think you know what I am saying. To help Kevin I might have to go so far as to..."

"Peter, please! I am meeting Britney in less that fifteen minutes. I have to get ready."

Peter got up. "I'm sorry. I just wanted you to know ahead of time, that's all."

Justin sensed Peter's mood. He took Peter by the shoulders. "Look, I know you can help Kevin. Whatever you have to do, do it. I trust you completely. Okay?"

"Okay." Peter said softly. He started to go.


Peter turned back. Justin leaned for his lips. He hesitated.

"Something wrong?"

"No." Justin kissed him. "Have a nice evening."

"Yeah, you, too. Enjoy the party."

Justin watched Peter leave. He had an urge to have Peter make sure the corridor was empty before he left. What did it matter? He gave a sigh. Britney was waiting for him.

"Please, Peter, sit down." Lance gestured.

Peter went to the nearest chair. Peter had barely sat down when the words almost exploded out of his mouth.

"Lance, you're in a relationship maybe you can help me. It's about this whole thing with Kevin. I tried to explain this to Justin, but he just wasn't listening."

"I am. Go on."

"The best way to clear the mind is to purge the body of all passions usually through orgasm. But with Kevin's dire state I'm not sure how far I will have to go to get through to him. Justin just doesn't see that. I don't want to think I am cheating on him. But he refused to listen and I don't know what to do."

Lance held up his hand. "Slow down, Peter. You've lost me. Try again, but slower."

JC stepped from the bedroom. "Is everything setup for tonight?"

"There seems to be a problem, but I don't know yet." Lance said. "Something has Peter anxious."

JC sat down next to Lance. "What is it?"

Peter took a deep breath. "In order for me to help Kevin's mental state I need to clear his mind. This is best done by... Oh, hell, I have to get him to off."

"You have to have sex with Kevin and that's a problem?"

"JC!" Lance elbowed him. "Peter is upset."

"I'm hoping just a hand job is going to be enough. But if these negative thoughts are blocking my attempts I may need to go farther. What would Justin think about that?"

"You've talked about it with Justin?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, but he wasn't listening. He was getting ready for his date with Britney and he was worried she'd catch me in his room."

"Then it serves him right." JC snapped.

"JC, stop it. What would you do if either of us were in Peter's place?"

Peter looked disparate. "I want to help Kevin but I don't want to hurt Justin in the process."

Lance tried to sound reassuring. "I'm sure Justin knows that you're doing this to help Kevin."

JC leaned forward. "Its not really just about Justin, is it?"

Lance saw where JC was going. "Of course, you find Kevin attractive."

Peter bent forward and put his head on his hands. "Hot is a better word. It's going to be very tempting."

"Nonsense, this isn't a gay porn novel. This is life." JC said. "Look, Kevin knows that you and Justin are together. He won't do anything to hurt Justin either. Between the two of you I think you're safe."

"I hope so."

"Peter," Lance added, "We know so. Trust yourself. We do."

Peter looked up at JC and Lance. He saw the truth on their faces. Peter felt calmer. "Thanks. I feel better about it now." He stood up.

"No problem." JC gave Peter a hug. "I'm glad we could help."

Lance hugged Peter. "You're using your gift to help another person. Your motives are for the best. We all know that."

"And we are so jealous. We'll want details after like how long it is. I mean, how long it took. I mean, how well the treatment went."

Lance lightly slapped JC's shoulder. "Stop it, JC. You're worst than Chris."

Peter steadied himself. "Well, I guess I should be off, I mean, going."

JC smiled. "Peter, relax. You'll do fine."

Peter crossed to the door.

"Oh, and Peter." Peter turned back to Lance. "Nice outfit."

Peter smiled. "My friends have such good taste. Enjoy the party."

The door closed.

Lance shifted uneasily. He made a face of discomfort.

"Something wrong, Lance?"

Lance wriggled on the couch. "I think I am a bit too squeaky clean."

JC laughed. "Next time try the soap with moisturizers."

"Oh, that really helps." Lance got up and started toward the bedroom. "Maybe some of that lube will help."


Lance turned back.

"I'm sorry about your discomfort."

Lance smiled. "Don't worry. It was worth it."

JC went to Lance. "Would you like a little help?"

"Yes, love."

"I love you, too." They kissed.

Lance squirmed, again.

"Come on, Lance. We can't have you wiggling through the party."

They went into the bedroom.

Lance came out of the bathroom.

"Is that better now?" asked JC.

Lance flopped onto the bed next to JC.

"Much." Lance kissed JC. "Thanks for the help."

"Well, I caused it and you know I can't stand to see you uncomfortable."

"You are so good to me."

"With that lube in you, I'd watch what you eat. It could..."

"JC!" Lance interrupted. "Don't even go there. Chris is bad enough."


Lance gave off a huge sigh. JC propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Lance.

"Okay, out with it."


"That was your "I have it so good. Why can't people be as happy as me?" sigh. Its Peter and Justin?"

"Who else? Peter is being ignored by Justin and now with this thing with Kevin." Lance looked sheepish. "To tell you the truth, JC. If I were in Peter's place I would be very tempted. Kevin is very good looking."

"Yeah, it would be tempting. But I can't see you and Britney being all lovey-dovey."

"No, thank you." Lance shuttered. "It's not Britney per se. It's just that the parts of her that seem to attract attention, don't do anything for me and the part I want to impress me isn't there."

"Is that's why you love me because of my flat chest and big cock?"

"JC, please."

JC kept looking at Lance. Lance took JC's chin.

"JC, I am not so shallow." He grinned. "But your cock was a wonderful perk." They kissed.

JC lay back. "I don't like saying it, but if Peter does stray, it would serve Justin right."

"JC, how can you say that?"

"When Justin wanted to have sex with Peter he would let nothing stand in his way. Now when he has Peter one glance from Britney and poof Peter's out of the picture. Justin should be very glad Peter's not a vengeful person. Kevin would be the perfect opportunity."

"JC, I am ashamed at you for even thinking such a thing."

"I'm sorry. I guess Justin's behavior is even getting me crazy."

"You have to remember Justin has a big image to maintain. We're lucky. When people find out we're gay it won't be such a big deal as if it were Justin."

"Lance, trust me. It will be a big deal for any of us."

"But Justin in under more pressure, don't you think?"

"Yeah, and it all comes from listening to people telling him what a star he is. He's in for a long fall from that pedestal."

"And we will still be there for him, right?"

"Yeah." JC sighed. "I guess I do know why Peter fell in love with him. Underneath that snobby crust is a very nice guy." JC looked at his watch. "Come on. Time we got going." He got off the bed.

Lance stood up "Justin is very lucky. Not only will we be there for him after that fall, but Peter will be there to catch him."

"Maybe Peter can keep Justin from getting so high first place. He was doing great until today."

"I don't know. Britney is very formable woman."

JC checked himself in the mirror. "Haven't we learned to never underestimate Peter. Remember that morning we caught them together how Peter stood up to me."

"That was quite a surprise. But Peter was protecting Justin." Lance stood beside JC. "Do you think we should warn Britney?"

"Nah, I'm going to book The Garden. It should be quite the showdown."

"My money is on Peter."

"So is mine. It might take some time but Peter has the ultimate power."

"Do you mean the astral projection?"

JC turned. "Lance, you surprise me. You of all people should know what I mean." He put his hand on Lance's cheek. "They love each other. Britney will try, but that's a difficult bound to break." JC kissed Lance.

They grabbed their coats.

"JC, do you think we should talk to Justin about the way he's treating Peter?"

"Are you kidding? We're his friends and almost family." They headed for the door. "We need to save Justin from himself. It's our duty as members of the group. It's our obligation as friends." JC opened the door.

"And it will be our pleasure?" added Lance.

"Damn straight!"

They left the room closing the door behind them.

End Part 19

This part was getting to long so I chose to stop it here. But the good news is that part 20 is now halfway done. So the next part will be out even faster. Thanks for reading. Again, I would always love to hear from you. Feedback lets me know how the story is going and it greases the wheels. I have very rusty wheels. What I do is for also for you. The story would be nothing without a reader, right?

Now I'm pissed that I took so long. I finally get to the part with Justin and Britney and they split up. Well, I still have my version. And don't ask me where the Jungle boy thing came from. I started writing the scene and it was suddenly on the page. It got my blood rushing, so I kept it. I think these characters are the ones really in control here. (Don't tell him, but he's right.) Who typed that, where's that eerie music coming from and why is Rod Serling standing in the room?

Anyway, I'd better get on with finishing Part 20. Thanks again.

Next: Chapter 20

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