Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 3, 2001


Here we go with part 2. I must admit this story has been a blast to write. It's an added thrill to know someone will actually read it.

I wish to apologize for the stupid use of the word "copy" in the last dedication. Perhaps borrow or imitate would have been better. Use of "copy" here is like saying "Hi, Jack!" at the airport. My mistake. To err is human and some of us are Very human.

"Hey, get off the stage!" Okay. On with the disclaimer:

This is a work of fiction. Purely and utterly made up in the author's mind. These characters, though based on real people, are by no means true to life. To my knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay, has been gay or will be gay in the future. The author has no knowledge of their private lives and does not attempt to detail it here as real. If NSYNC would like to rectify this situation, please, feel free to contact the author.

With that out of the way: We rejoin our band of intrepid singers gathered together after JC's strange rescue:

Lance glanced at the evening newspaper on the table. The headline read, "Accident at the Mall. NSYNC member narrowly escapes injury." Farther down in the article a line had been circled. "A man fainted".

Joey hung up the phone.

"Did they find out anything at the mall office?" Lance said excitedly.

"Nope. Zilch." Joey replied. Lance looked disappointed. "Officially treated and released," continued Joey. "He claimed it was lack of food plus the sight of the accident that caused him to faint. He didn't fill out any reports. But, you're right about one thing, some of the eyewitnesses said he fainted before the accident."

"Why is that so important?" asked Justin.

Chris looked at him. "In order for him to rescue JC he had to have left his body. When he did that it would have looked like he fainted. Here's proof that he fainted before the accident not after it as he claimed. Added evidence that he's our man."

"We'll never find him at this rate." Lance flopped onto the couch next to JC.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be found," added JC a little sheepishly.

Lance turned and looked at him.

"Well, from what we know of him, he doesn't strike me as much of the outgoing type."

"Except without his body. Then he's very outgoing." They ignored Joey. Well, if they weren't in the mood for humor. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe he caused the accident?"


"It. Ah, he did come from that direction. He could have knocked the tree over."

They gaped at him.

"Accidentally," he added.

"It was the fan climbing that tree that did it. And you know it!" Lance snapped. He winced at the force of his response. He calmed himself. "Sorry." This guy already had a strike against him. Lance didn't want to add any more.

The room fell into silence.

Joey sighed. " Anybody up for a trip to the lobby cafe'?"

Justin got out of the chair. "I'll go." This was just too weird for him. He needed something normal to do. "Chris?"

"Nah, I'll catch you later." Joey and Justin left.

Chris was watching Lance and JC very closely.

"What would you do if you did find him?" He asked casually.

"Why thank him, of course. Give him some free tickets and back stages passes. Whatever else he might want." Lance tried to be non-chalant.

"Nothing else?"

"What else would there be?"

"Well, there's that incident in your bedroom for one."

Lance paused. "I think he's more than made up for that."

"And you, JC?" asked Chris. "You're not trying to lay any trespassing charges on him?"

"Of course not." Replied JC, not very convincingly.

Chris seemed deep in thought. He stood up. "I'll be right back." He left their room closing the door behind him.

"You don't really want to find him, do you?" asked Lance.

"Sure, I do, but..." JC looked down.


"Last night he projected himself into our room invading our privacy. Today he saves my life and is a hero. Forgive me if I have a hard time trying to figure out how to relate to this guy."

Lance sat in silence.

"And..." This was going to be hard. "Ever since he was first mentioned, you seem to be caught up in this guy. In the limo, in our room, at the mall and now."

Lance put his hand on JC's shoulder. "JC, look at me." JC lifted his head. He turned until he was looking into Lance's green eyes. "JC, I love you. And yes, I find this astral projection thing interesting, but I only want to thank him for saving you." Lance's voice broke. "I just don't know what I would have done if something would have happened to you." He pulled JC to him. "I love you so much."

JC returned the embrace.

After a while Lance sat back. "Besides, it looks like we'll never find him anyway."

"Well, at least you tried."

"Yea, I guess." said Lance sadly. JC turned Lance to him and kissed him.

The door opened. " Hey, guys. Get a room." Chris sounded more like his old self. "Oh, yea. You've got one." His face became serious again. "If you still want to find this guy."

He handed Lance a piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"His address."

Lance and JC both stared at Chris.

Lance gaped at the piece of paper in his hand. "How did you get his address?"

Chris shrugged. "When he left the other night I followed him home."

"Followed him! How could you follow him?" snapped JC. "He could go through solid objects and float in air? The only way you could have followed him would be if you were in the same state as..." The light went on. "...him," finished JC.

Lance looked at Chris. "You know how to astral project!"

Chris nodded.

"Then you knew about him from the beginning. At the concert?"

Chris nodded again.

"And his visit last night?" JC asked.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Of course. My room is next to yours. A wall away."

JC sank against the back of the couch. This was too much.

"Why didn't you tell us you could do this?" asked Lance.

"You raze me about the weird things I do enough as it is."

Lance couldn't argue with that one. "So when did you get the idea to follow him. It couldn't have been a snap decision."

"I could tell from the concert that he was kind of new at it. So when he came into my room last night, I thought I'd keep an eye on him. I got there just in time to catch his, ah, exit."

Lance sat there trying to take this all in. Chris went on.

"I followed him home, first to make sure he didn't have trouble, but also I thought I'd do my own bit of spying."

Lance seemed a bit shocked. "Chris?"

"Hey, when some guy starts messing with my bros, I need proof he is okay. So I checked him out. He's cool."

Lance got up. "Let's go."

Chris stopped him. "I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Why? I only want to thank him."

"What if the press gets wind of this?"

"We've handled worst things than this."

"Yea, but what about him? Publicity isn't exactly what he's looking for. Do you think we can show up in a limo, go up to this guy and not attract attention? And if the media gets hold of his abilities?" Lance hung his head. "Tell you what. I'll take a car over. One person will be less conspicuous. I'll bring him back here."

"We could wait in the car." Lance suggested.

"Look. He is really into you two. Likes you, I mean. He probably feels guilty about his little visit. I could ease his mind a bit before he meets you."

Lance nodded his head.

Chris went to the phone. "Hi, this is Chris. I would like to go out for a bit. Could you send a driver around in 15 minutes? Yea, I be back before then. Thanks." He hung up the phone.

JC was giving Chris a puzzled look. "There's something you're not telling us."

"Just go easy on him, JC. I know he feels very guilty about last night. He made a mistake and he is sorry. He wouldn't hurt the two of you for anything."

"He's gay, isn't he?" said JC.


Lance was confused. "What does that have to do with anything? At least we know he's on our side. I mean the idea of him catching us together. He won't care."

"Maybe he did care," said JC. "A little too much. Maybe that was why he was here in the first place! He was looking for the show after the show!"

"What?" sputtered Lance.

"JC!" Chris shot back. "That's not how it is at all. It is impossible to know when you have never done it. It's different. The body and the mind are separate there. If he did have the idea of getting off on catching you two together that want would have been left behind with his body. Only the mind travels. There is no way to get any physical pleasure once your are out of your body."

"How about when you get back?"

"JC, please!" Lance didn't like where this was going.

"I give up. There's no talking to you when you're like this."

JC stood up and glared at Chris. "What did he do when he got back? Did he enjoy his little visit? Tell me!"

Chris lost it. "Don't worry about him drooling over your little love there." Chris nodded at Lance. He jabbed at JC's chest with his finger. "Its you he has a doll of."

Chris's heart sank. He knew never to talk about what he saw during his "travels". He wished he could take the words back. Dude, I'm so sorry.

JC stood there stunned. " A doll?"

"One of those marionettes." Chris said softly. "But JC, please believe me. It's not like that."

"Which he should burn, if I was him!" Lance had had enough. JC looked at him, surprised.

"He saved you! Remember? One little suspicion on your part and now you see him as some kind of astral peeping tom with improper thoughts of your lover. You've already tried and convicted him. Damn it, JC, you haven't even met him yet." Lance looked at JC sternly. "I can remember what you keep telling us about how to deal with the fans. No matter what. Something about earning respect by respecting people!"

JC felt like a truck had hit him. Lance was right. He sank back onto the couch. He held his head in his hands. He'd lost it and in front of Lance.

"You right, Lance. I am so sorry." He looked up. "I'm sorry, Chris. I lost my head."

"Do you still want me to go?" Chris looked at JC. "Will you be okay with this?"

"I want to do this." Lance nodded at JC. "If he gets out of hand, I'll send him to his room."

Chris started for the door. "I'll call you from the car when we get back just in case you need to compose yourselves." The door closed the behind him.

JC sat in silence. His head bowed. Lance sat down next to him. JC shifted farther away. "JC?" Lance said softly. No response. He touched JC's shoulder. "Josh?" JC looked up. His eyes were full of tears.

"I'm so sorry, Lance. You must hate me."

Lance put his arm around him and pulled him close. "You know I could never hate you. We just found a sore spot."

"It's so stupid. I mean, it comes with the job. We all have fans fanaticizing about us. It never bothered me. Then you and I got together." JC sat back. "You were another story. I was okay with the girls, but I guess I never really thought about..."

"Some guy lusting after your boy toy?" finished Lance.

JC smiled slightly. "Ever since last night, I couldn't shake the thought "Why was he there?" JC hung his head. "I never realized it bothered me this much."

Lance kissed the back of JC's neck. They sat in silence.

After a time JC looked up. "Boy toy?"

Lance smiled. "I can call myself anything I want. Now if my lover is through with his jealous fit, we should get the others. I think it would be nice for him to meet the whole group. You never know. Maybe we can arrange some private time with him and get his side of the story."

JC wiped his eyes. "You know, I have a crazy feeling that this is exactly why Chris is bringing him here."

Lance nodded. "He definitely has something up his sleeve."

Peter threw down the newspaper. Of all the fantasies of being a hero and getting your name in the paper, he had "A man fainted". Of course, if he had hung around awhile at the nurse's office it would have been "Peter fainted". Better to be anonymous. There would have been questions that he just couldn't answer. "Why did you faint?" "I just wanted to get away from myself for awhile." Or the one he was still trying to work out. "How did you manage to rescue JC?" He remembered zooming across the atrium, his mind screaming out a warning. He saw Chris and Lance scatter and JC fall. He remembered racing toward JC thinking hard "Move, damn it! Move!" He had an idea of trying to grab hold of him or did he try to push him? Anyway he felt some kind of an impact. The next thing he knew he was laying on a stretcher in great pain with the nurse looking down at him. His whole body ached. What do you take for a bruised aura? It had taken awhile, but the pain was finally gone.

He had made excuses of lack of food and got himself out of there as fast as they would let him. It would have been nice to meet the guys and be hailed as a hero, but would they have believed his story? Besides he still felt guilty. That damn room visit. He could never live that one down. Forget it. They'll be going back on their tour soon. There was no way they could know who it was. And they certainly didn't know where he lived.

There was a knock at the door. He froze. No. Please, Life no more jokes. He wasn't sure if he could take any more. He opened the door. His jaw dropped.

"Hi. `Name's Chris. We're taking a survey. Have you saved any cute gay singers lately?"

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Peter was trying very hard to relax.

"Most people we meet say that," added Chris. "Only they mean it in an enthusiastic and positive way." Peter shifted nervously. "Face it. Under all that dread, anxiety, guilt, panic and complete terror, you're looking forward to this." Chris smiled from the seat across from him.

Peter managed a slight smile and nodded.

Chris had given him the complete run down of events both from last night and the rescue. Chris had kept the aftermath to himself. It would rear its ugly head soon enough.

"Look, like I told you, this is a thank you for saving JC. The other night probably won't be discussed. Unless you bring it up. Okay?"

Peter nodded. It was a moot point. He knew that he would have to bring it up. He wanted the guilt to go away.

"Remember, I'll be there to back you up. We astral travelers have to stick together." Chris winked.

The car turned into the hotel's underground garage. It stopped by the elevators.

"Ready?" asked Chris.

"Geronimo." Peter replied weakly.

Lance hung up the phone. "They're on their way up." He looked at JC. "You okay?"

JC took a breath and smiled. "Yeah."

Justin leaned over to Joey. "You know what that was about?"

"Probably just a lovers spat."

There was a knock at the door. Lance opened it.

Chris stepped into the room. "Back by popular demand, but making his first appearance. May I present JC's Rescuer." He stepped aside and Peter entered. "Everybody? JC's Rescuer. JC's Rescuer? Everybody."

Lance was taken aback. Chris had never mentioned his age. He was older than he had expected. "You have to excuse him. He's just being..."

"Chris?" Peter said.

"Ah, my reputation," quipped Chris.

"Chris, you didn't tell us his name."

"Its Peter." Peter said as Lance shook his hand. He took in Lance's smiling face and his green eyes.

"Please, sit down. Make yourself comfortable."

"I'm not sure if that's going to be possible." Peter moved to a chair. He could feel himself beginning to sweat. Keep breathing. Try to relax. They're just people.

"Before you sit down..." Peter turned to find JC smiling at him. He saw those wonderful blue eyes. JC walked over and gave Peter a hug. Peter blushed. "Thanks for saving my life."

"That goes double for me." Lance said, also giving him a hug.

Justin and Joey got up from the couch. "Thanks, dude." Joey said.

"We were almost a quartet. Nice going, man," added Justin. Peter shook both their hands.

"Ditto for me." Chris took his hand. "So. How about a snog?" He opened his mouth and waggled his tongue.

"Chris!" Lance snapped.

Chris sat down looking dejected.

Peter smiled a little as he sat down in the chair.

Chris got things rolling. ""It's a great honor to meet you guys. I'm a big fan yours. I have all you albums and videos. Can I get an autograph? Its not for me, its for my nephew. He's called Peter, too. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda." Let's cut to the chase. You want to know how he did it."

They all nodded. Chris motioned to Peter. "Take it away. I'll fill in the gaps."

Peter shifted in his chair. "Well..."

Peter told them all that he could remember of the details from his perspective of the rescue. Chris explained that is was psychokinesis or mental energy that Peter had used to move JC to safety. Peter also apologized for the concert. He hoped that he had not been too much of a distraction to them. He was pleased to know he had been barely noticed.

Joey brought up the visit to the room. Peter was relieved when JC and Lance made light of it. Joking at his ineptness. The conversation went on to more normal topics. Peter found himself more relaxed. Soon Joey and Justin excused themselves. With another round of thanks they left the room.

"Can I get you something?" asked Lance.

Peter shook his head. "No, thank you."

Lance moved to the couch and sat next to JC. He took JC's hand. Peter decided it was time to get it over with. He began to sweat again.

"I want to apologize for my intrusion last night. There was no excuse for it. I won't even blame you if you wanted to press charges."

"I'm sure that won't be necessary," JC added. He silently wondered, "How?"

"I'm not sure why I did it. It wasn't for a cheap thrill. I mean the chance to catch you at it. Please, believe me, it wasn't that."

Peter looked down at their two hands clasped together. He continued nervously. "I think it was the idea that you two might be a couple. Maybe it was the chance to see for myself. I was hoping it was true. You make a really cute couple." JC squeezed Lance's hand.

"I've always liked to see people who were in love. There were gay couples I knew. To see them so happy together made me smile. I'd see two guys walking together by the lake and I'd make believe that they were boyfriends. It made me feel so good to think of them like that."

"Peter?" interrupted Lance. "You talk about couples. What about you? Do you have a..."

Peter cut him off with a shake his head. "Nope. Never. I have always been kind of a loner. Very shy, you know. I really don't mind. You get used to it. It's not that I haven't fallen in love with people. Guys, I mean. It's just that I couldn't tell them or I wasn't their type, I guess."

JC and Lance looked at each other. They remembered the doubt and fear they had felt before they had become lovers.

"It's just that I didn't look like..." Peter's throat tightened. He tried again. "They didn't find me..." His voice caught again. He was starting to tremble.

Chris was watching him. The crust was starting to break. Chris stood up. He walked over to Peter's chair and put a hand on his shoulder. Peter looked up at him.

"Go on."

"It used to make me so happy to see them. Talking and laughing together. But it started to change. It started to hurt to see them. I didn't want it to, but it did. It made me feel hollow inside. Seeing them together only made me realize that I would never know what they were feeling. Everything that they had, that I didn't have."

Peter voice broke. "I thought if I could get away from this body. To able to fly away free the pain would stop. It didn't." Tears filled Peter's eyes.

Lance started to say something, but Chris gestured at him to stay silent.

"Then I found out when I was out of my body, not only could you see what a person was feeling. But if you touched someone you could sense his or her emotions past and present. After the concert I got the idea. Why I wanted to go to your room. I wanted to touch you. I wanted to see..." The tears ran down Peter's cheek. "I wanted to know what it felt like to be... loved. Loved and beloved. I wanted to know what is felt like to hold someone you love in your arms. Not the physical feeling, the emotions."

Lance shifted forward on the couch. He started to get up. He wanted to comfort the crying figure. Chris raised his hand. Wait a moment.

"But you were awake. I couldn't do it." He looked at Lance and JC. " And you could see me. You weren't supposed to see me. I didn't want you to see me!" Lance and JC exchanged looks. "I'll never know what it feels like. I'll only know the loneliness, the emptiness. When will the pain stop? It hurts so much." Peter bent forward burying his face in his hands.

Chris looked at his two fellow group members and nodded. Lance and JC moved as one person. They went to Peter, knelt in front of his chair and put their hands on his shoulders.

"Why doesn't anything go right for me? I'll always be alone."

"It was meant to turn out this way." JC said softly.

Peter looked up at him, puzzled.

"Because, Peter, you're not alone."

Peter looked from JC to Lance. They both were smiling back at him. The realization dawned.

He started to move toward them then stopped warily. JC and Lance pulled him to them. Peter buried his face into their shoulders weeping. Chris placed a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. It was done.

JC became aware of a melody playing in his mind. He was surprised as Chris started singing to the music. Justin's part:

"When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes

And all that surround you are secrets and lies"

JC looked at Lance who seemed just as surprised.

"I'll be your strength. I'll give you hope.

Keeping your faith when it's gone.

The one you should call was standing here all along."

JC saw tears forming in Lance's eyes. He smiled at JC. They hugged Peter tighter and joined Chris.

"And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong.

`Til the day my life is through. This I promise you. This I promise you"

They pulled back. JC put his hand on Peter's chin and lifted his head. He looked into Peter's eyes.

"I've loved you forever in lifetimes before.

And I promise you never (JC brushed a tear away from Peter's cheek.) will you hurt anymore.

I give my word. I give you my heart.

This is a battle we've won and with this vow forever has now begun."

The three continued.

"Just close your eyes each lovin' day.

And know this feeling won't go away.

`Til the day my life is through. This I promise you. This I promise you."

They faded off.

Peter looked at the three of them. "Thank you."

JC smiled. "No sweat. You're a fan, remember." He squeezed Peter's shoulder. "And they could have been pulling glass out of me as we speak if it hadn't been for you."

Peter pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his face. "I think I need to use the bathroom." He stood up.

"Sure" said Lance. "It's..." he started to point.

Peter smiled "I know the way."

"Mascara and eye liner are in the top right-hand drawer." Chris called after him. Chris smiled as he saw Peter extended a single finger as he disappeared into the bedroom.

Chris watched JC and Lance as they sat back on the couch. "Should I go with to make sure he doesn't steal any of your underwear?"

"You've proved your point," said JC.

Lance looked quizzically at Chris. "How did you know I was thinking of "This I Promise You."?"

JC looked surprised. "I thought it was me!"

"It wasn't either of you. It was Peter. We just kind of tuned in on it."

"I wish there was more we could do for him." Lance still looked a little sad.

"There is," replied Chris. "If you are game for it. I know you've never done it before. But if you keep an open mind, you might even enjoy it"

JC and Lance look very suspiciously at Chris.

End of Part 2.

Don't you love cliffhanger endings? Okay. Okay, I'm sorry. Your patience will be rewarded, however. In the next part things will be getting "Freaky, freaky". That's all I will say. Let me know what you think so far. E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 3

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