Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 1, 2002


Part 21, here you go.

I must first begin with a very humble, Thank You. In the Boy Band Awards "Astral Fan" has been nominated in four categories. I am equally surprised and delighted. The first part was posted on April 30th of last year. I have been writing this for a whole year now and it has been a fun and hard work all at once. Thank you all you readers. It's all do to you. Now I will dry my eyes and wipe my nose and get on with it.

This is complete fiction. It in no way details the real life or sexual orientation of the people on which it is based. So don't believe a word of it. (The story that is.)There will be descriptions of gay sex, so if you are under age or find such things objectionable unplug your computer now because you're not in Kansas anymore. Onward we go.

JC leaned his knee over until it touched Lance's. Lance looked up. JC could see the frustration on Lance's face. JC smiled and winked. Lance broke into a smile. They'd get through this.

Usually they got on well with Britney, but she had something up her sleeve beside her arm. She had maneuvered her way into being included in the interview they had this morning. That in itself wasn't that bad because they did like her. However she had taken complete control of Justin's time. This was the first time since yesterday that Justin got to spent a length of time with them, but there was Britney still at Justin's side. What was she up to? This act was getting on their nerves.

"That was a great party last night. Good food and fine women."

"Anyone get the Joey Fatone Seal of Approval," Chris kidded.

"I'm not saying. There is a lady present."

"Where?" Chris looked around the backseat making sure his gaze never fell on Britney.

Britney smiled. "That's okay. I know all about Joey's reputation. Besides you left the party together. You'd think you would have noticed another body in the car."

"Oh, Joey arranges for them to go to his room later. That way I don't steal them away from him."

"In your dreams, Chris."

Chris continued. "Joey has such a reputation that one night this hotel manager was beating on Joey's door."

"Until Joey let her out," interrupted Britney. "I know that one."

"No, that's not it." Chris replied. "He was beating on the door shouting "Do you have a girl in there?" Joey opened the door and said truthfully "No." The manager ushered in a pretty young woman. "Then here." The manager shut the door and left."

"I wish, Chris," replied Joey. "John keeps talking about keeping his boys happy, but he just won't go that one last step."

Britney shook her head. "I don't know about you guys. Is it always sex with you?"

Joey just grinned.

"We could make a lot of money for our charity of course," Chris quickly added, "if at every city we raffled ourselves off for a romantic evening with a fan. Of course with JC and Lance it would just be dinner. Joey and I could do a little more personal public relations. You'd like that, right, Joey?"

"Nah. But between you and me if I could chose them myself, maybe."

"Why just you two? What about Justin?" Britney nudged him.

"That's right." Chris shook Justin's hand. "Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule and joining us today. We missed you."

"No, I mean about the raffle."

"Justin isn't free at the moment." JC simply said.

Britney smiled and squeezed Justin's arm. "I wouldn't mind. It would be for charity."

JC watched her reaction. Hadn't Justin told Britney yet?

"As for you missing him," Britney said. "It was only for one day. It wasn't like I was taking him away from you forever."

They guys looked at each other. Silence fell on the backseat of the car.

JC caught Justin's attention. He nodded hard at Britney as if to say "Tell her!"

"I did." Justin mouthed.

JC looked confused. Britney still clung to Justin's arm.

Justin put his one free hand over his eyes.

JC got it. Britney didn't want to believe Justin.

Britney began to feel like she was intruding. She got on with the guys better than this. What had changed? Justin was different, too. He used to be so self-motivated and ambitious. Now he wouldn't even entertain the idea of going solo. Justin seemed to be less aggressive, but why?

The silence was getting to her. She noticed Lance toying with a ring on his finger.

"Lance, that ring, it's new isn't it?"

"Yeah, JC gave it to me."

"How sweet. What was the occasion?"

Lance looked at the roof being non-chalent. "Oh, no real reason."

"Stop it, Lance." JC turned to Britney. "It was our one year anniversary."

"Has it been a whole year? I didn't think you two could keep it up for so long."

JC and Lance didn't look at him. "Don't say it, Chris."

Chris pouted. "Gees, you'd think Peter was here."

"Come on, Lance, tell her everything."

Lance shook his head. He pretended to be stubborn. "No, JC, she'll just get jealous."

"That's part of the tradition and the fun of getting engaged."

"Engaged!" Britney shook off her surprise. "How wonderful. But I didn't think it was legal for two men..."

"This is a commitment ceremony. It's not a legal marriage." JC explained. Lance took JC's arm. "It is in our eyes. That's all that counts."

Britney smiled. "Well, I am happy for you both."

Chris smiled. "And you're not jealous?"

"Not a bit."

Chris pressed on. "Not even that JC and Lance, two gay men are getting married before you?"

Britney nudged Justin. "That's not my fault."

"Britney, stop pretending." Justin said softly but firmly.

"About what?"

Justin just looked at her.

"So why is Peter off with Backstreet." Chris intentionally said the name that answered Britney's question.

"They just wanted to show their thanks to Peter for his help with Kevin."

Britney gaped. "All of them? Why? Didn't he get enough thanks from Kevin last night?"

Joey shook his head. "Me thinks yonder lass doth believe that hanky panky was afoot."

Britney couldn't believe it. "Oh, come on. All that stuff about "clearing Kevin's mind". I read through the code even without Chris joking about it."

Chris quickly turned to JC. "I said I was sorry about the joking."

"Its okay, Chris."

"It wasn't code. It was the truth." Lance said.

"Is Peter some sort of psychologist?"

"He has certain gifts." JC said simply.

"He's really help us." Lance added. "He helped in my parents accept me being gay and he made me realize how deeply I loved JC."

JC took Lance's hand. "Our love has only deepen since Peter had entered our lives."

"He beats me to the jokes though." Chris complained. "But it is fun competing with him."

Justin took a breath. "And by just talking to him, he can take a person's confusion and make everything so clear. I thought being BI was worse than being gay. After talking with Peter, I felt so much better about myself."

JC watched Britney turn to Justin.

Justin had a serious look on his face. "I told you the truth. Why don't you believe me?"

Britney was suddenly laughing. "This is a good one. You have played jokes on me before. I'm not falling for it this time."


"You guys had me going, but I'm not letting you fox me."

JC saw Justin's frustration. It was hard enough coming out. But if no one believed you.

"Whatever." Chris turned to the window. "Looks like we're here."

"You guys and your jokes." But Britney knew this was no joke.


Peter's head snapped around. "What?"

Kevin couldn't help smiling "Relax."

"We promise we won't bite," Brian said.

"Unless you want us to," added Nick. "But then we'll leave that up to Howie and Kevin."

Peter felt himself blush. "I'm sorry."

"Are you this bad with NYSNC?"

"It took me over a week to get comfortable with them. Sometimes I still have trouble."

Howie looked puzzled. "But that first time I met you, you didn't seem shy then. In fact you really took charge."

"That was because I sensed Kevin's need. There wasn't time to be shy."

"Thank goodness for that." AJ said. "You really did the trick." AJ slapped Kevin's knee. "Its nice to have Kevin back to normal."

"When has he ever been normal?"

"Watch it, Nick," Howie warned.

"It was just a friendly putdown. I didn't mean anything about his relationship and I certainly didn't mean about his being gay."

"Sorry." Howie backed off.

Kevin patted Nick's shoulder. "I knew what you meant."

"We should take Kevin's advice and relax." AJ glanced around him. "We're still on edge. This is supposed to be fun."

"Whahoo." Peter said softly.

"Great," Nick said, "We've got our guest bored to death already."

"This isn't boredom." Peter replied. "This is sheer terror."

Nick took on a German accent. "Vell, if you do not begin to have ze fun you vill know vhat der sheer terror is!" He laughed maniacally.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "You see. We're just regular people."

Brian leaned in to Peter. "Okay, out with it. Give us regular people the complete behind the scenes on NYSNC."

"Brian," Kevin said. "We promised not to pry."

"It's not prying if he willfully lets things slip out." Brian turned back to Peter. "Spill."

"Sorry," Peter shook his head. "My lips are sealed."

"Even with Justin? He must be so disappointed."

"Nick!" Howie turned to Peter. "I'm sorry about that."

Peter shrugged. "It's all right. News travels fast. I'm getting used to it. Most of the crew knew about Justin and me a few days after the fact."

"Are you sure you won't divulge a juicy tidbit?" AJ pressed. "Just one? A little one?"

"Okay." Peter looked left then right. He leaned in. "NSYNC isn't as wholesome as they seem. I know for a fact that even when they're on stage under their costumes..." Peter lowered his voice. "They're running around completely naked."

AJ looked bored. "No kidding."

The others sat back disappointed.

Peter smiled. "Shocking isn't it."

Brian crossed his arms. "So you're not going to tell us any dirt."

"Only if I can tell them what I might find out today."

Brian shifted in his seat. "So, what are we seeing first?"

Howie glanced at a piece of paper. "The old courthouse building."

At those words the car turned a corner and came to a stop. The bodyguards opened the doors and they climbed out of the car.

"Wow, look at that!"

It was a large five story dark stone building. It took up a whole city block. There was a green slanted roof between the smaller towers at each corner. A tall clock tower stood on the very middle of the front of the building.

"It looks more like a castle than a courthouse." AJ added.

"Let's skip the tour of the clock tower." Brian said staring up at the tall structure.

"Damn, I didn't think to bring your flying harness." Howie chided him. "Well, Peter might want to see it."

"I can see it from here. Very nice."

Brian looked at Peter. "Not a heights man either?"

"If it is an open area we could skip anything past the third floor."

Kevin corralled them. "Come on. Let's go."

The six of them climbed the steps, pushed through the large wooden double door and entered the building.

They were in the waiting room waiting for airtime. JC was standing away from the others. Britney went up to him.

"JC, what kind of a person is Peter?"

"He travels with us. Doesn't that tell you anything?"

"This thing with Justin, it seems so sudden."

"Sometimes that's how it happens."

"Something just doesn't feel right about this. I just don't trust this Peter. He has some hold over Justin."

"That's not for me to say. That's between Peter and Justin. But if I may offer a suggestion?"


"Talk to Peter. He's the only one who can tell you what you need to know. Besides Justin."

Britney looked incredulous. "He'd tell me the truth?"

"You'd be surprised." JC started to walk away. "Oh, and Britney, give Justin a little credit. He's not that easy to manipulate. You should know that."

The lobby of the courthouse was smaller than Peter expected from the outside. As they approached the front desk, the guard picked up the phone said a few words then hung up.

"Welcome. Your tour guide will be right out." He pulled out a CD insert and a pen. "If you don't mind. It's for my daughter."

Brian took the pen. "Sure. No problem." He signed and passed the two objects on.

A silver haired woman walked toward them. "Bob, we're not supposed to bother our guests."

"Its no bother," added Nick.

"Well, then I have a poster in my office when we get back. I'm your tour guide, Mrs. Baxter. You can call me Judy."

"Mrs. Baxter would be more comfortable, if you don't mind." Brian said.

Mrs. Baxter smiled. "Of course. Respect for your elders. That is refreshing."

AJ handed the CD insert back to the guard. "We could sign it now. Get it out of the way so to speak."

"Sure. You might as well meet the others on the tour."

They followed Mrs. Baxter back to her office.

"We have a visitor from the National Historical Society. We though we would just combine the tours, if you don't mind."

"No problem."

"He does have a teenage daughter with him. She's a little excited."

She opened the door and ushered them into her office.

There was a shriek.

"Meg, for goodness sake!"

"Sorry, Dad."

The man turned to address them. "I'm Mike. These are my daughters Meg and little Sophie."

AJ smiled. "Nice to meet you. I bet Meg has something for us to sign."

Meg glanced at her father. He shook his head.

"Oh, go ahead."

Meg dived into a knapsack and produced a photo book.

Nick squatted down to Sophie. The little girl clutched a worn stuffed rabbit by one ear.

"What do you have there?"

She clutched the rabbit to her. "Mr. Bun Bun. Nana made him. She's in heaven now."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must miss her."

The little girl nodded her head.

Sophie looked down shyly. "She always gave me money and candy." She looked up at Nick. "My sister loves you."

"Sophie!" Meg went beet red.

Nick smiled at Sophie. "Really. Do you like me?"

Sophie began chewing of the rabbit's other ear. She shyly nodded her head.

"I like you, too." Nick stood up and joined the others at signing their autographs.

Meg went to Sophie.

"Do you know who these people are? These are the Backstreet Boys. They sing some of your favorite songs on the radio."

Sophie grinned. "Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye?"

Peter nudged Kevin grinning. "That's one for my camp."

Meg flushed. "No. That's another group."

"Oh, can't you see, can't you see."

"That's right. Larger than Life."

Brian handed the photo book back.

"Thanks, so much."

Mike looked at his watch. "Well, if you are done could we begin the tour?"

"Sure." Mrs. Baxter said. "Mike is on a tight schedule."

"Let's go."

Meg picked up the knapsack.

Mike turned to the older sister. "Meg, you keep an eye on Sophie. I don't want her getting lost."

"Don't worry, Dad. She won't leave my sight." She took Sophie's hand.

They left the office.

Chris was going through his pockets. "Does anyone have a small piece of paper. I want to get rid of my gum."

They all checked. Justin found a small rectangle of paper.

"Here Chris, you can use this."


"Why not?" Justin was surprised by Britney's reaction. "It's just the business card of that guy you introduced me to. I don't need it."

"Justin, wait."

JC noticed the colors on the card. "Wait a minute." He pulled the same business card out of his pocket. "He talked to me, too."

"That's impossible," replied Britney. "It was a exclusive offer for Justin." Britney slapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late.

"What did he offer you, JC?" asked Justin all the time keeping his eyes on Britney.

"It was a solo contract with a recording deal. Sixty percent control over the songs and the writing. I said I wasn't interested. With the next album we have complete control over the production and the songs we want to write."

"You do?" Britney looked sheepish. "I didn't know."

Justin approached Britney. "You knew he would be at the party. You set me up to meet him. It's the same old idea of me giving up NSYNC and going solo."

"You are so talented." Britney added. "We have talked about it but the guys..."

"Always talk me out of it." Justin finished. "That's why you kept me away from them yesterday. It would only be your voice in my ear. You even threw in a few poisoned words here and there to turn me against them."

"Tsk, tsk. I am ashamed of you, Britney." Chris chided. "Trying to break up our happy family."

Joey put his hands on his hips. "I am shocked. I thought you were such a sweet and tender girl."

"I have nothing against you guys. We are friends. But Justin could do such grander things. I was only thinking of him." Britney looked from one to the other. She was out numbered and trapped.

"Come on, guys," Lance said. "To change a quote from Peter, we can't hate Britney for being Britney."

They relaxed.

"We forgive you for your plotting." JC said.

"Thanks." Britney was relieved.

"You'd think we'd get used to it by now," added Chris.

"The four of us forgive you." Joey said. "You'll have to see about how Justin feels."

Britney turned to Justin. Although he wasn't glaring at her, she could tell he was upset.


A man opened the door. "Airtime, people. Please, follow me."

"Saved by the bell." Joey said as they left.

Britney felt Justin's eyes on her.

"Later. We'll talk." Justin said as he passed by her.

Britney couldn't help feeling that her plans were beginning to collapse around her.

The tour had been wonderful from the old jail cells in the basement to the old courtrooms and offices. They even got to go into the tunnels that ran below the street connected the courthouse with the neighboring buildings. Mike added bits of information on the architecture as well as some of the ornamentation. It had been a fascinating hour and a half.

Meg, of course, was thoroughly enjoying chatting and just being with the guys.

Little Sophie conked out about half way through. Meg carried her most of the time. Nick helped when Meg got tired. Sophie perked up just in time to leave.

Nick leaned down to her. "Thank you for letting us go with you. You are such a good little girl."

Sophie grinned. She backed up to Meg. "I want Mr. Bun Bun."

Meg pulled off the knapsack. She was surprised it was open. Her face paled as she looked inside.

Nick noticed. "What's wrong?"

"He's gone."

"Meg, I told you to be careful. Didn't you put him in the knapsack?"

"I did. He must have fallen out."

Sophie wasn't happy. "Where's Mr. Bun Bun?"

"It's easy," said AJ, "We'll just have to retrace our path."

"That would take too long." Mike said. "I have to be at another appointment in a half hour."

"We could split up," suggested Howie.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Baxter said. "But we can't have you running all over. This still is a courthouse. I'll call around. Maybe someone has seen him."

They went to her office.

Sophie was getting more and more distraught. She was crying. "I want Bun Bun."

"Don't worry, Sophie, we'll find him, I promise." Meg was desperate. She turned to her father. "I can stay here with Sophie. When they find him we can take a taxi back to the hotel."

Her father was adamant "I am not leaving you alone and you're definitely not taking a taxi alone at your age."

"We could take them back to the hotel." Brian suggested.

"Thanks for offering. We'll just have to leave him. Mrs. Baxter can send him to us when he's found."

"No. I need him, Daddy. Nana made him for me." Sophie cried.

Meg was almost crying, too. "She can't sleep without him."

"But we don't have time!"

Peter heart went out to the two sisters. He made up his mind. There was a chair in the back corner of the room. Peter tapped Kevin's shoulder. "Keep watch. I'm going to sit down for a while. Make sure I'm not disturbed."

"I don't blame you. My feet are killing me, too."

"It's not because of my feet."

"Then why?"

"Out of my body I can search faster than anyone. If they start to leave try to stall them until I get back."

"Peter, good luck."

Peter sat down and closed his eyes.

Peter backtracked along their route since the rabbit was there when they started. He flashed through walls and doors. The route was taking him farther and farther away. He'd hoped that he'd find it close by. Soon he realized that they had snaked their way through the courthouse. His trail was taking him closer to the front of the building, again. As he approached one wall he was forced to stop. He couldn't get through. Someone was being very private on the other side of that wall. Peter skirted the room.

Howie noticed Peter sitting there with his head down. He moved to Kevin. "If he was that tired he could have gone to the car."

"Peter's not tired." Kevin leaned to Howie and whispered. "He's out searching."

"Really?" Howie leaned down to take a look at Peter. He straightened up. "You sure couldn't tell it. He looks like he's asleep." Howie turned to Kevin. "Do you think he'd find him?" He looked at Mike trying to console Sophie who was crying her eyes out. Meg was standing there very upset as well.

"Look what he did for me. This is just a stuffed rabbit."

Howie nodded to little Sophie. "Not just a stuffed rabbit to her."

"That is what makes me so sure Peter will find him. Someone is unhappy and he has the chance to make them happy again."

Howie smiled and nodded. "You know, I think I am now jealous of Justin."

"I know I am." Kevin turned away. He watched Peter sitting there.

A little farther down the hall was a stairway. They had been along that way. As Peter descended a stairway he saw it. Mr. Bun Bun was lying in a corner of the landing. Peter remembered the black and white checkered marble floor. Someone had mentioned a checkerboard. They had had fun hopping up the steps. He started back.

Kevin watched Peter stir. He opened his eyes.

"You found it?"

"Yeah, the side stairway. You remember the hopscotch."

"Great. Let's tell them."

"No. I have a better idea. Come on."

Mrs. Baxter was still on the phone as Kevin and Peter reached the door.

"Bathroom?" Peter asked.

She nodded toward the lobby then pointed to the right.


Kevin leaned in to Nick. "Give us five minutes."


"Keep them here for five minutes. We'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" asked the guard.

"We dropped something in the stairway. We know the way. It won't take long."

The guard hesitated. "Well, okay."

Peter and Kevin hurried off.

"We still have to reach the end of this hall then double back."

"Then we'll take a shortcut." Peter opened a door.

The courtroom was empty.

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me." Peter crossed the room to another door. It opened onto the other hall.

Kevin was impressed. "That saved time. But how did you know?"

"Going through walls helps you find shortcuts."

The stairway was just ahead. Peter glanced at the door of an office as they passed.

"Is it in there?"

"No." Peter answered. "Not in there."

"Did you see something in there?"

"No." He answered truthfully.

They reached the stairs. Down to the first landing and there was Mr. Bun Bun. Kevin picked up the rabbit.

"There you are! Do you know how much trouble you caused? Sophie is very upset." He shook the rabbit.

"Cute. Come on. We're running out of time."

They hurried back.

The door to the "private" office opened. An older teenage boy stepped out. He was a bit surprised to see people in the hall.

He turned back to the room. "I'll take that file back to the archive."

Peter smiled as he realized the boy was empty-handed. As he glanced into the office, he saw a man straightening the objects on his desk.

They hurried on.

Peter started chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"Why don't government men use bookmarks?"


"They prefer their pages bent over."

Kevin glanced back at the room. "You don't mean?"

Peter shrugged. "Just a thought. I didn't see anything."

"Well then it could have been the boy that was top dog."

"I like that better. I've always wished that some of these government people will get it in the end."

Kevin shook his head laughing. "Peter, sometimes you are too much."

They got back to the office. The crying was still going on. At least Sophie wasn't a screamer.

"Nick." Kevin gestured for him to come to the door. He handed Nick Mr. Bun Bun. "Do the honors."

Nick stared with surprise at the rabbit. "How?"

"We'll explain later. Make a little girl happy."

Nick turned into the room. He went up to Sophie.

"Look who has been found." He took the rabbit from behind his back.

"Mr. Bun Bun!" Sophie grabbed the rabbit and hugged it.

Mike and Meg were very relieved. "Where did you find it?"

Kevin explained. "In the stairway where we hopped up the steps."

Meg nodded knowingly. "That's why it fell out."

"But how?"

Peter blurted out. "Kevin remembered not seeing the ears sticking out of the knapsack after that."

Mike shook Kevin's and Nick's hands. "Thank you so much. That rabbit means so much to her."

"I'm glad we could help." Kevin said eyeing Peter.

"Gosh, look at the time. We have to be going. Thanks, again."

"I'll show you out." Mrs. Baxter held the door.

"Bye-bye, Sophie."

Happy again, she was busy chewing on Mr. Bun Bun's ear. She just waved.

Meg took the knapsack. "A big thank you from me. You saved my life."

"No problem." Kevin gave her a hug. The others followed suit.

Nick was the last. "You are a wonderful sister. You look after Sophie so well. Keep it up." Nick gave Meg a kiss on the cheek.

Meg was beet red and glowing as they left the office.

"Okay, you two." AJ turned to Kevin and Peter. "When we get back to the car you have some explaining to do."

"That's all there was to it." Peter finished.

"All there was? Listen to Mr. Humble here." AJ said. "It was such a joy to see those two girls happy again. It wouldn't have happened without his help and he just shrugs it off and then gives us the credit."

Brian nodded. "You must be a real help to NYSNC. I'm envious."

"I don't suppose they would want to share you?" asked Howie.

"You'd have to talk that over with Justin."

"I mean his mental abilities, Nick."

"Oh, I wouldn't put anything passed you." Brian grinned.

"Gees, it's like having two Chrises." Peter said.

"Hey, there's no need to get nasty." Nick replied.

Peter smiled. "Isn't that what you were suggesting? Doing the nasty?"

"He's got you there." AJ laughed. "I wish we had a longer time with you, Peter."

"Well, there's always Orlando."

"You're going back with NSYNC?"

"Yep, as long as Justin can stand me."

Nick looked serious. "I still don't know how you can stand Mr. Ego."


Nick reacted. "Okay, Justin is a great guy and I like him, but there are sometimes his feet never get sunburned because of the shadow cast by his head."

"Nick, not in front of Peter."

Peter smiled. "Its okay. Nick hasn't seen Justin lately."

AJ looked displeased. "He's hardly seen Justin at all. He's just perpetuating rumors."

"I saw him with Britney yesterday. They seemed all lovey-dovey."

"Nick, do you have to twist the knife?"

"Howie, its okay." Peter said firmly. "Britney surprised Justin. He snapped back into the old mode. He is different now. You can trust me on that."

Kevin stressed the point. "I talked to him. He has changed. I mean it's obvious. That first night with Peter and Justin's ego was deflated. Justin had lots of help building that ego. It wasn't all his fault."

"Exactly." Peter added.

Brian started laughing.

Howie rolled his eyes. "Oh, now what."

"Justin's swelled head has been popped..." Brian still laughed. "And all it took...all it took was..." He finally managed to get it out. "One prick from Peter."

Nick and Brian fell together laughing.

"That's not funny!" Howie said trying hard not to join in.

"Yes, it is," said Peter chuckling.

The rest all burst out laughing.

JC and Lance were back at their room. JC shut the door behind them.

"Thank god, that's over."

"Well, now we know why Britney was acting the way she was." Lance said. "Do you think she will ever stop trying to get Justin to go solo?"

"Once she realizes that Justin's wedding picture doesn't have her in it she might."

"She still thinks that Justin and her are a couple?"

"They've been friends for a long time. Sometimes it just seems inevitable."

"That's why she doesn't want to believe about Justin and Peter."

"Probably. Now I'm really sorry for Justin. He gets the nerve up to come out to her and she doesn't believe him."

"That must be why she hasn't really talked to Justin or Peter."

"She's trying to keep her dreams alive by ignoring the truth."

"Well, he is BI. She might still think she has a chance."

JC looked serious. "Lance, I will pay you not to ever suggest that to Britney."

"She'll figure it out by herself."

"God, I hope not. Justin will be fighting off Britney his whole life."

They went into the bedroom.

JC flopped onto the bed. "I'm just exhausted. A nap will do me good."

"JC, you should get undressed."

"Sorry. I am too tired."

Lance heaved a fake sigh. "All right, I'll help you." He pulled JC into a sitting position. He loosened JC's shirt.

"Thanks, love."

Lance pulled off the shirt. JC flopped back on the bed.

"JC, you're not helping."

"I thought you were helping me."

Lance pulled off JC's shoes and socks.

"Well, you could help me help you."

"Sounds too complicated." JC said sleepily.

Lance dropped the socks to the floor. He started undoing JC's pants. JC slapped Lance's hands.


"Too tired to get undressed but not too tired to joke, huh."

"Never too tired to joke."

Lance struggled to get JC's pants down off his waist.

"Raise you butt, love. I can't get your pants off when you sitting on them."

JC made a feeble attempt. He was teasing Lance again. Lance gave JC's ass a good pinch.

"Ouch!" JC lifted off the bed. With one quick movement Lance pulled JC's pants down.

"That hurt!"

"Necessity is the mother of invention." Lance pulled the pants off.

"That was a mother of a pinch. I'll be black and blue."

"Oh, come on. I'm the one with the low tolerance for pain."

JC rolled over and lowered his underwear. He looked over his shoulder. "I can't see it."

"It's just a little red." Lance gentle patted JC's ass. JC rolled on his back again.

"I don't trust you." He said in a fake huff.

"I'm sorry."

JC turned away.

"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything."

JC turned back. "Anything?"


"Would you kiss it and make it better?"

Lance raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were tired."

"Let's just say I was rudely jarred from my drowsiness."

"Or we could say with you sex will do in a pinch."

"Just for that." JC grabbed Lance's arm and pulled him onto the bed on top of himself.

Lance guarded his ass with his hands. "Please, JC, you know I hate pain."

JC rolled on top of Lance. He sat up. "It's not pain I had in mind." JC began to tickle Lance.

"No, please, JC. Don't." Lance squirmed under JC's attack. "JC, please, stop."

It was all that Lance could get out during the bouts of laughter. JC soon stopped. He knew that Lance didn't like being tickled, but the chance to see Lance laughing so was hard to resist. JC knew to Lance tickling was a sort of torture even it if did seem a pleasant one. JC always kept the bouts short.

JC sat astride Lance both were panting. They gazed into each other's eyes. Leaning toward each other their lips met and pressed together. They held the kiss.

JC moved off of Lance and pulled him into a sitting position. He pulled off Lance's shirt. Lance kicked off his shoes. JC undid Lance's pants. Lance raised himself high off the bed so JC could pull off his pants.

Soon they rolled together naked on the bed. They pulled away from a kiss.

"What about your hobby?" asked Lance.

"It can wait. It is just a hobby." JC held Lance's face in his hand. "You are my life."

Lance pressed back hard against JC's lips. His hands slid across the muscles in JC's back. Their passions took over.

A few minutes ago JC was exhausted. Now the blood coursed through his veins. He could see Lance's beautiful green eyes, feel his hands caress his body, those sweet lips kissing him and Lance's hard cock pressed against him.

JC gazed into Lance's eyes. He looked back into JC's brilliant blue. Lance ran his hand across JC's cheek.

JC licked the tip of Lance's nose. Then he went to his chin, down his throat to his chest. He swirled about each nipple for a while, then down to the stomach. JC couldn't resist. He pressed his mouth against Lance's stomach and exhaled hard. The raspberry caused Lance to giggle and wiggle from the tickling vibrations. One more raspberry and JC went lower.

Lance's lance stood up proud and hard. JC flicked his tongue about the tip. Lance's body twitched. Next JC moved down to the balls. Taking each one in turn into his mouth. He prodded them lovingly with his tongue. Lance moaned softly. JC licked his way up the underside of the cock until he reached the tip. He hovered there for an instant, then swallowed Lance's cock.

Lance's head tilted back. "Oh, JC!"

JC reached the bottom and pulled back. His tongue flicking across the sensitive flesh. Once at the tip he descended again. JC loved the feel of the mushroom head slipping into his throat. The veins and contours of Lance's cock felt so pronounced to his tongue.

Lance moaned as the sensations went through him. JC's mouth was so wet and warm. He could feel this cock getting harder at JC' effort. He looked down to see JC blue eyes gazing at him. He pulled JC up to him. Lance kissed JC tenderly. Their tongues darted around each other. Then he released JC to continue his work.

JC took Lance's cock into his mouth again. He loved watching Lance's reactions as he sucked him. JC was struck by a thought. He pulled off Lance's cock.

Much to Lance's surprise JC started chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"I just realized that I am playing you like an instrument. With my mouth and tongue on your cock I can get you to react. I push here and you tremble. I prod there and you moan. As I suck your cock you response is a kind of music. It may not have a keyboard but the penis is truly an organ."

"Then go back to what you were playing. I love it."

JC swallowed Lance again. He ran his tongue along the cock's shaft.

Lance gasped. "JC, you are a great organist."

JC used his hand to stroke the base of Lance's cock. His hand followed his mouth's movements. He could feel Lance's cock throbbing in his hand and mouth.

Lance's eyes were closed. He concentrated on the pleasures surging through his body. His mouth dropped open and he started whimpering.

JC knew it was time to speed up the pace. He plunged on and off Lance's cock faster and faster. The whimpers became "ohs". JC reached up and caressed Lance's chest playfully pinching the nipples.

"Oh, JC, yes!"

Lance took JC's hand, but instead of sucking a finger he began to lick his palm.

JC, turned on by this new feeling, doubled his efforts. He tightened his lips around the cock. His tongue flicked and prodded. Lance gently took JC by the back of his neck. Lance's hips joined the rhythm. JC stopped his sucking to let Lance fuck his face.

"Yes, oh, god, yes! It feels so good!"

Lance's hands left JC. He began to pinch his own nipples. JC knew the climax was close. He swallowed Lance's cock eagerly awaiting the eruption.

"Oh, JC, I love this. I love you. JC, I'm cumming!"

One more thrust of the hips. JC went down on the cock. They met in the middle as Lance shot off.

JC's mouth was flooded with cum. He swallowed quickly. Lance's cock twitched and throbbed in his mouth. JC managed to open his eyes. Lance shuttered on the bed his body was wracked by the orgasm. JC took hold of Lance's ass and pushed him upward thrusting his cock deep into his mouth.


The shots of cum abated. Lance began to relax. JC let Lance back down on the bed. He sucked a few more times. Lance shook at each stroke. Then he reached down and took JC by the chin. He brought him up to him. Lance pressed his lips against JC's. He ran his fingers through JC's hair. Lance pulled back.

"You make me feel so good, JC."

"You make me want to." JC ran his hand over Lance's cheek. "I love to see you this way." They kissed again.

Lance smiled. "I believe I was supposed to make something feel better?"

JC grinned. He rolled over onto his stomach. "Am I black and blue?"

"No." Lance began kissing JC's ass cheeks all over. "Just pink." He kissed more. "And round." More kissing. "And so sexy." Lance kissed the red spot. JC didn't flinch. "Did that hurt?"

"No." JC answered.

"Good, then I made it better."

"Now that you made it better, make me feel better."

Lance parted JC's butt cheeks. He buried his tongue into the crack.

JC's head snapped back. "Yeah, Lance. Lick that ass."

Lance didn't have to be told. JC's ass always turned him on. He never admitted it to the guys, but one of the reasons he had such trouble learning the dance steps was that JC distracted him especially his ass. And Lance didn't know it, but JC sometimes selected pants just to drive Lance crazy.

Now Lance was going crazy on JC's ass. JC lay there feeling Lance's probing tongue. When it hit just the right place a surge of joy washed through him. He wished there were a mirror. He'd love to see Lance's face nuzzling between his ass cheeks. Lance's tongue hit the spot again. JC clutched at the pillows.

"Lance, that feels so good. Do you like eating my ass?"

"Yes," replied Lance who quickly plunged back. After a few more probes with his tongue Lance sat up.

"You have the cutest ass. I should pinch it more often."

JC rolled over. "You will not."

"Why not? The end justifies the means." Lance grinned.

"Oh, Lance." JC groaned. He took his cock and waved it in the air. "Here, Lance, let's give your mouth something better to do."

Lance smiled then dove onto JC's cock.

JC gasped as his cock slid completely into Lance's throat. "Lance, don't hurt yourself."

"Ugh-huh," came the muffled reply. Back to the tip then down to the base. Lance was relishing sucking JC's cock. He took JC's balls into his mouth. He sucked and prodded them. Then he returned his attention to the shaft.

JC watched Lance's efforts. He ran his hands over his chest playing and squeezing his nipples. Lance always did a great job on his cock. Lance would glance up at him from time to time. His green eyes glinting with pure joy.

Lance buried his nose into JC's pubic hair. He held the cock in his throat. He held it. He held it.

"Oh, fuck!"

Lance pulled back. JC was trembling with pleasure. He grinned up and JC.

"Lance, I maybe a musician. But you are a maestro."



Lance swallowed JC again.

Lance's throat squeezed JC's cock's head. Pulses of pleasure like electricity surge through JC.

Lance pulled back. "Now for the finale. Lance Bass's Tongue and Fugue."

He took JC's cock whole. As he pulled back Lance wrapped his hand around the base. He sped up the strokes faster and faster. Soon his was at a rapid pace.

JC clutched the sheets. Lance maintained the a fast pace. He was pushing JC closer and closer. JC felt the surges flashing through his body.

Lance pulled back to catch his breath. His hand kept up the rhythm.

JC lay there flushed with pleasure.

"Lance, I..." JC's mouth fell open. "Oh, I..." JC could say nothing else.

Lance's mouth rejoined his hand.

The climax was on JC before he knew it.

JC's head snapped left then right. Then the surge hit. His torso lifted from the bed. "Oh, my..." it turned into a strangled groan.

His cock exploded in Lance's mouth. Lance eagerly swallowed the hot cum. JC shook and twitched on the bed. Lance kept up the rapid pace. Jolts of pleasure darted through JC's body. His mouth opened and closed but no sound came. Slowly the climax was spent. Lance slowed his pace then stopped. JC lay panting on the bed.

Lance moved up to JC. JC was panting too heavily to kiss.

"Did you like that?"

"Bra...vo." JC panted. "Wow."

His breathing relaxed. He pulled Lance to him. It was a long and passionate kiss. They sat back.

"Are you exhausted again?" asked Lance.

"Yes. Now I really need some sleep."

"I'm glad. Now you're back to where you were before that pinch." Lance pulled JC to him. He lay JC's head on his chest. "Then sleep, lover." Lance gently ran his fingers through JC's hair.

JC signed. "Lance, we are so lucky."

"Yes, we are."

"We're doing what we love for fans that love us. And here I am in the arms of the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with."


JC raised his head. "Ditto? Was that the best you could come up with?"

"And they lived happily ever after?"

"That's better." JC lay back.

"Well, we'll see."

JC's head popped back up. "What did you mean by that?"

"I mean all will be great after the wedding."

"Are you expecting some trouble?"

"In traditional weddings there are things the bride's family does and some things the groom's family does."


"I'm waiting for our mothers to ask the question."

"What question?"

"Never mind. Let's just consider me as the bride. It is the logical choice."

"What makes you say that?"

"I know what people say about me. Besides, you did propose to me."

JC moved until they were face to face. "Lance, you are not the feminine one in this relationship. We have no set roles."

"But people already figure that I am the bottom."

JC put his fingers on Lance's lips. "Lance, please. We're over that. We share everything equally now. I like it this way."

Lance smiled. "So do I. It's just that people say..."

"Don't listen to what people say. Listen to what I say. This wedding has two grooms, two big butch masculine grooms. Got that?"

Lance lowered his voice. "Okay. Two big butch masculine grooms, I got it." He playfully slugged JC's shoulder.

"Ow." JC rubbed his shoulder.

Their eyes met. They burst out laughing.

"Would you believe two brides?"

JC put his head back on Lance's chest.

"Tell you what, JC. Since it is a non-traditional wedding our parents will have to come up with new ways of dealing with it. I mean we don't need a bridal shower."

"And the bachelor party is right out."

There was a pause.

"JC?" Lance said softly.


"I actually getting nervous."

"So am I. I hate to see what our mothers have planned. Probably powder blue tuxes with pink flowers."

"Or the other way 'round."

They both shuddered.

There was silence.

"I love you, Lance."

Lance kissed JC's forehead. "I love you, too. Now go to sleep."

They both shut their eyes.

Peter followed Backstreet to the elevators in the underground garage of the hotel.

"Thanks again, guys. This was a blast. Those last two mansions were fantastic."

AJ put his hand on Peter's shoulder as he shook the other one. "We're glad you had fun. It was nice getting to know you."

"I still think I should put in something for lunch."

"Will you drop it." Brian said. "Consider it your consultant fee for helping Kevin here. Of course, the real therapist won't be so cheap. But that's coming from Kevin's pocket."

Peter turned to Kevin.

"I just want to make sure there is no residual from Kirk now that I can talk about it."

Peter put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "That's a very good idea."

The elevator arrived. They walked through the open doors.

"Floors, please." Nick pressed the button for their floor.

"Lobby, please." Peter said.

The doors closed.

"I want to pick something up for Justin. Just to let him know I didn't turn traitor."

Nick grinned. "He will if you buy him something. Justin will think you're making up for something you did."

Peter watched the floor indicator light up as they passed the basement floors. "Nick, you are such a romantic."

Nick smiled. "Thanks."

Peter turned to him. "But..."

AJ shook his head. "Skip it. Blond, you know."

"Look who's talking. All that tattoo ink has effected to your brain."

"Leave it, you two." Howie said. "Let's end on a happy note."

The doors opened. Peter stepped out of the elevator.

"Thanks, again. It's been fun."

"Remember we're going to hook up after you get to Orlando."

"You got it, AJ."

The doors started to close.

"Wait a minute!"

Brian stopped the door.

Kevin and Howie pushed passed.

"We'll join you later. We have to ask Peter something."

The doors closed.

"Are you working at the concert tonight?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, why? Do you want me to get you tickets?" Peter teased.

"We have tickets." Kevin said.

"Really? But if people see you?"

Howie smiled. "It doesn't matter to us. But we do have one of the suites. Would you like to join us?"

"Well, I do have my job."

"See if you can get away. We'll critique the concert as gay men."

Peter was wavering.

"Besides," Kevin added. "We haven't had a moment to talk gay stuff. It will be just us three. What do you say?"

"Okay, I check if I can get away."

Kevin handed Peter a ticket.

"I don't need this."

"So you know what suite we're in."


"We'd hate to have you waste time floating from suite to suite."

Another elevator arrived. Kevin and Howie got in.

"Oh, and Peter, bring your body with you."

"I will."

"Good, meet us there when you can."

The doors started to close. Peter saw Kevin and Howie notice something behind him. They looked alarmed.

"Peter, run!" The doors closed.


"Excuse me, Peter?"

Peter turned around. Britney!

"I've been dying to meet you. The guys have told me so much about you. Could I have a word with you?" Britney pointed to a couple of chairs along the wall of the lobby. "Over there?"

Peter spotted a more secluded area. "How about over there?"

Britney noticed it was more out of the way. "Perfect."

They walked over and sat down.

Britney could see that Peter was nervous. Maybe this wasn't going to be difficult after all.

"I want you never see Justin again. I'll make it worth your wile."

Peter gaped.

Britney laughed. "That's what you thought I would say, isn't it." She smiled. "I really just want to get to know you a bit. You have made quite an impression on the guys not to mention Justin."

Peter tried to calm his nerves. "NSYNC has been very nice to me. They've really helped me."

"I'll bet."

Peter bristled. "I hope you don't mean money. I haven't taken a cent from anyone. And that goes for Justin as well. All you have to do is ask him."

"I'm sure that's not necessary." So Peter had a spark in him. "When did you meet NSYNC?"

"It started with JC's rescue. I was a guest for the weekend the next time they came to town. Most of the time I just hung out with JC and Lance."

"That was during this visit that the attack happened?"

"Yeah. It was really wonderful the way the guys rallied around me especially Justin. It really helped me get over it."

"I'm assuming that's when you and Justin..."

"Yeah. I never expected it to be with Justin. But it happened."

"And you fell in love with him?"

Peter noticed that Britney was choosing her words very carefully. There was an emphasis on him and a reluctance to mention Justin and never the sex act.

"I know what you'd think. It was my first time so of course I'd think it was love. But it is more than that."

"Your first time?" Britney's mind reeled. This wasn't following any plot she had thought out. She recovered herself. She shook her head knowingly. "Then it must have been Justin's curiosity that caused the whole thing."

"That's how it started. But it quickly went beyond that."

"So now Justin is in love with you." Britney had an edge to her voice.

Now they were getting to it. Peter changed tack. "Ask him."


"I can only go by what he has said and done. If you want to know for sure if he loves me you'll have to ask Justin."

"Justin and I have talked about this. I wanted to know your thoughts."

"Excuse me, Ms. Spears." Peter felt uncomfortable calling her Britney. "But that's not the case."

"How would you know?" Britney relaxed. "Oh, of course, your mental gifts. I was told about that. You can tell things about people."


"Tell me about myself. I'd like to know what you see."

Peter took a breath. "You are a very formable woman. You know what you want and you go get it. That's because you've had to rely on yourself throughout your career."

"I like it so far."

"That is also why you envy Justin."

"Envy him? Why?"

"He's always had the guys to rely on. They've supported each other throughout their career. I think you might even be a bit jealous of them because of that. Then there's all the time Justin and the guys spend together."

Britney didn't say anything.

"Justin will fit so nicely into your career. Between his solo career he'd write the songs and do the backup vocals with you the singer/entertainer. Then add the angle of childhood friends who've made it big and who are in love. It's a perfect ending. You'd be media darlings adored by millions."

"Sounds perfect to me."

"How does it sound to Justin?"

"He'll love it."

Peter didn't say a word. He just looked at Britney.

Britney knew the point Peter was making. Justin had never really went for the idea of them being together. But she would convince him. Peter was right. She'd get what she wanted. Peter, however, was a snag.

"But then there's you. Even if I did believe for a moment that Justin loved you, you are still bad for his image. Don't you see the damage you could cause? I will not let you or anyone else ruin Justin's career."

"I don't plan to ruin anything. I am content to keep on the sidelines.

"I have never met anyone like you. You're not in it for Justin's can do for you, you don't care about being on the edge his fame and you're not out to ruin him. Why are you doing this?"

"I thought it was obvious. But you don't want to even say it. Do you? It makes the world go round." Peter realized he was being smug. He fought back the urge.

"I'm not opposed to fighting for Justin."

"Then you'll win." Peter said quietly. "I won't fight over Justin. It would be hard on him. But I will fight for anything if it was the best for Justin."

"Then leave him."


Britney smiled. Victory.

"When Justin tells me to. Only when I hear it from him then I will leave."

Britney was frustrated.

"Can I tell you what I have discovered about Justin?"

Britney gave up. "What?"

"Justin is indeed a talented person. He'll do very well at whatever he chooses to do. But no one has given him the chance to choose for himself."

Britney felt a twinge of truth.

"Everyone around Justin has their own idea of what he can do, what he can accomplish and what direction he should go. Can you imagine what it must be like trying to make all of these people happy? Justin's public and friends are very important to him."

"Yeah. He tries not to show it, but it disturbs him when he seems to let people down. He is so dedicated to his fans."

"And he also really cares about what you think of him. Your friendship and support are very important to him."

Britney sat stunned. She hadn't expected Peter to say this.

"I wish you would trust me. I will do everything in my power not to jeopardize Justin's public image. I care about Justin too much." Peter sat forward. "I know you think I have some sort of mental influence over Justin, but I don't. Unless it's that I am in love with Justin not Justin Timberlake. He has no expectations to live up to with me. He can be himself."

"Then you are dangerous to him. He needs to be pushed in order to further his career."

"I think Justin has a good grip on his career."

Britney looked hard at Peter. "And if he looses it what then?"

"I'll still be there for him. I don't care about Justin's fame or money."

Britney snorted. "That's what they all say."

"And what will you do when Justin's or your career is over?"

Britney tried to answer but remained silent. The thought had never occurred to her.

Peter stood up. "I guess that's the difference between our love for Justin."

"It can't last, you know. Justin won't be yours forever."

"Maybe not. People change. And you may be able win Justin over. But I have one thing that no one can never take from me and what you can never know yourself."

"What's that?"

"The warmth and tenderness of Justin's hospitality." Peter bowed. "If you will excuse me. Have a good night, Ms. Spears."

Peter headed for the gift shop.

Britney sat thinking. This was nothing like what she had expected. Peter wasn't either. There was only one place left to go for some answers. She had put it off long enough.

Justin opened the door.

"I am just about to leave." Britney said. "I wanted to say good-bye."

"Good-bye." Justin turned away from the door.

"Justin, please." Britney came in closing the door behind her. "I know you're upset at what I did. I kept you away from the guys. I even tried to turn you against them. I wanted you to really think about a solo career. They always talk you out of it so I wanted to distance you from them. I was wrong and I'm sorry."

Justin sat down on the couch. "I guess it's all right. Nothing came of it." He stared at the floor. "But I wish you'd stop with your schemes."

"I did get to talk to Peter by the way."


"Yeah. Okay, he isn't the parasite I thought he might be. But he is different. When he left he said the strangest thing. He said that there was one thing I could never experience. Your hospitality."

Justin smiled. A nice way to say, I know what it is to fuck Justin and you never will.

Britney sat down next to Justin. "I don't hate Peter, Justin. He's seems a very nice person. I just don't think he is good for your image."

Justin looked up. "How come you've never asked me to do a duet with you?"


"If I have such talent, how come you only use me for back-up vocals?"

"Gees, Justin. It's obvious, isn't it?"

"Not to me."

"It's just that it's my album. People buy my albums to hear me."

Justin turned back to the floor. "Thanks, now I understand."

"Peter really has an influence over you doesn't he?"

"I love him, Brit."

She patted Justin's hand. "I understand."

"No, you don't. I mean I really love him."

"Justin, stop it. You can't really love him. You're not gay."

"I'm BI remember."

"You still want to believe that?"

"Brit, I've had sex with Peter."

She patted his hand, again. "I know. But, just because he," she looked for the right word, "serviced you doesn't make you BI. Its called trade."

"Oh, we've traded all right."

"I know that you'd never do anything like that. You're just upset. You'll say anything."

"Peter told you that you'd never experience my hospitality."

"Yes. It is so stupid. I've been to your house lots of times."

"Peter said that sex is the ultimate hospitality. You're actually inviting someone into your body." Justin looked at Britney. "Don't you get it? Peter has known my hospitality."

Britney looked shocked. "You went down him?"

Justin shook his head in exasperation. "Not just that." Justin turned and took Britney's hands. He made sure he had Britney's attention. "He did me."

Britney pulled away. "No. You're just saying that. You'd never allow that. You're too much of a man to let him do that to you."

"Its true. In fact, I wanted him to. I wanted to find out what it felt like."

Britney stood up turning her back to Justin. "I'm not hearing this." She turned back. "He's done this to you. He's corrupted you. Dump him, Justin, before it's too late."

"Never! I love him."

"It's his mental influence over you. It has to be!" A thought struck her. "How many times?"


"Don't you see, if it was just a couple of times it was just your curiosity. You're not gay at all."

"Damn it, Brit. I am BI. I'm in love with Peter and he loves me."

"It's not true." She covered her ears. "I won't believe it!"

He got up and pulled her hands away. "Britney, face the facts."

"Shut up! I know you, Justin. You'd never do something so unmanly. It's unnatural for you."

Justin lost it. He took Britney firmly by the shoulders. "Look at me! I let Peter fuck me. I wanted him to. I seduced him for that reason. And you know what? It feels good. I love it when Peter does it to me."

"Stop it, Justin." Britney tried to break free. She didn't want to hear this. Justin kept a firm grip. Britney was going to realize the truth.

"And you know what else? I did go down on him. Yep, Justin Timberlake is a cocksucker. I like doing that, too. And, if I can judge from Peter, I'm good at it."

"Justin, please!" Britney broke away.

"You've always said I should go after what I wanted and I did. I seduced Peter to get what I wanted. You would have been proud of me. I was so aggressive I really took charge. That was until I realized how gentle and caring Peter was treating me. I seduced him but he still wanted to make it special for me just as man."

He let go of his anger. He steadied his voice. "Peter and I are in love. If you can't except that then you'd better go." Justin sat down.

Britney just stood there looking at him. For the first time Britney couldn't come up with any excuses. Her dreams about Justin were crumbling around her. As much as she hated to admit it what Justin was feeling she couldn't do anything about. Hesitatingly she stepped closer. "If it is true, what about your career? If this ever got out."

Justin sighed. "My career and my image, aren't you interested in anything else?"

"Of course, I love you. We've known each other for a long time."

Justin looked up. "How about me? Don't you care about what I want?"

"Sure I do."

"Then why is it so hard for you to see that Peter is what I want. He really loves me, Brit. Peter left everything, his job, his friends and his home to be with me. What do I do? Because I am afraid of what you may think, I completely ignore him. But he doesn't go home. He stays because just being around me is enough for him." There was pain in Justin's voice. "I haven't been able to apologize to him. He doesn't know how sorry I am for how I treated him."

Britney slowly walked toward the door.


She turned back. "I don't know you anymore, Justin."

"But, Brit I'm still..."

She raised her hand. "Don't say anything." She paused. "Once you were so keen to make in big in the music industry. Nothing would stand in your way. You had the talent and the vision. And now it's gone. All because of Peter."

"He's not to blame. I am. I could never make it singing my own. But with the guys its our combined talents that make it work."

"Is that what you learned from Peter?"

"No. That's what I learned from myself. We're different you and I. You have always made it on your own. I have always known the guys."

Justin got off the couch and walked to Britney.

"I can never live up to the expectations of what other people want me to be. Peter loves me for me and nothing else. That's why I am so happy with him. For once I can just be me and not pop idol Justin Timberlake."

"Then the Justin I knew is gone. And the man that is standing before me is a fool. I can't stand being around fools."

Britney opened the door and left.

Justin stared at the closed door. He made a little wave.

"Bye, bye, bye, Britney."

He sat down on the couch.

There was a knock on the door. Maybe Britney had changed her mind.

Justin pulled open the door. It was JC and Lance. He let them in.

"Well, well, if it isn't the cavalry. I'm afraid you missed the battle. It was a complete slaughter."

"Justin, what's happened? There was one loud thud on our door. When we opened it all we saw was Britney storming down the hall."

"She was just venting her frustration. I think she sort of blames you for me being BI."

"That's stupid," snapped Lance.

"Well, you did get things rolling when I overheard you two doing the nasty."

"But we didn't make you BI. That's a myth. Britney knows better."

"Well, she's not thinking too straight right now." Justin managed a little laugh. "Chris would love that line."

"Justin?" JC was worried.

"You should be happy, JC. Britney finally accepted the truth about Peter and me. She isn't completely happy about the idea. It seems her Justin Timberlake doesn't suck cock and he definitely doesn't let another man fuck him up the ass. It's so unmanly." Justin was fighting to maintain he composure. "So as far as she is concerned Justin is gone and the man standing here is a fool."

JC and Lance put their arms around Justin.

"You know what? I totally agree with her. I am a fool."

Lance protested. "Justin, you are no such thing."

"I treated Peter like shit because I was afraid of what Britney would think and now I've lost them both." Justin buried his face in JC's shoulder. "I'm a goddamn fool."

"I agree you are a fool."

Justin looked up surprised at JC.

JC looked Justin in the eye. "You've lost no one. Britney will come around. But you're a bigger fool if you believe you've lost Peter. He went with Backstreet partially because he knew Britney would be with us and he knew it would be awkward. It wasn't just to spite you."

Justin nodded. "I miss him."

JC pulled Justin to him. "You'll see him at the concert or at least after. Be patient."

"Thank you, you guys. Could you stay for a bit? I could use the company."

JC and Lance stood with their arms wrapped around Justin.

Justin was getting anxious. He looked away from the dressing room mirror. "Has anyone seen Peter?"

"He should be around here someplace. I'll check." JC walked to the dressing room door. He talked to the bodyguard outside. After a few moments JC returned. "It seems he was called away to one of the suites."


"There are two celebrities here for the concert. I guess they wanted their own security with them in the suite."

"And they sent Peter? Come on, JC."

JC sighed. "Okay. It's Howie and Kevin."

Justin's already down mood sank farther.

JC put his arm around Justin.

"Stop being so hard on yourself. Peter still loves you. You know that. He's got a chance to be with some people he's admired and they're having fun."

"I know. It's just I want to apologize to him and the longer I wait..."

"Nonsense." Lance protested. "Peter cares a great deal about you."

"So did Britney, so I thought." Justin hung his head.

The guys rallied around Justin.

Joey tried to be encouraging. "Britney's down but she's not out. She just has to adjust her plans for you a bit. She'll be back."

"And you'll always have us." Chris put his hand on Justin's shoulder.

Justin looked up at the guys. They smiled down at him.

Justin buried his face in his hands. "I'm doomed!"

Chris slapped Justin's back. "Stop that."

They all broke into laughter.

JC patted Justin's shoulder. "That's better. Come on, we've got a show to do."

They took their costumes and started to get dressed.

Justin pulled on his coat. "What the hell?" Justin was fumbling with his sleeve. "There's something in here." He pulled out a long slim package.

Lance moved beside Justin. "What is it?"

Justin undid the plastic wrap. One glimpse at what was inside and Justin had to sit down. It was a red rose.

"Did a fan get in here?" asked Joey.

"It's from Peter." Justin barely managed to get out.

The card fell on the floor. JC picked it up.

"Read it," said Justin.

"Sorry to delay our reunion. Absence makes the heart grow fonder," JC read. "If you believe that bullshit. Until tonight. More fondly than ever, P."

"What is he fondling?" Chris asked.

Lance hugged Justin. "What did we tell you?"

Justin smiled. "Yeah, you were right."

"Now do you feel better?" JC asked.


Justin took a bottle of water he hadn't finished yet. He used it for a vase. Justin looked at himself in the mirror. Peter still loved him. How lucky could he get? He would make it up to Peter after the concert. Justin began to hum. He continued dressing.

Lance lowered his voice. "JC, Peter sure is spending a lot of time Backstreet. Especially Howie and Kevin."

"It makes a change talking to new gay people."

"I suppose so."

"Lance?" JC raised an eyebrow.

"You don't think there's an ulterior motive? I mean after all that talk of sex with..."

"Lance, don't you dare! Turn off the worry machine, please. Justin is back to being happy again. Enjoy it."

"You're right."

"We've known Peter from the beginning. Remember that first night he spent with us? Was there any hanky panky?"

"No. Not even a thought about sex."

"Now can you really see Peter cheating on Justin?"

Lance chuckled. "Not in your life. I'm sorry. I am such a worry wart."

JC took Lance's hand. "That's okay. You make my life more interesting that way. Let's just be thankful that things are back to normal."

JC gave Lance a quick kiss.

They got ready for the concert.

End Part 21.

I try to make these parts shorter, but they seem to be getting longer. This bit of the plot keeps expanding. I've had to move the ending (only to this plot bit not the story) on to the next part twice already. I should get there the next part. Plus I had a hard time trying to decide where to end this part. I keep writing and forget I have to feed you hungry readers. I hope it was palatable. As always for comments.

I wanted to post this on the one-year anniversary of that very first part. But we lost power due to the snowstorm (Yep, you read right. Its April 27th and its still freaking snowing. Yay, Minnesota!) Anyhow when I posted that first part I never thought it would lead to this. And again, thank you for the 4 nominations on the Boy Bands Awards. I've got such a charge just being nominated. Thank you so much.

I have to get on to Part 22. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 22

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