Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 13, 2002


Welcome to Part 23.

Thanks to all the Authors who nominated "Astral Fan". It won the "Author's Choice - Novella". I'm partly stunned but very honored. I always try to put out a story that I at least enjoy with the hope that others will, too. It looks like I succeeded. Now I'm forcing my editor to work twice as hard. (Which kind of sucks because he is me.) I hear the orchestra starting to play. Time to get on with it.

This is a work to total and utter fiction. It in no way details the real life and sexual orientations of NSYNC so don't believe a word of it! There will be descriptions of gay sex. (It's an erotica site I have to. They'll beat me if I don't and I hate pain. At least someone gets laid. Note to editor: Remove that last line. Ha, fat chance. The Editor.) Where was I? Oh, yes. The gay sex. So if you are underage or find such things objectionable stop reading now! Yeah, I didn't think you would. On with the story.

JC emerged from the bathroom. "Your turn. The shower is free."

Lance was sitting on side of the bed with his head down.

"Lance, are you all right?"

Lance seemed startled. He didn't look up. "Yeah, sure. I'm fine."

JC sensed that something was bothering Lance. Lance had been dozing when JC had gone into the bathroom. What could have happened in so short of time? He stepped closer.

"Are you sure?"

Lance looked up. He had been crying. "Yeah, it was just a stupid dream."

"A dream?"

"Yeah," Lance's voice broke. "I dreamt that you left me."

JC sat down on the bed. He took Lance into his arms. "Lance, I love you. I'll never leave you. We'll always be together."

Lance looked up searching JC's face. "But if it is something that you can't help?"

"Like what?"

"Like..." Lance hesitated. He rested his head on JC's shoulder. Lance let the dread in his mind fall away. He was in JC's arms and he felt so safe.

"Tell me about the dream."

"Never mind. It was just a dream." Lance sat back and smiled. "I'm just worrying over nothing. You know me." He kissed JC. "I'd better get ready."

JC noticed Lance giving him a long hard look before he closed the bathroom door. How could a dream have upset Lance so?

Peter was already dressed when Justin walked from the bathroom. He, too, could sense that his lover was bothered about something. Peter stood in front of the mirror. He would adjust his collar then run his fingers through his hair then go back to his collar.

He walked up behind Peter and put his arms around him. "Okay, out with it."


"I may not be able to read people's auras like you, but you're troubled about something."

Peter dropped his arms to his sides. "It's about last night."

Justin lay his chin on Peter's shoulder. He looked at Peter's reflection. "Was I jealous of Kevin? Yes. Do I regret what we did? No. Did what we were doing turn me on? Hell, yes. Has there been a change in my love for you over what happened?" Justin turned Peter to face him. "Yes."

Peter's face fell. "I knew it."

Justin smiled. "It has only grown stronger. You love me so much that you want to share our love with the world. And especially to the ones who don't know such love." Justin put his hand on Peter's chin. "How could I be jealous of that?" Justin gave Peter a kiss. "But what was more important to me was that we did it together. You helped Kevin initially then we helped him after. I said that we make a great team."

"Justin, you are so wonderful."

Their lips met. After a moment they parted.

Peter ran his fingers lightly across Justin's cheek. "I'd better get to the bus and you had better get dressed."

Justin gave Peter one last parting peck and started to get dressed.

Peter left the room and headed for the bus.

Peter busied himself with getting the breakfast things ready. Justin was foremost on Peter's mind. He had found it touching when Justin described them as a 'team'. Maybe they would be together for a long time. Once they got settled in Orlando it would be easier to tell. More time with Justin and in a more relaxed atmosphere. Peter couldn't wait. Besides the idea of dropping everything and having sex whenever they felt like it or as long as they wanted was appealing.

Peter imagined himself in their new home making breakfast for Justin. Peter's subconscious flipped through the songs Peter knew. It found one that fit the occasion and popped it into Peter's mind. Peter found himself humming. Since he was alone Peter gave in and started singing the words as he arranged the doughnuts and bagels on a platter.

"My days are brighter than morning air,

Evergreen, pine and autumn blue

But all my days were twice as fair

If I could share my days with you."

Peter pulled the milk and juice out of the refrigerator.

"My nights are warmer than firecoals,

Incense and stars and smoke bamboo

But nights were warm beyond compare

If I could share my nights with you."

Peter walked around the counter to arrange the glasses.

"To dance in my dreams.

To shine when I need the sun.

With you to hold me when dreams are done.

And oh, my dearest love, if you will take my love

Then all my dreams are truly begun."

He put the knives next to the cream cheese, butter and jelly. Peter arranged the napkins.

"And time weaves ribbons of memory

To sweeten life when youth is through.

But I would need no memories there

If I could share my life with you."

"That's beautiful."

Peter turned around blushing. He was surprised to see all five of them standing there.

"How long have you been there? I didn't hear you come in."

"You were busy." JC smiled. "That is a sweet song."

"It's from 'Pippin'. Most people like 'Love Song' but I think 'With You' is more romantic. I always though it would be perfect for a wedding."

Lance liked what he had heard. "We missed a few verses. Do it again."

Peter shifted nervously.

JC chuckled. "You don't have to sing it. Just recite it."

Peter repeated the words. As he spoke JC and Lance kept exchanging glances.

Peter finished. "Is that wedding material or not?"

"I like it. What do you think, Lance?"

"I think it will be perfect. I can see our mother's crying already."

Peter grinned. "Really? It would sound so great with your harmonies."

"You forget two of us will be busy." Lance looked determined. "And I am not going to sing at my own wedding."

"I thought we would sing our vows." JC tried to look serious and not crack smile. Lance scowled. JC shrugged. "Or not." JC playfully nudged Lance.

Justin turned to Joey and Chris. "Maybe just a four part harmony will do it."

Peter was confused. "But there are only three of you."

Joey nodded. "He does have a good voice."

"Wait a minute. You don't mean."

Chris looked thoughtful. "It is for special occasion. I suppose we can humble ourselves to sing with..." He wrinkled his nose and looked Peter up and down. "An amateur."

Peter could barely believe what he was hearing. "You want me to sing with you at their wedding?"

"Unless you want to do it solo." Chris kidded.

"Well, I... I'm not sure."

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "We don't need an answer now. Think it over."

Peter nodded.

"Excuse me." Joey pushed passed them. "Some of us are hungry."

Peter gestured. "Dig in."

"Everything looks wonderful as usual."

"You don't have to keep doing this, Peter." Lance said. "We're used to eating out of boxes."

"Please, I like to. It makes me feel useful."

As Joey passed with a plate of food he leaned in to Peter. "You're going to make someone a wonderful wife someday."

"Joey!" Justin snapped.

"I'm sorry. I meant husband."

"That's not what I meant." Justin said. "Just stop with the marriage jokes. He's under enough pressure."

Joey tried to be dramatic. "Ah, but when there is marriage in the air everyone falls in love. That's amore'."

Chris grinned. "Then I'd be careful around Debbie. You'll have a ring on your finger in no time."

"Debbie?" Peter smiled. "Is this a new one?"

Justin shook his head. "Not really, Joey and Debbie have been E-mail dating for a while."

Chris typed on an imaginary keyboard. "What are you wearing? My Superman outfit. Oh, that's so hot."

Joey elbowed Chris. "Stop that. She's a real nice girl."

"Until you're done with her."

"Chris, stop it. Show some respect."

"Sorry, JC."

Lance changed the subject. "When will John be back?"

"He should be at the hotel when we get there."

Lance flashed his ring. "He doesn't know yet."

JC took Lance's hand. "And we want to ask him about coming out publicly."

Lance looked down. "Yeah, that, too."

JC took Lance's hesitation as nervousness. "It will be all right, Lance. You'll see."

Lance managed a smile and nodded.

"Look at me." Peter said. "My publicity with you hasn't caused me any real problems. Besides Bill that is."

"Ah-ah, that was before." Lance corrected.

"Just Dr. Dan," added Chris.

Joey tried to be supportive. "Letting the world know you're gay isn't going to kill you."

Lance suddenly went very pale. He stood up. "We are not going through with this."

"But, Lance." JC said. "You wanted to earlier."

"I don't care. I've changed my mind. It's not going to happen. Ever!" Lance rushed to the back of the bus.

They all looked puzzled at each other.

JC stood up. "I'll be right back."

Lance was sitting in the bench seat trembling. JC sat next to him.

Lance threw his arms around JC. "Please, JC, let's not do this."

"Why, Lance? What changed your mind?"

Lance was at the verge of tears. "I just don't want to that's all. Please don't make me explain." Lance sat back. He took JC's face in his hand. "We'll still be happy. We have each other and I love you. The public doesn't have to know the truth."

JC took Lance gently by his wrist and lowered his hand. "Lance, you've been different since this morning. What has happened?"

Lance looked at the floor.

"Please, tell me."

"You'll think I'm just imaging things."

"Lance, please. You're getting me worried."

"You're worried?"

"Lance, I can't stand to see you hurting."

Lance looked up into JC's blue eyes. He saw the care in them.

"JC, don't make me. I can't bear to even think about it."

JC took Lance's hands. "Get strength from me. Please, tell me."

JC was determined to know. Lance steeled himself. "This morning while you were in the shower I had this dream. At least I hope that's what it was."

"Go on."

"We were walking down the street arm in arm. It was a beautiful warm day just before twilight. People walking by would smile and say hello. I felt so happy. Everyone knew we were gay and they didn't care. We weren't hiding anymore. We just walked and walked. It didn't matter where as long as we were together. We stopped long enough to watch the sunset. Then we started back for home. You had your arm around me. The stars were just coming out and the moon was shining. It was so perfect and romantic. We didn't want to look away from each other." Lance voice changed. "That's why we didn't see them until they stepped in front of us."

Lance began to shake.

"There were three young men. I don't remember seeing their faces. They started calling us faggots and other names. They started pushing us. One of them knocked me to the ground. You went after him." Lance's voice broke. "You were fighting all of them so valiantly. But each time you would knock one down another one would get up and go at you. I couldn't move. I didn't know what to do I was so scared." The tears started. "Then suddenly they ran away. I looked for you." Lance was barely holding it in. "The first thing I saw was the blood."

JC took Lance into his arms.

"There was blood everywhere. I crawled to you and took you in my arms. I shouted for help, but there was no one around. You were so pale and weak. You said my name softly then..." Lance clutched JC to him.

JC rocked the sobbing Lance in his arms. "Sh."

It was sometime before Lance could find his voice. "I saw them kill you, JC. And I couldn't do anything about it. I just watched it happen."

"It's all right, Lance. It was just a nightmare."

Lance sat back. "How do you know? Peter said that since he has been projecting sometimes he has premonitions. What if this is one?"

"Peter has projected many more times than you." JC wiped the tears off Lance's cheeks. "This has to be a dream."

Lance face grew serious. "I am not going to take that chance. That's why I don't want to go public. I don't want you to die like that."


"I know it sounds silly, JC, but it is my decision. I'm sticking to it."

JC didn't know what to say. It was Lance's decision. But they could do so much if they did come out.

"Lance, will you do me one favor? Talk to Peter. If he has had premonitions before maybe he can tell if this is what you had or just a nightmare."

"JC, I don't see how he could."

"Please, Lance. Our coming out could be important to a lot of gay people. You knew that before. If after talking to Peter you still don't want to, I will stand by that. I promise."

Lance slowly nodded his head. "Okay. I guess I'd like to know if it was only a dream."

JC patted Lance's knee.

Lance managed a slight smile. "It would make my life less stressful if it was."


They looked up as JC came back.

JC took a deep breath. "Lance has been shaken by a dream he had this morning. It seems some gay bashers attacked us and I was stabbed while defending him. I died in his arms."

"Sweet Jesus." Justin shook his head.

"But it's just a nightmare. It's not real."

"Not to Lance, Chris." He turned to Peter. "Please talk to him."

"What can I do?"

"Lance thinks it may be a premonition. That's why he changed his mind. If we don't come out my life will be saved."

"That's stupid."

JC railed at Joey. "Lance is in there terrified that someday he'll see me murdered before his own eyes. You go tell him that's stupid."

"Sorry." Joey said softly.

JC relaxed. "No, Joey, I'm sorry. I apologize. When Lance gets upset, I get upset." JC turned. "Please, Peter."

"Okay," Peter stood up. "I'm not sure what I can do but I'll try."

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder as he passed him. "That's all that I am asking."

They smiled reassuringly at each other. Peter walked to the back of the bus.

Lance was still shaking a little when Peter walked in. Lance looked up.


Peter sat down next to Lance.

"JC has told us about," Peter searched for the right words. "What you saw this morning."

"I'm sorry. I know it sounds silly."

"No, not at all. You love JC. You're looking out for his welfare no matter what the possibility."

"Thank you. After what I saw it is hard to think straight."

Peter nudged Lance. "When have you ever done that?"

Lance smiled slightly.

"So, you think it might be a premonition?"

"It was so real." Lance looked pleading at Peter. "How can you tell the difference between that and a dream?"

"You just have a gut feeling if its real."

"Could you connect with me to see if my mind made this up?"

"No. Feelings are about all I can sense. And I already know how you feel about this."

Lance bowed his head. "Then I may never know for sure."

"Maybe you can find out yourself if it's real or not."

Lances head popped up. "Me? How?"

Peter got off the bench. "Lay down and try to relax."

Lance stretched out.

"Go over what you saw in your mind."

Lance sat up. "No, Peter, I don't want to think about it."

"Then just concentrate on the beginning." Lance lay back. "What were you doing?"

"We were walking together."

"Do you recognize the neighborhood or the people?"

"No. But I was so into JC I didn't really notice."

"Did the people seem to act normally?"

"They'd smile and say 'hello'. I was enjoying having them see me and JC together."

"And that's normal?"

Lance frowned. "It was at the time."

"What else did you do?"

Lance smiled. "We watched the sunset. Then we started back for home."

"Watched it from where?"

"We on a bench on a hill."

"Do you have a hill walking distance from your house?"

"No. But it could be we were traveling."

"What did this hill overlook?"

"I don't remember." Lance was getting frustrated. "Again, my attention was on JC."

"Did you take the same route back home?"

"This isn't working. I don't remember the details. I only had eyes for JC."

"Just relax, Lance. We'll go with that. How did JC look? Was he older?"

"No, he was just like he is now."

"Do you remember what he was wearing?"

"Just a plain shirt and jeans."

"You said that people smiled at you. Did you feel any unease about being so open about showing affection in public?"

"No. That's what I liked about it. We were no longer hiding. Why right before we were attacked we..." Lance sat up. "We were about to kiss." Lance turned to Peter. "In public!" Lance gave a huge sigh of relief. "It was only a dream. Thank, God!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I remember thinking as we were walking back home that this acceptance was too good to be true. Shortly after that we were attacked." Lance swung his legs over the edge of the bench. "I'm glad that's all cleared up."

Peter looked at Lance. "Do you want to talk about what still has you upset?"

"What does it matter it was just a dream?"

"Lance, did you forget? I can see it in your aura."

Lance glanced up like he might catch a glimpse.

"Its more than just what happened to JC, isn't it."

Lance clasped and unclasped his hands.


The words exploded out of Lance. "I just sat there. They knocked me to the ground and I just stayed there. I didn't do anything help JC."

Peter sat next to Lance. "Now I'm certain it was a dream."

Lance looked puzzled.

"As much as you love JC, I find it impossible to think that you would just sit there and do nothing. If someone attacked JC there would be no way of holding you back."

"I wish I agreed with you. I could never fight anybody. I'm not a violent person."

"That's what I always thought. But until you're put in that situation, you'll never know what you will do. I remember during the attack Bill had me by the collar I just thought if I didn't fight back he wouldn't hurt me as much. But when I was on the floor and he called you all fags something snapped. I looked up and saw an opening and before I knew it..." Peter punched the air. "Wham, right in the joy department." Peter lowered his arm. "I'd never hit anyone before. I can't explain why I even did. I've always heard it is better not to fight back."

"I don't know. I think he deserved it."

Peter acted shocked. "Lance, that's not a very Christian attitude."

Lance looked sheepish. "Sorry."

"No, don't you see. As much as you hate violence a part of you still realizes a time for it."

"Never. I am an official card carrying wimp."

"Oh, yeah?" Peter started tickling Lance.

"Peter, stop that." Lance giggled.

Peter continued. Lance tried to fend Peter off but Peter managed to keep ahead of him. Suddenly Lance knew this wasn't a joke.

JC listened. "Peter did it. I can hear Lance laughing. He's better."

Lance dropped to the floor. Peter stayed with him. Lance struggled to keep Peter fingers away from his stomach but Peter was too quick. This was getting too much for Lance to take. He couldn't catch his breath from laughing. Why was Peter doing this to him? Why didn't he stop? Peter was ticklish, too. He knew what it felt like. Tears flowed from Lance's eyes. He tried to protest but no words would come from his mouth. His lungs began to hurt. Lance was getting desperate. It was shear torture.

Peter moved to one side. Lance managed to pull his legs up to protect himself. Peter moved over them. Lance had had enough. Peter had given him an opportunity. He pushed back hard with his legs forcing Peter off of him. Peter thudded against the wall. He slipped to the floor. Lance rolled over gasping for breath.

They were both trying to get their breath back when the guys rushed in.

"What is going on in here?" JC helped Lance to his feet.

Lance pointed angrily at Peter. "He kept..." he gasped.

Joey helped Peter up. Peter had had the wind knock out of him.

"Peter, what were you doing?"

"Tickling me!" Lance spat. "He wouldn't stop."

JC turned shocked to Peter. "Is this true?"

Peter could only nod. He was still gasping for breath.

Justin stood there looking at Peter with disbelief.

JC held his arm around Lance. "Is this your idea of making Lance feel better? Peter, I don't know what to say. This isn't like you. Say something!"

"Give him a minute," Joey said. "He's got the wind knock out of him."

Chris was taking in the scene. "I didn't know that Lance had it in him."

Peter pointed at Chris. "That's why." He managed to say between breaths.

JC agreed with Chris. Lance had surprised him. He made a mental note not to tickle Lance again. He didn't want to end up against the bedroom wall. Peter finally got his breath back. He stood up only to find JC and Lance glaring at him. Justin didn't look too pleased himself.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Yeah." Peter turned to an angry Lance. "It seems the wimp is a fighter after all." He winced. "Ow, my back."

Lance looked bewildered for a moment. "You mean that's why you..."

"Pushed you to the edge. You wouldn't have believed it otherwise."

Lance stood there letting the truth sink in. He had done it. He had fought back. Another fear from the dream had crumbed away. A feeling of relief washed through Lance. Lance started laughing. The guys looked puzzled. Lance hugged Peter.

"You're right, I never would have believed it. Thank you. I owe you one."

"No problem. I am sorry how I..."

"Joey, Chris grab his arms. Justin and JC hold his legs."

Before Peter knew what had happening he was spread-eagled.

Lance slowly approached Peter. He wiggled his fingers. "I don't like leaving debts unpaid. No time like the present."

Peter looked worried. "Lance?"

"I'm just for starts. Come on guys."

Peter's laughter burst from the back of the bus.

Lance sat thinking. Between the dream, Peter's attack and Lance's retaliation, he had a lot to sort out.

Peter rejoined the others at the back of the bus.

Joey looked up. "We're sorry, Peter. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, but I guess I deserved it."

"It wasn't your fault entirely." Chris added. "We forgot the cardinal rule: Never tickle a person after he has just had breakfast."

"It's nice that the bathroom was close. I'm also glad you let me go when you did."

"I don't know." Chris looked around. "I think we could have done with a little color about the place."

Joey frowned. "Please, do we have to dwell on this? Let's change the subject."

Chris grinned. "Okay, why don't you think of a topic, Joey? Peter brought up the last one."


Chris shrank back. "Okay, JC."

"Why were you tickling Lance in the first place?" asked Joey.

Lance answered him. "I was upset that in the dream I did nothing to help JC. Peter proved to me that under the right circumstances I would fight back. And I did."

Peter stretched his back. "And how."

"So, Lance," JC put his arms around him. "What is the verdict?"

Lance looked relieved. "It was a dream. We were way too at ease in public for it to be true."

"Are we still good to go?"

Lance still hesitated. There still were implications he had to think over.

"It could be a car accident or a plane crash or heaven knows what." Joey said. "You never know went your numbers up. Something could happen to anyone of us at anytime."

"Joey, are you selling life insurance?" asked Chris.

Justin looked at Joey. "It's gloomy enough around here without you adding to it."

"Joey, you have done the impossible." Lance said.

Joey grinned. "What?"

"You have given my depression a depression."


Joey tried to save himself. "So what's on TV?"

Lance grabbed his book and sat down. The others were in the back watching TV. He wanted a little quiet time. At least he knew now that it was only a dream he had had. But still the possibility was there. No, they would just have to be careful. Lance would see to that.

"Lance? I'm I interrupting?"

"No, Peter. I was just about to do some reading. Sit down." Lance shift farther away from Peter. He smiled. "Just kidding."

"I don't blame you. I want to apologize for the tickling. I know how much I hate it. It just seemed the answer at the time. A pretty stupid one at that."

Lance patted Peter's knee. "Don't beat yourself up about it. You proved your point. Oh, how's the back?"

"A bit sore."

"Have Justin give you a back rub. He's good at that."

"Really? I didn't know."

"And now I bet you wish we'd be at the hotel tonight."

Peter grinned. "I'll just file that one for later."

Lance put his hand on Peter's knee. "I'm glad you and Justin found each other. You are so good together."

"There are times I can't believe it."

"I know. I think the same thing with JC. It's good being in love, isn't it."

"Yeah, sometimes I wish I could share it with the whole world."

Lance smiled. "Tell me about it." Lance expression changed. He grew more serious. "Peter, I saw Kevin in the hallway late last night. I assume he was leaving your room?"

Peter blushed. He nodded his head. What did Lance think happened?

"Did you and ah, Justin help him?"

Peter relaxed. "Yes, we did. Thank you, Lance."

"Please, don't thank me. After I saw Kevin I went to Justin's room."

Peter was surprised. Well, Lance was looking out for his friend.

"When I found Justin's room empty I assumed that he was with you and not out nursing a broken heart."

"Lance, believe me. I would never cheat on Justin."

Lance patted Peter's knee again. "I know. But the circumstances were against you."

"Actually is was Justin who..."

"Please, you don't have to explain. It's none of my business."

"Thank you, Lance. I know the others would make fun. Like it was all about sex. But it was much more important than that. If you only knew what Kevin had been through."

"We know about the pill bottle."

Peter was again surprised.

"Justin told us after his meeting with Kevin. I am so proud of you. We all are. So you see we know better than to joke about it."


Lance leaned close. "But if you want to freely disclose the lurid details to JC and me at a later time, feel free."

"I don't know Lance. You'd be shocked. I don't think I should."

"Then I wish for a time machine and some videotape. Kevin is so hot!"


"JC knows and he agrees with me."

Peter looked down. "I must admit that there were times with Kevin it was very hard."

"I'll bet." Lance joked. He grew serious again when he saw the look on Peter's face.

"We were both turned on by having sex with Kevin. But it wasn't the same. At least for me." Peter looked up. "You may not believe this, but I like sex with Justin better."

"Of course, you do. You love each other."

"I had hoped we would end up like you and JC."

"I flattered. But you still can."

"But you and JC have never..." Peter couldn't say it.

"Because we never wanted to. In order to help Kevin you had to. And in order to make it work you had to feel attracted to Kevin. It's nature. You feel guilty about the very thing that was necessary for sex. You felt a want for Kevin, but you feel a love for Justin."

"I didn't think you would approve."

"Justin is okay with it. That's all that matters."

"Oh, Lance." Peter hugged him. "I thank God for the day I intruded into your lives."

"So do we. We all love you, Peter."

Peter sat back.

"Especially JC and I. You've influenced our love forever."

A strange sensation went through Peter's body. Lance blurred. Peter felt slightly disoriented almost dizzy.

Suddenly the bus was gone. Peter was standing in a room. There was an elderly man on a hospital bed with the usual tubes and IVs running into him. The room was decorated in a warm comfortable manner. Perhaps it was a hospice not a hospital. Another man about the same age sat in the chair next the bed. He was asleep. A wrinkled hand lay on the railing of the bed.

The man on the bed opened his eyes. He saw the man seated in the chair. His hand raised off the bed and rested on the other man's hand on the rail. He seemed to smile faintly. His eyes closed again.

The man in the chair stirred. The man in the bed lay still. The man in the chair reached out and placed his left hand on top of the other man's hand on top of his own. He also seemed to smile even though Peter could see tears on his cheek. He sat back in the chair. Then his eyes closed. His head tilted forward. His left hand was pulled away as his arm fell to his lap. Their right hands were still together.

Peter stood there trying to take in what he was seeing. Who were these men and why was he seeing this? Then it struck him. They were gay. Was he being shown an example? Here was a perfect example of two men's love for each other until the end. But why show him this now? Lance and JC were still happy. Well, so far.

A nurse entered the room carrying a tray.


She set the tray down on the table beside the bed. It was then that she noticed how still the man in the bed was. She felt for a pulse. She shook her head.

She turned to the man in the chair.

"Wake up. It's over. He's gone."

The nurse leaned down to look in the man's face. She felt for his pulse. The nurse pressed a button by the bed.

Another nurse entered the room.

Very gently the first nurse pulled their hands apart. She lay the one man's hand at his side on the bed.

"It's over. He's gone." She took the man in the chair's hand and placed it on his lap. "And it looks like he joined him."

"Mores the pity." The other nurse shook her head. "Still its only fitting. So devoted to each other they were. Nearly sixty years together wasn't it? Bless them."

"Yes. Even after all they've been though they always managed to stay together. The stories they told." She sighed. "They will be missed." She turned to the other nurse. "Begin the arrangements for Mr. Bass and Mr. Chasez."

Peter couldn't believe what he had just heard. Could it really be true? Peter looked at the two old men. Lance! JC! The vision of the room blurred with Peter's tears.

"Peter, what is it? Are you all right? You're crying."

Peter shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was back on the tour bus. Had he really seen sixty years into their future? Maybe it was just a waking dream or his wish for how he wanted their end to be. Or maybe this was a turning point. Peter looked at Lance. He could see the fear and dread in Lance's mind.

"Lance, don't let this dream stop you from living fully with JC."

"What?" Lance was surprised by the serious change in Peter's mood.

"After the attack, I wanted so much to go home. I thought all of my dreams had been shattered. There was nothing I wanted to do but to hide myself away from the world that had hurt me. To go back to the way it was. But you guys wouldn't let me. Look what I would have missed if I had left."

Peter saw Lance taking his words in.

"I kept reliving the attack in my mind. It was as if Bill was beating me up over and over. Isn't that you are doing with this dream? You're planning each move you make so it could never happen. But Joey was right. We don't know what will happen next." Peter took Lance's hands. "Lance, please promise me something."

Lance looked wary.

"Live your life in love not in fear. Don't let your fear of losing JC overwhelm your love for him."

Lance realized Peter was right. He was getting more paranoid than usual. He had even thought about getting security guards for their home. Anyway he could think of to keep JC protected. JC would soon get tired of the restrictions Lance would try to put on him for safety sake. It might even push JC away. What damage would he cause if he kept obsessing about the chances of JC being murdered? What was worse yet was that Lance knew this crisis was created by his own subconscious. Lance decided to try to put the dream behind him.

Lance nodded. "I promise, Peter." He squeezed Peter's hand. A thought struck Lance. "Peter, did you see something just now? Is that why you were crying?"

"No, Lance." Peter lied. "It was just a strong feeling. A feeling that you and JC will have many years together."

"I hope to spend my entire life with JC."

Peter pulled Lance into a hug. He smiled. "Have no fear about that, Lance."

Peter left Lance to his book. He mind was filling up with questions. Projecting was one thing but this vision that he had had was another. He had never experienced anything like it before. But was it true? Would it happen again? Maybe there was a place Peter could get answers. He could borrow the telephone. No. There was a more direct and personal way. He didn't know the phone number anyway. But even if the person he was looking for was there could Peter get through to him? It wouldn't hurt to try.

Peter crawled into their bunk and lay down.

Peter floated down the corridor. He was tempted to check out the security office first but this was more pressing. It didn't take him long to find the door to the little office. Peter couldn't take a deep breath or cross his fingers so he just floated through the door.

The office was empty. The light was on so Peter had hope the person was working today. Maybe he should go looking for him. Peter thought about the best place to start the search. As he was about to leave the room the door opened. Peter was relieved as Hugh entered the office.

"I sorry for being late, I was delayed." Hugh sat down at his desk.

Did he know Peter was there?

"I sensed your need so I'm here." Hugh looked about the room. "Go ahead, connect." Hugh closed his eyes.

Peter floated close. He concentrated and touched Hugh.

"Peter! I was hoping it was you." Hugh said aloud. "How are you?"

Peter tried to limit his thoughts but so much had happened. His thoughts poured into Hugh in a jumble.

Hugh chuckled. "Wait. Let's make this easier for both of us."

Hugh seemed to spring out of his body. It quite surprised Peter.

"That's better. It is nice to see you, again. How is everything going? Are you and Justin getting on well? What can I do for you?"

"I..." Peter didn't know where to start.

"Wait. Let me." Hugh floated close and touched Peter.

Peter felt Hugh going through his thoughts and emotions but it wasn't intrusive. Hugh only hit the needed memories. He floated back.

"My, you have done well. But I knew you would. Okay, ask your questions."

"This vision I saw. Was it real? It never happened before. Will it happen again? Did I really see the future?"

"Hold up. So many questions! Give me a chance to answer. First of all, yes, you will see more visions. You have begun to be more connected with the astral plain. Your mental awareness is developing. Was it the future you saw?" Hugh paused. "Until you live it how can you tell? It may have only been Lance's vision of their future. But what you saw helped you to keep Lance on that path to that future. Real or not."

"When you told me to stop being afraid and to trust NSYNC did you see a future with me and Justin?"

"I can't tell you what I saw but I will say I saw that Justin was a turning point. It was a very important time for you. I knew that even the first time we met."

"That's right, you were my first time not Justin."

"Leave Justin the credit. I just opened your mind to the possibility."

"Thank you, Hugh. You've helped me a lot Past and Present."

"My pleasure. Next time you can just call."

"I didn't have the stadium's phone number."

"I'll send it to you and my extension. I'll be here if you need me. Now if you have no more questions, you and I had better get back."

JC looked around. "Where's Peter?"

Lance looked up from his book. "He may have laid down. His back was hurting him."

"I guess I am sorry for that."

"I'm the one who should be sorry."

"You fought him off. He was torturing you."

"Yeah, but he gave me that chance."


"I realized that he moved off to the side so I could get my knees to my chest. He then moved on top of them. Even I know better than that."

"So he put himself on the catapult but what about the tickling? He knows how much you hate that."

"It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Peter did apologize to me."

"But, still."

Lance put his book down. "What about us? We pulled the old eye for an eye number. Peter tickled me to get me to fight back. What did us tickling him do for him except make him lose his breakfast? We're as guilty of torture as he is. He was out numbered and we even held him down."

"Lance, you're being logical again." JC sat down.

Lance put his hand on JC's arm. "I have forgiven him, JC. He did help me. I hated the idea that I did nothing to help you in the dream. Now I know that won't happen." Lance smiled. "And I mean the attack as well." Lance snuggled close. "So when should we get together to talk things over with John?"

"You mean that?" JC looked seriously at Lance. "You are completely okay with this? You're sure there's no second thoughts."

"They'll always be second thoughts. But none of them are big ones."

"What changed your mind?"

"I promised Peter that I would live in love not fear."

"Can you explain that?"

"I was thinking of ways to keep you from ever really being attacked. I even thought about around the clock security at home plus when you went out because I was in fear of losing you."

"Lance, you know how I hate being hemmed in. I'd never be alone."

"With a little prodding I realized that." Lance looked into JC's eyes. "Now I will just treasure our moments together and stop obsessing about losing you. It will be a lot less stressful. Besides if I restricted your actions in the name of trying to protect you, I'd probably push you away from me for good."

"Peter again?"

"Who do you think?"

JC put his arm around Lance. "Maybe in this case the end does justify the means. I have my Lance happy again." He gave Lance a hug. But when he pulled back Lance's expression had changed.

"JC, something strange happened when Peter was here awhile ago. I was talking about how he had such a profound effect on our love when he just froze. He stared into air for a while then he started to cry. When he came around again he was very serious. That's when he told me about my obsessing about your safety."


"I asked him if he had seen something. You know like a premonition. He said no, that it was just a feeling." Lance looked up. "JC, he was lying. For a brief time after Peter came to he was feeling grief."

"How do you know?"

"I can read auras sometimes, too. I think I know what Peter saw."

"And what is that?"

"My death."

"Lance, you were still in morbid mode. You must have imagined it."

"No, JC. I sensed the relief he felt when he saw me. So I tested him. When he said he had the feeling that we had many years together I said I was hoping to spend the rest of my life with you."


"He told me to have no fear of that. So I must have died first."

"Lance," JC said sternly. "Stop worrying about our deaths. I don't like it. Besides you promised Peter."

"But you'd be alone."

"I'll never be alone because you will always be in my heart. I'd just close my eyes and think of you and you'd be with me."

Lance looked up and smiled. "I'm glad."

JC pulled Lance to him. He gave Lance a long kiss.

JC sat back. "No more morbid thoughts. Okay?"

Lance nodded.

JC stood up. "Go back to your book."

Lance took JC's hand. "I love you."

JC squeezed Lance's hand. "I love you, too."

JC walked off. Lance returned to reading.

Peter got out of the bunk. He stood up, turned and ran right into JC.


"No, Peter. I'm sorry. And I mean about everything. I just talked to Lance."


JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Lance is happy, again. Thank you."

"I don't like to see Lance unhappy anymore than you do."

"Our relationship dodged another bullet."

"I think you might want to rephrase that."

"Lance was a bit concerned when you started crying though."

"It was nothing. I just had a very strong feeling of your love for each other."

Even JC could tell that Peter was lying.

"So who died. Lance or me."

"Both." Peter stopped himself too late.

JC was surprised at the answer.

Peter was embarrassed for being caught. "How did you know?"

"Lance could tell that you were feeling grief."

Peter looked confused.

"You don't have a monopoly on aura reading."

Peter nodded.

JC put his hands on Peter's shoulders. He said in a serious voice. "If I asked you would you tell me what you saw?"

"Since I let the cat out of the bag I might as well."

JC was about to say something. Peter beat him to it.

"Both of you."

Lance and JC listened to Peter describe what he had seen. They sat there holding hands with an occasional glance between them. When Peter was finished Lance felt such a sense of relief.

Peter tried to stress the point. "Please, take what I told you with a large grain of salt. There's no way of knowing that what I saw was the future. I could have just tuned in to your thoughts or even mine. Don't take it as gospel. Oh, sorry, Lance."

Lance got up and kissed Peter on the cheek. "I don't care. It sets my mind at ease. Thank you for telling us."

"It's probably not true." Peter stood up.

"We know." JC smiled.

"Hugh couldn't even tell me if what I saw was real or not so don't place too much stock in it."

"We won't." Lance replied.

Peter shook his head and walked to the back of the bus.

"It was so romantic, to bad it's not true."

JC nodded. "Yeah, it will never happened that way."

"It would be too much of a coincidence."

Lance threw his arms around JC. "Sixty years! Holy shit!"



JC laughed. "It would be so fucking incredible!"

"JC!" Lance slapped JC's shoulder. "But there's no way to prove it." Lance said sadly.

JC smiled. "Yes, there is."


JC looked into Lance's green eyes. "We can prove it by making it happen."

Lance grinned. "Oh, JC."

Lance sealed JC's idea with a passionate kiss.

Chris stepped from the back of the bus. He was about to say 'get a room' but thought better of it. After what they had been through this morning he'd just let them be. He made his way to the snack cabinet.

JC and Lance looked up at the movement.

"Don't mind me."

"Another one of Chris's good ideas."

They went back to kissing.

Justin squeezed Peter's knee. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, all is forgiven. But I'm going to start recommending professional therapists from now on." Peter stretched his back. "I just can't take much more of this." He winced.

"Is your back sore?"

"Yeah, ever since that brief meeting with the wall."

"Lay down on the floor. This time I can help."

Peter lay on the floor on his stomach. Justin straddled him.

"Justin is a master at this." Joey said. "You're going to enjoy this. What am I saying? Just don't enjoy it too much."

Justin started kneading Peter's shoulders. His firm grip and the motion of his fingers felt great. He moved lower. Peter groaned.

"There?" asked Justin as he pushed against Peter.

"A little lower."

Justin leaned back. Then he leaned forward pressing down again. "There or there?"

"Oh, god, Justin! Yeah, that's it! Right there! That feels so good."

"What the hell?"

Justin turned around to see Chris standing there with his mouth open.

"JC and Lance are in lip-lock up front and you two are dry humping away back here. And in front of Joey yet! This bus has become a hive of decadence." "It's just a back rub, Chris."

"Your hands may be on Peter's back but I know what is getting rubbed. You two should be ashamed."

Joey pointed to the bench. "Just sit down, Chris."

Justin went back to massaging Peter's back.

"I know what's going on." Chris pouted "You all are torturing me by flaunting your sex lives in front of me, the poor lonely straight man. I never thought you guys would be so cruel." Chris turned away into a dramatic pose.

Joey shook his head. "Chris, there is still me, you know."

"You're going to see Debbie." Chris said in a snotty tone. "That leaves me all alone and bereft of friends." Chris bit his knuckle.

"What is Chris going on about this time?" JC and Lance stood in the doorway.

"Does it matter, JC?"

Chris waved his hand at them. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He turned away again.

"Justin, why are you dry humping Peter in front of the straights?"

"It's just a back rub, Lance!"

"Yeah, you're rubbing two Peters at one time."

"No, JC. That should be three peters."

"Do I have to listen to this?" Joey said. "What are we doing about lunch?"

Lance pointed. "The prepared lunch is in the fridge."

"Nah, I have a craving for something bad for us."

Chris snapped around. "Fast food? All right!"

Joey looked to JC. "Can we stop and pick something up?"

JC saw the eager looks around him. "Okay, I'll talk to the driver."


Justin got off of Peter. "How's that?"

Peter sat up. He twisted his torso. "Great. Thanks, Justin."

"My pleas..." Justin caught Chris looking at him. "Ah, no problem."

They sat together on the floor.

"Are you really going to stop without bodyguards?"

"We still have you." Justin laughed at the look on Peter's face. "It will be fine."

There weren't too many cars in the parking lot so Peter relaxed a bit. Peter was more than willing to stay on the bus, but they had decided to eat there to give the driver more time to stretch his legs. They went through the doors and approached the counter.

"May I take your..." The cashier looked up. Her mouth dropped open. "Ah..." she stammered.

"I'll have the number 3 meal, please. Make it a chocolate shake with that." Joey said seemingly unaware of the wave of whispering that had started.

The cashier snapped out of her amazement. "Oh, yeah." She started pushing buttons on the register. "Is that for here or to go?"

Joey smiled. "For here, now." He winked at her.

The register gave off a harsh beep. The cashier blushed. "Sorry." She pressed more buttons. The harsh beeps continued. "Sorry. Sorry." She was getting flustered.

"Relax." Joey smiled again. "We're in no hurry."

The customers let them have the courtesy to get most of their meal done before they starting approaching the table for autographs. The guys cheerfully obliged. A couple of girls not quite sure who Peter was decided if he was with NSYNC he must be somebody. They asked for his autograph, too. Since it wasn't on a NSYNC photo Peter signed away only to watch their confusion upon reading his name.

As they headed back to the bus another small group had formed. These carried NSYNC photos and CD inserts for them to sign. The word had gotten around.

Peter stood off to the side. They were blocking the entrance to the bus anyway. He was enjoying watching NSYNC responding to their fans when Peter heard a soft voice.

"Please, would you sign this for me?"

Peter turned around to find an older teenage boy holding out a book and a pen. Peter was about to protest when he saw the earnestness in the boy's eyes.

"My sister works here. She called to say NSYNC was here. I'd hoped I'd get here before you left."

Peter took the book. "Who to?"


"This page has writing on it."

"That's okay. It's my diary. Just at the bottom."

Peter began to write.

"Thank you, Peter. This means a lot to me."

Peter's head snapped up.

"You know me?"

"Yeah, I saw the news report about your attack. It must be great to have NSYNC behind you on that."

"Yeah, it is. They're a great bunch of guys."

"That broadcast did a lot for me."

"Really?" Peter handed the book back.

"Read it. It's all there."

Peter looked at the shaky handwriting. He could make a few words but that was all. "I'm sorry. It will be faster if you tell me."

"I know I have terrible handwriting." Ben took the book back. "I know it's kind of a girlie thing to have a diary."

"You mean journal."

Ben smiled. "That's better. Anyway, I needed a place to put down my feelings." Ben looked down at the book. "I didn't know who else to tell. I have always been picked on at school." Ben looked at Peter. "How come the kids knew I was gay before I did?"

Peter had to smile. "Ben, that's one of the Mysteries of the Universe. I've asked that same question myself."

"Most of the kidding I didn't really mind, but Marcus, he was the worst. I was always Ben Gay to him. He'd push me down or trip me. Everyday I had at least one run in with Marcus. Even my friends kept away from me when he was around."

Peter's heart went out to the boy.

"But then I saw the broadcast. There you were letting the whole world know you were gay and NSYNC was standing beside you. I was inspired by how brave you all were. I was envious of you. I wished NYSNC could be my fiends. At least they would have stood up for me."

"But the day after the broadcast Marcus cornered me. A crowd formed around us. I supposed they thought there would be a fight. He teased me that it was too bad that I didn't have NSYNC to stand up for me because of what he was going to do to me. But as Marcus got close someone told him to leave me alone. Then the other kids did, too. They stood up for me because that is what NSYNC did for you. Since then Marcus has left me pretty much alone. The other kids watch out for me now."

Ben had a grateful look on his face. "You and NSYNC changed my life and my friends attitudes. Thank you."

Peter felt the tear in his eye. "Thank you for telling me. We had hoped that the broadcast would effect people. I'm very glad that it did in your case."

The crowd had all but gone. Chris nodded in Peter's direction.

"Looks like Peter has a fan."

NSYNC all looked in Peter's direction.

Peter put his hand on Ben's shoulder.

"Come on. Let me introduce you to the guys."

"I couldn't." Ben looked nervous.

"Why, Ben? They're our friends."

Ben looked up and smiled. He let Peter usher him off.

Ben was a little intimidated at first but the guys quickly made him feel at ease. As they signed his diary Peter had him relate the story of Marcus and the effect of the broadcast. At the end the guys agreed that that story deserved something special from NSYNC.

Ben's sister put the box of anti-violence NSYNC buttons in the trunk of her car.

Justin patted Ben on the back. "There should be enough there for all the kids in your school."

"Thank you, so much." Ben's sister said. "The kids will be thrilled to get them and it will drive home the point. If you could see the difference in Ben."

Ben clutched the T-shirt, hat and signed NYSNC photos. "Thank you, guys. I'll be the envy of the whole school. For a change."

JC smiled. "Nothing is too much for a fan."

"Still worried about lack of bodyguards?" Justin joked.

"No." Peter answered. "That was incredible. It makes it all worth it doesn't it?"

"It's a part of it." Lance replied. "But remember he went to you first, Peter. You have your own fan."

Justin took Peter's arm. "I'm a fan, too."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Gees, they're getting mushy again. Come on, Joey. Let's see what's on TV."

JC woke up. Lance was gone. JC pulled the sheets back, parted the curtain and dropped to the floor. There was a faint light. He went to the back of the bus.

Lance sat there staring off into space.

"Trouble sleeping or afraid of dreaming?"

Lance smiled. "No. I just want us to be alone."

"How can we be alone on this bus?"

"Sh." Lance patted the bench next to him. JC sat down. Lance turned to him. He put his hands on JC's shoulders. "I wanted to feel your body next to mine."

"But we were."

"No, the others were too near." Lance's hand slid from JC's shoulders, down his chest, across his stomach and to the front of JC's shorts. "This must be just us."

Lance's touch sent a thrill through JC. He fought the temptation. "Lance, we're not supposed to have sex on the bus."

Lance rubbed JC's crotch. He placed light kisses on JC's face.

"Ever since the dream I have wanted to have a little "together" time."

Through the fabric JC's cock was getting harder under Lance's hand. Lance kissed JC's neck.

"Oh, Lance."

"We just have to try to keep quiet." Lance took JC's hand and pressed it to his crotch.

"Lance, it is impossible for you to..." Lance's lips silenced JC.

Lance pulled back. "See? It works for you; it will work for me. Silence me with your kiss." Lance stood up pulling JC to his feet.

"I want to feel you against me." Lance pulled JC to him. "Warm flesh pressing against warm flesh. I want to feel the blood pulse in your veins. Your heart beating with mine." Lance pushed his hips to JC's.

JC returned Lance's kisses. He could feel their two hard cocks rubbing against each other through the fabric of their shorts.

Lance bent down. He pulled JC's shorts down with a smooth slow motion. As JC stepped from his shorts Lance's face brushed lightly against JC's cock and balls. A rush went through JC. Lance stood up slowly but as he did he blew a steady breath of air against JC's skin. Lance inhaled. Exhaling he circled JC's crotch with the warm air. A stream of air at his balls then an exhale up the length of the cock. The sensation caused JC to gasp slightly. Lance continued up JC's torso. He circled again blowing around the nipples until they stood out firm from JC's chest. Lance blew air across JC's neck.

Just when JC thought they would kiss, Lanced turned JC around. He blew across the back of the neck then down JC's back. JC felt the prickle of goose bumps spreading across his skin. Lower and lower. Down the spine, through the ass crack then down the back of the legs. Lance raised JC's foot. He blew across the instep.

The light feelings were sending ticklish sensations through JC. Lance reversed the downward journey. When he was standing again, he turned JC around. He pressed his lips to JC's. JC pulled Lance to him. Lance pushed him back.

JC was smiling. "Now that's a different kind of blow job."

Lance didn't say anything. He just nodded downwards. JC knelt and slid off Lance's shorts. His cock was tantalizingly close. JC leaned near. Lance pulled back.

"No, JC, please."

JC looked up puzzled.

Lance smiled down at him. "No noise, remember? I just want to get off holding you in my arms. Get up."

JC stood.

"I want to feel your body all over me." Lance pulled JC close. He pushed his hips against JC's. Their cocks rubbed together.

Lance lay down on the bench pulling JC on top of him. As JC's warm body pressed down on him Lance closed his eyes and moaned.

"That's what I want to feel."

Lance's hands caressed up JC's arms to his neck and head. Lance beamed with delight.


Lance opened his eyes. His green eyes sparkled as he pulled JC to him. Lance held JC to the kiss. After a few moments Lance let JC go. Lance closed his eyes again and his hands continued their journey over JC's body.

JC felt Lance's fingers tracing his shoulder blades then down over his back. One hand following his spine as the other hand slid down his side. The small of his back felt the hands next. Slowly they lowered to where JC's round ass cheeks met his back. Two hands rubbed the soft warm skin of JC's ass.

Lance opened his eyes.

"JC, you feel so beautiful." Lance gasped. "I've never taken the time to enjoy all of your body. It feels so good in my hands. Do you like that JC?"

"Yes, Lance. You're hands feel good on me."

Lance's hands cupped around JC's ass. He pulled up on JC. Their cocks pressed between their bodies slid passed each other.

Lance's mouth fell open as his eyes closed.

"Yeah, that's it." He whispered.

JC began moving his hips grinding their hard cocks together. Lance's hands on his ass coaxed JC to keep the rhythm.

"Oh, JC, feel us skin to skin. Our warm bodies pressing together."

JC could feel Lance's cock throbbing against him. Lance's face was flushed from pleasure.

JC thrust his hips. Their cocks slid against each other and against their bodies. Increasing his thrusts JC felt the delight growing. It was a different feel than a mouth or the ass. But it did feel good and Lance was really getting off on it. And JC was getting off on Lance's reaction.

JC's cock pressed down and raked along Lance's. A wave of pleasure washed through him. Lance looked up at JC. He was beginning to get into this. Lance knew that he would. After today Lance wanted to feel JC as totally as he could. The warmth and the weight of his body was comforting and well as a turn on. JC sped up the pace again. Lance couldn't help it. He started to whimper.

JC leaned close.

"Wait, JC. Before the kissing I want to feel all your body on me."

JC still supported himself on his arms. He lowered himself until he was bodily on top Lance.

Lance let out an ecstatic moan. He wrapped his arms around JC's back. Lance's cock seemed to press against JC harder. Each thrust caused Lance to whimper.

JC had to push up slightly to look at Lance. Lance had an expression of pure joy. JC leaned close to kiss.

Lance's eyes opened.

"JC, I wish I could feel you so close forever."

JC got it. With the fear of losing JC, now Lance was making sure JC was physically there. He wanted to feel all of JC not just his cock. JC pressed his lips to Lance. His hips pushed back harder and faster.

Their breath came in quick gasps of air but they didn't stop kissing. Now and then Lance managed a muffled 'yeah!' as JC thrust away.

They parted momentarily to catch their breath. JC looked down into Lance's green eyes.

"Even when we are apart we will always be this close. No one can take this from us."

Lance's hands dropped to JC's ass. He pulled JC to him. Lance's hips pressed upward driving the cocks together harder. They gazed into each other's eyes. The passions within them rose to a fever pitch. Cocks throbbing and hips thrusting they drove each other to the point of climax.

Then poised at the edge Lance's mouth fell open.

"JC, I love you!"

"Oh, Lance!"

One last thrust and their cocks exploded. Both felt two cocks throbbing and contracting. Cum spewed between them. Their mouths met and then their tongues. Surges of pleasure like electricity ripped through the bodies. The hot semen flowed between them. Their cocks slid more easily together. Their love merged as their cum did.

JC relaxed. His climaxed abated. But Lance still shot off. The glorious feeling of the warmth and weight of JC's body on him was indescribable. But soon his climax waned.

Neither of them wanted to pull back to released hold of the other. Their lips parted first.

Lance smiled. "Was that okay?"

"It took awhile but yes. It was so different than penetration."

"You didn't mind."

JC caressed Lance's chin. "You were into it. You took me with you."

Lance held JC to him.

"JC, I will always love you."

They lay there in silence.

Sometime earlier Justin was thirsty. He gently took his arm off of Peter so as not to wake him. He got out of the bunk. It was awful quiet at the back of the bus. His curiosity got to him. Justin peeked through a crack. He could just make out the two bodies moving together. Justin shifted slightly and he saw JC and Lance kissing madly. That explained the lack of noise. He turned away and padded softly to the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of water.

"For shame."

Justin swung around. Peter stood in the light cast by the open refrigerator. He had his hands on his hips.

"Doesn't even ask his lover if he wanted anything."

"I thought you were asleep."

Peter moved to Justin. "Someone removed my Justin shaped blanket. I felt a little chilly." Peter wrapped his arms around Justin.

"Do you want something cold to drink?" Justin nodded to the fridge.

"No." Peter grinned. "I want something hot and you are the dispenser." He pressed his hips against Justin. Justin could feel Peter's hard cock.

"Peter, we can't. Not on the bus, you remember that."

"I'm not remembering anything right now. You know that once a man's cock gets hard his brain stops working."

Justin pushed Peter away.

"Peter, we can't."

Peter pulled Justin back. "Why not? We gave JC and Lance permission."

"That's different."

"They're still at it. We could share the time. They'll never know."

"I don't think we should." Justin was wavering.

Peter pretended to pout. "The tours almost over. Will I never get to have sex on the NSYNC bus?"


"I just want to suck you off." Peter's hand rubbed Justin's crotch. Justin was getting hard. "Please?" Peter pressed his lips to Justin's. He felt Justin relax. Peter pulled back and whispered in Justin's ear. "This won't take long."

Justin whispered back. "A premonition?"

"No, a necessity." Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "But you will never know it."

Justin wanted to protest. But Peter sank from his sight. He could feel Peter's hands on his torso caressing his chest and his back. Two lips latched onto his nipple sending a wave of delight through Justin. A tongue licked and prodded until it stood out hard from his chest. The lips moved on to the other nipple. Justin moaned. It felt so good. Peter's lips and tongue descended down his stomach with a brief stop at his navel. Justin's hands gently took hold of Peter's head.

Peter used his lips to massage Justin's cock through the fabric. It was already throbbing and hard. He moved down to press his lips against Justin's balls. Justin moaned again. Peter didn't have a taste for fabric so he grabbed the top of Justin's shorts and pulled them down. The cock sprung free. Peter pressed his tongue to the ball sack then started up. Up to the shaft then along it all the way to the tip Peter ran his tongue.

Justin felt a chill pass across his body. He suddenly realized the cause and shut the refrigerator door. Now almost in darkness Justin concentrated on Peter's effort on his cock.

Peter was used to watching Justin's reactions. Now he could see very little. Still he wanted this so. He closed his lips over Justin's cock's mushroom head then slowly this time, ever so slowly took Justin's cock into his mouth. Then pulling back equally slowly Peter let Justin's cock slip out between his lips.

Justin wasn't ready for this. Peter had said it wouldn't take long yet he was taking his time. Peter started down again and Justin moaned. Every nerve was reacting but not together but one at a time. Peter's slowness let Justin feel each nerve as his lips moved over it or as his tongue prodded it. Justin could feel Peter's lips progress along his cock. Up and down, now he was at the tip, half way down then at the base. He felt surges rippling through him like he had never felt before.

Then Peter saw it. Justin's aura began to glow. He sped up his sucking. Now he could tell what Justin was feeling. A flash here and a flicker there, Peter would press his tongue back in the same spot and Justin reacted again. Justin's hands tightened on Peter's head.

Justin bit his lip to keep from moaning too load. Peter's efforts were driving his crazy. The faster pace didn't cut down on the sensations coming from his cock. They multiplied. Justin felt his passion building before he knew it. Wave after wave a pleasure surged through him. Peter's mouth on his cock felt so wonderful. Justin felt the first stirrings. Peter was right. It wouldn't take too long.

Peter plunged on and off of Justin's cock. Justin's hand locked on Peter's head. Justin's hips took over. Peter relaxed his throat as Justin fucked his face. He loved it! Peter grabbed his cock and started to jack it. It wouldn't be too long now.

Suddenly Justin pulled his cock free.

"No, Peter. Don't cum yet. Let me suck you off."

"You've got it." Peter swallowed Justin again.

Justin stopped thrusting. He allowed Peter to pick the pace.

Peter continued at a slower pace, but Justin soon felt pressure at his asshole. A finger slid slowly inside of him. Justin brought his hand to his mouth to muffle the moan. Peter swallowed Justin's cock again. The finger raked against Justin's insides. Justin jerked forward. His cock slid into Peter's throat. It tightened around the head. Justin jerked back.

Suddenly like a tidal wave the climax was on him. Justin grasped the counter, as his knees grew weak.

"Oh, god." Justin moaned as softly as he could. Peter swallowed his cock to the hilt. Justin shot off. His hips punctuated each shot of cum. Pleasure ripped through him. The room spun around him. He held on tightly to the counter. Slowly the feelings subsided. Justin breathed easier. He let go of his grasp. He slipped to the floor on his knees in front of Peter.

Justin swayed there a moment. He opened his eyes to see the dim outline of Peter. He pulled Peter to him kissing him with fervor. He finally pulled back.

"That was too much." Justin whispered.


"Your turn." Justin lowered his lips to Peter's cock.

The warm wetness of Justin's mouth enveloped Peter's already throbbing cock. He would have cum earlier if Justin hadn't stopped him. As before Peter just let his passion fill him.

Justin went down on Peter's cock. His hand followed his mouth on each stroke. The other hand pulled gently on Peter's balls.

"Yeah, Justin," Peter whispered. "Suck me off."

Justin loved the feeling of Peter's cock slipping into his throat. He sped up his rhythm. Peter hands caressed Justin's body. This only fueled Justin's enthusiasm.

Peter let the climax take him.

"Oh, Justin." He murmured. His hands found the back of Justin's head.

Justin locked his lips over Peter's cock as it erupted. Peter's cock pulsed as cum shot into Justin's mouth. Justin swallowed hungrily wanting more. Peter's hands pushed him onto his cock. Justin took the spurting cock into his throat. Peter's head snapped back. The cock jerked and twitched in Justin's mouth. Then slowly the climax was spent. Peter took his hands off of Justin. Justin kept licking and sucking.

Peter sat up. He raised Justin up to him. They kissed with passion tongues dancing wildly. Soon they just held each other close basking in the afterglow. Peter gave off a long contended sigh. Nothing more needed to be said.

After a time Lance grabbed the tissues he had prepared and cleaned them off. JC reached for his shorts but Lance pulled him back.

"We should get dressed."

"In a moment." Lance held JC to him.

"It will be hell to pay if we get caught."

"Relax, we won't be."

"But we broke the 'no sex on the bus' rule."

"No, we didn't."

"Lance, I don't know how you would describe that but what we just did was sex."

"I know."

"Lance, you're getting me confused."

"We didn't break the rule because I got permission."

JC's jaw dropped. "You did what?"

"I asked the guys, well, Joey and Chris if they'd mind. Under the circumstances they decided to allow it once. We just had to be quiet."

JC chuckled. "Lance, you constantly surprise me."

Lance grinned. "Good." He kissed JC. Lance finally let JC go. He let out a sigh. "Okay, lets get dressed."

They pulled on their shorts and left the room. Lance ducked into the bathroom to get rid of the tissues. He flipped on a small nightlight.

"What's that for?"

"The signal for 'all clear'."

JC could resist giving Lance a quick kiss. "You think of everything."

"Not everything. I'm thirsty."

"Me, too."

They headed for the front of the bus.

"We'd better get back." Justin grabbed his underwear.

Peter pulled his on. "Won't it be nice when we have our own place. No one else will be around. We could walk around naked if we want."

Justin looked embarrassed. "Peter, about that."

"It's okay, Justin. I don't mean right away. I assume for image sake that I wouldn't move in until you're ready for it. I'll just have to find a place to stay in the meantime." They stood up. "Do you know of anyplace?"

"Yeah, our place."

They both jumped. JC and Lance sat at the counter watching them.

Justin grinned at Peter. "Busted again!"

Lance shook his finger at them. "Shame on you two. You broke the rules."

"We thought it was a general amnesty. Not just you two."

Peter was blushing. "It was my fault. Since Chris and Joey were under bunk arrest for a bit I jumped at the chance to indulge my fantasy to have sex on the NSYNC bus."

JC leaned in. "Tell you what, we won't say anything if you take us up on that offer."

"JC, thank you but I couldn't."

Lance moved close to JC. "We will hear no protests. We have a guestroom waiting for you."

"But I'll be in the way."

"Nonsense." Lance said. "As long as you don't mind the noise of the lovers down the hall."

JC nudged Lance. "Earplugs remember? And Peter, you won't have to share a bathroom."

Lance pointed his thumb at Peter. "What about his and Justin's noise?"

JC grinned at Lance. "We'll drowned them out."

"Oh, yeah?" Justin challenged.

"Maybe but on one condition."


"I don't want to dampen your love life. If you suddenly feel like having sex in the kitchen, do it. I'll stay away or go to my room."

"Or watch." Lance giggled.

"Peter, we have never been that spontaneous before. Don't worry."

"But JC, I've heard that gold rings increase the sex drive. Look at what happened tonight."

Lance wiggled his eyebrows. JC could tell that Peter might just be right about that.

"Let's leave this until later. I think we all should get some sleep."

Justin took his bottle of water.

"I get to go in first." Peter said as they headed back. "You've got curtain detail."


Peter pointed to the bottle. "This too shall pass. You'll need to get out first."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "You're always thinking of me. I love that."

Lance watched them go. JC crossed to the refrigerator.

"Still thirsty?"


JC handed Lance a bottle. He took one for himself. "You don't mind having Peter stay with us?"

"Of course not. Who else does he know in Orlando? Do you think he was serious about the sex?"

"Yes. He's just being accommodating as usual."

"I'm not sure I could."

"We've done it before."

Lance looked determined. "Then the same will go for Peter and Justin."

"As long as they don't shock the neighbors."

"It will be like a little gay commune."

"Come on, Lance." JC patted Lance's hand. "Back to bed."

Lance felt JC spoon up against him. "Good night, JC."

"'Night, Lance. Oh, and Lance?"


JC spoke firmly. "Pleasant dreams."

"Yes, love."

End Part 23.

People keep telling me to 'keep JC and Lance happy' so I decided to skip ahead and give them a real happy (possible) ending. Hey, they were together 'til the end! It was just going to be Peter's secret but didn't stay that way. I was out voted again! Oh well, I guess with these characters writing isn't quite a democracy. Oh, and don't worry, I know your thinking 'First suicide now death?' But we shall proceed on from here with less heavy subjects. I promise.

This was a very emotional chapter. It made me cry when I wrote it and when I reread it. I hope the identity of the two old men was a surprise, I tried to make it that way.

Anyway, any input or response you'd like to give is as always appreciated. (How else am I going to know what the words did to you? I can't see your reactions.) is the address.

Thank you very much for reading.

Next: Chapter 24

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