Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jul 16, 2002


Thanks to all for your patience. Here at last is Part 24. I had a bout of that authors curse writer's block. I knew what I wanted to tell but getting into it alluded me for a while. That's over so the story can now go on.

This is a story of complete fiction. It does not represent the real life or sexual orientations of NYSNC. The author has no knowledge of their lives so this story comes from his own twisted imagination.

There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage or do not wish to read such things stop reading now!

With that out of the way, on with the story.

Lance awoke to the warm feeling of JC draped over his body. JC lay on his stomach with his head resting on Lance and an arm across Lance's chest. Lance could hear the others talking.


There was a muffled groan.

"Time to get up."

"Better let sleeping dogs lie." JC said in a mumble.

Lance started to move out from under JC. JC growled menacingly.

Lance laughed. "JC, please."

Lance raised JC's arm off of him.

JC's head snapped up. He snarled and gnashed his teeth. Lance let JC's arm fall back.

JC lay his head back on Lance with a contented little whimper.

"JC, we have to get up."

JC pulled Lance closer to him. There were more whimpers.

Lance ran his hand through JC's hair. "Nice boy."

JC hung his tongue out of his mouth panting. He licked Lance's chest. JC couldn't resist. He made several licks at Lance's nipple.

"JC, don't get me started. This is not the place and we certainly don't have the time."

JC moved up and pressed his lips against Lance's. When he pulled back JC started panting like a dog again.

"JC, stop it."

JC moved close and started humping Lance's leg.

"That does it." Lance moved to get out of the bunk. JC began snarling again. "I'm sorry, JC, but the others are waiting."

JC kept growling and snapping. Lance grabbed a pillow and pressed it to JC's face as he slid backwards out of the bunk. Lance then held the curtains down tight. He could feel JC clawing at them still growling.

"JC in a very grumpy mood this morning?" Joey asked.

"Something like that."

Joey swatted at the curtains. "Bad JC! Behave or we'll have you fixed."

There was a yelp from behind the curtain then little whimpers.

Joey shook his head. "I knew he should of had those distemper shots."

"Very funny," came from the bunk.

"I'll have the driver stop so you can take JC for walkies." Joey started to walk away. He turned back to Lance. "It wasn't by any chance Doggie style last night?"

JC stuck his head out of the bunk. "Screw you, Joey."

"No, thank you." Joey turned to Lance. He indicated JC with his thumb. "When you bring him to breakfast make sure he's on a leash." Joey moved off.

Lance seemed to be deep in thought. "A leash?"

JC pointed a warning finger. "Don't even think about it, Lance." He disappeared behind the curtain.

Lance scratched himself, adjusted his shorts and headed for the bathroom.

Peter had caught the last part of the scene from the front of the bus. He shook his head. "And to think I was intimidated at the thought of traveling with you guys."

"You were intimidated to even be seen with us." Joey added.

Justin patted Peter's hand. "But he's getting used to it."

Peter squeezed Justin's hand. He looked into Justin's blue eyes. "I'm getting used to a lot of things."

Justin and Peter leaned closer.

"Oh, gees, not again!" Joey snapped. "And we thought we had it bad with just JC and Lance." Joey turned to Chris. "Maybe we should have let these two have at it last night, too. Then they wouldn't be so kissy face this morning."

Chris gave Justin and Peter a casual glance. "Don't be so sure." He turned back to his breakfast.

Justin gave Peter a worried look. Did Chris know?

Peter nodded. "Sorry, Justin, I forgot about the aura glow."

"Well, I didn't." Chris looked up again. "That's why I bought this." He held up one of those sleeping masks. "I had to re-enforce it, but it now keeps out the glow so I can sleep. So I didn't see anything." He grinned realizing that Peter had given it away.

"Wait a minute." Joey was getting up to speed. "You mean since we were out of the way these two..."

"Took advantage of a situation that if you or I were in would have acted the same." Chris finished.

Joey's face fell. "Oh, yeah, I guess."

"It was my idea," Peter said. "Justin resisted."

"I'll bet." Joey snorted.

Chris copied Joey's snort. "Oh, like you'd put up a fight for long." Chris turned to Peter. "It was the mystique of the bus wasn't it?"

"How did you know?"

Joey grinned. "That's what a lot of the girls we meet ask us about. They think this is a harem on wheels."

Chris shook his head. "I wish I had the sex life some of our fans think we have."

"We'd be too tired for the concerts." Justin added.

"Nonsense." Peter smiled at Justin. "I've never tired you out have I?"

"Not yet." Justin leaned close again.

"What a minute!"

Peter and Justin laughed in slight annoyance as Joey interrupting their kiss again.

"What is it, Joey?"

"It just occurred to me. Peter, you turned the tables on Justin. You seduced him last night."

Peter grinned. "I guess I did."

Joey shook Peter's hand and slapped him on the back. "Congratulations, I didn't think you had it in you."

"If he did it wasn't me."

"Sh, Justin." Peter nodded to Joey and Chris.

"I thought you were supposed to get on your knees at night only to say your prayers."

Peter winked at Justin. "If Justin was praying he never got further than 'Oh, God.'."

Justin turned to Peter. "My prayer was answered. I certainly got a glimpse of heaven." Justin ran his fingers over Peter's chin. "It was a religious experience."

Chris grinned. "I suppose you went off into tongues?"

"Go down, Moses." Joey shook his hands in the air. "Blow, Gabriel, blow."

Justin kept laughing. "Sleep was impossible. We were keeping each other up."

Chris had another one. "Well, you got that loving your fellow man down. Not to mention doing onto others."

They sat laughing.

Joey chuckled. "You know I met a girl who thought oral sex was just talking about it."

Chris chuckled. "Don't tell me, a blond?"

"She was then. She's not anymore. Roots will always tell. Why someone would want to dye their hair blond is beyond me."

"It's supposed to attract men like a magnet. I got the one I wanted so I went back."

Lance and JC stepped from the back of the bus.

Lance grinned. "Besides my boobs got too big."

"Sorry, I didn't mean you, Lance."

"You are having way too much fun up here." JC looked from person to person.

Peter still chuckled. "I'm afraid I let our little tryst last night out of the bag."

Chris grinned. "Yeah, Peter blew it last night and then really blew it this morning."

Joey patted Justin and Peter on the back. "But I don't mind. It's nice to see you and Justin back together again. Peter, you were so lucky to have missed Britney's little scheming."

"Oh, I wasn't that lucky, Joey. She caught up with me, too."

Chris leaned close to Peter. He looked Peter over. "I don't see any scratches and you're not missing any wads of hair."

"The meeting was quite civil actually. Of course, she probably didn't want to cause a scene in the lobby."

JC smiled. "I would have loved to see it. I bet she didn't know what to make of you."

Peter nodded. "She had worked out all the motives she could think of for me wanting to be with Justin. She'd throw one out and I'd shoot it down. The look on her face when she found out that Justin was my first time was too good for words. That really knocked Britney off guard."

Justin looked embarrassed. "Do you always have to tell people I was your first?"

"Why not?" Peter patted Justin's hand. "It was the best thing that ever happened to me." Peter leaned slowly to Justin keeping an eye on Joey.

"Did Britney believe you?"

"Right on time, Joey." Peter straightened up.


"Never mind. She begrudged the sex as long as she thought I did all the work. To Britney it was strictly me in love with Justin. Justin was just lonely."

Chris patted Justin's cheek. "Poor baby."

Justin batted Chris's hand away. "She knows the truth now." Justin added. "She refused to believe it. So I had to be very blunt and rather graphic with her."

Lance nodded. "No wonder she tried to kick our door down."

"She did that?" Joey asked.

"She sort of blamed me being BI from being around JC and Lance."

There was a stunned silence.

"I can't believe that Britney could be that much of a fucking idiot!"


"I'm sorry, JC, but I mean that. If she thinks you two had an influence on Justin's sexuality, she is fucking stupid. After all of the years she has known you. She has no right to think that just because you're gay. I'd be insulted and angry if I were you. That really pisses me off. If I had her here, I'd... I'd." Joey went speechless.

JC put his hand on Joey's shoulder. "Calm down, Joey. Thanks for caring, but it's okay. Britney was just looking for scapegoats. At the time she wasn't thinking very straight."

"I think that should have been my line." Chris said.

Justin put his arm around Peter. "Peter here had more tact than I did. He really let Britney have it and she didn't even know it."

"She brought out the mean queen in me." Peter took Justin's hand. "And I felt I had the right to boast a little."

"Would you mind letting the rest of us in on it?" Joey asked.

Peter explained. "I read somewhere that sex is the ultimate hospitality because you are inviting someone into your body."


"As I got up to leave I told Britney that there was one thing no one could take away from me and it was one thing she would never know. That is the warmth and tenderness of Justin's hospitality." Peter gave Justin a peck on the cheek.

Justin smiled. "You had her so confused because she's been to my house lots of times."

They turned back to see the other four almost on the floor with laughter.

"Been to his house!" Lance held his arms to his stomach.

"Lots of times!" JC hooted.

Joey laughed. "A nice way of saying 'I've screwed Justin and you never can'. That's a scream. I'd have loved to see her face when she found out what it meant."

"I'd have gladly changed places with you, Joey." Justin said. "I did see her face and it wasn't fun. She couldn't believe I would do something so 'unmanly'.

"Oh, come on." Joey protested. "What could be more manly than sex between two men?"

JC pretended to be shocked. "Joey standing up gay sex? I thought that made you uncomfortable."

"Well, I exaggerate a bit. I sort of know why you do it." Joey seemed uneasy. "I have..." Joey looked down. "Never mind."

Lance sensed something. "Joey? You're with friends."

JC tried to be reassuring. "You said Lance and I could talk about these things in front of you."

Joey looked up then from one to the other. He seemed to make up his mind. "Gay sex really doesn't bother me. I mean it's not to my taste but what ever twists your crank." Joey let his guard down. "I sort of know what's its like that's all."

Joey waited for Chris to make a joke.

Chris stared at Joey. "How could you know?"

"Well, once while this girl was, ah," Joey was embarrassed.

"Stop being embarrassed. You're Joey Fatone. Out with it!" Chris snapped.

Joey let it out. "This girl was going down on me and she... stuck a finger up me."

"Oh, big deal." Chris was disappointed. "She stuck her finger up your butt. Who hasn't had that happen?"

Joey looked from one to the other. Everyone nodded. He turned to Chris.

"The ones with the know-how do that, Joey."

Joey was relieved.

"I heard that it was a way to cut a blow job short. Give the guy the finger and its Old Faithful time." Peter suddenly wished he hadn't said it.

Justin turned to him. Lance turned to JC.

"I've never done that for that reason." JC and Peter said together to Lance and Justin. They were met with glares. "I promise." The glares didn't change. "You like it when I do that." They both frowned. They pointed at their lovers. "You do it, too."

"Excuse me." Joey said. "Can we get back to me?"

"Sorry." The four of them said.

"Anyway, I was amazed how it felt."

"You went through the roof, right?" Justin said. He gave a wink at Peter.

"Yeah. The next minute I popped."

"Did she make a break for the door right after?"

"No, she didn't, Chris."

Peter quickly kept the hated topic from coming up again. "The joys of hitting the prostate."

Joey looked down. "No doctor has ever made me feel like that."

JC shook his head. "Joey, these are two very different circumstances."

Chris grinned. "Too bad. I'd certainly get a physical more often."

Joey continued. "So what I'm saying is I kind of know where you guys are coming from."

"And cumming to." Chris added. "And cumming for."

"Leave it, Chris." JC said.

Joey ignored Chris. "I knew what the top guy was feeling but what the bottom guy was doing it for I couldn't see. How could he stand all the pain? Now I know better."

"That's very enlightened of you, Joey." Lance said.

Joey made the point. "Not that I'm going to want some guy to do me, now."

"Well, I'm relieved." Chris relaxed. "I have to share a house with you. I thought I'd need a lock for my bedroom."

"Don't bother," Joey said. "The girls will still get out some other way."

Peter didn't want to listen to Joey and Chris go at it again. He started picking up plates.

"Leave that." JC said.

"I should clean up."

"No," JC took the plate from Peter's hand. "Let us. You deserve a break. And it won't hurt us."

Chris lifted an empty glass. "Oh, I think I pulled something." He clutched his back.

"What a wimp." Lance said taking the glass from him.

JC smiled. "Go to the back. Relax." JC's blue eyes sparkled. "Please, for me?"

Peter nodded. He left them to clean up.

Reaching the back of the bus Peter stretched out on the bench. The memories of the last few days flowed through him. He was doing this. His dream of being with NSYNC and especially Justin was happening. Peter found himself humming 'If They Could See Me Now' from 'Sweet Charity'. What a Broadway Queen!

Someone cleared his throat. Peter turned. It was Joey.

"I was going to watch some TV."

"Go ahead. It's your bus."

Joey grabbed the remote. Peter picked up a newspaper crossword puzzle. Thinking better of it Joey set the remote down. He took up a deck of cards.

"Joey." Peter put the puzzle down and sat up on the bench. "Thank you for your confession."

"My what?"

"I mean about that girl and you. The finger, you know."

"Oh, that. It was no big deal."

"I thought it would be. A women's man like you admitting that you had a brief glimpse into what gay sex is all about."

"Why not? We told JC and Lance they could talk about such things with us."

"Yeah, but that didn't include you." Peter moved to sit along side of Joey. "Don't worry, I'm not trying anything."

"I know."

"I was just touched that you wanted to let us know that even though you may be straight that you sort of understood gay sex."

Joey suddenly surprised Peter by leaned forward and kissing Peter on both cheeks and giving him a big hug.


"I'm a Fatone, remember?"

Pete smiled nodding. "How about some cribbage?"

"Sure." Joey grabbed the board. He turned and looked at Peter. "To tell you the truth I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of you traveling with us. It wasn't you, really. I just hadn't got my head around Justin being into guys. I mean you. Sorry, I mean being in love with you. It was JC and Lance all over again. I was also afraid since you were the majority that the four of you would start flaunting it. But you just keep it to an occasional kiss or hug. You helped me to realize that Justin is happy and that your being another man doesn't matter."

"Nonsense, Joey. Over your discomfort you saw the love that Justin has. No one showed you that. You did it yourself."

Joey looked serious. "Has Justin told his parents yet?"

"No." Peter replied. "I think he's waiting until we get back. But I promised him that if he needed me, we would tell them together."

Joey looked surprised. "That's awfully brave of you."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."

"Has Justin ever talked to you about his parents."

"Not really."

"Then I'll leave it up to Justin to tell you."

"Tell Peter what?" Justin stood in the doorway.

Joey seemed embarrassed. "Ah, about your parents."


"You two are just trying to scare me. I told you before Justin, if they raised you they can't be all that bad."

Justin shifted nervously. "It's just not the same with my parents. The odds for a negative reaction are greater with me."


Justin sat down on the other side of Peter. "You see my parents got divorced a while ago."

"I don't see how that will..."

"They both remarried."

"I..." Peter fell silent as the truth hit him.

"I have two sets of parents. I have to come out twice."

Peter looked up into Justin's worried face. Peter had a look of utter dread.

"Oh, shit."

They burst out laughing.

"Well, Justin, I'll stand by my promise." Peter leaned close. "You are worth the effort." Peter leaned closer.

Justin glanced at Joey.

Joey was shuffling the cards.

They lips were almost touching.

"Cut for who deals."

They stopped and let out a mutual sigh.

"What are you waiting for?" Joey asked innocently.

Peter turned to face him.

Joey grinned. "The cards can wait."

Peter turned back and Justin pulled Peter to his lips.

"Gees, its about time. I thought you guys were in love."

Still kissing the two lovers each raised a single finger to Joey.

The NSYNC tour bus was parked in the underground garage of the hotel. Three men in their early twentysomething watched as NSYNC left the bus. One watched as the other two commented on what they saw.

"Oh, there's Chris. He has to be the hottest."

"You've got to be kidding! JC is by far hotter then it would be Lance."

"I thought you'd choose Justin."

"I don't like to play favorites."

"That's why I like Chris. If I had the time I'd stick by the pool or gym just for a peek at them shirtless. They are such teases."

"These new fashions suck. I hope the tight fitting clothes come back into fashion soon. You can't get a glimpse of their asses."

"I'd give my soul to see them naked. Playgirl should do what Rolling Stone did and have five different centerfolds. They'd make a million."

"I bet JC's has the biggest dick."

"Nah, it has to be Lance. It's always the shy ones."

"You two are disgusting," said the shortest of the trio.

"Ah, blow me, Mike. You're thinking the same thing."

"They're people for gods sake."

"When I told you of the chance to see them, you jumped at it."

"We have to get back."

"Will you relax, Mike. We have lots of time." He turned the other guy. "I told you, TJ, that this job would have perks."

"Not if we get fired."

"Christ, Mike. We have fifteen minutes before they change over for lunch. We won't be missed."

NSYNC disappeared into the elevator.

"Well, that's it. Nothing more to see."

"Okay, Mike. We'll head back. But I'll tell you if they come to the restaurant I'm going to spill the water in JC's lap. Then I'll take him in the backroom to dry his pants off and show him some real waiter service."

"In your dreams, Randy. You don't even know if JC is gay."

"Hey, with my talent it wouldn't matter. They always give in, in the end. Right, Mike?"

Mike had a pained look. Why did Randy have to joke about it?

"I could get John Wayne to bend over for me." Randy's attention was drawn back to the bus. A figure was getting off. "Who do we have here?"

"Christ, Randy don't you watch the news? That's the gay guy from the NYSNC news broadcast."

"What's he doing on the bus?"

Mike shook his head. "You need to change hobbies. Your mother was right. You are going blind."

TJ laughed. Randy's looked silenced him.

"I can read his tag from here. He's in security."

Randy was thinking. "Well, he may be just the ticket. Besides a gay security guard traveling on the bus with NSYNC? That has too many hot possibilities."


"Be right back."

"Excuse me."

Peter fought back the panic. Someone had seen him get off the bus. He turned to see a very good-looking man approaching him.

"I just had to meet you. I hope you don't mind. We came to see NSYNC but I didn't know you would be here. Please forgive me. It's embarrassing I'm terrible at names."

"Peter. And you are?"

"I'm sorry. I'm Randy." He shook Peter's hand warmly. "I work for the hotel. If there's anything you or the guys need let me know."

Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I work in the restaurant. Can't blame me for trying."

"If you're looking for some passes or tickets you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't have that kind of clout. If you want to meet the guys you'll have to stand in line like everybody else, I'm afraid."

"It wasn't them that I wanted to meet." He moved slight closer to Peter. "I didn't try to approach them, did I? Ever since I saw you on TV, well, you interested me."

"Really? What was it?" Peter smiled. This guy was oozing charm. He wanted something and Peter had an idea who.

"You were brave to go public like that. Then NSYNC stood up for you so that means you mean something to them. But the main reason?" Randy moved closer still. He gave Peter the once over. "You are a hot looking man."

"Sorry, the bus's air conditioning isn't working."

Randy laughed heartily. A little too heartily. "And you have a good sense of humor. I like that in a man. I thought that maybe you would like to meet for a drink?"

"Sorry, I have my duties."

"Surely you have some time off. I get a 10% employee discount at the bar. Or are you seeing someone?" Randy tried to sound non-chalent.

"No." Better to make Randy think Peter's involvement was purely professional. "It's just that I don't drink much."

"We can do anything you want to. I am very flexible. And I have a big... heart." Randy winked.

"You also don't waste much time."

"You'll only will be here for a short while. I have to move fast. Besides I don't let life pass me by."

"Sorry, it's..."

"It must be so lonely on the road and then with those five hot guys around you. I can just imagine the stories you could tell." Randy moved close again smiling seductively. "Just one night. You don't have to worry about the guys finding out. I can a keep secret."

Peter leaned to Randy's ear. "So can I." He straightened up. "Sorry, it's my job." Peter winked. "Don't take it personal." Peter turned and walked away.

Mike and TJ were laughing as Randy approached.

"TJ, pull!" Mike mimed firing a rifle. "Bam! The great lover shot down in one shot. Randy, you are so smooth. I learn so much watching you in action."

"That was just the recognizance. The real seduction comes later. There is something going on here. I know it. If he did work for security why wasn't he with the bodyguards. And why did he get off the bus after NSYNC left? I can tell be his reaction he didn't want to be seen leaving the bus. This 'security' guy has got to be someone in NSYNC's little love toy. And if they have him then I want him even more."

"Leave him alone, Randy."

"He's fair game, Mike. He said he isn't seeing anyone." Randy rubbed his hands together. "Inside dirt on NSYNC and a little action on the side, who could ask for anything more?"

"Oh, give it a rest, Randy." TJ snorted.

Randy turned to TJ. "You don't believe I can do it?"

"I've seen you work before but if this guy does have NYSNC, why would he want you?"

"Want to make it more interesting? A hundred bucks says that by tomorrow night I'll be wearing his legs around me like a belt."


Randy grinned at TJ. "Better hit the ATM on your way home tonight." He walked away.

Mike turned angrily to TJ. "What the hell did you bet him for? He goes all out when there's money on the line. We know nothing about this guy and we're siccing Randy on him."

"Don't sweat it. Randy won't be able get near to him again. It's the easiest hundred bucks I will ever make."

Mike looked worried. "I hope so." Mike above all people knew that Randy had a very loose grasp of the meaning of the word 'No'."

"Peter, come in." John said. "Right on time. I like that about you. Please, sit down."

Peter sat down and John sat across from him.

"How are you doing? Settling in to life on the road?"

"Yeah, it's a little hectic but I'm coping."

"Good. How is it with Justin and you?"

"Good. It was a bit dicey when Britney arrived, for awhile. We made it through. She's not very happy though."

"I heard about that. Believe me, she will get over it." John left it at that. "I also heard about you and Kevin."

"News travels fast."

"Especially good news. What you did was greatly appreciated. I like people who have positive effects on my clients. Well, not counting Britney."

Peter felt himself blushing. "Glad to do it." Please, let the rumors not include the sex.

"You can fill me in later on the details. I wanted to talk to you before the guys got here. With the tour almost over I suppose you are wondering what an about to be out of work security advisor should do."

"I'm sure there is a job I can find in Orlando."

"There may be an opening at a company I know of."

"Do you mean that? Doing what?"

"Well, with your gifts something in the Human Resources, I'd think."

Peter frowned. "I've never done that but I can give it a try."

"Or just general office work if you like."

"What is this company?"

"The Wright Entertainment Group."

"But that's your..."

"The boss can be a SOB at times but I know you'd be an asset to the company. So how about it, would you like to work for me? We can work out the details later. If you're interested."

"Sure. Who wouldn't be?"

John slapped Peter's knee. "Good."

"John, thank you. I really appreciate this."

"After all you've done for us, it is my pleasure. Of course, you could have accepted the first time I offered you a job and saved me all this time."

"But now I don't need a resume. You know what I am capable of."

John looked stern. "Who says you don't need a resume?"

"But I..." Peter stammered.

"See, I am a son of a bitch." John grinned. "Just joking."

There was a knock on the door.

He stood and shook Peter's hand. "Welcome aboard."


John opened the door and ushered NSYNC into the room.

Chris spotted Peter. "Don't believe him, John. Whatever he told you is a lie. We behaved ourselves. Really, we did. Don't send us to our rooms."

"Relax, Chris. He didn't say anything about you."

"Good." Chris relaxed. "Then you didn't tell him about the bunch of bananas, the three girls and the vat of whipped cream. I owe you one, Peter."

"Chris, I didn't know it until now, but I missed you." John picked up a pillow. "But being this close I won't miss you from here."

Chris sat down and stayed very still. "Sorry, John."

The others sat down.

"I just wanted to make Peter an offer which he wisely accepted. Peter here is the newest employee of the Wright Entertainment Group."

"That's great, Peter." Lance said.

JC beamed. "You really a part of the family now."

Chris frowned. "Why would you want to work there? I hear the boss is a complete bastard."

Peter smiled. "I was told he was a son of a bitch."

Chris glanced at John. "Oh, I guess I have a higher opinion of him."

John raised the pillow slightly. Chris became a statue, again. John turned to the group. "So what's up? You said you all wanted to see me."

"Well, first some good news." JC began. "You left so early the morning after our party."

"I'm sorry, but something came up. Did everything turn out okay?"

"Beyond my wildest dreams." Lance said. He lifted his hand. "It's official."

John saw the gold ring. "Oh, my god! Congratulations, you two!" He hugged JC and Lance. "This is marvelous. I am so happy for you. When is the day?"

"We won't know that until we get back. We haven't planned anything yet."

"Well, I am at your disposal if you need anything."

"That's why we are here." JC said. "We want your help and advice."

"Sure. I'm not much on weddings but I can try."

"It's not about the wedding." Lance said looking a little nervous.

"Then what?" John watched Lance and JC look at each other.

JC took a deep breath. "We think it is time we came out publicly."

The smile left John's face. He sat back. "Oh."

Lance took over while his nerve held. "We think it would better if we do it rather than if the press found out about the wedding. This way it is on our terms."

"I see."

JC and Lance looked at John's impassive expression. They looked at each other.

"I know you dreaded this day but we think it is for the best."

John still didn't react.

Lance said softly. "John, do you hate this idea?"

John snapped to. "No, I do not hate the idea of you coming out to your fans." He turned to JC. "And I never dreaded it either. I knew that someday you would want to and I will stand by your decision." John leaned forward. "I know it's been difficult hiding this especially since you love each other. This is a big step and there's no going back. Are you sure?"

Lance and JC looked at each other. "Yes. We could do so much more if we were out."

John smiled. "That's what I wanted to hear." John reached for his brief case. "I knew that sooner or later this would happen so I have had a full year to think about this. Here is what I have come up with." He pulled out a blank sheet of paper. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't want to think about it either."

"Now what do we do?" asked Lance.

"Wait." John said. He wrote down a few things on the paper. "Okay, Peter. How would you do this?"

"Why ask me? I've never had to come out on this scale before."

"But the news broadcast was close." John looked seriously at Peter. "You are an employee now. Just a gut reaction."

"Well, I think first an interview in print probably in a good gay magazine like the Advocate. That's how other people have done it. Then an on-screen interview but I think one with listeners calling in, say Larry King? That way JC and Lance can respond to any negative reactions."

John flipped over the paper. "Right on all counts."

Chris smiled. "You should work for the psychic telephone networks."

"What about the other magazines?" asked Joey.

"Once the story hits they'll take it up." John said. "They'll all want a part of it."

"It's probably better that way."

Lance turned. "Why do you say that, Peter?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just playing devil's advocate. Just do the two interviews and let the others come to you. That way it doesn't look like you're promoting your," Peter made quotes in the air with his fingers, "'lifestyle'. It was their idea. They were interested in contacting you."

"We're just telling people we're gay. We're not asking others to become gay."

"Sorry, Lance, a few people will think you're recruiting."

"That's crazy."

"The world is crazy, Lance." Chris added. "You're coming out could be seen as the end of the civilized world to some people."

"Are you kidding? Two members of NSYNC are becoming unavailable. I can hear the teenaged girls wailing in grief already."

John pressed his fingertips together. "We could get other artists and celebrities to make positive statements about you two. That will help."

Chris grinned. "The next time we are on the Tonight Show you can invite Jay to the wedding."

John shifted forward. "That's not a bad idea. The public would love that."

"Wait a minute." Lance said. "We're not thinking of having a large wedding." Lance looked at JC.

"I agree with Lance. We can't invite that many people."

"Well, if not the wedding how about the reception?" Joey had the bit in his teeth and was running with this idea. "It could be your launch party. I know the perfect club. There'd be room for everybody from the press of the other people in the industry. It would be such an outpouring of goodwill and acceptance."

"The publicity alone will change a lot of people's minds."

"I can see magazines with huge spreads with pictures from the reception maybe even the wedding."

Lance and JC were looking very uncomfortable.

"If I may?"

"Sure, Peter." John sat back.

"I think we should concentrate on JC and Lance's coming out and leave the wedding and reception plans to them. It is their day after all not ours."

John sat forward. "I'm so sorry, guys. I guess we went wild for a moment there."

Lance was visible relieved. "I was beginning to have second thoughts."

"I'm sorry, too, guys." Joey looked apologetic. "I guess I wanted everything to be supporting you two."

"We appreciate it, Joey." JC smiled. "But maybe we should just rely on what's worked before." JC took Lance's hand. "We'll just be ourselves."

"I think that is an excellent suggestion." John sat back.

"Hey, it worked for my folks and Lance's."

Justin put his hand on JC's shoulder. "It worked for all of us who know you. If people have a problem with it and turn away from you two then you're not losing much."

John jotted a few things down. "I'll start checking on dates for the interviews. We want the magazine to hit the newsstands just before the TV spot. Right?"

They all nodded. "Sounds good."

"Should we aim for a month from now? Or is the wedding going to be sooner?"

JC squeezed Lance's hand. "Since we haven't planned anything yet even two months should be fine."

Lance looked nervous. "We haven't checked with our mothers though."

JC smiled. "If our mothers are anything like other mothers, it will be at least six months before the day."

"That long?" Lance looked disappointed.

"It will fly by, Lance. Believe me."

Chris grinned. "With all the decisions you'll be making you'll be hoping to just get it over with."

"Well, if there isn't anything else?" John stood up. "I'll let you guys get some lunch."

Lance and JC hugged John.

"Thank you for this." JC said.

"It will go well. You'll see."

They all headed for the door.

"Oh, Peter?"

Peter turned back to John.

"Good first meeting."

Peter smiled as the door closed behind them.

Peter's eyes darted from person to person.

"Looking for someone?" asked Justin.

Peter returned his attention to their table. "Yeah, at least he said he worked in the restaurant."


"This guy I met. He approached me as I got off the bus."


"Stop it, Chris." JC said. "Can't you see Peter's nervous enough already?"

Lance looked serious. "Did he seem to know anything?"

"No. But he was trying to find out. I'm sure of that. He really poured on the charm. He even offered to buy me a drink sometime."

"What did you say?" Justin barely kept his voice low.

"I told him, no." Peter wanted to give Justin's knee a reassuring pat but thought better of it. "I'm afraid I did tell him I wasn't seeing anyone though."

"He asked?"

"Yes, Joey. He gave me this whole story about how he has been interested in me since the news broadcast."

"Maybe he is?" Lance said matter-of-factly.

"He was hitting on me pure and simple. I mean, he talked about how lonely it must be on the road then traveling with five hot guys."

"Oh, this guy is good."

"Great, he just got the Joey Fatone Seal of Approval."

Peter blanched. "Oh, my god. There he is."

Everyone turned. Luckily Randy was at the far end of the restaurant and didn't notice.

"Not bad, Peter. He's almost Calvin Klein material."

Lance elbowed JC.

JC turned to Lance. "What? You can look but I can't?"

"I'm more insecure." Lance turned back. "Do you think he knows you're here?"

"I don't know."

The waiter came with their drinks.

"The ice tea?"

Peter raised his hand. "That's me."

"And four colas." He set the glasses in front of the guys. The waiter left.

JC sipped his water.

"Your teeth are going to rot out of your head."

Chris turned to Peter. "You're not our Mum."

"Peter, I gave up long ago."

"Okay, JC. It is their teeth." Peter lifted his glass.

"Peter, what's that?"

Justin reached across and pulled a piece of paper off the bottom of Peter's glass.

Justin read the note. "I'll still be waiting tonight."

"Yep, he knows you're here."

Chris raised his hand. "Can I change to ice tea? I could use a date tonight."

Justin ripped the paper in two. "Sorry, Peter. You have duties to perform tonight."

Peter pretended to look sad. He looked up to see Randy watching him. Peter shrugged. Randy just smiled and walked away.

The meal came. Peter lifted his burger. A flash of white caught his eye. He picked up the piece of paper.

"Determined isn't he?" Chris said. "What does it say?"

"Tomorrow night? Please."

Justin snatched the paper from Peter.

"No dice."

Peter glanced at Randy. He had seen Justin take the note. There was a dark flash in Randy's aura. Peter grabbed the piece of paper away from Justin.

Justin looked surprised. "You're not seriously thinking of..."

"No." Peter lowered his voice. He slid the paper into his pocket. "But if he thinks he has a chance he may stop with the notes and it will keep him from trying other methods"

JC look became serious. "Peter, do you sense something? Should we talk to security?"

"No. He's not dangerous. Randy is just determined, that's all. I just don't want to frustrate him further."

"If it gets too 'Fatal Attraction' you let us know."

"He's got his sights set on you, Peter. He won't give up easy."

"How do you know that Joey?"

"Hey, I'm a hunter, too. We just search for different prey. I recognize the moves."

"I don't like thinking of Peter as prey. He's mine."

Peter moved his hand before Justin could grab it under the table. "Nix." Peter whispered.


"He probably senses something is going on being that Peter is on the bus." JC said softly. "He'll be watching for any little thing. So we're monks in public. Okay?"

Justin nodded. "Sure, JC. It makes sense."

"I'm afraid that goes for us, too, Lance."

"Okay, JC."

"I have a better idea." Joey waved. Randy noticed. Joey gestured for Randy to come over.

"Joey, what are you doing?" JC hissed.

"Clearing the air."


"Trust me."

Randy neared the table. "You guys want to talk to me?" It sounded more like a brag than a question. "I can't talk long I have other tables."

"We just wanted to lay out a few things. It looks like you took a liking to our friend Peter here."

"Yes. I hope you don't mind. I'm not treading on your territory, am I?"

"No. It's just that after his attack we have taken Peter under our wing. We've gotten to be good friends. We've even asked him to travel with us to make up for what he's been through. So we are very protective of him."

Randy nodded. "Hey, I just want to have a drink with him and chat a bit."

"You seem like a nice person, but we know nothing about you. And after Peter's last run in with a stranger... You can understand our concern."

"Sure. But I promise you I'd never do anything to Peter." Randy smirked. "Unless he wanted me to."

JC glanced at Justin. Justin grabbed his glass and took a drink. It covered whatever he was feeling.

Joey continued. "So letting Peter alone with a stranger is not on the cards. I'm sorry. No offence."

"You guys could be there, you know, kind of chaperone. I don't mind."

JC joined the battle. "Well, there's a club opening we're invited to after the concert. I don't know when Peter would be free."

"I guess that's out then. I'd better get back." Randy shook everyone's hand. "It was nice meeting you." He took Peter's hand. "I'm hoping for some time with you. Maybe tomorrow if they approve." He left.

"He's not going to give up." Peter said softly.

"I know." Joey said. "But now he knows we will be keeping an eye on him. That's one in our favor."

Peter's eyes suddenly went wide. "Wait a minute. Back up a bit. You're going to a club after the concert?"

"It's a grand opening for this large club complex. Since we were here we might as well show up. For a while."

Peter repeated the words. ""I don't know when Peter would be free."" You mean you want me to go with?"

JC could feel Peter's excitement. "Why not?" He shrugged. "If you want to."

"You're shitting me!" Peter slapped his hand over his mouth. "Sorry."

They all laughed at Peter's excitement.

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You've been dancing around the spotlight for sometime. It will give, ah, us a chance to show you off to our friends."

Joey glanced at Randy. He was checking out their table from the corner of his eye. Joey took Peter's hand. "You can be our guest."

JC caught Joey's little nod. He put his hand on top of Joey's. "Yeah, our guest."

Lance took the hint and added his hand. "All of us."

Chris followed the others. "Its about time."

"Gees, now I can't wait. What should I wear?"

Justin added his hand to the stack. "Don't worry. We'll find you something. You'll look fantastic."

Randy tried hard not to drop the plates he was carrying. All five had their hands on Peter. Was Peter having sex with all of NSYNC? His pants grew uncomfortably tighter at the crotch.

He set the plates down and hurried into the kitchen. Once the door closed behind him Randy adjusted himself in his pants. That last thought was too hot for him to handle. A look at his watch showed that he had twenty minutes until his next break. It was a long time to wait for some release.

"So, lover boy, what time are you meeting him tonight?"

Randy didn't want to deal with TJ right now. He still turned on his composure. "I have a raincheck. Tomorrow for sure."

"I think it's you who will need the ATM." TJ laughed.

"He who laughs last."

"Didn't get the joke." TJ finished. He headed past Randy through the door.

Randy saw Mike chopping lettuce. He slid up close next to him.

"Let's take our breaks together."

"No way, Randy. You'll have to get off by yourself."

"Then how about we meet tonight. I'll make it worth your while." He rubbed his crotch against Mike.

"Sorry, no go."

"I thought you loved me? You are so special to me."

Mike turned. "You only say that when that," he pointed the knife at Randy's crotch, "needs attention."

Randy stepped back from the closeness of the knife. But he knew Mike better than that. He stepped close, again.

"Come on, you love it."

"Whenever you can't get action from anybody else you fall back to good old reliable Mikey. I'm so tired of you using me. But you always get your way, don't you. One mention of my love for you and I cave in, well, not this time." Mike raised his arm. The knife cut through the lettuce and hit the chopping board with a loud thud.

Randy just smiled. "Oh, so forceful. But that's not how you really are is it?"

Mike started to raise his hand but Randy stopped him. Randy always knew what buttons to push.

Randy stepped closer. "But if someone took control. You like that don't you. You don't have to think. You just do what they tell you." Randy twisted the knife from Mike's hand. "Someone like me?" Randy leaned close. "You always give in because I give you what you want. You like me to be in control of you. I knew that from the very first time we did it together. You resisted at first, but you really loved it and you still do." Randy leaned closer. Mike could feel his hot breath on his skin. "I'll be at your place at seven. We'll order pizza and then see who delivers first." He dropped the knife to the counter and walked away.

Mike wanted to scream 'No!' but he just watched Randy leave. He picked up the knife, pushed the chopped lettuce off the board and into a waiting container. He put a fresh head of lettuce on the cutting board.

"Goddamn that man!"

The knife flashed. The head of lettuce rolled on the cutting board cut cleanly in two.

In that flash the anger passed. Mike leaned against the counter. His head bowed and his shoulders slumped. He fought back the tears. "And goddamn me." Mike said softly.

Peter's head was still swimming. He was going with NSYNC to a club! His room was a blur as he walked from bedroom to living room. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't sleep and TV was a bore. He opened the closet. All his clothes were hanging there. Someone always packed their clothes then unpacked them. From hotel to hotel everything was the same. It was like they hadn't moved. Peter gave up. Justin or JC and Lance would know what he should wear. There wasn't even an autograph session for him to go to. How was he going to spend the hours before the concert?

There was a knock on the door. Peter went to the door and peered out the spy hole. With Randy about he wasn't taking any chances. No one was there. There was a knock again. But it came from behind him.

In his euphoric state Peter had missed the other door in the wall. He crossed to it.

"Lance? JC?" He pulled open the door. "Justin!"

"I took a page from their book. Now we don't need to be seen going and coming from each other's rooms."

"Coming?" Peter grinned.

"That's right. That happens before we leave."

"Do you think this is wise? People might notice our rooms are together."

"Fuck 'em."

"Randy might like that."

"Nah, he strikes me as strictly a top man." Justin took Peter into his arms. "And please never mention his name again."

"Jealous?" Peter grinned.

"Very. But I was also pissed. He only sees you as a conquest. You're more than that to me."

"I was once."

"I was so into myself then. You changed me."

Peter tilted his head. "A diaper fetish?"

"Stop that. You know what I mean."

Peter lay his head on Justin's shoulder. "I know." Peter let out a sigh. "Shouldn't you be resting."

"I can't. I'm not used to someone trying to pick up my lover right in front of me." Peter could feel Justin tense up. "I wanted to make him leave you alone. I wanted to protect you from him. But I couldn't without him knowing about me, us."

"Come on." Peter led Justin back into his room. "Lay down on the bed on your stomach."

Justin lay down. Peter got on the bed straddling him. "Let's see if I can remember what you did to me." He pressed his hands against Justin's shoulders. His fingers kneaded Justin's muscles.

A low moan rumbled out of Justin.

"I must be doing something right."

Peter moved his hands slowly down Justin's back. Justin continued to moan.

"Is that all right?"

"Oh, yes! You are so good to me."

"That's because I like to see you happy."

Peter ran him hands over Justin's muscles for a few more minutes. The moans slowly subsided. Justin was dowsing off. Peter gently got off the bed.

He was about to walk back to his room when a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Please, Peter." Justin went hand over hand pulling Peter to him.

Peter lay down on his back next to Justin. Justin pulled himself close to Peter. He lay his head on Peter's chest.

Justin gave a contended sigh. "I love you, Peter."

Peter ran his fingers through Justin's hair. "I love you, too, Justin. Now sleep."

"Mm, I'm so lucky," Justin muttered as he fell asleep.

"So am I, Justin." Peter whispered. "So am I."

JC stuck his head around the corner.

"Lance, you coming to bed?"

Lance looked up from the couch. "I'm too worked up to rest."

JC walked to the couch and sat down. "I know. The ball is finally rolling. The world will soon know that we're gay."

"And in love."

JC smiled. "That's the best part."

"I really thought John was going to be mad at us."


"I know it's stupid. But if this doesn't go well, he's out a lot of money."

"Lance, this is John remember? Forget about the past."

"I know. I'm just glad how it turned out."

JC stood up. He offered Lance his hand. "Come on. We can at least lie down."

Lance nodded and took JC's hand.

They went into the bedroom, stripped to their shorts and slipped under the covers.

Lance snuggled up to JC. "Look at us, JC. We're about to go public and then the wedding. I can't believe how far we've come."

"I rather not think too far back. I was an awkward little geek who learned how to dance to make up for it."

"I don't know. You and Justin intimidated me. You'd been on TV plus you were so talented."

"So are you."

"I almost blew the Europe gig. That guy was right."

"Okay, so you needed a little more work than the rest of us. But we weren't going to kick you out of the group because of that. You were a part us. But you worked your butt off and you showed 'em."

"We all worked our butts off. But you guys stood up for me. I wanted to make you proud."

"And you did."

"And you, JC?"

"Of course."

"Good, because I wanted to make you proud. Actually I wanted you to notice me, you above all the others. Even before I knew that I loved you."

"You were easy to notice."

Lance gave a little sigh.

JC laughed. "You were so bad."

Lance slapped JC's chest. "JC!"

"But I admired how hard you worked to overcome it."

"You didn't help. You were very distracting. Especially when you were in front of me."

"And wearing those light white clothes."

"Yeah, when they got wet with sweat you could practically see right..." Lance's head popped up. He scowled. "JC?"

"Hey, after a while I wanted you to notice me, too."

"Oh, believe me, I did. If the walls in John's bathroom could talk."

"Really, Lance? That's sweet." Lance looked up at JC. "Sorry, Lance. You spent a lot of time behind me to effect me like that." Lance still looked at JC. JC blushed slightly. "But going through our publicity proofs sure did."

Lance smiled and lay his head back. "Those times in the pool. They were the hardest in more ways than one. I thought your body was so beautiful."

"I wish you would have told me. I hated how I looked back then." JC paused. "I guess that's why it took me so long to approach you. I wasn't sure you would find me, you know, sexy."

"And I was afraid you wouldn't want to be seen with a klutz. Besides, you were going out with girls then. I was so envious."

"Don't be. It was nothing like what we have. They were more into me than I was into them." JC grinned. "And I do mean that both ways. I just wasn't big on sex then." JC nudged Lance. "Until you. Then it all made sense, I mean why the girls never did it for me."

"Sex was just another thing that made me different from you guys. I want so much to be like you four. Then when I realized I was gay it was the last straw. I knew then that I would always be different. I was so afraid you guys would find out."

"We noticed that something was bothering you. So they sent me to find out."

"I must have been a nervous wreck during those weeks. There was I terrified that you guys would find out I was gay and the man I had a huge crush on was spending more and more time with me."

"I was really enjoying that time together. We really got to know each other better."

"I'll say. That wonderful night you invited me back to your place." Lance sighed. "JC, you were so sincere and caring during that time. I think if I wasn't already in love with you I would fallen for you then."

JC kissed Lance's head. "A member of the group was hurting. We were hurting, too. Then I realized I wanted to spend the time with you. I was so happy to be with you. I loved catching glimpses of you watching me. It was during one of the photo shoots and I had my arms around you. When the shoot was over I didn't want to let you go. I wanted to hold you in my arms forever." JC chuckled. "That was one time I had to take my own trip to the bathroom."

Lance laughed. "I bet you did that better than me, too."

"Lance, there are lots of things that you do better than me."

Lance looked JC in the eyes. "Is that an invitation?"

JC put his hand on Lance's cheek. "Well, we're certainly not resting."

"Then we will have to help each other rest." Lance raised up and kissed JC.

When he pulled back Lance slid under the sheet.

JC closed his eyes as he felt Lance's tongue and lips snake their way down his body. The soft moist warm feeling as they made contact with his skin. JC reached down and pulled on his shorts. He managed to get them off before Lance had tongue slalomed to his crotch. Gently fingers wrapped around JC's hardening cock. There was the feeling of a tongue licking up and down each side of the shaft. A mouth sucked one ball at a time into its warm softness and a tongue prodding and probing around it sent thrills through JC's body. The hand slowly started stroking the shaft. JC felt soft kisses on his inner thighs. The tongue was at his balls again. It started up the length of the stiffening shaft and swirled about the tip.

JC moaned with pleasure.

Two lips closed over the tip. They paused only a moment then JC's cock slid into the warm wet softness of Lance's mouth.

"Oh, Lance!"

Lance started the slow rhythm of down and up on JC's cock.

JC looked down on the form under the sheets. He pulled the sheets clear. The first thing he saw was Lance's green eyes sparkling up at him.

Lance felt JC's cock grow harder in his mouth. JC's face flushed with pleasure.

Lance doubled his efforts. He plunged down and up on JC's cock. Lance gently took hold of the base of the shaft and used his hand to follow his mouth's progress.

JC was going crazy. Of all the things Lance could do well, this was JC's favorite. JC felt the stirrings of the climax. It was too soon. JC pulled Lance up to him. He pressed his lips to Lance's in a passion.

"Lance, you look so beautiful when we make love."

"I feel so beautiful when I am making you happy." Lance grinned. "Do I look as beautiful as you do with a cock in my mouth?"

JC laughed. "I never knew how to tell you. It sounded so crude."

"And 'fuck me' and suck my dick' isn't? It's just a matter of perspective." Lance kissed JC.



"Be beautiful for me."

JC held Lance to him. He rolled over. Once Lance was on his back JC moved to one side. Lance reached for his shorts. JC stopped him.

"No, let me."

JC pulled down on the waistband. Lance lifted himself up so JC could pull them off. JC threw the shorts to the floor then turned back. Lance was fully erect and waiting. JC fingers enclosed the base of Lance's cock.

"I do love this." JC said. "It is so different than fucking."

Lance smiled. "You have more control and more variety. Tongue, lips, and throat. The ass can only open and tighten." Lance took JC by the shoulders. "JC, please."

Lance's green eyes pleaded. JC moved down Lance's torso to where his hand was. When his mouth and reached the same place, JC looked up at Lance.

"Please, JC."

JC opened his mouth and welcomed Lance's dick in.

Lance let out a loud gasp.

Encouraged, JC started the rhythm. Lance's hips followed him pushing up as JC went down.

JC looked up. Lance had his eyes closed. His head rolled about on the pillows. JC felt a thrill go through him. It didn't take much to put Lance into a passion.

Lance's hand moved from JC's shoulders to his head gently guiding him off and on Lance's cock. JC never needed such guidance but Lance loved to do it anyway. It felt like they were more connected.

JC's tongue and lips caressing Lance's sensitive flesh felt so wonderful. He opened his eyes to see JC looking up at him.

"It feels good, JC."

Even with a cock in his mouth JC seemed to smile. He sped up. Lance dropped his hands to the bed. JC was doing so well. Every nerve in Lance's body was thrilling to JC's efforts. There was a familiar stirring. No, not yet.

Lance pulled JC to him. They kissed for a few moments their tongues darting together. They pulled back.

Their eyes met. They knew what the other wanted.

"Too soon?"

"Yes. No."


"Yes, please."

JC twisted his body around. He swallowed Lance's cock as Lance swallowed his.

The thrills that were going through their bodies! Each tongue and lip repeating what the other was doing to them. Cock heads slipping passed warm soft lips and tongues pressing against soft tender flesh were the delights that JC and Lance shared together.

Their passions were growing. They couldn't hold out much longer.

Lance put his hands on JC's ass cheeks pushing JC deeper into his mouth. Lance's hips thrust upward pushing his cock deeper into JC's mouth. Both welcomed the other's cock and it pushed them closer to the edge.

Lance suddenly went tense. He gave off a muffled moan. Cum erupted into JC's mouth.

JC swallowed eagerly. Lance's cock twitched and throbbed. JC took everything that Lance gave. As the erupting abated, JC felt his passion grow to a peak.

Another muffled groan as JC shot off. Lance plunged down onto JC's cock. Gulping and moaning Lance also took everything that JC gave him.

After some time they parted. Lying on their backs they gave out the most wonderful contented sighs.

JC moved around so they were face to face. They kissed their own cum mingling with their tongues. They pulled back.

"Lance, you do that so good."

"You, too, JC."

Lance lay his head on JC's chest.



"Whatever happens we will still have each other?"

"Can you doubt it?"

"JC, I am afraid and excited at the same time."

JC held Lance close. "Lance, our love has been known on the Astral plain. It connects every living creature. Maybe even those homophobes will be able to sense a bit of what we feel." JC kissed Lance's forehead. "Besides, we're not only gay, we're in love. And that's the only thing there is just too little of."

"JC, now Peter is rubbing off on you. That's from 'What the World Needs Now'."

"I don't mind. Peter was been such a..."



They lay close to each other.

"Do you ever think of what it might have been like if we never met him?"


"Me, too." Lance paused. "JC?"

JC sighed. "What, Lance?"

"At the beginning we were both afraid that the other would think. Look how it turned out."


"I think our coming out is going to be the same way."

"Lance, I know so. We've always been ourselves. The fans have responded to that. They'll just know us a little better. Besides young girls love romantic stuff."

"I know I do." Lance gave a contented little sigh. He loved to feel JC holding him. JC gave Lance a slight squeeze. Soon the pair of them drifted off to sleep.

End part 24.

Well, it looks like we've come down to the end of another one, buckaroos. Thanks for reading. I promise the next ones will be quicker. Now that the story is rolling it should flow faster. As always, any input is welcomed (except write faster). E-Mail me at

Now on to Part 25!

Next: Chapter 25

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