Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jul 31, 2002


Here we go on Part 25.

Thanks to all you loyal readers and greeting to those who have just 'tuned in'. Don't let the title scare you off. My gratitude goes to those of you who took the time to E-mail me. It is always helpful to get feedback. Well, you're not here to read me rattling on.

This is a work of fiction (complete BS). This does not detail NSYNC and the other characters real life or sexual orientation. (Don't believe a word of it! I'm making it all up! I do not know NSYNC personally. And that is one way in which God has blessed them.)

There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage or find such things objectionable stop reading now! Actually, if you find such things objectionable read on and expand your mind. (Just kidding. But if you object what the hell are you doing here?)

Lance checked his hair in the mirror. "I have never seen Peter so excited."

"And why not?" Chris puffed himself up. "He's going to be seen with us in public. We should charge him an escort fee. Or at least Justin should. Wait, Justin should be paying him, right?"

Lance ignored Chris. "I don't know why we waited so long."

"Lance, there was just the launch party since Peter's been with us. Remember?"

"That's right. It's nice we don't have to worry about people starting rumors." Lance smiled. "Now that we're getting closer to coming out, we don't have to care anymore."

"Well, there is still Justin." Chris turned. "Unless you want to jump on the bandwagon."

"No thank you, Chris. I'm not quite ready to come out that far yet. Besides I don't want to steal any of Lance and JC's limelight."

Joey smiled at Justin. "You wouldn't have said that a few months ago." Joey put his arm around Justin. "I really like the new you."

Justin looked embarrassed but he smiled. "I do too, Joey."

Chris thought a bit. "I guess we can't have over half of the group tell the world they're into guys. I think we'd be NSUNK"

"Oh, and about that." Justin said. "We all are going to be at the interviews, right?"

"Why? It's only has to do with JC and I."

"No way." Chris said. "We're all in this together. It's all or nothing."


"No buts." Joey cut in. Joey walked over and put his hands on JC and Lance's shoulders. "We've always and will always stand by each other and we want the world to know that. You're not going to do this alone."

"Thank you, guys."

"Group hug."

They all clumped together with arms around each other. JC and Lance looked from one face to another. They saw the determination in each. Not a word was spoken but the message was sent and received. A few pats on the back and the huddle broke up.

Lance wiped his eyes. "Come on, hacky time."

Randy leaned on the front desk working his charm.

"Randy, you're an employee. You're not suppose to bother the guests."

"I'm not bothering them. They're just little notes from a fan." Randy turned on his smile. "Please, Jan. I will really appreciate it." Jan was wavering. "Just this once?"

"Okay, Randy." She took the envelopes. "Just this once." She slid the notes into the room mailboxes.

Randy had a non-chalent air, but he watched her closely. Jan slipped four envelopes into slots close together. Randy held back his surprise when Jan moved farther down the rank to file the last two notes.

"Why are those separate?"

"Their rooms aren't on the same floor as the others."

"Oh, probably booked up when they made the reservations?"

"I don't think so. There are vacant rooms on that floor. They probably just wanted to be close. They're in adjoining rooms."

Randy's heart began to race.

"You didn't mix up the notes did you?"

Jan made a face. "No. See?" She flashed the envelopes. "This ones for Peter and this ones for Justin. I'm not that stupid."

"Thank you, Jan. I owe you big time." Randy leaned across the desk, kissed Jan and hurried away.

Jan watched Randy's muscles flex and strain against his clothes as he walked away. "Why are all the hot guys gay?"

Peter watched the guards ask the people in the main aisle to return to their seats. NSYNC was about to do 'This I Promise You' and the area had to be cleared for the moving stage.

"Anything to report?" Lonnie's voice crackled in Peter's ear.

"All clear so far." Peter said into his headset's mike.

Peter was on the scaffolding at the side of the stage. Far enough up to see the audience but not too high for him to be uncomfortable.

Soon the stage began to roll into the audience. Peter watched as the audience's auras changed as NSYNC got closer to the fans.

The stage had got about half way down the aisle when Peter saw that distinct color in their auras.

"Escort, on your right about four rows ahead of you."

The bodyguards responded quickly to Peter's warning.

Two girls pushed their way down the row to get closer to NSYNC. One girl had a stuffed animal she was going to throw to the stage. She hesitated as two bodyguards suddenly appeared in their way.

One bodyguard extended his hand. "I'll make sure they get it." He had a very stern expression on his face.

She paused to consider the options. Thinking better of it, she handed the gift to the bodyguard.

"Thank you. Please, return to your seats."

The girls looked up to see Justin smiling and waving down at them. They screamed. Holding on to each other they jumped up and down. The stage rolled on passed them.

"Nice one," crackled in Peter's ear.

"That's what I'm here for."

The stage went out and came back with no more incidences. The stage settled back to it's starting place and the song ended. Justin walked to the front of the stage and gestured. The guard threw the stuffed animal to Justin. Justin waved and left the stage.

Peter climbed down from his perch. Now he could return to the front of the stage. As he walked along the side of the stage his eye caught a movement above him. A bulge was moving up under the drape that covered the side of the stage. Once at the top two arms pushed out of the drape. A girl emerged. She pulled herself halfway onto the ramp at the side of the stage. Placing her foot on the drape rod she tried for one last boost. But the rod gave under her weight. She slipped back.

Peter's heart leapt to his throat. She was going to fall. The girl hung there half on and half off the stage. Peter looked around for something or someone to help. There was nothing.

She slipped a little more.

Maybe Peter could catch her. At least he would cushion her fall.

With her legs frantically kicking she scrambled to get on the stage instead of trying to climb back down. Her hands slipped again.

Peter didn't know what else to do. She was going to fall. He focused on his fear and raised his hand. "No!"

She was propelled onto the stage.

Peter rushed to a monitor to see what was happening on stage.

The girl rolled the rest of the way down the ramp to the stage. NSYNC was singing stage center. She got up and staggered a bit. Lifting her arms she turned to the audience.

"Whoa!" She was on the stage with NSYNC.

JC oblivious of the gate crasher danced directly towards her. As JC got close she wrapped her arms around his neck. JC did as they had been trained. He stood still. The guards rushed on stage. They surrounded her. The girl still held on to JC as they started to pull her off. She tried to hold onto JC as long as she could. The guards pulled her hands free of JC and led her off. The song continued.

Peter relaxed. It was over. Suddenly his headset crackled.

"Medic get ready. JC is injured."

Peter turned to the monitor. There were several trickles of blood running down JC's neck.

"It's just a scratch." JC protested as the medic dress his neck. "I can finish the show."

Anthony looked at the medic.

She nodded. "He will be fine. It just grazed the skin."

Anthony sighed. "Okay. Ready for the next number."

The whole place shook and thundered as JC went back on stage.

"Man, the fans were wild tonight."

"How's your neck, JC?"

JC took off the bandage to show Lance. "See, just a scratch. It's healing already."

"I'm glad. It looked a lot worse."

"Small wounds always bleed more." JC said.

"I am always amazed what some of the fans go through to meet us." Justin continued to change clothes.

"How did she get on stage on the first place? Someone must have seen her." Chris shook his finger at Peter. "You should have stopped her." He teased.

"She was already too high, I couldn't reach her." Peter said.

Chris's jaw dropped.

Peter looked down. "In fact it was me..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Lonnie, Anthony and a man Peter recognized from security entered the dressing room.

"I thought you might be here, Peter."

Peter saw that no one was smiling. A silence fell on the room.

Lonnie moved to Peter. "Peter, there has been a serious accusation made. I have to ask you a question and please answer truthfully."

"What other way could Peter answer?" Lance said.

Lonnie raised his hand. "Please, this is between security and Peter."


"Sh, JC." Lance cautioned.

The door opened and John entered.

"Okay, I'm here. What is this all about?"

Lonnie looked embarrassed. "There has been a charge made that Peter endangered NSYNC."

"What? That is absurd!"

"JC, please."

John stepped forward. "Peter wouldn't do anything of the kind."

"He did it. I saw him." The man snapped.

"Quiet, Sam. I'm asking Peter." Lonnie turned back. "Did you help that girl get onto the stage?"

"Help her?" Justin blurted out.

Lonnie didn't look away from Peter. "Peter, is it true?"

Peter nodded. "Yes. I pushed her onto the stage." Peter looked at the floor.

"You see!" Sam snapped. "We're supposed to keep them off the stage. He pushed her on. If it wasn't for that JC wouldn't have been injured." Sam pointed at Peter. "He's responsible."

John stepped closer. "Peter, why?"

"She was going to fall. I couldn't think of anything else to do."

"No excuse. I want him suspended."

John turned to Sam annoyed. "Sam, he isn't an official member of the union. You can't do that."

"Then he should be kept from the stage."

It was Anthony's turn to step forward.

"Peter, you saw her?"

"Yeah, she was climbing up under the drape around the side of the stage. She got to the top but she didn't give herself enough boost to reach the stage. She tried to use the drape rod but it just gave under her weight. She was just hanging there." Peter looked up. "I had to do something. She was slipping. I couldn't let her fall."

"You're first duty is to protect NSYNC."

"Shut up, Sam." Anthony snapped.

Sam looked surprised "I beg your pardon?"

"Peter, had she climbed up at the spot where the drape is now pulled away?"

"Yes." Peter hung his head.

Anthony turned to Sam.

"You saw Peter push her?"

"Yeah, he stuck out his hand, yelled something and she was over the edge." Sam sneered. "He used his 'gifts' to do it."

"Thank god, he did." Anthony added.


Anthony stood in front of Sam.

"You saw the spot where she climbed?"


Anthony took out his wallet. Opening it he produced some bills. "Sam, I will give you fifty dollars if you would climb up there and drop back down from that very same spot."


"A simple jump for fifty dollars."

"From that height, I'd break my neck."

"Isn't that what the girl would have done if Peter hadn't pushed her onto the stage?"

Sam's mouth opened but he didn't say anything.

"Yes, Peter did intentionally push her onto the stage," Anthony paused. "to safety."

"I never meant..." Sam stammered.

"As it was," Anthony continued. "She was removed from the stage on her own two feet," he turned to Sam, "and not on a stretcher. Did you want that?"

"Of course, not!" Sam snapped. He looked embarrassed. "I guess I just didn't think it about it clearly."

"We would have had to end the concert." John added.

"I withdraw the charge." Sam looked up at Peter. "Peter, I am sorry. I didn't think it through."

"It's okay, you were doing your job. I don't blame you." Peter looked up blankly. "And I am new to this."

"Come on, Sam. Sorry to have troubled you." Anthony and Sam left the room.


Peter looked up at Lonnie.

Lonnie reached to Peter's neck and held the angel charm. "You were there for her. I'm sure she would thank you."

Peter managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Lonnie."

Lonnie put a reassuring hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Let's leave the guys to change."

John and Lonnie left.

The guys stood in silence. Peter just sat there not really looking at anything. He looked emotionally crushed.


"Its okay, Joey."

"Bullshit." JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You're hurt by this, we can feel it."

Peter didn't look up. He clasped and unclasped his hands. "They're right. I did endanger you. You wouldn't have been hurt if she hadn't been on stage."

"Oh, right." Chris sneered. "And the girl would now have broken bones or ended up crippled or worse."

"I could have caught her when she fell."

"Then you both would be in the hospital." Justin said. "That's not a small height."

"Peter, look at me."

Peter turned to JC.

"All I got was a scratch from an overzealous fan. I don't think anyone of us could have lived with the consequences of what might have happened to the girl if you hadn't acted. Everything we do is for our fans. Tonight, you did, too. Sam made a mistake. But we are proud of you." JC smiled. "You're our hero."

"Again," added Chris.

Peter managed a smile. "Thanks."

Lance put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "I know what is really bothering you. You saved a person's life and then by doing so get blamed for endangering ours. After what you did you deserved to be thanked and praised. But what you got was accusations and threats. You did the right thing. Now they have you doubting it." Lance pulled Peter into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

JC put his arm around Peter. "We all are."

Joey shook his head. "Don't the world just suck."

"Joey, that ain't no shit!" Peter laughed.

Everyone relaxed.


"Yeah, JC. Thanks you, guys."

"No problem. Now lets get back to the hotel and change. I think we have a gala opening to get to, eh, Peter."

It was Justin's turn to take Peter in his arms. "I think you could use a little partying?"

"And how."

Joey grinned. "I think you meant 'No, shit.'"

"I don't want to corrupt you guys."

"Too late." Chris slapped Peter on the back. "Come on, let's hurry. That party will do us all good."

Justin walked into Peter's bedroom. "I'm ready."

"Well, I wish I was." Peter was sitting on the bed fumbling with his shoe. "I knotted the damn laces."

Justin went to Peter. "Here let me help."

Peter handed Justin the shoe.

As he began working on the laces Justin kept glancing at Peter. He had never seen Peter dressed up before. He looked so handsome and sexy.

"I'm sorry, Justin. I'm all nerves."

"I thought you weren't nervous about being seen with us."

"It's not you. It's the people and the Press. I don't go to parties much."

Justin unknotted the shoelace. "There, got it."

Peter reached for his shoe.

Justin clutched the shoe to him. "Oh, no you don't. Let me." He knelt in front of Peter, raised Peter's foot and slipped the shoe on him.

Justin looked up at Peter. He hammed it up. "The shoe fits. I have found my true love."

"Cinderella, again? Isn't this supposed to happen after the party?"

Justin tied the shoelace. "Trust me, after the party I don't want to waste any time searching for you."

Peter moved his foot in between Justin's legs. He lifted it until it pressed against Justin's crotch. Peter wiggled his foot.

"Tonight my Prince will come."

Justin moved forward and pulled Peter's leg up harder against him. Peter's shoe pushed against his ass and the ankle pressed against Justin's balls. Justin wanted to start moving his hips. He fought against the urge. Justin let go of Peter's leg.

Justin smiled. "Yeah, tonight." He stood up. "Stand up, let me look at you."

Peter stood up and did a little turn.

"Oh, lover, you look fantastic."

Peter blushed.

"You're going to turn everybody's head tonight." Justin pulled Peter to him. "They will see pride in my eyes tonight. It's too bad that they won't know it's for you." Justin gave Peter a quick kiss.

"Justin, I'm jealous. You always look so good."

Justin gave Peter another peck. "I'll teach you." Justin went to the mirror. "People think it takes such skill. It's not that hard."

Peter moved behind Justin. He pressed his crotch against Justin.

"It soon will be. You look so hot." Peter leaned close and whispered in Justin's ear. "It's going to be difficult keeping my hands off of you."

Peter blew into Justin's ear. Justin giggled and squirmed.

"Stop that."

Peter pulled back. "Do we plan to stay long?"

"I don't know, usually about an hour or so. Just to make an appearance and go."

"Good." Peter slid his hands over Justin's chest. "Then when we get back we can fuck like bunnies."

Peter's warm breath caused the hairs on Justin's neck to stand up. Justin's cock twitched. He could feel Peter's body rubbing against him.

"Peter, please..." The word 'stop' stuck in Justin's throat. He pressed back against Peter. The blood started to pound in his ears. Justin felt the passion flare inside of him.

Justin managed to look at his watch. "There's time." He gasped.

Peter kissed Justin's neck. "For what?"

Justin didn't have to answer. Peter's fingers slid through the opening of Justin's shirt deftly unbuttoning it. His hand slipped under the fabric and cupped Justin's pec. A finger rubbed his nipple.

"Yes, Peter, please."

Justin turned his head. Peter's lips found his.

Peter's hands caressed Justin's chest through his open shirt.

Justin reached behind him. He could feel Peter's hard cock through his pants.

Peter moaned. What was happening? The others would be waiting. Peter felt Justin's body pressing hard against him. The doubt vanished. Justin needed this.

Justin loosened his tie. He started to take off his shirt when Peter stopped him.

"No, leave it on. It will save us time after."

Justin turned around. He started unbuttoning Peter's shirt. Again Peter stopped him.

"No, just you."

Justin looked into Peter's eyes.

Peter didn't say a word. He just nodded.

Justin slid to his knees in front of Peter. He unbuckled Peter's belt, undid his pants and slid them down Peter's legs. Peter didn't even try to step out of them. Justin knew why. Next Justin took hold of the band of Peter's underwear. He hesitated, then pulled. Peter's cock sprung up pointing to the ceiling. Justin licked his lips. No, they didn't have time.

Justin turned back and opened the drawer behind him. He took out the condoms and lube. Opening the pack, Justin rolled the condom onto Peter's hard cock. Squeezing a generous amount of lube onto his hand, he lubed up Peter's cock. He looked up into Peter's face.

Peter smiled.

Justin stood up and turned around.

Peter's hands reached around Justin's waist. They unbuckled his belt. Soon his pants slid to his ankles. His underwear soon followed.

Justin bent forward. Then there was the cold feel of lubricant on his ass and fingers gently working it into him.

Justin's whole body was shaking with anticipation. He had never felt such need before. How long had it been? It was before Britney had arrived. Now he wanted Peter so bad. His whole body felt hollow. He needed Peter to fill him up.

"Peter, please. I need you."

Justin's body froze as Peter's cock head pressing into him. Like someone suffering from an inch they couldn't reach slowly Peter's cock neared the spot that Justin needed itching. The cock hit the spot. Justin's hands locked onto the dresser in front of him.

"Oh, god, yes! Right there!"

The cock pulled out. Peter leaned close over Justin's body. His hot breath on Justin's skin causing goose pimples. "Do you want me to fuck you hard?"

Justin voice was almost a scream. "Yes!"

Peter shoved his cock back into Justin.

"God, yeah. I want it!"

Justin responded by pushing back against Peter. Justin gritted his teeth. It didn't hurt, but that it seem to add force to his willing Peter's cock to go deeper inside him.

Peter thrust into Justin hard. Their bodies slammed together. But Justin wasn't in any pain. In fact the force is what Justin wanted and needed.

Justin had a tight grip on the dresser. It shook and rocked at each plunge of Peter's cock into Justin. The lamp and other objects on the dresser teetered and rocked. A bottle tipped over, rolled and fell to the carpet. Neither noticed. All Peter knew was what he was doing was what Justin wanted. Justin was too far into it to care.

Peter's voice whispered in Justin's ear. "You like this?"

"Yes, Peter. I need this. Fuck me hard!" Justin pulled his shirt up around him exposing his ass for Peter to see. The trusts sped up.

Peter was giving out loud animal grunts as his cock thudded into Justin. Justin moaned loudly. Thrust after hard thrust. Justin loved how Peter was fucking him.

Peter stood up. He saw his reflection in the mirror. Every face muscle was taut. There was no joy or bliss just a look of animal need. Peter shook his head to clear his thoughts. What was he doing? Whatever Justin's mood was Peter had been caught up in it.

"Spank me, Peter. Slap my ass while you fuck me!"

Peter relaxed. "No, Justin."


Peter didn't answer. He leaned close to Justin and kept ramming his cock into Justin but now in more gentle rhythm. His hands ran over Justin's body caressing and rubbing. He kissed Justin's neck and nibbled his ear. Peter pinched Justin's nipples.

"Please, Peter, spank me."

"No, Justin. Not in your mood."

"Peter, I need you to."

"No, I don't want to hurt you in that way. I love you." Peter kept up his thrusting.

Justin's grip on the dresser loosened.

"Doesn't it feel good?"

"Yes," Justin whispered.

Peter sped up his thrusts. His cock plunged in and out of Justin's ass. Peter's grunts became moans.

"Justin, feel my cock and feel my love."

Justin's moans became whimpers.

"Yes, Peter. You feel so good in me."

"That's what you wanted. Me inside you."


Their passions grew.

Justin's body relaxed. His violent need for Peter was gone. His body thrilled to Peter fucking him. They were one again. The thought pushed Justin to the edge.

"Oh, Peter. I'm going to cum. Fuck me, Peter. Fuck me until I...oh, god!"

Cum shot from Justin's cock. Stream after stream arced from him onto the carpet. Justin steadied himself on the dresser as the climax surged through him. Slowly as it abated Justin relaxed. He kept stroking himself but slowly.

A few more thrusts and Peter was gone. He could feel his cock contract again and again as his cock flooded the condom with his cum. He wrapped his arms around Justin as the last throws passed through him.

They stood there bent over with Peter holding Justin in his arms.

Peter finally stood up. He pulled the condom off and discarded it. Peter turned Justin around and kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss. They separated.

They bent down to pull up their pants.

"What was that all about, Justin?"

"I'm sorry."

"Justin, I already forgave you for your behavior with Britney and, trust me, Randy is no threat. So why?"

"I hadn't got to be bottom since Britney. I needed to physically feel that you were still mine and I guess my guilt about how I treated you kind of got the better of me." Justin looked up. "Plus you look so sexy in those clothes. I've never seen you like this before."

Peter took Justin by the chin. "Now do you know why I refused to spank you? How could I hurt you when you thought you deserved it? I love you, Justin. You don't need rough sex to prove it."

Justin buttoned his shirt. "Sorry. I know better."

Peter kissed Justin. "We'd better hurry. They'll be waiting."

They both buckled their belts.

"Justin, if you want rough sex let us mutually agree on it before hand, okay?"

Justin smiled. "Okay."

Peter turned Justin to him. He looked over Justin's pants.

"No cum stains. That's lucky."

"Just call me little sure shot."

"Cute." They adjusted each other's ties. "Justin, do you really find me sexy in these clothes?"

Justin put his arms around him and squeezed Peter's ass. "Hell yes, and the only time you will be sexier is tonight when you're out of them." Their lips met and held. They parted. "Come on, we're running late."

Justin and Peter ran into Lance and JC in the elevator. Peter felt so relieved that they weren't late. When they got to the car Joey wasn't there yet. It was only a couple minutes and Joey arrived out of breath.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry."

They climbed into the car.

JC grinned at Joey. "Have you got yourself thoroughly sexified for Debbie?"

"Can't you tell? Whew," Chris waved his hand in front of his face. "What did you do bathe in cologne?" Chris made a face. "Someone open a window."

Lance glared at Chris. "It's fine, Joey."

"That's all right. I know Chris is just jealous."

"JC got to the car before you. You know the bet. Joey, you owe us breakfast."

"No problem, Chris." Joey smiled. "I'll just charge it to your room."

"Could we have breakfast outside of the hotel?" Peter asked timidly.

Chris laughed. "Don't you want to see your admirer?"

"I know I should be flattered at his attention, but I'd rather not see him."

Justin patted Peter's knee. "You can make your troubles go away by hiding from them. You must face up to them."

Chris sneered. "Thank you, Julie Andrews."

"Justin, you may change your mind." Peter looked embarrassed. "Randy wrote me a love letter."

"Really?" Justin tried to look shocked. "Well, he wrote me a letter, too."

Lance looked surprised. "You, too?"


Joey laughed. "He certainly covers all the bases. I assume we all got letters from him."

They all nodded.

"What did yours say?" asked Peter.

"Oh, just how good a guy he is and that his wanting to see you was not for 'those reasons'. He can really shovel the bull."

"How do you know he was lying?"

"Peter, please. You're sounding like Lance."


Joey leaned back. "You said it yourself that the guy was hitting on you. We stopped his first attempt. Now he's making another. Trying to win us over with his charm."

"I didn't think it was charming. He couldn't spell either."

"Very good, Lance. He thinks he has charm, but it is his good looks that do it for him."

"I'd rather not talk about this now, okay."

"Sure, Justin. I understand."

Lance patted Peter's knee. "Besides. This is Peter's big debut."

Chris gave Peter the once over. "I've never met a debutante before. But I thought they're supposed to be innocent young girls, right? It won't work. Peter is no longer innocent."

"Chris, that was a debut taunt."

"Oh, Peter."

They all groaned.

Chris turned Peter and began pushing against his back. "You open the car door, I'll push him out."

"Don't you dare." Justin pushed Chris away from Peter. "Besides, if we threw people out for telling bad jokes, you'd have been kissing asphalt years ago."

"When it comes to kissing ass..."


"It's your fault." Chris finished. He turned to JC. "Nyah!"

JC gave an exasperated sighed.

"You sure you want to do this?" Lance asked Peter. He nodded at Chris. "It's not too late to back out."

"No, I'm actually excited about it."

"Peter!" Lance suddenly realized. "You don't look at all nervous."

Peter seemed to do an internal check. "I'm not, really. I was before." Peter smiled at Justin. "But not now. Its very strange."

The JC and Lance exchanged knowing looks. They suspected the cause. But there was no more time to think about it. The car drove up to the front of club.

Even though it was late there were still people standing around trying to get a glance at the people entering the club.

A man opened the car door. NSYNC climbed out, Peter taking up the rear.

The cameras click and flashed. Peter could hardly see anything. Questions were shouted at them. It seemed like gibberish to Peter.

"Can I get a picture of all of you together?"

NYSNC fell into the usual pose. Peter stood watching.

After the first flashes Joey grabbed Peter and pulled him close. "He did say all of us."

The flashes went off followed by another burst of questions.

"Joey, who is he?"

"It's the guy from the attack."

"Does he travel with you now?"

"Is this some kind of compensation?"

JC raised his hand. The voices tampered off.

"I'm sure you remember Peter. He's become a good friend of ours. We're sort of showing him around. Now we're giving him a taste of the spotlight."

"Besides he is a hero. He saved a fan from getting seriously injured."

Peter's head snapped around to Chris. JC didn't look very happy.

The camera flashes increased and there was another barrage of questions.

JC was looking stunned at Chris so Justin stepped forward. "The fan was climbing to the stage. She only managed to get partly there. If Peter had done nothing or tried to pull her back she would have fallen. So he took the risk and boosted her onto the stage."

The flashes were blinding Peter.

"The stage security took hold of her and led her off the stage" Justin finished.

"JC got a slight scratch from her otherwise no harm was done." Chris added.

JC looked away from Chris. He managed to pull himself together "It was a small price to pay considering what could have happened to her if Peter hadn't did what he did."

"Can you guys gather around Peter?"

NSYNC stood around Peter as the camera clicked.

"Just one more."

"Excuse us." JC interrupted. "We better get inside before the club closes."

They moved to the door as flashes shot off around them.

Peter couldn't see anything. His eyes were adjusting from the flashes to the dark atmosphere of the club.

Peter stood blinking. "Man, that is annoying. I don't know how you guys stand it."

"Comes with the job." JC said.

Chris tried to duck out of sight.


"I'm sorry, JC. I just thought Peter deserved the recognition for what he did."

"It would have been nice if we could have talked about it first. You put all of us on the spot, especially Peter."

"Can we put off torturing him until the morning?" asked Joey looking around anxious.

JC laughed. "Okay, Joey. Off to your ladylove. But remember we all want to meet Debbie."

"Thanks, JC." Joey disappeared.

Lance smiled at Peter. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Let's do it."

They approached a small stand. The woman behind it greeted them with smiles.

"Welcome. We are pleased you could make it." She handed them pieces of paper. "Here are some maps of the club. We don't want you to get lost." She pointed to a doorway in front of them. "The main bar is through there. To your left is the DJ dance hall. To your right is the live band dance hall. The restaurant is one floor up and the garden patio is also opened. Please make yourself at home. Explore. Enjoy yourselves."

Peter looked at the map as they moved on. "Holy crap this place is huge."

JC looked around the main bar area. The whole room was made up of different tiers and each tier had its own bar. "Where to first?"

Lance shrugged. "I guess drinks first."

They made their way through the crowd of people to the nearest bar.

Chris had gone off to 'chat up the women'. As the remaining four wandered through the crowds, people would stop them. Peter quickly caught onto the routine.

"Lance(or JC or Justin or all three) hi! It's so nice to see you. You're looking well. How's the tour going?"

Then they would introduce Peter. Peter didn't even try to remember their names because A) he was bad at names to begin with and B) there were just too many people to remember. He'd get a smile and a handshake.

Then "It's been so long, we have to get together soon. I'll be in touch." A nod at Peter, "Nice to have met you." And they'd disappear into the crowd.

The umpteenth person jostled Peter's elbow. Peter managed to keep from spilling his drink.

"So this is mingling. I think it's overrated."

Lance leaned close so Peter could hear him over the noise. "That's just because you haven't mingled with the right people yet."

"You certainly know a lot of people."

"They're just acquaintances really." JC took a sip of his drink.

"Well, you remember their names. I'm impressed."

"Don't be, not just yet," JC said. "Sit tight. Don't move. I'll be right back." JC vanished in the crowd.

Lance leaned close. "He must have seen someone."

"Not having fun?" Justin asked Peter.

"No, its okay. I just thought I'd recognize more people. That's all."

Justin smiled. "You wanted to rub elbows with the rich and famous? Give it a while. They may come to you."


"You're a hero after all."

Peter laughed. "Yeah, I keep forgetting."

JC pushed back through the crowd. "I brought some people to meet our little hero."

Justin nudged Peter and grinned.

"Actually, Peter, you said wanted to meet them but they weren't in town for the launch party. So here's your chance."

JC stood aside as three people come closer. Peter clinched his teeth to keep his chin from dropping. He steadied himself.

"I'm sure you know them, but this is Jeff, another Justin and a different Nick. Guys may I introduce you to our friend Peter. Somewhere after NSYNC, he's a fan of 98 Degrees."

"Really?" Nick smiled and shook Peter's hand. "I guess he has taste after all."

"I've always like close harmony groups. The harmonies are so, ah, close." Peter felt his mouth going dry.

Their Justin laughed as he shook Peter's hand. "Very profound. You must have studied music."

"Actually, no I didn't. I..." Peter blushed. "Oh, sorry. Joke. God, I'm acting like a nervous fan."

Jeff's blue eyes sparkled as he took Peter's hand. "That's because you are. It's okay. It happens all the time."

Nick and Jeff's bodies looked like they were trying to burst from their restrictive clothing. It was so tempting just to stare at their chests. Peter decided to concentrate on their faces. He looked from one pair of blue eyes to another. Oh, god! Dimples! Peter was doomed.

"So, JC said you wanted to meet us?"

"Yeah," Peter struggled to get his mind back on track. "When the guys said that I might meet some of the other bands you were definitely one on the list."

"He's already met the other band." Lance smiled.

"Oh, saving the best for last?" Nick grinned.

"No." Peter said.

Everyone chuckled.

He started. "That's not what I meant."

"So how are you guys doing?" asked Justin. "You guys are looking good. Anybody suffering from severe depression?" Justin winked at Peter. Peter glared back to him.

"Well, Drew might be. He's off looking for, ah, refreshments and he has been gone a while."

"He'll find them." Their Justin said. "Jeff and Drew are female magnets."

Peter felt slightly embarrassed. He had been overlooking their Justin.

Their Justin continued knowingly. "I get my fair share of girls. Not everyone goes for the big muscular macho type. You guys should know that."

Justin frowned. "That was low. And from a namesake yet."

"I'm surprised you haven't sued me to change it."

Justin smiled. "I don't mind sharing the name. You do do it credit. In a way."

The three of them exchanged quick glances. Was this really Justin Timberlake? He always used to say he was the true Justin. Everyone else was tarnishing the name. Had Timberlake changed?

"Some of us prefer our meat lean." Lance nudged JC.

Jeff laughed. "We've seen JC on stage. We know exactly where's the beef."

Nick saw Lance and JC's reaction. "Hey, that's kind of personal."

"Jeff here is a fine specimen of the male species." Their Justin said. "What does JC have that Jeff doesn't?"

Lance grinned from ear to ear. "JC can dance."

Jeff held his heart and reeled. "Ow, you got me. Wham, right in the weak spot. You win, I give up."

"Also I have a head for heights."

"JC, I said I give up."

"I don't know how you did that video on top of the Golden Gate Bridge." Peter said. "It scares the crap out of me just watching it. You couldn't have gotten me up there."

"I didn't have much choice did I?" Jeff answered.

Their Justin slapped Jeff on the back. "He was a real trooper. And he didn't get sick once."

"You guys really helped. Although I think the director had it in for me. First at the side of the bridge that was tolerable then he kept getting us farther and farther out on the top of that tower. There was a strong wind blowing and it was always, 'One more take. Just one more take.'. I didn't think I would ever get off that damn bridge." Jeff showed his palms. "I think the last of the red paint is finally gone. I held onto those railings so tight."

"Well, I sure felt for you."

"You did what to me?" Jeff grinned.

Peter almost glared at him. "You know what I mean."

Jeff put his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter watched as the muscles rippled under the cloth of Jeff's shirt. His blue eyes sparkled and that wonderful smile. "I know. That's so sweet of you."

Justin shook his head. "Looks like Peter has his a foot in both camps."

"Yeah," Lance said. "Okay, Peter, who do you like better Jeff or JC?"

"Why do I have to pec? I mean pick." Peter fumbled. "There are things that each of them do chest. I mean best. I like both eyes, damn it, guys." Peter turned red. "Excuse me, I'm going to shut up now." He took a swig from his drink.

Nick smiled at Peter. "That's all right, Pete. You're not our only gay fan, you know. We have had guys hit on us before. But they were cool about it not being our scene so it was cool with us. We don't mind hanging with them. Sometimes they treat us with more respect than the girls do."

Justin elbowed Peter. "Well, he doesn't have to drool."

Their Justin spotted something. "Speaking of drool."

Drew pushed his way to them. "There you are. I've hit the mother lode. Come with me and meet three joys of a lifetime."

"Ah, bro?"

Drew turned to Nick.

"I'd like to introduce Peter. He's a friend of NSYNC but still a fan." Nick winked at Peter.

"Oh, sorry, guys. I didn't see you. Nice to meet you, Peter. We think that news broadcast kicked butt."


"Sorry, I don't mean to bust this up."

"No, please," JC said. "I'd hate to keep those joys waiting."


The three of them moved off.

Nick shook his head. "Always chasing after the ladies."

"And you?" Justin asked.

"Seeing someone. It makes these parties a lot more relaxing."

"I'm happy for you."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "Thanks, Justin."

"Come on, Peter. Let's check out the live band. See ya, Nick."

Peter reached out his hand. He watched as Nick's muscles pressed against the cloth of his shirt as he squeezed Peter's hand. "It's been wonderful meeting you, Nick."

"You, too, Peter."

The two of them headed off.

"What has happened to Justin?"

Lance and JC smiled at each other. "It's a long story."

"Well, I have to say I like the punchline."

"So do we."

"Well, there are still people I should find. I'll see you two later." Nick left.

"So what now?"

Lance looked at the map. "Awesome, there's a game room."

"Come on, Lance. Let's check it out."

The line for the bathroom was too long. Peter decided to head up to the restaurant. He reached the landing and was about to start searching when he saw the sign. It said "Party rooms" with an arrow pointing up another dimly lit stairway. Well, the less crowded the better. Peter started up. He found the restroom right off and thankfully it wasn't crowded.

Peter was about go back downstairs when he decided to check out these party rooms. The hallway ran in a circle around the whole place. Peter glanced into some of the rooms, but there were people in them. He finally found one that was empty.

For a party room the room was cozy. There were a few tables and chairs and some padded sofas about the room. Large curtains that hung from the ceiling to the floor covered the walls on the left and right. But the far wall was a window. Peter stepped closer. It overlooked one of the dance floors.

Peter watched the people writhing about. He tried to spot the rest of the guys but it was too crowded.

"There you are."

Peter jumped. "Damn, Justin you scared me."

"I was wondering where you got to."

"I came up here to use the bathrooms."

"Pee shy, too? My poor baby. I saw you go up the stairs."

"Then I just got curious about the party rooms."

Justin moved close to Peter. "Nice view of the dance floor. And it is quiet up here."

Justin looked about the room. He went over to the curtain covering the wall. He pulled it back and looked behind it. "Come here." Justin pointed to the wall. "This is a retractable wall to make the rooms bigger."

There was an access door in the middle of the wall.

"I wonder what's on the other side?"

"Justin, don't."

Justin turned the handle and cracked open the door. There was another curtain about a foot away from door. Justin parted the curtain slightly with his finger. Justin closed the door.

"Peter, turn off the light and lock the door."

"Justin, I don't think now is the time."

"It's not for us. Just do it."

Peter followed Justin's instructions and joined him at the side door. Justin held his finger to his lips. Peter nodded. Justin opened the door. They had stepped through.

Justin whispered into Peter's ear. "Looks like they found the refreshments after all." Justin parted the curtains.

The room beyond was is semi darkness. The only light was at the far side of the room. Peter couldn't believe what he was seeing. Standing there with shirts open, pants down and tackle out were Drew and Jeff. Two women were on their knees happily working on their rod and reels.

"Holy, shit."


Peter could tell by their moans and their hip movements both Drew and Jeff were ready to pop.

"Oh, yeah, baby," moaned Jeff. "I'm going to go. Can you take it?"

Peter didn't hear the response but Jeff put his hands on her head and thrust with his hips.

"Oh, god!"

Jeff threw his head back. He body shook and jerked. After a few moments he relaxed.

It was Drew's turn next.

"Here I come!"

This time the girl pulled off. Peter could see Drew stroking his cock. He must have cum on her face. Drew was giving out little grunts. He, too, soon relaxed.

Jeff pulled his girl to her feet. "Man, baby, that was great."

Drew helped his girl up. He produced something like a napkin and wiped her face with it.

"That was wonderful. You are so good."

The four kissed for a bit.

"Now why don't you two go freshen up. We'll meet you downstairs."

They kissed again and the girls headed off.

Peter was feasting his eyes on the two men. He had always found them attractive but never thought he see them naked. Peter glanced at Justin. He was admiring the scenery, too.

"How was it?" Jeff asked Drew.

"She was very good. How about yours?"

"She did know how to use that tongue of hers."

Peter began wondering how come they weren't getting dressed.

Jeff turned to Drew. "A blow job is great but it always leaves me wanting more."

"Why are you're telling me? How long have we known each other?" Drew bent down to his clothes and dug into his pants pockets. He stood up again with something in his hand. "I know the routine. Here." Drew handed Jeff what was in his hand.

Jeff put his hand on Drew's shoulder. "She was good, but not as good as you."

"Only a man really knows how to suck another man's cock."

"Oh, my..." Justin's hand clamped over Peter's mouth.

Drew turned around and bent over the table. "Just take it easy. The girls may want to do some more dancing."

By the movements Jeff must have been putting on a condom.

There was another muffled cry from Peter.

"Ow!" The hand disappeared from Peter's mouth. "You bit my finger." Justin hissed.


"Just stay quiet and watch."

"That's going to be hard."

"I know. I already am."

Peter's could hear his blood pounding in his ears. He cock was straining painfully in the confines of his pants. Two very hot guys were having sex in front of him.

"That's it nice and slow."

Jeff pressed closer to Drew.

"Oh, wow, you're so tight." Jeff pulled back.

"It's for you, buddy."

Jeff moved forward again. They both moaned.

"Do it, buddy. Make me feel good."

Jeff increased the rhythm.

"That's it, buddy. Fuck my ass."

Jeff ran his hands over Drew's body. Drew's head twisted side to side as he moaned happily.

Still Jeff sped up. Soon the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

"Give it to me. Nothing better than a buddy's cock up his buddy's ass."

Peter watched as the lights caused shadows on every contour of Jeff's finely sculpted body. He wished he could see what he imagined as the firm round shape of Jeff's ass as he plunged his cock into his fellow willing band member.

Peter could hear Justin breathing hard. They both were totally turned on by what they were watching.

Drew reached back and took Jeff by his ass. He pulled Jeff to him.

"Don't stop, buddy. Fuck me."

Jeff's had a determined look. He thrust faster into Drew.

Jeff gave a long groan. Drew knew the sound all too well.

"Come on, buddy. Do it. Shoot that load. You know you want to."

Jeff groaned loader.

"Cum in my ass. I can feel you getting ready."

Jeff's body began to tremble. His head dropped back. Jeff's mouth opened.

"Fucking cum in your buddy's ass. Do it, Jeff!"

Jeff thrust forward one last time. A low groan came from Jeff's throat. It rose in pitch until it was almost a scream. Jeff's head swung forward. His whole body shook three more times. Then he just sort of swayed there for a moment. Jeff turned sideways and flopped into a chair.

"Oh, Drew. You are always make my feel so good." Jeff panted.

Drew stood up and squatted next to the chair. "What are buddies for? Now what about me? Do you want to watch me jerk off or do I get some more lip service?"

Jeff pulled off the condom. "Drew, do you have another?"

"Yes, but again?"

"No, for you."

Drew looked surprised. "But Jeff you said you didn't like..."

Jeff put his hand on Drew's shoulder. "I want to be your buddy for a change."


Peter looked at Justin.

"I can't take this anymore."

Peter heard a zipper then rubbing noises.

"Oh, yeah." Justin whispered.

Peter looked back into the room. Jeff was lying on his back on the table with his legs up. Drew moved close.

Within seconds, Peter's cock was out and in his hand. This was too hot not to jerk off to.

"Take is easy at first, buddy. Go slow."

Drew moved closer.

Jeff gasped. "Ow. Ow. Ow! Damn, that hurts."

Drew pulled back. "Relax, buddy. It will feel good, believe me." Drew pressed back.

A hiss came out of Jeff. His eyes were pinched shut. "Ow."

Drew pulled back, again. Then slowly he pressed back. Drew stopped. "Better?"

"Yeah," Jeff groaned, "there was less pain that time."

"Good." Drew pressed in then pulled back. Then again in and out in a smooth stroke.

"How about now?"

Jeff's eyes opened. His face relaxed. "Not bad. It starting to sort of feel good."

"Good, because your buddy wants to really fuck his buddy's ass."

A few more strokes and Jeff was feeling braver. "Go to it, buddy. It's starting to hurt so good."

"All right!" Drew sped up his thrusts.

Jeff's hands clasped the edge of the table. Drew's thrusting was pushing him back from the edge.

Peter watched the change come over Jeff. His eyes were wide open watching his buddy fuck him. He raised his hand and ran it over Drew's chest. Jeff would lift his head to see what was happening between his legs. Then drop it back to the table.

"Do me, buddy." Jeff panted. "Fuck my virgin ass. Pop my cherry good."

"A virgin! Oh, shit!" Peter hissed. At those words Peter's cock exploded. The sight and that knowledge was too much to bear. Peter pumped his cock while biting his lip to keep his cries down. Justin let out a groan. He must have been cumming, too. As the climax passed, Peter opened his eyes.

The two buddies were still fucking like crazy. But it didn't last long.

"Fuck, buddy, I'm going to shoot. Shit, I'm going to cum with my buddy fucking my ass!" Jeff's body lifted off the table. "Oh, my god, yes!"

Peter saw cum arc through the air clearing the length of Jeff's body to splatter on his face. Shot after shot followed. Slowly the shots stopped. Jeff dropped back to the table. Jeff lifted his head to look at Drew.

"Your turn, buddy. I want you to cum in my ass. Come on, buddy. Blow that load!"

Drew slammed into Jeff two more times then his body went rigid. "Oh, fuck, buddy. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!"

One last thrust and Drew fell on top of Jeff. "Oh, buddy, buddy, buddy, buddy." One 'buddy' for each shot of cum.

The climax passed. Drew slowly lifted his head. Their eyes locked.

"Did you like my virgin ass, buddy?"

"Yes, Jeff, buddy." Drew lay his head back on Jeff. "I loved your ass."

"Now I know why you let me do you all those times. It feels so good."

They lay there a while.

Jeff tapped Drew's shoulder. "We'd better get back to the girls."

"You're right." Drew got off of Jeff.

They dressed quickly.

"Maybe tonight we'll see how good they are."

"Yeah." Drew put his hand on Jeff's shoulder. "But it can never be as good as doing it with a buddy."

Peter and Justin returned to the other party room. Justin closed the door. Both adjusted their clothes then slumped into chairs. They took one look at each other and burst out laughing.

Justin leaned back in the chair. "Holy, fuck. That was hot."

"I'd hate to be the person that has to clean that room."

"There were rumors that they messed around when they traveled but damn."

Peter shook his head. "I don't know how they can do that."

Justin grinned. "We've done that, buddy. Even the virgin part." Justin adjusted himself in his underwear. "Damn, I've got to stop thinking about that."

"I don't mean that. I mean how can you have sex with someone you just met?"

Justin looked embarrassed. "Are you asking them or me?"

Peter shrugged. "I guess I'm just asking."

"I saw how you were looking at Jeff and Nick. If you were still on your own and you knew they were interested wouldn't you give them some lip service?"

Now Peter looked embarrassed. "I know I could lose my Gay License for this but no. I'd have to know something about the person first. And I don't mean his pants size and the brand of underwear he wears."

Justin smiled. "You could check his shoe size while you're down there."

Peter glared at Justin. Justin laughed.

"Well, at least we are of the same mind set." Justin leaned closer. "Don't let this get out but Justin Timberlake is not big on casual sex. None of us really are. Chris and Joey joke about it, but they have to get to know the girl first. We have to be careful. Not just health issues but we can't have them go running to the tabloids."

"It must be very tempting though. All those people throwing themselves at you."

"It was at first but then you realize they only want you for your body and your fame."

"Oh," Peter looked up at the ceiling. "How could they be so shallow?" He started whistling.

"Peter, stop it. I know your joking."

Peter looked back to Justin grinning.

"Peter, you should know something about that. I know you never followed through with anything, but surely people hit on you."

"Yeah," Peter was embarrassed again. "Four people."

"Only four?"

"I don't exactly ooze sex appeal. And two didn't help any."

"What about the other two times?"

"We had this new gay theater in town. They were doing 'Boy meets Boy'. It was a musical. I was seventeen and as usual went by myself. The older man sitting next to me kept blowing in my ear all during intermission."

"That's it?"

"That was enough. Nothing like that had happened to me before. I was scared because I didn't know what to expect. After the play was over I lost him in the crowd."

"The next time?"

"I didn't realize it was a pick up. He worked for a video store that I went to. They kept the porn flicks locked up, so I needed someone to unlock the case for me. Of course since these were gay movies the secret was out. When he was there we'd discuss the movies and actors. Well, one day he said he envied me because he had roommates and he couldn't watch gay porn as often as he wanted to. I said that it was too bad and left it at that. He quit shortly after that."

"I bet you've been kicking yourself over that."

"Yeah, I liked him, too."

"And the others?"

"Also in video stores."

Justin shook his head.

"Those who don't play baseball can at least get some enjoyment out of watching it. Right?"


"The one guy was so subtle. 'Hey, look at all these boxes with men having sex. You want to come back to my place?'"

"Don't tell me, you bolted for the door screaming."

"No, I just said I had to get back to work, grabbed the two closest movies and then bolted for the door screaming."

Justin laughed. "And the last one."

"He at least had some style. He started by talking about what movies he thought were good. Then he said that I caught his eye. He asked me if I like to jack off to the movies."

"Now that's a dumb question."

"He got close to me. We were to go back to his place to watch a movie. He almost put his hand on my crotch. I pulled back. I kept telling him I had other things to do. He gave up and left irritated. He said that we could have had fun together."

"Probably for the best since you didn't know him."

"That's what I thought. But I was on air after that. I had caught his eye. Someone finally found me attractive. It didn't last long."


"I suddenly realized I was putting a video box back on the shelf when I caught his eye. The movie was 'The Big Ones."

Justin laughed. "The Big Ones!"

"Hey, you don't rent gay porn for the titles, okay? But that is when it hit me. He had a big one. He wasn't interested in me. I was supposed to be interested in him." Peter looked at the floor. "There wasn't anyone after that. I guess I don't blame them."

Justin moved to Peter's chair. "Until me."

Peter stood up smiling. "Yes, until you." He took Justin into his arms. "You turned everything around for me."

"So did you." They kissed.

Peter pulled back. "How about it? The doors are locked."

Justin smiled. "I'm sorry, but this is our first date."

"Smart ass."

"Besides, we should be getting back to the guys." Justin gave Peter a quick kiss. "And if we did get caught at it, it would be curtains."

"Oh, Justin. That's really bad."

They left the room.

They made their way to the DJ dance floor. It had been arranged for all of them to meet there. The crowd had really thinned out. They even found a table. Justin and Peter were watching people on the dance floor when Lance and JC found them.

"Having fun yet?"

Peter grinned. "You better believe it. The people watching has been fantastic."

JC and Lance sat down. "People watching? Is that all you've done?"

"Oh, and we checked out the party rooms." Justin winked at Peter.

"Sounds boring." Lance sat back.

JC was grinning. "Well, we had a good time."

"Speak for yourself."

"Sorry, Lance. I had a good time." JC leaned across the table. "I beat Lance's butt on every game."

"And guess whose butt is not going to be game tonight." Lance crossed his arms.

JC smiled. "Oh, I'll win that, too."

"We'll see." Lance turned to Justin. "Any sign of 'the couple'?"

"Nope." Justin scanned the room again. "I hope it wasn't one of those Internet scams. You know, someone who lies through their teeth just to meet a celebrity."

"Justin!" Peter chided. "You said the "C" word."

"Well, I'll be." JC nodded his head. "I don't know about a couple but I see a trio."

They all looked in the direction JC had indicated. Joey stood in the doorway looking around the room. He had a girl on each arm. Both were attractive. One was taller than the other was.

"Joey must have hit the jackpot."

"Looks like he is going to double his fun tonight."

JC didn't turn around. "Welcome back, Chris. Sit down and shut up."

Justin waved. Joey saw them and they headed for the table.

"We're going to need more chairs." Justin began searching.

Justin came back with the chairs just as Joey and the girls arrived.

"Girls, these are the guys. Oh, and Peter."

They started laughing.

"Thanks, Joey." Peter pretended to be upset. "Now they know I'm not a guy."

"Let's forget this." Joey turned away.

The shorter girl put her hand on Joey's shoulder. "Please, Joey. It was funny."

Joey patted her hand. "Okay. Guys and Peter," Joey winked. This is Debbie." Joey patted the shorter girl's hand. "And her friend Karen." He indicated the taller girl.

"Please, join us." JC glanced at Chris. "If you feel brave."

Peter kept glancing at Karen. There was something there. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

"This is so exciting." Debbie said as they sat down. "I couldn't believe it at first that I was On-line chatting with the Joey Fatone. And now to be sitting with the rest of NSYNC," she smiled, "and Peter. It's a little overwhelming."

"Trust me," Peter said. "They are just guys. Don't be nervous, they don't bite."

Joey shot a nervous glance at Chris. Chris was looking up whistling softly. Good. Maybe Chris was going to behave himself.

Debbie looked from person to person. "My nieces would be so jealous of me right now."

Joey was still standing. "Can I get you two something?"

Debbie still smiled. "A glass of white wine would be nice."

"Just ginger ale for me. I have to work a flight tonight." Karen's glance circled the table watching the reactions.

"So you're a flight attendant."

"Good for you, JC. You didn't say 'Stewardess'. Most people don't know better."

"Well, we do do our share of travelling."

"Of course, how silly of me? Really I love my job. I get to meet all kinds of people. And I do get to meet my share of famous people. That's why I was so tickled when Debbie told me she was meeting Joey Fatone and asked me along. I usually don't get to really talk to people on the job."

Karen looked up into Peter's gaze. He looked away again.

"I'll get your drinks."

"I'll join you, Joey." Peter stood up. "How about another round on me?"

"Are you going to spill them again?" joked Chris.

"The more bad jokes you make, Chris, the clumsier I get." Peter followed Joey to the bar.

"What do you think of Debbie?" Joey asked.

"She seems like a nice girl."

"No, I mean what do you see about her."

Peter smiled. "Joey, I can only repeat what I just said."

"So you don't see anything in her aura."

"No, just that she likes to be around you."

Joey beamed. "Good."

"Joey?" Peter sounded nervous.


"This is kind of stupid. I mean, she doesn't figure into the picture at all but..."

"Tell me, Peter."

"Just be on your toes around Karen."


"I don't know for sure, but when she talked about you and Debbie she seemed to be looking forward to something."

"Do you think she'll try to catch us at it or make it a threesome? She is supposed to be working tonight. Was she lying?"

"No, that's what is confusing me. She is working tonight, but that's not what she is looking forward to. I can't explain it. I know it sounds stupid. Just keep an eye out, okay?"

"Sure." Joey slapped Peter's shoulder. "Thanks for the input." Joey leaned close. "But you're sure about Debbie?"

Peter chuckled. "Yes, Joey, very sure. I'm sure you'll have a good time."

"I am already."



Chris looked up. His eyes went wide. "Cindy?" Chris scrambled to his feet.

She smiled at him. "I thought it was you."

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? Partying. How have you been?"

"Fine. You're looking good."

"You always know just what to say."

The guys glanced around the table trying hard not to laugh.

"Do you want to join us?" JC asked.

"Actually, if Chris doesn't mind. My friends would like to meet you."

"Sure, bring them over."

"Sorry, I mean just Chris."

"Sure, no problem." Chris offered his arm. Chris was just beaming. "Lead the way." They walked away.

Justin shook his head. "Always a surprise, Chris."

Joey turned to Debbie. "Do you want to dance?"

"Sure, but..." She nodded at Karen.

Peter stood up. "Let's all dance."


"A group dance. That way Debbie and Karen can say they danced with NSYNC."

"And Peter." Debbie grinned.

They made their way to the dance floor.

Justin leaned to Peter. "You are so crafty. Now we can dance together without anyone thinking anything of it."

Peter played innocent. "Really? It never occurred to me."

"Thank you, Peter." Lance winked at him then nodded at JC. "Wonderful idea."

"I try."

JC took off his tie and dropped it on the dresser. "Man, I am tired. It was a great party though. Peter really enjoyed himself."

He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes.

"Let me help you." Lance knelt down and pulled off JC's socks.

"Thank you, Lance."

JC lifted up so Lance could pull off his pants. Next his underwear was slipped off. JC struggled out of his shirt. He lay stretched out on the bed.

Lance stood up and started undressing.

"Lance, please. Face me."

Lance turned to the bed.

"I love to watch you undress."

Lance smiled. He pulled his tie slowly off from under his collar. Button by button his shirt was painstakingly undone. Lance was about to pull it off when...

"Take your pants off first."

Lance bent down and removed his shoes first, then his socks and then very slowly his pants. He watched JC's eyes. Lance turned around and bent over as he pulled down his underwear. Then teasingly Lance pulled off his shirt.

"Happy now?

"No. Come here."

Lance lay down on the bed. JC pulled Lance to him. Their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. Lance felt JC's cock getting hard as it pressed against him.

"Well, there's one thing that isn't tired."

"I was, but damn it Lance, how you turn me on. I want you, now."

Lance was surprised and delighted by the force of JC's need.

"You just have to ask and I am yours."

JC rolled Lance onto his side. JC was behind him.

JC's hands were all over Lance, his chest, his legs and his ass. A finger brushed against Lance's asshole. It was like an electric charge surged through Lance.

"JC, so soon?"

"Do you mind?"

"Fuck, no, JC." Lance reached for the bottle of lube. For a moment it almost slipped from Lance's fingers but he held onto it. Lance didn't want to break JC hold on him chasing the dropped bottle. He handed it to JC.

"Do me good, JC."

Within moments JC's cock was sliding easily into Lance.

Lance moaned. "Oh, JC, yes."

JC lay by Lance's side. Lance turned to see JC looking down at him. JC leaned forward and their lips met.

JC's hips pushed his cock into and out of Lance. Each thrust sent a wave of joy through JC. JC loved Lance. JC loved to make love to Lance and JC loved to fuck Lance. (Lover's know the difference.) His tongue and Lance's darted together. Their lips pressed together. JC held Lance to him. JC was going to kiss Lance until they both came.

Lance moaned happily. JC's cock felt so good. Even at this new angle it raked against his insides sending waves of pleasure racing through him. JC seemed to never want to stop kissing him. Lance didn't mind. He loved it when JC kissed him. They switched off between lips and tongue so they wouldn't get too out of breath.

JC's hips spend up their pace. Lance's moans became whimpers. His pleasure was peaking.

JC ran his hands over Lance's body caressing and kneading. Lance's hand curled around JC and setting on his ass. It clamped tight pulling JC to Lance. Lance's other hand grabbed his cock. He began stroking with fervor.

Their whimpers and moans raised in pitch. Each of them were getting close. Still they kissed not wanting to pull back.

Suddenly, Lance turned his head. "Oh, JC, I'm..." JC turned Lance's head back to his. He pressed his lips to Lance's. Lance gave off short muffled groans as his cock shot off. He kept up stroking his cock. The groans slowly lessened. JC pulled back from Lance's lips. He kissed Lance's face instead.

"Oh, JC, this is wonderful."

JC's hips sped up. "Oh, Lance."

"Do it, JC."

It was Lance's turn to pull JC to his lips. The loud scream was muffled by Lance's lips on JC's. JC's body shuttered against Lance's. After a while JC relaxed. Their lips parted.

"Oh, Lance."

Lance turned so they were face to face.

"I thought you were tired."

"I am now."

Lance pulled JC to him. JC lay his head on Lance's chest. "Then sleep."

"Lance, I..."

"I know, JC. Go to sleep."

Lance lay there with the warmth of JC against him. Lance looked up. He felt so happy and blessed. Lance felt the urge to do something. It had been years since he had done this. Lance closed his eyes and in a whisper said...

"God, thank you for my family, friends and my NSYNC family. Thank you for my gift of music and the opportunity to share it with the world. But most of all thank you for giving me this man I hold in my arms. I thank you for my love for him and his love for me. May other people see our love as the blessing we know it is."

Lance lay there thinking of what to say next.

JC's arm moved to lie across Lance's chest. In a sleepy voice JC added, "Amen."

Lance gave JC a squeeze. "Amen, indeed."

End Part 25.

Excuse me while I dab an eye. A lot happened this time. I hope you liked it. Three sex scenes! For you connoisseurs, did it sate your palette? I finally got to include my other favorite band. I know some of you will be miffed that I didn't use Nick for the sex scene, well, that's an author's choice. Just print the thing out and white out the names and put whatever members you want there.

As always I love to hear what you think of the story so far. E-Mail Now on to part 26.

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 26

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