Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 20, 2002


Here it is Part 28.

Let's keep this short. Thanks you for the E-mails. Always appreciate them.

This story is a pack of lies. Is NSYNC gay? No! Just in my fantasies. Is this real life? Hell, no! Will there be gay sex? Yes. You object? Stop reading. You're too young for this? Stop reading!

You're a fan of this story? Start reading!

JC lay there watching Lance sleep. He was in love with the beautiful figure lying next to him. And miracle of miracles Lance returned his love. Soon they would be married. Some people may have balked at the idea, but JC thought it was just a natural progression of their love for each other. JC didn't know why he had been nervous about proposing. Lance was the worrier of the pair.

JC had made himself a promise. He would do his best to make the wedding go easy for Lance. He would be a nervous wreck enough as it was. JC would try to be the mediator between the families. Their two mothers would have to learn to compromise. They all would. He wanted this day to be as perfect for Lance as he could make it. Okay, he wanted it to be perfect, too. But if Lance was happy, he'd be even happier.

There was their coming out also to deal with but JC had little control over what might happen. Still he would make Lance know that whatever happened that they would always be together. Lance had brought so much love and joy to JC's life. He couldn't even imagine his life without Lance.

JC looked at the clock. It was still early. He rolled over and tried to get some more sleep.

It was just a little after seven in the morning but Peter couldn't sleep any more. He was too excited. A part of it was to get Justin alone but most of it came from his first morning in this house. Who would have thought that that first night he had projected into their room just to get a glimpse of JC and Lance that he would end up living in their home?

Peter couldn't just lie still. He got up, shaved and showered. There was a light white cotton robe hanging on a hook. Peter decided against it. He got dressed.

Next he unpacked putting his clothes in the dresser. He set aside the clothes he wanted to wash. At the bottom of the suitcase was a package of condoms and a bottle of lube. Peter put them in the drawer of the night table. Then he remembered JC's remark. Peter took one condom pack and placed it on the small rack inside the shower. It never hurts to be prepared.

How long would he have to wait until Justin got there? Then how long could he wait until he had Justin? Peter took another condom pack and slipped it into his back pocket. He left his room.

Peter made his way as quietly as he could to the kitchen. Lance and JC weren't down yet. He didn't expect them to be awake so early. Opening the refrigerator brought only disappointment. There were some pickles, butter, salad dressing but not much more. Nothing remaining had a short shelf life. Obviously they had cleaned it out before they left on the tour. Peter checked the freezer. Now this was more like it. There was frozen orange juice concentrate and a frozen loaf of bread. He could at least have some toast and juice.

Glancing around the kitchen Peter didn't see a toaster. Good thing they were going to get married. They must need one. Peter finally found the toaster tucked away on a shelf. He plugged it in and dropped two slices of bread into it.

Going through the cabinets Peter found a plastic pitcher with a lid. He started mixing the juice. Peter heard a movement.

"You're up early."

Peter turned to see JC standing there is his robe. Peter held his watch up to his ear. He shook it.

"Yes, your watch is working."

Peter rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Lance. You look like JC. I know he wouldn't be up this early."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." JC shuffled passed to a cabinet. "I see you found something to eat."

"Yeah, it was very slim pickings."

"Well, you got up before the delivery van." JC rummaged in the cupboard. "Coffee?"

"No, thanks. The juice will do."

JC took down two glasses. "I'll take some of that when it's ready."

Peter continued mixing. "Lance still asleep?"


"You probably tired him out last night. I bet he's sleeping with a big grin on his face this morning."

JC turned to Peter.

Peter raised his hands. "Earplugs, I swear! I'm just guessing."

JC relaxed and smiled. "You guessing? I know better. But we were both tired out and it wasn't just the sex."

Peter sighed with envy.

"Was that for me or Lance?"

"Both. I told you I liked seeing people in love."

JC pulled his robe closer around him. "And you're not turned on by the idea of me, I mean, us naked and having sex?"

Peter looked JC in the eye. "Did you sense anything that first night I stayed with you?"


"And since?"

"No, never."

"There you are." Peter turned back to put the lid on the juice pitcher. "JC, are you having second thoughts about me staying here?"

JC crossed to Peter. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "No. I just didn't know of your feelings for us before."

Peter turned back to him. "Please believe me, JC. I'd never do anything that would come between you and Lance."

JC smiled. "I know. Maybe I just needed to hear the words from you." JC sniffed. "Do you smell something burning?"

"Shit! The toast!"

Black smoke poured from the toaster. Peter pulled the plug. JC hit the exhaust fan.

JC started laughing. "Serves me right for buying the cheapest one. We should have thrown that thing away long ago. It doesn't do light and dark just black and blacker."

There was a loud ringing of a bell.

Peter started. "Smoke detector?"

"No, front gate." JC went to the door and pressed a button.

Peter looked out the kitchen window. The gate swung open and a van with 'Greg's Grocery' on the side drove up the drive. A youngish man got out, opened the rear hatch and lifted out a cardboard box. He made his way to the front door.

Peter noticed JC in his robe. "Should I?"

JC shook his head and opened the door. "Morning, Troy."

"Morning, Mr. Chasez, sir." Troy entered with the box. With a brief glance at Peter, he set the box on the counter. He handed JC a clipboard. "Tour go well, Mr. Chasez?"

"Very well. And I do wish you'd call me JC." JC finished signing.

"Sorry, the boss won't have it. Must be respectful to the customers."

JC handed the clipboard back. "Thank you, Troy." He handed him some money. "For your effort."

"Thank you, sir." He bowed slightly. "Have a good day." Troy left. Soon the van drove out the gate.

Peter helped JC put the food away. "Do you always keep cash in your robe?"

JC took up a posh accent. "One never knows when Lance will want to play at the Sailor and the Boy of Easy Virtue who waits upon the docks."

"I don't believe it."

JC looked down his nose at Peter. "Well, you shall see."

The kitchen was soon stocked with food.

"Now how about a real breakfast?" JC said.

"Care for an omelet?" Peter asked.

"Only if we can do it together. You are a member of this house now. We will share everything."

Peter smirked. "JC, I just got through telling you..."

"Okay, Chris," JC stressed the name. "That doesn't mean each other."


"Smart ass."

Laughing they set to work.

"Leave some for Lance. He might be awhile yet."

"Because you tired him out?" Peter chuckled. "He'll be here any minute."

"Oh, come off of it. There's no way you could know that."

"Know what?" Lance said sleepily as he entered the kitchen. He pulled his robe around him.

JC turned gaping to Peter.

Peter laughed. "You two are so connected you don't even realize. Neither of you can sleep long if the other one is missing from the bed." Peter shrugged. "It's inevitable."

Lance sniffed. He wrinkled his nose. "You used that toaster again."

"Sorry, Lance," Peter said. "That was my bad. I didn't know not to."

"What's for breakfast? Besides Cajun toast."

"There's fresh made juice and we're working on the omelets."

"Good." Lance took down a glass and filled it with juice. He sat in a chair. "I am exhausted. JC really wore me out."

"I did not." JC protested.

Peter grinned.

Lance sighed with exasperation. "JC, I'm trying to build you a reputation as the world's greatest lover and you ruined it."

"Hey, you don't have to snow me." Peter said. "Your aura is practically white this morning. It tells all. As to the world's greatest lover, you can list JC as 'one' of them. I have my own choice."

Lance nodded. "Touche'"

They sat down to breakfast.

Lance leaned over the plate. "Smells wonderful."

Peter adopted a southern accent. "And I helped!"

They ate in silence for a while.

Peter looked slightly embarrassed. "I'd like to call my mother today to work out the details of my flying back."

"No problem."

"I want you to tell me when the bill comes."

"Peter, we've been through this."

"No we haven't, Lance. You refuse to talk about it."

"And that hasn't changed. Call when ever you want to." JC looked sternly at Peter. "Feel free."

"Okay. I give up. You win." Peter stabbed at his plate.


"I'll find other ways of repaying you." Peter muttered.

Lance glanced at Peter. "You must be close to your mother."

"Well, we are kind of stuck with each other. My older brother left home as soon as he could. I know that really hurt my mother. So I felt sort of protective about her. I was gay. I didn't want to disappoint her more." Peter looked at his plate. "I am the only member of both families that stayed close by. Until now."

"And your father?" Lance asked quickly. He didn't want Peter to start doubting his actions.

Peter at first looked puzzled. "Oh, that's right I only told Justin. He's a career military man. I see very little of him."

"And he knows about you?"

"Yeah. I didn't hear from him for a while after. But he came around."

"And your mother?"

Peter chuckled. "She told me."


"There was this girl I was good friends with. She never got asked to the school dances. Not the she was bad looking but she was very sure of herself. She could be a little intimidating. So one time we decided to go together. Turns out we were a good match."

"You don't mean?"

"Yep, she was a lesbian. She was one of the first people I told I was gay. We had such good times. We'd sit there and dish the straights. Then out of the blue one day my mother told me it wasn't fair to make her think I was interested in her since I had chosen to like men. I'd never said anything about being gay to my mother."

"Maybe she found the Playgirls under your mattress." JC joked.

Peter paled a bit. "They weren't Playgirls but maybe she did." Peter hated to think what his mother must have thought. He should have told her before.

Lance pushed on. "What about your, ah, girlfriend?"

"My mother wouldn't get the truth of it. To her I was just using my friend as a cover. And I'd only end up hurting her." Peter's face fell. "Turned out I wasn't the one she had to worry about." Peter paused. "She suddenly stopped coming to school. I found out later that her parents had sent her off to live with another relative in another city and to go to a private school to get rid of the decadence she had learned. I never saw or heard from her again." Peter moved his food around with his fork. "She was the only true friend I've ever had."

"They found out she was a lesbian and sent her away?"

"That's what I think."

"Thank god the guys didn't react that way to us."

Peter looked a little sheepish. "If it isn't prying, what did happen? I'm just curious."

"Well, I don't know." Lance hesitated.

"Don't know?" JC said. "After all the personal questions you've asked him its only right that it should be our turn."

Peter smiled. "I know it ended happily, so it couldn't be that bad."

Lance and JC exchanged glances.

"Oh. Forget it then." Peter turned to his plate. "I don't want to dredge up old memories."

Lance raised his hand. "Ever since I put on this ring lot's of memories have been dredged up. One more won't matter."

"Besides," JC added. "It's all going to be public soon anyway."

Lance took a breath. "Well, JC and I had been lovers for about a week by then."

JC interrupted. "Wait, Lance. Start at the beginning. We've talked about this but Peter doesn't know."

"Oh, sorry." Lance began the story. "I guess it started when I realized that I was gay. I mean I knew earlier that I was gay but it was the first time I reacted as a gay man."

JC grinned. "He means the sight of me made him horny."

"I'll say." Lance chuckled. "I took things into my own hand a lot then. It was amazing that I didn't get carpal tunnel. Or got caught at it for that matter. My feelings for JC were making me a nervous wreck. So I decided to try to stay away from him as much as I could. But that meant staying away from the guys as well."

"We began to notice Lance pulling away from us so they sent me to find out what was bothering him."

Peter gaped. "Lance, you must have been beside yourself."

Lance reached over and patted JC's hand. "Actually JC was beside myself. Since JC and I were alone without the other guys, it was easier. He was showing me such care and attention. I didn't know why but I didn't care. The man that I loved was spending time with me. But I was still too scared to tell him."

"Did you ever tell each other that you were gay? How did you find out that you loved each other?"

Lance blushed slightly. He gazed at JC. "Simple. I finally got brave enough to try to kiss him. JC surprised me by meeting me half way."

"Wow." Peter sat back in his chair. "That's beautiful."

"We became lovers that very night."

Lance leaned over to steal a kiss from JC.

Peter wiped his eyes. "How romantic. That's the way I always hoped..." Peter stopped. He started to look a little sad. Then a smile broke across his lips. "I'm sorry. I was just being stupid. Go on."

JC continued. "Lance was afraid that when the guys found out that he was gay that we'd kick him out of the group. Now we both were."

"I can't believe that they would do that." Peter protested.

"I know, but fear isn't rational. So anyway, like Lance said we had been lovers for about a week when we had one of our group meetings with John. We decided it that is was time to tell the guys the truth. We must have looked like we were waiting for the electric chair. Chris was making more jokes than usual to cheer us up. I managed to get out that we had something important to say that they probably didn't want to hear. Chris decides to lighten the mood and pops in with 'It can't be that bad. It's not like you've become gay lovers'."

Peter shook his head. "Leave it to Chris."

"Lance immediately turns beet red and I just sat there with my mouth open. Everyone could see that it was the truth."

Justin was the first to break the stunned silence. "You're gay?"

Lance just nodded.

"That's why he was staying to himself." JC explained. "He was afraid we would find out."

"But, JC you're not..."

"Sorry, Joey. The time I spent with Lance made me realize what was hidden inside me. I'm gay. And Lance and I are in love."

"I told you we should have sent Justin."

"Chris, sh!" Joey snapped.

JC looked from person to person then looked back at Lance. He managed a slight smile. "We wanted you to know."

There was silence.

Lance finally broke. "It's my fault. Don't blame JC. If he hadn't spent time with me this never would have happened. Don't kick him out of the group, I'll go but let him stay."

JC turned to Lance. "I'm not doing this with out you. If you go I go."

John's voice was firm. "Who said anything about kicking people out of the group? No one is going anywhere."


Joey crossed to Lance. He put a reassuring hand on Lance's shoulder. "We wouldn't do that, Lance. You're our friend." Joey looked at JC. "Friends. More than that we're family. Being gay doesn't change that."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be. I'm hurt to think you thought us so shallow."

"What's the big deal?" Chris said. "We know a lot of gay people in the industry. We just know two more. And if you and JC are in love so much the better." Chris smiled impishly. "You won't be hitting on the rest of us."


Chris didn't stop. "They'll have to have their own bus of course. I'm not showering in front of them."

"Chris, we don't shower together and anyway there's no shower on the bus."

JC was feeling better. "But, Justin, with a bus to ourselves there will be room for one. Maybe even a hot tub."

"No way." Chris shot back. "They're not having special privileges." Chris stood right up against JC. "You're traveling on our bus like it or not."

"Just try to limit the smooching in front of us, please."

Lance felt such a sense of relief. "I promise, Joey."

They turned to John. He sat with his fingertips together. "Okay, how far do you want to go with this?"

JC got a nod from Lance. "Just between us for now."

"Fine. We'll do everything at our disposal to keep this under wraps. But for the record," John sat forward. "You're a great bunch of guys and being gay doesn't change that. So it's not an issue with me. Okay?"

JC and Lance looked at each other and smiled. "Thanks!"

"Which one of you will be wearing the dress?"


Lance pushed his plate away. "And that was all there was to it."

Peter sighed. "Don't you wish everyone could be so understanding."

JC looked at the time. "Come on, Lance. Let's get dressed. Then we can show Peter around the Bass Chasez Estate."

Peter was going through the kitchen cabinets. He found where the other pans were and put the frying pan he had just washed with the others. He looked up in time to see Lance come around the corner.

"Peter, you didn't have to do this."

Peter had a slight edge to his voice. "You two won't discuss taking my money so I will pitch in doing other things. I will not just let you guys do everything for me."

"No, I didn't mean that you shouldn't have done the dishes, I meant you didn't have to." Lance opened a cabinet door Peter hadn't got to yet. "This thing is called a dishwasher."

Peter's face fell. "Oh. I didn't see it."

"For future reference then." Lance closed the door. "If you get dishpan hands Justin would never forgive us."

"Okay, you got me. I'm sorry."

"Come on. I'll show you the rest of the house. We don't want you out back beating your clothes against a rock to clean them."

"Nothing wrong with that though I find it works best when you take them off first."

"I'll bet." Lance led the way.

First Peter was shown the dining room then the sunroom that was between the living room and the pool. The curtains were pulled and Lance stopped Peter from peeking.

"You'll see the pool soon enough."

There was a small den or computer room, another bathroom and a room with a treadmill, bike and other exercise equipment.

"This is the room of Great Expectations. JC and I always mean to work out before a tour but we never find the time. The dust spends more time on these things than we do."

They made their way upstairs to the master bedroom.

"The most sacred shrine." Peter got down on his knees facing the bed and bowed to the floor several times. He got up wiping fake tears from his eyes. "I feel so blest to have seen such a hallowed spot. I should have brought my camera."

"Oh, about that, Peter."


"Never mind," Lance looked embarrassed. "It can wait."

Peter was shown a couple more closets that they could have rented out as rooms, a sort of library then a media room with TV, VCR, DVD player and a sound system.

"This is where you go when you want to experience the full effect." Lance explained. "The TV in the living room is just for watching."

Lance stopped about halfway down the hall. "Do you know the story of Queen Esther? No one was allowed into the king's throne room unless summoned. If you arrived unannounced and the king found favor with you, you were allowed to enter. If you did not find favor with the king you were put to death." Lance pointed. "This next room is like that. Never enter it unless you are told to."

Lance walked to the door and knocked. He opened the door a crack. "May we come in?"

"Sure," came JC's voice.

Lance motioned Peter forward.

JC sat at one of several keyboards in the room. Recording and playback equipment filled the shelves. The walls had awards and gold records in frames.

"This is JC's lair. He rules here."

Peter was about to step into the room and stopped.

JC smiled. "I'll allow it. This once."

Peter wandered around looking at everything. "This is impressive."

"Some of those awards aren't just me but NSYNC's. This is just the display room."

Peter looked at the notes JC has scratched on the piece of paper on the keyboard. "You guys are so talented."

JC and Lance winked at each other.

"I'm not talking about sex and it's not because I am a fan." Peter added. "I mean that."


Lance gesture to the door. "Now for the fun room."

"I know where my bedroom is. But it won't be a fun room until Justin gets here."

"He means the basement." JC explained.

"Really? Do you have a dungeon set up? I should have known. It's always the quiet ones."

JC followed them. "You have to be joking. Lance has a very low tolerance when it comes to pain."

"Leather and bondage doesn't have to mean pain."

"And how do you know?" JC teased.

Peter acted snooty. "I happen to be well read."

"Well watched, you mean."

Lance walked along not saying anything.

"Lance, you can't seriously be thinking about it." JC warned.

Lance looked up innocently. "What?" One glare from JC and he broke into a smile. "You have to admit our sex life are very vanilla."

JC was surprised. "Where did you hear that term?"

Lance was smug. "I read a lot, too."

"I happen to like vanilla." JC said.

Peter could help himself. "Yeah, but its better with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry."

Lance beamed excitedly. "We've never tried food."

JC pointed to Lance. "If we do you'll have to clean up afterwards and Peter, I would thank you not to corrupt Lance with your kinky sex ideas. The day we get married is the only kind of knot tying I plan to do."

"We'll see." Lance walked ahead of them humming.

"Relax," Peter said. "He's just joking."

"That's the thing with Lance you never know."

"Well, if you wake up tied down to your bed and you don't like it, I'm just down the hall. Scream. If he hasn't gagged you first."

"Thanks a whole hell of a lot."

Lance opened a door and they descended the stairs down into the lower floor.

Peter gaped. "A fun room he calls it. That is an understatement."

There was a bar and bar stools, a couple restaurant booths against one wall. Somewhere was a sound system because there were speakers in the walls. A small mirrored ball hung from the ceiling over an 8-foot square area of tiled floor. The rest of the room was carpeted.

"A dance floor?"

JC shrugged. "Of course."

The other half of the room held the pool table, a foosball table and 4 video games including electronic darts and a pinball machine stood against the other wall.

Peter stood stunned. "Okay, I know you keep saying that you're just people but I know of no one with these many toys."

"So we indulge a bit."

Peter turned to Lance. "A bit?"

"Hey, it's not like they exchange the video games every week."

"Every month. I'll bet."

JC acted surprised. "How the hell do you do that?"

Peter just smiled.

Lance opened a door to a smaller room. "This has the card tables, chairs and the ping pong table conversion for the pool table. All the board games we have are in there, too. So on game night we should have one you'd like to play."

"Game night?"

"Sure, the guys come over a couple of nights a week just to hang and play games."

Peter walked to the pool table. "No wonder you stay so close." Peter noticed a spot on the felt. "Looks like you two don't just play pool on this table."

"That wasn't us." JC protested.

Peter's eyebrow went up.

"I mean, Joey dropped some food."

"Oh," Peter nodded but not believing.

"Besides it was on the other side of the table," Lance added.


"And we weren't even on the table."


"Did you have to call the shot first?" Peter grinned.

JC was annoyed. "Now you did it. He's off and running."

"I hope you kept one foot on the floor at all times."

JC crossed his arms. "That's two."

"I suppose you didn't give Lance a break until you sank them all."


"You must have enjoyed your balls bouncing off Lance's bumper."


"Did you have to chalk up your 'cue stick'?"

Lance smiled. "Mm, he certainly did. He had a smooth powerful stroke and he did scratch once."

"Do I have to listen to this?"

Lance took JC's arm. "I think JC is embarrassed. You'd better stop before you end up behind the eight ball."

JC glared at Lance.


"I just happened to have really enjoyed that time and I don't like it being make fun of."

"We're joking about, JC." Peter explained. "We're not making fun of. But I'm sorry it upset you."

"Thank you."

Peter looked about. "What's next?"

Lance pushed through a large pair of swing doors. "The laundry room."

"Damn, I was so looking forward to the rocks."

JC looked puzzled. "Rocks?"

Lance smiled. "Peter was being primitive this morning."

"So sue me, I didn't think to look for a dishwasher. But now I know where to go. I have some clothes I'd like to wash." Peter turned "If you have some to wash I can do yours at the same time."

"Peter, you do not have to do menial tasks to live here."

"Come on, JC," Lance whispered. "He wants to feel useful."

JC relented. "Okay, sure. Knock yourself out."

"And I promise I won't try any of your clothes on." Not waiting for a response Peter pointed to a door. He could see steps through the window. "Where does that go?"

"To the pool area."

Peter spun around his face eager.

"Later," Lance said sternly.

Peter's shoulder's slumped. He playfully pouted.

"We're almost through. I wanted to show you the grounds first."

Peter surveyed the front yard. As he could tell last night the wall surrounding the house was more to keep out prying eyes than a barrier. The yard was almost a standard size front yard except that everything was perfectly trimmed from the trees and bushes to the grass.

"You have to have a gardener."

"Yeah, a guy comes in a couple of times a week." JC like most homeowners was proud of his yard. "We tried doing it ourselves but it was too much."

"He doubles as our pool man, too."

"I bet he's a hunk and always goes about with his shirt off."

Lance shook his head. "I'm afraid not."

Peter frowned. "Bang goes that seduction fantasy."

"Hey, none of us are available remember?"

"I know. I guess I'm just getting caught up in the idea of living with two celebri..." Peter stopped.

JC and Lance were looking hard at him.

"Ah, I mean, two celebrated homeowners." Peter stammered. "Ah, is the garage next?"

JC gestured. "This way."

Lance leaned in to Peter. "Nice recovery."

"This is my car and this is JC's Jeep. And this is the garage where we park them. I park here and JC parks there."

"Lance, now you're just teasing him. Show Peter the pool area."

Lance looked innocent. "Oh, did you want to see the pool?"

Peter forced a smile. "If you don't mind."

"All you had to do was ask."

"Lance, leave it." JC led the way past the garage to a wooden fence with a gate. There was a metal keypad over the doorknob.

JC pressed some numbers. "Eight, eight, five and then four."

"Rachmaninoff." Lance said.

Peter laughed. "Everyone must know Willy Wonka."

"Its Joey's all time favorite movie." Lance added.

JC turned to Peter. "We'll write these codes down for you in case you forget them."

"It's yours and Lance's birthdays, right? August eighth and May fourth."

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Oh, come on JC. I'm a fan remember. Open up."

Lance blocked the way. "What year?"

"1976 and 1979."

"And the other guys?"

"I only know Justin's. January 31, 1981."

"I don't know. He's left two out." JC teased. "I don't think that's fair to Chris and Joey."

Peter sighed. "Okay, January 28, 1977 and October 17, 1971. I admit it. I didn't have a life. Happy? Now open up, please."

JC pushed open the door and they went through. A sidewalk ran along the side of the house. As they neared the corner of the house Peter realized 'Pure Imagination' was going through his head. He turned the corner.

"And lastly," Lance gestured. "The pool.

Peter had seen houses with pools before but never for real. The pool seemed huge. The blue water flashed and sparkled in the sun. Along side was the usual patio with furniture and a barbecue grill. Large windows and two glass doors led back into the sunroom. Or at least that's what Peter figured since the doors were closed and the curtains were down. An awning, which could be raised and lowered, was attached to the house.

There was a small building matching the house to one side.

Lance followed Peter's gaze. "Changing rooms, a shower and the sauna. The small pool in front is the Jacuzzi."

There was a large expanse of grass behind the pool. The stone wall ran around the whole property.

"We have volleyball, badminton and croquet available whenever you'd like."

"You guys have some set-up here."

"Uh huh," JC corrected. "This is your home now, too."

"I don't know what to say." Peter was fighting the emotions.

Lance slapped Peter on the shoulder. "What do you want to do first? Besides wait for Justin."

"And it better not be the washing." JC joked.

"Sit by the pool?"

JC smiled. "Good choice."

They pushed open the glass doors and opened the curtains. Sun flooded into the house. Peter followed them into the house.

"I thought..." Lance started.

"I want to get some things first."


Peter swept Lance into a hug. Then he followed with JC. His eyes were tearing up again. "I don't know how to thank you guys. This is too much."

"Hey, you're a part of us now. And you've been through a lot the last few days. Relax. Enjoy the perks."

"I think I will." Peter headed for his room.

Lance shook his head. "It's hard to believe that he is older than we are."

"You know the lyrics: 'the heart of a child'. Well, at least he seems to like the house."

"You think?" Lance gave JC a squeeze. "I very happy, JC."

"I'm glad. I am, too."

"Let's enjoy it while we can."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "Come on. Let's unpack."

Peter sat by the pool in a lounge chair doing crossword puzzles.

"Here you are."

Peter's head snapped around. "It's about time, Justin. I've been waiting all morning."

Justin leaned down and gave Peter a kiss. "Sorry. My folks let me sleep in then kept plying me with questions about the tour. So it was a long breakfast." Justin looked at Peter puzzled. Peter had on a short sleeve shirt and shorts. "Why are you out here in the sun fully dressed? I thought gay men were always working on their tan."

Peter was sarcastic. "Well, forgive me. What kind of self-respecting faggot am I? I'm so pathetic I might as well be straight."


"Sorry, it's just a song by Romanovsky and Phillips."

"Figures." Justin didn't bother to ask further.

"I'm just taking it slow. This is Florida after all."

"Sensitive to sun?"

"I don't tan or burn, I stroke."

Justin knelt next to Peter's chair. "Speaking of stroking." He ran his hand up Peter's leg. "Now that I'm here, let's start." He leaned close.

"What about the others?"

"They're upstairs unpacking. Besides, they said we should feel free."

Peter was still a bit uncomfortable. He pushed past Justin and stood up. "Maybe we should swim first. I'll go change." Peter started for the house.

Justin grabbed him. "You don't need to change. You're wearing your suit already."

"No, I'm not."

"Your birthday suit." Justin began kissing Peter's face and neck. He spun Peter slowly around with him. Justin fumbled with the buttons on Peter's shirt.

"Justin, please. I'm getting dizzy."

Justin stopped turning with his back to the house.

"I'd rather change." Peter gave Justin a quick kiss. "Be right back." He backed away from Justin.

Things were still spinning a little. Peter brought his hand to his eyes. He staggered slightly.

"Peter, wait!" Justin reached for him.

Peter took another step back. "I'm all right just a little dizzy." He turned and took two steps forward. He dropped his hand from his face to look where he was going but it was too late. With the next step Peter fell headlong into the pool. He surfaced spitting.

"I'm sorry," Justin couldn't help laughing. "I didn't think you'd get away from me."

"You could have warned me."

"What do you think I was trying to do?"

"Well, it doesn't matter now." Peter started to unbutton his shirt."

"Wait, let me." Justin kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. He caught the look Peter was giving him. "Oh, screw it." Justin emptied his pockets then did a cannonball into the pool.

He surfaced to find Peter laughing.

"You didn't have to do that."

"It was only fair."

"Well? I'm waiting."

Justin moved close. They helped each other undress which wasn't easy in the water. Soon they were down to their underwear. Peter stopped.

"Oh, not you don't." Justin scowled. "Everything goes."

"I've never been skinny dipping before."

Justin pulled his underwear off and threw it to the pool deck. "Really? Then it is about time." Justin disappeared under the water. Peter felt him tug at his underwear. He playfully struggled. Trying to fight Justin off by not really.

Justin emerged from the water with Peter's underwear in hand. He threw them from the pool.

Peter's eyes met with Justin's. "What do we do now?"

Justin splashed Peter in the face.

"You bitch." He returned a splash at Justin.

Justin splashed back. "Cocksucker."

Water flew at Justin. "Butt fucker."

"Now you're getting it." Justin started a barrage of splashing. When he stopped Peter was gone. A form moved under the water toward the deep end of the pool. Justin swam after him.

Peter dove down and turned around. He watched Justin swimming above him.

Justin swam down toward Peter. Peter made the 'time out' sign. Justin understood. As he swam close Peter grabbed him and kissed him. Then with a playful pat on Justin's ass, Peter headed for the surface.

Justin shook the water from his face. "You like this?"

"Yeah. Just the chance to be with to you."

Justin saw a sparkle in Peter's eye. Why had Peter dove down as Justin swam near? Then he got it.

Justin laughed. "So you like to watch me swim naked?"

Peter gaped. "How did you know?"

"Elementary. Peter junior."

Peter's erection was beginning to grow. "I've always found the body underwater wonderfully sexy. Would you swim so I could watch?"

"Only if you do it for me."


They sank belong the surface. Peter watched the water patterns flowed over Justin's naked body as he moved through the water. Justin looked good on the stage but underwater there was a wonderful grace about his movements.

Justin just swam by Peter at first. Then he turned and did a corkscrew roll showing off his whole body. He swam toward Peter as close as he thought he could get then dove down. His bare ass missed Peter's face by inches. Justin turned and swam back to the surface. His cock passed tantalizingly close to Peter.

Peter came up for air. "Justin, you looked so beautiful."

"Now it's your turn."

They dove down, again. Peter followed Justin's exact routine. Justin watched Peter move through the water. The movement of his legs and arms and the reflections of the light on Peter's body was sexy. Plus Peter's ever growing erection proved he was getting off on this.

Justin delayed as Peter went to the surface. Justin swam under him and exhaled. A mass of bubbles caught Peter in the crotch. Justin popped to the surface.

"That tickled."

Justin grinned. "It was supposed to."

They eyes met. Justin pulled Peter against him. "My beautiful little merman swimming with his prince. A fairy tale come true."

"And I know who's the fairy."

"Stop that."

They swam back to the shallow end.

"He was gay, you know." Peter puzzled. "Or was he BI?"


"Hans Christian Anderson. He was in the movie."

"You mean Danny Kaye? I've heard that."

Peter stopped. "You know the movie?"

"When you spend as much time as we do on the bus you watch a lot of TV and see lots of movies. Besides we have traveled in Europe in the beginning. 'Wonderful, Copenhagen' is heard a lot in Denmark."

"Didn't you think Hans and Peter's relationship was a little more than just friendship? Peter was very protective of Hans. Peter said it hurt him when people laughed at Hans. He said he wanted to kill them. Sounds very serious to me."

Justin floated on his back. "But wasn't Peter a little young?"

"Hey, it is Denmark." Peter bobbed in place keeping just his head above water. "But I didn't say they were lovers."

"On the other hand I can't object to the idea of having a older lover." Justin gave a little splash.

"Then there is Howard Ashman. He wrote the lyrics for 'The Little Mermaid.' He was gay."

"He died of AIDS didn't he?"

"Yeah, but I could tell he was gay."

"Oh, really. How?"

Peter put his hand on his chest and sounded very haughty. "It is my personal theory that he had a different story twist in mind and he was forced to change the lyrics."

"Okay, convince me."

"Listen to the lyrics. 'You don't know why but you're dying to try. You want to kiss the girl.'"


"See if this sounds better. 'You don't know why but you're dying to try. You want to kiss the guy.'" Peter grinned like he had won.

"Maybe the song was originally intended for Ariel not the Prince."

Peter frowned. "Spoken like a true Bisexual. Bang goes that fantasy."

Justin floated close to Peter. "Sorry. Is this better?" He sang, "And I don't know why but I'm dying to try. I want to kiss my guy." He took Peter by the chin and pressed his lips to Peter's.

They wrapped their arms around each other. Justin rolled and they slipped beneath the surface still kissing. After a few moments they bobbed back to the surface.

They felt so light buoyed by the water. Justin pulled back laughing.

"The tours over and here you are still with me. Oh, Peter. You have made me so happy."

Justin saw the glint in Peter's eye. "Not yet, I haven't." Peter's hand found Justin's cock.

"Peter?" Justin asked surprised. "I thought you were kind of uncomfortable with the idea."

"Not anymore. Thanks to you. When I'm with you, you give me nerve." Peter licked the side of Justin's face. "I may not have had fantasies about having sex with people but I have had them about having sex in places." Peter kissed Justin. He pulled back smiling. "I saw this once in a gay porn movie. I have wanted to do it ever since."

Peter disappeared beneath the water.

Justin grabbed the sides of the pool as Peter's mouth slid over his cock. He felt Peter's lips going up and down along his hardening shaft. The tongue pressing against the sensitive flesh. Peter's mouth combined with the feel of the warm water against his skin was so different to Justin. The bubbles that trickled out of Peter's mouth tickled. Peter sucked him longer in one breath than Justin thought possible.

Peter broke the surface with a gasp of air. Justin pulled him to him. They had a long kiss.

"Peter, I've never felt it like this."

"Justin, let yourself float free." Peter submerged again.

Float free? Peter's hands pulled at Justin's legs. Justin held onto the edge of the pool and let his body float.

Peter's head bobbed up and down causing ripples in the water and ripples of joy through Justin's body. He came up for air again.

Peter beamed at Justin. "Damn, this is hot." A big breath of air and Peter submerged again.

Peter was going wild on Justin's cock. Up and down along the shaft in rapid strokes. Justin could feel the water push against him as Peter swallowed his cock. He could feel Peter's hair brush his stomach and the tickling bubbles. Peter might have sensed this because he pulled off of Peter's cock. He licked his balls quickly then Justin felt a blast of bubbles run up his crotch and a few slipped up his ass crack. Justin shuddered.

Peter came up for air. Justin wiped the water from Peter's face. "That feels so good." Peter grinned. Justin returned the grin. "Let me try." Justin sank from sight.

"Oh, Justin!" It felt ten times better than Peter thought it would. Justin's wonderful tongue and lips wrapped around his cock added to the embrace of the warm water sent thrills of delight through Peter.

Justin came up for air. They kissed. Then Justin submerged again.

Peter's cock was already throbbing. Justin kept his sucking in short bouts. He didn't want Peter to cum too soon. A few deep strokes with his mouth then up for air, a kiss then he dove back.

JC and Lance were unpacking. In an unintended dance Lance would go to the suitcases on the bed to take some clothes as JC put his clothes in the drawer. Then JC would cross to the bed while Lance went to the dresser.

Lance glanced out of the window. "Wasn't Peter and Justin by the pool?"


"He has his back to us but all I see is Peter." Lance went back to the bed.

JC looked to the pool. "No, they're both there. Smooching as usual."

"How nice. They did miss each other."

"Their clothes look wet. It must have been a spur of the moment swim." JC turned away.

Maybe we should bring them some towels." Lance was back at the window. "Wait. All I can see is Peter."

"Justin is there. How else would they be kissing?"

"Oh, really." Lance pointed at the window. "Prove it."

Lance stared at JC as he returned to the window.

"Lance, there are two people out there." JC pointed. Lance didn't turn his head. "One, two." He patted Lance's cheek. "Don't go senile on me now." JC walked away.

"JC, I know what I saw," Lance looked out the window. "And what I see is just Peter standing at the side of the pool."

"Lance," JC returned to the window. "See there, they're kissing."

Lance didn't take his eyes off JC. "JC, why are you teasing to me?"

JC went to the dresser. "I am not. I know what I saw."

"JC, all I see is Peter and no sign of...Oh, there's Justin." Lance's chin dropped. "Oh, my god."


"Looks like Justin is bobbing for more than apples."

JC hurried back to the window. "Oh, come on, Lance. They would never..." JC stopped as he saw Justin duck out of sight.

The two lovers stood watching. The front of their pants bulged and the fabric grew tighter.

"JC, remember how Peter said he didn't want to stop us doing things because he was around?"


"Well, I feel like a swim." Lance threw the clothes he was unpacking over his shoulder. He took the clothes from JC's hands. "And so do you." Lance dropped the clothes to the floor.

"I'll get the towels."

"For them, too."

JC went to the bathroom and soon emerged with four towels. Lance was still staring out the window. "Well? Waiting for something?"

"Let's go."

They walked from the room. Their paced increased as they went through the house. Shirts and pants were discarded as the made their way through the house. They were naked, laughing and almost running when they got to the pool. They dropped the towels on the nearest chair. Then JC took Lance into his arms and together they stepped into the pool. The warm waters closed around their naked bodies.

Peter and Justin barely registered JC and Lance's arrival.

Peter was so turned on by this fantasy come true. He stopped Justin from making one last dive.

"I'm getting close and I don't want to cum yet."

"We have all day."

Peter pulled Justin to him. "And there are other parts of the house." Peter managed to grab a leg of his pants lying beside the pool. He pulled them close and got the condom out of the back pocket.

"My, we are prepared. I am surprised." Justin teased.

"Fuck you," Peter smiled. "After you do me."

"Turn around."

Peter heard Justin inhale then he felt the tongue press into his ass. Peter gripped the side of the pool. He could feel streams of bubbles against his ass. Peter squirmed at the feeling.

Justin surfaced. "Bubbles for your bubble butt. Let yourself float."

Peter let his legs go out from under him. Justin took Peter's thighs. He lifted until Peter's ass was sticking out of the water. He buried his tongue in the crack. Then not moving his head he let Peter's ass sink back under the water then lifted again. He pressed his tongue back. Justin continued the cycle. Peter was moaning happily. Justin then took a mouthful of water and spreading Peter's ass cheeks spit it right at the asshole. Peter's whole body shook.

"Damn, Justin."

Justin continued to work on Peter's ass.

JC and Lance had just kissed at first. Relishing the weightless freedom of the water. They rolled and rolled with their arms around each other. Then after a breath of air, JC kicked around. Lance felt JC's mouth close over his cock. Lance quickly swallowed JC's as it bobbed in front of them. They rolled in the water mouth sucking hungrily each other's cock.

After a few moments Lance broke off and surfaced. JC soon followed.


They dove back.

Sixty-nining in water was wonderful. With no body weight to hold in check and no fear of choking the one on the bottom. Plus every few moments the one on the bottom changed. JC pulled off Lance's cock and spread his ass cheeks. Once he was below Lance, JC exhaled a mass of bubbles at Lance's ass.

Lance's convulsed. Lance let out an explosion of bubbles. Lance went up for air. JC managed another blast of bubbles against Lance's ass before he swam up.

Lance was coughing slightly.

JC patted his back. "Sorry, Lance."

"Now that surprised me."

"Stay here and catch your breath." JC sank from sight.

Soon Lance's whole body shook. The typical low bass rumble came from his throat. JC's effort on Lance's cock sent thrills though his body. Long smooth strokes of JC's lips sliding along Lance's length. JC's tongue poked and prodded the sensitive flesh. Lance excitement was growing. He tapped JC's shoulder.

JC's head broke from the water. Lance took him and kissed him. They pulled back.

Lance almost giggled. "How long have we lived here and we've never had sex in the pool?"

"I did think of it. But I thought you wouldn't go swimming again until you knew the water had been through the filter at least once."

"Am I that bad?"

"You're improving."

Lance held JC close. "I've been swimming in cum lots of times."

"Then you hurry and wash it off."

"Not this time."


"Try to prove me wrong."

JC grinned and slid back underwater. Soon Lance threw his head back.

"Oh, yeah!"

Lance let go of the edge of the pool and let himself sink below the water. He could see JC better this way.

JC's hair bobbed and floated about his face following the motion of his mouth's trips up and down Lance's hard cock. The water reflected like jewels off JC's naked body. Lance felt his passion grow. JC looked so sexy this way. Time for some more air.

JC surfaced right after Lance. Lance started jerking his cock.

"JC, I'm real close."

"I have to see this." JC dove under.

"Oh, my. Oh, oh." Lance's cries grew in volume. Everything was peaking. "Yes!"

Cum spewed out of Lance's cock. It was strange to see the white tendrils hang suspended for a change. Lance's body thrashed about in the water. JC could hear Lance's cries even underwater. Lance's hand stroking his cock churned the water. The white ropes of cum dissipated and became a foggy cloud in the water. JC headed for the surface. He was greeted by Lance's passionate kiss.

"Oh, JC. Did I cum? It felt so different."

"You came all right."

"That was so hot." Lance pulled back. "Now it's your turn." Lance disappeared.

JC followed so he could watch Lance go to work on his cock.

"Yes, Justin. Give it to me!"

Justin's cock slid into Peter's tight warm ass.

"I've been waiting for this. Do me good."

Justin started the rhythm. The water splashed between them at each thrust.

Peter lifted his feet from the bottom letting himself float. He only held onto the pool's edge. Then he let go. Peter sank under the water. Justin bent his knees and joined him.

Peter was so light in Justin's hands. He could pull Peter back onto his cock with ease. With each thrust into Peter Justin could feel the current it caused in the water. Being weightless gave his fucking an added thrill. After a few moments they stood up again.

Peter's moans were getting louder already. Justin could tell Peter was really into this and that turned his on all the more. He thrust his cock for all he was worth into Peter's ass.

Waves caused by his fucking splashed against the sides of the pool. Justin watched them getting higher and higher. Could he get them over the edge of the pool? He thrust back harder and faster. Peter's whimpers were growing in volume. He didn't seem to mind.

Justin leaded close. "Maybe this is how Poseidon makes those big ocean waves."

Peter answered breathing heavily. "Those mermen have all the fun."

Justin took to stroking Peter's cock with one hand. "They're not called seamen for nothing."

Peter chuckled but the chuckled changed to gasping. "Justin, don't stop I...Ooh, god!"

Peter's ass clamped on Justin's cock as Peter came. Justin wrapped his arms around him but still thrust as hard as he could. Peter's body bucked in his arms. Peter pressed back against Justin as the climax rushed through him. Slowly his body relaxed. His breathing slowed.

"Oh, man."


Peter just laughed.

"My turn. I'll take you up on that 'fuck you' now." Justin discarded the condom in a place he would pick it up later.

"But, Justin, I had only one."

Justin pulled Peter close. "Don't worry. I'm sure the chlorine and other chemicals will kill anything."

"I suppose." Peter still looked uneasy.

"Okay, you're right." Justin boasted himself out of the pool.

"Mm, nice ass."

"Thanks." Justin went to the chair where he had emptied his pockets. He pulled out a fold packet. "Ta-da! We're in business."

Justin walked to the other side of the pool opposite from Peter. Peter looked puzzled.

"You're the boat. I am the torpedo. In this case though, you're not the one going down." Justin dove into the pool and swam straight at Peter. He was right on target. Justin swallowed Peter's cock.

"Oh, god!"

A brief glance in JC's and Lance's direction gave Peter an idea.

"Man the pumps. We're going down." He sank beneath the water. A satisfied moan of pleasure turned into a stream of bubbles.

Lance looked like he was floating in midair. His hair moved as if by a breeze. JC found Lance's body beautiful before but now it glimmered and shone with the water reflection. Lance's perfect round ass seemed bejeweled. Just looking at Lance underwater heightened the pleasure of Lance's lips and tongue engulfing JC's cock.

They came up for air then submerged again. Lance's head bobbed up and down on JC's cock. He licked around the mushroom head then slid down to the base. The cock head slipped into Lance's throat. JC was rapidly losing control. But he didn't want to cum this way. JC wanted to save up and cum hard and the way Lance loved it. JC tapped Lance on the shoulder. They met above the water.

JC pulled Lance to him. "I need you bad."

"But you haven't cum yet."

"I will," JC brushed his fingers across Lance's chin. "Inside you."

Lance grinned. He quickly turned his back to JC and gripped the edge of the pool.

JC ducked his head under. He started with sending bubbles up Lance's crack. Lance's body shuddered in the water. Then he took some water in his mouth and underwater sent a jet of water right at Lance's asshole. Lance was soon thrashing about in the water. He was beginning his whimpering. JC's cock twitched at the thought. Soon.

Justin had sucked Peter's cock hard again. It had been easy. Just the sight of Justin swimming naked in the water had turned Peter on. The sight of Justin sucking his cock underwater had almost made Peter shoot again right then. But now Justin was bent over in front of him holding on to the edge of the pool. Peter moved close. After a little resistance Justin's ass closed tightly around the length of Peter's cock.

"Damn, that feels good. Do it, Peter."

Peter started thrusting his cock deep into Justin.

Peter's hands slid up Justin's torso. They stopped at his chest. Each one cupped on his pecs. Peter stepped back. Justin hands slipped from the edge. He raised his feet.

Justin floated there with Peter supporting him. He let himself relax. The cock thrusting in and out of his ass felt more wonderful than ever. It was all he needed to concentrate on as he floated there in complete pleasure.

"Yeah, this feels great. Give it to me."

Peter leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Justin.



They sank underwater.

Justin was so light in Peter's hands. He pulled him back harder against him. His cock thrust deeper into Justin.

Justin loved this. He was floating free and getting his ass thoroughly plowed by his lover. A large stream of bubbles floated up from Justin's mouth. He surfaced and grabbed onto the edge again. Passion was building in him. He needed Peter to finish this.

"Harder, Peter. I need it harder."

The waves started to slap against the side of the pool just as Peter's balls slapped against Justin's ass.

"Come on, Peter. Make the waves go higher."

Peter went faster yet. The waves of water grew. The waves of pleasure that surged through Justin grew, too.

One of Justin's hands dropped from the edge of the pool. It started stroking Justin's dick.

"Yeah, Peter keep fucking me. I'm going to cum."

Justin's body went rigid. Peter kept thrusting into Justin ass.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck!" Justin's cock shot off.

Peter reached around and pinched each nipple. Justin's head snapped back.

"Oh, fuck, yeah."

The water in front of Justin clouded up. The water calmed as Justin's hand slowed it's stroking.

As Justin relaxed, Peter's body tightened.

"Justin, I'm going to shoot."

Justin clamped his ass around Peter's cock as he felt it twitch and contract inside him. Peter twitched and shuddered with his cock. Slowly he relaxed.

Justin turned around. They kissed with tongues wrestling.

Peter chuckled with pleasure. "Thanks, Justin. That always was a fantasy of mine."

Justin floated close. "You were awesome. It was like having sex in mid air."

Peter glanced over. Lance and JC were still at it.

"Come on. Let's hit the shower." Peter boasted himself out of the pool.

"You have a great ass, too." Justin said as he got out.

Peter pulled off the condom.

"Here let me." Justin took it from him. He picked up his discarded one and went to the changing rooms. He threw them in a wastebasket inside the door. He made his way back to Peter.

Peter had noticed the towels. He took one and threw another to Justin.

As they dried themselves off Justin nodded to the pool. "Looks like someone else liked your idea."

"Yeah." Peter watched Lance and JC hating to turn away. "They're so beautiful together."

Justin put his arms around Peter. "And we're not?"

"No." Peter faced Justin. "We're gorgeous."


Peter gave Justin a peck on the cheek. "Yep." He wrapped the towel around himself.

Justin put his towel around his waist. "Peter, you are such a fag."

Peter spun around and pointed an accusing finger at Justin. "That's fucking fag to you."

Justin laughed and Peter smiled.

Peter was bending over picking up his soaked clothes. "It's a good thing I found out where the dryer is."

Justin cock twitched at the sight of Peter bending over. Justin gathered his clothes. "What are we going to do while they're drying?"


Justin moved close. "But that doesn't take too long."

Peter grinned. "It will if we use the shower in my room."

Justin looked puzzled. But Peter just winked. The light dawned. Grinning Justin followed Peter into the house.

Lance floated on his back. His hands held the edge of the pool behind him. JC moved close between Lance's legs. Lance felt JC push into him.

"Yes, JC. I love you inside me."

JC started the rhythm.

"Do me, JC. Do me good."

JC's thrusts caused waves that washed over Lance's body. Lance closed his eyes. Little pleading whimpers escaped his lips. Both of them were so into this new experience. JC's passions were growing from Lance's reactions. He knew he couldn't hold out long. Time to bring Lance's passions up to JC's level.

JC put his hands on Lance's back. "Let go."

Lance took his hands of the pool's edge. JC supported him. JC stepped back into the middle of the pool.

"Relax. I've got you."

Lance lay back in the water. Thrills shot through his body. The water lapped against him as JC's cock raked against his insides. This was a total body experience.

JC looked down as pleasure flushed Lance's face. Lance closed his eyes again. His pleading whimpers became a pleading repeated 'yes'. JC stepped into deeper water. He pulled Lance to him.

Lance wrapped his arms around JC kissing him with passion.

"This feels so good, JC. Don't stop."

To help JC along, Lance began to bounce himself on JC's cock.

They had tried this before in the bedroom but JC could only hold Lance for a short while. Now with the water's buoyancy it was so much easier.

Lance loved holding JC so close to him. They were skin to skin. Their breathed was almost at the same time.

"Damn, this is good, Lance."

"Harder, JC. Bring me to the edge."

JC knew he didn't mean the pool. He sped up his rhythm.

Lance's passions were growing. JC wanted to try something.


Lance held his breath. JC bent his knees and let the water close over them.

Like before they rolled in the water together JC still thrusting his cock into Lance. JC watched Lance's face. His eyes were closed but his lips moved and little trails of bubbles escaped. Even underwater Lance still whimpered.

JC stood up again. After they shook the water from their faces Lance kissed him. He pulled back.

"Do it again, JC. Please."

JC submerged again. They rolled and floated. It then struck JC what Lance loved about this. It was so peaceful. The water supported and cradled them. It was like having sex on a cloud. Oh, if he could hold Lance like this forever.

Lance's eyes snapped open. JC saw the look on his face. It wasn't panic but pleasure. Lance was getting ready to cum.

JC stood up. "Lay back. I'll hold you."

Lance lay back in JC's arms stroking his cock. Lance's voice grew in volume. "I'm going to do it. I'm going to cum!"

Lance's cock shot off. Ribbons of white arched in the air to fall back into the water. Lance shook and trembled. He gave off a strangled scream. Every time JC's cock sank into Lance a spurt of cum erupted from his cock.

With Lance cumming, JC stopped holding back. Two more thrusts into Lance and JC lost it.

"Yes, Lance!"

As his climax abated Lance felt JC's cock erupt inside him. He pulled himself up on JC's arms and pressed himself to JC. He kissed JC's neck as JC's cock pulsed in his ass.

JC lips locked onto Lance's. Lance pulled himself off of JC's cock. JC rolled and they slid under the water. After a few minutes they reemerged still kissing.

Lance pulled back. He looked into JC's eyes. "Josh, you are so good to me."

Was that just water or was Lance crying? JC pulled Lance to him. "Lance, I love you so much."

They floated in the water holding each other as close as possible wishing that time would stop and keep them in this moment forever.

JC and Lance walked back through the house picking up their discarded clothes.

"That was amazing." JC said. "Looks like Peter helped us along again."

"It was like having sex in space."

"Like that's ever going to happen."

"You never know, JC."

As they went by Peter's room JC stopped them. The door was open and two towels lay on the floor. The shower was running. JC put his finger to his lips.

Lance whispered. "JC, the bedrooms are private."

"I'm not going in. Just listen."

"Oh, god, yes! Justin, fuck me!"

JC reached in and closed the door. "I just wanted to see if Peter took my advice."

Lance could imagine what the advice was. "Our water bill is going to be enormous."

"That's okay. I'll just suggest a shower to get your mind off it."

Lance looked at the closed door and sighed. "Oh, the joys of new love. I remember it well."

"I don't know about you, Lance. But I can still be spontaneous." JC grabbed for Lance's towel. Lance dodged and ran down the hall into their room.

JC charged through the door and ran smack into Lance. Lance was standing looked around the room. There were clothes thrown about on the floor and half-full suitcases on the bed. Lance wrinkled his nose.

JC heaved a deep sighed. They started cleaning up.

"We are so fucking domesticated."

"Language, JC," Lance chided. "Besides that word doesn't make sense in this case."

Lance bent over and picked up some clothes. JC yanked Lance's towel off. Lance stood up and tried to protest. JC's lips were on his. He reluctantly pushed JC away.

"JC, not now."

"I want this now." JC squeezed Lance's ass.

"Clean first. Sex later."

"No, sex now. Clean later."

"JC, I can't have sex in a dirty room."

JC grinned devilishly. "I owe you a shower." He paused. "And the bathroom is clean."

A grin spread across Lance's face. He gave JC a kiss. "I knew there was a reason I love you."

They almost ran into the bathroom.

The water started. Then there was moaning and whimpering. Soon Lance's voice grew over the noise of the shower.

"Oh. Oh, yes, JC. Yes. Do it, JC. Yes! OH, GOD, JC! YES!" Lance screamed from the bathroom.

End part 28

Okay, so I skipped the descriptions of the last two sex scenes. Use you imagination. My fingers are tried from typing. Plus I want to get this posted. If you complain, sorry, ask me nicely, I may go back and use it for the start of the next part.

As to the pool scene: please, do not try this at home. But if you do try don't drown. No law suits, please. And if you have tried and I got it wrong: don't tell me. Well, if you do tell me, give me lots and lots of details;) but it is meant as a fantasy. If this is also your fantasy there is a web site I stumbled across '' to wet your whistle. (I have no connection with the web hosts.)

Anyway time to start the next part. Things will start happening there, I promise. As always I can be reached at I'd love to hear from you no matter how major or trivial. Just don't draw blood please.

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 29

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