Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Oct 10, 2002


Here we go on part 29

Continued thanks and appreciation to all of you who have E-mailed or chatted on-line with me. This is fun for me but it would be nothing without you readers. (Author bows humbly.)

First I apologize about use of 'boasted' instead of 'boosted' in the last part (the pool scene.) You can read something lots of times and then 'oops'. Of course the chances of noticing something is wrong increase once it is posted. Well, each time it was followed by "nice ass" so that was a kind of a boast. Maybe they thought it was a joke.

Anyway, onward:

This is a story of complete fiction. This does NOT detail the real life or sexual orientations of NSYNC or the any character based on real people. This is purely a work of the author's imagination (depraved as it is). If you are underage or find gay themes and sexuality objectionable, stop reading now.

"That was delicious." JC wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Thank you, Peter."

"Just pork chops in cream of mushroom soup and a baked potato. I not a great cook so simple is best." Peter stood up and helped to clear the table.

JC noticed a slight stiffness in Peter's walk.

"Was Justin too rough?"

"No," Peter said. "I'm afraid I'm bit too squeaky clean."

Lance and JC laughed.

"Lance, I'll finish here. You take Peter upstairs and give him first aid."

"I'll be all right."

"Come on, Peter. I know the cure." Lance let Peter go before him.

JC nodded to the window. "Leave the dishes to me."

Lance winked.

The door opened and Peter walked from the bathroom.


He stood still but moved his thighs back and forth. "Much. Thank you, Lance."

"See, we learn from each other. JC finds showers very sexy."

"You must have a very clean sex life."

"Yea, we do. But that remedy was discovered after Jungle Boy."

"Jungle Boy?"

"Oops, forget you heard that."

Peter couldn't help but smile. "I won't pry."

Lance touched Peter's arm. "Thank you for this morning. We've never had sex in the pool before. Only you would think of it underwater."

"It wasn't me. Lance, I saw it in a gay porn film."

"Then you hadn't done before either?"

"Lance, Justin was my first, remember?"

"Sorry." Lance paused. "What sort of things do they do in these porn films?"

"Everything and anything. From the sublime to the ridiculous."

Lance gave a sigh of envy. He turned to Peter. "Could you show us some these films?"

"I suppose. I could rent some but I'd have to be discrete. I have a few stashed away. When I go home I'll bring them back with me."


"But Lance, remember something new is only fun if your partner enjoys it too."

"I know."

"Lance, can I tell you something?"


"Most times I like vanilla, too."

Lance laughed. "But variety..."

Peter joined Lance. " the spice of life."

"Come on, let's get back."

JC was still loading the dishwasher.

"Almost done?" Lance asked.

JC looked up. "Any moment now."

The doorbell rang.

JC smiled at Lance. "Peter, would you get that?"

"Sure." Peter reached for the button to open the gate.

"No, that was the doorbell."

"Oh." It must have been on of the guys who knew the gate code. Peter opened the door.

"I didn't expect you to answer the door."

"Kevin!" Peter couldn't help himself. He threw his arms around him. Then suddenly embarrassed he stepped back. "Ah, come in, I mean, enter." Peter stood aside.

"I know it was you first day back, but I hoped you wouldn't mind."

"No, not at all." Peter tried to keep from staring at Kevin. His clothes clung every contour of his body.

Kevin smiled inwardly. He had worn this tight T-shirt and jeans for Peter. Okay, they agreed that they wouldn't have sex again, but he knew Peter found him attractive. He at least he could still be a delight for Peter's eyes.

"Is Justin here?"

"No," Lance approached from the kitchen. "He's home recovering. Peter here wore him out." Lance gave Kevin a hug.

Peter glared at Lance. "He had to prepare for the party tomorrow."

Lance smiled. "That, too."

JC joined them. "He'll need his rest. He plans to spill to his folks tomorrow." He hugged Kevin.

"That means, Peter, you get to meet the parents at the same time."

"Tell me about." Peter didn't sound too excited.

JC lead them into the living room. "We keep telling him that both of them have nothing to worry about, but he won't believe us."

They sat down.

Lance patted Peter's knee but looked at Kevin. "That's why we thought you could cheer him up a bit."

Peter turned to Lance. "You knew Kevin was coming over?"

"He called while you were, ah, busy."

Peter looked at JC. "That's why you stayed in the kitchen so you could watch for him."

JC put his hands up. "Guilty as charged."

"You don't mind do you?" asked Kevin.

"No." Peter quickly said. He eyes took in Kevin's physique. "It is great to see you. How have you been?"

"Better, thanks to you and Justin." Kevin added. "I just finished my last therapy session. So I'm right as rain."

"No more nightly visits?"

"Nope, once Kirk found out I knew what he was doing he quit. It seems he doesn't like people to know he can astral project. He's not as proud of it as some people."

Lance leaned toward Kevin. "You know, Peter's has been very tight lipped about what happened that night between you three."

"Lance." JC warned.

"I'm just stating a fact. It's up to Kevin if he wants to divulge anything."

Kevin laughed. "Sorry, Lance. It would singe your ears. And I don't want to put any non-monogamous thoughts into your head."

"But they'll be in JC's, too."

Once there was something Lance wanted to know he could be relentless. JC tried again. "Lance, drop it."

"JC, you said yourself that you would have liked to have watched."

"Lance!" JC blushed slightly. "I'm sorry about this, Kevin."

"It's okay, JC." Kevin chuckled. "I see I have fans for more than just my singing and dancing."

"You'd better believe it." Peter grinned.

"But, Lance, I really did nothing, I was led by Justin and Peter. Not only did I learn how pathetic my sex life was," Kevin looked at Peter. "They showed me how to be a better lover."

Lance looked surprised at Peter.

Peter waved Lance off. "Justin helped. Kevin, have you put it to use yet?" Peter asked.


Peter looked disappointed.

"Give me some time, will you. I've only had one date since then."

Three faces grinned at Kevin.

"You're dating again. Good for you."

Kevin looked slightly annoyed. "I had to. Those two got my libido so shook up my hand just couldn't keep up with it."

Peter looked worried. Kevin winked at him. Peter gave a sigh of relief.

Kevin reached over and slapped Peter's knee. "Well, you are a tough act to follow."

Peter acted tired. "To tell you the truth, I was glad to get back to only Justin. That was way too intense."

"I'll say. I thought we might lose you for a moment there."

"I survived."

"Just barely."

"Even Justin thought it was almost too much."

"I was more than glad to stay out of the middle. Watching you was very hot though."

Lance and JC were ping ponging back and forth between Peter to Kevin.

JC raised his hands. "Okay, I was against Lance prying but now you're flaunting it. Either change the subject or give us details."

Peter grinned. "Should we?"

Kevin grinned back. "I don't know. Do you think they can take it?"

"They'll be shocked."

JC stood up. He pointed to the door. "Okay, both of you, out! I'm not going to put up with this."

Kevin raised his hands. "Okay, okay, no more teasing." Kevin looked at Peter. "Should I?"

Peter sat back. "Go ahead. You don't blush."

Lance and JC sat forward, eager.

"Peter was giving it to me good. Man, it had been so long since I had it so good. I didn't know until then what kind of a sex life I had. Kirk should have been dumped long ago. But how could I know what I was missing until they showed me otherwise."

Lance and JC started to look annoyed.

"Sorry," Kevin returned his story. "Peter was doing me. I looked up to see Peter's face flush red and his body shake. I thought he was ready to pop. But as I looked over Peter's shoulder I saw Justin was behind him." Kevin stopped.

"So?" Lance asked.

"You don't get it?"


"Justin was doing Peter as Peter was doing me."

Lance's jaw dropped. "At the same time?"

"Its not impossible." Peter added. "It just takes some choreography."

"Justin was just as overwhelmed when he tried it."

"Justin, too?" JC gasped.

"I switched around so Peter could rest with just Justin and I got Justin in the end."

"I don't believe this." Lance was agape. "Who though of this?"

Peter was slightly embarrassed. "I wanted to try it. I saw it in a gay movie and being this was a one time deal I went for it."

Oh, god another of Peter's ideas! JC cringed waiting for Lance's reply.

"That is so unnecessary!"

JC was very relieved.

"JC is enough for me any day. This double time stuff is just overkill."

Pete chuckled. "It certainly almost did me."

JC looked worried. "Kevin, you haven't told any one about this have you?"

"No. I dropped a hint to Howie but that was all."

JC sighed. "Good. If people found out that NSYNC and Backstreet had had sex together the rivalry between our two band's would be shot to hell." JC joked.

"Plus," Kevin continued. "If they knew that I topped Justin Timberlake."

Lance pretended to panic. "Please, not that! Anything, but that. The girls would be so crushed."

Peter grinned. He put his hand to his ear. "Yeah, but I can hear all the guy's yanking it already."

Kevin shifted in his chair. "But Lance, some of the girls would get off on that, too."

"You're kidding me."

"Don't you visit the fan websites?"

JC shook his head. "No. It was too much of an ego trip."

Kevin leaned back. "Well, you'd find all kinds of fan fiction on the Internet. Just from our fans I've read every kind of pairing between us. My favorite was one story where I was the Master and Nick was my slave. I read it at a time that I was mad at Nick. Oh, the things I made him do before I ravished him. And this was written by a female fan."

Lance got up. "I'm going to check my E-Mail."

JC grabbed him arm. "Sit down, Lance."

Lance sat down playfully pouting.

"You can check it later." JC patted Lance's hand. "When I'm with you. I need to censor what you read."

Lance had hurt in his voice. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course, I do. You just are susceptible to suggestions. That's all."

"Well, excuse me."

"I'm sorry," Peter said. "I know I'm not helping matters."

Lance looked stern at Peter. "Don't you apologize. I like to learn about new things."

JC added. "I don't mind you learning. I just balk a little on the trying."

Lance didn't respond but he was getting upset.

Peter sensed the time to withdraw. "Kevin, how about we head downstairs. We can play Strip Eight Ball."

They stood up.

"I don't know how to play Strip Eight Ball."

"Nether do I, we'll make it up as we go."

"I have to tell you I'm lousy at pool."

Peter grinned. "Good. So am I. Hopefully it will end in a tie."

They headed to the stairs.

Once they were out of earshot, "Do you know what that was all about?" Kevin asked.

"Lance is trying to widen JC's preferences in ice cream."


"Never mind."

They disappeared down the stairs.

"I'm only trying..."

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "I know and believe me I appreciate it."

Lance shrugged JC's hand off. "It doesn't seem like it. We don't do anything different."

"Really? Let's recap. We've had sex while Justin and Peter had sex, twice. We've had sex in the pool, the crotch rubbing in the back of the bus, the butt plug and don't forget Jungle Boy."

"Yeah, but..."

JC brushed Lance's hair back. "Yeah, but what?"

"I get so excited when I hear about these things."

"And you want to try them?"

"Some. Others I know we wouldn't like. But you seem to be so dead set against it."

"Lance, I am not totally against trying something new. All I ask is that we discuss it first."

"But what if I want to surprise you."

"I'm sorry, Lance. I guess that's what gets me nervous."

"You surprised me with that butt plug. I loved that."

"But I knew you'd like it. I knew how much you loved ass play."

"And I don't know what you like?"

"Okay, you do. I guess I'm more afraid about me."

"You mean that you won't like it?"

"Partially, but I am more afraid that I'd do something wrong and hurt you."

"Hurt me? Do you mean pain?"

"No, I mean your feelings." JC took Lance's hand. "I have this picture of me coming into the bedroom to find the bed covered in rubber sheets. Manacles are attached to the bed. You're standing there with a leather hat, leather vest and leather bikini with metal studs and chaps. You have big ass boots with big heels. You slap a rider crop into your other hand and turn to me. 'Spread eagle time, butt boy'."


"My first impression wouldn't be to be turned on." JC looked timidly at Lance. "I would probably burst out laughing."

Lance looked down.

"I'm sorry, Lance. There are some ways I just don't see you." Lance's face fell. "Let me rephrase that. There is certain apparel I just don't find sexy even on you." JC took Lance by the chin and raised his head until they were eye to eye. "I get so turn on just the way you are. You don't need any help."

"But..." Lance began. He looked down. His voice was almost a whisper. "What if I think you would look sexy that way?"

"Me? Mr. Skinny."

"I love the way you look, JC. And I think in some leather you'd look damn hot." As if to prove the point Lance adjusted himself. "Maybe not the full gear, we can skip the boots and the riding crop."

"Lance, you never told me."

"Like you said, I was afraid you'd laugh at the idea." Lance met JC's gaze. "If I bought a few things, little things, would you try them on. For me?"

JC smiled. "You don't have to work those green eyes on me. If it means that much to you, of course, I'll do it."

Lance pulled JC into a hug. "Thank you."

"Just promise not to laugh."

"Oh, no, JC."

"See? As long as we talk about it, it is possible."

"Thank you, JC." They kissed.

Lance started laughing.

"What is it?"

"If I saw myself in that leather get up, I'd burst out laughing, too. I don't think I could pull off that much macho."

"I don't know," JC smiled. "You certainly do me like a man." JC kissed Lance again.

Lance pulled back. "We'd better go downstairs. They may be naked already and we need to keep an eye on Peter since Justin's not here."

"Don't you trust him?"

"JC, if you were alone in a room with Kevin naked?"

JC stood up. "We'd better hurry."

"I'm sure Peter is not that far yet."

"To hell with Peter. I want to see Kevin naked."

"JC!" Lance was shocked.

JC stood smirking at Lance.

"Race you there." Lance hurried passed JC.

Peter walked Kevin to the door.

"So you still owe me a game of Strip Eight Ball."

Peter laughed. "Lance and JC looked so disappointed when they ran into the room."

"So was I."

"Kevin." Peter chided.

Kevin took Peter by the chin. He leaned close.

Peter watched as Kevin's green eyes got closer. He found himself drowning in them. At the last second, Peter turned his head. Kevin kissed his cheek.

"Don't, Kevin."

Kevin put his arms around Peter. "You and Justin taught me so well. How about a refresher course?"

"No, Kevin. I'm sorry. Maybe if Justin was here."

"It's not cheating if you do it together, right?"

Peter stepped away from Kevin. "It was a one time affair."

"Rightly named." Kevin gave it one more try. "Not even a blow job?"

"Kevin." Peter tried to sound shocked.

"A hand job? We could just watch each other jerk off. We've done that before."

"That's how it would start then we'd go a bit farther and then where would we be?"

"Let's find out." Kevin leaned close.

"No, Kevin, please."

"If only you knew what it was been like for me after that night."

"I know, Kevin. And I'm sorry. I didn't think about the consequences. We showed you how it felt to have real passionate sex. Then we leave you on your own. I never thought about how you would get through the next night or the next. Was it terribly difficult?"

"What are you talking about? I've been fine since that night. It's just thinking about that night with you here gets me so turned on."

Peter burst out laughing. "I'm so sorry. I must have sounded so full of myself just now."

"Well, sort of." Kevin stepped back. "Well, I'd better go. I'll have you and Justin over some night. I'll see if Howie is free, too."

"I'd like that."

Kevin kissed Peter's forehead. "Goodnight." He opened the door.

"'Night, Kevin."

The door closed behind him.

Peter sighed. He heard a noise. Peter turned.

Lance stood there. "I wanted some water before bed."

"Oh. I take it you saw."

Lance walked to Peter. "Yeah, but nothing to be ashamed of. You thirsty?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah."

Lance ushered Peter into the kitchen.

Lance handed Peter a bottle of water and sat down at the table with him.

Lance started. "Do you find Kevin tempting?"

"No, not really. I mean he is hot to look at but..."

Lance patted Peter's hand. "I know."

"Have you ever thought about? You know."

"No. There are some very hot looking guys out there, but they're not Josh."

"With JC, ah, Josh it's more than just looks. You love the whole package, right?"

"Yes." Lance smiled. Peter had caught onto his use of JC and Josh. "But it must be hard being that you have had sex with Kevin before."

"Not really. Nothing could match that night. Lance to see Kevin give in to the pleasure. He had been so restricted with Kirk. Do you know that when Kirk came it was over?"

Lance was shocked. "Really?"

"Kirk didn't even like being hugged. To see Kevin blossom that night was so special. It was that that helped Justin over his jealousy and let him share me with Kevin."

Lance smiled. "It must have been wonderful to see. Like your first time."

"Well, not quite. I was teaching Justin after all. But there were times."

"I guess a seduction isn't always romantic."

"Oh, we've had our moments."

"Lance, you coming to bed?" JC took in the sight. "Am I intruding?"

"No. We're just having a little tete-a-tete." Lance gestured to a chair. "If you want to make it a tri-a-tete. We won't be much longer."

JC sat down.

Lance recapped. "Kevin wanted an encore tonight but Peter kept his honor intact. He was telling me how wonderful it was that night to watch Kevin blossom into a full sexual being. He was right that what Kevin was used to we wouldn't call sex. Peter had just got to his first time with Justin. Or I think he'd call it Gay Sex 101."

"It wasn't that bad." Peter chided. "In fact I remember laying there with Justin giving me his all. I suddenly realized that it was really happening. I was having sex and with a very hot looking guy. I started to cry, which really freaked Justin. He stopped and asked if he was hurting me. I told him no, that I just never had thought that this would ever happen to me. Oh, the kiss I got after that."

JC looked surprised. "You never thought you'd ever have sex?"

"I was pathetic back then, remember."

"What were the other romantic moments with Justin?"

JC chuckled. "You're on Lance's favorite subject. We may never get to bed."

Peter thought back. "Well, there was the night of your anniversary. Justin had moved to this huge suite. He filled the room with candles. We wore these wonderful silk robes and drank champagne. Oh, that's right we did other things with that champagne."

"Put that on your to do list, Lance."

"Later. Get back to the romantic stuff."

"We sat in the Jacuzzi and just talked and talked. Then we made love all night by candlelight."

Lance sighed. "And the first time you said 'I love you'?

Peter sat back. "Oh, Lance, that was the most incredible. It was that night you were listening at the door between our rooms."

It was in the past but Lance still blushed.

"We were laying together. Justin was on top of me. I could feel his whole body pressed against mine. Oh, the warmth of his skin against mine. He was rubbing our crotches together."

JC smiled. "That does feel good." Lance glared at him. "Sorry, go on."

Lance turned his attention back to Peter.

"I felt so connected to Justin. I wanted to hold him in my arms forever."

"Been there. Done that."

"JC, please." Lance said firmly.

Peter smiled at the two of them. He continued. "I knew then that I loved Justin. I managed to get out his name but that was it. I was so scared. But Justin knew. He asked me to say it. I looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes and said 'Justin, I love you'. He kissed me with such passion. At that moment we both shot off together. Time seemed to slow down. It felt so wonderful. When we finally stopped kissing Justin told me that he loved me, too."

"Oh, wow." Lance slumped back in his chair. "And I thought ours was good."

"It was." JC protested.

"Ours was great." Lance patted JC's cheek.

"So you see. Even though our first sex wasn't exactly romantic. We've made up for it." Peter watched JC and Lance. They were gazing at each other. "I guess I should go to bed now."

Lance broke their gaze. "Sorry. I just got caught up."

Peter grinned. "You know why you two don't get turned on by other guys?" Peter waved his hand between them. "No one could get through that to get to you."

"Actually, that isn't true."

Lance stared at JC.

"Come on, Lance. You know there was a time we got turned on and it didn't have to do with us. In fact you started it."

"I did not!" Lance frowned. "When was it?"

JC grinned. "About the same time as Peter and Justin's 'I love you'. You were listening at the door, remember? You were exactly uninterested." JC mimed jacking off.

Lance pointed an accusing finger. "You listened, too. And when you heard their voices JC Junior snapped to full attention."

"And then we opened the door." Peter added.

JC and Lance still looked at each other but their anger vanished.

"That was so hot!"

Peter looked a little sad. "I'm sorry we broke your fidelity record."

JC laughed. "Don't be. We weren't turned on by you, it was what you were doing."

Lance patted Peter's cheek. "Our lonely pathetic gay hermit was finally having sex. And with a close friend we had never thought would be doing that. Then being able to actually see you doing it."

"Seems to me we didn't watch for long." JC winked.

"Hey, why watch when you could be doing it."

"It was so strange," Peter said. "There I was in a room with the two people I had huge crushes on. We were all naked having sex and all I wanted to see was Justin."

"That's how it is supposed to be."

"But I do remember a soft sweet kiss from Lance, though."

Lance blushed. "I just wanted to... JC, gave me permission to..."

Peter put his hand on Lance's arm. "It was after you found out that Justin and I were in love. You knew then that Justin and I weren't just having sex. We were making love. It was your gesture to welcome me to the world of lovers. It is another thing that I will never forget."

They sat for a moment in silence.

JC slapped the table. "Come on, bedtime."

"Yes, mother." Peter said.

"Are you going to connect with Justin tonight?" Lance asked as the started for the stairs.

"No. We wanted to try it apart for once. I wanted to give him support for tomorrow but I guess Justin wants to compose his thoughts. Maybe it is for the best."


"Thoughts of Kevin might creep in there. I'd like to explain first. I'll tell him in the morning."

They stopped outside Peter's room. JC gave Peter a hug. "Sleep well."

Lance took his turn. "Tomorrow will go fine. Don't worry."

"Ear plugs?" Peter asked.

"No." Lance smiled at JC. "I got enough this morning. Good night."

They headed down the hall. "You got enough. How about me?"

"Sorry, JC. Ya wanna?"

"That's all right. I guess I'll work on my hobby not hubby tonight." He gave Lance a squeeze.

Two bedroom doors shut. Soon three people were asleep. Despite words to the contrary all three were nervous about tomorrow.

Peter gazed at the water in the pool. He let his focus blur. The glinting and shimmering took on abstract shapes. Peter tried not to concentrate on them. He let their light dance in his vision. It didn't work. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about what was ahead. Relaxing was impossible.

"You ready?"

Peter blinked and pulled the world back into focus. "Yeah."

JC sat on the chair next to him. "You nervous?"


"Everyone will like you. We do."

"It's not everyone I'm worried about. Just four people."

"Justin's parents?"

"Justin's going to wait until the party's mostly over. He doesn't want them to have to pretend if is doesn't go well."

JC put his hand on Peter's knee. "It will go well. You'll be there for support."

Peter turned and sat on the edge of the lounge. "But what if that works against it. What if they blame me?"

"Blame you for Justin being BI? Peter, you and Justin know the truth. What does it matter what they think? You'll prove them wrong in time."

"You know I once thought I'd love people thinking that I could be a seducer."

"You are, but not really in a sexual way."

"Thanks a lot."

"Peter, how do you think you got here? What about Kevin, Anthony and John? You won us all over. We grew to care for you. That was your seduction job. We've never regretted it."

"I just want everything to go right for Justin."

"We know Justin's folks. He won't be thrown out of the house."

"JC, he owns that house."

"Now you're nit picking." JC became serious. "Besides I know what it is like to be blamed for causing someone's sexuality. Remember Britney blamed Justin being BI because he had been around Lance and me."

"I still can't believe that." Peter paused. "Actually I do believe that. Any excuse to keep Justin blameless. But I am sorry. And I have a feeling I'll know what that feels like soon."

"Peter, try not to worry about it. When your feet start getting wet then worry about the ship sinking."

Peter chuckled. "That maybe too late."

JC shrugged. "Then deal with it. I know you can swim. And I know how long you can hold your breath." JC winked.

"You were watching?"

"A bit. Lance told you we liked seeing you as a couple." JC put his arm around Peter. "Come on."

They walked into the house.

"JC, if being around you and Lance had made me gay, I'd be very proud of the fact."

"That is so nice. Thank you, Peter."

JC gave Peter a light hug. Peter pulled JC close. JC was a bit surprised until he felt Peter trembling. Peter wasn't just nervous he was frightened.

"What if they won't let me see Justin again?"

"Simple. You can kidnap him."

Peter managed a chuckle.

"Just let him out for recording sessions and concerts and such." JC patted Peter's back. "It will turn out all right. His parents will be okay about it." Peter pulled back. "And about you and Justin. You both will do us proud."

"Thanks." Peter wiped his eyes. "I guess I'm being worse than Lance."

JC decided to get Peter's mind off his worries. "It will be a piece of cake once you get over the frightening part."

Peter looked worried. "What's that?"

"It's a sunny day so I'm driving. How tight can you hold onto a roll bar?"

They pulled into the driveway. It was a short drive up to the house.

"We're here." JC stopped the jeep. "That wasn't so bad. Right, Peter? Peter?" JC turned.

Peter sat braced against the seat with a look of pure panic on his face. He sat frozen to the spot. His eyes were wide and his mouth let out little whimpers. Peter was trembling in terror.

"It wasn't that bad."

The panic face vanished. Peter relaxed. "Oh, course it wasn't. I was joking."

"Good. You would've walked back."

As they climbed out of the jeep Lance nodded to the other car in the driveway. "Looks like my folks are here."

"So what's new. They're the first everywhere."

JC turned to Peter. "We figured if we got here early you could meet people as they arrived."

"Thank you." Peter was relieved. "That will be easier than all at once."

A woman's voice came from the side of the house. "Don't bother with the front door. We're out back."

They gathered up the food they had brought and started around the house.

It was a large house, but like JC and Lance's it wasn't huge. The backyard was also similar, pool and all.

A woman rushed to them. "Here, let me take those."

"Just show us where you want them."

"In the kitchen, JC."

They started passed her.

"Oh, Justin's mom, this is Peter."

Peter felt her gaze rake up and down him.

Peter held the bowl he was carrying in his left hand as she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you at last, Peter. We've heard so much about you."

"Thank you."

"The man over there is Justin's stepfather."

Peter waved to a man across the pool. "Hi."


"This is Peter."

"Oh," he hurried around the pool. He too, shook Peter's hand. "It is nice to meet you." He noticed the bowl Peter was carrying. "Lynn, show Peter where to put the food. Pleasantries can wait."

"I'm sorry. Just follow the guys."

Peter went off after JC and Lance. He swore he could feel two sets of eyes following him. Peter gave a slight shudder. He tried to relax. His imagination was getting the best of him.

Lance was getting a very thorough and warm welcome from who Peter assumed was his mother.

She pulled back from kissing his cheek. "It's so nice to see you home. I still regret how I acted the last time I saw you."

"Its okay, Mom. That's over and done with."

"And JC." She hugged him. "My new son-in-law."

"Mom, please."

"Okay, so it's not legal. I don't care." She stood there glancing between them. "Go on."

"Mom," Lance protested.

"I want to see. Please. JC would do it for me."

Lance was thoroughly embarrassed. JC just shrugged. They leaned in and kissed.

"That was sweet." She turned to Peter. "Don't they made a cute couple?"

Peter nodded. "They should be the poster boys of gay couples."

She smiled broadly. "I like him." She turned to Peter. "You have wonderful taste."

"Oh, Mom, this is Peter."

"Of course, I saw the news broadcast. What a terrible thing to have happened. I got so worried for these two but that's part of being a mother."

"Peter, this is my Dad."

Lance's father stepped out from behind his mother.

"So, you're gay, too."

"Jim, please. He wouldn't have been gay bashed if he hadn't been..." She stopped. "That's all in the past. Let's talk of happy things. JC, is your mother coming?"

"Yes, she'll be here."

"Good, I have some ideas about the wedding."

"Mom, please. JC and I haven't decided on anything yet."

"It doesn't hurt just to throw out some ideas."

"'Throw out' being the key words." Lance muttered.

Justin's mother came in. "How come everyone always gathers in the kitchen? Go outside. It's a lovely day." She ushered them to the door. "There you are, Justin. It's about time. We have guests."

Peter turned. If Justin was nervous he didn't show it. He had that impish grin that was just so Justin. He followed them outside and started playing host.

With meeting at least one set of Justin's parents out of the way Peter relaxed a bit. As the other families arrived Peter found it easier. He got big hugs from the Fatones. Like everyone else, Chris's mother knew about him. Peter had great regard for Chris's mother being that she had raised him and his sisters alone. JC's mother apologized about his attack as if she had personally caused it. Everyone was warm and welcoming. Soon Peter just settled in and enjoyed himself. Justin and his mother were everywhere seeing to their guests needs.

Justin's father and stepmother arrived after everyone was there. Peter was introduced then they were wisked off somewhere. It was a brief encounter at least at first.

Justin finally got a break and flopped down on the chair next to Peter.

"You seem to be hanging in there."

Justin laid back and closed his eyes. "I've been too busy to think about it."

"Sorry, I mentioned it then."

"No, I'm pumped. It's like the first performance. We just go out there and do our best and it works."

A shadow fell across them. They looked up.

"How about a game of croquet?" Chris asked.

Peter shook his head. "I'll pass."

"Smart man." Justin closed his eyes again.

"Thanks a lot." Chris pretended to be hurt.

Peter looked up at Chris. "I'm sorry but the idea of a heavy ball, a mallet and you sets off all sorts of alarms in my head."

"Fine. Be that way." Chris went off.

Peter watched him go. He went to Joey who was with his parents. Joey's mother was giving him the once over.

"Joey, you are so thin. Touring always does that to you. You should eat more."

"I'm trying, Mama."

"Come on, Joey." Chris grabbed Joey's arm. "Game time."

"Try to keep the ball on the ground this time." Joey's father said as Joey followed Chris.

"Yeah, yeah." Chris muttered.

"Chris, you be careful."

"You too, Mother? Don't worry." They went off.

"I just think a big church wedding would be so nice."

"Mom, please don't start." Lance said.

"But your sister's was so beautiful."

"What big church will allow a gay wedding?" Lance shot back.

JC's mom quickly jumped in. "That why a small ceremony would be best. It still could be formal."

JC nodded to Lance. They spoke together. "Mom, please!"

The mothers looked surprised.

JC spoke first. "We just got back from the tour. Lance and I haven't had time to think about the wedding. Please, give us the chance to discus what we want to do. You'll each be involved, I promise."

Their mothers nodded.


"No, buts," Lance replied. "JC and I haven't even talked about details yet and you two are opposing each other already." Lance put his hand on his mother's shoulder. "Try to play nice."

"Incoming!" Joey shouted.

Everyone ducked as a croquet ball shot passed them. It bounced off the patio barely missing a glass topped table, ricocheted off the brick of the house then arced high in the air and fell into the pool with a splash.

"Fore!" Chris walked to the pool, mallet in hand. "Damn, I'm in the water hazard."

Chris's mother put her hand on her forehead and shook her head.

Joey's father glared at Chris. "You are a hazard."

"The Duke of hazard." Peter added.

"I guess I'll have to drop." Chris raised his hand and snapped his fingers. "Caddy, I need a new ball."

Peter leaned to Justin. "Are these family gatherings always like this?"


Peter heard a faint voice come from the house. "No, I can't stay."

Peter snapped around to Justin. Justin had the same shocked look on his face. It couldn't be.

"I just wanted a quick word with Justin. Then I have to go."

"You're more than welcome to stay, Britney."

All the guys looked surprised as Britney and Justin's mother came into the backyard.

"Hi, guys." Britney waved slightly. "Pardon the intrusion. I didn't know Justin had company. But I recognized the cars so I didn't think you would mind."

Justin stood up.

Britney crossed to him. "Justin, I've come to apologize."

"Oh? Maybe we should..." Justin gestured to the house.

"No. They can hear this."

Justin glanced at Peter a little nervously.

"I behaved badly. I am sorry. Some friend I turned out to be. You are right. Your career is your career. I promise to stop meddling in it. What you want to do with your life is your choice. I will stand by that. As long as you are happy is all that matters." She had a pleading look on her face. "I'm also sorry about calling you a fool." She made a slight glance at Peter. "You know what is right for you. I'm sorry my opinion got in the way. Can we still be friends? And I do mean just friends nothing more."

Justin shrugged. "Sure, Britney. We're still friends."

Britney hugged him. "Thank you. I feel so much better." She stood back. "Well, that's all I wanted to say." She kissed Justin's cheek. "I have to get going."

"You can stay, if you want." Justin found himself saying.

"No," Britney shook her head. "I have things to do. I just wanted to stop by." She headed for the house. She stopped by Peter. "Having a good time with the guys?"

"Yeah. They're taking good care of me."

"I'll bet." She kissed Peter's cheek. "Keep up the good work." Britney winked.


Britney disappeared into the house.

The guys and Peter just stood there in dumb surprise.

Joey broke the silence. "What was that?"

Chris held each word. "She's baaaack."

"You guys are so mean." Lance's mother said. "I think that was a sweet and heartfelt apology."

"You weren't there." Lance said.

Lance's mother was embarrassed. "Well, that is true."

As much as Peter hated to say it. "Maybe she really does mean it."

"Or there's an award show coming up soon." Joey leaned in to Justin. "She'll need an escort."

"Stop it," Justin's stepmother said. "Give her the benefit of the doubt."

"She's right," JC said. "Let's drop it."

"I'm all for that." Justin whispered.

"Until she shows her hand." Justin's mother whispered into Peter ear.

Peter looked at her with surprise.

"She won't give up on Justin that easy. Trust me, I know. Ever since they were on the Mickey Mouse Club she's had her sights on Justin. Well, we'll see."

Justin's stepfather came out of the house with a platter of meat. "Grilling time."

Justin's mother stepped back from Peter. "Come on, women. When a man's at the grill we'd better make ourselves scarce. There's things to be prepared in the kitchen."

They headed into the house.

Justin's stepfather watched the food sizzle on the grill. Joey hovered close.

"How soon?"

"Another 15 minutes, Joey. Why don't you help with the condiments?"

Joey stepped back. "Sorry, preparation is not my job."

Chris laughed. "Joey's our designated eater."

"And I don't bat clean-up either." Joey added.

Justin's stepfather shook his head. "I'd hate to see your house."

"We eat out a lot." Chris explained.

"Or delivery." Joey leaned to the grill again.

"Okay, Chris, how about you? Will you help with the condiments?"

Chris looked puzzled. "What kind of mints?"

Justin gave Chris's shoulder a slap. "You know ketchup, mustard and pickle relishes that stuff."

"Oh, that." Chris nodded. "I wonder what the other would taste like. They'd be awful chewy."

Peter joined Chris. "Well, at least we know it will be safe grilling. You never know where those wieners have been."

"Sh," Justin's stepfather said. "You don't want the women to hear you. Justin, why don't you start setting up the tables."

Justin gave Chris another slap. "You just been drafted. Give me a hand." Justin grabbed Chris's wrist before he could start to clap. "That is so old. Come on."

They started to walk away.


He turned back to Justin's stepfather. "Those condom mints would taste like," he thrust once with his hips, "Spear mint, of course."

Chris laughed. "Good one."

Justin and Chris went off.

Peter liked Justin's stepfather. He was just one of the guys.

"Peter, looks like you win by default. Will you help with the, ah, fixings?"

Peter stood up. "Sure."

"My wife will direct you."

Peter walked into the house.

Chris and Lance's mother was with Justin's.

"I was sent to help with fixings."

"Sure." Justin's mother turned to the others. "Grab the chips and the buns and bring them out to the cook. I've got everything covered in here now that there's a man to help." She winked at Peter.

Taking up the food the two other mothers left the kitchen.

"What should I do first?"

She pointed to a cabinet. "The ketchup and mustard are in there."

Peter moved to the cabinet.

"Put them on the tray there."

Peter grabbed the bottles.

He was alone with Justin's mother. She was friendly enough but Peter was still very nervous.

"Have you enjoyed your time with NYSNC?

"More than I can say. They are a great group of guys. Since the attack we have became good friends and then to invite me along with them. It has been wonderful. They've really changed my life. I owe them a lot."

"I heard that you'll be staying with JC and Lance."

"Yeah. It is very generous of them."

"Yes, it is and it's the perfect atmosphere for you. Because if you stayed here everyone would soon know that you and my son are lovers."

The plastic ketchup bottle fell from Peter's hand and bounced on the floor. He turned to Justin's mother blushing red.


She smiled. "Mothers know these things."

Even though Peter was surprised he raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, you're right. Justin told me."

"But he said..."

"He doesn't know it. But he did tell me."

Peter bent down to retrieve the ketchup. "How do you manage that?"

"You should have learned by now that Justin talks in his sleep."

Peter nodded.

"That's how I learned things from him when he was growing up. I know I should have waited for him to tell us. But I wanted to know what had made him so happy." She couldn't help but smile at Peter's shocked look.

Joey was leaning close to the grill. "Smells wonderful."

"I'd better see if he needs help." Justin's stepfather handed the tongs to Joey. "Take over I'll be right back."

Justin watched his stepfather go into the house. Something was up. Justin slowly made his way to the house.

Justin's mother continued. "I went to his room the morning after he came back. He was sleeping with a smile on his face."

Peter set the ketchup on the tray and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

She didn't look at Peter. "I asked Justin why he was so happy. He said that he was in love. I eagerly asked who?" She raised her eyes to Peter. "I think you know the name he said."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to happen."

She raised her hand to stop Peter's apology. "I understand. I was surprised, to put it mildly. I guess I deserved it. I pried once too often."

Justin's stepfather entered and stood listening.

"But as the morning went on. I had time to think about it." She looked at her husband. "And I mean we really thought about it."

Peter realized that both of them knew.

Her husband continued. "We knew something was happening. Justin never calls home on a regular basis. But one day Justin called he sounded so happy. But he never told us exactly why. Then the calls became fewer. When he did call the joy was gone. Again he never told us why. Then about a week later he began calling again. The joy was back."

"Then we started to hear rumors. His fallout with Britney and that he had a less arrogant attitude. I had to know why." She took a step toward Peter. "The answer was you and his love for you. If I had really thought about it this new person traveling with NSYNC should have tipped me off."

"Believe me, I didn't influence him. He's not gay he's..."

"Bisexual. I know. I learned that, too."

Peter looked away. "Then you probably still hope that he'll..." Peter couldn't say it.

"No, Peter."

Peter turned back.

"He loves you. At first I imagined every kind of plot or scheme that may have ensnared him to you. But after hearing about you I knew that was not the case." She reached up and took Peter by the shoulder. "I may not be ecstatic about it, but Justin is so happy. I will never want to change that. You are so important to him now. And I can't complain about the changes in him thanks to you."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing.

She went on. "Maybe it was our fault. We let him have too much free rein. He was beginning to believe everything people told him. He was getting too full of himself. And others were too keen to help. We thought he was happy and turned a blind eye. Until we realized too late what it was doing to his ego. But when he called home so happy is was the Justin I remembered. I wanted to know who or what had brought about this change in him. Then when I found out it was you."

His stepfather continued. "The next morning we questioned Justin about the tour trying to find out about you. Justin never went into detail but we began to put the pieces together. Then we checked around to see what others had heard about you."

"Then I called John." His mother smiled. "He really put our minds at ease. I know you are older than Justin is but I know that you really do care for him. You stayed on the sidelines never wanting to impose on Justin's public image. That says so much."

Peter looked at Justin's parents. "I would never do anything that would hurt Justin or his career. I love him too much. I owe him so much. Without him I would still be home alone in my apartment." He looked about the kitchen. Peter gestured at his surroundings. "All this and me being here. I owe Justin and NSYNC everything." Peter paused. "Justin was the first man who... I mean, I'd never had anyone..." Peter couldn't find the words.

Justin's mother smiled and put her hand on Peter's arm. "I understand. Now I know why you found each other. Justin was curious and you could show him. Plus he could give you something you never had." She gave Peter's arm a squeeze. "And that soon turned into love."

"I never expected Justin to fall in love with me. And I never thought that I'd leave everything to be with him."

Justin's father grinned. "Well, what Justin wants Justin has a tendency to get."

"Paul, please." But she couldn't help but smile. She grew serious. "Peter, I want you to do one thing for me."

"What's that?"

"Stick it out."

"I beg your pardon?"

"This thing with Britney. Stick it out. She will never love him the way you do. And I don't want to lose you for my son."

Peter was speechless. He just nodded.

She gave Peter a little hug. "Thank you."

Justin walked into the kitchen. "Mother, I have something..." He stopped staring at the sight.

His mother turned to him smiling. "What is it, Justin?"

Justin grew angry. "You know, don't you? You always know everything before I can tell you! How?"

"That's not completely true, Justin." She still smiled.

"Here I am scared to death to tell you and you already know!"

"Justin." Peter said sternly. Smiling he nodded at Justin's parents.

Through his anger Justin saw the look on his parents' faces. Then it hit him. Yes, his parents already knew but they were accepting it.

His mother opened her arms. "Justin."

Justin rushed into his mother's arms. "I'm sorry about this. I didn't know it would happen. I love you, Mom."

"Its all right, Justin. We understand."

His stepfather hugged him next. "We still love you, Justin. And we like Peter."

She smiled at Peter. "We'll have you to dinner so we can get to know you better."

Justin even had tears forming in his eyes. "Thank you. Both of you."

Peter grinned. "That wasn't so bad. One down, one pair to go. Just your father and stepmother."

Justin's smile vanished. "My father."

His mother sighed. "He'll be fine."

Justin looked at her. "Are you sure?"

"At first it will be a shock but he'll calm down."

"Do you want to wait?" asked Peter.

"No, let's get it over with." Justin turned to his mother. "Will you tell Dad that I want to see him and Stepmother in the den?"

His mother kissed Justin's cheek. Then she squeezed Peter's arm. "It will be all right. Just see it through. Trust me."

Peter paced outside the closed door. He could just make out Justin's voice but the door muffled the words.

"What? What makes you think that?" It was his father's voice.

There was a pleading female voice.

"I will not sit down. Justin, this is ridiculous. How could you know?"

Justin's voice was too low to hear.

His mother's voice was reassuring. Peter could only make out the words 'experimenting' and 'just curious'.

Justin's voice came again louder this time. The words 'no', 'fallen' then 'love'.

His father's voice exploded. "Never, I won't believe it. Justin, you should know better. You're being used."

Justin's voice rang clear. "No, I love him."

"Who? Who is he, Justin? Who is this parasite?"

"Stop it, Randell. You're upsetting Justin."

"Justin's upset? What about me? My son just told me he's sleeping with another man. Should I be happy about that? He's being used in the worst possible way and he doesn't even see it."

"Randell, Justin is old enough to know what he is doing."

"Don't take his side now." There was a pause. "It's this new guy. Christ, Justin, he's so much older. I'm going to put a stop to this."

"Dad, don't!"

"Randell, stop!"

The door of the den burst opened. Justin's father and Peter were suddenly face to face.

"What the hell did you do to my son? Are you trying to turn him into one of you? That's what you do, right? Preying on someone of Justin's age."

Justin watched Peter cringe to the sudden verbal assault. "Dad, that's not true."

His father silenced him. "Shut up, Justin." He turned back to Peter. "What was it? His money? His youth? His fame? Well, you're not going to get away with it. You are not going to use my son that way!"

"Dad, this isn't Peter's doing. I love him."

"Stay out of this, Justin."

"Randell, please," his stepmother begged.

"Both of you stay out of this." Justin's father didn't turn away from Peter. "I think you're just using my son. What do you have to say to that?"

Peter found his voice. "Nothing," he stammered.


Peter saw Justin standing there with his head down. He didn't like to see Justin like this. He was here to give Justin support and that was what he was going to do. Peter fought back his fear. He stood up taller. Looking Justin's father in the eye Peter nodded at Justin. "We know the truth."

"And I say you are a liar."

Peter braved a reply. "You're entitled to your opinion. Justin knows that I love him. I know that Justin loves me."

"I don't know how you've influenced him but I'm putting a stop to this."


"Justin, I said stay out of this."

"No, Dad." Justin raised his head. His voice was firm and sharp. "You are going to stay out of this."

His father turned and stared in shock at Justin standing there defiantly.

Justin faced his father. "You have no right to say such things to Peter and I will not stand for it anymore."

"Justin, how dare you."

"I dare because you taught me to. I am an adult and I can make my own choices. I came here to tell you about me being a bisexual. Peter came with for support because he loves me. I did not expect or will allow you to heap verbal abuse on him. You insult him and you insult me."

"Justin." His father tried to interrupt.

"I'm not finished." Justin snapped. "Why won't you even let me explain. What are you afraid of? The truth? You don't know the truth yet and this rate you never will."

His stepmother put her hand on his father's arm. "Randell, please."

He calmed himself slightly. "Okay. I'll listen." He tone showed that he wasn't happy about it.

Justin began. "Don't blame Peter for doing this to me. He is the one that helped me to understand it."

"See, this is what I mean."

"Randell, please."

His father fell silent.

Justin continued. "I started having these dreams. I was in bed with a girl then she'd change into a guy but I didn't care. It started to freak me. I didn't want to be BI. In my mind it was better to be gay."

Justin's father opened his mouth but a slight slap from his stepmother made him close it again.

"I thought bisexuals just couldn't make up their minds. I didn't want to be so wishy-washy. As the dreams got more frequent I got more desperate. I had to talk to someone and it couldn't be the guys. I knew JC and Lance trusted Peter. So I arranged to be in a place where I could talk to him without the other guys around." Justin looked at Peter. "He explained everything. I felt so much better about myself after that."

Justin turned to his parents. "He said that each of us are born with an infinite capacity to love. And that as we grow older we build restrictions on it. This person I can love and this one I couldn't. To him heterosexuals and homosexuals limit themselves to people to love. But bisexuals set no such limits. I can still remember his words. 'Justin, in my mind you have that gift of unlimited love. Look at it as a freedom not as an ambiguity'."

Justin's parents looked at Peter. He was gazing lovingly at Justin.

Justin looked away. "That's when my curiosity kicked in. Again, I turned to Peter because I could trust him." Justin gazed levelly at his father. His voice was stern. "I went to him, Dad, and even then he resisted. So you see this was all my doing not Peter's."

Justin's father anger slowly abated.

"He treated me with such care and tenderness. To him I was just Justin not Justin Timberlake. I though that was the end of it. It was just a weekend fling. But it had become more than that to Peter. Peter was afraid to tell me he loved me. I was leaving the next day. We'd probably never see each other again. Suddenly I wanted to hear him say it. Hearing those words spoken out loud I knew then that I loved him, too. We were apart for a time, but one night after a concert there he was on the bus. He left everything to be with me." Justin pried his gaze from Peter. He looked back at his father. "So you see he is not influencing me or using me. There really is love between us."

Justin's father turned to Peter. "Then I apologize for what I said. I was acting out of my confusion and surprise." He turned back. "But Justin I still can't accept this change in you. There has been no clue that you were...this way."

"Dad, when you and mom remarried, I had to accept the fact that you weren't going to get back together. You each had found someone new to love. You said I had to forget about my expectations and learn to live with that truth." Justin took Peter's hand. "Now I'm asking you to do the same for me. Forget about your expectations. We love each other and that is the truth. I still want you in my life. But if you can't accept this."

His stepmother nudged his father.

He took a step toward his son. "Justin, you're right. I didn't want to hear the truth. I knew this could hurt you and your career. I had forgotten what I had told you when I remarried. You're right. You deserve the same from me. I will do my best. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Dad."

Timidly at first the three of them hugged each other.

Justin's father stepped toward Peter. Peter extended his hand.

"What's that for?"

"Your comfort zone."

"You think I have never hugged a gay man before?" He pulled Peter to him.

"I'm sorry."

They parted. "Don't be. You are the first."

They all laughed.

Justin let out a sigh of relief. It was over.

They both needed to wind down. Justin took Peter's hand and dragged him through the house. They stopped at a closed door.

"This is the only room in the house you have to be interested in." Justin opened the door. "This is my room."

Peter stepped into the room. It was a large bedroom but before Peter got a good look Justin grabbed him, spun him around and pulled Peter into a kiss. Peter was being moved across the room.

Justin fell back onto the bed pulling Peter with him. Justin broke into relieved laughter. "Thank god that's over. Now we can get to the good part." He began to unbutton Peter's shirt.

Peter stopped him. "Not with all those people outside."

Justin nuzzled Peter's neck. "Just another first for us."

"No, Justin, please." Peter pushed Justin away. "We don't have time."

"Spoil sport."

"You just came out to your parents. I don't want you to be caught so soon after with everything else hanging out."

"Mom, won't come into my room."

"Oh, really? How do you think she found out about us?" Peter suddenly hoped he hadn't gone too far.

"What do you mean?" Justin's eyes went wide. "Do you mean I really do talk in my sleep?"

"Yes." Peter waited for the explosion.

Justin started to laugh. "No wonder I couldn't keep a secret from her."

"She was impatient to learn why you were so happy."

Justin laughed harder. "I'd loved to have seen her face when she found out."

"She said it served her right for prying once too often."

Justin stopped laughing. "What have you found out?"

"You told me that you hated it that I was so alone and that you love me."

Peter brushed his hand over Peter's cheek. "I do, Peter. Very much."

"Justin, I promise I'll never pry."

"I'll make sure that you never have to."

They looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Justin gave Peter a quick kiss.

Peter rolled so they lay side by side.

"No posters of Britney?"

"God, no." Justin laughed. "But I suppose I will have to get those naked men posters now."

"Please, don't. It would be distracting to me."

Justin propped himself up on his elbows. "Oh, really?"

Peter laughed. "No. I only have eyes for you."

"Well, that wasn't true with Kevin."

"That was different." Peter paused. "Kevin stopped by last night."


"When he left he sort of hit on me."

"Well, we did have sex with him."

"Justin, I said no."

"Then why tell me?"

"Because you weren't there."

"Thanks for the info, but I trust you." He gave Peter a nudge. "Is he still as hot as ever?"

"Yes, especially since he dressed that way on purpose."

"How do you know that?"

"Would you wear tight clothes for a casual visit?"

"I guess not."

Peter started laughing. "I am such a idiot. I'm lying here next to the sexy man I love and I'm talking about another..."

"Very hot man." Justin finished. "I don't mind." Justin leaned over to Peter. "I know its just talk." Justin pressed his lips to Peter's.

A voice interrupted them. "Justin!"

Justin sat up and went and opened the door. "Yes, Mom."

"I'd like to see you and Peter for a minute."

"See, if we had it your way she would have seen all of both of us." Peter whispered.

Justin pulled Peter close and began thrusting his hips hard against him. He threw his head back in fake ecstasy. "Mother, we're coming!"

Peter pushed Justin away. "Stop that. You sound like a bad porno movie."

Justin laughed. "I didn't think there was such a thing as a bad porno movie." He started down the hall.

"Oh, yes there is and you don't want to know." Peter followed Justin back.

Justin's mother greeted them in the kitchen. "Justin, it isn't polite to disappear when you have guests."

Peter was about to say that nothing happened but Justin nudged him.

"I'm sorry. We just needed a breather after facing father."

"Good then you'll be ready." She ushered them outside. "Here they are, JC."

Everyone was grouped around the pool. With Peter and Justin's arrival everyone was there. JC rose to his feet.

"The guys know this but I thought it easier to tell all the parents at once. I assume you all know that Lance and I are engaged."

Everyone clapped and Joey and Chris whistled.

"To keep the wedding from become a media circus if the press found out. Lance and I have decided to come out publicly before the wedding."

There were shocked voices whispering.

Lance's mother was upset. "Lance, no, you can't do this."

"Mom, please."

JC continued. "Lance and I have discussed this thoroughly and the guys and John are behind us. John is arranging for an interview and a TV appearance. We feel that being an out gay couple..."

"Don't forget 'happy'," added Lance.

"And very happy." JC smiled. "Could be a inspiration for other gay people. We know that it could end our careers but everyone has agreed with us. It was a difficult choice but you all helped. It means a lot to us to be a part of such a loving and supportive family."

"It will be fine, JC." Joey's father said. "Just you wait and see."


They clustered around JC and Lance offering support and best wishes. Soon they had moved back from JC and Lance.

"I don't want to steal any of their thunder, but since JC and Lance are going public. I have something to say as well. Well, just between us."

Peter gaped. "Justin." He whispered.

"They'll find out anyway." He turned back. "I will answer the question that a lot of you are asking. Why is Peter now with NSYNC? Have we become friends? Yes. Is he blackmailing us because of his attack? No."

"Damn!" Chris reached for his wallet and handed a few bills to Joey. He yanked them back before Joey could take them. "Just kidding."

"Peter is here because of me. The truth is that I have discovered that I am bisexual. After his attack I soon realized that my caring for Peter was growing beyond compassion to passion. Peter and I have fallen in love. Peter is here because he left everything to be with me."

There was more whispering.

Joey's father groaned. "Oh, good god. Not another one." He turned to Chris and Joey. "You're outnumbered three to two."

Chris smiled at Joey. "Like father like son."


"You said the same thing when Justin told us."

Joey remembered and grinned. "No, Dad. This makes it an even three each."

Joey's father was confused. "What?"

Joey and Chris laughed.

Joey's father looked hard at him. "Joey, you're not going to surprise us, are you?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Fatone, Joey is 100% straight." Chris slapped Joey's shoulder. "And we almost had a video tape to prove it."

"Chris!" Joey snapped.

"You could have been on that funniest videos show."

"Stop it." Joey was getting upset.

"Or better yet, Animal Planet."

"That does it!" Joey reached behind him and grabbed a croquet mallet. "Time to teach you a lesson. Game time!"

Chris backed away. "Come on, Joey. It was a joke." Chris knew that Joey was joking, but Chris had gone a bit too far. How far would Joey go?

"You know that was no joke to me. That was in bad taste, Chris."

There were people all around but they weren't paying attention. Chris had no where to run. "Sorry, I take it back."

"Too late." Joey raised the mallet.

Chris pushed his way through two people. Joey's father now blocked Joey's way.

"You're son has turned into a homosidal maniac."

Joey's father frowned. "You said he was straight."

"That's homosidal not homosexual."

"Oh, that's entirely different, never mind." Joey's father smiled then stepped aside.

Joey started forward.

"Oh, thanks," Chris shook his finger at Joey's father. "I will remember this." Chris took off across the lawn with Joey at his heels.


Everyone just ignored the chase going on.

Chris rounded the lawn one more time then headed for the house. Knowing that he wouldn't get help from anyone Chris knew of only one place to go. He pulled off his shirt. Reaching the patio he managed to empty his pockets, kick off his shoes then he jumped into the center of the pool. The resulting splash doused everyone.

Chris turned to Joey. "Keep away from me."

"Why?" asked Joey trying to act innocent while holding back his laugher. He walked to the edge of the pool empty handed. Joey had dropped the mallet before he had got to the patio. "I'm unarmed."

"You have two arms and two hands and you had a mallet in both of them. You're mad at me." Chris didn't budge from the center of the pool.

"I'm not any more." Joey snickered. "But other people are."

Chris looked around him at the people shaking the water off themselves. "Oh, oops. Ah, sorry about that folks."

Joey couldn't hold out anymore. He burst out laughing.

The others tried to be angry but Chris looked like a wet beagle standing in the middle of the pool, they soon joined Joey's laughter.

Chris relaxed and chuckled. "I guess I deserved this. Can I come out now?"

No one said anything. They just kept laughing.


"Okay, honey." Chris's mother walked to the edge of the pool. "But, since you're in there be a good boy and get that croquet ball."

"Et tu, Mom."

"Didn't I teach you to put things back where you found them?"

The laughter started again.

Chris soon surfaced with the ball. He handed it to his mother.

"Now how about the badminton birdies and the Frisbee?"

"Why is everyone picking on me?" Chris dove back.

"I had a great time." Peter hugged Justin's mother. "I'm sorry I was so worried."

"I understand. Did you see Justin?"

"Yeah," Peter blushed. "We, ah, said goodbye."

"Now we'll have you over for dinner some night soon. That way we can find out all about you."


"Then you can try my famous blueberry pancakes."

"I've never had pancakes for dinner before."

"Not for dinner for breakfast."

"But..." It dawned on Peter what she meant.

She gave a warm smile. "I think Justin would like that."

Peter could feel himself blushing. "We'd both like that."

"Good. This is Justin's house after all. And I hope that someday it will be your home, too."

"I'm looking forward to that."

Peter climbed into the Jeep. "You don't have to say it. You told me so."

"Feel better?"

"Yes, Lance. I should sleep good tonight."

"Without Justin?" JC asked.

"Well, we didn't want to push it."

"Okay, JC. Let's head for home.

Justin was wiping off the tables. Justin's mother walked up beside him.

"I bet you feel like a great weight has lifted from you shoulders."

"Yes. You and Dad were great. Well, Dad once he calmed down."

"Peter seems like a real nice man."

"He is Mom. He has done so much for me."

"I know. Look, Justin, your father and I and handle this. Here." She handed Justin some keys.

"My car keys?"

"Isn't there someplace you'd rather be?"

Justin brightened. "Really?"

"After all you've been through today, you both deserve it."

"Thank you, Mother." Justin kissed her then started off.


He stopped.

"Be back early."

Justin looked incredulous. Was she giving him a curfew? At his age?

"Some relatives are coming for lunch. Be back before then."

Justin went back and gave his mother a kiss. "Thank you, Mom." He hurried off.

His stepfather approached. "Lynn, are you okay?"

She could hear Justin's car pull out of the driveway.

"Justin Timberlake is on his way to his male lover. You'd think I wouldn't be."

He took her into his arms. "But your son Justin is happier that we have ever seen him. He really is in love with Peter. And Peter seems to be good for Justin."

"Then that is why I am happy."

"Come on, let's clean up."

They went back to work.

Justin tried to watch his speed. This was no time to be pulled over. He was on his way with his mother's permission to the man he loved.

End part 29

Okay, okay! Stop yelling! Sex and Astral travel will be in the next part, I promise. I just couldn't fit all that in this part.

In the commentary by Nicholas Meyer on "The Wrath of Khan" (A script he helped write.) he said that when you are writing it's like you're in another world. When he goes back to look at that script and finds how good it was, he can't believe that he wrote it. Ditto for me. I do go back and read what I wrote and I am amazed it came from me. Well, with these characters I am in good hands.

During Kevin's visit I wrote a line for JC and I thought 'Lance is going to get mad'. I didn't want an argument here. But I couldn't change the line how much I tried. So I had to go with it. Lance's confession to JC came out of it. So the argument worked. I guess the characters knew what they were doing.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from you readers. I don't bite. E-mail me at Support your local author. Let them know you're out there reading their stories. Even if it's just one line. You will make their day. Okay, mine, too. Onto the next part!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 30

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