Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 6, 2001


Here it is part 3. This one is a bit long, but hopefully it's going to be worth it. Thanks to all who have e-mailed me. I appreciate your input and encouragement. For those of you who have been patiently waiting... Well, you'll find out. That said:

This is a work of fiction. It is in no way a depiction of the real life and sexual orientations of the people mentioned. To my knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay, has even been gay or will be gay in the future. But, if they really want to make some of their fans happy...

This story contains graphic descriptions of gay sex. (Damn, I gave it away. Those parts are a work of friction.) If you are under 18 or find gay sex offensive, read no further. If not, read on. I hope you'll like it.

We pick it up with from a bit of Part 2's cliffhanger:

"I wish there was more we could do for him." Lance still looked a little sad.

"There is," replied Chris. "If you are game for it. I know you've never done it before. But if you keep an open mind, you might even enjoy it"

JC and Lance look very suspiciously at Chris.

"You're not suggesting that I, he, we should have sex with him?" said JC.

"Gees, JC, give me some brains will yah," replied Chris.

"Or let him watch?"

"Will you just listen."

"Well, that would be better." Lance blurted out.

JC stared at him "What!"

"I mean the watching. Forget it."

"Besides having sex with you wouldn't help him anyway," said Chris.

"What do you mean it wouldn't help?" replied JC.


"Thank you, Mr. Exhibitionist."

"Gees, you guys. He wouldn't do it even if you asked him." Chris added.

JC gaped at Chris. "He wouldn't?"

Chris glared at both of them. "He cares about you too much. And..." He spoke each word with deliberate emphasis "He wouldn't do anything that might create a rift between you two." He looked from JC to Lance. "Like now?"

"Sorry." Lance and JC said together, feeling chastised.

"I meant astral projection. I think you two should experience it. Peter could help you."

JC wasn't quite sure. He looked at Lance. He knew what he would find. Lance had been intrigued with the idea from the very beginning.

""You're not going anywhere. Not without me"" Lance reminded him. "Please, let's try."

"Say no", thought JC. "Be firm." He looked up into Lance's green eyes silently pleading to him. Damn.

"Oh, all right." JC said.

Lance smiled and gave JC a hug.

A muffled curse came from the bedroom. Peter came limping into the room, his head hung low.

"I told you life has it in for me." He said in a low voice.

JC looked up anxious. "What happened now?"

"I stubbed my toe on that damn table!"

They all broke into laugher.

Peter sat back down in the chair, laughing. "I couldn't touch the damn thing last night when I wanted to. Am I pathetic or what?"

Lance sat forward. "We have an idea. We need your help."

"What can I do for you?"

"Show us how to astral project." Lance continued. He wasn't going to give JC time to back down.

"I'm not even sure how I do it."

"If there were someone already out of his body, it should be easier to bring the others out." Chris suggested.

"We could try."

"Are you sure?" Peter looked at JC. He nodded.

"Trust me, you'll like it," said Chris. "Those nights on that crowded bus. Its wonderful to be able to get away."

"What should we do?" asked Lance.

"You should get comfortable." Chris said. "I'd suggest you change for bed. It will be more relaxing if you're lying down. You'll probably fall asleep once you get back."

"And Peter?" JC asked, trying to be non-chalant.

"I'll be out here. This chair should be comfortable enough. If I can do this in the middle of a crowded mall, this will be bliss."

Lance stood up and headed for the bedroom with JC in tow.

"Well, I'll see you later." Chris headed for the door.

"You're not coming?"

"I might drop in on you later. Peter will know what to do." He winked at him. "Trust me." He left.

Peter heard JC as Lance dragged him into the bedroom, "Lance, are you sure..." His voice faded away.

Peter got up and switched on the table lamp. He then crossed to the door to switch off the room light. In the semidarkness Peter lay back in the chair. "Chris, I hope you're right about this."

Peter floated above the bed. "Come up." He concentrated his thoughts at JC and Lance.

"Let go. Come up." After several minutes, Peter noticed Lance's body beginning to glow with colors. "Come up. Come up." Slowly the colors started to emerge from the prone form to become a Shape. Peter reached out to touch it. Immediately he could feel Lance's emotions, excitement with a little bit of uneasiness. "Relax. You're doing fine. Come up. You're doing it. Let go." The Lance Shape floated clear of the bed. Peter could feel Lance's exhilaration. Lance immediately bobbed to the table, passed through it and then headed to the closet door. He past from sight.

"Lance!" He reappeared. "I know you're excited, but let's get JC here before you go running off. And I'd stay clear of that window." Lance floated to the bed.

"Relax. Let go. Come up." Nothing was happening. "Lance, help me. He trusts you."

"Come to me, JC. Relax. Come up." Lance was concentrating on JC. Slowly, after a few minutes JC's body began to glow. "Yes, come to me. I'm here, waiting for you." Lance touched the place where the colors seemed to be the brightest. "I'm here. Don't be afraid. You're doing it. Let go." The colors took Shape and JC floated free.

"Watch this." Lance floated though the table and closet door again. "Isn't this great!"

JC was still trying to get oriented. He looked down on their bodies in the bed. It was very eerie.

"Look close." It was Peter. "You'll see yourself still breathing. It's all right." Peter touched him lightly. He sensed that JC could feel his reassurance and his regard for him.

"It takes some getting used to."

"How can we... I mean, I can..." JC couldn't articulate the question.

"Communicate? Some sort of telepathy, I suppose. It could be the brain is so used to reacting with physical senses that without them the mental energy translates what it detects to a similar responses only just energy. I don't know. It works. I just go with it."

"Come on, JC, give it a try." Lance was hovering in the middle of the table. JC slowly moved to the table. He hesitated, then continued through the table.

"Now try the door." JC floated to the closet door and disappeared. A few seconds later he reemerged into the room.

"I never knew coming out of the closet would be so easy." JC was beginning to enjoy himself. Lance was spinning around the room. He lost control and spun through the window.


"Don't worry, JC. This is Lance, not me. He's perfectly safe."

"I overshot." Lance floated back into the room. "JC come here."

"Go ahead. I'm staying here."

JC floated away from Peter and through the window. Peter watched them as they bobbed and floated about outside. After a few minutes they reentered the room.

JC and Lance floated up to Peter. They both touched him. All three minds were joined. It was a new experience for Peter to have people sensing his emotions. Everything so unguarded and open. Peter felt Lance's and JC's gratitude for the rescue mixed in with their excitement. He began to sense the love between JC and Lance. This was what he had wanted to know the other night. It didn't matter now. He got a wonderful idea. He moved them until they were facing one another.

"Keep touching each other." He let go of them.

JC and Lance connected. Their flashing patterns slowed. The colors of the two forms began to brighten. Peter drifted back. The colors got brighter and brighter. Every time one changed color the other responded in turn. The whole room seemed to be pulsating with the bright blue light from them. Even at this distance Peter could still feel the love flowing between them.

"You had to go and show them that." It was Chris. "I get enough of this every day. Now they'll be doing it here as well. Thank you!"

Peter knew that Chris was joking. He was as stuck by this sight as much as Peter was.

"They're so beautiful. You can actually see the love."

"Let's let them glow in peace. Come with me, I have something for you to see." Peter hated to turn away. He felt Chris gently pulling him away.

"Turn around and look at this."

Peter turned to face another Shape. He's never seen one so close. A mere foot away. It was beautiful, too. The colors started to change. The brighter they got, the more beautiful it became. Peter was enthralled. He timidly reached out to touch it. It reached for him as well. He passed though it. He glanced around confused.

He was in the bathroom in front of the mirror. He looked back. Peter could hardly believe what he was seeing. "It's me!"

"See, everything is beautiful. You just have to look at it right."

Peter stared at the image. His image. It was so beautiful. He finally looked away. "Thank you, Chris."

"Forget it. Now, since they're busy, how about I show you a few pointers? It looked like you could use some work on your hovering and stopping."

"Sure, I'd appreciate that."

"And we're definitely going to have to work on your visibility." Together they passed through the bathroom wall.


He opened his eyes. Lance was bending over him.

"I was going to open the sofa bed. It might be more comfortable."

Peter shifted in the chair and stretched. "What time is it?"

"Almost two."

Lance was standing there only in his shorts. Peter let himself have one thought. "Damn, Lance was one good-looking man." He got to his feet. "I should get going."

"We can't send for the car now."

"I could get a cab."

Lance started taking the cushions off the couch. "Please stay. I know JC would like to talk to you. Say goodbye and things."

Peter nodded. "I'd also like to say goodbye to Chris." He helped Lance unfold the bed.

Lance sensed Peter had a question.

"JC's asleep. He's sleeping better than I've seen him in months." He paused. "How could I know that?"

"There's still some mental connection between you. You'll find the more you project, the more receptive you become." Lance smiled at the idea. He went to the main closet and took down two pillows.

"So?" asked Peter as he sat on the bed. "What did you think of your first time? As if it wasn't obvious."

Lance sat down on the bed clutching the pillows. "It was wonderful, especially my connection with JC. I could really feel his love. I mean, I know JC loves me. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me. And when we make love..." Lance stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry, Peter."

"No, please, go on."

"I could really feel it. It was tangible. Solid. I wish I could describe it better."

"Its like looking outside and seeing branches swayed by the wind," suggested Peter. "Then going outside and actually feeling that wind on your skin."

"That's it. How did you know?" Lance said.

Peter just shrugged.

"I knew that JC could feel my love, too. He seemed uncertain of it at first. Then I felt him except it and take it in. JC looked so beautiful. I swear I could still see the colors around him after we got back."

"You can. It's what people call the aura. You'll find you'll be able to see them on other people as well."

"The whole thing was just so..." Lance hesitated. "Orgasmic."

Peter looked at him. "What?"

"When we woke up, we found we had..." He blushed. "...gooed on ourselves."

"I had heard that it was supposedly possible to have sex while in an astral state, but..."

"JC thought it was probably because the mental energy had been so intense that when we returned to our bodies, the bodies reacted."

"Sounds plausible."

Peter began to feel uncomfortable with Lance sitting so close to him and by his state of undress. He took the pillows from him. "You should get back. JC will sense you're gone and wake up." Lance nodded. "I know I would," Peter thought, hoping that in the dim light Lance couldn't see him blush.

Lance gave him a kiss on the cheek. He stood up. "Thank you for tonight." He disappeared into the bedroom.

Peter got up to switched off the table lamp. A thought occurred to him. He left the light on. Tonight he felt it was safer if he could be seen.

Peter did manage to doze a bit, but a problem arose. He had to go to the bathroom. That would mean crossing No Man's Land. He tried to hold out until morning, but it was just no use. He stood by the door to the bedroom for what seemed like ages. Finally, mustering up his courage, he strolled across the floor looking out the window that whole time. Sidestepping the table, he entered the bathroom. He gently shut the door.

He flipped a switch. The exhaust fan growled loudly into life. Damn. He switched it off. The next switch flooded the bathroom with light blinding him. He fumbled around until he found the switch on the light by the sink. He finished up, trying to be as quiet as possible. Everything seemed to make more noise than was necessary.

Just before he switched out the light, he looked at himself in the mirror. He could just make out the slight bluish glow around his face. He smiled. "'Night, beautiful." It would take some getting used to. He switched off the light.

Quietly, he opened the door. Sidestepping the table again, he made his way back across the room. Again, he kept his eyes on the window. Peter misjudged the distance and caught his shoulder against the door jam. There was a loud thud. He stifled a cry and left the bedroom.

He lay down again. There was a shuffling behind him.

"You okay?"

He rolled over. JC stood there just like Lance wearing nothing but shorts. Peter was reminded of a line from the Tracy/ Hepburn movie "Pat and Mike". Not much meat on him, but what's there was choice.

"It sounded like to hit the door jam rather hard."

"I'm all right. Did I wake you?"

"No, I woke up a few minutes ago. I've been just laying there thinking." He crossed to the Peter's side of the bed. "Can we talk? I mean, it could wait until morning."

"It is morning." Peter sat up. "It's alright." He patted the bed. JC sat down.

"I owe you an apology."

"For what?"

"I had you pegged wrong. Since last night I was so set against you."

"I don't exactly blame you."

"Chris and Lance sensed it from the first. And the more they stood up for you, the more I mistrusted you. Even after the accident I couldn't let myself believe you could be a decent guy. This afternoon Chris and Lance let me have it, but good. It took me that long to discover that what I was thinking was wrong. I'm normally not like that." JC looked at Peter. "Please, believe me."

"JC, I was intruding. In your mind I was an astral peeping tom. And I never thought of it before, but you must have felt kind of helpless. How could you protect Lance from something that could go through walls? I'm sorry for that. But, JC, I don't blame you a bit for what you thought. I'm just glad that it got straightened out. So to speak."

JC hugged him. "Thank you."

Peter felt himself blushing, again.

"Besides, when it comes to being misjudged by people, I am certainly used to it."

JC sat back. "You're too hard on yourself. You're not that bad. Trust me, we know. If you would just let people see the real you."

"I know." Peter said. "Chris pointed that out to me tonight."


"Yeah, while you guys were busy glowing, he had me look in the mirror. I'd never seen myself out of my body before. It. I was beautiful. I even measure up to you two."

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I do have to thank you for tonight. It was wonderful. I've never seen Lance so beautiful. And to be able to feel his love so completely was astounding. I sometimes have my doubts about his love for me. But, after last night..." JC smiled.

"You'd better get back to him. He'll miss you."

"Peter, you are unique. I'm sitting here nearly naked next to a guy I know finds me attractive and I don't sense one sexual thought. Lance mentioned that he had sensed the same thing."

"I thought you were asleep."

"I woke up while Lance was in here getting your bed ready. I missed him. Like you told him I would. You have remarkable perception."

"You learn a lot by watching people." Peter remarked.

"I don't not know why some guy hasn't snatched you up, yet."

"I told you, I was pathetic."

"If pathetic means being sweet and caring, yes." JC kissed Peter on the cheek. "See you in the morning. We'll order in breakfast." He got up and walked into the bedroom.

Peter laid back. If he was going to get any sleep tonight, it would take a miracle.

15 minutes later he was still awake. He had done everything he could think of to try and get some sleep. But he mind was still working. He seemed to have patched things up with Lance and JC. Now he had to find some way to thank Chris. It didn't take long until he thought of it. It was perfect. If only they'd let him send a car for them in the morning. He rolled over and much to his own surprise, he fell asleep.

JC was lying in his side. Lance snuggled up behind him. "JC?" he said softly.


Lance kissed his shoulder. "I want you."

"We have a guest in the next room, remember?"

"I know. I promise to try to be quiet."

JC rolled over and faced him. "I doubt if that's possible."

Lance didn't smile. He lightly caressed JC's arm.

"Please, JC. I need you so bad."

"Lance, I don't think now is the time." JC looked out the window. It was almost dawn.

"I almost lost you yesterday. I couldn't hold you then to show you how much I loved you. I can't stand it any more. I want to share my love with you."

JC brushed Lance's cheek with his fingers. "I felt your love tonight more tangible than I ever have."

"That's another reason I want to. We're so sure of each other."

JC realized Lance was not going to back down.

"Please, I want to be one with you and your love. Our love."

There were those pleading green eyes again. JC smiled. He tapped Lance on the nose with his finger. "Hold that thought."

He got out of bed and crossed to the doorway. He peered around the corner. JC came back to the bed. "He's asleep, aura and all." He pulled off his shorts. Lance was delighted to see that JC already had a hardon. He slipped back under the sheets.

"You weren't thinking of this at all were you?" Lance grinned as he removed his own shorts.

"Can you ask that after tonight? To tell you the truth, I've been hard for the last hour. The thought of you was driving me crazy. Come here, lover." He pulled Lance to him.

Lance pushed his hips against JC's. Their hard cock's pressing against each other's warm flesh.

They kissed softly at first. Then the kissing began to grow passionate. Lance began to moan quietly as their tongues entwined. He pulled back. He had been waiting all day for this. Normally, he liked to take things slow. But now there was a strange sort of urgency about it. Morning was close and if Peter woke up?

He kissed JC's neck and continued down to his chest. Sucking on one nipple lightly, he gently pinched the other between his fingers. JC moaned. JC put his hands on Lance's head and gently moved him to the other nipple. Lance sucked it. Then playfully nipped at it.

Using his tongue, Lance followed the ridge that ran down the center of JC's chest. He stopped momentarily to twirl his tongue into JC's navel causing JC's body twitched. Kicking the sheets out of the way, Lance moved himself until he was lying between JC's legs. Moving down slightly, JC's cock, popped up into view. Lance gently wrapped his fingers around it. He looked up at JC. He licked the underside of the head lightly with his tongue. JC's body shuttered. His tongue circled the head. Then, leaning forward, he wrapped his lips over the head and slid JC's cock into his mouth. Lance heard JC gasp. Slowly in and out. His tongue flicking at the sensitive skin. JC groaned softly.

"Yea, that's it." He whispered.

Lance stroked the base of JC's cock with his hand. Down as his took his cock into his mouth. Then up as he pulled back.

Lance was giving a deep throaty moan. He loved the feel of JC's cock in his mouth. He knew just where to lick, nibble and suck to drive JC wild. Now, he had something special to try. He pulled back until just his lips encircled the head of JC's cock. Then he started down. His lips slipped further and further along JC's shaft. He began to feel like he would gag. No, relax. The cock head slipped further. Relax. Further. Lance felt a surge of excitement as he buried his nose into JC's pubic hair.

JC felt his cock slide into Lance's throat. The muscles tightened around it. "Oh, Lance!"

Lance slowly pulled back. JC's whole body shuddered with pleasure. Lance reached the cock's head and started down again. This time he could take JC's cock much easier. He began to quicken the pace.

JC looked down. At the beginning of each stroke, Lance looked up at him with those fabulous green eyes. Lance looked so beautiful with JC's cock in his mouth. Something JC knew he could never find the proper words to express to Lance. Another wave of pleasure hit him.

JC started writhing on the bed. His head thrown back. He bit his lip trying not to moan, but the pleasure was too great.

"Oh, Lance. You make me feel so good."

Lance grabbed JC's cock with his hand again. Moving up and down with smooth strokes. Lance began licking JC's balls. He took one into his mouth letting his tongue encircle it. He turned his attention to the other.

JC's moans were getting shorter. Lance knew his was getting close. He took the cock into his mouth again. Sliding up and down. Keeping in time to JC's moans. The pace became faster and faster.

"Yes, Lance. Yes. I'm going to cum."

Lance swallowed JC's cock one more time, all the way to the base. The feel of Lance's throat around the head of his cock was too much.

JC let out a cry. His whole body shook. His hips drove his cock into Lance's mouth. He exploded. Lance could feel the volley after volley of cum JC shot down his throat.

JC let out a groan and went limp on the bed.

Lance let JC's cock slip from his mouth. He moved up and they kissed. After a few moments they parted.

"That was fantastic." JC smiled at Lance.

"My thanks that you're still with me after yesterday."

"I may have to take up extreme sports." JC grinned. "But next time try to do it on a night when we're not trying to be quiet. Do I still have a lip?"

Lance smiled. He leaned forward and sucked on JC's lower lip. He let go. "Looks like it to me."

JC kissed him again. "That is going to be a tough act to follow. I may have to improvise."

Lance lay on his back. JC kissed and licked Lance's neck. He started his descent.

JC licked and sucked Lance's nipples. After each was wet, he lightly blew air on them. Lance shivered slightly. JC then turn his attention to the next stop, Lance's naval. He darted his tongue into it. Lance squirmed. JC placed his lips around Lance's navel and sucked. JC then inhaled deeply. Pressing his lips to Lance's stomach, he exhaled as hard as he could causing a loud raspberry. Lance giggled and squirmed to the feel of the vibrations.

JC moved further down. He placed the tip of his tongue at the base of Lance's cock. Lightly, he ran up along the top of it to the tip. Rapidly, he flicked his tongue at the tip before continuing down the other side to his balls. He licked up again, pressing at the underside of the cock head.

Lance shuttered.

JC opened his mouth poised over Lance's cock and looked up at Lance.

Lance wondering why JC had stopped, finally looked down.

JC smiled, flicking his tongue in the air. He was such a tease.

"Please, JC." Lance whispered.

JC gently took hold of the base of Lance's cock. But he still waited.

"Please!" JC didn't move.

Lance realized what he was waiting for. He blushed.

"Please, JC. Suck my dick."

Lance felt the warm wetness of JC's mouth envelope his cock. He inhaled loudly.

JC started a steady rhythm. Up to the tip and then down. His hand gently stroked the base in an up and down and side to side movement. JC decided if Lance could do it, so could he. He started to swallow Lance's cock. He got just so far and he gagged. He pulled back and tried again. At the same point he choked again.

"Please, JC. You don't have to do this. I'd hate to lose you again. This way." He smiled.

JC looked up at him. "Just remember the Heimlich Maneuver."

Damn, he could swallow pills with no problem. And eating ice cream, that first big spoonful. That was it. He concentrated. Pretend you're eating ice cream.

He started down along the shaft again. He relaxed his throat. It went past the point where he gagged. Keep going. His throated tighten. He pulled back. He inhaled. Down again. His lips ran along Lance's shaft. Lower and lower. The cock head hit the back of his throat. He felt the urge to panic. Relax. His lips closed on the base of Lance's cock.

Lance's head fell back. "Oh, yeah. JC, that's great."

JC pulled back. With more confidence he started back down. Soon he was back to a steady rhythm.

Lance let out a cry at every up and down stroke.

JC stopped. "Lance, you're getting too loud."

"I can't help it."

"Try biting a pillow."

"But, I can't see you then."

"Here. Put this in your mouth." JC raised his hand and extended a finger. Lance started sucking on it like a hunger baby.

JC leaned forward and opened the drawer of the nightstand. He took out the bottle of lube. He took Lance's cock back into his mouth. Lance was moaning happily while sucking on JC's finger.

JC popped the top off the bottle. He pulled his finger out of Lance's mouth. "I need that for a minute." He squeezed a bit of lube into his index finger of his right hand. He set down the bottle and returned his other hand to Lance.

Taking Lance's cock into his mouth again, JC placed his lubed finger to Lance's asshole. Lance's whole body shook. Gently, JC worked his finger into the tight tunnel.

JC timed each downward plunge of his mouth on Lance's cock with his finger into Lance's ass.

Lance took another finger into his mouth. He began to loudly whimper at each thrust of JC's finger into him.

Lance was getting too loud, again. JC pulled his fingers out of Lance's mouth. He kicked his body around until they were head to toe. He raised his hips until his cock was over Lance's face. Lance swallowed JC's cock greedily. The whimpering was now muffled.

JC slid a second finger into Lance. Lance began to buck against the JC's fingers. With his hips he drove his cock into JC's mouth. The rhythm increased. He was getting close.

JC felt Lance's ass muscles tighten around his fingers. He relaxed his throat to prepare for the eruption. Lance's whole body went rigid. JC felt him explode in his mouth. Spurt after spurt down his throat. His body shook. Lance groaned. He lay back, panting.

JC twisted around until they were face to face. Lance took him by the face and kissed him.

"Didn't think I could do that, huh?" JC smiled at Lance.

"JC, I love you." He kissed him, holding JC to him.

"Ready for round two?" JC asked.

Lance realized that they were pressed for time. He nodded.

JC handed Lance the bottle of lubricant.

Lance was puzzled. "JC, what am I..."

"Get me ready." JC smiled.

"But, JC, I love it when you do it to me. You don't have to keep doing this."

JC put his hand on Lance's cheek. "Ever since the accident, I been thinking, too. There are times when we make love that I would think; "Next time will be Lance's turn. I want Lance to do it me next time." When the next time comes I usually let the opportunity pass me by."

"I don't mind." Lance caressing JC's chest.

"Yesterday made me realize that I shouldn't take the "next time" for granted. There may not always be a "next time."

"JC, please, don't talk like that."

"From now on I want to share everything fifty-fifty. I want to know that every pleasure I get from you, you will get from me. I'd hate to think that you are missing out on some of the pleasure I could be giving you."

"Its always wonderful with you. I'm not missing anything."

JC looked a little disappointed. "You mean all those times we were making love, you never once wished that you were plowing my ass?"

Lance blushed. He slapped JC's chest. "JC, stop that."

"I mean it. Never once?"

Lance looked down. "Well, sometimes. But, you have let me do you."

"As often as you would like to?"

Lance said nothing.

"So, please, humor me. I really want to try this out. Fifty-fifty, okay?"

"How about thirty-seventy? I enjoy it more than you do."

"Oh, really? We'll have see about that." JC pulled his knees up to his chest. "Lube me up, baby. I'm in the mood for my Lance to do some riding."

"And they say that romance is dead." Lance shook his head.

JC dropped his legs. He ran his hand over Lance's shoulders and chest. "Please, baby. I want you. I need to feel you inside me. I want to be one with you. Please?"

Lance smiled. "That's better."

JC tweaked a nipple.

"JC!" JC winked at him. "Just remember." Lance nodded toward the door. "Keep it down."

"You should talk." JC grinned. "You try to keep it up and I'll try to keep it down."

JC rolled onto his stomach. Lance cock stiffened at the view of JC's ass. Those perfect round mounds. He had the desire to bury his face between these sweet cheeks, however tonight was not going to be the night.

"No, JC, please. Stay on your back." JC turned his head. Lance stroked JC's cheek.

"I want to see your face."

JC rolled back. "And it's easier to kiss you." He smiled.

Lance squeezed some lube onto his fingers. JC lifted his knees exposing his puckered opening. Spreading the lube to the spot, Lance slowly worked his finger into JC's hole. Pulling the finger out, he squeezed more lube on. Then he inserted two fingers.

A moan escaped JC's lips.

Lance worked his fingers in a circular motion, but still moving them in and out. He could feel JC's sphincter beginning to relax. He applied an ample amount of lube to his hardon. Moving forward, he pressed the cock head against JC's hole. Lance looked into JC' eyes. He guided his cock into JC. The head slipped passed the sphincter into the tight warmness of JC's inside.

Lance leaned down and kissed JC. He brought his hips back pulling his cock almost out. Then forward again slowly sinking it farther into JC. He repeated the strokes until his cock was all the way in.

"You okay?" asked Lance.

"Wonderful. Do it."

Lance started the rhythm. Slow long strokes, in and out.

JC began to moan. He liked the feel of Lance inside him. Why didn't he let Lance do this more often? He knew that answer all too well. He loved seeing how much Lance enjoyed it himself. Lance's cock slid inside him to its hilt. Lance's balls hit against his ass. He could understand why. JC bite his lip to keep from moaning to loud.

The rhythm increased. JC jacked his cock trying to match each thrush from Lance. With his spare hand his caressed Lance's chest. Playing with his nipples. Lance at times would close his eyes in pleasure. When he opened them again, they were locked on JC's face.

Lance reached down and pinched JC's nipples slightly hard.

"Lance." JC looked surprised.

Lance grinned. "So, you like your Lance plowing your ass?" He looking down at JC. He felt JC react. JC got turned on when Lance talked dirty. To tell the truth, so did he.

"Yeah, ride me, baby. Give me that cock."

"I knew you would like being Lanced."

JC grinned. "Yeah, I need Lancelot. Give it to me, Lance. You make me feel so good."

They kissed.

The strokes were rapid now. Their bodies slapping together in rhythm. Both were moaning louder. JC closed his eyes and arched his back. He was getting close. Lance suddenly stopped. JC opened his eyes.

"JC, please. Don't cum, yet. I want you to cum while...fucking me."

JC smiled. "Okay, but I think we should adjourn to the crying room."

Lance looked puzzled.

"The bathroom. It will allow you to be more vocal." Lance grinned at him. "I don't want you to rupture anything trying to be too quiet."

Lance got off the bed. JC stood up and turned around. Lance was already gone. He entered the bathroom.

Lance was lying stomach down on the counter and had his hand behind him applying lube to his asshole. He was obviously eager.

JC took the bottle and lubed up his cock. Lance pulled his ass cheeks apart. He let out a slight whimper.

JC positioned himself and pushed his cock into Lance's ass. He was barely passed the sphincter, when Lance pushed back impaling himself on JC's cock. He let out a loud low moan. JC reached over and flicked on the exhaust fan. He watched his cock moving in and out of Lance's ass. Sliding between Lance's beautiful white round ass cheeks. Lance continued to slowly move back and forward fucking himself.

JC looked at Lance's reflection. There were those pleading green eyes again. He wanted more. JC started to match Lance's rhythm. Shoving his cock in as far as it would go. Lance meeting him thrust for thrust.

When Lance had said he needed JC bad, he wasn't kidding. JC had never seen him this way before. This only got JC more turned on.

JC pulled his cock all the way out then plunged it back in. Lance was letting out a low moan for each stroke. The pitch began to get higher as the pace picked up.

Lance stood up, letting JC caress his chest. Lance turned his head sideways. JC kissed Lance as his hips pumped away. JC looked at Lance's reflection,again. He eyes were closed. His face flushing with pleasure.

Lance turned to JC.

"I want to see your face when you cum."

JC quickly took in the options. The counter was a little too high if Lance was on his back and it would be uncomfortable for Lance. JC directed Lance to the plush rug on the floor. Lance lay on his back and raised his legs. Lance tightened and relaxed his asshole. JC watched it pucker and release, inviting him in. JC positioned himself between Lance's legs and slid his cock back in.

It wasn't long before the thrusts were back to a regular rhythm. JC looked down at Lance.

"I love you, JC. Don't stop. Please, don't ever stop." JC kissed him.

Lance latched onto him. Their tongue entwining as the bodies slapped together. JC pulled back. Their gazes locked. JC couldn't stop looking into those fabulous green eyes.

Lance couldn't look away from JC's wonderful blue eyes. His cock felt so good inside him. He had almost lost him. But now they were one again.

JC saw a blue glow began to radiate from Lance's face.

Lance began to see a blue glow around JC's face. His aura, Peter called it.

The blue glow seemed to be all around them.

They remembered floating in the room, their minds one. Feeling the love they had for each other. Now they were physically sharing that love. Their minds briefly merged again. A surge of pleasure washed over them. JC could sense Lance's own enjoyment as his cock thrust into him. With each stroke, they could almost feel each other's pleasure as well as their own. JC slowed his rhythm, savoring this new sensation.

"Josh, can you feel it?"

"Oh, yes. Lance!"

"We are now truly one."

Lance was in ecstasy. He could feel his excitement mounting. He was getting close. JC thrusts were getting faster. Lance rolled his head side to side. "Oh, god! It's wonderful, JC. Oh, my god! Don't stop! JC, I'm going to cum. Yes. Oh, god. Yes!" His cock exploded. Cum spurted onto his chest and face. Lance's body shook with every shot of cum. His ass tightened around JC's cock at each spurt. This was sending JC over the edge.

Lance lay there still shuttering from his climax.

JC looked down at him. "I'm going to cum, too. On you or in you?"

"On me. I want to see your love."

JC pulled out and with a few strokes, cum erupted from his cock. He body convulsed at each stream of cum. It splattered on Lance's stomach and chest. The spurts subsided. JC stroked a few more times, then released his hold on his cock.

They remained there unmoving, breathing heavily. JC, exhausted, fell forward. Their two bodies pressed against each other. Breathing with one rhythm.

JC raised his head. They kissed. No words need to be said. How could they describe it anyway? Only one thing mattered. They pulled apart. They looked into each other's eyes. Wordlessly, the message was conveyed. "I love you so much."

JC got to his feet. He helped Lance up.

"Ew, I'm dripping with goo." Lance made a face. He grabbed a towel.

"How soon they forget. A minute ago it was "my love", now its "goo"."

Lance wiped himself off. "But, it is good goo." He kissed JC. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" Lance waggled his eyebrows.

"Wouldn't miss it." JC grinned back. "I just want to check on our guest." He left.

Lance turned on the shower. He adjusted the knobs until the water's temperature was hot, but comfortable.

JC came back in and shut the door.

"Is he still asleep?" asked Lance. "We didn't disturb him."

"That son of a bitch!" JC said.

"JC!" Lance was shocked. "You didn't catch him at anything, did you?"

"No, he's still asleep." JC laughed, shaking his head. "It was too dark earlier. I couldn't see them. He's wearing earplugs!"

Lance gaped at him. "What?" He left the room. A few moments later he came back and shut the bathroom door.

"You spent that time biting your lip. I tried so hard not to make noise. We turned on the exhaust fan. All the time... You're right. That son of a bitch!"


"No. Make that just bitch." Lance laughed.

"You have to admit it, that as a guest he is very accommodating."

"Do you think he knew we would..."

"I think he thought it could be a possibility."

Lance almost giggled. "Did you notice, he's sporting a stiffy. The sheets were forming quite the pup tent."

"Lance. He is a guest."

"Hey, turn about is far play." He looked at JC. "He told me that after projecting, there is a temporary mental connection between people. Do you think he sensed what we were doing?"

"Well, you said you wouldn't mind him watching." JC messed Lance's hair. "Besides, after what we sensed from him last night, I really don't mind."

"How open minded of you." Lance teased.

JC shrugged. "Come on. Let's get clean."

They stepped into the shower.

Peter woke up to a movement on the bed. He turned his head and opened his eyes. He started. JC's face was a foot away. He was lying on the bed in a terry cloth robe.

"Good morning. I didn't mean to startle you."

Something moved at Peter's left side. He turned his head to find Lance grinning at him.

Lance also lay there in a terry cloth robe. "They certainly dress as a couple." Peter thought.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did."

"Probably because of these." JC held up the earplugs. "Where did you get them?"

"We make them at work. I need to wear them in the factory so I always carry a couple of pairs. I tend to forget mine."

"And you slept in the factory last night?" JC asked, smiling.

"There were all these noises. Pops, creaks and groans in this room last night. I found it very distracting. It was easier to sleep after blocking them out."

"And it would keep you from hearing the groans and moans from the next room, if such a thing might happen?" Lance added.

Peter nodded.

"Thanks for the thought. It wasn't necessary, but thanks." JC raised his index finger up to lips. Lance got it.

Peter turned to JC. "I'm glad... I mean, I not glad you didn't... I mean."

JC smiled. "I know what you mean. Forget about it."

Peter tried to get up, but JC and Lance had pulled the sheets tight before they had laid down on them. His was trapped lying there on his back.

"Hey, guys. Would you please move? I can't get up."

"Now that we've got him, what should we do with him?" Lance looked at JC.

"I think we should ravish him. He simply radiates with all that purity. What a temptation!"

"Guys." Peter struggled.

"Be quiet."

Lance put his hand on Peter's chest. "JC, I think its time for me to have an affair."

JC picked up Lance's hand and moved it off of Peter. "I'm closer to his age than you are." He put his hand on Peter.

"Of course, if we both do it, that wouldn't be an affair, would it."

"Good point. Who should go first?"

"Guys, please." Peter was beginning to be glad that he hadn't been sleeping on his stomach. Then, again, he began to wish he had.

Lance broke into a big smile. "Let's race. We'll start at the knee and whoever grabs Mr. Peter first, wins." They placed their hands on Peter's knees.

"Don't you dare!" Under the sheets, Peter managed to cross his legs.

"He's no fun." Lance grinned. They both sat up laughing.

JC shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "How could you sleep on this thing?"

"Its what I sleep on at home. You get used to it."

"We wanted to let you know room service should be here in 15 minutes." They got up off the bed. "The bathroom is free if you want to freshen up. There's even a razor there if you want it."

Peter got out of the bed. "Thanks. That would be great." He picked up his shirt and pants off the chair and headed for the bathroom.

JC and Lance leaned past the door jam to watch Peter walk across the bedroom to the bathroom.

"You know, boxers are a lot more comfortable to wear, but briefs are so much more fun to look at." Lance blushed at his words. "JC, what are we doing? Checking him out?"

"So, what. He'd be flattered. But, I know what you mean. After last night and especially this morning, I feel recharged. Last night everything of the mind was so open and free. Now, its like all that is physical is open and free."

"I think we embarrassed him."

"Lance, couldn't you feel his mind. He liked it. He found the idea quite sexy. It was when he got turned on he got embarrassed. Besides, he knew it was innocent."

"I guess you're right." Lance folded up a section of the bed. "You know, JC, it is kind of nice to have another gay man to be so open with."

"Yeah, it is." JC put his arm around Lance. "Let's enjoy our morning "out".

Peter shut the bathroom door, locked it, and then leaned against it. That had been too close. It hadn't happened in months, why today of all the days to wake up horny. JC and Lance must have sensed it. He couldn't imagine them playing crotch grab with someone they barely knew. That mental connection, again. If only he could get out of there without completely embarrassing himself. He hung up his clothes on a hook on the back of the door.

Peter began to feel slightly dizzy. The bathroom had a hazy blue look about it. Steam? No, the mirror was clear. He went to the sink and splashed some water on his face. As he dried his face, he felt there were people next to him. He looked. The room was empty. His heart was beating wildly. Peter looked at his eyes in the mirror.

Suddenly there was someone lying face down on the counter. Peter blinked. Gone. All there was his reflection in the mirror. His whole body seemed to be tingling. The blood was pounding in his ears. He sat down on the edge of the tub. What was happening to him?

Someone was lying on the floor at his feet. Another form was bending over him. Peter pulled his feet back. A moment later they had faded away. The figure on the counter appeared again. This time a man standing facing the mirror blocked him. They too faded away.

Peter sensed a major twinge at his crotch. His cock was straining against the elastic of his underwear. He pulled off his underwear and dropped them to the floor. Peter could never remember a time when he had been so horny. This was not like him. There had to be other forces at work here.

He looked down at the rug. The plush pile had been matted down along most of the rug. He remembered the vision of a man lying at his feet.

Peter realized what was happening. Lance and JC had had sex in the bathroom. He was sensing not only left over mental energy, but the physical energy also.

The energy in the room was almost overwhelming. Peter had a strong wish to get out of the room. No, they were outside. Now that he knew where the sensations were coming from, the disorientation lessened. But, there was no other choice for him to lessen the feelings he sensed. He had to get off.

His eyes fell on a small bottle lying on the floor by the counter. He picked it up. "Thank you, guys." Peter said. He popped the top and poured some lubricant into his hand. He set the bottle down on the counter.

Slowly, he began running his lubed fingers over his hard cock. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and started the back and forth movement. The lube made a squelching sound as he squeezed his fingers. He reached for the sink and turned on the tap. Hopefully, the water would drown out any sound he would make.

The tempo of the strokes increased. Peter wanted to get this over as fast as possible. However good it was feeling, the build up was too slow. He needed something to visualize in his mind. The visions in the room were too faint to concentrate on. Besides, what happened here was personal between Lance and JC.

A thought occurred to him. If the mental connection was still in place, surely he had received some kind of image while they were having sex. That was why he woke up horny. He vaguely remembered something. At the time he had closed his mind to it. Now, he desperately needed it. Personal or not, he let his mind connect. The vision unfolded.

The images of Lance and JC appeared in the mirror. JC and Lance stood before him wearing nothing but their shorts. They turned to face Peter. They smiled. Peter then noticed the bulges in the front of their shorts.

"Can we join you?" JC said.

Peter's mind must be adapting the memory to his present situation. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

With one motion, JC and Lance pulled off their shorts. Their hard cocks pointed toward the ceiling. Peter was impressed. But, it could be only his mind at work.

"Its not personal if we do it together." Lance grinned as he took hold of his cock and started pumping away. JC quickly followed suit.

Peter stroked his cock. Wave after wave of pleasure with each movement of his hand. Lance and JC in his vision were matching his rhythm. They were so beautiful.

"It feels good, doesn't it." Peter saw the pleasure in Lance's face. "Look at your reflection. You can tell it does."

Peter looked at his face in the mirror. Each wave of pleasure sent a flush to his face. He had never done it in front of a mirror before. Now the idea of it was a bit of a turn on.

"Don't stop. Keep going. Make yourself feel good." JC thrust his hips forward fucking his fist.

Peter could hear the blood pounding in his ears. His whole body trembled. He twisted his hand around his cock with each stroke. Each touch of the sensitive head sent a surge of delight through him. He closed his eyes slightly with pleasure. He noticed his enjoyment on his face reflected in the mirror. This in turn set his cock throbbing. Each intensified the other. It had never felt so good before.

JC's hips thrust back and forth faster. His cock slipping through his hand. He let out a low moan. He looked at Peter. "That's it. Work it."

Peter could feel the momentum building up. It wouldn't be long now. He squeezed his fingers as he pulled back on his dick. With his spare hand he pinched his nipples. A jolt of pleasure went through him.

"Make love to yourself." Lance's body was shuddering with each stroke of his cock. He closed his eyes. "It feels so good!"

Peter began to see a blue glow surrounding his face. It was getting brighter and brighter.

"Look in the mirror. See your love. It makes you beautiful!"

His excitement grew. Each stroke sent wave after wave of pleasure through his body. Instead of speeding up, he slid his hand all the way to the bottom of his shaft. Then up to the tip. Nice long strokes. Peter's body started to shudder. His eyes locked on his image in the mirror. He let out a groan. His body went rigid. His cock exploded. Cum spattered on the counter top. He pumped the last shots of cum out of his cock.

Lance sudden threw his head back. "Oh, yeah! That's it!" Spurt after spurt of white liquid shot from his cock. His body shook at each volley. As the climax abated his body relaxed. His stroking slowed.

"Here I go!" JC thrust his hips forward. His cock exploded. Cum shot everywhere. He pumped his cock rapidly. His eyes shut. Letting out a grunt for every shot of cum. The spurts finally stopped. He opened his eyes. He and Lance smiled at each other.

"That was great." JC said. They smiled at Peter. "We should do it again, sometime." They faded away.

Peter stopped stroking. Panting, he leaned forward on the counter. He looked up. His image was a few inches away. Peter had the urge to do something. It seemed silly, but what the hell. He leaned forward and kissed his image.

JC and Lance pulled back from the kiss.

"What was that all about?" JC look puzzled.

"I don't know. I just had the urge to kiss you."

"So did I." JC added.

Lance paused. "You don't think...?" Lance looked questioningly at JC.

They both turned to look at the bathroom door. The water had been running for quite awhile. It stopped. After a moment, they could hear the shower start up.

JC smiled, knowingly. "Well, it seems that everyone has got this morning off to a good start."

"I didn't think he did things like that." Lance said, puzzled.

JC shook his head. "He's alone, Lance, not dead."

"I mean with us out here. You don't think he felt something from us? Something left over? You know, since we did it in there."

"It was pretty intense. Well, when he comes out, we'll just bluff our way through it. Then we'll see if he knows or not. Come on. Let's finish dressing. Room service should be here, soon." JC reached for his sock.

End Part 3.

A bit long, but I hope it was worth it. It was my first time writing "erotica", I hope it was okay. I know there were some of you looking for a threesome, but I couldn't talk the characters into it. I hope my way around it still was enjoyable. As always I would love to hear from you. My e-mail is Part 4 is on its way.

Next: Chapter 4

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