Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Nov 2, 2002


Here we go on Part 30.

Again thanks for all who have responded. Such feedback is important to know that where I am going with this story is right. Thank you again. So now on we go.

This is a story of complete fiction. This does NOT mean detail NSYNC's real lives or sexual orientation. (But if NSYNC is reading this and you are gay let me know. I swear I can keep a secret!) There will be gay sex so if you find the idea of NSYNC doing the man to man mambo and such things thoroughly gross you out stop reading now. If you are too young to read this, stop reading now. Always signal your turn 50 feet before you have to turn. Never wait until there is a car behind to you at that traffic light to signal your left-hand turn. And cheerfully allow cars to merge in front of you. (Well, I was asking for the impossible. I got carried away.)

So fans of the story, read on I hope you'll enjoy it. And if you're just reading for the sex parts, what the hell! This is an erotica site after all.

Lance and JC had just snuggled up in front of the TV when there was a knock on the door. Before they could even move the door opened.

Justin gave his impish smile. "Hi, guys. Where's Peter?"

"He just headed upstairs to do some reading."

Justin closed the door. "Great."

JC didn't look away from the TV. "I'd thought you'd be cleaning up."

Justin's grin got wider. "I got paroled. This was Mom's idea."


"Yeah, my Mom is so cool." He started for the stairs.

"Justin." Lance stopped him. He got off the couch. "Can I have a word with you? It will only take a moment." Lance ushered Justin into the kitchen.

JC heard only a few mumbled sentences. They reappeared.

"Thanks, Lance. That's not a bad idea." Justin disappeared up the stairs.

Lance sat next to JC and snuggled close.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh, just my idea to change the past."

"Lance, you can't do that."

"Well, maybe you can just give it a new paintjob."

JC shook his head. Don't even go there. He turned back to the TV.

Peter came out of the bathroom to find Justin lying in a seductive pose on the bed.

"Hi, lover."

"Now this place gets ten stars. The hotel just left mints on my pillow." Peter leaned down to Justin for a kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"You mean what will I be doing here?"

"I know what you will be doing. Shouldn't you be cleaning up?"

"Mom sprung me. She knew there was somewhere else I wanted to be."

Peter sat on the bed. "I misjudged your mom so badly."

Justin sat up next to Peter. "You couldn't have known. Besides, I was scared, too."

"Did you know she's going to invite me to dinner and breakfast?"

"Remind me to get you a robe. And I think the pool is out of the question." Justin wrapped his arms around Peter. "Its over. Everybody knows now." He kissed Peter's cheek. "And you being there really helped especially with my father. When you faced up to him I knew that I could too."

"Now once we're through with my mother it should be clear sailing."

"Until I come out publicly."

"But Justin, you said..."

"I'm just thinking about it." Justin held Peter tighter. "It would just be nice if we could live together."

"Well, if the house next door goes on sale. Buy it. Then we'll just dig a tunnel. No one would know."

Justin laughed. "You have some imagination."

Peter shrugged. "It's a gift."

"Speaking of your imagination. I'd like to try something."

"Ooh, something kinky?"

"Not really. Sort of a rework of history. Would you humor me? I promise you'll like it."

"Sure, Justin. Since you want to."

Justin got off the bed and went to the door. "When I knock you open the door then play it by ear. Okay?"

"Just ad lib?"

"You'll know what to say."

Justin closed the door.

This seemed sort of silly, but Peter sensed real feeling behind Justin's motives. When the knock came, Peter opened the door.

"Its not too late, is it?" Justin stepped back into the room. He was acting nervous.

"No, not at all." Peter shut the door.

"It's just that I wanted to talk to you. Ask you something, really. Something you could do for me. A favor."

"Sure, sit down."

Justin sat on the bed. "I was so proud of you doing that TV spot and all. You let everyone know that you are gay. That took courage. I hope I will be as brave to tell the guys that I am BI."

The scene clicked into Peter's mind. This was leading into Justin's seduction. Peter fought the urge to smile. This had to be Lance's doing. They were about to do the scene again. This time it would be romantic. Peter liked the idea. He played along.

"You excepted that now?"

"Talking to you really helped. I guess me having sex with another man is a possibility. I mean JC and Lance sure enjoy themselves."

Peter struggled not to smile. "What did you want to ask me?"

Justin looked at the floor. "I'm running out of time. The concerts tomorrow and we leave on Sunday." Justin took a breath. "There's this guy on the tour. He's been very nice to me and I think he's interested. I want him to be the first but I want to be my best for him." Justin looked up. "Show me how two men make love."

"Justin, you don't need a hands on lesson. Besides if I show you how, he won't be your first."

"Yes, he will." Justin gazed into Peter's eyes. "He's you."

Peter was getting so caught up he blushed. "Justin, I don't know what to say."

"Say yes." Justin moved closer. "Please, Peter."

"I've never had sex before." Peter stammered.

"But you know what to do?"

Peter nodded still fighting the urge to smile.

Justin leaned closer. "Then let's find out about this man to man sex together."

Peter turned away. "Please, Justin. I can't"

"Is it because I'm Justin Timberlake?"

"I know you're more than just Justin of NYSNC."

Justin smiled already knowing the answer to this question. "Then you don't find me attractive?"

"Oh, god, Justin, you are so good looking. I just never dreamed..."

"Then why?"

Peter looked down. "I'm afraid."

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Peter, you promised."


"You promised Hugh to stop being afraid and trust us." Justin took Peter's chin. He raised Peter's head until they were eye to eye. "Trust me. I know I can trust you." Justin leaned forward.

"Justin, I..."

Justin placed his finger on Peter's lips. "Peter, stop talking so I can kiss you."

Peter watched Justin getting closer and closer. Justin's lips pressed softly against his. Just like that first time a thrill shot through Peter.

Justin sat back. "Was that okay?"

"Oh, Justin." Peter pulled Justin to him. He pressed his lips to Justin's. Peter opened his lips. Justin finally opened his so that their tongues darted around with each other. Peter held Justin tighter.

Justin turned his head. "Take it slower. This is supposed to be your first time," he whispered.

"But you're such a good kisser."

"Really? You've never told me that."

"I thought it was obvious." Peter stood up taking Justin with him.

Justin stood back and reached for his collar.

"Justin, please," Peter took Justin's hands away. "Let me this time."

This was supposed to be different from that first time. Justin was so in charge then. He let Peter take over.

Peter undid a button. He opened the shirt and kissed the exposed skin. After each button Justin felt Peter's soft lips pressed to his skin. With the last button Justin helped Peter remove his shirt.

Peter's eyes locked on Justin's bare torso. "Justin, you are so beautiful." There seemed to be a tear in Peter's eye.

"And that's just my chest." Justin joked trying to get the ego just right. "Now its your turn."

Justin undid the buttons of Peter's shirt. He started to open it when Peter's hands took his wrists stopping him.

"It's all right, Peter."

Peter released Justin's hands. Justin let go of Peter's shirt.

Peter was puzzled. This wasn't how it happened.

Justin stepped back. He smiled at Peter. "Peter, let me see you."

Peter slowly took hold of his shirt and pulled it off. Justin's eyes never left Peter's chest. He moved forward and placed his hands on Peter's skin.

Again Peter thrilled to the feel of Justin's warm hands on his skin.

Justin slid his hands over Peter's chest. Justin leaned forward. Peter readied himself for the kiss but Justin veered off. He pressed his cheek against Peter's.

"You look so hot!" Justin whispered. He pulled back to see Peter's smiling and blushing face. "Touch me, Peter. You know you want to."

Peter's hands moved to Justin's chest. Gently he traced the curve of the muscles then he rubbed the nipples.

Justin did to Peter in turn. Both sighed as the twinge of pleasure went through them. Justin leaned forward and kissed Peter. Justin welcomed Peter's tongue wrestling with his own. He could tell Peter was really getting into this. Good. This was the way things should have gone.

Justin pulled back. He had his impish grin. "Once we're naked we can start."

Justin didn't know if Peter was acting or just so into the moment. Peter tried to take off his pants before his shoes were off. He hopped about on one foot taking off the shoe then the sock. Changing feet he pulled the other off. Justin feared that Peter would lose his balance and fall over in his haste but he managed to pull his pants clear. Soon he stood in his underwear before Justin.

Justin grinned seductively. "Could you help me with my shoes?"

Peter fell to his knees and pulled off Justin's shoes and socks. He looked up as Justin undid his pants. Peter's eyes locked in on Justin's crotch. He licked his lips as Justin lowered his pants.

Justin removed his pants and as he stood up he took Peter by the chin and had him stand up as well.

Peter's eyes followed up Justin's body. Soon they were eye to eye.

Justin pressed his crotch against Peter's. Peter was already rock hard and excited. Justin brushed his lips lightly against Peter's.

"Do you really what to do this? With me?" Justin teased.

"Oh, god, yes." Peter breathed.

Justin pulled back and said, "Now show me how two men make love."

Peter's lips started at Justin's neck. He kissed and licked his way around the neck then down the chest. His mouth latched onto Justin's nipple. Peter sucked and licked. Justin closed his eyes with pleasure. Soon the nipple stood out firm from Justin's chest, Peter moved to the other. His tongue ran around it and he playfully nipped it with his teeth. Once firm Peter moved to Justin's side. He raised Justin's arm and began to lick the underarm.

The musky smell and the salty taste only fueled Peter's passions. He dropped to his knees. His fingers curled over Justin's waistband. With a smooth motion the underwear was pulled down. Justin stepped out of them. Peter leaned down to kiss the top of Justin's foot. Then he slowly ascended. He made his way up the ankle, twisting to kiss the back of the knee then up the thigh to his main objective.

Justin felt Peter's hand gently close around the shaft of his cock. Next Peter's lips and tongue teased and prodded Justin's balls. Even though he had felt Peter's attentions before, Justin too was getting into the mood of their play. He looked down. Peter's hand was slowly stroking him. Their eyes met then Peter's gaze fluttered down Justin's body until he stopped at Justin's hard cock. He seemed to make up his mind. The mouth opened and Justin watched as his cock disappeared into Peter's warm wet and very soft mouth.

A gasp of pleasure escaped Justin's lips. Justin's hands found Peter's shoulders. Justin's head bent back.

After a few timid strokes Peter relaxed and began sucking Justin with passion.

Justin loved it. "Peter, that is so good."

Peter pulled back. His hand took to stroking Justin. "It is okay? This is my first cock."

"You'd never know it." Justin gasped.

Both were caught up in the role-playing. The romance had been missing but now they were making it happen.

Peter plunged back. Justin's cock slipped into his throat. A thrill surged through Justin. Peter's joy at sucking Justin's cock had not changed from that first night. Then Justin remembered. Peter had said he had started to love Justin from that morning in the dressing room. Was Peter's attention to him spurred by the love he hadn't realized yet?

Justin looked down. Peter's warm eyes looked up at him as Justin's cock slipped between those wonderful lips. Then Justin knew the truth. That first night the regard and care Peter had taken with him. It was Peter's love for him even then.

Justin coaxed Peter to stand up. He kissed Peter with passion.

"You do that so well. I have never felt anyone better."

Peter's eyes met Justin's. His hand caressed Justin's cheek. "I want to make you feel good. Can I continue?"

Justin gave Peter a quick kiss then let him sink back to his knees. Justin's head snapped back as Peter's lips, mouth and tongue made his cock thrill with pleasure.

Peter was surprised how much that this did feel like that first time. The mushroom head slipping through his lips, the veiny length of the shaft and then the feel of Justin's pubic hair as he buried his face in Justin's crotch. Peter pulled back and looked up. He watched Justin's reaction as he rubbed Justin's cock against his face. Then Peter slapped the cock against his tongue.

"Oh, Peter."

Peter flicked the underside of the head with his tongue. Justin's eyes closed. His mouth parted a little. But his face was flush with pleasure. Peter loved that most of all. For the first time in his life he was able to give the greatest pleasure a man feels to the man he loved. Peter tightened his lips and took in Justin's cock again.

Justin was barely holding on. Even the first time with Peter didn't feel this good. Peter's lips felt like velvet pressing against his cock. His throat muscles closed around the head of Justin's cock causing surges of pleasure washing through him. Justin rocked. His hands found Peter's shoulders and head to steady himself. Peter had sped up his tempo. Justin looked down. Peter was thoroughly enjoying the cock moving in and out of his mouth.

Peter was making the most wonderful gulping and moaning noises. He was totally engrossed with pleasing Justin. Then the pace stuttered. Justin watched, as Peter seemed to gag. Justin tipped his head to see better. A wet stain appeared at the front of Peter's underwear. Just like before Peter had cum while sucking cock without even touching himself. This pushed Justin closer to the edge.

"Oh, yes, Peter."

Peter felt Justin's body go into the reactions he had come to know so well. This time he wouldn't be surprised.

"Peter, I'm going to cum. Pull back."

Peter stroked Justin's hardon. "Not on your life."


"Justin, I want it." Peter swallowed Justin's cock again.

Justin remembered that Peter was the only person who let Justin cum in their mouth before. That thought made Justin lose it.

The surge started. One final thrust of his hips and Justin threw his head back. His body tensed. Peter's mouth tightened around the throbbing shaft. Justin's cock shot off.

"Oh, my god! Yes!!"

Peter gulped then gulped again. Justin's cock flooded his mouth with cum but he didn't mind. He relished it. A quick swirl of the tongue around the head sent Justin's body jerking.

Slowly the flood abated and Justin relaxed. He helped Peter to his feet. He took Peter and pressed him to his lips. After a few moments they parted.

"Nothing has ever felt like that. Peter, you are a marvel."

"I've had many years to imagine."

"That was more than imagination. That was passion." Justin stroked Peter's cheek. "Let's see if I can match that."

"Justin, you don't have to. If you'd rather go to..."

"Fucking you? No way. When I said I wanted to know how two men made love together I meant that. What you do to me I will do to you. I want to know what it all feels like." Justin pulled Peter's body against his. "First let me see how good a cocksucker I am."

Justin knelt. He pulled down Peter's cum stained underwear. Once removed Justin turned to Peter's cock. Even though Peter had cum he was hard as ever. Justin looked up.

Peter grinned. "I have a lot of time to make up for and you are a very hot guy."

Justin remembered his hesitation that first time. Not again, not this time. He took Peter's cock by the base and closed his lips over the cock head. Then he pressed his tongue against the underside of the cock and in a smooth movement slid the length between his lips.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" Peter's whole body shook.

Justin almost smiled. He was the first person to give such pleasure to Peter. Well, Peter had better get ready because Justin Timberlake never gives his second best. He started sucking Peter's cock with gusto.

"Oh, Justin, I never knew it would feel so good!"

With that encouragement Justin took Peter's cock faster in and out of his mouth.

How many times had they had sex since then? But both were caught up in replaying their first time.

Justin's lips up and down his cock were sending Peter into bliss. After a few minutes Peter's hand took Justin by the chin. He coaxed him to stand up.

"Justin, this is beyond my wildest dreams."

They kissed. Peter pulled Justin as close as he could.

Justin pulled back laughing. "Now can I finish? I think I am liking this."

Peter grinned. "I wouldn't think of stopping you."

Justin started back down. This time he took his time. He licked Peter's chest spending time sucking and nibbling his nipples. Down Peter's chest to his navel. Justin swirled his tongue into it. He kissed and licked around it. Then down to Peter's cock. Justin stroked it gently with his hand. He looked up.

"Please, Justin."

Justin shook his head. His tongue flicked lightly on the head of Peter's hard cock. His blue eyes glinted.

"So you want this?"

"Oh, yes, Justin."

"Then say it."


"You made me feel so good. Now I want to do the same to you. Tell me you want me to make you feel good."

"I do, Justin. I do."

"Then say it. You have never said it in thirty years. Now's your chance. Peter, please I want to hear you say it."

Peter felt that strange warmth wash over his body. That first time Justin had to be led very slowly into this. Justin Timberlake was not a cocksucker. But now was different. Peter let his hand caress Justin's face. He looked into those blue pools that were Justin's eyes.

"Justin, suck me."

"Suck what?" Justin teased.

Peter gave in totally. "Justin Timberlake, suck my cock."

There was Justin's impish grin then the warm wet feeling of Justin mouth engulfing Peter's cock.

Oh, the surge of pleasure that washed through Peter! Justin had never been like this. Peter's knees grew weak. He sat down on the bed.

Justin attacked Peter's cock. Up and down, his lips pulling tight caressing the tender flesh. Justin pressed his tongue here and there along the throbbing shaft. He pulled back and started sucking on Peter's balls.

Peter's body fell back onto the bed.

"Oh, god, Justin. That feels so... Ah, Justin you do that so....Damn!"

Peter was rolling about on the bed. Justin's own cock grew harder. Justin ignored it for now. He was much more turned on by how Peter was reacting to his sucking.

Peter's hands found Justin's head but soon fell off and just gripped the sheets. Peter's moans were becoming whimpers.

"Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Please, Justin. Oh, god. That's so good."

Unlike the first time, Justin took Peter's cock into his mouth with relish. Down to the base then up again. He sped up his pace faster and faster.

Peter's head snapped back and forth on the bed. His hands flayed about. First he gripped the sheets then they slid over Justin's body. Peter raised his head to look at Justin only to fall back.

"Yes, Justin. That feels so good."

Justin pulled off Peter's cock. He stroked the throbbing shaft. His blue eyes sparkled. "Cum for me. Peter, please, cum in my mouth."

"Justin, you don't have to...Oh, my god!"

"Please, Peter. I want to taste it. You did it for me."

"Justin, I..."

Justin swallowed Peter again. He twisted his head left and right. His tongue twirled around Peter's shaft.

Surges of pleasure ripped through Peter. Like that first time Peter was hesitant cumming in Justin's mouth. But the surges washing through his body were too strong to hold back. Peter felt the climax building. He could no longer protest.

"Justin, I'm close."

Justin swallowed Peter's cock. His lips and tongue only made Peter give way to the inevitable.

"Oh, yes, Justin!"

Peter's body went taut. His hips thrust his cock into Justin's mouth. Justin braced himself.

A loud cry came from Peter's lips. His cum erupted into Justin's mouth.

Justin quickly swallowed them plunged back onto Peter's cock for more.

Peter's body shook and trembled on the bed. Justin took to stroking Peter's cock. Peter's body almost doubled up. Justin let go of Peter's cock.

Peter lay back on the bed breathing hard. Slowly he began to relax.

After the climax was spent Justin went up to kiss Peter. As the passionate kissed ended, Peter smiled.

"That was wonderful."

Justin grinned. "Was I all right? It was my first time you know." He winked.

Peter wrapped his arms around Justin. "We're both virgins when it come to this."

"Yes, virgins." Justin's eyes met Peter's. He looked questioningly at Peter.

Peter nodded.

Justin reached for the nightstand. Justin turned back with the lube and the condoms. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Peter hand again caressed Justin's face. "After all these years I want to know what it feels like." Peter took Justin's hand. He poured lube onto two fingers.

"Work the lube into me. Loosen me up first."

Peter raised his legs. He felt the cold feel of lube against his ass. Then a finger pressed into him.

"Oh, my..."

Justin slid the second finger in. Peter took hold of Justin's wrist. He urged Justin's fingers farther into him, in and out slowly and gently.

Peter's mouth opened and closed. He was moaning with pleasure.

Justin was enjoying watching Peter's face when he was handed a condom.

"Please, Justin. I'm ready."

"That was fast." Justin winked at Peter. "Are you that eager for me?"

"I have practiced, remember?"

Justin tore open the pack and applied the condom. He poured the lube onto his cock. Justin positioned himself between Peter's legs. He paused.

Peter smiled. "Show me how far you'll go to keep an NSYNC fan happy."

Justin looked down into Peter's eyes. "You are more than just a fan, Peter."

Peter ran his fingers across Justin's chest. "Please, Justin. I want to show you my hospitality."

Justin pushed forward. There was a bit of resistance but then he felt his cock slide into Peter.

Peter winced. Justin stopped.

"Does that hurt?"

"A bit," Peter groaned. "Keep going. It'll be okay."

Justin pushed his cock in further.

"Oh, god."

Justin continued until he was totally inside Peter. He pulled back. Justin kept his eyes on Peter. He started back in again. Peter's hand went to Justin's chest.

"Slowly, Justin." Peter looked up to see Justin's face go flush. Peter tightened his ass around Justin's cock. The deeper Justin's cock went the more excited Peter became.

"Oh, Peter." Justin seemed to go deeper yet into Peter.

"God, Justin, you're so big!"

It was Justin's turn to try to keep from smiling. He covered himself by leaning down for a kiss. After a few more strokes in and out of Peter ass, Justin felt Peter relax. Justin sat up.

"Does that feel better?"

"Yes, Justin. Take me!"

Justin began thrusting into Peter with a rhythm. The sensations going through him were so wonderful. That first night with Peter he was trying not to hurt Peter yet still he wanted to give over to the pleasure he was feeling. Justin held Peter close. He relished the warmth of Peter's skin and the moans the escaped Peter's lips every time his cock sank home.

Peter lay there and closed his eyes. Justin's cock hit places that sent surges of pleasure through his body. But that first time Peter was showing Justin that fucking didn't have to be painful. It wasn't until later that Peter realized that he was actually having sex and with Justin. He opened his eyes. Justin's brilliant blues ones looked back into his. The tears started again.

"Oh, Justin. I never thought this would ever happen to me."

Peter lay there his body opened and welcoming. Justin now knew that that first night even though they both didn't want to hear each other say it that there was more that they were discovering than sex between two men. Both of them never realized that even then that first time...

Justin leaned down and kissed Peter. Peter moaned while they kissed. Justin was making him feel so good. As he pulled back Justin ran his fingers along Peter's cheek flushed with pleasure.


Peter looked up at him blinking back the tears.

"Don't be afraid. Say it." Justin paused. "Please." He begged.

Peter felt like they were back in that hotel room. Justin was leaving tomorrow. He had no more time. This time Justin was inside him. They really were physically connected.

Peter trembled. He reached up and touched Justin's face. Their eyes met and locked.

"Justin, I love you."

Their lips pressed together as their bodies did. Waves of emotion as well as pleasure rushed through them.

Justin managed a few more thrusts when the climax hit him. His lips separated from Peter's for a moment.

"Oh, god, Peter, I lov..." Justin's voice choked off. His body went rigid. Justin's body shook against Peter's as Justin cock shot off.

Peter felt each throb and pulse as Justin's cock came inside him. His thoughts went back. He had actually made someone cum.

Justin shook as the climax abated. He fell forward.

They lay there in each other's arms. They'd exchange little kisses.

Justin took Peter's face in his hand. "I love you, Peter."

Peter pulled Justin close. "Thank you, Justin. This was wonderful."

"What about me?"

Peter smiled. "You were wonderful, too."

"I mean aren't you going to return the favor."

"I already sucked you off."

"That's not what I mean."

"Really?" Peter grinned with Justin's impish grin. "What do you want me to do?"

Now Justin knew why they were so good together. "Peter, I want you to..."

"Fuck me!" Justin gripped the sheets. "So this is what it feels like. Fuck this is hot!"

Peter looked down at the beautiful round mounds of Justin's ass as Peter's cock plunged in and out between them. Peter ran his hands over Justin's back. His left dropped down and started to stroke Justin's cock.

Justin buried his head in the bed.

"Oh, fuck, yeah. Fuck that virgin ass. Pop Justin Timberlake's cherry."

Peter was so into this that even such dialogue wouldn't distract him. Yes, it did occur to him that he had taken Justin virginity but Justin had taken his. Then the thrill built up inside him. Both of them now knew about male sex. And Justin loved it!

"Justin, I can't believe I have my cock in your ass."

"Don't stop, Peter, please. It feels so good! Fuck me."

The room reverberated with the sound of their bodies slapping together and their heavy breathing.

Peter felt the passion rising. He kept thrusting into to Justin trying to get Justin to match his passion.

"Peter, oh, god, I'm getting close."

They were there together.

"So am I."

Justin sat up. Peter pulled him to him. Justin let Peter stroke him off.

"I'm cumming!

Justin's muscles tightened. His ass clamped around Peter's cock.

"Oh, Justin!"

Justin felt Peter's cock erupt within him. As Justin's climax surged through him his body jerked. He pushed back hard against Peter, which pushed Peter's cock deeper into Justin. Another wave rushed through them both.

They knelt there together panting and gasping as the waves in them receded. Slowly they relaxed.

Justin turned and flopped onto his back. Peter was on top of him kissing him.

"Thank you, Justin."

"I wanted you to know how I wished it could have been."

"Oh, Justin. I wouldn't have changed anything from that first night." Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "But now the two will be melded together." Peter pulled Justin close. "I do love you so."


Peter pulled back. He was surprised at what he saw.

Tears formed in Justin's eyes. "I thank God for bring you to me. You are so good for me. I've never felt this way about anyone. I love you, Peter."

They held each other in their arms reveling in the warmth of their bodies and warmth of their love.

Peter felt Justin's warm body spooned up behind him. Justin's trial was over. His own mother shouldn't be too difficult. Peter wanted so much for them to get along. His father would learn this like everything else from a letter or a phone call from his mother.

Justin moaned and rolled onto his back. Peter missed the warmth immediately. He moved to his back then inched close so that their shoulders touched. That was better.

Peter's thoughts held on his mother. He knew how nervous she would be about her upcoming surgery. He suddenly had a desire to see her to see how she was doing. He closed his eyes.

The lights of the house were still on. Then Peter remembered the time difference. He floated into the house.

His mother was asleep in her chair with the TV on. On the table beside the chair was her usual bedtime glass of sherry. It was supposed to help her sleep but she really didn't need it as her present state proved. She would wake up in time to go to bed. Peter didn't know how she could to that. As these thoughts went through him, she stirred.

Blinking she reached for the remote. The TV flicked off. Setting down the remote she then took the glass and sipped the rest of the sherry. Peter's Mom then stood up and made her way to the kitchen. She set the glass by the sink.

Peter began to feel like he was spying. He was about to leave when she stopped by the refrigerator. She looked at something on the door then left, turning the light out. Peter floated close to see what she had looked at. It was the picture from the newspaper of him and NSYNC in front of the club. Someone must have sent it to her. That's how she had learned that he was traveling with NSYNC. Maybe this thing with Justin wouldn't be as hard as Peter thought.

He wanted to go to her, but she would be getting ready for bed. Peter let it go. He'd better get back. If Justin woke up while he was out.

Peter floated out of the house. He turned to have one last look. The only light on in the house was the bedroom light.

"Sleep well, Mom." Peter thought.

Peter started to leave when a movement caught his eye. There was a full moon. The maple tree was casting shadows on side of the garage in the slight breeze. That must have been it. Then a man leaned around the side of the garage.

Peter froze. He couldn't see clear because the man was in the shadows. But the man was watching the house. The bedroom light went out. He stepped from the shadows.

Peter had to do something. The garbage cans! He concentrated. They shook then tipped over with a soft thud. Whose big idea was it to make trash cans out of plastic!

Peter hurriedly looked around him. The man was getting close to the house. Peter rushed to the street. He looked for the fanciest car on the street then thought to hell with it. He concentrated on each in turn. The first one shook. Nothing. Then Peter moved to the next one. Still nothing. He was running out of options and time. There was a beat-up SUV in the neighbor's driveway. Peter decided to give it a try anyway. The man was almost to the house.

The SUV rocked under Peter's thoughts. The car alarm screamed into the night. The lights started flashing. Yes! The man had stopped at the noise and the flashing lights. He turned and was running wildly back the way he had come.

The light went on in the bedroom. Peter's mom pulled the curtain back and peered out.

The neighbor's door opened and an older man pointed something at the SUV. The noise and the lights stopped.

A voice came from behind him. "I don't know why you set that goddamn alarm. Nobody's going to steal that thing."

"That's why." The door closed.

Peter's mother closed the curtain. Soon the light went off again.

Peter set off to follow the man.

He had reached the end of the block when a car's engine started. The headlights came on and the car sped off. Not before Peter saw that it was an old red convertible. He knew that car all too well.

"Oh, great." Peter thought. "He's come back."

Justin awoke to find Peter awake and staring at the ceiling. He checked the clock. It was 3 o'clock in the morning.

"Can't sleep?"

"I'm just thinking that's all."

"That is what daylight is for. Night is for sleeping." Justin grinned. "Or having sex." He cuddled up to Peter.

"I thought you had enough."

"I did. I'm just trying to distract you. Did it work?"

"Almost." Peter sighed. "I went to see how my mother was doing."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. It can wait. When we go to my mother's we can deal with it then."

Justin could tell Peter was still worried. "Is your mother all right?"

"Yeah. She's not under any real threat." Peter put his head on Justin's chest. "Please, I just need you to hold me for awhile. Okay?"

Justin put his arm around Peter. "Sure." Justin didn't want to push it. Peter would tell him in time. But he just didn't like to see Peter bothered by something.

"Lance, will you relax."

Lance adjusted his sunglasses and pulled the baseball cap further down over his eyes. "Excuse me, but I am new at this," he hissed.

"Well, at least you didn't wear a trench coat."

"Only because I don't own one." Lance's head snapped back and forth trying to look everywhere at once. Was that guy looking at him?

"This is a legitimate sex shop. We're not in the seedy part of town. And it is gay friendly. But if you feel compromised, go hang out by the lingerie."

"It's not fair you being so calm."

"The people who work here have seen every kind of customer. They don't care, Lance."


Peter leaned close. "Okay, Triple X."

"Stop it. Let's just get what we want and leave."

"Okay, but don't worry. I'm doing the shopping, right? You're just slumming." Peter looked around. "Where to first? The Gift Gazebo, the Book and Magazine Mezzanine, the Video Vault, the Toy Room, the Lingerie Library, or straight to the Leather Lounge."

Lance hunched his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Let's try the Video Vault. You might get some ideas from the box covers."

Lance had never seen so many videos. The walls were covered with them plus there were racks filling the middle of the room. Each section had a sign telling its topic.

"We might as well start with hetero leather and then move on."

Lance wrinkled his nose. The idea of leather clad women didn't appeal to him. "No, I'll be brave." He noticed that the other customers were ignoring them.

They moved to a different section. "Okay, here we are."

Lance took a box from the shelf. "Oh, my god!" Lance blushed and hurriedly put the box back.

"Lance, move this way a bit. You're in the S&M section."

"Who could do that?"


"The guy was chained spread eagle. He was blindfolded with a red ball in his mouth."

"Think of it as an apple. He was playing the other white meat. Probably waiting to be put on the roasting spit."

Lance leaned close. "He had chains attached to his nipples."

"Yeah, tit clamps."

Lance just gaped. He stirred himself. "I've changed my mind. Let's get out of here."

Peter tried to get Lance into a fun mood. "Come on, Lance. We're here. Lighten up. Just look at the titles." Peter showed Lance a box.

On the cover was a good looking naked young man looking over his shoulder. Lance read the title. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Dawson's Crack?"

"How about these?" Peter pointed.

"Lord of the Cock Rings. Shaving Private Ryan." Lance puzzled. "Shouldn't that be 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'?"

"It doesn't flow."

Lance smiled. "Butt Boys in Space. The Pizza Boy; He Delivers."

"Hey, that's a classic."

"A classic?"

"A Williams Higgin's movie. Really cute young guys and lots of hot sex."

Lance shook his head. "Between NSYNC and gay porn, you really didn't have much of a life. Did you?"

"Just be glad I didn't treat you the same." Peter moved his fist up and down.

"You mean you never," Lance looked around. He lowered his voice. "Spilled your seed over pictures of us?"

"Nope. I found you three very good looking but the idea just seemed demeaning to you. You are people after all."

Lance gestured at the videos. "And these actors aren't people?"

"But they want people to get off over them. You don't."

Lance turned and started concentrating on a box cover. Peter leaned down looked up into Lance's face.

"Do you?"

Lance shrugged. "Everyone likes to know people find them attractive."

"There is a huge difference between finding a person attractive and beating off over their picture."

Lance looked smug. "Justin did it to your picture when you were apart."

"That's still different." Peter saw Lance blushing. "Lance?"

Lance looked up. "Okay, I was signing my picture for a fan when he told that he had worn out three other copies of the same picture. He winked and said he hoped I didn't mind. I said I didn't. If fact I told him to try laminating it. I was clueless."

Peter chuckled and shook his head.

"JC explained what he meant afterwards. It was strange instead of being embarrassed I was sort of flattered." Lance put the box on the shelf.

"Are you feeling better? Ready to brave the Leather Lounge?"

"Sure." Lance was beginning to relax a bit. No one else seemed to be paying them much attention. Plus the place was clean and very organized.

They pushed through a pair of swinging doors. Lance was surprised to see the clothes on racks. He expected it to be hanging on the walls.

"Hey, look," Peter pointed. "Darth Vader."

Lance saw a mannequin entirely covered in leather from head to foot.

"How can you do anything in that?" A leather hood covered the whole face. "You probably suffocate as well."

"For some people that adds to the experience."

They turned to see a man walking toward them. He was dressed in a leather vest, jeans with chaps and a leather cap.

"Let me demonstrate." He reached for the mannequin's face and unzipped an opening over the mouth and both ears. A piece over the eyes unsnapped from the hood. "Is that better?"

"I suppose." Lance still eyed the outfit with caution. He pointed to the zippered mouth opening. "If teeth weren't bad enough now you have a zipper to get caught on."

The salesman laughed. "It takes a little practice but it is possible to do the act smoothly."

"But what about the other access points?"

The salesman grabbed the codpiece. "This snaps off, too." He pulled in free.

Lance was relieved to see that the mannequin wasn't anatomically correct.

"As for the back door." The salesman turned the mannequin around. He opened a zipper that ran down the seat of the leather briefs. "I know more metal to get caught on. But a little pain doesn't always bother the people who buy these clothes." He closed the zipper. "Can I help you find something?"

"Nothing so hard core. That didn't come out right." Peter tried again. "I mean something more like accessories."

"Oh, something to highlight the body not cover it."

"Exactly!" Lance burst out. He blushed slightly.

"Yes," Peter smiled. "That's what I'm looking for."

The salesman gave Peter a knowing smile. "I think we can find something you'll like."

The salesman was ringing up the items they had picked out. He didn't even look at Lance. "By the way I like your music. And it was very smart to have a gay man help you pick out your, ah, play clothes." He put the items into a bag and handed it to Peter with a wink.

"Thank you for your help." Peter said.

"Don't worry. We pride ourselves at being discrete. You'd be surprised the celebrities we get in here."

They started to go.

"Don't worry," the salesman said smiling at Lance. "I'm sure Britney will love you in that."

They managed to get to Lance's car before they burst out laughing.

"See?" Peter laughed. "He pegged you as straight."

"And as Justin."

"Well, I'm not going to complain. I'd be happy with either of you." Peter paused. "Nah, Justin is the only one for me. Sorry, Lance."

Lance started to car. "He'd better be."

"So, are you going to model them for me?"

"Of course not."


"Peter, you do like playing with fire."

"You said I could watch."

Lance sighed. "Looks like JC and I will need the Vaseline tonight."

"For sex?"

"No, for the doorknob so you can't open the bedroom door."

"Okay, no peeking. We agreed the bedroom is off limits anyway." It was Peter's turn to sigh. "You two are going to look so sexy in these things."

"Mmm, JC is." Lance said. "It's going to be hard to wait." Lance turned to Peter. They both burst out laughing. "Yes, that will be hard the whole time, too."

They drove on in silence for a bit.

"Peter, how come you didn't buy anything for you and Justin?"

"I bought some more lube and condoms."

"That's not what I meant."

Peter shrugged. "I don't know how he feels about accessories yet. I don't want to scare him off."

"Or make him laugh?"

"Especially that."

Lance smiled. "Very wise."

Peter looked out the window. "Actually, I'm not sure of myself yet."

"Now that surprises me."

Peter chuckled. "I know we seem like we'll try anything, but that is just Justin's exuberance. I get carried away with it. He likes to point out that it will be a first for us."

"So he likes to try something new."

"Lance, after he came out to his parents he took me back to his room."

Lance was shocked. "You didn't!"

"With all the people around, of course I didn't. But Justin was game."

"Well, at least you use your common sense." Lance paused. "Did you tell him he should have been ashamed of himself and smack his bottom?"

Peter snapped around to Lance. "What?"

"I'm sorry. Forget I said anything."

"Lance, where did that idea come from?"

"That night we watched you having sex you slapped each other's ass. I guess I thought that was usual for you."

"Actually we haven't done that since. It was a turn on once but now I just don't like the idea of causing Justin pain."

"Our thoughts exactly."

"So that will not be a first for us." Peter went back to gazing out the window. "Despite Justin," he said under his breath.

"Do mean that Justin wanted you to..?" Lance shook his head. "Sorry, I'm prying. Never mind."

"I know how close you guys are. It was after Britney had left. Justin was so upset that he needed to feel physically that I still loved him. But his regret about the way he had treated me soon got the better of him. Justin wasn't asking for a slap to turn him on. He wanted to be punished for his actions. I couldn't do that."

"What did you do?"

"I made sure he felt my love for him. He soon realized that I had forgiven him without the pain."

"While you fucked his brains out."

"Lance!" Peter could help but chuckle. "Yeah, something like that."

"There's nothing like 'making up' sex. When I cum its like I'm purging the disagreement out of my body. Then the feeling of being together again is wonderful."

Peter looked at Lance. "And that's happened, what, once?"

Lance laughed. "JC and I have had our arguments not many but it does happen."

"I am so disillusioned."

Lance chuckled. "Live with it." As Lance watched the road the smile left his face.

"Don't worry, Lance. JC will get off on this."

"I hope so."

"When he sees how much you get turned on by how he looks, he will follow suit."

"I just never thought I'd be into leather."

"Lance," Peter lifted the bag. "Saying you're into leather with this is like doing a lap in your pool and saying you just swam the English Channel."

"Okay, I know that store was a real eye opener and this is nothing compared to that mannequin but still..."

"For you and JC it is a big deal," Peter finished. "I take it back."

"Peter, thank you for this."

"No problem. I was scared to death my first time in a sex store."

"Damn." Lance slapped the steering wheel. "I was going to buy JC his own butt plug."

Peter's eyebrow went up

"It was an anniversary present. JC got it through the Internet." Lance shrugged. "It doesn't matter. We don't use it much."

"Now you surprised me."

Lance sounded sarcastic. "I have JC."

"No, I mean that you have a butt plug."

"Well, you've got a toy, too. It was JC's idea." Lance sighed happily. "It was certainly different. I swear I vibrated for hours after."

"Yours vibrates!" Peter pouted. "Mine doesn't." Peter looked up and grinned. "Let's go back."

"Some other day. John is waiting."

Peter slumped back in his seat. "Damn." He laughed. "Just kidding. There is no replacement for Justin."

"The same goes for JC. I think that's why the butt plug rarely gets used."

Thoughts of Justin filled Peter's mind. Before he knew it, he had said his thoughts out loud. "I think I get more enjoyment out of seeing Justin's pleasure during sex than my own."

Lance reached over and patted Peter's knee. "You just said a mouthful."

Peter grinned. "I love doing that, too."

"I really get off on watching JC during sex. You and I are a lot alike. That's why I think you and Justin will be together for a long time. You pay attention to each other. That is a big plus in a relationship."

"I hope so."

Lance noticed a slight catch in Peter's voice. "Is something wrong?"

"No." Peter fought to keep his voice from cracking. "I guess I'm just flattered being compared to you, that's all. You and JC mean a lot to me."

"We know."

"You know that thing about Britney blaming Justin being BI on being around you and JC. I told JC that if being around you two had made me gay, I would be very proud of the fact. I mean that, Lance."

"That's really sweet, Peter." Now Lance had a catch in his voice. "But anymore sweet thoughts please hold off for a while." Lance blinked his eyes. "I have to see to drive."

Peter smiled at Lance. "You got it."

Now this house was huge. It looked more like a motel crossed with on office block.

"John lives here?"

"Yep," Lance parked the car. "He lives, sleeps, breathes and works here. His offices are here to."

"Work!" Peter exploded.

"What is it?"

"He never told me when I was supposed to show up for work. What if today was the day? I'm late on my first day."

Lance patted Peter's shoulder. "Don't worry. If today was your first day you would have known it. John makes sure everyone has a clear idea of what he wants and expects."

Peter relaxed. "I feel better now."

"Besides, how would you have got here? You don't have a car."

"I never thought of that."

"Come on, its almost time. I'll show you around afterward. Wait until you see the bowling alley."

"There's a Bowling alley?"

Lance grinned and led Peter into the house.

They walked into a large living room. All the furniture as padded for comfort. JC and Joey were sitting on one sofa while Chris was sprawled out on another.

"Oh oh," Chris said. "JC drives by himself and Lance shows up with Peter. Are you breaking them up already?"

Lance sneered. "We had a stop to make so JC drove separate."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I understand." Chris winked at Peter.

Peter shook his head. "Chris, if only my sex life was as active as your imagination."

Chris pouted. "You had to bring that up didn't you."

"What are you talking about?" Peter was confused.

Joey nodded toward Chris. "His sex life lately has only been in his imagination."

"I don't believe that for a second. You're just jealous."

"Ha! Me? Jealous? Just because you four can have sex at the drop of a pant's zipper. Or that you have sex without the time and effort of wining and dining someone. Or because you guys are asleep in the afterglow by the time I get a girl just to chat with me."

"Chris, stop that." Joey snapped. "Now you're getting me jealous."

Peter moved to Chris. "You should know that on the Internet it is rumored that you have one of those "For Faster Service-Please Take Number" outside your bedroom."

Chris brightened "Say, that's not a bad idea."

"No way," Joey laughed. "Chris would be pulling the numbers off himself just to make himself feel better."

"Like you're much better." Chris growled to Joey. "Our house hasn't known the smell of female perfume for months."

"If that's all you need I can come over." Peter joked.

Justin slapped Peter's shoulder. "Stop playing the fag." Justin got haughty. "Besides my perfume is more expensive than yours."

"Come on, Chris," Joey said. "We just got back from the tour. We haven't been clubbing once yet."

"Gees, Joey, don't call it that." JC added.

Peter held his hands up. "I can see Chris now like the caveman of old. Huge club in one hand and dragging a girl be the hair in the other."

Chris beamed. "That's a good idea, too."

Joey shook his head. "The idea is to pick a girl up not knock her down."

"How can you pick her up if she's not knocked down first?"

Joey covered his face. "Oh, god. It's too early for this."

Chris protested. "It's almost noon."

JC groaned "Any time is too early for this."

"Especially on an empty stomach," added Lance.

John entered the room. He glanced at the guys. "I see Chris is at it already."

"How did you know?" Chris sounded hurt.

John smiled. "You're the only one that can make Joey weep with despair."

Joey shook his shoulders like he was sobbing.

"Faker." Chris threw a pillow at him.

Joey pulled his hand away from his face and caught the pillow. "Nah."

John walked over with a pile of papers. "If we can manage a professional demeanor for a few minutes at least." John handed out papers to the guys.

Chris stuck his tongue out at Joey.

John rolled up the paper and hit Chris on the head. "I said professional." He handed the paper to Chris.

"This must be the overhead."

John ignored Chris. "This is the bottom line on the concert. How much we spent and how much we made."

Chris nodded. "Not bad. The extra is split up in the usual way?"

"Yes. With your share going to accident insurance as always."

Chris sneered. "Ha, ha. Very funny."

John continued. "On page two you will see the break down by date. Notice the increase halfway through the tour do to a certain news item."

Joey pointed to the paper in awe. "That increase was almost a quarter of the usual gross."

John beamed. "Thanks in part to Peter here."

Chris turned to Peter. "I'm really glad you work for us now."

John looked slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, about that."

They all looked at John. John looked sheepishly at Peter.

"I just spoke with my Human Resources person. I'm afraid she nixed my offer of a job for both financial reasons and there just isn't a position for you."

Peter's face fell. "I understand. I can still find a job somewhere else."

"Don't be too hasty yet." John added. "I wanted to run this by you first before I agreed to anything. But the Fan website has always been asked by fans what NSYNC is up to. Not just recording and appearances but very day in the life stuff." John looked at Peter. "So I thought that maybe you would like to be that person. You'll be there anyway. Plus it can also explain why you are always seen with the guys."

"But I'm not much of a writer."

"You don't have to be. Just write down what happens during the week and the Fan Club will edit it if necessary then put it on the website. The website has been very lax at getting out current news. The fans will love you for it."

"You mean like Joey chasing Chris with a croquet mallet and Chris jumping into the pool to escape him?"

"Yeah, that's perfect." John stopped. "They what?"

"You don't want to know." JC added.

John smiled at Peter. "How about it? You'll be working for the Fan Club plus you don't have to commute."

Peter shrugged. "I guess so. Sure. It just doesn't seem much like a job."

"Well, there are other duties like making the guys read their fan mail. You could also be the go between the guys and the Fan Club. One person would be better than the guys doing it each on their own."

Peter sat up. "Sure. I'll can do that."

"Great. I'll arrange a meeting with them to set the details."

Peter looked at Justin. "That makes flying out a lot easier on us."

John looked at Justin. "Us?"

Justin looked embarrassed. "Peter's flying back to be with his mother for some out patient stuff. I said I'd go along. I was going to tell you about it."

"How long?"

"Thursday through Sunday." Peter replied. "I'd like to stay for church."

Lance looked hopefully at JC. JC shook his head.

John turned to Justin. "Should I speak to security?"

"I doubt if they'll be needed." Justin said. "It's just from the airport to the hotel and back and forth to the hospital."

"Actually, we can stay at my mother's."

Justin was surprised. "I thought we had decided..."

"Mom's okay with it. I want to stay close just in case."

Justin was confused. Why had Peter changed his mind? Well, he'd find out later.

"So no bodyguards should be needed."

John looked doubtful. "Well, if you think so."

Justin nodded.

"Now to the other couple." John flipped some papers. He turned to JC and Lance. "The Advocate is very 'eager' to do the interview. I didn't give them any details but they sensed the reason for it. But we decided to hold off until the TV plans were finalized. That way there will be less chance of a leak. The scheduling people for Larry King have given a tentative date of two weeks from now. Again with no real details they were hesitant to bump anyone to later. So that's where we stand. Things are moving ahead." John put the papers down. "Any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Good." John smiled at Lance and JC. "How are you two doing?"

"Okay," JC said glancing at Lance.

Lance nodded in agreement.

"Plus we've cleared the first major hurdle." Lance added. "We've decided on where to hold the wedding."


All the guys were surprised. Peter included.

"My mom wants a big church do and JC's wants a simple ceremony." Lance squeezed JC's knee. "JC thought of a solution. Instead of a church, we'll be married at the arboretum. An outdoor ceremony should please both of them. Plus it has that amphitheater if it rains."

"That should be so beautiful." John said.

"Plus I like the idea of doing it in God's own natural church." Lance look lovingly at JC. "I hope all the others choices go that easily."

John looked at his watch. "Well, if there is nothing more, I have to get back to work."

They all stood up.

"Thanks, John. Next week as usual?"

"Yes. If I hear anything else I'll let you know."

"Come on, Peter." Lance took Peter's shoulder. "I'll show you around the Wright Estate."

Now Peter knew why the building was so huge. It housed John's company, rehearsal rooms and recording studio plus every sort of recreation: a putting green, a sand volleyball court and lake access with jet skis and paddle boats.

Peter stopped the tour at the dock. He fell to his knees and bowed to the dock. He stood up. "Another hallowed spot. I am so honored."

"Hallowed?" asked Lance.

"During the hobby section of 'In the Mix' isn't this were you and Joey stood with wetsuits?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"This is the place we fans got to see that wonderful bare Bass chest in motion."

Lance gave Peter a friendly push. "How pathetic. Come on. We haven't seen the fun part of the house."

"Face it, Lance. You're a sex symbol."

Peter smiled. Lance blushed.

There was a game room with video games and pinball, a Jacuzzi, weight room and, yes, a single lane bowling alley.

Peter was in awe. "This place has everything."

"This is the kind of place I want when I grow up." Chris said.

"If you grow up."

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Joey."

The three of them were watching TV. Lance was snuggled up against JC. Peter glanced up now and then from his crossword puzzle.

Lance sighed.

"Okay," JC sat up. "Let's go."

Lance looked innocent. "Where?"



"You know very well why. You've been sighing like a steam engine. If I wait any longer you won't be in the mood. You'll just be pissed at me for making you wait so long." JC took Lance's hand and pulled him to his feet. "This is important to you. I am not just being mean. Let's go."

"If you insist."

It was JC's turn to sigh. He shook his head.

As JC headed for the stairs Lance grabbed the bag from the sex shop. He turned back to Peter. Peter gave him the thumbs up sign.

"I hope it's more than just a thumb that's going to come up." Lance said excitedly.

They disappeared upstairs and Peter went back to watching TV.

JC was relieved by how small the bag was. Lance emptied the bag on the bed. Again JC was surprised. He was tempted to say 'Is that it?' but stopped himself.

Lance noticed JC's look. "It is too much?"

"No, not at all." JC looked at the few straps almost like belts and a few other smaller pieces. This wasn't what he expected. "It looks about right."

"Good, I am relieved. I didn't want to go overboard."

JC stood next to Lance. He put his arm around him. "So should I get undressed?"

"Just your shirt. Here, let me." When JC was shirtless Lance scanned the objects on the bed. He picked up a strap. "This first." Lance turned back to JC. "Give me your arm."

JC extended his arm toward Lance. Lance slid the black strap up JC's arm. He stopped at the middle of JC's bicep.

"There. Now the next one." A smaller strap went on JC's wrist. Next Lance did the same for JC's other arm. Then came a leather half glove with no fingers.

"Okay, now for the big piece. You okay, JC."

JC was feeling much better about this. "Bring it on." Then last piece Lance helped JC into crisscrossed JC's chest.

"Is this supposed to lift and separate?"

"Thanks, JC. I knew you'd joke."

"I'm sorry. These don't have any studs on them. They're just smooth leather."

"You know how much we love to hold each other close. No studs, no pain."

"What are the other pieces for?"

"For me." Lance said. "If you want me to."

"Lance, we share everything. Here let me."

JC helped Lance out of his shirt then adorned Lance with the leather pieces. Lance was already excited. JC could see the bulge in the front of Lance's pants. He was straining against the fabric.

"How do we look?"

Lance looked very emotional. "JC, you are hotter than I thought you'd be."

JC pulled Lance close. "You look hot, too."

"Let's see." Lance led them into the bathroom.

JC posed in the mirror. "You're right, not bad."

"JC, I want the full effect." Lance took of the rest of his clothes. JC followed him. They turned back to the mirror.

JC couldn't miss Lance's hardon pointing to the ceiling. He could almost see it throbbing already. Lance was really turned on by this.

JC had to ask. "How come nothing for the legs and neck?"

"I don't know. I guess I don't see them much anyway. And you always have leather around your neck." Lance pointed at JC's lion necklace he was never without.

"I never thought of it as leather. But I guess your right."

Lance drew close. "See how the strap on your arm sets off the curve of your muscle. The one at the wrist sets off the rest of your arm." Lance ran his hands over the straps on JC's chest.

"This shows off your chest, your nipples, your ABS and your beautiful neck."

JC felt his hard on rub against Lance's leg. He had to admit it he was getting into this.

"What's this?" JC held up a small strap of leather Lance had placed on the counter. It had snaps along it. "It's too large for the fingers and too small for an arm or a leg."

Lance took it from him. "It's just right for one other appendage." Lance kissed JC. "The one that keeps us intimately connected. It's a cock ring."

"But isn't that made for keeping it up. I don't need that."

Lance quickly brushed JC's cheek. "I know that. But it has given me such pleasure that I thought it needed adornment." Lance kissed JC's cheek. "May I?"

JC had little time to respond.

Lance went to his knees. His hand took hold of JC's cock and his mouth engulfed the hardening shaft.

"Oh, Lance."

All day Lance had waited for this. For longer than that Lance's mind had imagined this moment. Now JC was indulging his fantasy. JC looked so hot. Lance's blood pounded in his veins. No set plans this time. Lance looked up at JC. The small bands of leather stood out against JC's skin. Lance felt a need swell inside of him. He wanted JC's cock inside of him, inside his mouth and ass. He wanted to feel it repeatedly entering him. Then the sight of JC in ecstasy, images of cocks erupting, cum flying everywhere and JC's beautiful face flushed with pleasure. Lance put his usual demeanor aside. He gave himself totally to his lust.

JC found to hard to stand still. Lance's attack, and that was the only word he could think of, on his cock was almost forceful. Lance swallowed JC's cock with such speed it was staggering. Down and up along the stiff shaft with just a slight gasp for air. JC was at first turned on by Lance's new enthusiasm. But soon it became too alarming. Finally JC pushed back hard against Lance.

Lance sat back on the floor gasping.

"Lance, please. You're supposed to put that thing on my cock. At the rate you were going you could have snapped it off and then where would you put it?"

Lance relaxed. "I'm sorry. I just got so caught up."

JC smiled. "So how does it go on?"

Lance wrapped the strip around the base of JC's cock. One snap was too loose, so Lance tightened it to the next. He snapped it in place. "There."

"That is different." JC wiggled his hips. His hard cock swung in the air.

Lance licked his lips. "JC, I just have to." He leaned toward JC's cock.

JC's hand stopped him. "Just take it easy."

Lance grinned nodding. He wrapped his lips over JC's throbbing shaft and slid them down the length of it. Lance heard JC gasp. Slower this time he pulled back. Lance's mouth felt so empty without JC's cock in it. He swallowed it again. Then he slowly began to quicken his speed.

But Lance began to feel a difference from his lips and tongue. He pulled off to stroke JC's cock. Glancing down he saw the veins standing out from the shaft. JC's cock seemed to throb and get bigger and fatter.

"JC, look at you."

JC grew alarmed. "I won't burst anything will I?"

"No," Lance said. "I didn't do it so tight." Lance stood up. "Please, JC. I know we don't usually do it now, but I want you inside me."

JC was about to protest but he saw not only Lance's green eyes but the lust inside them. This was Lance's fantasy after all.

"To the bed?"

"No," Lance said. "Here in front of the mirror. I want to see you, us."

JC quickly went into the bedroom and came back with the lube. He applied the lube to Lance and Lance's whole body trembled.

"Please, JC, hurry. I need you so bad."

Soon JC slid his cock completely into Lance.

Lance's head snapped back. "Yes!" Lance's hands reach around and pulled JC to him.

JC quickly gave up the slow strokes. Lance was now given over to the lust. JC thrust hard into Lance.

"Yes, JC. Give it to me."

JC grabbed Lance's hips and pulled Lance back onto his cock as his thrust into him.

Lance tried to concentrate on the images in the mirror but this was feeling so good. JC's cock slammed into him. JC's image swam in his sight. That wonderful body crisscrossed in black. JC's chest muscles and his nipples stood out between them. The muscles in JC's arms were highlight by the straps. JC looked like the hot man he was and Lance wanted that man to fuck the hell out of him.

"Hard, JC. That's it. Fuck me."

JC's hand couldn't get a firm grip on Lance's sides. Then JC got the idea. He reached across Lance's back and took hold of the join where the leather strips crossed. Like holding onto the reins JC pull Lance back onto his cock.

The leather straps pulled tight against Lance's chest. This adding to the pummeling his ass was getting only served to heighten the feelings ripping through Lance.

JC was so caught up now in the fantasy. Lance was loving what JC was giving and wanting even more. They were sort of a reverse bucking bronco JC's thought.

"Fuck me, JC. Don't stop. That's it."

JC leaned close to Lance. The heat from their bodies excited them.

Suddenly Lance's body shook.

"Oh, god, JC. I..." His body shuddered again. "I'm sorry, JC but I'm..." Lance gave out a loud throaty groan. His body thudded against JC then fell to the counter.

"Oh, fuck!"

Lance looked like he was having a seizure. JC was starting to get worried.

"Oh, JC, I'm..."Lance's body rocked. "Cum..." It pinched off into another groan.

JC realized that Lance was cumming. His body shook like nothing JC had seen before.

Lance collapsed on the counter breathing hard. JC leaned down and took Lance into his arms.

"Are you all right?"

After a few moments Lance found his voice. "Yes, JC. I'm sorry. I got so caught up in the moment. I didn't know I was going to cum. It just hit me all of a sudden." He stood up and turned to JC. "Now it's your turn."

Lance took a step and his legs bucked. JC caught him.

"Maybe we should go to the bed?"

"Sure, JC. It would be easier on me."

JC helped Lance to the bedroom. "Easier on you? I had to do all the thrusting you know."

Lance raised a hand to caress JC's cheek. "And you did a fine job of it. I'm the proof."

JC set Lance on the bed. "Do you need to rest?"

Lance stretched out. "A bit. You probably could, too. Lay beside me."

JC lay next to Lance. JC remembered. "Oh, the lube."

He was gone and back in a flash. Lance took some lube on his hand. He slowly began to stroke JC.

"You look so hot, JC."

"I have to admit," JC leaned down close. "Once you explained it. So do you."

They kissed for a few moments as Lance continued to stroke JC. They pulled back.

"Thank you for this, JC."

"Variety is the spice of life."

They kissed again. Still Lance stroked JC. They pulled back. Lance just looked into JC's eyes as he stroked him. Lance twisted his hand.

JC's eyes closed. "That's so good, Lance," JC gasped.

"Do you see how big you've gotten?"

JC looked down. His cock did look larger. "It's just the veins."

"Does it feel any different?"

"Yeah, it seems a little more sensitive."

Lance grinned. "Good." He rolled onto his back and lifted his legs. "Finish it, JC. I want you to cum in me."

JC moved between Lance's legs and slid his cock to its hilt into Lance.

"Damn, JC. I love your cock."

JC was taking it slow this time but Lance didn't mind. Now that the first rush of lust was past he could watch JC looking so hot and doing his ass good. Lance ran his hands up JC's arms. He traced the strap of leather with his fingers. Then he moved to JC's side. Again his fingers traced the lines of leather until they met. Lance caressed JC's chest and rubbed his nipples. A wave of pleasure washed through JC.

"Oh, Lance."

JC smiled down at Lance. Usually they kept eye contact, but Lance's eyes were following the leather straps JC wore. Lance whimpered as JC pushed his cock deep into Lance's insides.

Their eyes met.

"You like this?"

"God, yes, JC. It's a fantasy come true."

JC thrust into Lance harder. Lance's body trembled. The whimpers grew louder. "Oh, that feels so good. Don't stop."

JC swiveled his hips. Lance gasped and locked his arms around JC's neck.

"Yeah, right there. JC, that's it"

Oh, the feelings surging through Lance. JC was fucking him better than ever. The pleasure washed through his body as the minutes passed.

Lance felt the need to kiss but JC had JC's eyes closed in pure bliss.

JC felt a hand take hold of the straps crossing his chest. He was pulled down to Lance. Lance locked his lips on JC's. After a moment Lance let JC go.

Lance grinned. "These straps come in handy."

JC felt that he could last only a short time longer.

"Lance, I'm getting close."

"Then head for home."

JC spend up the rhythm. Lance's whimpers grew into cries.

"Yes, JC. Yes, JC. Do it!"

Their two bodies thudded together. JC's passion was growing.

"Harder, JC."

JC grabbed hold of the straps of Lance's chest piece.

Even though it didn't help in JC's thrusts into Lance. To Lance it felt like they did. Lance felt the first stirrings of his climax.

"I going to pop, Lance!"

JC arched his body back and slammed one last time into Lance. "Oh, fuck!" The climax ripped through JC. Each pulse and contraction of his cock sent a jolt through his body. JC felt Lance's ass contract. Another jolt burst through him. He bent forward. As his own climax abated he heard Lance's growing cry.

"Yes! Oh, yes!"

Lance's hand jerked his cock as streams of white shot from it through the air and onto his stomach and chest. The second shot arced and hit Lance on the face. His body curled and twisted. He rolled about on the bed. Then the surges faded. Lance lay still still breathing hard.

JC looked down at Lance. His face was full flushed with pleasure. Lance opened his eyes. Their eyes met. As one they burst out laughing. JC lay down beside Lance. He felt Lance's hand on his face.

"Thank you, JC. That was fantastic."

"No, thank you, Lance. I have never seen you so into it before. You brought me along with you."

Lance almost said 'That's what Peter said.' Instead his kissed JC.

"Can we do this tomorrow night?" asked JC.


"Well, it is your fantasy, but..."

Lance was quiet for a moment thinking.

"Or is this like the butt plug." JC brushed back Lance's hair. "Wonderful the first time but then less the next."

Lance smiled. "I don't know. We'll have to see."

"Lance, I realized I like these chest straps."

"Because they make the chest so sexy?"


"Because you can hold on and really give it to me?"

"No. It's a pirate thing."

"A pirate thing?"

"You know. 'X' marks the spot."

"JC, you lost me."

"Lance," JC pressed at where the two straps crossed. "The most precious treasure lies under these X's."

Lance still didn't get the connection.

"They both are over our hearts. That's where our love is."

Lance felt the tears start. "Oh, Josh."

They kissed. Holding onto each other with passion. Soon they parted. They lay side by side.

There was silence for a minute.


"You cannot wear these on our wedding day."

"But I like the symbolism."

"No, Lance. It would be, ah, distracting." JC said firmly.

"On our wedding night?"

"Lance, that night you could wear almost anything." JC gave Lance a quick kiss. "I love you, Lance."

Lance cuddled close. "JC, I love you so much."

End part 30

Well, it looks like we've come to the end of other one. But before we go I'd like to thank you for... reading. For those of you who are interested in comparing, Justin's seduction was in Part 9. (Damn, that was a long time ago and many, many words under the bridge.) Then I have to thank you readers again. It wouldn't have gone on this long without you. (Kissy, kissy, pour vous from moi.)

As always I can be reached at As I said before support your local writers (and I mean ALL of them on Nifty and beyond). Let them hear from you. Until they can allow us hear your reactions when you read we are at a loss. Nothing is as wonderful as laughter but I can hear it and there's nothing I can do about that.

On to part 31

Next: Chapter 31

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