Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Dec 10, 2002


Here we go on Part 32.

This is a bit long so, ah, if you excuse the expression, straight to the story.

This is a story of complete fiction. It does NOT mean to detail the real lives or sexual orientation of NYSNC and other characters based on famous people. So DON'T believe a word of it! There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage or such things offend you stop reading now. On we go:

Lance stood listening to the music coming from behind the door. After a while he knocked.

The music stopped. "Come in."

Lance entered the room. "How is it going?"

"Fine." JC replied. "Almost done with the chorus."

"Sounds good."

JC tried to look stern. "You were listening?"

"You control what happens inside this room. I can't help it if things leak out."

JC turned away to keep Lance from seeing him smile. It was really just a game that this was his realm. But they had fun playing at it.

"That was Justin on the phone just now."

"Everything going well?"

"Yep, Peter's mother came through the surgery just fine. She's at home recovering. The only side effects are that Justin is in great agony from blue balls."

JC laughed. "I don't doubt it. Why they wanted to stay at her house is beyond me. A whole weekend without sex. What was Peter thinking?"

"We know very much what Peter was thinking."

JC looked up. "Any problems?"

"He didn't say. Justin just said they'd have quite the tale to tell when they got back."

"And Justin and Peter's mom?"

"Most of her doubts have been relieved. Oh, and Justin met Peter's father."

"My god, he's a military man isn't he?"

"Yeah, Justin says they are under an uneasy truce." Lance rubbed JC's shoulders.

"Oh, that feels good."

"You always get so tense when you're writing." He continued to work on JC's neck and shoulders. "They'll be leaving tomorrow. But they'll have time for lunch," Lance paused, "and church."

JC put his hand on Lance's. "I know. I'd have liked to visited it again, too."

Lance shrugged. "Oh, well. Peter did say he would talk to his minister to see if he knew of anyone in Orlando who would perform our wedding." Lance fell silent.

"Lance, are you nervous?"

"Anxious is more like it."

"Not the wedding?"

Lance smiled. "No, our coming out interview. One more week."

JC patted Lance's hand. "It will be okay. You'll see."

"I know. When I get worried I always have this." Lance held out a three- ring binder. "Peter put it together for us." He handed it to JC.

"What is in it?"

"Fan letters from gay fans."

JC paged through the papers.

"Some are very touching. Some are just 'I like your music and I am gay'. It strengthens my resolve." Lance knelt next to JC. "We could do so much for those gay kids. "

JC put his arm around Lance. "That's my big hearted lover." JC kissed Lance's forehead.

Lance stood up. "I'd better get lunch ready." He left.

JC paged through the binder again. He smiled shaking his head. The things that Peter thought of. JC put the binder down and turned back to the keyboard.

But he found he couldn't concentrate. A thought kept going through his mind. Was it really worth the time and effort? But there wasn't much time to think it over. Damn it, Josh, be spontaneous! JC grabbed his cell phone.

"JC, lunch is ready!"

JC soon came into the kitchen.

Lance turned from the stove holding two plates. "Do you want the leftover spaghetti or the leftover chow mein?"

JC just smirked at Lance.

"Okay, the spaghetti it is." He started to put the plate on the table.


"Just kidding." He switched the plates. "I'm amazed that we even had some chow mein left over."

"We ordered extra egg rolls. That's what did it." JC started to sit down.

"JC, could you get the milk?"

"Sure." JC crossed to the fridge and opened the door.

In front of the milk looking very out of place was a small wrapped package with a bow. JC picked it up.

"What's this?"

Lance couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice. "It's for you. A present."

In fun JC twisted his face into a puzzled expression. "It's not my birthday. Christmas is a long way off. What could this be for?"

"Come on, JC. Open it."

"It was by the milk. It must be from the milkman. How sweet, I didn't know he had feelings for me."

"It's from me. Now open it."

JC held it to his ear and shook it. "It doesn't rattle."

"JC, please!"

JC relented. "Okay, Lance." He pulled off the ribbon and bow.

Lance was barely holding his emotions in as JC removed the wrapping from the box. JC took off the lid. His eyes met Lance's.

"Lance, what did you do?" JC took out a black felt jewelry box. The small size for rings. "We were going to pick out our wedding rings together."

"It's not that, JC. I just thought why should I be the only one with a ring? We're both engaged."

"In the tradition of engagements and weddings..."

"Ah-ah," Lance interrupted waving his finger. "This is not going to be a traditional wedding. Open it."

JC swung the lid open.

Lance watched for any expression on JC's face. Surprise was the first thing that came across JC's face.

"Oh, Lance." JC paused. "It's perfect." He pulled the ring from the box. Instead of a jewel it had a picture carved on the top of the ring.

Lance was delighted. "It's called a cameo ring." Lance scooted closer. "Do you recognize it?"

JC smirked. "Of course I do." His hand went to his neck. "It's a copy of my necklace. How did you get a copy? I never take it off."

"It wasn't easy, let me tell you. They gave me some special putty and I made a mold of it while you were asleep. You like?"

JC took Lance into his arms. "Yes, Lance. Thank you."

"Its not designed for your ring finger so you can wear it with your wedding ring."

"You think of everything." JC kissed Lance. When he pulled back Lance had a grin on his face.

"Put it on."

JC slid the ring on his finger. "Looks good doesn't it."

"You can give me a thorough 'thank you' after lunch." Lance wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, Lance. There won't be time."

Lance's face fell.

"But if you can wait until we get to the hotel."

Lance grinned. "You're taking me to a hotel because of the ring? Here is good enough."

"It's not because of the ring, Lance. I arranged for the room before that."

"Oh. Why are we going to a hotel?"

"Justin said that Peter will be getting a ritual send off at church."

"Really? Justin didn't tell me that. Wait a minute, when did you talk to Justin?"

"A few minutes ago."

"I didn't hear the phone."

"I called him."

"Oh." Lance was getting confused. "Why?"

"So he knows to pick us up."

"JC, we're supposed to pick them up at the airport tomorrow not vice versa." Lance sat down in the chair. "JC, you're confusing me."

"Okay, I'll backtrack. I just booked us two airline tickets and a hotel room for tonight."

"Why?" Lance said in a confused squeak.

"Because, Lance, tomorrow we're going to church."

Lance looked blankly.

"Come on, Lance. You said you wanted to go. I'm being spontaneous. We're going to join Justin and Peter at his church."

The reality dawned. Lance launched himself at JC. "Oh, JC, thank you." Suddenly he stopped hugging and kissing JC. "We're flying out just to go to church? Isn't that a little extravagant?"

JC grinned. "Sure."

"And who's going to take us to the airport at such short notice?"

"We'll drive. That way we can bring Peter and Justin back with us."

"Do you know how much parking at the airport costs?"

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "I'm being spontaneous. Don't spoil it. You were dying to go a few hours ago."

"I know, but..."

"Besides we get to surprise the hell out of Peter."

Lance smiled. "He's going to church. He better not have any hell in him."

JC groaned. "Oh, Lance."

Suddenly a spark of an idea hit Lance. "Let's see if we can really surprise Peter." He started out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"To make a phone call. It's a long shot but I want to try."

"But lunch is getting cold."

"Nuke it. This won't take long."

JC sat down and grabbed his fork. What had he started?

Justin had to smile. Peter seemed to get taller as they approached the stadium's ticket window. Peter flashed his old security card. The woman instantly recognized Justin. She buzzed them in.

Peter held the door for Justin. "After you."

"Do you have to enjoy this so much?" Justin walked through the door.

Peter looked around him. "Damn, this brings back memories."

Justin was afraid of what memories might come back to Peter.

Peter flashed his card again for the guard in the lobby.

The guard reached for the phone. "I'll tell him your here."

Peter raised his hand. "Don't bother. We know the way." He ushered Justin through the door to the offices.

Justin leaned close. "Don't lose yourself in the part. I'm the one with the ego, remember?"

"But I feel so important, Justin Timberlake's personal bodyguard."

They approached the secretary.

She smiled. "Mr. Timberlake, Craig is expecting you. Go right in."

Peter followed Justin to the door. The secretary gave Peter a cold look. So much for feeling important.

"I'm with him." Peter followed Justin into the office.

"Mr. Timberlake, this is a surprise. What brings you here?"

"He did." Justin stepped from in front of Peter.

Craig's eyes went wide. "Peter! I should have known." He left his desk and swept Peter into a hug. "Its good to see you again. How have you been?"

"Good. Still settling in but I'm getting there."

Craig looked from Peter to Justin. "You two finally hooked up?"

"Yes," Peter smiled. "Thanks to you."


"Well, the stadium actually. That settlement gave me enough money to go with Justin."

Justin extended his hand to Craig. "Then I thank you, too. Big time."

Craig shook Justin's hand. "I'm glad it worked out. Please, sit down."

"We're just stopping by." Peter said. "I'm in town on family matters. We're flying back to Florida tomorrow. There's another person I'd like to see."

Craig grinned. "Little Hoover will like that. I'll have him paged."

"That's okay," Peter interrupted. "We'll find him. May we look around?"

"Sure. It's a big place. You sure you don't want him paged?"

"No." Peter smiled. "Actually, he will probably find us."

Craig nodded. "Now that I will believe." Craig shook Peter's hand. "It was nice to see you again. I hope you and Justin will be happy together for a long time."

"So do I." Justin winked at Peter. They started to leave.

"Oh, by the way," Peter seemed a little nervous. "Any news on Bill?"

"He's serving 2 to 3 years. His father was fined and was almost booted out of the union. He was reassigned to warehouse duty."

"2 to 3 years?" Peter sounded surprised.

"More charges were filed against Bill after yours. Bill's past caught up with him."

Peter just nodded.

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. Maybe this was a bad idea. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Craig. We'd better get going."

"Little Hoover?" Justin asked when they left the office.

Peter blushed slightly. "It's Hugh's nickname. It's sort of demeaning but Hugh doesn't mind." Peter fell silent.

They walked down the hall in silence.

"Relax, Peter, I know about you and Hugh."

Peter's head snapped up.

"Lance and JC let it slip when we were coming up with ideas on how to get you laid." Justin smiled. "Its all right. It was before we were even good friends. Besides I'm sure he was way better than I was."

"Not anymore." Peter shifted slightly and bumped into Justin's shoulder knocking him of balance. "You've improved a lot."

Justin took his turn and bumped into Peter. "I'm glad all the hard work paid off."

"I enjoy it." Peter bumped Justin back.

"I never thought I hear me say this but so do I." Justin geared up for a big push. Peter stopped. Justin missed him and thudded against the wall. Justin rubbed his shoulder. "You bitch." Justin grew serious.

Peter just stood there staring. He looked a little pale. Justin turned to see what had disturbed Peter. It was a door to a locker room.

Peter reached for the handle. Justin stopped him.

"Peter, don't go in there."

"I've never been back." Peter tried to give Justin a reassuring smile. "I just want to see."

Justin stepped back. Peter entered the locker room and Justin followed. They walked to the banks of lockers.

Peter glance around. "I thought the distance to the door was greater than that."

"Of course you did. It was your way out."

Peter's stride slowed as they got about halfway. He stopped and turned to the lockers.

Peter's voice broke. "It happened right here."

"Maybe we should leave."

"No. Please, Justin."

Justin stood close to Peter. "If it would help, you never told me what happened."

"I was looking for Craig. I had started to leave and had just crossed this gap in the lockers when Bill grabbed me from behind. Suddenly I was face first into the lockers. He turned me around to face him. He slapped me when I tried to yell. Twice, I think."

Justin's guts knotted inside him at the thought of someone causing Peter pain. He felt both care and anger.

Peter went on. "He kidded me that NSYNC was rehearsing so no one would hear me. But I knew there would be more people about. I totally went limp. I exaggerated my whimpering and cowered before him. He let go of me and I sank to the floor in a ball. He kicked me twice. I pretended to be sobbing. And then he said it. "Some bodyguard! I bet they use your body more than you guard theirs. You're those five fags little whore.""

Justin noticed a twinge of anger in Peter's voice.

"That did it. "Don't call my friends fags!" I punched him in the balls as hard as I could then pushed him so he fell back over the bench and took off running." Peter pointed. "That way."

"But the door was that way."

"I soon found that out. Bill then blocked my way. I raised my hand in a feeble gesture and with all of the will at my disposal told his to stay away from me. He flew backwards and smashed into the sports equipment and I took off running for my life."

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You made it."

"At the time I didn't think I would. In my panic I could have swore Bill was inches behind me. Then I turned the corner and ran smack into Lonnie. I never thought I would be so pleased to see anyone. Lonnie sent two other men to the locker room then he just held me as I sobbed in his arms. The last time I saw Bill was when they led him off still hurling threats at me."

Justin pulled Peter into a hug. "I am so sorry that it happened."

"No, Justin. That is what started it all."

"Started what?"

"All my life I was teased and verbally and physically assaulted. Even by my own brother. But when Bill called you 'fags' something in me snapped. For the first time in my life I fought back."

Justin saw the tears forming in Peter's eyes but Peter looked proud. "This 'sissy boy, this 'fag' did what no one ever thought he would do. But I wasn't standing up just for me. I grew up used to being called a fag. You didn't. I didn't want you to know what that was like."

Justin kept his hand on Peter's shoulder. "NSYNC has been called all sort of things and believe me 'fags' is just a part of that. But to have you fight back for us is an honor."

Peter suddenly smiled. "You know, I just remembered the look on Bill's face after I punched him in the joy department. It was too precious."

"And your brother's look went he found himself on the lawn." Justin laughed. "You've learned that you will fight back when needed. Just like you showed Lance."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "But the one thing I remember most after the attack was you. Suddenly everywhere I turned you were there by my side supporting me. Why?"

"I'd never known anyone who was gay bashed before. Maybe I was thinking it could have been Lance or JC. Maybe I was thinking of my younger brothers Jonathan and Steven. I want them to grow up in a world free from such hatred." Justin paused. He took Peter's shoulder. "And I couldn't stand to see you hurting. You were having such fun with us. I didn't want you to run home. I wanted you to stay with us. And maybe a little bit, stay with me."

"I'm glad I did."

"So do I." They kissed.

Justin pulled back. "Peter, let's do it."

"Here? Now?"

"Why not? No ones around."

"Justin, you forget I was accused of coming here for sex in the first place. I'd rather leave that alone."

"You're no fun."

"Come on." Peter led the way to the door. He ushered Justin into the hall. "We still have someone to find."

"Looking for someone? Found someone you have. Hm."


Justin jumped at Hugh's sudden appearance. Peter took Hugh into a hug.

"It's good to see you again." Hugh said. "I sensed that you were here."

Peter pulled back. "You know Justin?"

"Of course." Hugh gave Justin a hug. "I'm so glad that you two are together. You're so good for each other." Hugh turned to Peter. "Anything I could do for you?"

"Nope. Just a friendly visit. It may be my last time in town for a while so I wanted to check in."

"And reminisce about the old times?" Hugh nodded toward the locker room door.

"I wanted to see the spot again. I hadn't seen it since."

"I see." Hugh gave Peter's aura the once over. "No harm in that."

"Besides," Justin added. "Peter said that attack was the start of his new life."

Hugh smiled. "I agree. And you like this new life?"

Peter beamed. "Yes, Hugh. I had never dreamed it possible."

"That's good." Hugh replied. "I like to see people happy. But, Peter, you are bothered about something."

Of course, Hugh would know. Peter hesitated. "The last few times I've used my, ah, abilities I wonder if what I did was right."

"How can you say that?" Justin spat. "Okay, he was your brother but..."

"Not just that, Justin. Getting that videotape back for Joey."

"She was blackmailing him for sex!"

"I know that. I'm glad we got it back. But we moved things to make her think that there were ghosts in her room."

Hugh looked very stern. "You did that with your powers?"

Peter nodded. "Chris, Lance and JC helped." Peter looked sheepishly at Hugh.

"Tsk, tsk." Hugh shook his head. "This is very serious." Hugh frowned. "I wish I could have seen the look on her face." Hugh burst out laughing.

Peter was surprised. "Hugh!"

Hugh put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Peter, just because you are questioning what you did suggests that you did nothing wrong."

"That's what Chris told him." Justin added.

Hugh continued. "Peter, when you are out of your body have you ever caused anybody harm? I mean physical harm."

"No. Besides I could never do that."

"See. There are things that you can't do in an astral state. For the other times trust yourself. All the people around you do."

Peter felt relieved. "Thanks, Hugh."

"No problem. Now." He gestured at a closed concession window. "Are you hungry? How about an ice cream sandwich? My treat."

Peter grinned. "Sorry, Hugh. I'll wait until we get home." Peter winked. "We'd better get going. It was nice seeing you again." Peter hugged Hugh. "If you ever decide to visit Orlando let me know."

A dark cloud passed behind Hugh's eyes. There was something in Peter's future that caused a strange foreboding. In a flash it was passed. Hugh turned on his smile.

"I might just do that."

Peter stood back. He saw a drinking fountain. "Excuse me. I'm a little thirsty." Peter headed off.

Justin turned to Hugh. "I want to thank you, Hugh."

"For what?"

"Being his first. It made it a little easier when it came to be my turn. Not that my time was easy."

Hugh chuckled. "Peter had a lot of baggage. You and your friends helped him through."

"He did some himself."

"Justin," Hugh sounded serious. "You have a deep love for each other. Each of you will be there for the other when you are needed most. Trust that always."

Justin just nodded.

Hugh's smiled returned. "And someday you too will learn to project."

Justin shook his head. "Nah, I'll never..."

"Because you don't believe you can do it. Your thoughts are more of the body than of the mind. But you will. You'll see."

Peter joined them. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"No." Hugh said. "Just giving Justin a pep talk."

Justin shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Come on. We should be going."

"Bye, Hugh." Peter waved. "See you soon."

Hugh waved as they disappeared down the hall. "Not, too soon. I hope."

JC sat with Lance on the couch.

It was after dinner and Lance was flipping through the TV channels. Nothing held his interest. He gave a big sigh.


"Sorry, JC. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow. The time just won't go fast enough."

"Maybe I can help." JC stood up. "Stay here while I change."

JC went into the bedroom.

"Are we going out? JC, I didn't bring a change of clothes for clubbing. Besides we don't know any bars here."

Lance walked into the bedroom as the bathroom door closed.

"JC, do you think this is a good idea?"

There was a mumbled answer from behind the door.

Lance shrugged and returned to the main room.

After a few minutes JC emerged. Lance fought back the urge to gasp. JC was clothed in a tight fitting shirt and his pair of tight leather pants. Damn, just the sight of those pants made Lance hot. Lance's eye was drawn to the front of the pants. The fly was open. Lance could see... Flesh? JC wasn't wearing his shorts.

"JC, do up your zipper. You're practically advertising."

"Oh, really?" JC turned his back to Lance and fumbled with the front of his pants.

Lance was confused. "Didn't the crotch rip out of that pair of pants?"

"Good memory."

Lance looked stern. "Then you are not going out in those!"

"Who said anything about going out?" JC still with his back to Lance bent over to tie his shoes. Then Lance noticed JC wasn't wearing shoes.

The pants were split all right. As JC bent lower the gap in the leather widened until JC's white round ass cheeks peeked through.

Lance felt his cock throb. His pants were getting uncomfortably tight.

JC bent lower. His ass pushed tighter against the leather. JC had widened the split. He wanted his ass to show. This show was for Lance.

The two ass cheeks pressed together. They looked so round and totally hot. Lance was so turned on by what he saw. "Fuck, JC!"

JC didn't stand up. He just looked over his shoulder. "That's what I had in mind."


JC stood up and went to Lance. "After the other night I had this idea. I wanted to wait for later but after you gave me the ring I wanted it to be now. This is for you, Lance." JC pulled off his shirt.

Lance gaped. JC was wearing the leather straps over his biceps and wrists. "You like?"

Lance adjusted himself. "Oh, JC. You look so sexy." Lance paused. "Not the chest straps?"

"We only had carry-on luggage. The buckles would have set off the airport scanners. I'm sorry."

Lance licked his lips. "Don't be. This is getting me so turned on!"

"Let me help you get comfortable."

Lance stopped him. "No, please." Lance was so excited JC's mere touch might make himself loose it. Lance was out of his clothes in a flash. Soon he had JC by the neck kissing him for all he was worth.

"So hot, JC." Lance panted between kisses. "So hot." Lance finally pulled back. He gaze slid down JC's body to the tight leather encasing his legs. JC's hard cock stuck out from the front of the pants.

"Do what you want, Lance. This is for you. All that I ask is that you end by fucking me."

"Oh, yes, JC." Lance reached down to stroke JC's cock. "I will. I...Damn!" Lance couldn't wait any longer. He fell to his knees and buried his face in JC's crotch.

JC let out a gasp as his cock plunged into Lance's throat on the first swallow. Whatever JC's opinion of leather was, he couldn't argue how it effected Lance. And, damn, JC loved being taken along for the ride.

After the first enthusiastic moments of sucking, Lance slowed down mainly because he didn't want either of them to cum too soon. While he sucked JC's cock Lance ran his hands over JC's leather encased ass then up and down the legs. Lance could smell the leather as he buried his nose in JC's crotch. It took several minutes before he noticed something. He let his hand take to stroking JC's cock.

"There's no zipper."

"I cut it out." JC grinned. "Less painful that way."

Lance stood up so they could kiss.

He kept stroking JC. "So you did think about this."

"Yes, you enjoyed yourself so much the last time. And besides you look hot in leather pants, too."

Lance grinned. "Can we switch when we get home?" He eyes were eager.

"You want to destroy a perfectly good pair of leather pants?"

Lance kissed JC's face. "Its only money and it is for you. Let's be extravagant!"

JC just laughed. "All right, Lance. We can switch."

"Thank you." Lance kissed JC. Their tongues wrestling together. Lance pulled back.

"Damn." Lance was back on his knees. He couldn't get enough of sucking JC.

Fucking may seem more intimate but in cock sucking Lance was in complete control. He'd press his lips harder to the shaft going down. Then rake his tongue along the underside of shaft going up and swirl his tongue over the mushroom head.

JC rested his hands on Lance's head. Lance knew what made JC feel good and Lance was hitting all the right spots. The way Lance was going JC couldn't holdout much longer.

Then Lance's body twitched. "Oh, fu..." JC's cock in his mouth muffled Lance's cry. He tried to keep up the steady rhythm but couldn't. JC looked down to see the sprays of cum on the carpet.

Lance sat back panting. "I'm sorry, JC. This was just too hot."

JC pulled Lance up to him. "I wanted to make you happy. It worked."

"Let me finish you off." Lance started back down.

"No, Lance." JC leaned close and whispered in Lance's ear. "I want to cum with you inside me."

"I just need time to recover."

"Oh, I'll get you hard again." JC sat Lance on the couch. JC then moved a little ways away.

Lance was puzzled. Then JC started to swivel his hips. Lance watch as JC started to dance seductively in front of him a thrust of the hips here and a slow roll of the hips there. JC turned around, bent over and moved his ass in slow circles. The leather clinging to its supple roundness. Lance was soon gaping watching JC gyrate his body.

JC had never done this before. He just didn't think he could dance sexy. But the transfixed stare from Lance told him otherwise. JC glanced at Lance's crotch. Lance's cock was already twitching beginning it's upward swing. This turned JC on all the more.

JC dropped to the floor supporting himself on his hands. He arched his back. JC remembered 'Digital Getdown' and gave a few hip thrusts toward the floor. JC made licking movements in the air with his tongue. Lance let out a pleading little whimper.

JC lay on the floor on his stomach and caressed his ass with his hands. He rolled his hips back and forth.

"You like what you see?" asked JC.

"Oh, god, yeah. JC."

JC got off the floor. He kept dancing and moved closer in front of Lance. The movement of his hips made JC's hard cock to bob and sway. Like a cat playing with string, Lance's eyes followed the cock.

JC turned around again and bent over. He could hear Lance panting.

"Do you want this, Lance?"

"Yes, JC."

JC parted his cheeks. "I want you to fuck me."

Lance eyed JC's puckered opening. He licked his lips.

JC move backwards to Lance. He sat on Lance's lap then backed up until he could feel Lance's hard cock against his ass. JC ground his ass against Lance's crotch.

"Oh, god, JC. This is so hot." Lance gasped.

JC realized that he was pushing Lance too far. It didn't matter. This was too hot to stop.

JC moved his hips back and forward. Lance watched his cock slide along JC's ass crack. He let out loud little whimpers. They had never done this before and they both were so turned on. Lance didn't want to cum again, but JC wasn't giving him an option. Lance gave in and let the passion rush through him.

"JC, you're going to make me cum."

JC pressed back harder. "Good. Cum on my leather clad ass."

Lance's arms wrapped around JC pulling JC back against himself as close as he could.

"Fuck, JC, I'm..." Lance let out a shuddered moan of ecstasy.

JC felt Lance's cock throbbing as it pumped it's hot cum onto his back and ass. Lance's hot breath panting against his neck. Lance soon relaxed.

"Damn, JC. That was so hot."

JC stood up. "The show's not over yet." JC continue with his pelvic thrusts. He ran his hands over his chest tweaking his nipples. JC lifted a hand to his lips and sucked on a finger.

Lance leaned forward almost hungrily. He licked his lips again and swallowed hard.

JC pushed Lance back on the couch. He got up on the couch. His cock was inches from Lance's face. It waved and danced in the air to JC's hip movements.

Lance stuck out his tongue. JC swung his hips. His cock hit Lance's tongue with a glancing blow. Lance lunged forward to swallow JC's cock.

JC pulled back. "Ugh-uh. No touching." JC teased.

Lance licked his lips again. "Please, JC. I want to get you off."

"You want me to cum?"

Lance nodded eagerly.

JC grinned. "Anything you want, Lance." JC started to stroke his cock. JC still moved his hips but now only back and forth.

Lance pried his eyes off JC's cock and looked up. He's green eyes were pleading. "Please, JC. Cum on me."

"If you want me to, Lance." JC panted. "I'm getting close."

"Shoot on me, JC. I want you to cum on my face."

That did it.

"Oh, god, Lance. I'm... Oh, Lance!" JC's cock exploded.

Lance closed his eyes as hot cum splattered onto his face. He opened his mouth eager to taste JC's load.

JC was gasping and groaning. He held onto the back of the couch with one hand, as the climax washed through him then slowly abated. He stopped stroking. JC moved back.

Lance was grinning up at JC. He licking as far as his tongue could reach. JC leaned down and licked Lance's face clean. When he was finished they kissed. He pulled back. JC sat on the couch next to Lance pulling Lance close.

Lance just beamed at JC. "Damn, JC. You have to dance for me again sometime."

"Sometime when I am just trying to get you up not off." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "But that was so hot. I don't think I've ever seen you that turned on before. I threw all my plans to the wind and just let it happen."

"We're not done yet." Lance grinned.

JC looked surprised at Lance.

"It must be those leather pants. Give me a bit. With you wearing those pants I want to do you so bad."

JC grinned and patted Lance's leg. "I'll get the lube."

Lance started to say something.

"And a washcloth."

Lance sat back smiled. They knew each other so well.

JC returned with the lube and the cloth. Lance was busy stroking himself but nothing was happening.

"I'm still trying, JC. I can do this."

JC grinned. "Lance, why are you making it so hard." He handed the washcloth to Lance.

"You know why. Oh, sorry. That was a Chris."

"I didn't mean it as a joke. Lance, let the one thing we both get turned on by do it for you." JC set the lube down.

Lance wiped off his face. When he pulled the cloth away a wonderful sight greeted him.

JC had bent over again. Lance saw those beautiful twin globes of JC's ass press out through the opening in the leather.

"Dinner time."

Lance was on his knees in an instant. He buried his tongue between those sweet round cheeks.

JC arched his back. "That's it, Lance. Get me ready." He gasped as Lance's tongue probed deeper.

Lance was almost ravenous. JC's greatest asset framed in leather and before Lance's face. He pressed his tongue in further. Lance could feel JC's body tremble. Lance hooking his thumbs under the edge of the leather and ran them up and down the split.

This gave JC a new sensation added to Lance's eager tongue. It hardly took anytime before JC was hungry for Lance to enter him. JC looked down through his legs. Lance was hard and ready to go but Lance was still concentrating on his ass.

JC looked over his shoulder. "Lance." No response. "Lance!"

Lance pulled himself away from JC's ass.

"As much as I am loving this. I think you'll find you're ready. If you want to cum while rimming me do it after you do me, okay?"

Lance took a few seconds to shift gears. He looked down. "I am ready."

"Told you if would work."

Lance stood up. He grabbed the bottle of lube.

"Hot damn, JC. You look so hot in those pants."

"Show me, Lance. Do me good."

Lance pushed forward slowly. He didn't want to cum too soon. The cock head squeezed passed the sphincter. JC's ass closed about Lance's cock like a tight fist. He pushed in deeper.

"Oh, fuck, Lance!" JC's body shuddered.

Lance slowly pulled back then thrust into JC. Oh, the surge of pleasure that pulsed through Lance! JC wearing these leather pants and Lance was fucking that leather-clad ass. Lance felt the passion grow but is was manageable. He could take his time and enjoy this. Lance looked down and watched his cock slid in and out of JC's ass framed in leather.

"Oh, god, JC. This is so hot."

"Keep going, Lance. It feels so good."

JC felt Lance's hands slide down his sides. One caressed his chest while the other took to stroking his cock.

"That's it, Lance. You're doing my so good."

Lance took slow long thrusts. He could hold back his passion easier. Lance wanted to make this last.

JC was surprised by how slow Lance was taking this. But he really didn't mind. Lance was fucking him so good. JC moaned loudly. Lance's cock and hands were sending waves of pleasure though JC.

Lance leaned down and wrapped his arms around JC's chest.

"Josh, you feel so good. Do you like this?"

"Yes, lover. Please, don't stop."

They kissed with tongues entwining.

Lance pulled back speeding up his thrusts. He wanted to take it slow but his body had other ideas. The muscles in JC's back grew taut. JC must be getting tired in this position. As Lance pulled out he tapped JC on the side.

JC flipped onto his back with his ass just off the edge of the couch. Lance knelt beside the couch and sank his cock back into JC.

JC's mouth dropped open. Lance gave another thrust.

"Oh, Lance!"

Another thrust and Lance got another reaction from JC. Then Lance got it. Because of the height of the couch his cock was pressing upward as he entered JC. It hit JC's prostate at each thrust. Lance grinned and sped up his rhythm. JC was soon writhing on the couch with pleasure.

Lance bent JC's leg and licked JC's foot. He sucked on the toes and nibbled playfully at the ankles.

"Damn, Lance. This fucking great! Keep going. This is all for you."

"And you, JC. Thank you for this."

JC's eyes closed. His body shook. "Give me your cock! Fuck me, Lance!"

Lance went for broke. Their bodies slapped together. Lance could feel JC's hands on his ass coaxing him to go faster. Lance obliged. He threw all restraint to the wind.

JC was in pure bliss. Lance cock was hitting at just the right angle. Electric jolts of joy surged though JC's body. He opened his eyes. JC raised his hands to caress Lance's chest and rub his nipples. Then he slid them down Lance's back to latch onto Lance's ass.

"Your cock feels so good inside me! Fuck me!"

Lance held onto JC's ankles. He thrust as hard and fast as he could. JC's face was flushed with pleasure. Lance felt the climax start.

"JC, I'm getting close."

JC reached up and pulled Lance to his lips. He loosened his grip.

"Be close to me as you cum in my ass."

Lance leaned close to JC. They could feel the heat radiating from their bodies. JC's hand brush against Lance's stomach as JC stroked himself. They both must be getting close.

"Oh, Lance, I'm..." JC let out a cry. He body went taut. His head fell back.

Lance felt the hot spurts of cum hit against his stomach. Another thrust of his cock and there came another spurt. This was too much for Lance. With JC still panting and writhing below him, Lance's climax hit him. One last thrust and his cock exploded. JC's ass clamped around Lance's cock as he went through his own climax. Lance let out a loud deep moan. Joy like electricity surged through every nerve in Lance's body. His cock throbbed and convulsed as it pumped his cum into JC's ass.

JC opened his eyes. His climax had abated. Lance's eyes were closed but his mouth was opened. His moan slowly faded.

Lance collapsed on top of JC panting.

JC felt so good that he laughed. "So the pants worked?"

Lance was still panting. "You could say that."

JC took Lance's face and pulled him into a kiss. As he pulled back he smiled.

"You know I wasn't too sure of this leather fetish of yours. But I am changing my mind."

Lance flopped onto the couch next to JC.

"Don't worry, JC. I think this is far as I want to go with it."

"And I should hope so, too." JC teased. "I don't think either of us could survive anything more."

"Thank you, JC. That was incredible."

"Until it's your turn."

Lance smiled. "That's right. We agreed to switch."

JC stood up then bent down to give Lance a kiss.

"You'd better start rehearsing your lap dance now."

"My lap dance?"

"Hey, I want the whole performance." JC started to leave.

JC wanted Lance to dance sexy for him? Lance slumped against the couch. "Oh, fuck."

"Lance!" JC chided. He smiled. "That part you have down perfectly." JC left the room.

Justin put their luggage in the trunk of their rental car. Peter came out of the front door with his parents. Justin watched as they walked to the car.

His mother hugged Peter. "Thanks for helping me through this. I hate hospitals."

Peter gave a glance at his father. "And what kind of a son would I be if I wasn't here when my mother needed me?" He kissed her cheek. She was a bit surprised.

Peter turned to his father and extended his hand. "I'll leave you in charge of Mom from now on."

"I'll try my best." His father moved toward Peter. He stopped just short of a hug. He put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "Thanks for being here for her. I appreciate it." He dropped his hands. "And we got to get to know Justin." He pointed at Justin. "You take good care of my son. That's an order."

Justin saluted. "Yes, sir!"

Peter's father laughed. "Forget the military stuff. You two will never have to deal with that."

"Dad, Justin's BI. Of all this talk I hear about not allowing gays in the military I have never heard anyone say anything against bisexuals in the military."

Peter's father looked at his watch slightly irritated. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

Peter laughed as he walked to the driver's side door. "He hates it when I am so logical."

"Is that what you call it?" Justin got into the car.

There were the final waves and shouts of goodbye as they drove off.

Justin gave a heavy sigh.

"Was it that bad?"

"Can I have arms and lips now?" Justin moved over.

Peter gave Justin a quick kiss. "Better?"

"No. A longer one would help."

"Justin, I'm driving."

"Then pull over. I'll ravish you in the back seat."

"As romantically tempting that is we don't have the time."

"It could have been worse. Thank god for that time in the park."

"We'll be home tonight." Peter gave Justin another quick kiss.

Justin moved back to his seat and buckled up. "You're no fun."

"Not when your safety is on the line."

"Okay, I appreciate you looking out for me."

There was silence.

"Sorry about my Dad being there."

"Hey, we had two reasons to be celibate."

"Was he too horrible?"

"No, not really. As long as I didn't mention our love he was okay."

Peter nodded.

Justin put his hand on Peter's thigh. "He really is trying."

"I know. I hurt them both when I came out. Another son of theirs gone wrong. But I tried so hard to make them proud of me."

"Peter, why do you think they have tried so hard to accept you being gay? You've proved your point. Now they have to let down their expectations. It's not easy. But maybe in time."

"Justin, thank you for coming with. I really did need the support."

Justin patted Peter again. "No sweat. But you are no longer alone. Get it? Stop trying to do everything by yourself. Me and the guys want to help if we can. You're part of our family now. Okay?"

Peter nodded. "Okay." Peter sighed. "I'm looking forward to church after all that."

"Oh, before I forget. We have to pick up something. It's on our way."


"You'll see."

Peter stopped the car next to the curb. "Justin, who are we picking up?"

"Who said we're picking up anybody?"

"Justin, this is a hotel. What else would we be doing here?"

"They found something we left behind from when we were here on tour."

Peter looked unblinking at Justin.

"I forgot to leave a tip?"

"We could have done all this yesterday. And we're stopping before church."

Justin gave in. "When I called JC yesterday he said to swing by this hotel before we go to church. Someone would be waiting. He didn't name names." Justin wasn't lying. JC had just said "we'll" be waiting.

Maybe it was Kevin, Peter thought. He did express an interest in visiting his church when they had first met. Peter watched the doors. No one was leaving the hotel.

"Is this the right hotel?"

The car's driver side backdoor opened and people climbed in.

"To the church, my man, and don't spare the horses."

Peter snapped around surprised. "What are you two doing here?"

JC shrugged. "Going to church. That's if you start driving."

"You flew up here for that?"

"It's a special church." Lance said. "And I believe there will be a special part in the service."

Peter turned to Justin. "You told them."

"It slipped out. But that was after JC had thought about coming up."

"And we're glad to be here for that."

Peter put the car in gear and pulled away from the curb. "Well, the people will be thrilled to learn of the wedding and that you're coming out publicly."

"We're not going to tell them." JC said.


"No, Peter," JC said firmly. "This time the limelight is all yours. They'll learn about these things with everyone else."

"All you have to do is 'Get us to the church on time'." Lance sang.

Peter looked in the rear view mirror. "I'm sorry, JC. I must be wearing off on Lance."

"Don't be. At least its good music."

"Peter, its nice to see you, again. It's been so long."

"Thanks, Jessi." Peter said as he got a hug from the greeter. "I've brought my friends back with me."

"Welcome back." She hugged each one. They all took songbooks and bulletins from her.

As they started for their seats Lance grabbed a package of tissues. "Mustn't forget these."

People came up to Peter to greet him and the guys. The old days of Peter sitting down alone were gone.

"Peter, you're back." A man greeted them. "It's an honor to meet such distinguished musicians."

Peter introduced the man. "Andrew here is our Minister of Music. 'Pianist' is such a drab title for someone so important to the service."

"We know full well the importance of accompanists." Lance said.

"I just wanted to meet you. Excuse me. I should get prepared to the service." Andrew headed off.

A woman came up. "Excuse me, Lance. My name's Carla. I thought you might be interested to see my family. Well, that's what I call them." She handed him a picture. "Their names are Ebony and Ivory."

Lance looked at the picture of two horses. One was black and the other cream colored. Lance got the connection.

Lance smiled and handed back the picture. "You must be a horse lover, too."

"Yes. I read some place that you like horseback riding."

"I don't get out as much as I'd like to. They're fine looking horses."

"Thanks. I am proud of them though they do eat me out of house and home."

Lance laughed. "All families do that."

As they chatted, a young woman took JC's hand. "JC Chasez of NYSNC. I have always hoped to meet you. I was gone the last time you were here. I am such a fan." She continued shaking his hand.

"Thank you." JC gently pulled his hand away.

She handed JC her bulletin. "Could you sign this please?"

"Sure." JC glanced at her nametag. The only part of the name he could make out was 'Lincoln'. He signed that name.

While they were chatting Peter heard a growing murmur at the door behind him. It was a bit distracting. Then the people they were talking to looked past them with surprise.

JC handed the bulletin back.

"Thank you." The woman looked up then caught something behind JC. "Well, freak me now."

"Peter," a voice said behind him. Peter turned. He was just as surprised as everyone was.

"Kevin! You here, too."

Kevin took Peter into a hug. "When Lance called me I just couldn't say no. This church sounded too wonderful to miss. I just couldn't get here until this morning."

"I just can't believe you guys. Coming all this way just for a church service."

"You know that it is more than that." JC gave Peter's back a pat. "Well, we're all here. Maybe we should sit down."

As they made their way to their seats Peter became conscious of the looks he was getting.

Kevin squeezed Peter's shoulder. "They're envious. I don't blame them."

"But it's me being around you not the other way around."

Kevin smiled. "Potato. Potatoe." Kevin sat down. "I'm so looking forward to this."

Peter watched Kevin out of the corner of his eye. Kevin was taking in everything. When two gay men greeted each other and kissed, Kevin almost sighed with envy.

At the time for welcoming visitors Peter got up.

"My friends are back Justin, Lance and JC. I have someone new. I think you all know him, Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys. Kevin was anxious to visit this church."

The people applauded in welcome.

The minister nodded to Kevin. "Peter, your circle of friends is growing. And such celebrated people. Welcome to you all."

The service started. Peter couldn't tell what was going on in Kevin's mind. He seemed touched by all these people around him and he was happy to be there. But what he was thinking about, Peter couldn't tell.

The passing of the peace started. They all hugged each other. Lance and JC enjoyed a long kiss.

A man took Kevin by the hand. "Welcome, peace."

"Peace, ah..." Kevin glanced at the man's nametag, "Brandon," he replied.

The next was a younger woman. Kevin held out his hand. The woman brushed it aside and wrapped her arms around Kevin. "I love your music. God's peace be with you." She turned away.

Kevin at first stood there stunned. Another person walked up to him. He extended his hand to Kevin. Kevin first just looked at the man. Kevin threw his unease aside. Then Kevin smiled and took the young man into his arms.

"Peace, Dave." Kevin said. These nametags were a blessing.

"Peace," Dave hesitated. Kevin kept his hand on Dave's shoulder reassured him. "Kevin." They both smiled.

Kevin began hugging everyone he could get close to.

Peter watched Kevin with a glad heart. Now he knew a little of Kevin's thoughts. This was going beyond intimacy. Kevin was opening himself up to the world. But this time it wasn't just fans. It was to gay people just like himself. Kevin was beginning to know what it felt like to be in community.

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to a woman smiling broadly.

"Peter, you're not getting away without a hug from me."

Peter hugged her. "Peace, Barb."

Barb moved from Peter to Justin. "Now for your handsome friends." She moved down the line hugging each one in turn. "Now where's the tall dark one?"

Peter gestured. "Kevin went off that direction."

"He's not getting away from me either." She went off looking for Kevin.

Lance chuckled. "'Friendly' just doesn't quite describe this church. Does it?"

JC nodded. "I'd say more like 'hug hungry'."

Lance nudged JC. "'Hug generous' is more like it."

The hymn started. They were just starting the second verse when Kevin returned to his seat.

"Peter, I am so glad I'm here."

Peter leaned close. "Welcome to the gay community." Peter kissed Kevin's cheek.

Kevin looked around self-conscious. Peter nudged his shoulder and shook his head. Kevin relaxed.

Peter glanced to Justin standing at his other side. Justin had seen the kiss.


Justin smiled. "Don't be."

Peter kissed Justin's cheek. It was Justin's turn to look nervous.

"Don't worry, Justin. I won't give us away."

The minister was ending his sermon.

"Every Sunday when I was growing up I learned how to nourish and grow spiritually. I was taught that that would bring me closer to God. And every Sunday was the same. Spirituality. And the one thing they said would lead me farther from God was sexuality. But now, here, in this place we know the truth. The truth they are too afraid to see.

I have been with my partner for over 9 years now. My being in love with him or my being intimate with him could never take me farther from God. I have realized that is has brought me closer to God. My sexuality and my spirituality are tightly woven together. They can't be separated. When I am close to my lover, we are closer to God's love.

When we love each other, man to man or woman to woman and man to woman, we celebrate the love that God has given us. The joy of being close to another person and to relish the pleasures our bodies can give us. Bodies that God created in God's image. And God's image is of a sexual being!"

Peter's hand found Justin's. Justin looked at him.

"Thank you for that." Peter whispered.

Justin gave his impish grin. "See me later." He whispered back.

Peter looked at Kevin. Kevin was listening carefully to every word spoken.

The minister went on. "Don't just nurture your spirituality and forget your sexuality. You need them both. God created both in you. By excepting both you grow into a total being.

Yes, there is the spiritual but there is also the sensual. The feel of a warm summer breeze on your skin, the smell of a flower or the air after a rain. Stars on a moonlight night. Mud squishing through your toes. There is the touch of a friendly hand, the warmth of a hug, a kiss on the lips and a lover's caress. All joys the body can express.

Do not let your spirituality lead you to be ashamed of you sexuality. Embrace them and treasure them both. For they have been given as a divine gift.

Rejoice in your love. Rejoice in your sex. Rejoice for these bodies of ours for we have been most wondrously and fabulously made. Amen."

Communion came and Peter could see there was a lot going on inside Kevin. His aura kept changing colors like a rainbow. A very apt comparison being where they were. The five of them got in line. Peter imagined the group of them together receiving communion and the prayer. As they approached the front Peter could see Kevin was in conflict. They reached the front of the line. The next communion server that was free was the minister. Kevin's body tensed like he wanted to say something.

Peter saw the truth. "Go ahead, Kevin." Peter said.

Kevin looked at Peter surprised.

"Go up alone if that's what you want." Peter gave Kevin a little nudge. "We understand. Go on."

Nervously Kevin approached the minister. He smiled at Kevin then took the wafer, dipped it in the wine and offered it to Kevin.

"The bread of life and the cup of liberation given for you."

Peter wanted to watch Kevin but the next communion server was free. The four of the walked over and took communion and the prayer.

As he walked back to his seat Peter noticed that Kevin wasn't back yet. He turned to face the front of the church.

The minister finished the prayer. Kevin just stood there. Then Kevin said something. The minister broke into a smile and took Kevin back in his arms and the praying started again.

Peter watched Kevin's aura. The pulsing colors slowly stopped. A steady glow took their place. Kevin's doubt had been eased.

Kevin soon took his seat.

Peter leaned close. "You okay?"

"Wonderful." Kevin took Peter's hand in his. "Thank you for showing me this place." Kevin whispered not wanting to disturb the other people in their meditations.

"What..?' Peter began.

"Did I say to the minister after the first prayer? I told him I was gay. I have never told that to a stranger before." Kevin paused. "Especially a man of God. I stopped going to church once I knew I was gay. I just didn't feel I belonged. Until now."

Peter smiled. He put his arm around Kevin and pulled him close. "That's what this place is for." Peter whispered. "Welcome, home."

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Justin. He just smiled at Peter and nodded. Kevin soon sat up as the service went on.

There was just the closing hymn left to do. The minister walked to the center of the room.

"It is never easy to say goodbye to a member of this community. Today as is our custom we have a ceremony of sending forth. Peter, will you come up, please."

Justin watched as Peter walked to the minister. He put his arm around Peter's shoulders.

"It is never easy to bid someone goodbye especially someone so loyal and dependable as Peter. He doesn't say much but his always there." He gave Peter a squeeze. "So you're moving to Florida?"

"Moved, actually."

"Finally got tired of our winters?"

Peter was blushing. "Something like that."

"Your guests wouldn't have anything to do with you moving, would they?"

Peter couldn't help to look right at Justin. Peter went beet red. "No, no, no. Nothing to do with them at all. Ugh-uh, it is purely a coincidence."

The minister laughed. Everyone knew the truth that NSYNC had something to do with this.

"It doesn't matter. We know it was a hard decision. But you're in good hands." The minister turned to the congregation. "For those of you who don't know we usually clump around the person, lay on hands, say a few things for them and then I finish with a prayer." The minister waved the people forward. People gathered around Peter putting their hands on him and then each other's shoulders. Peter was soon completely surrounded by a mass of people.

Justin suddenly felt separated from Peter.

"What are your wishes for Peter?" the minister asked.

"Live in truth and love," someone said.

"Remember you are always a part of us and we'll always be here for you."

"Come back and visit. Often."

"Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening and love like you've never been hurt."

"Don't let the child inside you ever grow up."

A voice spoke up loudly. "Peter, may you never regret your decision to leave this place to be with me."

Peter looked up at hearing the voice. The people before him parted. There stood Justin. This was emotional enough as it was but now with Justin there. Peter was already blinking back the tears.

Justin walked forward. "I think they deserve to know the truth about why you're leaving." Justin moved until he stood in front of Peter. He put his hand on Peter's cheek. Justin kissed Peter's lips.

The whole church seemed to gasp together. Peter could hear both of their names being spoken in questioning whispers. Everyone seemed stunned.

Peter looked at Justin. His voice came loud and proud. "I moving to Florida to be with Justin. We're in love."

Slowly the clapping started. It rose in volume filling the room. A few people whistled as Peter held Justin close.

Justin's voice was in Peter's ear. "That smiling day to be free."

Peter tried so hard to keep his tears in check. Now all the people he loved knew about he and Justin. Was this what JC and Lance must have felt? Peter looked. He could just see Lance and JC standing next to Kevin clapping. Lance was wiping away tears.

As the applause died down Justin turned to the people. "Please, continue with the ceremony. Peter is in love with Justin Timberlake. He will need all the prayers he can get."

Peter gave Justin a playful nudge.

The people closed in around both of them. Justin felt the hands on his shoulders.

"It's always the quiet ones that surprise people. I'm glad for you."

"I used to worry about you sitting all alone. Now you've found your love at last. May God bless you both."

"Welcome to the happy life of being a couple. Its not too late to turn back."


"Warmer weather and Justin Timberlake? No wonder your leaving. Do you need a pet? I'm free."

More laughter.

"Let the world hear the music of your love."

"If you will be as dedicated to your love as you were to this church Justin is very fortunate."

"When things get hard remember us here praying for you two."

The feelings of these people around Peter flooded through him. He had wanted their support for his leaving but now their love was in there too.

When the minister started the prayer Justin took Peter's hand. Peter tried to listen to the words but he was too full of emotion. Each new word pushed the others out of his head. Finally he just let the emotions and the feelings of the people around him wash over him.

Then Peter had a thought. Why don't they do this at weddings? Wouldn't it be nice for the guests to group around the married couple, put their hands on each other and wish them well. Peter made a mental note. At his wedding... He glanced up at Justin. Justin stood with his eyes closed listening to the prayer. Peter put the idea out of his mind. Justin didn't strike him as a gay marriage with full ceremony type. They had each other and that was enough.

The 'Amen" resounded through the room. People began to make their way back to their seats.

Justin looked at Peter. Peter was practically glowing despite that he had been crying. Justin put his arm around Peter as they walked back to their seats.

The final hymn started. Justin held the hymnal. Peter wasn't singing. He was slowly looking around the room. Probably trying to memorize each face. Justin nudged him with his shoulder.

Peter got it. There would be enough time for good-byes later. Peter put his arm around Justin's waist and started to sing. Peter reached his other arm around Kevin.

Lance reached over and put his hand around Justin's waist then JC did the same for Lance. They stood there together, connected, singing.

Peter's voice steadied then grew stronger. He knew that wherever he went this place would go with him. He gave Justin a squeeze.

Justin was glad that Peter had got this chance. Now Peter could go forward without looking back. He made himself a promise to make sure Peter never regretted leaving this behind him.

After the service Peter stood next to Justin as people came up to them to wish them well.

With a flutter of yellow and gold cloth a woman approached. Justin recognized the transgender woman he had seen before.

She took Peter into her arms. Her bracelets rattled.

"Peter, I am so happy for you." She glanced to Justin. "For both of you." She kissed Peter's cheek. "In love at last, I am so pleased."

"Thank you, Lily."

She looked to Justin. "And a handsome one at that. You have wonderful taste."

Justin glanced back at Peter. "Yes, I do."

Lily laughed. She leaned over to kiss Justin's cheek. "Keep that humor and you'll be together a long time." She headed off with her dress billowing behind her.

Two men in their late twenties came up to them next. One gave Peter a slight hug. "We'll miss you, Peter."

The other shook Justin's hand. "It's an honor to meet you. I'm Rob and this is Dan. You're our third favorite NSYNC member." He got a nudge from his partner.

"Don't tell him that."

Justin laughed. "Who's the first two?"

"Us of course."

The couple turned around to face JC and Lance.

"Oh, my god. Its them." Dan gaped.

Rob shook their hands. "We have always been fans of you two. Then when we found out that you are gay and then a couple. We're just so happy for you."

"Thank you," Lance said. Dan was still gaping. "How long have you been together?"

Rob nudged Dan.

Dan snapped out of it. "Eight years. Seven years since our commitment ceremony."

"Well, JC, we have a model to follow."

"Do you mean...?" started Dan.

Lance flashed his ring.

"Oh, my god!" Dan was suddenly hugging Lance. "Congratulations." He hugged JC. "I am so happy for you. We've never been happier than after our ceremony. I'm sure you will be, too."

"Thank you," JC looked a little flustered at the sudden hug.

Ron shook his head. "I'm sorry about that. Dan gets a little emotional."

"Don't apologize." Lance said. "I'm that way too when it comes to seeing people in love. I can see why you two are so happy together."

"Lance," JC gestured with his head.

"Excuse us. There are other people we should see." JC and Lance moved off.

Dan watched them go. "We are so jealous of you, Peter."

"Really? Well, I was jealous of you."

The couple was surprised.

"You two made a big impression on me."

The couple looked at Peter. "We did?"

"The first service I attended here they announced your third year anniversary. I had never seen a gay couple before let alone one that had spent three years together. You sort of became icons to me. Whenever I saw you, I just liked the idea that you were in love and it had lasted so long. Sometimes I just couldn't help looking at you two."

"We sort of noticed." Rob said.

Peter was slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry if it freaked you out."

"Its okay. At first Dan though you were cruising us."

Dan blushed. Rob got another elbow. "I did not."

"How soon they forget."

"So," Dan started, "what is it like living close to Lance and JC?"

"Actually, I'm in their guest room."

"Oh, my god!" Dan barely held in his excitement. "Imagine living in the same house with JC and Lance."

Peter laughed. "It was intimidating at first but I'm getting used to it."

Rob and Dan looked at each other. The idea was really exciting to them.

"They are a couple and they live together that means..."

Peter interrupted before this thought went too far. "Its not like they're making out in front of me." Justin shot Peter a look. "They like their privacy and I respect that."

Justin was trying hard not to laugh. The pool sex scene would have been enough to cause these two fans to spontaneously combust.

Peter decided to make some fans happy.

"Tell you what. I have your address in the church directory. I'll have Lance and JC send you something, a autographed picture or something."

Justin couldn't resist. "Or a pair of their shorts."

Another lover got elbowed.

Dan beamed. "Would you? An autographed photo would be fantastic." Dan shook Peter's hand. "We'd love that. They are our favorites and they make such a cute couple."

Rob cleared his throat.

Dan covered. "Of course you make a nice couple, too."

Justin grinned. "But I am no Lance or JC."

"They're so good looking."

"Ahem!" Rob cleared his throat louder.

"Oh, you're good looking, too. I mean..." Dan was getting flustered.

Justin squeezed Dan's shoulder. "It is all right. Every fan has their favorite. I understand." Justin leaned close. "At least I was only ranked third."

Rob took Dan's arm. "You're passed the toes and are now up to the instep. We'd better go before you put your whole foot in your mouth."

"Dan," Justin stopped them. "Don't feel too embarrassed. I am used to flustered fans. Once in a restroom the guy next to me turned to me and said, "You're Justin Timberlake". He peed on my shoes."

Dan looked so surprised. Then he burst out laughing.

Justin saw the look of relief on Dan's face. "Could I add something to what Peter's going to send you?"


"Come on, Dan. It's been nice meeting you."

Justin gave them his best smile. "Its been nice meeting you, too." They walked away.

Peter leaned to Justin. "I love to see you work your charm."

Justin whispered into Peter's ear. "Just wait until we're home."

"You love to tease me don't you?"

Justin flashed his impish grin and winked.

Most of the people had left. The five of them grouped together.

JC slapped Peter on the back. "We talked with your minister. He will send us a list of potential ministers for the wedding."

Lance hooked his arm with JC's. "And a list of churches close to Orlando that are Open and Affirming so we can attend church a little closer to home. So this trip was worth the money."

"It was to me." Kevin hugged Peter. "Thank you for this. It helped me more than I can say."

"Hey, I just let you know this church was here."

Lance frowned. "How about some lunch? I'm hungry."

Justin looked around the room searching. He wiggled his finger in his ear. "That's funny. I could have sworn I heard Joey just now."

"Ha, ha, Justin."

Kevin looked at his watch. "I'm sorry, I have to go. I have other things to do."

"On a Sunday?" asked Peter.

"The life of a media star is very hectic."

"But I was hoping we all could talk get together and talk about how we felt about this place."

"I'd like that. But not now."

"When do you get back?" Peter asked sadly.

"Later tonight." Kevin replied.

Peter was hopeful. "How about tomorrow night? You could come over."

"Sure, I'd like that."

Peter suddenly realized. He turned to Lance and JC. "I'm sorry, do you mind?"

"No, of course not. We could order something in." JC said.

"Please, let me cook. It won't be anything gourmet but I think you'll like it."

Kevin put his hand on Peter's cheek. "It's a date. Oh, sorry, Justin."

"Don't you worry. I will be there, too.

Peter took Justin's arm. "Tomorrow night then."

Kevin nodded. "I am looking forward to it." He gave Peter a good-bye hug. "Thank you for this."

Peter shrugged. "I just got you here."

Kevin squeezed Peter's shoulder then pushed through the doors.

Peter watched Kevin leave. Peter sighed.


Peter smiled at Justin. "What you did for me, we did for him." Peter kissed Justin. "But that is where it ends. I swear."

"So I have to do Joey again?" asked Lance.

"Well, Peter, you know the area."

"Okay, guys. Let's do lunch."

There were times that Peter thought the clock was standing still. But with such good company the time passed reasonably well. Soon lunch was over. They went to pick up JC and Lance's suitcases from their hotel.

Before Peter knew it they were on the flight back. Besides Justin suggesting they join the mile high club or that Peter do Justin under his lap blanket the flight was uneventful. Well, there was the occasional fan but Peter was getting used to that, too.

"Justin, why don't you stay at our house tonight? We can drop you off at your house in the morning."

"What do you think of the idea, Peter?" Justin teased.

"Oh, you can if you want to." Peter shrugged. "Makes no difference to me." Peter teased back.

"Fine. Take me home."

"Don't you dare, Lance." Peter snapped. "Justin's staying with me."

"Oh, so now you want me."

Peter grinned. "What do you mean 'now'? I've wanted you all weekend."

They leaned together and kissed.

"Justin, you'd better stay at our house. After a weekend without sex you'll probably get so loud you'll keep your parents up."

"In more ways that one." JC joked.

"That's disgusting, JC."

"Like father like son. But how about us? What if they keep us up all night?"

"Mm, that's what I am hoping for."

Lance pushed the button. The gate swung open.

Peter was feeling tired until he saw that. Now he couldn't wait to get inside that door. The trip was over.

Justin helped Peter bring his luggage to his room.

"Where do you want these?"

"Put them down anywhere."

Justin set down the luggage. He stood up and Peter's arms were around him.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, your pants."

"What about them?"

"Put them down anywhere. Now."

Peter's mouth found Justin's. He kissed with an urgency that Justin had never felt before.

Peter pressed his crotch hard against Justin's.

"Peter, what's gotten into you?"

"It's what hasn't gotten into me. You, Justin."

"But I don't under..."

Peter put his finger on Justin's lips. "All today you kept teasing me with having sex with you in the car and on the plane. I had to think of your public image so I declined. After a weekend in a home uncomfortable about gay sex, we are home. Justin, I'm taking you up on your offer. Ravish me. Now."

"I can't Peter. Not after I learned how your brother abused you."

"This is different. Justin, I want you to do this. I want you to fuck me!"

"But..." Justin still protested.

Peter made sure Justin was looking in Peter's eyes. "You said it yourself this whole weekend was like we didn't have arms or lips." Peter gave Justin a quick kiss. "Or cocks. We've now hugged and kissed. I need your cock so bad."

Before Justin knew what was happening, his pants and underwear were pulled down. Peter was hungrily working on Justin's cock. Justin had to try to keep his balance as Peter attacked his cock.

Peter soon took to stroking Justin's cock with his hand. Justin was getting harder.

"I want you to shove this big cock up my ass and fuck me hard until we both cum screaming." Peter swallowed Justin again.

Justin was hard in no time. But as Justin was enjoying Peter's zealous enthusiasm, Peter stopped sucking. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a condom, tore open the package and rolled it onto Justin's cock.


"Lust waits for no man." Peter handed the lube to Justin and stood up and turned around. "Fuck me, Justin. Have your way with me."

"Can't we take off our clothes?" Justin felt silly with his pants around his ankles.

"This is urgent, Justin. I want you in me now!"

Peter took hold of the arm of a chair and waited.

Justin was a bit uncertain. But the sight of Peter's beautiful ass offered to him and Peter's dire need was turning Justin on. Justin hadn't been totally kidding when he teased Peter about having sex in all those places. But here they were safe from discovery. Justin gave in to his own lust. He lubed himself up and pushed his cock into Peter to its base.

"Oh, yes!" Peter gave a loud contented moan like someone finally scratching an itch they couldn't reach.

Justin gave himself over to the pleasure of having Peter again. It seemed like weeks. He gave long strokes but still slammed his body against Peter's. Later tonight they would be romantic and gentle but now... Their bodies thudded together.

"Yes, Justin! It's been three days. Show how much you wanted to fuck me."

Justin thrust back as hard as he could. It seemed like his cock was going deeper and deeper into Peter.

Peter's knuckles on the arm of the chair turned white as he gripped it tight to keep his balance. Justin's cock slammed into him. Peter had never felt such a rush of lust. But Justin was giving him just what he needed.

"Give me that big cock! Harder!

Justin fought the urge to say 'you've got to be kidding!' Justin was giving his all. He couldn't thrust any faster or harder.

"Yes, Justin. That's what I need!"

Okay, this was just sex dialogue. Justin continued thrusting his cock into Peter's willing ass. Justin gave in to the dirty talk.

"Take my cock up your ass!"

Peter's whole body shook. Justin had hit a vocal nerve.

"Do you like fucking my tight ass?"

"Fuck, yeah! Peter, your ass feels great around my dick."

"Cum inside of me, Justin. Cum in my ass."

Justin had thought he was a long way from cumming but with hearing those words Justin felt the passion swell inside of him. He could no longer resist the inevitable.

"You're going to make me cum, Peter. You're tight ass is going to make me cum!"

"Cum for me, Justin. Cum for...oh, god, Justin, your making me...Fuck!"

Peter's ass clamped around Justin's cock as Peter came. The chair rocked onto two legs. Justin grabbed Peter's waist to keep him from toppling forward.

"Oh, Justin!!" Peter's head snapped back as his cock spewed his load onto the floor. Justin's cock slammed into him again sending another surge through Peter's body. As Peter's climax abated, Justin's peaked.

"Fuck, Peter, I'm cumming!" Justin's cock slammed totally into Peter's ass. The climax ripped through Justin. His cock pumped and throbbed as cum flooded the condom.

Peter stood up and Justin wrapped his arms around him. Another thrust and another surge of pleasure. Then the feelings faded.

They stood with their arms around each other panting. Justin's cock slipped out of Peter.

He turned around and kissed Justin with the last passion let over. Soon they just stood there in each other's arms.

After a while they reluctantly parted.

"Thank you, Peter."

"No, thank you, Justin."

"We should get dressed." Justin smiled at Peter. "Why the urgency?"

"You kept talking about ravishing me but you wouldn't do it."

"After all you'd been through, force was the last thing you needed."

"Justin, this force is what I wanted. There is a difference."

Peter took the condom off of Justin. With his pants still around his ankles Peter hopped to the wastebasket and threw it away. Peter hopped back with tissues so they could clean up.

They pulled up their underwear and pants.

"Do you think JC and Lance knew what delayed us?"

Justin pointed to the door. "Only if they were deaf."

Peter blushed. The bedroom door was slightly open. In their rush of lust they hadn't closed it.

Justin took Peter into his arms. "Don't worry. It's just JC and Lance. They understand." He gave Peter a quick kiss. "Let's see what they are, ah, up to."

"You don't think that they would get turned on by us?"

"It has happened before. Come on."

They left the room.

As Peter and Justin walked into the living room they were greeted by applause. Justin bowed but Peter blushed.

"Want are Chris and Joey doing here?"

"We overpowered the guards and forced our way in." Chris replied. "Gees, aren't straight people allowed in this house anymore?"

"Of course, you're welcome." Lance protested.

"I'm sorry, Chris." Peter said. "I was just surprised. I mean, I thought there was only JC and Lance. I mean, if I knew you were here I wouldn't have been so loud. I mean. I wouldn't have wanted to make you and Joey uncomfortable listening to..." Peter turned red. "Oh, god, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Lance said sternly. "We want you to feel free in this house. If the straights drop by unannounced," Lance stressed the lost word, "it's their own fault what they might see and hear."

"See!" Peter sank into a chair. He remembered the door was ajar.

"We didn't see anything." Joey tried to reassure Peter. "We never left this floor."

Lance lent his hand. "And we couldn't hear anything from here. Especially with the music playing."

Peter looked at Chris. JC was glaring at Chris.

"Nope, we couldn't hear anything from here."

Peter gave a sigh of relief.

"But from the foot of the stairs, oh baby!"

"Chris!" They all said at once.

Peter looked dejected. "I'm never going to have sex again."

"The hell you're not!"

Peter looked up. "I'm sorry, Justin. I'd be afraid someone could hear."

"Chris." Justin said angrily.

"Okay. Peter, I'm sorry. I was just joking. I couldn't hear a thing."

Peter smirked at Chris.

"Okay, I could hear."

JC cleared his throat.

"Very little, though." Chris was scrambling. "But I wasn't uncomfortable about it. I liked it, I mean, hearing Justin so happy. I wish the girls I meet would be so, ah, enthusiastic. I can only remember one girl who groaned a lot but it turned out a button from the couch was sticking her in the back."

Everyone was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Gees, Chris, that's awful." Peter said. "I guess its okay." Peter smiled. "It is kind of funny though. A couch button!" Peter burst out laughing. The others followed.

"That's right," Chris sneered. "Laugh at my pathetic love life."

Peter controlled himself. "I'm sorry, Chris. But my original question stands. What are you two doing here?"

"Are you kidding?" Chris asked. "You and Justin go away for a weekend at Peter's mother's and then Lance and JC drop everything and join you. There's a juicy story there and we want to hear all about it."

"There's not much to tell." Peter winked at Justin. "But it was just a chance to put my affairs in order." Peter raised his hand to Chris. "Sorry, Justin. Bad choice of words."

Chris sat back. "Damn."

"Then a whole weekend with Justin and no sex. That's why as soon as I got home I couldn't stand it any more."

JC and Lance sat up. "Peter!"


Lance smiled. "What you just said."

"About the sex?"

"No before that."

"The whole weekend without sex?"

"No," Lance seemed very exited. "You said, "as soon as I got home". You've always seemed ill at ease around here. Do you really mean that about 'home'?"

Peter glanced around him at the house and these wonderful people he'd come to know. This weekend had been a chance to put the past behind him and move forward to his life with Justin. A comfortable warmth fell over Peter.

Peter fought to control his voice. "Yes, Lance. I'm home."

Lance got off the couch, pulled Peter to his feet and hugged him. "I am so happy." Lance kissed Peter's cheek.

JC followed Lance. "We both are. We were beginning to think you would never settle in. Welcome home."

"Okay, enough of the mush. So what happened?"

"Chris." JC warned.

"It's okay." Peter said as Lance and JC sat back down. "Chris is just mad because he never go his snog from me." Peter moved toward Chris. He opened his mouth and waggled his tongue.

Chris pulled his legs up and held out his hand is a defensive gesture. "No way. Debt cancelled. Lips that have kissed Justin shall not touch mine."

Justin grinned. "You don't know what you're missing."

"I know. I heard."


"Sorry, JC. Peter, I'm sorry. Just tell us what happened this weekend. Please."

"Nothing much really happened. My father come home." Peter shrugged.

"Oh, stop it, Peter." Justin interrupted. "You guys will never believe this of Peter but..."

For a moment Justin's words faded from Peter's ears. He remembered what Lance had said. Home. For once he was with people who loved him for what he was. They didn't care that he was gay. A place where he wouldn't be call 'fag' or 'queer'. Okay, sometimes but Chris would only be joking. Then there was Justin. Peter's love had found someone at last. The whole universe seemed to be opening up to Peter. but he needed a anchor. A spot to call his. And these people, well JC and Lance, had opened their house to him. Peter threw away his doubts. Whatever lay ahead, they would face them together and not just Justin and him. He felt loved and at peace. Peter had told the truth. He really was home. At last!

End part 32

Okay, any similarities to people living are purely coincidence. The names were changed to thank my loyal readers who have responded so lovingly and supportively to me. I had these characters to write but I needed names. I admit I succumbed to temptation. I hope you weren't offended or put off. I meant it with the best of intentions. This is a one-time deal. Okay? I am cowering in the corner. Let me know the best or the worst! At

I must say I had difficulties with the Lance, JC and the leather pants. Not writing it but getting passed it reading wise. Woof! It grew (I mean the scene, well, maybe not) more than I had intended. Well what do you expect with such handsome people, ah I mean, characters.

This just in;) I just opened my mail and Justin Timberlake is on the cover of the latest Advocate! "Ten of the coolest straight people (if you say so) we know". It's nice to know that if they do read this story sometime they might not freak out over it. Anyway...

On to Part 33. Thanks for reading. I hoped you like it. Peter.

Next: Chapter 33

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