Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 18, 2003


Here we go part 33.

A big Thanks to all you readers who were like good doctors. You had patience. Well, what could you do? Hit me across the knuckles with an electronic E-mailed yardstick? But you don't want to read this drivel. On with the story! First the 'cover your butt' clause.

This is a work of total BS, fiction that means. It does NOT chronicle real life especially the sexual orientations of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. (But it's hot fanaticizing about it. "Duh! That's what this site is all about. Stupid author!")There will be graphic descriptions of gay sex. So if you are underage or find such hot and passionate sex objectionable, ah, just skip those parts. No! I mean don't read this! Or maybe you should read this and broaden you mind. Oh, hell, you'll do what you want to anyway, like I could stop you.

So read the next part and I hope you will enjoy.

Lance filled the pitcher with ice. He opened the bottle of cola and started to fill the pitcher. Lance tried to ignore his own memories crowding about him.

JC entered the kitchen. "Lance, do you need any help?"

"No, I'm fine."

JC noticed the tremor in Lance's voice. He went to Lance's side. "What's wrong?"


"You can't lie to me." JC put his arm around Lance. "Justin and Peter are telling what happened this weekend and you suddenly have the need to refresh drinks."

"It's just what Peter said about how his brother treated him as he was growing up. It upset me. How could anyone treat Peter or anyone so badly?"

JC sensed the truth. "Or you?"

Lance let it out. "I was teased when I was growing up after all I was 'musical' but my bass voice saved me some of it. I may have seemed to act like a queer but my voice didn't fit." Lance looked at JC. "Will kids ever stop being cruel to other kids?"

"Some kids sense the truth before adults even can. Maybe we can help those gay kids." JC took Lance into his arms. "Soon, Lance, we will have our chance."

Lance turned to JC and kissed him. They parted.

"Come on. Let's get back to our friends."

Lance finished filling the pitcher. "Especially Peter." Lance's bad mood broke. He smiled. "You know you'd think we'd hate to have another person in this house after living here with just the two of us."

"But we have connected. There is an understanding about the sex and the privacy. Most people wouldn't get that."

Lance chuckled. "Peter didn't. Not until Justin."

JC put his arms around Lance's waist. "And it's nice to have another gay man to talk and joke with. Besides he's such a delight to watch."

Lance raised an eyebrow.

"I mean how he looks at all this through innocent eyes. Then there's him and Justin. I know you love watching them together. If it was up to you two the whole world would be in love." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "Let's get back."

Joey sat back in his seat. "Peter, I'm sorry for teasing you about being so neurotic. Gees, growing up like that explains it. I mean, your own brother."

"And I'll bet he is wishing he acted differently toward you now." Chris said. "I still think you let him off too easy."

"Chris, stop." Justin protested. He patted Peter's hand in a comforting gesture. "He was Peter's brother after all."

"But still."

"I did what I had to do." Peter said. "I'm not particularly happy about the fact but there it is."

"He deserved it. Peter, he treated you like shit."


"I'm sorry, JC, but he did."

Peter sat forward in his chair. "How he treated me had nothing to do with what I did. He was stealing from his own parents. I had to stop him."

Chris stood up and crossed to Peter. "That's what I wanted to hear." He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Your powers are growing in ways I never thought possible."

"Forgive me, Chris. But I have abilities not powers." Peter corrected. "I don't want to be known as some Astral Superhero."

"Whatever you call them you have certainly changed."

Peter blushed slightly. "Thank you, Joey."

"And for the better." Chris squeezed Peter's shoulder.

"What about you, Justin?" Joey asked. "It couldn't have been very comfortable with his parents."

"True. They knew Peter was gay but now they had to face the fact that their son had a lover."

Peter hooked Justin's arm. "I know it was difficult. I don't think the words "gay", "lover" or "sex" were mentioned the whole weekend."

Justin smiled. "Well, your mother did try. Remember when she was talking about the son of one of her friends?" Peter nodded and gestured for Justin to finish. "She said, 'Peter, my friend Strella mention in her last letter that her son is ga... ga..., ah, like you.'" Justin laughed. "Just one more letter and she'll have it."

"It's a good thing she wasn't trying to say 'homosexual'." Peter laughed. "She would choked on it."

"I don't know," JC was grinning, "I've choked on a homosexual before." JC nudged Lance. "I kind of enjoyed it."

Joey pointed a finger. "Don't you start down that road." Joey knew it was already too late.

Chris grinned. "I suppose when Peter's father caught you gazing lovingly at Peter he made you drop and give him twenty."

"No. But I would have done it willingly if Peter was under me."

Joey turned away. "Gees, is sex all you think about?"

"Look who's talking." Justin said. "And thinking about it was all we could do this weekend."

"Leave it, Joey." Chris said. "It's all in his past now. Peter is part of our family now." Chris patted Peter's shoulder. "And I am not just being a brown noser."

"Brown noser?" asked Joey.

"Peter is the one describing our private lives on our website. It's gone down very well with the fans. But I feel like there could be blackmail in the air."

"I would never do anything like that." Peter protested. Then he smiled, "With your reputation Chris, nothing will shock the fans. I didn't say why Joey chased you into the pool with a croquet mallet." Peter looked at Justin with a satisfied smile. "And I am certainly not going to mention the little event on that bridge over the brook."

"Peter." Justin warned.

Lance leaned forward. "Okay, out with it. It sounds very juicy."

"Nothing happened." Justin protested. "We just held, ah, hands."

"Oh, no." Joey slapped his hands over his ears. "I don't need to hear this."

"Well, Peter." Chris rubbed his chin. "You are a jack of all trades. I hope you two didn't kill any of the fish or accidentally crossbreed a new species. I can see frogs with human legs."

Justin was defensive. "Well, I'd like you two to spend a whole weekend without sex."

"Been there. Done that!" Chris snapped. He pulled himself into a ball pouting.

Peter's face fell. "I'm sorry, Chris. Still no luck?"

Chris shook his head and buried his face in his arms.

"Liar," Joey gave Chris's shoulder a smack.

Chris snapped around to Joey. "Ixnay on the exsay," he whispered.

"They didn't even stop for breakfast."

"We did, too." Chris protested. "You two just ate before us."

JC smiled. "Well, that's better. The whole group is one 'happy' family again."

"Excuse me," Justin interrupted. "We were talking about 'our' weekend. It's what happened before the bridge incident that you will not believe," Justin added. "Peter got me to do something I have never though I'd ever do at my age."

Chris winced and covered his eyes. "Sounds too kinky for me. I don't want to know."

"Ah, Chris?" Peter added calmly. "When you don't want to hear something most people cover their ears not their eyes."

"I don't want to see you tell me."

Peter nodded to Justin.

"Peter got me to swing!"

Chris's eyes popped open. "You're swingers?"

"Only in the recreation term," added Peter.

"Is there any another?" Chris shook his head. "I'd never think this of you. Having sex with strangers! I am so disappointed."

"Chris, not sex with strangers. We were on swings."

"Stop, Justin." Chris covered his ears slightly. "This is too kinky."

"Not slings!" Peter snapped. "They were playground swings, Chris!"

"In front of children yet! I am thoroughly disgusted."

"There wasn't anyone around and we didn't have sex on them we just swung on them."

"At your age?"

Justin grinned. "I felt like I was a child again. We went down slide and climbed over the monkey bars. It was so much fun."

"It sounds silly and childish. That is so unlike us." Chris snapped.

There was a silence. They all looked at each other.

"Where's the closest park?" Joey asked.

"About a mile."

"We'll take Lance's car."

They rushed out of the house.

The next day on the NSYNC website: Yesterday NSYNC appeared at a local playground. They clambered about the equipment like kids much to the amusement of the parents and children present. They signed autographs and handed out photos for all of the people there.

Chris was quoted as saying, "You're never too old to play."

This time Lance didn't knock.

"That does it, JC. Peter is feeling too much at home."

JC turned from the sheet music he was making changes on. "I thought you wanted him to feel at home."

Lance pointed to downstairs. "He threw me out of the kitchen. Our kitchen!"

"No." JC said trying hard not to smile. "You weren't making suggestions were you?"

Lance's determined demeanor softened a bit. "Well, he is very light on seasonings."

JC took Lance's hand and pulled Lance to him. Lance sat on JC's lap.

"Lance, that's why there is salt and pepper on the table. You add them afterwards to your taste."

Lance sheepishly nodded.

"Besides Peter is cooking for us and Kevin. He wants everything just right." JC kissed Lance's cheek.

"Why is Peter so wrapped up in Kevin? He has Justin."

"Lance, this isn't a sexual thing."

"It was once."

"Maybe, but Peter has great regard for Kevin and he helped Kevin out of his dangerous depression. What Justin did for Peter both Peter and Justin did for Kevin. They just share a common bond."

"I just don't understand it."

"Of course not. We've haven't..." JC paused and changed tack. "We'll never want to have sex with anyone else. That's why we can't understand it." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "But they did do good. That is why Peter is so into Kevin. He wants Kevin to be as happy as he and Justin." JC nudged Lance. "You do, too. As happy as us."

Lance smiled. "I want the whole world as happy as us." Lance bent down and kissed JC.

JC smiled. "Give Peter a little room. This is his first time hosting."

Lance frowned. "Okay. But I want everything to go right, too. Kevin is a friend."

"Lance!" A voice interrupted them.

Lance went to the door. "Yes, Peter."

"Where do you keep the cheese grader?"

"In the upper right cupboard."


Lance looked at JC. He shooed Lance off.

Lance sighed even though he was glad to help. "I'll show you." He left the room.

Lance handed Peter the cheese grader.

"Thank you, Lance."

Lance turned to go.

"Lance, I'm sorry about earlier. You can stay and help if you'd like."

Lance paused.

"I could really use your help."

Lance turned back. "Sure, Peter. I'd be glad to."

"It's just that I'm on edge. I've never hosted before."

Lance put a reassuring hand on Peter's shoulder. "You'll do fine."

Peter lowered his head. "I just wish Justin could have made it."

Lance tried to keep it light. "I thought he was going to."

"Something came up. He was asked to help with a new album recording. I guess it can go well into the night."

Lance nodded. "They can. Are you all right?"

Peter smiled slightly. "Sure. I knew these separations would happen." He struck a pose and slapped his chest for emphasis. "I will be strong."

Lance chuckled. "Why the dramatics?"

Peter seemed a bit sheepish. "The album he's working on is Britney's."


"Well, she did apologize. She is making a grand effort to except Justin and me. We must be understanding."

Lance looked at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "There's no proof otherwise is there?"


"Just because the day after Justin and I return from a weekend together and she spirits him away doesn't mean anything."

Lance didn't say anything.

Peter nudged Lance. "I'm talking to the wrong person. Never mind."

"Peter, I..."

"Lance, we must believe the best until we have proof. I can't believe I just said that but I guess I mean it."

Lance smiled and nodded. He chopped vegetables for a while. Then he broke the silence. "Peter?"


"Maybe you could help me."

"Sure, Lance. Anything."

Lance seemed embarrassed about asking. "It's just what happened this weekend. I don't know what to do."

"Just ask, Lance."

"Last Saturday night JC did the hottest thing wearing his leather pants."

Peter laughed. "Oh, right up your alley." Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"Its okay. Peter, he did this sexy dance for me. A lap dance I think it's called. It was so hot."

"What can I do about that?"

"JC wants me to return the favor."

"Seems reasonable."

"Peter, I can't dance sexy. I only dance with choreography and even then it takes lot of work. I doubt Wade could teach me something so soon."

Peter chuckled. "Lance, JC loves you. If you just wiggled you hips and stuck out your butt, he'll be in heaven."

"Show me."


"Show me how you would dance sexy for Justin."

"Lance, I don't dance."

"You did at our anniversary party."

"That was different."

"That's what I am saying." Lance looked dejected. "I'm a real lousy dancer on the fly."

Peter decided to skip the pun. He put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "I think I can help you. Come on."

Peter led Lance back to his room. Peter opened a drawer. Inside were videotapes.

"I told you I'd bring some back. These are gay porn but this one should solve your problem."

Lance looked at the box. "Knights in 3D?"

"Male strippers. You can take your choreography from them."


"There are glasses but don't get too worked up. The effects are for the sets around the dancers. Their, ah, talent doesn't stand out that far to be 3D'ed."

Lance hugged Peter. "Thank you. You've saved the day again."

Peter smiled. "Just tell me if it worked."

Lance glanced back." And these others?" he asked timidly.

"Any time you want to watch them. The big and muscular to the young and smooth I have them all." Peter nudged Lance. "But I don't really think you need them."

"Just for study." Lance grinned.

They headed back to the kitchen.

Lance looked at Peter. "Do you want to hear about JC and the leather pants?"

"No, Lance. That is private between you and JC."

Lance nodded. They returned to work in the kitchen.

Lance returned to chopping vegetables. He sighed heavily. Peter got the message.

"Of course, if you want to freely disclose any details."

"Oh, god, Peter, it was so hot! JC had on this pair of leather pants that the crotch had split on. He cut the pants further up the back and cut out the zipper for, ah, safety reasons. When he bent over..."

"I get it, Lance." Peter interrupted a bit flustered. "You don't have to go on. I can just imagine it."

Lance saw that Peter was embarrassed. "Sorry." Lance grinned. "Justin has a pair of leather pants."

Peter shrugged. "They don't have to be leather. Denim will do just fine."

"Well, hallelujah. There is some kink in you after all."

"Lance, you know better."

"But you've never mentioned anything. So you like jeans."

"Yeah, nice and tight and viewed from the back."

Lance nodded. "JC's got a pair like that. He looks so good in them. But then JC looks good in anything."

"And in nothing?"

Lance laughed. "That, too."

"I do miss the tight pants days. The pants they wear now are so big and loose you can smuggle things in them. And I wish they would lose those baseball caps. I have never been a hat person. I like to see the whole head."

"So, we have Justin in tight jeans and no hat. Shirt?"

"White T-shirt of course."

"Or wife beater?"

"Better yet."

"Slight transparent with sweat?"

Peter slapped the counter. "Sold!"

Lance laughed. "That was too easy. When Justin was changing after a concert you didn't take your eyes off of him."

"That way Joey knew I wasn't looking at him."

Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, that was reason number 5."

"So now I know you are a jeans man."

"Actually it's not just jeans. I've seen sex scenes where one guy didn't take his clothes off. His fly was open, obviously but he didn't even open his shirt or take off his necktie."

"Oh," Lance nodded. "The business man fetish." Lance thought for a moment. "You or Justin dressed?"

"Justin, I guess."

"Good. That means you're over your poor body image phase."

Peter's head snapped up. "I never realized that before. You know, I think you're right. It was a way to have sex without revealing your, my body."

"And now?"

"It just makes it seem more urgent like there wasn't time to even take off your clothes."

Lance chuckled. "Like the other day when you got home?"

Peter blushed. "Yeah, just like that."

"Should I drop a hint to Justin?"

"Thanks, Lance, but no. I think we can work out our own fantasies."

Lance frowned a bit.

"But I do have to thank you for giving Justin the idea to reenact our first time. I really owe you one for that."

"I didn't say anything to Justin." Lance lied.

"Lance, we talked about our first times the night before and Justin suddenly gets an idea to replay ours with the romance put in? That just screams out "Lance Bass". Don't get me wrong. We both enjoyed it. It was a great idea."

"I'm glad. Now you should do something romantic for Justin." The idea came. "I got it! Dance sexy for Justin."

"Lance, maybe the idea of Justin doing a lap dance for me, but me?"

"Peter," Lance's voice was stern. "I'll give you the tape back when I'm finished. If I can do this you can, too."


"Peter, surprise him. I think he'd enjoy it." Lance winked. "Then Justin can return the favor."

Peter grinned. "Now that, Lance, is what I call motivation."


Peter adjusted himself. "But for the moment I think we should concentrate on dinner. Okay?"


JC poked his head in the kitchen, "Everything going all right?"

"Yeah." Peter grinned. "Mr. Leather Pants."

JC looked annoyed. "Lance, you didn't."

Lance looked pleadingly. "I wanted to, JC. It was the hottest sex. Who else could I tell?"

"Really? The hottest?" JC took Lance in his arms.

Lance leaned against JC. "Yes. I don't think I can even match that."

JC grinned. "We'll see."

Lance sneaked a quick glance at Peter. "Yeah, we'll see."

Peter winked.

JC kissed Lance.

"Excuse me." Peter said. "If you two want to heat things up please take yourselves elsewhere. I want to heat things up and I need the stove and an unobstructed kitchen."

"My what a little dictator." JC joked.

"JC, remind me to tell you of the story of the male organ crossed with a potato." Peter shot back. "Now scoot."

"JC can help, too." Lance said eagerly.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

JC tried to sound sincere. "Sure."

"No more touchy feely?"

"Nope." JC stepped away from Lance.

Peter nodded. "Good. This isn't that burger joint. I don't want any special sauce in my cooking."

"That's gross!" Lance said wrinkling his nose.

"Lance, Peter is the hostess. And all those hostess cakes come with cream filling."

Peter spun around with a spoon pointing at the two lovers. "The first one who mentions Justin and Twinkie in the same breath gets to know the business end of this spoon."

JC raised his hands. "Okay, just as long as you don't shove your Ding Dong up our Ho Ho." JC thought for a moment. He nudged Lance. "Or should that be the other way around, Cupcake?"

"Okay, you two, that's enough product placement." Lance paused. "My god, I sound like you, JC."

JC leaned to Peter. "And you sound more and more like Chris."

"And what's wrong with that?" Peter asked. "Friends and families often sound like each other. And I can't think of any other people I'd like to be compared to."

Lance looked at JC. Family?

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Nicely said, bro."

Peter looked between Lance and JC.

Lance pointed at JC. "What he said." Lance touched Peter's hand. "You are you know."

JC leapt in before things got too emotional. "How about I set the table?"

"Sure." Peter paused. "Thank you, JC. I thank both of you."

Lance smiled. "Hey, we opened the door. You stepped through."

Peter nodded.

They went back to preparing the food.

Kevin made his way from the dining room to the living room. "That was very good, Peter. Justin is very lucky."

"He's never tasted my cooking."

Kevin turned with a surprised look on his face.

Peter shrugged. "He was busy both times."

"Well, it is his loss. Though I envy him in others."

Lance took a seat. "Come on, Kevin. There are lots of guys out there who would give anything to be with you."

"But how do you tell between the guys who want me or just what I could do for them?"

Lance nodded. "You got us there. All of us didn't have to do much searching to find the loves of our lives."

"That is why I envy you."

JC smiled. "Surely, it isn't that hopeless. You're a very hot gay man. We all agree. There must be someone..."

"Who doesn't what to report the affair to the tabloids? Or who doesn't want to show his friends that he is the lover of a Backstreet Boy? There are so many risks."

Lance touched Kevin's knee. "And pleasures. We were scared to death JC and me. It was me who made the first move if you can believe that. But it has been so wonderful after that."

"But you knew each other." Kevin said. "I don't have that option."

"Surely there must be someone in the industry that you know."

"But I was with Kirk. Now the physical side of me is growing overpowering my rational side."

"I'm sorry, Kevin." Peter said softly. "It's my fault. Well, Justin and me."

"Don't you ever say that!" Kevin snapped. "You and Justin showed me what it could be like. And I want what you have more than ever. I just have to be careful. Maybe someday."

"Maybe, Kevin, you're being too careful." Peter blinked. The room started to blur around him.

Lance continued. "After all just because you've been hurt once don't give up on the future. Right, Peter?" Lance noticed Peter's glazed look.

"Peter, are you all right? JC asked.

Lance was insistent. "Sh, JC!"

"Lance, what is it?" JC whispered.

"This was how Peter looked on the bus when he had that vision of us in old age."

The three of them watched Peter as he stared into space. After a time Peter blinked and moved.

Lance was excited. "What did you see?"

"What?" Peter was getting his bearings.

"Did you see something?"


"Yes, Peter." JC said. "You froze just now. Was it a vision?"

"A vision? Yes." Peter looked between them. "It was of Kevin."


"Yes." Peter shook his head. "I think I could use a tune-up."

"What did you see about me?" Kevin asked.

"Well, it's pretty weird. You were in bed with your knight in shining armor."

"Really? What's weird about that?" Kevin asked.

"Who was it?" asked Lance.

"I couldn't see."

Kevin slumped back. "Typical."

"No, I mean I couldn't see his face. He had his helmet on and the visor was down."

JC sat up. "You don't mean?"

"Yep, it was a real knight in shining armor. I'm sorry, Kevin. My connection with the astral plain must be on the fritz."

"Anything else you saw?" asked Lance.

"He had a red plume on his helmet and the bed sheets were blue." Peter hung his head. "I'm sorry, that was all I saw."

Lance turned to Kevin. "Do you have blue sheets?"

Kevin chuckled. "No, I'm afraid not."

Lance grinned. "I'd go out and buy some." He winked.

Kevin started laughing. "Dinner and a vision of true love. You guys are too much."

Peter replied. "I didn't say it was true love. Just your knight, ah, a lover for you."

Kevin still laughed. "You guys will do anything to cheer me up. Peter now has the power of visions?"

"It's happened only twice before." Peter said. "The first premonition I had was having sex with you, Kevin, with Justin standing watching." Peter looked between JC and Lance. "The other I just feel is true."

"Peter, stop. I know you want to make me feel better but you don't have to go this far."

"Kevin, I mean it."

Kevin took his glass. "I could use a refill."

Peter started to get up. "I'll get it."

Kevin stood up. "I don't mind. Some things I can do myself." Peter felt the words were meant for him.

Kevin walked away.

Peter excused himself.

Peter met Kevin in the kitchen. "Kevin, this wasn't an act. I did just see you and someone together in bed. Doesn't that make you feel better?"

Kevin turned almost angry. "I will find someone. I don't need your 'visions'."

"Kevin, please. This isn't about a couple wishing their single friend had a lover. I hated it when people kept saying that to me."

"Really? It sure sounds like the same thing." Kevin snapped.

"It was just what I saw." Peter shrugged. "I thought you'd like to know." Peter turned to go.

"Peter, I'm sorry." Kevin looked down. "It's just harder than I thought to get back to dating again and everyone is pressing me to."

Peter sensed something deeper.

Kevin looked up to see Peter's caring expression.

"Okay, I hate dating." Kevin's voice grew as he let his anger out. "I hate the phony personas my dates take on just so they get me in bed. I hate that they expect sex on the first date. And I really hate that they drop you like a hot potato if you don't fuck on the first few dates!" Kevin's body slumped. His anger was spent. "I can't do that. It's just not me."

Peter touched Kevin's shoulder. Kevin moved to Peter and let Peter take him into his arms. "I was so envious of you, Kevin. With your looks you could have any man you want. I never thought they'd just see you as a sex object."

"Dating sucks because I won't." He rested his head on Peter. "I think that's why I settled for Kirk. So I didn't have to date anymore."

Peter waited a few moments before he said anything.

"Kevin, there is something I didn't tell you about what I saw. This knight started out as a just a suit of armor. You walked passed it many times. Then there were times you would dust it and polish it. Then one day you lifted the visor. The next image I saw was you in bed with it laying side by side."

Kevin stood back. "So what?"

"Kevin, in my vision you saw the armor quite often."

"I repeat, so?

"Don't you see? You were familiar with the armor so that might mean..."

"That the one that I am looking for is someone I already know?"

"Maybe. Wouldn't it make it easier?"

"Yeah, but I can't think of anyone that fits the bill."

"Just keep it in mind, okay?"

Kevin nodded. He put his hand on Peter's arm. "You are so lucky to have found Justin. You no longer have to go through this 'mating ritual'."

"Kevin, I never did. Even Justin and I never had a 'date'."

"He just came into your room and seduced you?"

"Yep, dragging me practically kicking and screaming into the bedroom."

Kevin grinned. "I don't believe that."

"Okay, Justin turned things around so in my mind I was going to give him the first time I hoped mine would be." Peter had a thought. "Say, Kevin, that's how you should look at this."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I know you are looking for someone but you are the prize that these guys are going for." Peter smiled. "You're in charge not your dates. You can give them as much of you as you want." Peter pointed a finger at Kevin. "You're in the driver's seat not them."

Kevin thought for a bit. He smiled. "You're right. I have been listening to the backseat drivers."

"But you're one hell of a backseat driver, too. I should know."

They hugged each other. There was more that they wanted to say but they both thought better of it.

Peter stepped back. "Ready to get back?"

Kevin nodded. "Sure." They left the kitchen.

JC and Lance smiled at them as they came back.

Peter and Kevin sat down. There was an uneasy silence.

Peter looked from Lance to JC. "Well, Kevin, it seems that 'dating' has become a taboo subject."

Lance looked at Kevin slightly embarrassed, "Sorry, Kevin. We didn't know we were adding to the nagging."

"Forget about it. So how's the wedding planning coming?"

Lance glanced at JC. "Our mothers are planning like it was the event of the century. I don't think there is a DJ or band that they haven't got information on. They're going through the caterers now. We're letting them run free for now. We'll rein them in closer to the day. Whenever that is."

JC patted Lance's knee. "The sooner the better. I don't think my father remembers what my mother looks like."

Lance laughed. "Mine, too. They learned enough from their own wedding. When women are planning a party, males should keep their distance. Our fathers have been huddled together for protection."

"So you don't have a date set yet?" Kevin asked.

Lance shook his head. "We're waiting until after the interviews. We might have to wait for things to die down a bit."

"The interviews?"

"Yeah," Lance answered. "One for the Advocate then an appearance on Larry King."

Kevin's eyes went wide. "The Advocate? Do you mean you are really going to..."

"Come out publicly?" JC finished. "Yep. We just felt it was time. Plus with the wedding and all."

"This will be on our terms." Lance explained.

Kevin sat back. He shook his head. "I wish you well. We could never do that or me for that matter."

JC took Lance's hand. "Well, we do have each other for support."

"JC, we have all the guys and our families for support."

They had a quick kiss.

"How soon?"

"Two days." JC replied. "We've scheduled the TV interview for just after the issue hits the newsstands."

"I'm sure the rest of the Backstreet Boys will join me in supporting you."

"That's what we're hoping." JC added.

Kevin still shook his head. "Wow, kind of makes my dating problems seem trivial."

Peter's voice was firm. "Everything is going to be fine for all three of you."

"A vision?" Kevin joked.

"No. I just know you guys and your effect on the public. You are so well loved."

"I hope you're right."

"Do you doubt your public that much, Kevin?"

"No, you just look so cute when you're riled." Kevin smiled.

"Then just watch it, Mr. Richardson," Peter tried to sound threatening. "As I have said before, there is nothing worse than a sore Peter."

Kevin groaned. "That is really bad. You two put up with this?"

"He's better than Chris."

"Because he's gay?"

"That, too." JC answered. "Plus what fan would have thought to take us to his church?"

Kevin raised his glass. "Now that I will agree with. That is another thing to which I am truly thankful to Peter for."

"We are, too."

Peter beamed. "It was so nice to see you go off hugging everyone in sight."

Kevin nodded. "It had been a long time. But before we get into my side of the story, how did you find the church in the first place."

Peter sat back in his seat. "One of my friends I came out to had a co-worker who went there. He said it was the perfect place to meet other gay people. Well, he knew I wasn't a bar person. We arranged to meet one Sunday and go together."

"I didn't think you would have gone alone." JC chided.

"I walked through those doors and I knew that I was home."

Lance glanced at JC. "We hear you there."

"For the first time in my life I didn't need to hide anything about myself. In fact just my being there the other people knew something personal about me and I knew something personal about them. Of course, there were the straight people but they got used to it." Peter reached for his glass. "I attended regularly every since. Well, until now." He took a drink.

"And we can see why." Lance leaned against JC. "To be in that place with all those other gay people. It was almost impossible for JC and I not to tell them we were gay, too. We were no longer alone."

"You should try Gay Pride." Peter said. "Gays as far as the eye can see. Now that really boasts a person's spirit."

"You've been to Gay Pride?" asked Kevin.

JC pointed to Peter. "Guess who's even marched in the parade." He turned to Peter. "How many years?"


Kevin sat back. "Well, you certainly surprise me. I'd think you were too shy for that."

Peter nodded. "You'd think so, wouldn't you. But that church just makes you want to do something like that."

"Tell us about it." Lance grinned. "We came out to them as gay and as a couple. We even kissed in front of them."

Kevin nodded in agreement. "I even came out to the clergy. It is a very powerful place."

Peter smiled. "And you got back to hugging people."

"I forgot how good it feels to hold someone in my arms. Even if they're not a lover." Kevin thought back. "And just the feeling of belonging. I mean nobody cared who I was or if I was gay. It only mattered that I was there in that space with them. Then that sermon of combining sexuality with spirituality. That church surely made me feel better about my own life."

"That's why we are called an Open and Affirming Church." Peter explained. "Going there has certainly shook my opinion of my sexuality."

Lance looked puzzled. "But this was before you met Justin."

"Lance," JC chided. "Even without a lover I'm sure Peter had his love life well in hand."

Lance elbowed JC. "Some people do that even with a lover."

"As I was saying," Peter thought it better to get back to the subject. "I know it sounds silly but I never used to masturbate on Sunday."

JC grinned. "Why? Because it's a day of rest so you took a break from it?"

"No," Peter sneered. "It just seemed kind of irreligious."

JC and Kevin were smirking. Lance leaned forward. "I think you were just showing deference on a Holy day." Lance reached over and patted Peter's knee. "You forego personal pleasures for one day."

"And make up for it the next." JC chuckled.

"JC, stop. This is personal."

"It's okay, Lance. JC is right. I did make up for Sundays."

"Now it's a religious experience?" JC smiled. "I bet you say 'Oh, god" a lot during it."

Lance frowned. "JC, that joke is getting old."

"Guilt free jerking off," Kevin looked up. "Peter, taught me how to do that. Well, the guilt free bit."

Peter sighed. "Well, it took me a long time to get rid of that guilt. And the church certainly started it all. Although I don't think they meant to."

"What do you mean?"

Peter seemed nervous. "We had these illustrated church school books with biblical stories in them. I found some of the pictures of Jesus..." Peter paused. "I found Jesus very attractive. Is that sick or what?"

JC carefully probed deeper. "Did you get turned on by these pictures?"

"Christ, no!"

They couldn't help but laugh.

"That didn't come out right. I didn't mean 'come', I just..." Peter fell silent.

Lance smiled. "Of course you found Jesus handsome. He is drawn to be the perfect person. Why even I find him in some pictures very good-looking. That's what the artist intended. Believe me this wasn't just because you are gay."

Peter nodded. "But there was this one picture. Jesus was sitting surrounded by children. He had one on his lap with his arm around the child. When I was scared or frightened I always imagined myself as that child." Peter clasped and unclasped his hands. "I still find comfort in that image. It's just that now... I just wish I could show how much I appreciated...That I did love..." Peter paused. His voice trembled. "I like to imagine that I could touch him. You know, give him a hug. Maybe even a quick kiss. On the cheek." Peter looked up. "You don't think that he thinks that I am hitting on him?"

It was such an absurd question but the look on Peter's face stopped them from laughing.

"No, Peter." Lance answered softly. "He knows what you mean."

Peter nodded. "I'm glad. I know this is a silly question but on the astral plain, I was wondering how close to the other-side you could get. You know heaven and that. Once I thought what if it was possible to mentally connect to the other-side and maybe know who. I was afraid he might take my thoughts wrong." Peter shook his head. "I'm just being stupid. My imagination is running wild again."

Lance put his hand on Peter's knee. "You know that God knows your every thought already, right?"

Peter nodded.

"So getting closer wouldn't make any difference. All that is in your heart is known so there can be no misunderstanding. And that you are loved as a gay man, right?"

Peter smiled slightly "Yeah."

Lance pointed at Peter's chest. "You feel that divine love in your heart, right?"

Peter nodded.

JC finished it. "Then listen to your heart and tell your brain to shut up."

Peter chuckled with relief. "Thank you."

"So what other pictures in this church book got you hot."


Peter was glad to change the subject. "Well, there was a full page picture of Michelangelo's David."

Kevin laughed. "It's not porn. Its culture."

"And they had another shot I have rarely seen since, from the back. Even before I really knew I was gay I knew that the statue of David had a nice ass."

JC grinned. "Yes, he does. We saw the statue while we were touring through Europe."

"And he's huge." Lance added. "Much bigger in person than I thought."

They all started laughing.

"I mean his size." Lance added.

They laughed harder.

"I mean the whole statue." Lance snapped.

JC patted Lance's knee. "We know, Lance."

"I can just see it." Peter chuckled. "You guys split up to see the museum and arrange a place to meet again later but Lance doesn't show up. Finally you find him looking up at the statue of David. And JC says, 'Lance, we were to meet under the big clock.'"

JC and Kevin laughed.

Lance sneered. "Ha, ha. Very funny."

JC slapped Lance's knee. "How about I let you trounce me at pinball?"

Lance grinned. "Flattery will get you everywhere." They stood up and had a quick kiss.

"Peter, how good are you at video games?" asked Kevin.

"Worse than I am at pool." Peter got to his feet.

Kevin stood up. "Good. Then we are evenly matched."

They started downstairs.

"I think the Renaissance started as a gay practical joke."

"Okay, Peter." Kevin readied himself. "Why?"

"Imagine all those gay artists and sculptors making paintings and statues of hot naked muscular men and getting the church to buy and display them. What a hoot!"

"Bob Smith on the first 'Out There' comedy special."

Peter blushed. "Busted. You got me, Kevin." He nudged Kevin. "But I did change the words."

Kevin put his arm around Peter's shoulder. "I won't tell if you don't. Besides a good joke bears repeating."

"And a hot guy bares repeatedly."

Lance swung around and pointed at the pair. "Don't go there. We must think of Justin."

Kevin grinned. "Believe me, Lance. I still do. And Peter here. Oh, baby!"

Lance glared at Kevin.

"Sorry, Lance. Peter, you still owe me a game of Strip Pool."

"Oh, no, you don't." Lance wagged his finger at them.

"We could play, too." JC joked. "You know, teams."


"What? It's just a little innocent nudity." JC winked. "Its not like it would lead to a hot sweaty, four hunky gay guy orgy."

Lance stared daggers at JC.

JC put his hands on his hips. "You know, Lance. Sometimes you are no fun."

Lance pointed and JC with head bowed headed off in that direction.

"Then I suppose a circle jerk is out of the question."

"Kevin!" Peter slapped Kevin's shoulder lightly.

"Damn." Kevin looked dejected. "You wanted me to come to dinner. Dinner is over and I haven't come yet."

Lance shook his head dejected. "I give up."

JC turned around. "Lance, you do sound like me. Am I really that bad?"

"Worse." Lance said.

They all burst out laughing. They made their way to the game room.

Justin tossed and turned in his bed. Not only had he missed the dinner party but he had gotten back too late to even call Peter. He knew Peter wanted him to be there but Britney had wanted take after take. She always wanted to get it just right. So Justin had stayed.

Justin pulled the sheets close but it didn't help. He'd never get to sleep at this rate.

Then he sensed a familiar presence. He didn't even think the name. "You're here."

"Of course."

"I wanted to be there tonight. I`m sorry"

"Don't be. I'm here now."

Justin felt the warmth flow over his body.

"Sleep, Justin."

"Don't you want to..."

"You need your rest. Sleep."

"Peter, I do love you."

"I know. Sleep."

Justin let sleep take him.

Peter was beginning to learn just what to probe in Justin's sleeping mind. He let the blue glow pour off of him onto Justin. Justin moaned and rolled onto his back. The sheets at his crotch started to rise. Soon Justin's body was twisting on the bed.

Peter's thoughts filled Justin's sleeping mind. "Until we can do this together I will do this for you." Peter thought about Justin and he having sex.

Justin clutched at the sheet. "Yes, please, yes."

Peter could sense Justin's dream take shape. They were naked on the sheets. Justin was on his back in his dreams as he was now. Peter squatted over him. Justin's hips thrust at the sheets as in his dream Justin thrust into Peter.

Peter floated away from Justin. He presence was no longer needed. Justin's mind had taken over.

Even in dreaming and even though it was only in his mind, Justin began to sense the need for privacy. Peter floated out of the room before he was compelled to go.

"I love you. Justin."

Justin's hips thrust against the sheets.

"Yes, Peter. That's so good."

Peter opened his eyes. He reached down and wrapped his hand around his own stiff cock.

"Come on, Justin. Fuck me." Peter started stroking himself.

Justin within his dream heard Peter's thoughts. He and Peter were connected again.

Justin's hands gripped the sheets while in his dream he was caressing Peter's arms and body. His hips sped up their thrusting.

Peter felt his passions rising. He could just sense Justin when he felt a wave of passion. Justin was getting ready to cum. Peter didn't stop stroking. His whole body tensed as his cock shot off. His cum splattered on his stomach as it erupted from his cock. He could just feel Justin's passion peak as well.

Even without touching himself Justin shot off. "Oh, god, Peter, yes!"

Peter soon relaxed. He grabbed some tissues and cleaned himself off then threw the tissues away.

Peter lay back. "Thank you, Justin."

Justin's breathing was slowing. A wet spot spread along the sheet. Justin signed contentedly and rolled onto his side. Smiling he slipped deeper into his dreams.

Peter looked at the ceiling. "Sorry, about the sheets, Justin. I hope your mother doesn't still change them."

In his dream Justin lay against Peter's chest. "Thank you. Peter."

A single thought went through Peter's mind before he fell asleep. One he wasn't really happy about. It seemed like gloating. "Britney, let's see you beat that."

The next day Lance and JC were off on errands. Peter stayed home just because he felt it easier. He was trying to write the next posting on the NYSNC website when the lawn mower started up. He looked up to see the man mowing the lawn. He may not have been the hunky, shirtless man Peter had kidded about, but he was not wholly unattractive. He was about ten years older than Peter but still kept his body up. Peter returned to his writing. After a while the mower stopped.

Suddenly Peter felt a presence.

"Excuse me, sir. But will you be using the pool? I'd like to clean it."

Peter barely looked up. "No, not at all. Go ahead."

"Sorry to have disturbed you."

"It doesn't matter." Peter threw the pen on the table. "I'm stuck."

"You're that gay guy from the news broadcast, right?"

"Yes, that's me." Peter looked up. The man had opened his shirt. He had taken good care of his body. It was firm and well tanned. The slight breeze caught the shirt now and then and blew it opened further. Peter crushed the fantasy before it grew in his mind.

"Short visit then." The man tried to sound non-chalent.

"No, I'm staying here for awhile."

"Oh." By his tone it wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

Peter gathered up his pen and paper. He decided to embellish his answer a bit. "Just until I find a place of my own."

"Very generous of them to open their house to, ah, you." There was an edge to his voice.

"Yes, very generous." Peter looked back at the man. His shirt was totally buttoned and he was earnestly concentrating on his job. Peter gave a mental shrug. "I'm going inside now. It was nice meeting you, ah...?"

"Does it matter? I just keep up the yard and the pool." He didn't even look up.

"Okay." Peter didn't know what else to say. The man had totally changed. Peter even saw the slight glow of hate and anger in the man's aura. What had Peter done? Peter shrugged and went into the house. As he closed the door he could have sworn that the man had given him the once over.

Once inside Peter stood out of the sunlight coming through the windows. He watched the man.

The man looked at the door Peter had just went through. His face had a thoughtful look. Then his mouth tightened and his face took on an angry glare. "Gay men." The man turned to the pool then thought better of it. Instead he spat on the grass.

"Peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter smiled as Justin approached. "Lance and JC had some last minute details to talk to John about. I went looking for you. Maybe even to take you out for lunch."

Justin's face fell. "Sorry, Peter. We're eating in. I'd ask you to join us but they only ordered enough sandwiches for us."

Peter forced a smile. "Okay, see you later." Peter lowered his voice. "Sometime soon, please."

Justin smiled then reached for the nearest door. The room behind it was empty. "In here."

The door had barely closed before they were in each other's arms and in lip-lock.

"I miss you so much." Peter said after the kiss.

"A few more days. We should wrap up by the weekend."

"But the day of the interview?"

"I have to get back here as soon as it's over."

Peter signed. "A few more days. I guess I can wait. Like I have any choice." Peter lay his head on Justin's shoulder. "I'll visit you again tonight."

"Ah, about that."

Peter lifted his head.

Justin was embarrassed. "It is really great, but I'm getting tired of washing my sheets."

"Wear a condom."

Justin laughed. "Like it will stay on afterwards."

Peter sighed. "Okay. I just thought it would be good for you."

"And I appreciate the thought. But I love the feel of your body against mine so much better."

"Okay, no more physic jerking off."

"Unless you want to."

"Nah, I have a stand-in for you remember."

Justin brushed Peter's cheek. "You're lucky."

"I can buy you one."

"Don't bother. I only want the real thing. I will wait for that."

"Absence makes the cock grow harder."

Justin chuckled. "That's not the one I remember."

"The other one is bullshit."

Justin kissed Peter. "I have to get back." He started to go.

"Justin, I knew when I decided to be with you that we would spend time apart. Even more time than this. You do what you have to for your career. I'll be waiting in the meantime."

Justin opened the door. "Now I know why they call in 'mean' time." Justin gestured for Peter to go first. He planted a quick kiss on Peter's cheek as he walked by. "Kevin is right. You are one in a million."

They stepped into the hall.

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'll make it up to you on Saturday. I'll be over for breakfast then we can spend all day together."

"And the night?"

"If you're not too worn out by then."

Peter smiled. "I'll be waiting."

"Justin, there you are." Britney stood in the hall. "I've been looking for you. We're ready to start."


"I'll bet." Britney whispered to herself.

Justin gave Peter his best impish smile. "I'll will see you later."

Peter walked off.

"What was Peter doing here?" Britney asked as Justin got close.

"He's here with JC and Lance. He thought we could go to lunch."

"We're having lunch in."

"That's what I told him."

They walked down the hall.

"What were you doing in that room?" Britney tried to sound non-chalent.

"We haven't see each other in a while. What do you think we were doing?"

"I don't want to even try." Britney snapped.

Justin stopped her. "What do you mean by that?"

"You're here to help with the recording not get a little action between takes."

Justin laughed not believing. "You must be joking."

"You walked out of that room looking very flushed. Plus the front of your pants tells the whole story."

"Did you want us to kiss in the hall? And I have been too busy with your recording to see Peter. So I see the man I love after a few days absence don't you think I would be 'happy' to see him?"

"Justin, I..." Britney started.

"I am here in a profession capacity, Britney. Even Peter knows that. Maybe you don't."

"Justin, I'm sorry. It's just that... Oh, hell, Justin, I'm jealous. There I said it. I didn't know Peter was going to be here. The sight of you two together surprised me. I apologize for what I thought. I know you are professional when it comes to music. That's why I wanted you here."

"Okay, Brit. Just curb that imagination of yours, okay?"

Britney nodded.

"Good. Let's get back."

"I don't believe this. How could this happen?"

John was angry. Britney pushed the sound booth door all the way open.

"Something wrong?"

John pointed at the technician. "Go ahead, tell her."

"There was a recording glitch."

"A 'glitch' he calls it. A whole days recording lost." John started pacing.

"Relax, we still have a few more days." Britney smiled.

"But the whole schedule is booked."

"What if we get most of it on the first couple of takes?"

"We would still have a few songs to clean up. We will have to come back on Monday to finish up."

John snapped around. "We're not waiting until Monday. We'll work on Saturday. I don't care about the cost. I want this album done."

"But everyone was looking forward to the weekend off." Britney protested.

"I'm sorry, but these things happen." John turned to the technician. "I'll call the people and say we have to record again. They're not going to like it."

Britney seemed to be thinking. "If there were some perks maybe they wouldn't mind so much."

John jumped on the idea. "Now there is a thought. How about a wrap party? We'll have it in my game room since everyone is already here. They can work through the morning and afternoon then party late into the night."

Britney smiled. "I think they'll love that. They all have worked so hard for me. They deserve a party. And I know they will work even harder knowing that the party was your idea."

"I'll go and arrange it." John put his hand on Britney's shoulder. "And you should go home and get some rest. We still have some hard work ahead."

"I will, John."

"Do you want to tell Justin?"

"I think it would be better coming from you. Justin may be a little suspicious of me yet."

"I understand. He'll come around." John left the booth.

"I'm sorry, Miss Spears. I don't know how this happened. It was fine during playback the first time." The technician said. "This will cost more money. The record company will be pissed."

Britney smiled. "That's all right. Accidents happen. Who knows it might turn out to be worth it in the long run."

"Then having to work on Saturday. That will spoil everyone's plans."

"Yes." Britney grinned. "Yes it will. The fates might be on my side now." She left.

The technician shook his head. "We lose a whole day's work costing thousands of dollars and she is happy. Go figure."

"I'm surprised how well Peter is coping. He has been alone without Justin for days. You could hardly tell. I guess we keep him entertained enough."

Lance was lying in bed with his hands behind his head. "Just think, JC, tomorrow is the Advocate interview."

"What? You're not worried about Peter?" JC teased. "Lance, that is so unlike you."

Lance waved his hand. "Peter can handle it. He said he anticipated it. But this is the big one for us."

JC moved to the bed. "Yes, it is starting."

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

"Sure you will. I'll help you. Take off your shorts and roll over on your stomach."

"Mm, JC. Sex with you always makes me sleepy." Lance's head snapped up. "I didn't mean it like that."

"That's okay. I know what you meant. This will be different. Get undressed and lay on your stomach.

Lance did as he was told. A drizzle of warm fluid hit him between his shoulders. Then he felt JC firm hands working the liquid into his shoulders.

"What is that?"

"The baby oil. I warmed the bottle in hot water in the bathroom sink."

Lance turned his head. "What about the sheets?"

"Forget about the sheets. Just enjoy yourself."

"I'll need to take a shower after."

Not this time, JC thought to himself. "Relax, Lance."

Lance gave in to JC's firm hands. "That does feels good."

"I'll make you feel better."

JC's hands slipped lower. Now his hands were massaging Lance's back.

"You like this?"

"Um hum!" Lance was practically purring.

JC's hands lowered to the small of Lance's back. Lance moaned with pleasure. JC worked the oil over Lance's ass cheeks. The white skin was soon glistening with oil as JC's hands caressed the round mounds.

Lance responding by moaning louder.

JC poured more oil at the top of Lance's butt crack.

Lance's body trembled as the warm liquid flowed down his crack. "That tickles." Then he felt JC's fingers following the oil. At his tailbone the fingers caused a wonderful tickling sensation. Then he felt a pressure at his asshole. JC massaged the oil gently into him.

"Oh, JC."

JC pressed his thumb against Lance's puckered opening. "Is that good?"

"Yes, Josh. Please, do me."

"Soon." JC said softly.

JC's kisses, soft and tender, pressed themselves over Lance's body.

"I want to make love to you, my love."

Lance felt JC's hands caressing his skin all over. "We come out tomorrow as two lovers. You are the love of my life. Let me show you that." JC's thumb pressed into Lance's asshole. "I want us together as one."

"Yes, Josh." Lance panted. "I want you in me."

JC's warm hands moved all across Lance's back. All the time JC kissed Lance's body.

"Please, JC."


"Josh. Joshua. Mr. Chasez. Please, fuck me."

JC leaned down close. He whispered in Lance's ear. "No, Lance. No fucking. We are going to make love."

Lance felt JC's body move over him. Lance felt a pressure at his asshole. Slowly he felt JC's cock slide into him.

"Oh, yes!"

"We are together as we always will be." JC's breath was hot on Lance's neck.

"You feel so good in me."

"We feel so good together. Lance, feel my love for you."

JC's strokes were slow and long. His cock was almost all of the way out then he slipped in deep.

"Yes, Josh. Do me good."

JC pulled Lance back on his knees. His right hand took hold of Lance's cock and slowly stroked it. The left caressed Lance's body and chest. JC just rubbed not pinched Lance's nipples.

"Oh, Josh, this feels so good."

"I want this to last a long time."

"Please, Josh, faster. I want to cum so bad."

"No," JC said. "Please, I want it slow and tender tonight."

"But, I want to cum and I want to see you cum, too."

JC leaned down so they could kiss. "Tonight you can cum many times. I want to see how long I can last."


JC wrapped his arms around Lance's chest. He didn't stop his rhythm. "They say the longer you hold back an orgasm the stronger it is. Tonight I want to feel my love for you at its strongest."


JC voice was at Lance's ear. "If I can fight back the rushing passion I have for you, I can stand up to anything."

"Then I will, too." Lance concentrated on the wonderful feeling of JC inside of him but that alone.

The minutes past as the two lovers gave into pleasure but too slow for the final passion.

After awhile JC noticed Lance's arms starting to shake. "Lay on your side."

Lance was grateful for the change. Now he wasn't supporting himself he could relax and just enjoy. JC moved close behind him and Lance felt JC wonderful cock slid deep inside.

JC felt the passion bubbling below the surface. No, he wouldn't give in. His body thrilled more and more to the sensations of his cock sliding into Lance's tight warm insides. Still he kept the thrusts slow. He was enjoying this so much.

Lance grabbed a pillow and held it to his chest. He wanted so much to stroke his cock. But he knew he wouldn't last too long. JC's cock was sending surges of joy through Lance's body. His very nerves were alive with it. No, he would to make this last.

More minutes past. Lance sensed that JC was getting tired. He moved off of JC's cock and turned.

"JC, you need a rest. Lay on your back."

Lance straddled JC. Again Lance thrilled as JC's cock sank deep inside of him.

Now he was in charge of the rhythm. Lance fought against the rush of passion. No, they were going to keep to the plan.

JC watch Lance ride on cock. Lance's face was quite flushed from pleasure.

"You, okay?"

"Yes, Josh. But it's hard to wait."

"I know. Soon."

"Josh, I want to cum so bad."

"Another fifteen minutes." Lance saw that wonderful Josh smile and the glint in those blues eyes. "For me and for us."

"I'll try."

Lance slowed his bouncing on JC's cock. But that seemed to heighten the joy cursing through his body. Lance looked down and saw JC flushed. His mouth opened and closed but only a slight whimper came out.

JC soon found his voice. "I am so blessed. You have shown me the meaning of true pleasure. God, Lance, how I love you."

"I love you so much, Josh." He bent down and they kissed.

Both of their bodies were tingling. Every nerve was sending thrills through them. Each thrust was pushing them closer and closer to the inevitable. The minutes past with the lovers in total bliss.

Lance glanced at the clock. "Josh, can we finish this?"

JC laughed. "Okay. Go for it, Lance"

"No," Lance said. "I want you to give it to me."

JC grinned. "You've got it."

Lance pulled off of JC and rolled onto his back. JC sat up and positioned himself between Lance's legs.

Lance's head fell back against the pillow as JC's cock slid completely into him.

"Yes, Josh. Thrill me with your love."

JC still fought to keep the strokes slow but his body was urging him faster. The slower strokes sent waves upon waves of pleasure so intense JC couldn't imagine anything stronger.

"Josh, enough. Give me release."

"Go ahead, Lance. Cum for me." JC gave a full hard thrust into Lance.

"And me. Show me your love, Josh."

JC pulled out of Lance and took to stroking his cock.

Lance took hold of his cock. The touch of his fingers on his cock sent a surge through Lance like he had never felt before. One stroke and the feeling rushed through his body. "Josh, I'm..." Lance gave out a low bass groan. His whole body seemed to contract as his cock did. Cum erupted from his cock and arched across his body splattering and his chest and face. Lance's body convulsed on the bed.

JC watched as Lance's cock gave shot after shot. He counted to six when his own climax ripped through him.

Never had it felt like this. The room swayed around JC as the sensations blasted through his nerves. JC saw the room blur. He thought he might black out. Then the storm eased. The room came back into focus. JC began to breathe slower. He looked down. Slowly as the sensation dimmed JC took notice of what was around him. He tried not to laugh.

Lance was covered in cum. But it was Lance who was laughing. He licked his face.

"Mm, that was from me."

JC's finger pressed against Lance's lips. "Sh."

JC reached to the bed stand and took the washcloth. He wiped the cum off of Lance.

Lance was still chuckling.

"Stop it, Lance. You'll break the mood."

"I can't, Josh. I have never felt this wonderful before." Lance took the washcloth from JC. He threw to the floor. "Never mind that. Hold me."

JC took Lance into his arms. They lay in bed just basking in the afterglow.

JC kissed Lance. "Feel better about tomorrow?"

"Fuck, yeah!"

JC smiled. He didn't rebuke Lance about his language. He felt the same thing.

"I wanted us to be positively glowing with love tomorrow. Everyone will see how in love we are."

"JC?" Lance asked. "It's a magazine article. No one will see us."

"They'll know when they read it."

Lance was silent for awhile.



"I may need a bit of polishing tomorrow morning to be really glowing with love."

"Do I sense a tandem shower in the morning?"

Lance sighed and nestled closer to JC. "Damn gay."


"Well, damn 'straight' doesn't make sense for us does it."

JC laughed. "Yes, it does. We're gay and the rest of the world is..."

"Damn straight," they laughed together.

As their laughter lessened Lance gazed into JC's blue eyes.

"Tomorrow the world will learn of our love for each other."

JC smiled. "And that we are gay."

"Big deal. The first bit is more important."

JC smiled. "I hope they are ready for us."

Lance lifted his head. "The world has been aching for it. They're just too afraid to admit it."

JC kissed Lance. "Go to sleep."

"This love we have for each other. No matter what, we have that."

JC remembered Peter's vision of them in old age. "Always, Lance. As long as we live."

End part 33

Next time "The Advocate Interview".

Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it. I had a bit of a hard time getting going on this part. Plus I took time to write a little JC and Lance Christmas two pager just to get me in the holiday mood. Now I promise I will concentrate on part 34.

I did go in some strange directions and topics but oh, well. The more I tried to change them the more they seemed to fit. If I'm wrong, let me know. Hell, if I right, let me know.

Time to start on part 34. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 34

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