Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Feb 8, 2003


Thanks as always for those who have written me with your thumbs up or thumbs down. I do appreciate it. If only I could be there when you are reading it for your immediate reaction! Another long chapter so let's get on with it.

This is a story of complete fiction. So don't believe a fricken word of it. To the author's knowledge (again, limited as that may be) NSYNC is not gay. (But, NSYNC, if you are planning a change please contact the author. He'd be glad to help out.) There will be descriptions of hot gay sex. (Well, that is what the author intended.) So if the idea of NSYNC, and the other, doing the nasty together offends you or you are underage and your mommy and daddy will tell you 'That's a no-no', STOP reading! To all others I say, sorry, that should be 'I type': 'Read and (hopefully) enjoy!'

JC opened the door. Joey and Chris came in.

"How are you two holding up?"

JC closed the door. "Just fine. In fact it is kind of exciting."

They joined Peter and Lance in the living room.

Chris flopped into a chair then wiped his hands on his pants. "Gees, you are the ones coming out. Why am I so nervous?"

"Guilt by association." Joey quipped.

"Hey, I am not afraid if people thinking I'm gay. It's still a way to get girls. Which one will be the girl to change me back to straight?"

"But we do share a house together," Joey added.

Chris looked Joey up and down. "Further proof that I couldn't be gay. I can't be that desperate."

"In your dreams, Chris."

"Yeah, the ones I awake screaming from."

"Guys, please," JC interrupted. "We're doing okay. You don't have to do this."

"Do what?" Chris seemed confused.

"Well, I just thought that you two must be trying to distract Lance and me to keep us from being nervous. I mean you wouldn't break into a fight one minute after getting here would you?"

"Never," Joey shifted uneasily in his chair.

"There's no putting anything passed you." Both were embarrassed.

JC sat on the edge of the couch next to Lance. JC reached down and took Lance's hand.

"I'm okay."

"I know." JC smiled. "Can't I hold my lover's hand?"

Joey looked between JC and Lance. "Did you do your hair different this morning?"

Lance shook his head.

JC shrugged, "No."

"The clothes aren't new. I don't get it." Joey puzzled. "You two just look so different this morning. Like you are..."

"Glowing?" finished Chris.

"Yeah, that's it. And you're so relaxed. This is not the way I thought Lance would be acting."

"I had a long hot shower this morning. That always relaxes me." Lance didn't look at JC, but JC squeezed Lance's hand.

"It was hot all right." JC said under his breath.

The doorbell rang.

"That must be Justin." Peter was on his feet heading toward the door.

"My, he's in a hurry." Joey said.

"Justin has been helping with the mixing of Britney's new album. Except for short visits it's been four days."

Chris grinned. "No wonder he got up so fast."

"Chris," JC warned. "Try to restrain yourself, please."

"And disappoint my fans?"

"This isn't about you, remember." Joey said. "We're just here for support."

Chris nodded but there was still the glint in his eyes. JC let it drop. Chris was after all Chris.

"Its John." Peter had a little disappointment in his voice.

John put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Peter. I know we have been hogging Justin a bit."

"You're doing what to him?"

John ignored Chris.

"But I promise you after Saturday he'll be free again."

Peter managed to hide his shock. Justin was now working on Saturday?

"And how is the couple of the hour doing?"

Lance replied. "Fine. Actually we're looking forward to it. Sort of like the first concert on a tour. A little scared but eager to get on with it."

"Good." John looked the two over. "You two do anything different? You look good."

Lance blushed slightly. "No nothing."

"They just had wild passionate sex in the shower this morning." Chris said very manner of factly. "They are still glowing with love."

JC and Lance looked surprised.

Then JC smiled at Chris. "John, on the next tour make sure our hotel room is not next-door to Chris's."

Chris raised his hand. "I second that motion. I need my sleep. Oh, and make sure that their bathroom has the liquid soap. That way they won't be dropping it so much."

John gestured with his head at Chris. "You sure you want him here?"

"Of course," JC replied. "With his joking people will go from 'oh, my god, they're gay!' to 'oh, my god, they have to put up with Chris! God have mercy on them!'."

"Ha, ha." Chris sneered.

There was a knock on the door and the door opened.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Justin, finally!" Chris grinned. "You have been missed and I don't mean by us." Chris nodded at Peter.

"The traffic was terrible. I got here as soon as I could."

"It's okay," Chris said stretching out in his chair. "The interviewer isn't due for another fifteen minutes." Chris held his chin with his hand. "Can you find something to do to pass the time?"

Justin paused looking about the room.

Lance smiled. "Off with you." He pushed Peter toward Justin. "Just be quick about it."

Chris grinned, "Speedy Petey."

Justin took Peter's arm. "Come on." Justin changed his mind. "Follow me." He stuck his tongue out at Chris.

They made their way out to the pool.

Justin handed Peter a slim package. "For you."

Peter took it. "Oh, Justin." He kissed Justin's cheek. He already knew what was in it.

"I'm sorry for not being able to spend any length of time with you."

"Don't be." Peter unwrapped the package. "You have other obligations."

"If I knew that this album would take so long..."

"Britney is a friend and she asked for your help. I understand."

"Peter, it is just that..."

Peter took the single rose from its package. "You have to work on Saturday." He smelled the rose.

Justin's jaw dropped. "How?"

"John, let it drop."

Justin's face fell. "I am so sorry you had to learn of it that way. I wanted to tell you myself."

"Justin, it is all right. The schedule of a pop star is always changing."

Justin couldn't help himself. He took Peter into his arms and kissed him.

Justin sighed. "You are so understanding."

"I have to be. Justin Timberlake is wanted by most of the known world."

Justin chuckled. "Really? That doesn't leave much time for you. Why do you do it?"

Peter sighed smiling. "Because I get the good bits." Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "Will Sunday be free?"

"Sure, but I want you before that."

"But, Justin."

"Come visit me tonight. I don't care about the sheets. I was just being stupid. Please, Peter, do you promise."

Peter leaned against Justin. "I'll be there with bells on and she will be pissed."


"Bells on. B-E-L-L-E-'-S on. Something belonging to Belle.

There was a ringing.

"Speaking of bells."

Justin stood back. "The front gate."

"Go. You're needed."

"You're not going to be there?"

"I've had this out with JC and Lance already. This is NSYNC's interview. I'll stay out here."

Justin nodded.

"It will go well. Believe me."

Justin stepped back and gave Peter a long kiss. They parted.

Peter smiled. "Break a leg."

John answered the door.

"I'm Anne from the Advocate."

"Come in. You're right on time." John ushered her in. "We've talked on the phone. I'm John." He shook her hand.

As they entered the living room Anne was surprised. "I thought this was going to be a one on one. I get the whole group?"

NSYNC knew better but they were still surprised that it was a woman.

"That's us." Chris said. "All or nothing. We're insufferable."

"Inseparable." Anne corrected.

"Nope." Joey replied. "Not when it comes to Chris."

"You've been warned." John added.

"I think I'll risk it." Anne looked around. "So where should we do this?"

"How about here? If it's all right." Lance said.

"Sure." Anne began unpacking the bag she had over her shoulder. "It works best if the subject is comfortable."

Chris slid onto the floor and stretched out spread-eagle on his back. "Much better."

John gave Chris's foot a light kick. "Comfortable but professional."

Chris scrambled back in his seat. "Sorry, coach."

Lance could see Anne was chuckling as she set up the tape recorder.

"Are you sure you can handle them? I can get their leashes." John joked.

Anne laughed. "I'll be fine. Besides the readers love it when they get to see the real person."

"I'll be by the pool." John pointed at Chris. "Behave."

Chris saluted. John shook his head as he left.

"I've been looking forward to this ever since you contacted us that someone from NSYNC wanted to be interviewed." Anne settled herself into a chair. "Well, should we start with the big question or work into it?"

Chris sat forward and propped his chin on his hands. "Aren't you afraid that working for a gay magazine people will think you're gay, too?"

"I am gay." Anne smiled.

Chris nudged Joey. "No use asking my next question. Well, at least we don't have to fight over her."

Anne smiled. "Okay, that eliminates two."

"Does it?" Chris winked.

"Okay, we'll take the long way around." Anne tried another tack. "NSYNC has a very wholesome family type of image. Was that from you or management?"

"Definitely us. We want to appeal to everyone." JC replied. "We are totally us on stage. Even offstage."

Joey continued. "The fans can see through anything. Plus it takes energy to be someone different on stage. And we need all our energy to perform." Joey shrugged. "We love what we do. That's what we bring to our music and our concerts. We are just five guys doing what we love for people who love what we do. End of story."

"Not yet, I hope." Anne paused. "Since you came to the Advocate I am assuming that maybe what we see isn't everything. "

"What you see is us. But our personal lives are our own." JC said. "Until now."

"Why now?"

"Is there a proper time?" asked Chris.

"But you are so popular now. If what I think is the reason for this interview is known aren't you worried that it may have a negative impact NSYNC's future?"

"This isn't about our careers. It is about letting the people see the truth." Lance said firmly. "And maybe through that they can see themselves. We can show them that if we can be successful so can they. And maybe just to put a face to the word 'gay'." Lance looked right at Anne. Too bad this couldn't be captured on audiotape. "Maybe it is about letting some people realize that they are not alone. Most importantly if letting the world know that I am gay will save one gay kid from committing suicide even at the cost of my career it is worth it."

"Our careers," added Joey. "We're in this together."

Anne sat back in her chair. "So now we know the truth. Lance Bass in gay."

Chris clicked his teeth. "Not just him."

Anne snapped around. "There's another one?"

Chris grinned. "Choose."

Anne waved her hands. "Oh, no. I'm here for you to tell me."

"There is another reason for 'why now'." Lance said. "We've been together for over a year and we are planning a commitment ceremony. We wanted to tell the world on our terms and not get outed by the tabloids."

"A gay couple in NSYNC?" Anne was delighted. This was becoming quite a scoop.

"Darling!" Chris rushed to sit on Lance's lap.

"Chris!" JC barked. "Leave Lance alone." JC's voice softened. "He's all mine."

Anne watched as JC and Chris switched places. JC sat next to Lance and took Lance's hand.

"Now you know the whole truth." JC looked into Lance's eyes and smiled. "Lance and I are gay, in love and are planning a ceremony. That's why we wanted to be interviewed."

"Well, first let me say congratulations. Second, how has JC and Lance being gay effected the group?"

"You mean the separate showers and them traveling on the gay bus?"

"Chris," Joey elbowed him. "It's becoming annoying."

"Don't worry, Joey." Anne smiled. "This will be in print. I can always edit Chris out."


"Just back off a bit, Chris." Justin said. "This is Lance and JC's party." Justin turned to Anne. "To answer your question, it didn't effect us. We're tight. We're family. When JC and Lance told us they were lovers it was a bit of a shock but to see them so happy is cool. We always try to respect all people even if is our own group."

"So it was business as usual?" Anne asked.

Joey shrugged. "Sure. We just got off a tour and JC and Lance didn't sing or dance any different. We didn't treat them any different. Like Justin said we've been working so close with each other we're brothers. And we love each other. No matter what."

"Well, there is the smooching." Chris shivered. "But they keep it at a minimum around us."

Anne checked her notes. "Okay, we have the now. How did you feel when they first told you they were gay?"

"What Justin said," Joey replied. "We were surprised but we accepted it. I mean we know a lot of gay people." Joey shrugged. "We just knew two more."

"I was pissed at them." Chris snapped.

Everyone looked surprised.

"We have been so close for so long but JC and Lance were dreading telling us the truth. Just because they were gay they stop trusting us? I think all of us were hurt that they even thought we'd throw them out of the group. I, we wouldn't think of doing that. That made me mad."

JC looked up. "Sorry, Chris. If you expect the worst any other reaction will be an improvement."

"And you were afraid to tell us you two had fallen in love. How often does that happen?" Joey stated. "The most wonderful God given gift between two people. So what if you're both men." Joey looked at Anne. "When I find the right girl if we are half in love as JC and Lance I will consider myself very lucky."

Lance blinked. "Thank you, Joey."

"Okay, now we know what the group thinks. How about your families? Are you out to them?"

"Yep," Lance said. "They're very supportive now. But it wasn't that great for awhile. Being Baptist my parents had a real tough time with having a gay son. I got that 'pray for healing' line. Their baby had turned to the dark side. But with a little help they came around."

"I'll say," JC added. "When his mother found out we were engaged she wanted this huge church do."

Anne shook her head. "That was some turn around. I'm sure the other gay people out there with parent problems would like to know how you did it."

Lance thought for a moment. Well, Peter helped my to project to my home. That wouldn't do. "I got my parents to realize how much their love was important to me and how much I loved them. But if I had to choose between their love or my love for JC, JC would win." Lance squeezed JC's hand.

JC patted Lance's hand. "I'm glad you didn't have to choose."

"Of course that was just after the news broadcast about Peter's assault." Justin added. "Your mother kept thinking it could have been her own son being gay bashed."

Chris chuckled. "The Mothering Instinct can overcome almost anything."

"That news broadcast caused quite the sensation." Anne said. "The gay community was very grateful that you stood up against gay bashing like that. It was a brave thing to do."

"It was the right thing to do." Justin said firmly. "Peter is our friend. No one should be treated like that. It didn't matter that he was gay."

"Well, you were one of the first musical groups to take that stand. Now Lance and JC are coming out publicly. You certainly act on your feelings. Most artists would think of how their fans would react first."

"We have always been ourselves." Joey said. "I think the fans appreciate that. I think they will be with us on this, too."

"Okay, we have Lance's parent's story. JC, how did your parents react to your coming out?"

"Shock and disbelief at first. Dad blamed it on letting me take dancing lessons."

Anne shook her head. "They would, wouldn't they?"

"Mom came around very quick. Then when I told them that I was in love with Lance that really helped. They've always liked Lance a lot."

Anne chuckled. "We don't like that idea of you being gay but if you have to be gay we do like your choice of boyfriend?"

JC patted Lance's hand, "Something like that. Both our mothers are hyped for the ceremony."

Anne raised an eyebrow. "It's not going to be a wedding?"

Lance answered. "We'd rather call it a ceremony. Too many people have deep religious ideas over the word "marriage" and "wedding". Being a gay couple will freak people enough without added to it."

JC took Lance's hand. "We know what is all about. Who cares what you call it."

Anne looked at her notes again. "Did you take into account how the fans might react to your coming out?"

JC answered. "The thought did occur to us, but in this case they might find out another way so not telling them really wasn't an option. We just wanted to tell them ourselves."

"I think most of the fans will be cool on the gay thing." Justin said.

"Plus they are a loving monogamous couple." Chris nodded at Lance and JC. "They have that whole romance thing going. Girls love that."

Anne flipped through her notes. "In my research for this interview I checked the Internet. There are quite a few opinions that NSYNC is gay."

"That's just the people who don't like NSYNC."

"No, Joey," Anne replied. "There is a lot of fan websites that are full of stories about NSYNC being gay and these are ardent fans."

"I hope they got the gay guys right." Joey added.

"I found every pairing imaginable."

"Well, now some of them don't have to imagine." Lance smiled at JC.

"Wait a minute," Chris looked puzzled. "They write fantasies about our private lives and post them on the Internet?" He shook his head. "Is that sick or what? Don't they have lives?"

Joey nudged Chris. "Listen to Mr. Hypocrite here. He's been reading several 'Chris' stories. Like that one when you're always bringing stewardess home night after night."

"That isn't fiction, man." Chris protested. "I was surprised how accurate she got the story."

"It's getting thick in here." Joey shot back.

Anne leaned forward in her chair. "Okay, what do you expect will be the reaction to you two coming out as gay."

"Well, in a perfect world," JC started. "Nothing."

"Hah!" Chris burst out.

"I think most of the fans will be cool about it." Lance said.

"Some will be disappointed." Joey said. "There will be Lance and JC posters ripped off of walls by heart broken fans. But I think it will be the parents that will react the most negatively."

Justin nodded. "I agree. They won't want to have their children listening to a group with gay members." Justin shook his head. "Like our music will make them gay."

"The proof is in our last concert tour." JC added. "We have been gay the whole time and people enjoyed our show. Now they will be reading things into what we do."

Chris sneered. "Like we have subliminal messages in our music or in our dancing. It will be a pity."

"It will be like people perverting what you have always loved to do." Anne said. "Hindsight is always twenty-twenty."

Lance looked sad. "That's what will hurt the most."

Anne wanted to make a point. "But look at the other gay singers that are out, Elton John, K. D. Lang, Boy George and Melissa Etheridge. They still have their fans."

"Yes," JC said. "But they don't have such a young fan base."

"We'll be corrupting the morals of the future generation." Lance added.

Anne sat forward. "The future generation needs people like you. You're letting people know that you are gay and proud of your relationship together. You're becoming role models and I don't mean for just the gay kids. Kids seeing you will have a different understanding and may be less of a bully or tease other kids for being gay. This is an immensely positive step and, I know I speak for other gay people, we owe you a debt of gratitude for what you are doing. I wish more people in the public eye would be as brave. The world would be a better place." Anne blanched. "Sorry, that is my opinion. It won't be in the interview."

"Pity," said JC. "Because that is exactly how we feel."

Lance smiled. "Keep it in. We couldn't have said it any better."

"Okay," Anne started again. "What is in the future for NYSNC?"

Justin answered. "We are working on a new album. JC and I are writing a lot of the songs."

"So you are in charge of the next album?" Anne asked.

"Yes," JC replied. "We have 100% control over what goes in and how it is produced."

"Your management has complete faith in your talents?"

Justin smiled. "John has."

Anne sat back. "Okay, we have NSYNC's professional future. What about the individual members? We have two locked off, what about the other three?"

Chris indicated Joey and himself. "We're still beating about the bushes for our true loves." Chris saw the glare JC gave him out of the corner of his eye.

"And Justin?" Anne asked with a knowing smile. "As if we didn't know."

"If you mean Britney, we are just good friends. Well, that is what I think."

"No one else?"

Justin hesitated. He wasn't ashamed of Peter but still. "There is someone I am seeing but forgive me if I don't say much. They are not much for the spotlight and I don't want to scare them away. You understand. Me being Justin Timberlake and all."

Anne nodded. "Someone who will greet you at home when the personal appearances are through. They're not looking for fame or notoriety. They just want to be with you."


Anne smiled. "Then I won't pry. But then the usual question I'd put to Lance and JC is how you met. I guess we know that."

"But how did we fell in love?" Lance smiled.

Anne looked confused. "You saw each other all the time. There is no mystery in that. You just realized you loved each other."

"Nope," JC grinned. "It was different than that."

Chris snorted. "We pushed them together even though we didn't know we were."

Anne shook her head. "I'm confused."

"So was I." Lance replied. Lance settled himself. "I guess I knew I was gay from an early age. But it was sometime before I really accepted it. We had traveled so much together. I enjoyed the other guy's company. But slowly I began to realize it was JC's company I desired most. During the photo shoots when we had our arms around each other. I relished JC's touch the most and missed it when it was gone. I wanted so much to hold JC in my arms. Just to hold him, nothing else. It was like I couldn't be whole without him." Lance frowned. "Then there were times when we were close that I wanted to..." Lance paused, "kiss him. I wanted to hold him so close and never let him go. But we were friends and our own sort of family. I was so frightened by these feelings." Lance sighed. "So I thought the best way was to stay out of temptation's way. But staying away from JC meant staying away from the rest of the guys."

Chris grinned. "That's when we stepped in and sealed their fate. We saw Lance getting farther and farther away. We had a conference and decided to send JC to see what was wrong with Lance."

Anne laughed. "A lit match to watch dynamite?"

Joey laughed. "You got it. We stayed on the sidelines so JC could find out what was wrong. In the end we had both JC and Lance bursting forth that they were gay and in love. They both thought that we would reject them." Joey patted JC's shoulder. "How wrong could they be?"

Anne smiled. "You are unique bunch of guys. Most hetero guys would run away screaming."

"Why?" Chris asked. "They were in love. It wasn't like they would hit on us." Chris turned to JC and Lance. "It was hard, ah, difficult at first. I mean two of our brothers, ah, friends in love with each other. But seeing them together and so happy soon changed that. If only other people were as much in love."

"Amen to that, Chris." Anne turned to JC and Lance. "So who confessed their love first? Did you just blurt it out or was it romantic?"

Lance glanced at JC. "It was romantic although I was too scared at the time to realize it. We didn't say anything." Lance looked up until he met JC's gaze. "We were sitting side by side. I knew what I had been aching to do. I threw all caution to the wind and leaned over to kiss JC." Lance leaned to JC.

"And I surprised him by meeting him half way." JC leaned close and they kissed.

Anne smiled. "Now that is a simple way to say 'I'm gay and I love you'."

"Hey, hey, not in front of the straights." Chris protested.

JC pulled back but didn't look away from Lance. "And who's home are you presently in?"

Chris's face fell. "Oh, good point."

Anne watched the two lovers. "You know I don't know why I didn't catch on to the two of you earlier. It is obvious now that you two are very much in love."

JC winked. Lance smiled. It was JC's 'I told you so' expression.

Chris jokingly turned away. "Do you have to flaunt it in front us lonely straight people? You two are so lucky."

Anne smirked. "But Chris, surely you know that you have gay fans thinking of you that way."

"Really?" Chris flexed his muscles. "I am such a stud."

"Yeah," JC joked. "A two by four."

Lance joined the joke. "Chris doesn't stay limber, he's lumber."

"There is no limit to some people's taste." Joey shuttered.

Anne went back to the questioning. "Every band has some gay fans and some of these will have romantic fantasies of you. Do you mind?"

It was Joey who answered. "Of course not. We are in the public eye. They see what they want to. To tell you the truth some of our gay fans treat us with more respect than the female ones." Joey frowned. "Maybe you shouldn't print that. I don't want to insult our fans."

"Why not?" Justin said. "It's the truth. A few of our fans get over zealous, but on the whole they are great fans. But I'd like to add I think our gay fans aren't as visible first because they have to let people know they're gay. Then there is the idea we might think they're hitting on us."

"To keep JC and I primed for this interview Peter put together a bunch of letters from gay fans. To know that our music and concerts really do effect people in such a personal way especially gay people like us was a real kick. It is too bad that gay fans feel we are unapproachable."

"Not after this goes to print." Anne said. "But excuse me, you mentioned Peter? Isn't that the gay man that was attacked?"

"Yeah," JC seemed a little nervous. "After all we went through together we got to know him well."

"Yeah, we have become very close friends." Chris smirked at Justin.

Justin knew Chris was kidding him about what Justin had first said to Britney about Peter. That was is the past. "He had so few friends and we did feel responsible about what happened to him. We sort of took him under our wing."

Anne was impressed. "Taking this gay man to heart after his attack, you certainly practice what you preach."

"Actually," Lance began, "It was JC and I who liked to have him around. We had never got to talk to other gay men before we met Peter. Some topics the guys just wouldn't understand. It was so refreshing. I guess we didn't want it to end. So we asked him, John offered him a job and he agreed to come with us."

"He's in Orlando?"

"He's here." Chris added.

Justin, Lance and JC snapped around to Chris.

"I'm not ashamed of him, are you?" Chris teased.

Justin composed himself. "Of course not. We all like him."

Anne looked about the room. "Is he here?"

"He's out by the pool." Lance answered. "He didn't want to interfere."

Anne nodded. "Oh, he likes to stay out of the spotlight."

Justin felt like his own words would come back to haunt him. "I can get him if you'd like."

Anne looked excited. "I know this was just an interview with you, but a gay man friends with NSYNC. I think the readers would like to hear his point of view."

Justin stood up. "I'll get him."

John and Peter were chatting when Justin approached from the house.

"Peter, you're wanted for the interview."

"Justin, I told you..."

"Anne wants to talk to you."

Peter was nervous. "But I..."

"You're a gay man who became friends with NYSNC. She thinks the readers would like to know your side of the story."

Peter looked at John.

"A openly gay man's perspective on NYSNC's two gay members?" John's hand squeezed Peter's arm. "You can help ease things."

Peter nodded and stood up.

"I told her I was seeing someone shy who wanted to stay out of the spotlight. It was rather vague." Since they were out of sight of the living room Justin brushed Peter's cheek. "I am so sorry it has to be this way."

"Don't be. It is the truth."

Justin grabbed Peter and moved him to the wall of the house. He gave Peter a long kiss. "I promise you I will make it up to you for this."

Peter grinned. "Almost whole week apart and a scarce mention of the love of your life? Justin, you had better clear more than a couple of days from your schedule. You will need them." Peter gave Justin a quick kiss. "I'm ready. Let's see how much I won't give away."

As they started back Justin looked worried. When they were side by side, Peter bent his leg up and twisted. His shoe caught Justin on the butt. With a wink from Peter, Justin relaxed. They headed for the living room.

"I'm Anne. Nice to meet you, Peter."

Peter shook Anne's hand.

Peter tried to keep from acting nervous. "You wanted to talk to me?"


NSYNC were far too eager to clear a place for Peter to sit. They made space on the couch right in front of Anne. Chris patted the cushions.

"I thought this was suppose to be JC and Lance's interview." Peter sat down.

Anne smiled warmly. "You were mentioned and I think a gay man hanging out NSYNC would be something our readers might like to read about."

Peter shrugged. "Okay."

"How did you and NSYNC meet?"

Peter knew he couldn't explain projecting into JC and Lance's hotel room. Maybe he should tell just a touch of the truth. "I sort of pushed JC out of the way of a falling spotlight."

"I almost forgot about that." Joey said.

Anne looked surprised. "You saved JC?"

Lance put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "He sure did. I am forever grateful."

"They made me an honorary bodyguard." Peter blushed slightly remembering.

"And he got to use it the next time we came to town." JC added.

"I had four days to hang out with the crew and NSYNC."

Chris continued. "During that time he found that the stage had been sabotaged.

"And then the saboteur assaulted Peter. That led to the news broadcast."

Peter remembered with excitement. "Then they brought me on stage with them. An open gay man on stage with NSYNC in front of all those people."

"So it wasn't really just you taking Peter under your wing." Anne gestured between the guys. "He was an asset to the group. Peter was actually helping out."

"Well, I didn't just want to go along from the ride." Peter explained. "I wanted to do my part."

Joey smiled. "And he did. Peter's been a real blessing at times."

"He's helped me in ways I couldn't begin to tell you." Justin smiled his best Timberlake smile.

Anne began writing. "This is very different. The readers will love this."

Peter shifted nervously. "I'd rather this interview was just about Lance and JC. I don't belong in there with them."

Lance slapped Peter on the back. "Sure you do."

Peter protested. "But this is about your coming out."

"Tell you what." Anne said. "This could be used as a color filler before the interview if you like. Can we continue?"

Peter nodded.

"So you are an NSYNC fan?"

"Yes, since the Disney Concert."

"Aren't you a little old to be a fan?"

JC nudged Peter. "Only in body."

Peter looked seriously at Anne. "How old do you have to be before you stop liking good music and talented people?"

"Touche'. So what are your thoughts on JC and Lance coming out?"

"I think it is wonderful. In fact when I first met them I was hoping JC and Lance were together. They make such a cute couple."

"Do you think letting fans know they are gay will hurt NYSNC's popularity?"

"I think the fans will stand by them. Its the other people they have to watch out for. The ones who dislike NSYNC for the wrong reasons."

Anne sat back and gestured for Peter to continue.

"I mean NSYNC is a great success story. Chris put the group together himself. When they couldn't find a recording contract here, they went to Europe. They worked their butts off touring and making appearances. All the work paid off and their album went gold. Then they came back to the U.S. to thunderous silence. Hardly anyone here had heard of them. So they started from scratch again. Again they worked their butts off and it paid off. NSYNC made it to where they are by hard work, talent and a pure love for their music and performing. Every person who has ever dreamed of starting a band can relate to NSYNC. They made it, big time.

But through it all they remained themselves. They never copped an attitude or thought themselves above anyone. The fame never went to their heads." Peter glanced at Justin. "Well, there was a little bout of ego but that's over with. The fans love the fact that these guys are so down to earth. They are just guys doing what they love to do. They don't see themselves as celebrities."

Chris winced. "Oh, that word."

Peter was just getting up to steam. "There are bound to be jealous people ready to run them down. But NYSNC aren't heavy partiers, into alcohol or take drugs. They don't swear a blue streak or chase women."

"Hey," Chris protested.

Joey put his hand over Chris's mouth. "Sh!"

"In fact they are guys that any person would love to have as neighbors or have their daughters," Peter nodded at JC and Lance, "or sons bring home on dates. In fact NSYNC may seem to be perfect. With that kind of reputation the easiest insult to use is that NSYNC is gay. Well, now that is also true. The people against NSYNC will have to find something else negative to knock them down. That is what I am afraid of.

They'll attack the music. They'll say that NSYNC is influencing the kids with their music and "promoting" homosexuality." Peter shook his head. "Lance and JC will just be 'the two gay members of NSYNC'. These people won't try seeing the two wonderful caring and loving men behind those words. JC and Lance's relationship is a example for the world gay or straight."

Chris pulled Joey's hand away from his mouth. "Or BI."

"Hush." Joey's other hand silenced Chris.

Peter's voice was firm. "This is the greatest group of guys I have ever met. They are terrific role models and deserve to be looked on as such. God knows the world could really use more people like them. Even Chris."

Joey's hand muffled Chris's comment. No one said anything.

Peter shrugged. "Of course, I am prejudiced."

Justin walked to Peter and pulled him to his feet. "Thank you, Peter. I love you." He hugged Peter.

"We all do." Lance added. They all hugged Peter.

Chris stood back from the hug. He turned to Anne. "Peter just talks like this when he wants hugs."

Anne sat thinking. She sat forward. "Peter, I going to do what you wanted. I'm dropping your part from the Lance and JC interview."

NSYNC looked stunned.


"This deserves to be its own separate piece."


"Sometimes we have a little half page item with someone who knew the main person. I think this piece would be perfect as a companion to the main interview. Would you mind that, Peter?"

"No, I guess not."

"I guess not," JC gave Peter's back a slap. "Always Mr. Humble. You're going to be in the Advocate!"

Peter smiled as the reality dawned. "Yeah, I am." Peter laughed. "Wow."

"So," Anne reached over and switched off the recorder. "Now all we have left is to wait for the photographer."

"Pictures?" Chris said eagerly.

"Of course." Anne answered. "You need to see the people you're reading about."

"Damn," Chris's face fell. "If I had known I would have worn bikini underwear. Lance, do you have any in the pool changing room? Sorry," Chris knew the answer. "That's right, you're trunks people. I should get ready." Chris started to pull off his shirt."

"Chris!" Anne snapped. "We leave the skin to our sister magazines."

Chris looked disappointed.

"Besides, its what you don't show that can be sexy."

Chris thought for a while. "Lance, do you have a coat I could borrow?"

Joey smirked. "I think a sheet would be better. I heard the shroud look is coming back."

"Get off it, Chris." JC said. "This is a gay magazine, remember?"

"I'd eagerly let some woman convert me."

Anne smiled. "I'd watch it, Chris. Some man just might do that."

Chris laughed, "Me, give up women? Never."

"Back attacha." Anne looked at her watch. "Okay, no more questions but why don't we just chat until the photographer gets here?" She pressed the record button on the tape recorder. "There might be something else I could use."

"Are they behaving?" John entered from the pool.

Chris began nodding his head. "We have, haven't we? Yes, we are behaving. Ask her. We have, haven't we? Yes, we've been behaving."

Joey's hand clamped over Chris's mouth. "Chris has been tolerable."

"Good." John put his hand on JC and Lance. "They're a great group of guys." John nodded toward Peter. "All six of them."

Anne smiled. "That has been mentioned. But I think JC and Lance coming out is phenomenal. NSYNC speaking out against violence and gay bashing was a first for the music industry. Now this? NSYNC is really paving the way. I hope other groups follow."

There was a ringing.

JC got up. "That must be the photographer."

John headed to the kitchen. "I just wanted something to drink. Don't let me disturb you."

Peter stood up. "Well, if you're done with me."

Anne stopped him. "We'll need you for some of the photos."


"Sure, they'll read your words. We want them to see your face."

Lance waited for Peter's response.


Lance put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm glad you're in on this."

Peter smiled at him. "I am, too."

Lance sighed. "This is finally happening."

"A lot of people will say the same thing, Lance. Or maybe, it's about time."

"I can feel the burden lifting already."

Peter put his hand on Lance's shoulder and looked serious. "But it's going to be difficult for you."

Lance looked up anxious. "Why?"

"It will take some time until you stop moving that five feet away from JC every time you are out in public." Peter grinned. "You have a lot of closeted gay behavior to unlearn."

Lance watched JC open the door and greet the photographer with a smile. Lance loved JC's smile.

"I think I'm going to be a fast study."

Peter followed Lance's eye line. "Getting the chance to stay close to JC? I don't doubt it."

Chris grabbed each of them by the shoulders and shook them excitedly. "Its picture time." He scurried off.

Peter looked puzzled. "Why is Chris so excited to get his picture in a gay magazine?"

Lance chuckled. "He just likes the attention." Lance nudged Peter. "Unlike you."

"It's just new to me that's all."

"You're with NSYNC now. You'll get used to it."

"I hope not."

Lance laughed. "You know when I was a kid I was scared to death of lightning storms. Now I just imagine its cameras flashing." Lance sensed Peter was as excited as Chris was. "Relax, it will be all right."

"I think that was my line."

Chris strode by again. He stopped and struck a pose. "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. De Mille."

John emerged from the kitchen. "Chris, please don't single-handedly prove that Darwin was wrong and show that actually, in some cases, that evolution is in reverse."

"Ah, gees." Chris slunk off.

"I believe the word is 'cheese'."

"Oh, Peter!" Lance groaned.

John shook his head. "Between Chris and Peter... If you need me I be ducking head in the pool."

Anne and the photographer had just left. The guys headed out to lounge by the pool. Justin took Peter aside.

"First let me say I forgive you."

"For what?" Peter asked.

"NSYNC's little 'bout with ego'. You do like to dish."

Peter bristled. "It was the truth and you even admitted it. I couldn't lie."

"But I do love it when you lay." He took Peter into his arms. "Now that that's over I should getting back to the studio. Or we could go upstairs for a quickie. Brit won't know when the interview ended."

Peter looked into Justin's blue eyes. "Its tempting but no."

Justin frowned.

"You forget you are acting in your professional capacity. And I can't believe I am saying this, but you owe you it to Britney to not waste the time."

Justin grinned. "I don't think of it as a waste of time."

"You know what I mean." Peter gave Justin a kiss. He stepped back. "Now off with you. Duty calls."

Justin saluted. "And I will not shirk that duty. In fact I will march right up to it, shake its hand and say, 'Howdy, duty'."

"Oh, Justin." Peter groaned.

Justin leaned back for one last kiss. "Tonight?"

"Yes, tonight, I promise."

Justin left grinning.

Peter turned around to see John watching. He just smiled and nodded his head. Peter knew he had seen and approved.

"I'm just leaving. I think it went very well."

"Yes, it did."

"Say, there is a sort of wrap party on Saturday night. I'm sure Justin wouldn't mind if you came."

Peter shook his head. "No. I'm supposed to lay low remember. This party is for people who worked on the album. If I show up it will just cause more questions. Besides I don't think 'she' would like it."

"You're writing for the NSYNC website. You need to know what the guys are doing."

"Justin is helping mix an album. Where's the excitement in that? Besides it will cause tension."

John noticed Peter expression. "Britney had nothing to do with the extended recording schedule. There was a mechanical glitch and the recordings were lost."

Peter managed a weak smile. "Thanks, John. I know there is nothing to worry about. I just miss the nights with Justin."

"I've got to go." John took Peter's shoulder. "It will be all right. Trust me."

"I've said that line today, too."

"The guys are waiting. Have some fun." John left.

Peter went to the pool where the others were.

Joey took his glass of soda from the table. "Well, the ball is rolling. Soon the public will know that you two are gay." He drank.

"Then comes the aftermath."

"Come on, Chris." JC chided. "Don't be gloomy. Nothing will change too much." JC noticed Peter staring at the pool. "Peter?"

No response.

Chris waved his hand in from of Peter's face. "Earth to Peter, come in please."

Peter blinked. "Sorry. I'm back now."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Your gardener." Peter was surprised his had said it aloud. He was going to say 'nothing'.

"What about our gardener?" asked Lance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything."

"Peter," JC looked serious. "What about our gardener?"

"Well, he was here the other day and he just acted strangely to me. That's all."

"Strange in what way?"

"Forget about it, Lance. You have so much more to worry about."

"Then I insist," added JC. "Was he rude to you?"

Peter sighed. He might as well come clean. "I was sitting here trying to over come writer's block when he asked to clean the pool. I had no objections so he started. He knew about me and we started small talk. I know I have an active imagination but it was your typical poolman fantasy. His shirt was open blowing in the wind and even though he was older he still looked good."

Chris chuckled. "You've been separated from Justin too long. You're libido was imagining things."

"Okay, I admit I may have been reading things into it but it changed after he asked me if I was here on a short visit. When I told him I was staying here his whole attitude did a 180-degree turn. When I next looked up his shirt was buttoned to the neck, cleaning the pool was his main concern and he was very terse with me. I could see anger and even a trace of hate in his aura. I still don't know what I did to piss him off so."

"Gees, Peter it is simple." Chris said. "He wanted to seduce you. But since you were staying here he would have been found out. If you were leaving the next day it would have just been a secret tryst between you."

"Now, Chris, don't start encouraging Peter's imagination."

"But, JC, why the hate? Why would he hate me for no apparent reason?"

Joey snorted. "It's simple. He was been tending this house since JC and Lance bought it. He is loyal to his customers. A gay man's presence in this house could cast doubt Lance and JC's reputation."

Peter looked thoughtful. "I suppose that could be true. But I sure seemed to be getting mixed signals from him."

JC patted Peter's knee. "We'll remember what you told us. If he does have rapid mood swings when the security comes we'll let them know to keep an eye out."


Lance nodded. "When the article hits. John doesn't want to take any chances."

Chris shook his head. "I still can't believe what Peter told us. We have never had any problems with him or his sons."

"His sons?" Lance yelped.

"Well, it does say 'Wilson and Sons' on the side of their pickup." Chris said. "I am assuming they are his sons."

"We've never seen any sons." Lance protested. "It's always just Mr. Wilson.

"You have the same gardener?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, he does a lot of the more affluent peoples yards."

Peter stared off into air. "Maybe that means something."

"Oh, leave it," Joey snapped. "It a beautiful day. Let's do something."

"What?" asked Chris.


"Like what?" Chris rubbed it in.

"Let's enjoy something public before the story hits." JC grinned. "How about some shopping? That should take our mind off of things."

"That's a great idea."

"Who's driving?"

"Me, of course," Lance frowned. "How come I always drive?"

Joey patted Lance's shoulder. "You bought the practical car that's why."

"Its the only one we can all fit in besides Justin's."

They hurried to get ready. Peter was very pleased to have something to take his mind off of things.

It was late afternoon when they returned home. Joey and Chris had gone back home. It was a hot day so the three of them sat in the cool of the sunroom.

"What is that you are reading?" JC asked. Peter was pouring over every page.

"The local free gay magazine. Just checking out Orlando's gay offerings."

"I didn't know there was a local gay magazine." replied Lance.

"We weren't looking for one." JC explained.

Peter didn't look up from his reading. "Once you are out you can go to the gay bars. That way you can dance together, hug and kiss."

Lance lay his hand on JC's arm. "That would be so nice."

JC caught Peter glancing at them. Peter sighed slightly and went back to reading.

"How about we go see John?" JC suggested.

Lance knew where JC was going. "Peter could see Justin."

Peter put the magazine down. "Now hold up you two. I had this out with John this morning. Justin's not out, remember? I am to stay in the shadows. It will only encourage rumors if I am seen too often with Justin."

"But," Lance grinned. "You can be with Justin and not be seen." Lance smirked. "Remember?"


JC stood up and helped Peter to his feet. "You look tired. You should go upstairs and lay down. There's plenty of time before supper for a," JC winked, "nap."

Peter relented. "Okay, I'll humor you two for once."

"Once?" Lance retorted. "You humor us all the time."

"Whether we want it or not." JC added.

Peter went to his room. He was interested to see what Justin was doing but there was a slight feeling like he was spying.

"Great take! I think we got that one." The technician's voice come through the speaker of the recording room. "Let's hear how it sounds."

Britney let Justin hold the door for her as they made their way to the recording booth.

As one of the other male singers entered the hall after them an another slimmer man approached him. "How it is going?"

"Well. Too well. We are ahead of schedule. The way it is going the Saturday recording session is going to be very short." He frowned. "I was looking forward to the overtime."

"Don't worry, my friend." The other man leaned close. "I have a lucky charm that has never failed me." He reached into his back pocket and held up a 3 inch round flat disc.

"What is that?" the other asked.

They were standing next to a drinking fountain. The man held the object close to the metal side. The disc attached itself to the metal with a loud thunk.

"It's a magnet," the singer said.

"A very powerful magnet." The other man pulled it loose and slipped it into his back pocket.

"You can't go into the booth with that. If you get close to the recording equipment you'll..."

"Insure that you'll get your overtime?"

"But you're an assistant producer. You'd sabotage your own work?"

"I am a perfectionist. Quality work takes time. That's why I was hired."

"Someone wants to delay this album?"

"There are reasons. You don't need to know them. Come on, let's see what you have accomplished today." He held the door for the singer.

Justin was standing in the booth when a jumble of thoughts filled his mind. Something was wrong. There was an urgency about it. The images and feelings flooding Justin's mind confused him. He looked up to see Dean one of the other singers and Mr. Matteling, the assistant producer come through the door. The things going through his mind became almost overpowering. They all seemed to be focusing on Mr. Matteling.

Mr. Matteling took one more step into the room and tripped and fell. They rushed to his aid, picking him up and brushing him off.

"I'm all right. I just stumbled."

He turned around and bent over slightly. Justin noticed a round object in his back pocket. Suddenly everything in Justin's mind focused into a clear picture. This round object meant something.

Justin thought he knew what the object was. "Mr. Matteling, I didn't know you used chewing tobacco."

"Chewing tobacco?" Mr. Matteling drew himself up. "I must certainly do not."

"Then what's that in your back pocket?"

"Nothing." Mr. Matteling spun around. He backed into a small desk. "Just a lucky charm."

"Come on." The technician said. "Let's do the playback."

But before he could hit the switch, Mr. Matelling let out a yell. "OW!" He spun around.

"What's wrong?"

"I swear I was pinched." He rubbed his butt.

"There's nothing there." The technician said. "Wait. You have some paperclips attached to your pants. That's was it must have been. That desk is a mess. Let me."

But as he tried to brush the paperclips free of Mr. Matteling's pants they stayed stuck firm.

"They're stuck. Its almost like they're..." The technician reached into Mr. Matteling's back pocket.

"What are you doing?" He spun around. He saw the disc in the technician's hand. "That belongs to me. Give it back."

The technician lowered his hand. Then he moved it to miss Mr. Matteling. The object attached itself to the side of the small metal desk. The technician's eyes narrowed at Mr. Matteling.

John looked up from his desk as the recording technician entered. "How's it going?"

"Very good. In fact, we're ahead of schedule. It looks like we'll not need all day Saturday after all."

"Good, unless we have another 'glitch'."

"There won't be another glitch. I've found the cause." He handed John the disc. There was still paperclips attached to it.

"A magnet?"

"That's why the playback was fine one minute and gone the next. That little baby got too close to the recording equipment."

"But who?"


"Matteling! Who hired 'Overtime Matteling'? I've removed him from the certified producer's list. He is notorious for running over schedule." John got up and went out to his secretary. "Get me the recording contracts on Britney's new album."

"Yes, sir." She dug into the files.

"Now we know one of his tricks for running over schedule. Could we charge him or something?"

John shook his head. "Of course not. There's no real proof. Besides the Union loves him. All that overtime."

The secretary turned back. "Here's the file."

"Was there any note on Matteling not being on the producer's list?

"Yes, sir. None of the board approved him."

"Then someone big must have overruled them." John leaned to her. "Who okayed the final choice of assistant producer?"

The secretary scanned the files. "Why, Miss Spears herself."

John snapped around. "What? Why?"

"Excuse me, John." Justin walked in. "Can I use one of your phones? My batteries in my cell phone are low."

John nodded not really thinking.

Justin dialed. "Hi, Mom. It's running later than I thought. I won't be home for supper. I'll be stuck here most of the night."

John's head turned around to look at Justin.

"I'm sorry you have pork chops for three. If I could send a stand in I would. Just save it for leftovers. I can eat it later. See you when I see you. Bye." Justin hung up the phone. "Thanks, John." Justin walked off.

John watched him go. A glimmer of an idea came to him. "No, I won't believe it."


"She wouldn't have... Not her own album just to spend time with... No."


John shook his head to clear it. "Sorry, just being paranoid. That party of Saturday will do me good."

"Well, that was an idea of yours."

John froze again. He heard Britney's voice. 'If there were perks, they might not feel bad about working on Saturday'.

John stood shocked. "I played right into her hands."

"Whose hands, John?"

"He would have been free Saturday night. Now, there's the party."

"John, are you all right?"

John put his hand on the technician's shoulder. "I'm fine. You go back to the booth. I've got to brush up on my war strategies."

"War strategies?"

"Never mind."

The technician walked off.

John was determined. "But if this does become war. I won't be caught helping the other side again!"

"Why would the guy sabotage his own album?" Lance asked.

"I don't know," Peter replied. "All that matters is there will be no more overtime for Justin. I am so looking forward to Sunday. I miss Justin so much."

The phone rang.

JC got up to get it. "You were with Justin this morning."

"That's not what Peter means, JC."

JC picked up the phone. "Hello? Oh, hi. Yes, he is." JC turned. "Peter, it's for you."

"Me?" Peter went to the phone. "Hello? Oh, Mrs. Timberlake. Okay, Judy. A stand-in for Justin?" Peter listened. "Yes, it has been a long time. I guess I am free, but I don't have a car how do I... But I hate for you to go out of your way. Well, if he is in the neighborhood anyway. Okay, twenty minutes? I'll be ready. See you then." Peter hung up the phone.

"What did she want?" Lance asked eagerly.

"I'm going to have dinner with Justin's folks. Justin can't make it and they have extra."

"Ooh, meeting the folks," JC teased. "And without Justin. Are you nervous?"

Peter shrugged. "A little, but it will be worth it."


"She wants me to stay for breakfast."

JC slapped Peter on the back. "See you got your wish and its not even Sunday."

"Sorry to bale on you guys."

"Don't worry about the two of us being all alone in this house." JC winked at Lance. "I'm sure we can find something to do until you get back in the morning."

Peter grinned. "Looks like it will be a good night for all of us."

Dean sat next to Britney during a break. "Too bad about Mr. Matteling."

"Don't worry about it. I'll put in a good word for him. He'll be working again soon."

"That's so good of you, Britney."

"Well, he did get you your overtime."

"But it costs you doesn't it."

"Believe me they'll make their money back and then some when this album is released. They always have with my albums."

"Have you told Justin about the morning session being cancelled?"

"Nope, not yet."

"But we're almost through. When are you planning to tell him?"

"When I pick him up tomorrow morning." Britney smiled. "He doesn't know it yet but he's taking me to breakfast. Then we will have some quality time together just the two of us." Britney grinned. "One way or another."

Lance broke from the kiss. He lay his head on JC's shoulder.

"I can't remember when we have kissed for so long."

"Well, you got me started with dinner by candlelight and the soft music."

Lance sighed, "We should send Peter off to Justin more often."

"Lance, don't mention that to Peter. I don't want him feeling guilty about living here."

"Then we should clear off and let the two of them have the house to themselves, too."

"There is Justin's house."

"But Peter might like to surprise Justin with a romantic night like this."

"Okay, I agree. Now drop the subject."

Lance began to pout.

"I have my lover in my arms and I want to make love to him. That's the only subject I want to discus."

Lance ran his fingers over JC's cheek. "No discussion is needed." He pressed his lips to JC's. After a few moments he pulled back. He made a face. "I think my lips are getting numb."

"Then no more kissing. I want your lips in perfect form for later."

Lance grinned. "They will be. Let's go to bed."

"We could do it right here."

"I'm in the mood for some tender lovemaking. The bed is more comfortable."

"Whatever my lover wants."

They made their way to the bedroom.

Justin hurried toward his bedroom. He hoped that Peter hadn't already been there. The recording session went longer than he had hoped. Before he got there he was distracted by the blue glow of the TV. Someone sat with their back to Justin. Sometimes his father had to use his TV.

"Mom watching one of her 'woman' movies?"

The figure turned.


Justin nearly vaulted over the couch. "What are you doing here? When I said visit me I didn't mean physically. But this is wonderful."

Peter had to wait until Justin stopped kissing him before he could answer.

"As much as I'd love to take credit for this it wasn't my idea."

Justin looked confused.

"Your mother called me to be a stand-in for you at dinner. Then since it had been awhile since we've been together..."

"I must have the greatest Mom in the world." Justin frowned. "They weren't too horrible, were they?"

"No, we had a very pleasant dinner. They made me feeling at home in no time. Then they kicked my butt at cards."

Justin chuckled. "I should have warned you." Justin took Peter's hands and stood up. "Let's go."

Peter held back. "You come home from a hard days work and it's right to bed."

"Why not? Are you watching something?"

"No." Peter grabbed the remote and the TV went dark. "I was just wondering how did your day go?"

"It was too long and I hurried home so I could be with you. Now that you're here in the flesh I really want to be with you. Please?"

"I was just curious about the magnet."

"Oh, that. Mr. Matteling was been replaced. Plus the day's recording was saved. In short our Sunday is still free. But who cares about Sunday. We have tonight." Justin pretended to be irritated. "If we hurry."

"Okay." Peter got to his feet. "The youth today are so impulsive."

Justin pulled Peter toward his bedroom. "It was strange having your thoughts in my head like that. It really confused me."

"You were never confused when it was sexual thoughts."

"On that point we both think alike." Justin ushered Peter into his room and shut the door. "Now then." He pulled Peter to him. "Let's start."

"You know this makes it official."

"What?" Justin said with slight irritation at being stopped.

"I finally get to have sex with you in your own room and on Justin Timberlake's own bed." Peter fell to his knees and kowtowed to the bed. "I'm not worthy."

Justin took Peter's chin in his hand. He bent down to Peter. "You are very worthy. And it is about time. Welcome to my bedroom."

"I have been here before."



"Shut up." Justin kissed Peter. He felt Peter press back against his lips. Peter wouldn't interrupt again. Justin stood up.

Peter looked up at Justin. "Since I am down here." He grabbed Justin pulling his body to him. Peter buried his face in Justin's crotch.

"I'll get the leather straps."

Lance's hand stopped JC. "No, not tonight. I just want you. No sexy dancing, no leather pants, you are all I will ever need, JC. Tonight isn't sex. Its love."

They stood by the bed facing each other. Lance slowly undressed JC. He caressed and kissed JC's warm flesh as it was exposed. Lance bypassed JC's cock. That would come into play later.

When JC was naked, JC returned the favor. Lance reveled in the touch of JC's hands and lips. Both nude now Lance gestured and JC lay on the bed. Lance lay down beside him and kissed him.

When they parted JC said, "Don't strain your lips."

Lance smiled. "Now you will really feel what my lips can do."

JC lay back. Lance's lips traced a kissing line down his torso. Then he felt their soft touch up the length of his cock. They surrounded his mushroom head. A tongue flicked at the underside sending jolts of delight through JC. Then they tightened on his girth and slid down the shaft. JC felt his cock slide into Lance's throat.

"Yes!" he breathed.

Lance bobbed up and down of JC's cock. He welcomed the hard shaft into his mouth. He could feel the blood pulsing below the skin. The mushroom head slipping into his throat elated him. Lance instinctively sensed every reaction from JC and repeated what he had done to cause it. Sucking cock wasn't submissive. Lance was in complete control.

JC's hands found Lance's shoulders. They rested there lightly. JC closed his eyes and gasped as Lance's tongue probed spot after spot of his cock's tender flesh.

"Oh, Lance." JC groaned.

Thus encouraged Lance sped up his sucking. He reached up to rub JC's nipples. JC groaned ecstatically. Lance pulled off and took to sucking on JC's balls. JC's body tightened then relaxed. His hands moved to Lance's head. Lance loved the connection. JC seemed in control of him but let Lance do what he knew how to do.

JC raised his legs so Lance had easier access to his balls. Lance took the opportunity to lick a finger and began to massage JC's asshole.

"Oh, yeah." JC's whole body trembled. "Lance, you make me feel so good."

Lance licked up from the balls along the shaft then paused and swallowed JC's cock.

Even as the pleasure surged through JC, he could hear Lance moaning little muffled 'Uh-hums' as he worked on JC's cock. JC couldn't wait any more.

"Lance, let me do you, too."

Lance kicked around until they were in the 69 position.

JC swallowed Lance's cock with gusto. Lance was making him feel so good so JC wanted to make Lance feel good.

Two mouths went up and down two shafts. Hands gently stroking led the lips down and then following the lips back up the hard cocks. Two men moaning with pleasure as they pleasured their partner.

JC judged it was time. He licked a finger and pressed it against Lance's asshole.

"Oh, god!" came Lance's muffled reply. JC pressed the finger in further.

Lance began to rock back and forth fucking himself on JC's finger. He sped up his sucking.

JC inserted another finger. Lance's whole body shook. JC tried to time each thrust of his finger with taking Lance's cock in his mouth. But Lance was speeding up.

As he plunged on and off of JC's cock Lance's little 'Uh-hums' were rising in pitch. JC knew Lance must be getting close. JC started to move his fingers in slow circles. Lance attacked JC's cock with increasing energy. Lance was approaching his climax and he trying to take JC with him.

Suddenly Lance pulled off of JC's cock. "Oh, yeah, JC. Use those fingers. Make me...Oh, JC!" Lance's body convulsed.

Cum filled JC's mouth. He swallowed eagerly as Lance's cock pulsed out more. Lance's body trembled and shook. He still rocked sending JC's fingers deep inside his ass. Slowly the shots of cum abated. JC felt Lance's head lay on his thigh.

Lance lay there panting. Then his body lifted. "Now it's your turn." Lance plunged back onto JC's cock with a vengeance.

JC lay there with his head between Lance's legs. He toyed with the idea of licking Lance's ass but then he felt the old familiar stirrings.

Lance could feel JC's muscles tense up. He doubled his efforts.

"Lance, do it. Yeah, that's it."

Lance's tongue, lips and hand pushed JC to the brink. "Here it comes!"

Lance swallowed JC's cock to the base. The cum shot down his throat. Lance tried to hold on and not pull back.

JC rolled about on the bed. He was cumming with his cock in Lance's throat! Strangled moans and groans were all that he could muster.

Then the climax receded. JC's body relaxed.

Lance gave a few more hungry licks until JC's cock was drained clean. Then he twisted around.

"Do you want to go on?"

"Yes, JC. I know you did me so good this morning but with the way this day turned out, I just can't get enough of you."

JC pulled Lance into a passionate kiss.

They pulled back from the kiss. Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "Did I ever tell you how good you taste?"

Peter grinned. "I could just lick you all over, too."

"No, that's not what I mean. Couldn't you tell the way I was sucking you? I love getting my reward for all the attention." Justin grinned at Peter. "What about me?"

"Well, I was a bit uneasy about that first time but I was pleasantly surprised. Now its just part of the fun."

Justin lay his head on Peter's chest. "I'm glad. Did you know you were the only person to let me cum in their mouth?"

"I didn't have much of a choice that first time. It happened so fast."

"That's because you were so talented."

"Well, you know what the bird symbolizing true love to a man is?"

"The dove?"

"No. Swallow."

Justin laughed. They lay there a few moments.

"Peter, you're quiet."

"Just basking in the afterglow."

"But with a song cue like that I figured you'd be humming 'True Love'."

Peter started to sing. "While I give to you and you give to me true love. True love."

Justin sang the next line. "And on and on it will always be."

They sang together. "True love. True love."



"Give to me your true love."

Justin turned and looked at Peter. There was need in his eyes.

"You don't have to ask me twice." Justin gave Peter a kiss. "And I'll make sure it goes on and on."

Justin reached for the lube and the condoms.

"Sorry, Cole Porter." Peter rolled onto his stomach.

"Why? He was gay. He's probably laughing his ass off."

"I just hope he's getting laid."

"You think there's sex after death?" Justin put on the condom.

"It is called 'heaven'."

Justin applied the lube to himself and Peter. "I don't know about Cole Porter, but my lover is about to get laid."

Peter felt Justin's cock push slowly into his ass. A few more thrusts and the entire length pressed into him. Justin started with a slow rhythm.

"Oh, god, Justin. I missed you so much."

Justin leaned down. Peter felt Justin's hot body press against him.

Justin's breath was on his neck. He whispered in Peter's ear. "Now we are together. Enjoy it."

"I am. Do me good, Justin."

Justin kept his thrusts slow at first. He knew how much Peter enjoyed and wanted this. Justin straightened up to look down and watch his cock slide in and out of Peter's ass.

A ruminate of his old ego threw out a slap. 'You're fucking another man!'

'No,' Justin thought. 'I am fucking another human being. He loves it and I love it. What's the big deal?'

Peter clutched at the pillow. There was a tremor in his voice. "I love this, Justin. Please, don't stop. I love your cock inside of me."

Justin thrilled to those words. No one else had been like this. No one else had let Justin be Justin not Timberlake. When he and Peter had sex is was the love of giving each other intense pleasure. It was sex pure and simple. No head trips, no celebrity fuck, and no phony fronts. When Peter and he were naked together, they were naked together in body and in mind.

Justin sped up his thrusting. He wanted to push Peter to greatest pleasure peak know to any man. He leaned close so their bodies rested on each other again. Justin propped himself on his elbows. His lower arms lay on the bed. Peter's arms snaked around his. He fingers closed over Justin's. Peter's grip tightened.

"Fuck me harder, Justin. I need this. I missed you so!"

Justin began to thrust for all his was worth. Peter wanted this so bad. Then...

"Ow, ow! Damn it!" Justin stopped thrusting. He rolled off of Peter. "Cramp."


"My calf."

"Point your toes."

Justin did as he was told. The cramp faded away.

Justin was impressed. "Peter, you are a wonder."

"Not yet."

Peter pushed Justin onto his back. He straddled Justin and lowered himself onto Justin's cock.

Justin watched Peter bouncing up and down on his cock. Peter needed this and one way or another, cramp or no, Peter was going to get his fuck.

Justin looked up at Peter. His eyes were closed and he was moaning loudly.

"Damn, Justin, I love your cock."

Justin grinned his Timberlake grin. "You like my big cock up your tight ass?"


"You like to be fucked by me."

"God, yes!"

"Do you love me?"

Peter's eyes opened. He looked down at Justin. Peter's expression softened. "Yes, oh, yes, Justin. I love you so much."

Justin reached up and took Peter's shoulders. He pulled Peter down to him. "I love you so much, too." Justin whispered. His arms wrapped around Peter.

Their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Their lips parted and their tongues wrestled with each other. After a few moments they parted. Peter sat up.

Justin sneered. Dirty talk turned Peter on. "Now ride my cock, bitch!"

"It's so big. You're fucking me so deep." Peter broke into a chuckle. "I'm sorry, Justin. I can't do this, not now." Peter grinned. "Screw the dialog, just screw me."

Justin responded by pushing his hips up to meet Peter's rhythm. He watched Peter close his eyes again. Peter's head bent back and he moaned louder. Time to finish this.

Justin thrust harder and faster into Peter. Peter tried to keep his rhythm then realized it wasn't necessary. Justin pumping his cock into Peter's ass was all that was needed. Justin's hands caressed Peter's chest and nipples.

Peter's hand dropped to take hold of his cock that had been slapping against Justin's stomach. He started stroking himself.

"Oh, Justin. That's it."

Knowing that Peter was getting close to cumming pushed Justin closer, too.

Then Peter's face changed. It flushed with pleasure but Peter's expression turned more tense and angular. One would think Peter was in pain. But Justin knew the opposite was happening. He thrust his cock harder into Peter. Now Peter's expression was one of surprise although he knew the feeling all to well.

"Oh, my god, Justin, I..."

"Cum on me, Peter. Shoot that load!"

White streamers shot from Peter's cock. They arched through the air and splattered on Justin's stomach. Peter's head snapped back as cum shot from his cock. Each new thrust of Justin's cock and Peter's head snapped around. Then slowly the shots stopped. Peter stroked his cock slower. His body relaxed. He opened his eyes and smiled down at Justin.

Then Justin surprised Peter.

"Peter, jack me off."


"I want you get me off, please."

Peter grabbed the lube and squeezed some into his hand. He reached for Justin's cock.

"No." Justin said.

Peter understood. He pulled off the condom. His hand wrapped around Justin's hard dick.

Justin gave out a loud groan. "I want to cum with us skin to skin. I don't want anything in the way."

Peter made long stroked up and down Justin's cock. At the top he twisted his hand around the mushroom head. Justin responded by groaning louder.

"Faster, Peter. I want to cum by your hand."

Peter sped up his strokes.

Justin pressed his head back into the pillows. It turned from side to side. Peter felt Justin's body tighten.

"Yes, Peter. I'm going to do it. I'm going to cum!"

The cock throbbed in Peter's hand then convulsed. Cum erupted from Justin's cock. Stream after stream splattered onto his stomach. Justin's body bucked on the bed. A hand latched onto Peter's wrist encouraging him to keep stroking.

Then slowly the climax abated. Justin's body fell back against the bed. He released Peter's wrist and Peter released Justin's cock.

Justin started chuckling. "Damn, I am a fool. Why should I put my career ahead of this."

Peter lay close and kissed Justin's cheek. "Because if we have been with each other every day this wouldn't have had the emotional impact that it did."

Justin looked at Peter and ran a finger across his cheek. "You are so smart."

"No, I just have the ability to find plausible answers that people believe."

"You always underestimate yourself." Justin pulled Peter to him in a passionate kiss.

They kissed for a few minutes. Lance pulled back.

"Did I do you good?" JC always asked the obvious question.

Lance gave the most deep rumbling contented sigh. "Wonderful."

JC lay back with Lance in his arms.

Lance snuggled up to JC. "This has been an exciting day."

JC put his arm around Lance. "I was so proud of you."

"I love you, Josh."

"And I love you, Lance."

"Soon the world will know."

"Yes." He gave Lance a reassuring squeeze.

There was a knocking. Justin's mother went to the door. Soon they could hear Britney's voice.

"I thought Justin and I could get a little breakfast before we went to the studio."

"We've just finished breakfast," Justin's mother said as they stepped into the kitchen.

"Oh, then I..." Britney froze where she stood and gaped. It wasn't that Justin was still in his robe. Britney's mind wouldn't have been surprised if Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster had been at the table. But this?! There sitting chatting with Justin's father was Peter. But the clincher was Peter was also wearing a robe. How could they flaunt their nakedness and sex lives so deliberately in front of Justin's parents!

"Morning, Britney." Peter smiled warmly.

Questions crowded in Britney's brain. They were so many she couldn't speak.

"There's more than enough left over if you want to join us." Justin's mother offered.

The most important question burst forth. "Justin, what's Peter doing here?"

Judy walked over and put her hands on Peter's shoulders. "We asked him to dinner. We wanted to get to know him better and you've kept Justin so busy we decided not to wait. Then it had been so long since they had been with each other I asked Peter stay for breakfast."

Justin got up and kissed his mother's cheek. "My mother is so cool."

Were Justin's own parents against her? "Is that wise? If people knew Peter had stayed here overnight they might start to suspect the truth."

"Oh, bull." Judy shot back. "Would they think that Justin is having a gay love affair right under his parents' noses? Besides, they'll be told the truth."

"The truth?" Britney was trying to calm herself.

Peter replied "I'm going to post what it was like to have dinner with Justin's parents on the NSYNC website. Fans don't know much about NSYNC's families. Of course, now I'll have to have dinner with all the other parents."

Judy gave Peter a hug. "They'll enjoy having you. We sure are."

Still mentally staggering Britney went back to her plan. "Justin, you're not dressed."

Justin countered. "Why are you here, Brit?"

"I thought we could in drive together."

"Brit, we're not needed until this afternoon. I was told about the morning session being cancelled."

"But..." Britney tried to pull things back together. "I thought we'd hang together before that."

"Sorry, Brit," Justin stood behind Peter. "We have plans."

"I'll stop by later then."

"Its out of your way," Justin said politely. "I won't hear of it, Britney."

"I don't mind."

Justin crossed to Britney. He put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll drive myself. You're sort of the host of the party. We may not want to leave at the same time."

Had her plans become so transparent? What had planned out to be a great day had collapsed around her. Britney saw it was futile. "Okay. See you at John's."

"Thanks for thought and the effort, Britney." Justin smiled.

Britney studied Justin's face but Justin seemed to sincerely mean it.

"I'll be going."

"I'll see you out."

"Don't bother, Justin. Go back to what you were doing. I'm sorry I disturbed you."

"Nonsense, Britney." Justin's mother smiled. "You're always welcome."

The room was thick with sincerity. Britney turned and left. Soon her car was heard roaring out of the driveway.

The four of them burst into laughter.

"So that is what it looks like to be thunderstruck." Justin father chuckled.

Justin smiled. "I think we disturbed her more than she disturbed us."

"I know its mean," Peter said, "but I will treasure that look on her face when she saw me."

"Well, she brought it upon herself trying to fool Justin like that." Judy said.

Justin took Peter's hand. "That's one for our side."

"I don't know, Justin. There is a saying about a woman scorned."

"Oh, Peter." Justin teased.

Judy looked serious. "Peter's right. She won't give up easily. But remember this." She indicated herself and her husband. "You have two more people on your side."

Justin beamed with pride. "That's my lover. What a charmer." He kissed Peter.

Justin's mother and father exchanged a glance and smiled at the two lovers.

When they parted Peter grinned at Justin. "Both of your parents are super cool."

End part 34

Okay, one interview down. I hoped it worked. I have read many an interview but never wrote one before. And that Magnet episode, I will wait to get lambasted from you technical people out there if such a thing isn't possible. Well, I like it. As always let me know what you thought. E-mail is

Better get started on the next part. You readers are so insatiable!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 35

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