Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Mar 5, 2003


Here we go with Part 35.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me. I really do appreciate it. It keeps me and the story on track. To those too shy to write, I don't bite I promise. I have a very weak spine and it can't support an ego so don't worry about that. ("Oh, Lord, it's hard to be humble..." No, it's not hard if you are such a whimp. "And I know it. I take every opportunity I can to show it.")Okay, no more begging that's NOT why you are here.

This is a work of complete fiction. This author knows nothing of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys' real life or sexual orientation. In fact the author has never even met them. (That is one way in which fate has blest them!)To the author's knowledge (pft, is that what he calls it?") no one in Backstreet Boys or NSYNC is gay, was gay or will ever be gay. (Waah!) There will be descriptions of gay sex. So if you are underage or find two men doing the nasty offensive just skip over it, no I mean stop reading now! Some people skip over my story entirely. (Author shrugs) You take what you can get.

I'm turning into Nebuchadnezzar. He was the king of Babylon and I am doing just that. So let's get on with the story!

JC had disappeared into his `lair'. Peter was walking by the TV room when he noticed the TV was on. More than that the stripper tape that he had given Lance was playing on the VCR. But it looked like no one was watching it. When Peter stepped into the room he found Lance in the far corner of the room trying to match the movements of the guy performing on the tape.

As Lance trusted forward with his hips, Peter couldn't help himself. He gave Lance a wolf whistle. Lance stopped dancing and immediately blushed.

"Peter, you startled me."

"Don't worry it's not JC."

"I know that. Once he starts to work he won't come out of that room for hours."

"But I wouldn't mind being JC if I could see you dance like that. JC is going to love it."

Lance flopped down in a couch. "It's no use." He pointed to the TV. "That's not choreography. It's just sticking your crotch and your butt out."

"What's wrong with that?"

"I want to give JC a real show. I'd like improve on what JC did." Lance sighed, "If that is possible for me."

"You have the determination."

"Not for much longer."

"Tell you what. We could practice together. You said I should dance for Justin."

Lance looked hopeful. "Would you? I feel so silly doing it by myself."

Peter chuckled. "You haven't seen me dance yet."

Lance stood up. "Let's try it together."

They stood side by side and tried to mimic the stripper on the TV. They both felt very awkward. Then Peter jutted his hips left and Lance did his right. They collided. The stripper began pouring water over his body. Lance grabbed the remote and switched off the dance lesson.

"This will never work." Lance said dejectedly.

"Sure it will," Peter found himself saying.

"Where am I going to find water to pour over my body?"

"We just have to pick and choose. "

"What do you mean?"

"Let's not adopt the whole routine. Take the moves from it that we like. Is there a pen and a piece of paper?"

"Sure." Lance went to a drawer and produced them.

"Good. Write down what JC did that you liked. Then write down the moves you've seen that you think are sexy. Together we can put together a dance routine."

Lance began to write in earnest.

Peter looked around the room. "But this is a lousy place to rehearse. We can`t see what we're doing."

"The only big mirror is in our bathroom."

"There's not enough room."

Lance looked up. "There's John's place. He was several rehearsal rooms lined with mirrors."

"But for this?"

"Hey, it is for the morale of two members of NSYNC."

"You mean three"

Lance grinned, "Yeah, three."

"I think we can pull this off. We just need a little practice. And seeing what we are doing will help."

Lance's writing slowed. He seemed to be thinking. "Peter, can I ask you something?"

Peter shrugged. "Sure, Lance."

"Have you ever used a video camera?"

"No. I used a movie camera once when I was ten. It was very unsteady footage."

Lance frowned. "Then never mind."

"Why do you ask?"

"It's not important."

"It is or you wouldn't have asked."

"It's a stupid idea. You wouldn't do it anyway."

"Maybe there is another solution. I can't help if I don't know what it is."

"This is just me. I've mentioned this to JC but he hasn't said yes yet. But after the Joey/videotape incident..."

"You want to videotape you and JC having sex?"

Lance nodded.

"I shouldn't have showed you those gay porn movies."

"Don't say that. I had the idea before. It is just that those movies sort of strengthened the idea."

"Well, other people have done it. Look at Rob Lowe."

"God, I hope it won't go that far."

"I just can't imagine you and JC videotaping yourselves. But where do I fit in?"

Lance looked at the floor. "A camera on a tripod can only capture one angle." Lance slowly looked up at Peter. Lance watched as the realization hit.

"No way, Lance."

"You've seen us having sex before."

"But I was with Justin. I'm not comfortable with aiming a camera between your legs."

"I don't want close-ups." Lance wrinkled his nose. "There are parts of me I don't want to see." Lance paused. "Well, JC does. I just want views from the side, the back and from above, if possible."

Peter sat down next to Lance. "Why this sudden taste for voyeurism?" Lance was about to say something. "Sorry," Peter corrected himself. "You said it wasn't sudden."

Lance composed his thoughts. "There are parts of JC's body I really love to see and I wonder how they'd look while we are making love."

Peter nodded. "You mean like JC's, ah, assets?"

Lance sighed. "Big time."

"So you want to see those round perfect mounds tense and dimple as JC thrusts his passion pole into your love tunnel?"

Lance smirked. "Something like that. I think JC wouldn't mind seeing mine, either."

"But that is just one angle. A camera could do that."

"And zoom in? Not too close, of course."

"Of course. And why the side view?"

"To see the full length of JC's body," Lance looked down embarrassed, "and when I am doing other things."

"On your knees?"

Lance nodded. "That angle was new. After watching those movies I just was wondering how I looked when I was..." Lance stopped. He looked at Peter. "That actor in the movie was so enthusiastic about what he was doing. I just want to know if I look that way."

"You could ask JC."

"I'd like to just see it for myself." There was an edge to Lance's voice. He put his arm across his chest. "There are times that I wish I could see more of me than just here down and just the front. It's not until I see film of our concerts that I know that I am getting the dance steps right."

"Lance," Peter put his hand on Lance's arm. "You are getting things right. You know that when JC looks at you. He loves what you do when you make love. Performing on stage is not like performing in bed. Don't try to put on a show now."

"But I just wish..." Lance's voice cracked.

"You could see yourself from JC's point of view?"

Lance nodded. "Is that vanity?"

"No, when you are making love just once you want to see yourself as JC sees you."

"He looks so beautiful like an angel, but me?"

"Surely, JC has told you how he sees you?"

"Yeah, but I'd like to see for myself."

"That may be a bad idea."


"You're so particular about your hair and clothes. Do you really want to see yourself in the throws of passion, your face contorting and your body sweaty and writhing?"

"I'd like to try."

"Lance, JC looks at you with love. You'll look at yourself with criticism. Besides you haven't got JC's approval yet."

Lance nodded. "He wasn't too thrilled about the video tape idea or you filming."

"I don't doubt it. But then there`s this." Peter moved his hand close to Lance's face then pulled it back. He stood up and circled Lance's chair. Repeatedly he would thrust his hand close to Lance and pull back.

Lance flinched. "Please, Peter that is becoming annoying."

Peter grinned. "And you are having sex with JC and my hand is a camera lens?"

Lance frowned. "Point taken."

"And the most important point: you want to see JC while you are having sex not after. That's what the turn on is. You'd have to be watching a monitor the whole time. You know how that would affect JC."

Lance let out a huge sigh. "I didn't think about it thoroughly. I guess the videotaping isn`t what I thought it would be."

Peter patted Lance's shoulder. "Don't worry about it." Peter leaned close. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Lance nodded.

"I once rented a video camera. I wanted to film myself, you know, jacking off."

"Peter!" Lance was slightly shocked.

"Well, I thought it might be sexy if I could watch myself and imagine myself a porn star talking to myself jacking off. But it was a failure. I didn't look into the camera because I was trying to see myself on the TV. I was trying to see how I looked at the same time I was recording. I couldn't look in two directions at the same time. No matter how close to the TV I moved the camera it didn`t work."

"Like if I tried to concentrate on myself while having sex with JC it wouldn't work." Lance sighed. "The video idea is out."

Peter smiled. "Lance, I will never believe that you could concentrate on yourself when you are having sex with JC. You would be so into him."

"Only some of the time but I do love it when he is so into me." Lance grinned.

"Hm, I feel the same way about Justin. It just goes to show when the right people do screw us over. It isn't so bad."

"Oh, Peter." Lance gave him a friendly nudge. "I was surprised to see Justin still had the strength to walk after Sunday. I'd thought you would have tired him out."

"I tried but the energy of the young."

"Peter, stop it. You're about Chris's age and he is not old. Besides I bet you gave Justin a run for his money."

"I am not a gigolo." Peter teased.

"You know what I mean. I bet you kept up with him."

"Oh, I had my flaccid moments. But with a little rest and breaks for meals, we were like Superman, up, up and away."

Lance shook his head. "I'm going to call John about using the rehearsal rooms."

"Won't JC be surprised?"

"And Justin."

"Think of it, Lance. The two least likely people will be doing an erotic dance for their lovers."

"We'd better make sure that they have the next day free just in case they want, ah, encores."

"Damn straight." Peter paused. "No, damn gay."

"No," Lance corrected. "JC explained it to me. `Damn straight' is correct because we are gay and the rest of the world is..."

"Damn straight." Peter finished laughing.

Lance took on a posh British accent. "Shall we call John?"

Peter took up the accent. "Yes, quite."

They left the room.

After lunch Peter sat out by the pool. The door from the house opened.

"Damn, Peter, it's hot out here." JC gasped. "You must be sweating your butt off."

Peter bounced a couple of times on the chair. "No, it's still there."

"Why don't you come in where it's cool?"

"It's not that bad." Peter indicated the patio umbrella. "I am in the shade. Besides I still like the idea of lounging by the pool."

"Suit yourself. We'll keep an eye on you in case you pass out do to the heat. We'll send out Gunga Din with the water bucket."

"Surely you jest, Beau."

"If you get heat stroke it is your just deserts." JC turned smugly and went back inside.

Peter went back to work on his next website posting. The lawn mower started up.

"Damn, déjà vu." Peter looked up but was surprised that it wasn't Mr. Wilson. A young man in his early twenties pushed the mower. Had they graduated to one of his sons at last? Peter concentrated on his writing before the pool man fantasy even started to cross his mind.

Awhile later the mower stopped. Peter glanced up under his eyebrows.

Wilson's son took a thermos he had placed by a tree. He tipped it up for a drink. A look of disappointment crossed his face. He held the thermos upside down. It was empty. He looked toward the house. Peter's eyes dropped to what he was writing. He wanted to be doing something but couldn't think of anything to write so he quickly turned to the crossword puzzle.

Peter could sense Wilson's son walking toward him. He waited. Nothing happened. Peter glanced up. Wilson's son was standing by the garden hose filling the thermos. Peter felt spurred to speak.

"That must be awfully warm."

"It doesn't matter when you're thirsty."

"There's some ice if you want it colder."

"I don't want to impose."

Peter shrugged. "It is up to you. It's a hot day and cold water does taste so good when you're thirsty."

Wilson's son was having an internal debate.

Peter took a guess as to why. "Your father need never know."

The wall collapsed. "I would love some ice." He walked over and handed Peter the thermos.

Peter concentrated on the thermos and not the tanned muscular arms or the sweaty shirt that hinted at a well shaped chest. Peter took the thermos and didn't glance up into the handsome tanned face and his pair of oh, so brown eyes.

"Be right back."

"It must be getting hot out there." JC said as Peter walked through to the kitchen.

"It just got hotter all right." Peter raised his voice so Lance and JC could hear from the other room. "We have been graced with the presence of an "and Son" from Wilson and Son's." He dumped out the water and refilled the thermos from the kitchen tap. He went to the refrigerator. Lance and JC were suddenly in the doorway.


"And his is the image of his father."

"Peter," Lance warned. "Not another pool man fantasy."

Peter looked annoyed. "He ran out of water. He was using the garden hose. I offered him ice. What is the fantasy in that?"

JC grinned. "He didn't pour the last of the water over his head wetting his shirt and causing it to cling to every curve of his muscular chest?"

"No, he did not," Peter was indignant. "I'm just being courteous. He's thirsty and it is a hot day." Peter made a face.

JC laughed. "Okay, just checking."

Peter made his way back out to the pool.

Peter reached the patio then stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth fell open and he stared.

Wilson's son was using the hose to wet himself down. Peter shook his head. Cooling himself off, rather. Just like JC said his wet clothes clung to every contour of his...

Peter tore his eyes away. He held out the thermos at his arms full length. "Here, ah..."

"Name's Phil." His hand brushed Peter's as he took the thermos. "Thank you. You are most kind."

Peter didn't see the full smile and the dimples as the thermos was taken from him. Damn, why did he have to have dimples?!

"I'd like to clean the pool now, if you don't mind."

"Sure," Peter turned his back. "I don't mind."

Peter sat down. He tried to return to the crossword puzzle but he kept glancing up now and then. Phil was using the net on a long pole to skim the floating debris from the pool. Was he stroking his hand up and down the pole in a suggestive manner? Did he seem to bend over with his back to Peter more often then was necessary? His wet clothes clinging to his body only amplified the seduction.

Peter shook his head to clear it. This was rubbish! The aura showed no hint of desire or seduction. Mentally chastising himself Peter turned his attention back to the crossword puzzle.

But then Peter felt a new sensation, a yearning and a desire. Peter looked up. But Phil wasn't looking at Peter. He was gazing at the cool waters of the pool.

"Feel free to take a swim when you're done. It's a hot day, you deserve it."

Phil shook his head. "Thanks for offering. I can't."

"You can't swim?"

"No, I.. I'm not supposed to... I don't have anything to wear."

`You don't need to wear anything,' was poised at the tip of Peter's tongue. No, he wasn't going to go there. He pointed to the changing room. "There are trunks and towels in there. I'm sure you'll find something that fits."

Phil reluctantly shook his head. "My father doesn't believe in..."

"Taking advantage of a client?"

Phil nodded.

"JC and Lance said I should treat this house like it was my home. So I am like a client?"

Phil nodded.

Peter stood up and walked to the edge of the pool. "So you're through cleaning it?"

"Yes, sir." Phil replied very business like.

"You're sure of that?"

"Yes, sir."

"How can you tell without inspecting your work?"


"There may be stuff on the bottom of the pool."

"Oh, no, sir."

"But I can't see the bottom plainly. Can you?"

"Well, sir, as well as you can."

"I thought so. You need to inspect it. Check the bottom and the sides of the pool."


"Don't you want to do your best work?"

Phil nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Then you need to go underwater and inspect your work."

"But, sir, I didn't wear..."

Peter pointed again to the changing room. "That is a demand of the client." Peter winked.

"Yes, sir!" Phil hurried off into the changing room.

A few moments later he emerged in trunks. Phil dropped his wet clothes into a pile. He was a very fit fellow and tanned from head to foot.

"I want a thorough inspection now."

"Yes, sir." Phil dived into the pool.

Peter turned his chair until his back was to the pool. If Phil was anything like his father he didn't want to give any indication that he was ogling. And with his back to the pool Peter wouldn't be tempted to ogle.

Peter was almost through with the crossword puzzle when the splashing stopped. A few minutes more and there was a voice.

"I'm done now. You can turn around again."

Peter looked up to see Phil with a towel around his neck. One end he was using to dry his hair. A few more rubs then he let the end fall. The ends of the towel covered most of Phil's chest which, under the circumstances, Peter though was a good thing.

"Thank you so much for the swim. I really needed it."

"My pleasu...ah, no problem."

"It would be if my father found out. He has very strict rules about dealing with clients. Just concentrate on your job then move on. Keep talk to a minimum."

"I sort of noticed." Peter indicated a chair.

"No, I shouldn't. I've imposed enough."

"Your work is done, isn't it?"


"Then don't you get a break."

Phil sat down. "I apologize if my father was a bit gruff. He doesn't deal with gay people well." Phil looked down. "Well, since mom left him he doesn't deal with people in general all that well."

"I'm sorry." Peter thought it best to change the subject. "So how come you haven't done this yard before?"

"My father, who else? He's very protective of my brother and me. You know trying to keep us from any outside influences."

"The filthy wicked rich are always reeking of sex, drugs and rock and roll."

Phil nodded. "That's it exactly. He would never allow my younger brother Brian to do to any house of someone famous."

Peter's eyes snapped from Phil's chest back to his face.

Phil grinned. "I can take the towel off if you'd like a better view."

Peter's arm shot across the table. "No." He calmed himself. "It's better this way."

"Seeing someone?"


"I understand. But I don't mind. I danced once at a gay bar because I needed the extra money. I thought I'd be constantly groped and fighting off the guys all night but they were really nice and treated me very well. Besides I am proud of my body and don't mind showing it off."

"How did you get an attitude like this with a father like that?"

"Like I said he only got strict after mom left. That was about two years ago. Besides I have my own place. He was less influence on me now. It's Brian I am worried about."

"Your younger brother?"

"Yeah, he still lives with Dad. It must be difficult for him."

"So does your dad know you're here?"

"Yeah, he's not really happy about it, but he is grooming me to take over the business. I have to meet the clients sooner or later."

Peter smiled to himself. "That should make JC and Lance feel easier."

"Dad had them pegged as gay from the first. But they were discrete and didn't flaunt it and a customer is a customer. But you staying here could change that."

"Too late for that," Peter muttered.


"Never mind."

"It's just that Dad gets teased by the other landscapers. They say he gets jobs from affluent gays because of how good he looks. Surely you noticed."

Peter found himself looking at Phil's chest again. He looked up. "Yes, I noticed."

Phil laughed. He pulled off the towel. "There, feast your eyes."

Peter's gaze dropped to Phil's tanned muscular chest.

"Do you want a closer look?" Phil stood up and moved closer to Peter.

Suddenly the fun was gone. Peter turned away. "Please don't."

"But it is just an innocent..."

"Please, go."

Phil picked up the towel and placed it once more around his shoulders. "So it is true. Peter, I am sorry for this but I had to know for sure. I was playing the seducer deliberately and you passed the test."

Peter spun around. "How do you know my name?"

"I talked to Mr. Fatone and Mr. Kirkpatrick before I came here."

Peter was surprised. "Why?"

"I needed to find the right gay man. Someone who wouldn't take advantage of an innocent young gay man who is just coming out. You've been seen with NSYNC. If they took you to heart maybe you were who I was looking for. You seemed ideal."

"You're gay?"

Phil laughed. "No, not me. My younger brother, Brian. He's never told me but I have seen enough to know for sure. I know I have known you only a few minutes but I am asking a favor for a young gay man. Peter, could you help him?"


"If my father found out it would be hell to pay. But my brother is beginning to discover his sexuality. He might do something rash. He won't listen to me. It would just be our father talking. But you he might listen to. Please, Peter, I don't want anything bad to happen to him. Living with father he might get an opportunity and go for it without thinking of the consequences. That brief stint dancing at the gay bar showed me how some men take advantage of the young."

Peter got the idea.

"If I arranged a meeting would you talk to him?"

Peter was nervous but if he could help. "Sure, I'll talk with him."

Phil smiled very relieved. "Good. I'll arrange a meeting. But it can't be here just in case Father might find out."

"Joey and Chris's house?"

"That would be fine." Phil took Peter's hand. "Thank you so much. I do appreciate this."

Phil went and gathered up his clothes. They were still soaking from his bath with the garden hose.

"Well, I can't wear these." He looked down at the trunks then at the towel. "Can I return the towel later?" Phil started to pull off the trunks.

Peter snapped around with his back to Phil. "You can return the trunks at the same time. Of course, there is the clothes dryer downstairs."

Phil laughed at Peter's reaction. "No, I should be heading home. You can turn around. I was just teasing." Phil threw the towel to Peter.

Peter could swear that Phil turned just right so the sunlight would catch him and show his body off one last time. Peter couldn't say that he minded.

"Thanks again for everything." Phil walked off.

Peter put the towel on the chair. "Glad to do it."

Peter shook off his daze, picked up his pen and papers and went into the house.

Lance and JC were walking back into the living room.

"Is he gone?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, just now." Peter was still slightly dazed.

"Too bad."

Peter looked up. "Well, at least you didn't come running onto the patio to gape and drool over him."

"Of course not," Lance protested. He broke into a grin. "We watched from the upstairs windows. He was so hot!"

JC shook his hand. "Ooh, baby!"

JC struck a nerve. Peter spat back. "Now you see why Mr. Wilson didn't want his son here. He thought Phil would get this reaction." Peter stopped. "I am such a hypocrite. I thought the same thing." He flopped onto the couch.

"It didn't look like he minded the attention."

"No, he didn't. He is the complete opposite of his father."

"Did you find out more of the Mr. Wilson puzzle?"

"Yep, it seems that his fellow landscapers tease him that he gets hired because of his looks and being how he feels about gay people he doesn't think that is at all funny. Plus ever since his wife left him he has been very strict about outside influences on his sons. Phil was only allowed here because he is taking over the business."

"JC, we are going to have to stay home more."

"Lance, sh. So Mr. Wilson knows we're gay?" asked JC.

"Phil said his father figured you were. It was my living here that set him off. I could blow you're closeted cover."

Lance chuckled, "It's a little late for that."

"We have a little over a week until the article hits the news stands. Until then..." JC noticed Peter's mood. "Why do you look so down? You got to be up close and personal with Phil."

Peter sighed. "I don't know if I should be offended or honored."

"Why? Because he was flirting with you?" asked Lance.

"It was just an act. He was testing me. But do you remember I said that seeing beautiful men doesn't do anything for me. Well, Phil almost did. When he took that towel off and approached me it went from fun to threatening. I never thought that I would be scared of someone like Phil."

"Don't worry about it." JC patted Peter's shoulder. "You didn't give in to him."

"He backed down."

"Peter," JC's voice was stern. "Don't feel guilty for things that didn't happen."

"JC, Peter didn't feel threatened about the seduction. It was the chance that Phil might not have stopped when Peter wanted him to."

"Sorry, Peter."

"Don't be JC. I guess after Bill I'll have that fear the rest of my life."

Lance didn't want to dwell on this subject. "Why was he testing you? How did he know about you?"

"The news broadcast probably plus his father knew who I was. Also Phil talked with Chris and Joey about me."


"It seems his younger brother is gay and is beginning to feel the stirrings of his sexual feelings. Being the way his father is, Phil wanted someone his brother could talk to. Sort of a gay confidant. But they had to be someone that wouldn't take advantage of the young boy."

Lance was proud. "Well, he couldn't have made a better choice."

Peter smiled slightly. "I am touched that I can help with his coming out, but I am worried. What if his father finds out?"

"You mean `when will his father find out?'" JC corrected. "He will sooner or later."

Peter shuddered. "Then I hope that it is later."

"You'll make us proud." JC sighed. "Well, I better get back to work."

"I was going to pick up some Chinese for dinner."

Peter grinned. "Lance, make sure they're cute."

"Peter." JC chided.

"I've heard that's the bad thing about having sex with a Chinese. You're horny a half hour afterward."

"Peter!" JC scolded.

"Sorry," Peter frowned. "That was so not PC."

JC took Peter's shoulder and nodded. Peter was forgiven.

Lance frowned, "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted go along but I've changed my mind."

"That's okay, Lance. I have had enough excitement today." Peter replied. "I can hang here."

The phone rang. Lance answered it. After a brief chat he handed the phone to Peter.

"It's your Justy Wusty."

"Stop it," Peter said taking the phone. "We're just going to a movie tonight."

JC winked. "Too bad they don't have balconies any more." JC and Lance stuck their lips out in exaggerated kissing. They made smooching noises.

Peter gave Lance a friendly nudge. "I'm on the phone." Peter raised the phone to his ear. "Hi, lover."

JC stopped kidding around when he saw Peter frown.

"No, I understand. I always said your public comes first. Forget about it. It's only a movie. Yea, we can go some other night." Peter smiled. "Knock `em dead. I love you. Bye."

"Was Peter okay with it?"

Justin slipped his phone into his pocket. "Yea, he always is. But I could hear the disappointment in his voice."

"I am sorry. When they suggested you I didn't know you had something planned for tonight."

"Its okay, Brit. You couldn't have known."

"He'll get over it." Britney took Justin's arm. "You're public needs you."


"Come on. We'll be late." Britney moved close to Justin.

Justin took Britney`s wrist. He pulled her hand from his arm and let it drop. "We're just friends, remember? You promised."

Britney acted embarrassed. "I'm sorry, force of habit. I`ll try to do better."

Justin nodded and walked on.

"Not on your ass," Britney whispered to herself then followed Justin.

Peter hung up the phone. He turned back into the caring gazes of JC and Lance.

"What happened?"

"It's Public TV's pledge drive. They wanted celebrities to take the phone calls. Several people dropped out. Justin was asked to fill in." Peter shrugged. "It's good publicity."

JC took Peter into his arms and gave him a quick squeeze.

"What was that for?"

"I just thought you needed a hug."

"I'm okay. It comes with the territory." Peter sighed. "I'm going to lay down for a bit." Peter smiled slightly at JC. "I think its heat stroke or should that be sun stroke."

"Both," Lance grinned. "Phil generated lots of heat and he is one hot son and he didn't allow you one stroke."

Peter put his hands on his hips. "Now, Lance, I'm supposed to think of Justin, remember?" Peter turned and headed upstairs.

Lance watched him go. "I never knew how lucky we were to always be together."

JC was deep in thought. "Lance?"

Lance picked up the phone. "The usual Peter pick-me-up?"

JC grinned. "We are so good together." He put his arms around Lance.

"Please, JC. I'm on the phone."

JC took Lance's hand and had Lance hang up the phone.

"It can wait for a few seconds." He pulled Lance to him. They had a long deep kiss.

Lance pulled back. "Now can I make the call?"

JC smiled. "Now that I am happy, you can make Peter happy."

There was a knock on the room door. JC knew it must be Peter.

"You may enter."

Peter peeked around the door. "Do you have a minute, JC? I don't want to interrupt if you're busy."

"No problem." JC took off his earphones. "I could use a break."

"You just started."

"I was trying to be polite," JC gesture to a chair. Peter sat down. "What's on your mind? Something having to do with Lance?"

Peter looked stunned. "Damn, you two are good."

"It's not that hard. Lance goes off on his own and you come knocking. So what's up?"

"I'm sorry I showed you those gay porn movies."

"Don't be. It really got us revved up. Plus there were so many good looking guys. I really like that man with those gorgeous blue eyes, that smile and of course his, ah, equipment." JC winked.

"Lukas," Peter replied.

"Is that what he calls it?"

"That's the actor's name."

"Oh," JC chuckled. Peter remained serious.

"I'm afraid I gave Lance some ideas again. He said it started back with Joey and the videotape."

JC sighed. "Lance is back on the video kick?"

"Actually, I talked him out of it."

JC looked relieved. "So what's the problem?"

"JC, Lance wanted to videotape you two having sex not to see himself but mainly to see you."


Peter changed tack. "JC, Lance has a beautiful set of cheeks, yes?"

"Two sets, actually," JC joked. "But I think I know what ones you are talking about."

"If you could watch them as Lance thrust into you wouldn't that turn you on more?"

"Trust me, at that time Lance's butt isn't what I would be concentrating on."

"Well, Lance has this desire to watch yours while you are doing him. In fact he'd like a better view of your whole body during the act. If you agree I thought you could surprise him."

"Peter, you are a good friend and we have seen each other have sex before but I am not comfortable with the idea of you videotaping us."

"Don't worry, JC. For what I have in mind videotape is out of the question and I am totally out of the picture."

JC was puzzled. "Then how...?"

"Do you know of somewhere we could get some large mirrors?"

The cue ball dropped into the pocket.

"Ha, you scratched." Lance retrieved the cue ball. He scanned the table for the best shot. "Howie, what balls are we again?"

Howie cupped his crotch. "Solids, of course."

"We have the stripped balls." Kevin added.

Peter pulled his pants out from his waist and looked down. "Doesn't look like it to me?"

"Stop with the ball jokes already." JC threw a dart into the board.

"Oh, come on, JC. You like a suggestive joke as much as we do." Howie said. "Why not now? Lance, have you been holding out on JC?"

Lance aimed his shot. "If JC is cranky it is not because of me." The cue stick connected with the cue ball sending it into the 6 ball. It rolled forward and fell into the pocket.

"Nice shot, Lance. You sure know how to stroke that stick." Howie turned. "That better, JC."

"Not really." He threw another dart.

The dart board gave out an electronic voice, "You've gone bust!"

"Blast, triple 20's too much." He retrieved the darts. "It's just that sometimes when we get together we dish and throw out suggestive remarks. If the topics were about sports and women we'd sound like heterosexual men."

"God forbid!" Howie snapped.


Kevin started. "Sorry?"

Peter had his hand out. "May I have the cue stick?"

"Oh, sorry," Kevin handed Peter the cue.

Peter looked around the table for a shot. "You're very quiet. You're the first one to throw out risqué jokes. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, believe me."

"Howie, sh!" Kevin snapped.

Peter turned to Kevin. "Okay, out with it."

Kevin shrugged. "It's nothing."

"Bah," Howie snorted. "He's trying to rein himself in so he won't embarrass his date."

"His date?!" they said in unison.

"Okay, I have a date this weekend with Dale one of the dancers of our tour."

"Ooh, a dancer." Lance smirked. "Very limber, dancers."

"Stop. It is a first date after all." Kevin protested.

Howie snorted again. "So what? Kevin, you have to learn to let your hair down."

"And my pants and put my ankles up?" Kevin retorted. "Howie, you know I can't do that with someone I don`t know."

"But you do know him. He has been on the last few tours. Through all the rehearsals you know him very well."

"But not on such a personal level. I am not as easy going as you."

Howie shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Howie," Kevin said. "I didn't mean that you were easy."

"I know what you meant. I hit it off with a guy and we go for it. I wish you'd stop being so afraid."

Peter didn't like the negative direction of their talk. "So how did it happen? Did you run into each other?"

"No," Kevin replied. "He just called out of the blue."

Lance looked excited. "Blue? You remember the vision?"

Peter took his shot. The balls caromed off each other but none of them found a pocket. Peter shook his head. "It was blue sheets, Lance."

"Oh," Lance frowned.

"What about blue sheets?" Howie asked.

"Nothing," Kevin hurriedly added. "He just had heard that Kirk and I had broken up and wondered how I was doing. The next thing I know he was asking me out."

"Which he wisely accepted."

"We'll see." Kevin took the cue stick from Peter.

"So you have known each other for awhile?" Lance asked.

JC shook his head. Lance was off again.

"Of course, we've been on several tours together. I run into him from time to time."

Lance grinned at Peter. "Maybe Saturday will be your `night'." He looked at Peter and held the cue stick out like a lance.

Peter knew where Lance was going. Peter just shrugged.

JC aimed his dart. "Watch it, Kevin, Lance is hinting that Saturday this dancer will run into you all the way up your backstreet." The dart hit the target. Lights and music went off. "Yes, winner!"

"JC, you don't have opponent." Howie pointed out.

JC beamed. "Hey, I like playing with myself."

Lance went to JC and gave him a quick hug. "You're back to normal."

JC strutted a bit. "Now when you guys are done standing around with your hands in your pockets playing with your balls and cue sticks, I challenge you to a real game of skill."

"Nah," Howie shook his head. "Pool is better. With yours the shafts are smaller and there is just a tiny prick on the end."

"Same with the dart," Peter grinned.

Kevin handed Peter the cue stick. "On that note I am going to steal a vegetable from its pod."


"I have to take a pee." Kevin left the room.

Howie watched Kevin exit. "Surely, he's going to leave one."

JC shook his head. "I don't know why we give Chris so much crap. We're as bad as he is."

Lance jokingly protested. "He made us this way."

"It's not fair," JC said. "People are afraid being around us will make them gay and Chris does this to us and he runs free."

Peter had watched Kevin leave. "It is so good that Kevin has a date. I can't stand to see him alone."

"Ditto," Howie added. "Don't tell Kevin, but Dale didn't call out of the blue. I met him and he asked about Kevin. I suggested he should call."

"My, what the little matchmaker you are." Lance grinned.

"Kevin needs to get back to his sex life." Howie said. "I would have tried someone from my little black book, but if Kevin knows his date and feels comfortable with him the sooner they'll hit the mattress." Howie's mood softened. "Kevin deserves someone special in his life. Maybe this will start him seriously looking."

"And if not a true love at least a little sex doesn't hurt?" Lance added.

Howie smiled. "At least that. A hot man like Kevin with no sex life is such a waste."

"Well, if we weren't all spoken for," JC said. "I know of three people at least who would love to jump his bones."

"Ah-ah," Lance corrected. "You forget, Peter did."

"I wish you'd stop bringing that up." Peter blushed. "That was a one time deal and it just sort of happened."

Howie put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "But it meant a lot to Kevin. You really helped him over a bad patch."

Peter nodded. If Howie only knew just how deeply it had affected Kevin. Peter still had a twinge of regret. But the past was the past.

"Okay," JC decided it was getting too serious. "Who's on for a game of darts?"

Lance shook his cue stick. "We haven't finished our pool game yet."

JC frowned. "But I am all warmed up and ready to go."

Howie smirked. "That comes after your guests have left."

Lance kissed JC's cheek. "We'll play after the pool game."

"Damn." JC threw a dart.

"Bull's-eye!" said the dart board's electronic voice.

Lance leaned toward JC. "Definitely remember that for after the guests have left."

JC had already drifted off to sleep. Lance lay staring at the ceiling. Why had he not seen how impossible the videotaping would have been? Peter was right. He wanted to watch JC while they were having sex not after. If it wouldn't have been so impossible to concentrate, Lance could have projected during it. Surely the privacy restriction wouldn't be an issue with JC. Then he could see JC from all those angles. But then he would just be laying there. It won't be fair to JC. He might as well just forget about watching JC or getting to see himself from JC's perspective.

Then Lance got an idea. There was a way he could see himself as JC saw him. The images would be in JC's mind and Lance knew a way into connect with JC. Lance closed his eyes.

Soon he floated above the bed. Lance concentrated on the memory he wanted. He reached out and connected with JC. Slowly Lance pushed deeper into JC's mind.

JC moved on the bed. "Lance?"

"Sh, JC, I'm here. I want to see a particular memory. Show me."

The haze cleared from JC's thoughts, the imaged sharpened, and soon Lance could see himself sitting across from JC on the couch. They were in JC's house.

"Yes, JC. This is it." Lance let his thoughts go back to the moment. They mingled with JC's.

"You finished your drink already?"

"I was thirsty." Lance lied. He silently hoped the alcohol wouldn't kill the potted plant.

"Do you want another?"

"I'll just finish the soda." He reached for the can. Lance wanted to get the taste of the bourbon and Seven-up out of his mouth.

"I can get some ice?" JC thought is was strange that Lance downed his drink ice and all.

"No," Lance said quickly. He didn't want JC to move from his side. "I'm fine."

Lance poured what was left of the can of soda into his glass. As he sat back he leaned toward JC. Maybe if he judged right their shoulders would touch. But Lance lost his balance. His shoulder hit JC's harder than he wanted to.

"I'm sorry." He sat up quickly.

"That's all right," JC fought to stay calm. He tried to concentrate on the TV but he had promised himself that tonight was the night. He wanted Lance so bad. Now they had made the first body contact.

After a few minutes Lance leaned slowly toward JC again. This time when their shoulders touched he held it a little longer. JC didn't react. Lance sat up again.

Even after the brief touch JC missed it when Lance sat up. Maybe he should try leaning to Lance. Or maybe it was just the drink. Lance had downed it awfully fast. Whatever the reason, JC wanted to feel Lance lean against him. After a few more minutes Lance did.

This time Lance leaned heavily against JC. The warmth of JC's body thrilled Lance. But what to do now?

"I'm sorry, JC," Lance sat up again. "I feel so lightheaded."

"You shouldn't have gulped your drink."

"And who gave me that drink?"

"I thought it would relax you."

Lance slid back onto JC's shoulder. "I am."

Inside Lance was a nervous wreck. Lance sat up again.

JC turned where he sat. "Are you going to be all right? You can spend the night." JC mentally kicked himself. Sure, proposition him before you even know if his interested.

Lance didn't answer. JC's posture had pulled his T-shirt tighter to his chest.

Lance longed to touch JC. Maybe a compliment would cover it.

"JC, that shirt looks good on you." Lance braved a physical touch. He placed his hand on JC's chest. The heat from JC's body could be felt through the shirt fabric. Lance could hear his own heart beating wildly. He had to say something. "Nice pecs. How often do you work out?" God, what a fag thing to say!

JC told himself to breathe normal. He couldn't believe it. Lance was touching him. But Lance had left JC and opening. He went for it.

"I workout as often as you do, smart ass. Let's check out your pecs."

Lance bit his lip as JC's hand pressed warm against him.

They sat there with no one saying anything. Each could feel the other's heart beating.

Lance could stand it no longer. This was an opportunity that could never come again. His whole body ached for JC. Please, God, don't let JC freak out. It's just a kiss. Lance leaned forward.

It seemed like there were miles between them. Lance kept moving forward more and more. How long would it take?

Was he dreaming? Was JC actually moving toward him? Yes! JC wanted to kiss him! Lance had no time to feel relief, their lips touched.

Excitement like electricity shot through both of them. Lips so soft pressed together for the first time. They parted briefly then pressed back with more urgency. Lance and JC felt like they were going to explode. What a joy to finally kiss. Lance felt JC's hands on his face.

They pulled back from the kiss and wrapped their arms around each other. Lance thrilled at the feeling of JC's warm body against his. He had JC in his arms at last. He couldn't imagine being happier. Lance found out he was wrong.

JC pulled back looking very serious. "There is something you need to know." He looked into Lance's green eyes. "I've fallen in love with you, Lance."

JC watched Lance's expression. There was confusion then disbelief and then Lance broke into his wonderful smile. Tears started down Lance's cheeks as he pulled JC to him.

Lance almost laughed with joy. "I am so in love with you, Josh."

They kissed again.

JC's passion for Lance was overwhelming him. He didn't know if he was going too fast for Lance but he wanted to do more than just kiss.

JC took Lance's left arm gently by the wrist. He lowered it toward his waist. JC pressed Lance's hand to his crotch.

Lance felt JC's hard-on. Lance was scared and excited at the same time. He felt like he should take his hand away but deep inside he didn't want to. Lance pressed his hand back against JC. JC let out a groan of pleasure. That turned Lance on all the more. His body felt like it was on fire.

Still kissing, JC moved is hand to Lance's knee. He slid it up Lance's leg. JC could feel Lance's body tremble under his touch. He reached for Lance's crotch. Lance was as hard as JC was. Then Lance's body shook.

"Oh, god!" Lance groaned as they kissed.

JC felt the pulsing through Lance's pants as he came.

Lance pulled back embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Josh." Lance watched JC break into the smile.

"It's okay. I'm flattered. I've never got anyone to cum by just touching them before."

Lance looked away. "Nobody's touched me there before."

"But, Lance, you've been on dates." JC suddenly realized the truth. "Do you mean...?"

Lance looked up until they were eye to eye. "I guess I am a bit of a prude. You're the first."

For the first time JC saw the innocence that lay under Lance's glance. He took Lance into his arms. "And you are my first time with a guy." He sat back. "Do you want to go on?"

"More than anything. I want to know what I have missed," Lance's voice cracked. "It's like a fairy tale come true that I would find out with you, Josh."

JC smiled. He placed his hand on Lance's cheek. "We will find out together, two fairies and one which has already cum true."

One more kiss then JC started to remove Lance's shirt. They undressed slowly relishing the view of their naked bodies as they were revealed. They had seen each other naked before but this was totally different.

Lance thought that he would be nervous. This was his first time but he wanted to be with JC so. He was giving Josh his body for Josh's pleasure. Okay, and also his own.

When they were naked they sat back down on the couch and kissed. JC was aware that Lance's hands kept caressing his arms and nothing else. Again, JC took Lance's hand by the wrist and lowered it. As it reached close to his waist there was some resistance from Lance.

"Please, Lance, touch me. I want you to. You want to. It`s all right."

Lance broke his gaze away from JC's face. He watched as his hand wrapped around JC's hard cock.

"Yes, Lance." JC moaned.

Lance began stroking. But there was resistance. He needed lube. Learned from his experiences of quick release after being with JC, Lance let go of JC's cock, licked his hand and then gripped the cock again. His hand slid easily up and down JC's length.

JC let out a groan. "That's it." JC wet his own hand and took hold of Lance's cock.

Lance watched in strange fascination. Here he was stroking another man off. JC's hand squeezed the mushroom head of Lance's cock. Lance gasped. Slowly he raised his gaze. Their eyes met and locked.

"You like that lover?"

Lover! What a wonderful word. "Yes, Josh. It feels fantastic."

"Your making me feel good, too." JC leaned close so they could kiss.

As they pulled back Lance was looking at JC's cock again. Lance looked back up at JC. "JC, can I...?"

What a dumb question? "If you want to," JC said.

Lance bent over lowering himself toward JC's waist. As he got closer JC's cock looked so huge. Could he do this? Would he be good enough?

Lance floated away from JC for a moment. Damn, Lance, straight to the crotch. Not a nibble or a lick down the torso. How naïve was I then? Lance's memory of this night had been lacking in details. Now he saw it as JC remembered it. Lance wished that he had never thought of this.

Then Lance noticed the blue glow about the room. It wasn't coming from him. It was coming from JC. Lance reconnected with JC.

Lance took JC's cock into his mouth as far as he could. He couldn't take it all but maybe with time. Lance closed his lips around the shaft.

JC was surprised as Lance's lips didn't move. They stayed tight around his cock. Then JC felt the suction. Lance was literally `sucking' his cock. JC suppressed a smile and let Lance continue awhile then pulled him free.

"I don't want to cum too soon. Let's switch off."

Lance lay back on the couch. JC bent over him. Lance watch with increasing anticipation as JC lowered his lips to Lance's hard-on.

JC's lips closed over his cock and Lance almost cried aloud. This felt like nothing he had ever imagined. JC's lips and hand was causing such a rush of pleasure through Lances body. His head fell back against the couch. Then Lance realized that JC wasn't sucking' his cock. His lips and hand stroked up and down his cock. Now Lance knew the truth. And damn how good it did feel. After a few minutes he looked down. JC looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes. Lance watched as his cock slipped between JC's soft lips. Oh, my god, my cock is in Josh's mouth! Lance suddenly felt his passion growing.

"Josh, stop, I'm..."

JC pulled off and looked up still stroking Lance's cock as Lance's body shook.

"Oh, Josh!"

Cum erupted from Lances cock. It spurted onto Lances stomach. Lance rolled about on the couch. He had never cum like this just jacking off. JC's head rubbed the head of Lance's cock. His whole body shook. Slowly Lance relaxed as the climax abated.

Lance smiled in embarrassment. "Sorry, Josh. It was on me before I knew."

JC smiled again that smile the Lance loved. "I don't mind. No one has ever been so into having sex with me than you." He bent down and licked Lance's cum from his stomach.

"Josh, don't"

"Why not?" JC grinned. "You taste delicious."

Lance wrinkled his nose. "Isn't it...?" Lance couldn't say it.

JC's hand brushed Lance's cheek. "You have a lot to learn and unlearn, my love."

JC was right. Lance felt a strange new determination. He pushed JC back against the couch. "Now it is my turn." Lance dived onto JC's cock.

Lance floated away from JC again. He remembered the joy of that night but not him cumming so fast. This had been a bad idea. He should return to his body. He was being too critical.

Then there was a blast of blue light energy that hit Lance. He turned back to see JC pulsing with intense blue light. Lance connected.

Into his mind came the picture. It was JC's point of view. Lance saw himself happily sucking JC's cock. It had been slow and hesitant at first but now Lance was all enthusiasm. Lance remembered the gay porn movie. He was better than the actor he had seen. This was for Josh the man he loved. Then the second surge of blue light energy hit him.

It was JC's mind. "I can't believe Lance is doing this. We are making love and he is making me feel better than anyone else ever has. God, how I love him."

"You're making me feel so good, Lance." He felt his passion growing. JC could just let the climax start but JC pulled Lance off of his cock. He brought Lance up to him so they could kiss.

"I love you, Lance."

"I love you, Josh."


"It's your real name. The other one was given you on the Mickey Mouse Club. I'm in love with just Josh."

JC couldn't help but to feel touched. "That is so sweet."

Lance beamed back. "Can I..." Lance looked down then back up.

JC just nodded. He let Lance return to his work.

Connected to JC's thoughts Lance watched himself sucking JC with such gusto. He hadn't known what he was doing but it didn't matter. The two of them were so caught up that anything the other did sent the other into ecstasy.

As Lance swallowed JC's cock he started to pay attention to how JC reacted. He pressed is tongue here, JC gasped. Lance flicked his tongue under JC's cock's mushroom head and JC's whole body trembled. The lover connection was forming.

Lance was giving off a low rumble of a moan. Lance was really getting into it now and that turned JC on more than ever.

Lance slid to the floor. He moved in between JC's knees. Sucking with an earnest Lance never thought he would possess, Lance wanted to get JC to cum. His hand and his lips went in a constant motion up and down the length of JC's shaft. His other hand ran along JC's legs.

Floating there Lance couldn't help think. "Caress his chest not his legs."

JC laid his head back against the couch. The few blowjobs he had gotten it had never been like this. But then he had never had oral sex with a person that he was in love with. And they had been women and they had never really excited him. Now JC knew why. He was gay and Lance was the man he wanted.

Lance suddenly acted like his was gagging. JC was a bit worried until he felt the hot cum splatter on his leg. Lance was cumming again! With all his naiveté Lance was so into having sex with JC couldn't help but be turned on more. Then JC felt the stirrings.

"Lance, I'm getting close."

Lance doubled his efforts. He wanted to make JC cum. JC's hand took over stroking his cock.

"Josh, I wanted..."

"Come here." JC pulled Lance up to him. The climax was starting. "Oh, God, Lance, I'm..." JC pulled Lance to his lips. His body stiffened as the climax ripped through him. JC had never felt so intense a climax before. Shot after shot of hot cum splattered on his stomach. JC just wanted to keep kissing Lance. Nothing had ever felt like this.

JC finally let Lance go. He lay there panting.

Lance frowned. "Josh, I wanted to taste you."


Lance realized the truth. He bent down. Lance hesitated then licked the cum from JC's stomach. Lance grinned. "Not bad."

JC pulled Lance back up to him. "So were you."

Lance pulled JC close. "To think it has finally happened. I have had sex and with the man I love."

"And what makes you think we are through?" JC chided. "You've cum more times than me. I need to catch up."

Lance beamed. "Good luck, Josh."

Lance floated free. He had learned what he had wanted to know. He had seen himself from JC's point of view and he had seen the enthusiasm on his own face during sex. With one more look at JC's sleeping form, "I love you, Josh." Lance returned to his body.

He felt his heart beating, his rapid breathing and the hot rush of his blood. As he fully rejoined his body his felt the familiar burst of passion. Lance felt the warm spurts of cum against his skin. The feelings were even more intensified by his post projection state. Finally he relaxed. He took off his cum stained shorts, used them to wipe himself off and dropped them to the floor.

JC lay there still sleeping. But in his dreaming he had thrown off the sheets. Lance took the sheets to cover JC. He noticed the wet spot at the front of JC's shorts. So it had been good for both of them.

Lance pulled the sheets around JC. He spooned against him.

"I love you, Josh." Lance whispered.

A contended sigh come from JC. Lance settled into sleep.

Lance's hands felt the warm sheets where JC's body should have been. JC was out of bed. Before Lance could open his eyes he heard the toilet flush. Once back in the room JC stopped and opened a drawer. He shook his head. After he closed the drawer JC pulled off his shorts and dropped them to the floor. He climbed naked back into the bed.

Lance nestled close.

"Did I wake you?"

"I missed you." Lance sighed.

"I have had the most wonderful dream."

"Was I in it?"

JC put his arm around Lance. "Of course. It's been a long time since I had a wet dream."

"That good, eh?"

"Yes," JC gave Lance a squeeze. "Thank you."

Lance looked up. "But I..."

"I could feel you critiquing yourself."

Lance lay back. "Sorry."

"Did you find out what you wanted to know?"

Lance sighed. "Yes. And you will be relieved to know that the videotape idea is completely out of my mind."

"Good." JC paused. "Lance, why didn't you help me project before you were done?"

Lance shrugged. "I guess because you were dreaming and I didn't want to disturb you."

"But I love it when we connect. And it has been awhile."

Lance moved up so he could see JC's face. "There still is time if you want to."

"That's why I didn't change shorts. Why dirty another pair?" JC's hand brushed against Lance's cheek. "Please, for me?"

Lance grinned. "Anything for you, Josh."

Peter stirred in his sleep. He sat up and looked at the closed door. Even from this side of the house he could see the blue glow coming from the other bedroom. Peter smiled.

"Something wrong?"

Peter laid back. "No. JC and Lance are just glowing again."

Justin rolled onto his side. "Do we glow like that?"

"You better believe it." Peter gazed into Justin's blue eyes. "Thank you for this."

"There's nothing to thank me for. The telethon only needed us until eleven o'clock. I just blew off the post party so I could blow you off." Justin grinned. "Britney looked a bit pissed but screw her."


Justin put his hands up. "I take that back, big time! That was really the wrong choice of words. You're the only one I want to screw."

"Thanks, I think."

"Come on," Justin patted his chest. Peter laid his head down. He sighed as Justin put his arm around him. "Go back to sleep."

"How did I get so lucky?"

Justin boasted. "I knew what I wanted, I went for it and I got it."

Peter playfully nipped Justin's chest.


"Screw you, Justin Timberlake."

"Maybe later."

Peter lay on Justin's warm chest. He could hear Justin's heart beating. "I love you, Justin."

"I know, now sleep."

With his lover's arms around him Peter slipped into sleep.


We've come down to the end of another one. Not much happening this time but there is a little thing we writers like to call `set-up'. Now I just have to make the plot points pay off. I'll keep my fingers crossed. On second thought, no. It's hard to type with your fingers crossed.

I know I have mentioned JC and Lance's first time before but never the details so I thought it would be fun to revisit. Some readers like learning about their past. Besides I needed a sex scene this seemed to work out for the best. Okay, it might have been a little too cheap romance novel and Lance taking it to mean literal "sucking' might have been a little far fetched, but I like how JC didn't correct him. He just showed him how. (Well, from what had been done to JC before.)

Anyway, I love to hear what you thought or didn't think for that matter. I'm not picky. E-mail at

Now on to writing part 36. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 36

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